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2, JUNE 1998 215

Reliability of Electrically Conductive Adhesive

Joints for Surface Mount Applications:
A Summary of the State of the Art
Jannes C. Jagt

Abstract—Electrically conductive adhesives are of large poten- delamination have for instance been observed, although the extent
tial interest for the bonding of surface mount devices, especially of their contributions under various conditions still needs to be
in those cases where the use of soldering processes is restricted resolved. The danger of Ag migration seems to be low as long as
or impossible. Among the claimed benefits are mild processing no liquid water is present.
conditions, process simplicity, flexibility, high resolution potential, In summary, present results indicate that reliable connections
and lead omission. Most of the presently available knowledge with conductive adhesives even under harsh climate conditions
on the utility and reliability of conductive adhesives has been are possible with the right choice of adhesive and metallizations
gathered with silver filled isotropic conductive epoxy adhesives of components and boards.
(ICA’s). In addition, the use of gold or nickel filled anisotropic
conductive film or paste adhesives has been investigated quite Index Terms— Adhesive, anisotropic, climate tests, crack for-
intensively. Even conductive adhesive joints made with unfilled mation, electrically conductive adhesive, failure causes, isotropic,
nonconductive adhesives are being considered for flip chip ap- oxidation, reliability, review, surface mount technology.
To date, quite some work has been published demonstrating the
usefulness and limitations of isotropic adhesives to bond a variety
of IC (e.g., QFP) discrete (e.g., SOT) and passive components (R I. INTRODUCTION
and C) under different climate conditions using various circuit-
and component-metallizations. Most of the isotropic conduc-
tive adhesives require noble metallizations (e.g., Au or AgPd)
to survive harsh environmental conditions as for instance 85
D URING the last 15 years many new electronic products
have entered our homes, cars, and offices to an extent
never thought of. With a unprecedented speed, new develop-

C/85%RH and temperature cycling from 040 to +125  C. Most ments are entering our personal and work environments, and
of the adhesives give bad results on SnPb surfaces, a few special expand our data-handling capacity and communication possi-
types show better results in 85  C/85%RH. Deterioration of the bilities. Within a few years, most of us will have hand-held
electrical properties is due to an increase in the contact resistance.
The bulk resistance of the adhesive, although considerably higher phones, pagers, personal TV, car information control systems,
than that of solder, usually remains quite constant. On passivated home office systems, lap top computers, computer network
Cu substrates reasonable good results are obtained. connections for worldwide communication, electronic banking
With Au finished surfaces large components may give problems and information retrieval. We will have the possibilities to
in drop tests and temperature cycling due to insufficient bond
area, unfavorable bond geometries or failures due to thermal
contact virtually everyone in the civilized world. We will have
expansion differences. The use of a coating or glob top on the digital cameras, show our pictures to our friends from TV,
leads may overcome these problems. and be able to make direct print outs. We will have rewritable
With Au coated plastic spheres filled anisotropic conductive optical discs, flat TV’s, plastic liquid crystal displays and more.
adhesives [ACA(F)] results opposite to the ICA’s were obtained. To a large extent, these developments have become possible
For QFP80 (Au) joints with ACAF on FR-4 (Au) considerable
increase in R-value was found after Temperature Humidity (TH) by the enormous increase in package density of the electronic
testing at 85  C/85%RH and Temperature Cycling (TC,020/100 circuits, realized by an astonishing level of integration of

C), while with QFP80 (SnPb) R-values did not increase. This functions in the IC’s, which as a result have become more
was found to be due to the formation of microsolder bridges. and more complicated and with higher and higher lead counts
Microsolder joints can also be made with commercially available
SnBi filled ACA. and smaller pitches down to 0.3 mm. New package forms such
Some insight has been developed into the possible failure causes as BGA, micro BGA, flip chip, and chip size packaging are
with ICA’s. Surface oxidation of SnPb and interfacial cracks and being developed and are expected to contribute 5–10% to the
package volume by the year 2000.
New technologies are needed to make these components
Manuscript received October 1, 1997; revised April 22, 1998. This paper and to connect them on the circuit boards, to achieve the high
was presented at the First IEEE International Symposium on Polymeric
Electronics Packaging, Norrkoping, Sweden, October 26–30, 1997. This paper
resolution needed.
was recommended for publication by Editors J. Liu and J. E. Morris upon Also from an environmental point of view improvements
evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. are needed, i.e., lead free and environmentally sound bonding
The author is with Philips Centre for Manufacturing Technology, Eindhoven
5600, The Netherlands. processes. Among the possibilities are lead free soldering,
Publisher Item Identifier S 1070-9886(98)05008-2. thermocompression and conductive adhesives.
1070–9886/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

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Fig. 3. Application areas for isotropic, anisotropic, and nonconductive ad-

Fig. 1. Options with adhesives: isotropic (ICA), anisotropic (ACA), and hesives.
nonconductive (NCA) adhesives.

In the area of isotropic conductive adhesives, the preferred

systems are the silver filled epoxy adhesives. Typical curing
times are in the order of 3–10 min at 120–150 C. Acrylic
and polyimide type adhesives and silicones are also known
but have either lower electrical performance or more difficult
processing (polyimide). New developments have been reported
using thermoplastic materials consisting of high melting plas-
tics (e.g., PES type) [1]–[3].
Another interesting development is the use of nanoparticles
[4] instead of the present silver flakes in the micrometer range;
Fig. 2. Characteristic properties of the different adhesive options (ICA = the electrical performance of these systems, however, needs
isotropic conductive adhesive, ACA anisotropic conductive adhesive, NCA = further improvement.
= nonconductive adhesive). Anisotropic (or -axis) adhesives offer several attractive
advantages, e.g., very high resolution potential (pitch down to
50 m due to the possibility of nonspecific application), fast
II. ADHESIVE OPTIONS curing, and the possibility of avoiding slow curing underfill
The concept of using conductive polymers and adhesives in the case of flip chip applications. They have, however,
is not new. Many years ago eutectic Au-Si bonding at high restricted current density and need a pressure contact during
temperatures was replaced by thermally and electrically con- curing which makes a broad application for the bonding of
ductive adhesives, reducing thermal stresses by lower bonding SMD components unlikely. Their main strength appears to be
temperatures and higher flexibility of the adhesives. for interconnection and flip chip bonding.
Conductive adhesives also have been fruitfully applied to In this area, quite a variety of new developments have
hybrid circuits and more recently they have become the become available, ranging from Au coated plastic spheres, to
exclusive bonding technique for flex interconnection to LCD’s Ni particles with oxide breaking power [5], [6] solder (SnBi)
and the bonding of driver IC’s (Chip On Glass). [7], [8] filled systems, ways to increase particle density and
At present, further possibilities for bonding encapsulated reducing the danger of short cuts, by particle orientation [47],
SMD as well as flip chip components on rigid and flexible [48] or double layer systems [49]. The use of thermohardening
printed circuits are being explored. In this area, conductive resins instead of the formerly used thermoplastic systems also
adhesives offer potential advantages like high resolution ca- improved electrical behavior and reliability.
pability, lead free processing, better fatigue properties, mild Relatively new developments also are Ag-filled UV-acrylate
processing conditions, and process simplicity. However, dis- [9] and UV-initiated epoxy systems [10]–[13] making very fast
advantages include lower conductivity, contact resistance, and curing at relatively low temperature possible.
more critical positioning due to different wetting behavior Non-conductive adhesives (either UV-curing or thermally
than solder. The main concern, however, is reliability. Will curing systems) also have been successfully used for flip chip
conductive adhesives survive harsh environmental conditions? bonding (on LCD’s and smart cards) and are under further
The following section gives an impression about the present investigation by several groups.
To realize conductive joints with adhesives, three basic III. RELIABILITY INVESTIGATIONS OF ICA JOINTS
options exist, i.e., the use of isotropic conductive adhesives Various groups (see Fig. 4) have been active in studying
(ICA’s), anisotropic systems (or -axis adhesives), either film the reliability and durability of conductive adhesive joints.
or paste [ACA(F)], and even nonconductive adhesives (NCA), The general practice of coding the adhesive systems used
see Figs. 1 and 2. Several applications already exist for all and the use of partly different test conditions, hamper a good
three types of adhesives (Fig. 3). comparison of the various results.
For all three options substantial research and development Most of the investigations have been performed by subject-
work is going on and many new possibilities are becoming ing the adhesive joints to more or less standard test procedures
available (Fig. 1). for the various industrial application areas (Table I). Most of

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Fig. 4. Several universities, institutes, suppliers, and users (or consortia with
users) performed extensive reliability investigations with isotropic conductive

TABLE I Fig. 6. Drift in joint resistance for R 1206 (AgPd) jumpers adhesively
SOME EXAMPLES OF RELIABILITY TESTS IN VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL SECTORS bonded to FR-4, with different contact pad material, after damp heat testing
(85  C/85%RH, 1000 h).

Fig. 7. Initial resistance of R 1206 (SnPb) joints to FR-4 with different

contact material made with various adhesives.

Fig. 5. Initial resistance of R 1206 (AgPd) joints to FR-4 with Cu (passi-

vated), SnPb 60/40, or Au finish, made with various adhesives.

these tests are accelerated life tests simulating environmental

influence factors and cyclic thermal loads, shock tests etc.
A complicating factor with adhesives compared to soldering
is that they are polymeric materials with a glass transition Fig. 8. Drift in joint resistance after damp heat testing (85  C/85%RH, 1000
temperature, above which properties are significantly different h) for R 1206 (SnPb) jumpers bonded to FR-4 with different contact pad
than below, e.g., higher moisture permeability, higher coef- material, using various adhesives.
ficient of thermal expansion, less cohesive strength, but also
higher resiliency. Figs. 5 and 6 [40], [41]). However, it was found by Liu et al.
A very significant difference has been observed [10]–[41] [14]–[19] that for larger components such as QFP and PLCC’s
in humidity/heat (damp heat) testing and rapid change of even with gold metallization none of the adhesives tested
temperature testing between tin/lead metallizations and noble surpassed the 40 C to 125 C thermal cycling test ( 1000
metal finishes like Au, AgPd, and PdNi. With the noble met- cycli). Apparently the adhesive joint strength in these cases
allizations, increase of resistance value of e.g. 1206 resistors is insufficient to withstand the thermal stresses in the joints.
in the climate tests is significantly less or almost nil. (see Also in drop tests (1 or 1.5 m) all adhesives fail with larger

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Fig. 9. Contact resistance values for QFP80s (0.5 mm) with different met-
allizations bonded to Au-plated FR4 boards, using ACA-7 (Au-coated plastic
spheres) before and after climate tests.

Fig. 11. SEM BSE micrographs (400 ) of R 1206 with SnPb90/10 termi-
Fig. 10. Contact resistance values for QFP80s (0.5 mm) bonded to nation bonded to NiAu finished contact pads on FR-4 with CA-6, showing
SnPb-plated FR4 with ACA-7 (Au-coated plastic spheres) before and after extensive crack formation after damp heat (85  C/85%RH).
climate tests.

Increases in resistance after TC ( 40 to 125 C) and TH

components like QFP and PLCC 40. A coating or glob top on (85 C/85%RH) in many cases are larger than several ohms.
the leads appears to give enough improvement to surpass the Only for some adhesives, specially developed for SnPb, the
tests with one adhesive. behavior in TH (85 C/85%RH) is quite good (Table II). The
In contrast, conductive adhesive joints of large capacitors results in TC tests however still need improvement [14]–[19],
appear to have better performance in harsh thermal cycling [26]–[35], [40], [41].
tests ( 65 to 150 C) than solder [26], due to the higher It has been reported that under the test conditions chosen,
flexibility of the adhesive. no Ag-migration is observed and good SIR values are obtained
Most of the adhesives show unacceptable increase in contact [14]–[19]. It was suggested by Liu et al. [14]–[19] that a thin
resistance using SnPb finishes (see Figs. 7 and 8 [40], [41]). layer of epoxy around the Ag particles makes the conductive

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Fig. 12. SEM BSE and EPMA micrographs of R 1206 with SnPb 90/10 termination bonded to NiAu finished contact pads on FR-4 with CA-6, after
damp heat (85  C/85% RH), showing local oxidation (see also Fig. 16).

adhesives less sensitive to Ag migration than silver inks used to printed circuit boards [42], [43]. One of the limitations of the
in the hybrid industry. On the other hand in most of the ACA(F) adhesives is the need to cure under a contact pressure.
damp heat tests performed no water condensation takes place, In an investigation by Lijten et al. [43] it was found that
a prerequisite for fast Ag-migration. Ag-migration has been contrary to the observations for ICA’s, anisotropic joints (e.g.,
reported by other investigators to occur with conductive adhe- with Au coated plastic spheres) of QFP80s on FR-4 (Au)
sives in the presence of liquid water at the joint location [23]. (Fig. 9) showed significant increase in resistance values after
The mechanical shear strength of the adhesive joints gener- 85 C/85%RH testing and RCT ( 25 to 100 C). Surprisingly
ally decreases in the temperature/humidity and thermal cycling
with components finished with SnPb (Figs. 9 and 10), far
tests, but in general no direct correlation with the electrical
better results were obtained. It was shown that under the
properties is observed.
conditions used solder bridges were formed across the Au
particles in the ACA, which showed very low and stable
Only a few studies have been reported about the reliability Recently SnBi filled anisotropic adhesives have become
of anisotropic conductive adhesive joints of SMD components commercially available, that can form micro-solder joints

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Fig. 13. SEM EPMA micrographs of R 1206 with SnPb 90/10 termination bonded to NiAu finished FR-4 with CA-6, after damp heat (85  C/85%RH,
1000 h). Note the presence of Cl0 at the corroded location and crack formation along the component surface.

within the adhesive matrix, showing low and stable resistance a silver depleted surface layer in the adhesive, creep of
values. the adhesive, the formation of intermetallics, and processing
An example from the work of Kivilahti et al., i.e., bonding failures. In some cases (with water condensation), also silver
of flex to flex with Sn58Bi filled anisotropically conductive migration could be a failure cause.
adhesive is given in Table III. Results for the SnBi filled
adhesive after 60 C/95%RH are quite good in case of Cu
and Sn, but worse for Au/Ni due to gold dissolution and A. Oxidation and Corrosion (SnPb, Cu)
Ni corrosion [7], [8]. In TC ( 40 C/100 C) no significant Oxidation of the SnPb layer can be uniform or local.
resistance increase was observed. For flip chip similar results The formation of a 100 nm thick oxide layer has been
were reported (85 C/85%RH). reported [40], [41]. Local oxidation has also been observed
by several investigators [23], [40], [41]. In some cases, traces
of have been detected at the oxidized/corroded places
V. FAILURE CAUSES (see Fig. 13) It has been suggested that the mechanism of
Several failure causes have been suggested to explain the SnPb corrosion is by electrochemical cell formation [23].
resistance increases sometimes observed with conductive ad- Resistance increases appear to be more severe for Sn fin-
hesives, i.e., oxidation of SnPb and Cu, crack formation, ished products than for SnPb and even less for Pb. The

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Fig. 14. SEM micrograph of R1206 (SnPb 90/10) joint with CA-3 to passivated Cu board, after 1000 cycles 40  C/125  C. Although cracks are formed 0
along the SnPb/adhesive surface and electrical resistance increased dramatically, joint strength is still considerable (25 N versus 38 N initially).

Fig. 15. Resistance values of joints of R0603 (Ag/Pd) to Sn plated FR4 boards made with ICA-A after cyclic humidity testing (25–80  C, 98% RH, 8
h cycle). Note that some components suddenly fail probably due to crack formation [23].

oxidation is also stronger underneath the adhesives than on In addition, in the case of bare Cu substrates also oxidation
unprotected SnPb. of Cu has been observed and considered as a cause of
It is also claimed that combinations of noble/less-noble resistance increase [14]–[19], [20]–[22].
metallizations suffer more severely from oxidation/corrosion
than combinations of nonnoble metals only. This could be due
to the electrochemical cell formation. B. Crack Formation/Delamination
Oxidation of SnPb may be the direct cause of the sometimes The occurrence of cracks in electrically poor performing
huge resistance increases, or indirectly by inducing crack joints has been observed by many different investigators
formation. after constant temperature/humidity as well as cyclic temper-

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Fig. 16. SEM BSE micrographs of R1206 (AgPd) bonded with CA-6 to PbSn finished FR-4 boards after damp heat (85  C/85%RH, 1000 h). No significant
crack formation is observed, and resistance value is still low (Fig. 7).

ature/humidity testing, and thermal cycling. Some examples at the component side after temperature/humidity testing, by
for R1206 (SnPb) are given in Figs. 11–13, for 85 C/85%RH Auger analysis in combination with Ar-ion sputtering. The
testing, and also in Fig. 14 after RCT testing. Despite crack observation was made after cleavage of the joint at the
formation, the shear strength of the joint may still be consid- component side. It is also possible that crack formation and
erable (Fig. 14). some creep of the adhesive occurred.
Fig. 15 (Botter [23]) shows that during humidity cycling,
sudden increases in resistance values may occur in some joints, D. Creep of the Adhesive
possibly due to crack formation, while in similar joints the Some authors suggested the possibility of adhesive creep
increase is rather smooth. leading to resistance increase during TC testing. This could be
With AgPd finished resistors, which did not show significant due to cyclic shear motion of the component and visco-plastic
resistance increase in the indicated tests, no cracks were deformation of the adhesive. The fact however that with a gold
observed (Fig. 16) [40], [41]. finish on component and board no large resistance increase is
observed, indicates that it is unlikely that creep is a main cause
C. Silver Depleted Layer of the R-increase with SnPb. It has also been observed by
In one case it has been reported [40], [41] that a thin several workers that the bulk resistance of the adhesive does
silver depleted layer ( 50 nm) was observed in the adhesive not increase significantly in climate tests. This observation,

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(a) (b)

Fig. 17. R0402 (AgPd) bonded with CA-7a (high yield value) to FR4. The figures show (a) bad fillet formation and very thin bond line, (b) magnification
160 , and (c) magnification 400 . 2

however does not exclude the creep explanation, because G. Processing Defects
the bulk resistance measurements are normally performed on Undercure [14]–[19], [20]–[22] of the adhesive may lead to
conductor structures, not forming a joint, and therefore not resistance increase during reliability testing. Also bad wetting,
subjected to a similar cyclic mechanical load on the adhesive voids in the adhesive, a very thin bondline, and misalignment
as in the case of bonded components. can lead to R-increase possibly by crack formation in the
adhesive joints (Fig. 17).
E. Formation of an Intermetallic Layer
Formation of Ag Sn intermediate layers of lower conduc- VI. IMPROVEMENT AREAS FOR CONDUCTIVE
tivity was suggested by Orthmann et al. [10]–[13] as the ADHESIVE BONDING WITH ICA’s
cause of R-increase during hot storage tests at 150 C. Other A survey of the factors that may lead to further improve-
investigators, however, have not observed Ag Sn during TC ments in conductive adhesive bonding, is given in Fig. 18.
and pressure cooker testing [24], [25]. Increase of drop resistance and improvement of RCT re-
sistance for larger components is wanted. This could be
attained either by improvement of the adhesive bond strength
F. Ag Migration (adhesion, impact resistance) or larger bond area and more
Several investigators have reported that they did not observe favorable lead geometries or the extra step of using a coating
signs of Ag migration during climate testing [14]–[19], [36], or glob top on the leads.
[37], [44]. It is clear however that silver migration can easily Further improvement of SnPb compatibility, and low mois-
occur if a liquid water film can be formed on the adhesive ture permeability in addition to increased adhesion and better
[44], [45], [46]. If any danger exists for water condensation it strength would increase the competitiveness with soldering.
is advisable to avoid the risk for silver migration by applying Better control of adhesive bondline thickness which is
a protective coating or glob top on the joints. usually quite thin, could possibly reduce failures in TC tests.

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Int. Conf. Adhesive Join. Technol. Electron. Manufact., Berlin, Germany, [45] O.-D. Hennemann, H. Mieskes, and B. Dorbath, “Entwicklung von
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[34] +
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[35] , “Assembly with conductive adhesives,” Solder Surface Mount nisms, mechanical behavior and durability,” University Microfilms Int.,
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[36] H. L. Hvims, “Conductive adhesives for SMT and potential applica- [47] C. McArdle, “A novel approach to the uniform dispersion of particles
tions,” IEEE Trans. Comp., Packag., Manufact. Technol., vol. 18, pp. in anisotropically conductive adhesives,” in Proc. Int. Sem. Latest
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pp. 12–19, May 1994. [48] C. McArdle and J. Burke, “Novel uniaxial conductive adhesives com-
[38] M. Zwolinski et al., “Electrically conductive adhesives for surface prising polymerisable ferrofluids and conductive magnetic holes,” in
mount solder replacement,” in Proc. Adhesives Electron. ’96, 2nd Int. Proc. Adhesive Electron. ’96, 2nd Int. Conf. Adhesive Join. Coat. Tech-
Conf. Adhesive Join. Coating Technol. Electron. Manufact., Stockholm, nol. Electron. Manufact., Stockholm, Sweden, June 3–5, 1996, pp.
Sweden, June 3–5, 1996, pp. 333–340. 154–159.
[39] M. A. Gaynes, R. H. Lewis, R. F. Saraf, and J. M. Roldan, “Evaluation [49] H. Hirosawa et al., “Double-layer anisotropic conductive adhesive
of contact resistance for isotropic electrically conductive adhesives,” films,” Display Manufact. Technol. Conf., Dig. Tech. Papers, 1995, vol.
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[40] J. C. Jagt, P. J. M. Beris, and G. F. C. M. Lijten, “Electrically conductive
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[41] J. C. Jagt, “Isotropic conductive adhesives: Durability aspects and failure
causes,” in Proc. Sem. Electric Conduct. Adhesives Delco Electron., Feb. Jannes C. Jagt received the Ph.D. degree in organic
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[42] J. Liu, “Reliability of surface-mounted anisotropically conductive adhe- Netherlands in 1973.
sive joints,” Circuit World, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 4–15, 1993. He joined Philips Laboratories, Eindhoven, The
[43] G. F. C. M. Lijten, H. M. van Noort, and P. J. M. Beris, “Durability of Netherlands, in 1976. He was involved in research
anisotropically conductive adhesive joints in surface mount applications on photolithography, photopolymerization, and elec-
and in flexible to rigid board interconnection,” J. Electron. Manufact., tron beam lithography from 1976 to 1983 and
vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 253–261, 1995; also in Proc. Int. Sem.: Latest was Group Leader for Advanced Technologies for
Achievements Conduct. Adhesive Join Electron. Packag., Eindhoven, the Consumer Electronic Division of Philips from
The Netherlands, Sept. 5, 1995, pp. 117–126. 1983 to 1988. Since 1989, he has been the Group
[44] D.D. Chang et al., IEEE Trans. Comp., Hybrids, Manufact. Technol., Leader for Adhesive and Encapsulation Technolo-
vol. 16, pp. 836–842, 1993. gies, Philips Centre for Manufacturing Technology.

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