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Pre-service Teacher name: Claudia Huppatz Date:

Year level/ age range & number of students: Highlight planning process:
Year 5/6 Planned collaboratively with Supervising Teacher
Estimated duration of activity: Planned collaboratively with peer
1 hour Planned independently based on ST lessons
Planned Independently
Deconstruction of Supervising Teacher’s lesson
Learning area:
Mathematics – Perimeter

Specific Topic: (including Australian Curriculum content descriptor)

Convert between common metric units of length, mass and capacity (ACMMG136)

Learning intentions:
- I can identify and measure the perimeter of various shapes
- I can add decimal numbers
- I can convert between metric units

Success criteria for students: (clear and specific measures of how students have met the learning intentions, i.e. how
they are going with the task, this can include both learning content and strategies; ‘I know that I can do this when I
have ……)
- Students are able to identify the appropriate metric unit to work with.
- Students are able to correctly use and read a ruler. They are able record the number in the correct format.
- Students are able to add whole and decimal numbers
- Students are able to identify that the numbers of sides directly correlates with the numbers of values which
you need to calculate the perimeter.
- Students can correctly define and identify the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.

Preparation/ organisation/ resources:

- Irregular and regular shapes

- Rulers
- Maths books
- String

Differentiation: (Are there any students that I need to personalise the activity for)
- Olivia has a verified intellectual disability. To assist her learning I will simplify the activity by removing the
need to add values together. Instead she will use a piece of string to trace the outside of the shape, and
measure it on a ruler.
- Some students are to work with only whole numbers and not decimals
- Some students are to work with only regular shapes and not irregular

Supervising Teacher feedback:

- clear learning intentions displayed. Your slideshow supported the information you presented.
- The task was clearly recorded on slide. You waited until all students were quiet. You corrected student
- You had a mixture of shapes, to challenge different students. The task incorporated hands on learning with
more abstract concepts.
- Students were engaged and enthusiastic. You moved around the room answering questions. Stopped the
class for whole class misconceptions. You used materials to explain concepts.
- Students were on task and all ability levels were able to participate. You included a differentiated task for
Olivia and she was clearly confident and proud of herself for participating in our learning. Well done!!
Lesson running schedule: Time frames
What will I do? What will the students do? (Approximate time frames
What range of teaching strategies will I use? will need to be flexible
What skills and strategies will be used by students? and tweak these in
How will I support inclusion of all students? response to context)
Introduction: 15 minutes
- What is a perimeter?
- Explicitly explain what a perimeter is
- Place emphasis on the important vocabulary: distance, length, sides, metric

Pre- service Teacher facilitated Lesson: 10 minutes

- Explain that finding perimeter often requires us to work with decimal
- Explicitly teach how to add decimal numbers (line up decimals)
- Give students an example to practice with
- Explain activity:
1.) Grab a shape
2.) Trace the shape
3.) Measure the length of each side of the shape
4.) Label each side of the shape with its length
5.) add the lengths together to find the perimeter

Student focussed work period: 30 minutes

- Students are to trace various shapes and calculate their perimeter
- Reiterate the importance of measuring to the nearest millimetre

Conclusion WWW reflection: 5 minutes

- Students are given time to reflect on the lesson
- They are to write down and share one thing they thought they did well and
one thing they need help with.

- The lesson was effective in allowing students to independently explore the idea of perimeter. All
students achieved success in the activity including those who the task was differentiated for. The
students were able to meet the majority of the success criteria as highlighted below:

- Students are able to identify the appropriate metric unit to work with.
- Students are able to correctly use and read a ruler. They are able record the number in the correct format.
- Students are able to add whole and decimal numbers
- Students are able to identify that the numbers of sides directly correlates with the numbers of values which
you need to calculate the perimeter.
- Students can correctly define and identify the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.

This activity identified that some students are still unable to correctly use and read a ruler. They would
often disregard the decimal component and round the number up and down. This will need to be revisited
before moving onto calculating area.

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