Bio F5 C6 Variation

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6.1 Variation
S+D (Variations) 10m
Similarities :
- Both continuous and discontinuous variation phenotypic differences among individuals of the same
- Both help the species to survive and adapt to changes in the environment (ensure survival from
Differences :
Continuous Discontinuous
Differences in a character are not distinctive. Differences in a character are distinctive.

Produce normal distribution. Produce discrete distribution.

(bell-shaped curve)
Characters are quantitative, can be measured or Characters are qualitative, cannot be measured or
graded from one extreme to another. graded from one extreme to another.

Caused by environmental factors. Caused by genetic factors.

Characters cannot be inherited. Characters can be inherited.

Controlled by many genes. Controlled by a single gene.

Phenotype controlled by several pairs of allele. Phenotype controlled by a pair of allele.
Examples such as height,weight,skin colour and Examples such as ability to roll tongue,attached or
intelligence. free ear lobes,blood group and type of
In. characteristic undergoes gradual changes. No gradual changes between two extremes.

6.2 Genetic factors 10m

1. when (during….) 3. Explain the process
2. what happen 4. The effect of the process
A] Crossing over during Meiosis
1. During prophase I , when two homologous chromosomes are paired up in a bivalent,crossing over
occurs. What is crossing over ?
2. - Chromatids of chromosomes cross over and break at chiasma. How??
- Segments of DNA exchange places between non-sister chromatids.
3. - New genetic recombination are produced.
4. - Chromatids then separate during anaphase II . so?? different combination of genes in gametes are
produced. Then??
- Fusion of gametes during fertilisation will produce a variety of child.

B] Independent assortment of chromosomes

1. During metaphase I of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes arrange themselves randomly on the
metaphase plate.
2. The random arrangement and separation of each homologous pair is independent to each other.
3. Hence, there is an independent assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomes. Why?? as the
homologous pair may lined up in different way.
4. This produces various genetic combinations in the gametes.

C] Random fertilisation
1. During fertilisation ,each gamete has a unique genetic combination. Ya?? they fuse together
2. - A male gamete can fertilise any of the female gametes.
- The fertilisation between a male gamete and a female gamete occurs randomly.
3. As a result , a zygote which is unique is formed. (greater variety of genetic combination )
4. This cause genetic variation occurs in offsprings.

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