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Culpable homicide is causing death

a.With the intention of causing death

b.With the intention of causing such bodily injury as is likely
to cause death
c. with the knowledge that it is likely by such act to cause
d. all are correct.
▪ Q. Under section 299 the connection between the act and
death caused must be

▪ a. Direct
▪ b. Indirect
▪ c. direct or indirect
▪ d. none of the above
▪ Q. Once it established that an act was a deliberate act and
was not the result accident rashness or negligence it is
obvious that the offense would be

▪ a. Murder
▪ b. Culpable homicide
▪ c. attempt to murder
▪ d. Grievous hurt
▪ Q. Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to
murder is given in the IPC in

▪ a. Section 304
▪ b. section 302
▪ c. section 300
▪ d. section 498 A
▪ Q. A shoots B with intention of killing. Z dies
inconsequence. A commits

▪ a. murder
▪ b. Culpable homicide
▪ c. Assault
▪ d. Criminal use of force
▪ Q. culpable homicide is not murder if it is committed under

▪ a. grave and sudden provocation

▪ b. self intoxication
▪ c. Irresistible impulse
▪ d. all of the above
Q. If the offender does not know that his act is so imminently
dangerous that it must, in all probability causes death he will
be guilty of

a. Murder
b. Attempt to murder
c. Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
d. either a or b

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