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ee an CERTIFICATION _ . po lnwave Design, Propagation Module, Collection Module, Optimization Module, Inwave Fld, Modeling Module, lawave Unity and lowave Mabie are trademars of [bwave Solutionsinc ll other redemarks and registred trademarks are the property of thelr respective owners. n recognition af Its continued commitment to product Improvement, IBwave Selutons Inc. reserves the ight to change the Information contained hereln without nati. ‘The information contained in this document isthe propery of Iswave Solutions ine Except as pecially authorize in writing by iBwave Solutions Inc, the holder of thls document shall keep the Information contained herein confidential and shall protect same In whole on pare from dciosure and dissemination to third partis and use same for evaluation and traning purpotes only. No pert ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted In any farm or by ary means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, of by any Information storage or reveal stem, without prior witten consent om I5wave Solutions ne Should you have any queine ot comments ge ng he eau, lees write tue ‘nti et stoning mane @ iBwave Neves Sk 22 Con lnopiecem Zt Bovove TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE COURSE INTRODUCTION COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES. . . 1 ‘SCHEDULE. 7 . 1 IBWAVE CERTIFICATION ROADMAP . . 7 3 Level 1 (3-day course). . . 3 Level 2 (3-day course). . . 3 Level 3 (3-day course). . 4 PRE-COURSE FUNDAMENTALS FOR LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION....... . 4 ‘ABOUT IBWAVE 7 . 7 5 6 6 7 7 8 Clients Who Trust iBwave - ~ - Wireless Network Design Workfiow . . . . iBwave Product Portfolio Overview. - - iBwave Design Enterprise Optional Modules. - - iBwave atthe core, enabling the ecosystem. - MODULE 1 INTRODUCTION TO iBwave DESIGN.. LEARNING OBJECTIVES. . . 9 IN-BUILDING DESIGN CHALLENGES . . 7 9 WHAT IS IBWAVE DESIGN? 7 . 10 IBWAVE DESIGN FEATURES & BENEFITS . 7 10 IBWAVE DESIGN WORKSPACE . . a IBWAVE DESIGN TABS. 7 . a IBWAVE DESIGN STARTUP PAGE. . . A2 IBWAVE DESIGN HELP. 7 . 18 Version 8.0 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOOLBOX. . 14 Parts . . “4 Uliities . . 14 COMPONENTS BROWSER, . 15 PREFERRED PARTS. 7 . 15 INFORMATION PANELS 7 . 16 MINI QUIZ... - - 7 True or False . 7 MODULE 2 DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. LEARNING OBJECTIVES - - 19 STARTING A PROJECT - 19 General - - 19 Initial Requirements - 20 Company information - a Units, - - a Wireless Services - 22 Customize Calculations. - 22 DESIGN PLAN ... - - 23 System Sources. - 24 Generic Signal Source. - - 25 Off-Air Measured SSI - - 25 Off-Air Theoretical Path. - - 26 Base Transceiver Station (BTS) . 6 Adding a System... - - 27 Adding a Radio Transceiver... - 28 Mult-Source Systems. - - 29 Components & Connections... 29 Customize Part Information... - 30 Making a Connection - - 3t How to Connect Components... 3t Cable Relocation... - - 32 MINI QUIZ 1... - - 32 ii Level 1 Ceriication Information Display Structure. Calculations Panel Layers Panel Single Layers. Multiple Layers Components Browser. ‘Add Component to Design/Layout Plan. Antennas. Cable Properties. Cable 1D and Cable Length. Set Cable Properties Mobile and Source Sido. Reshape a Cable by Cable Style. Spliters/Combiners Subparts. Add Subpart Fiber Components. Properties Panel. Part Info Panel Replacing Components Replacing with Equivalent (Components) Component Groups Searching for Gomiponents. Uilites Toolbox Clone Stamp Tool Clone Mutiple Blocks. Design Automation Parts Placement. Cable Replacement. Splitter Balancing Debug Message List Errors Wamings Information Version 8.0 Bawove 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 40 a 43 As As 4S 46 46 48 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 53 TABLE OF CONTENTS Resetting Labels. sven sen 53 Reset Label Location ~ seen ey Reposition Cable Labels. ~ scene co Apply Template to Label Location... - 5 Arranging Objects. cen ce 55 MINI QUIZ 2 55, LAYOUT PLAN 58 What is the Layout Plan?, sso se 56 Creating a Layout Plan cen ce 57 AutoCAD Floor Plans cen ce a7 Layout Pian Image Adjustment - 58 Crop and Resize Image. ~ scene a) Reference Point cen ce 59 Set Reference Paint ~ seen en) Scaling vce ce 60 Method 1: Plan Properties... sven en) Method 2: iSwave Design Ruler... sven co Method 8: Google Earth Path ... sent co Compass — Set io True North eee ce et Duplicate Plan. cen ce 65 Redundant DAS, cen ce 65 Drawing Tools cen ce oF Annotations, sree ce 68 Adding Annotations. ~ seen ae) Default Page Size. cen ce 69 Mutiple Floors cen ce 70 Building Configuration ~ scene cI Building Properties ~ seen cI Design Plan Organizer cen ce n MINI QUIZs 72 Designing on Layout Plan. cen ce 2 Position Components onto Layout Plan seen 72 Pictograms. sree ce 73 Design to Layout Plan: Adding Components - 74 iv Level 1 Cortication Method 1: Assign to Layout Plan Method 2: Pull Parts Design and Layout Plan Sibling Design for Mutiple Floors... ViAs. Align VIAs in Same Location, Manually creating a VIA Legends. ~ MINI QUIZ 4 PICTURE PLANS........ Display Content ~ Creating a Text Box... Image Modification. ~ MINI QUIZ 5 DESIGN PLAN WORKSHOP MODULE 3 PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS .. LEARNING OBJECTIVES PROJECT PROPERTIES. Overview. ~ Project ~ ErrorWarnings Preferences ~ General Part 1D Part Approval. Security Layers. Calculations. ~ General CDMAWCDMA & HSPA Technologies. LTE Technology. Mobile Signal Version 8.0 Bioweve 7 74 . 75 . 75 75 75 75 . 76 77 7 79 80 TABLE OF CONTENTS Building. - ~ - 93 EME Limits - ~ - 93 Propagation Models. - - 24 Variable Path Loss Exponent. - ee 94 Free Space Path Loss... ~ ce 95 Antenna Contours... ~ ee 96 Improving Network Performance!Coverage. see - 96 Question 1 - ~ - 97 Question 2. - ~ - 97 Question 3. - ~ - 98 Question 4. - ~ - 98 PAGE SETUP ce 99 Print Setup een - ee 99 Page Size ee - ee 100 Title Border one - ee 100 TOOLS > OPTIONS... cee 401 General ee - ee 101 Settings & Connector Options. - a 101 Design Plan Siblings & Layout Piciograms. - - 102 Workspace - ~ - 103 Advanced Editing... - ~ 104 Database ee - ee 108 Image Compression - - 108 Performance enn - ~ 106 Proxy. ee - ee 106 Grid. ee - ee 107 Server Configuration. - - 107 Wi-Fi Survey Configuration. - - 108 PREFERRED PARTS... cee 108 MINI QUIZ see ce - 108 MODULE 4 iBwave DESIGN REPORTS. LEARNING OBJECTIVES... vi Level 1 Ceriication Biowove REPORTS OVERVIEW cen an CREATING REPORTS. cen 112 TYPES OF REPORTS. cen 112 REPORT OPTIONS cee 114 General svc - 14 Sorting/Fiter - 15 Advanced. - "5 EXPORTING REPORTS - 116 HIDING PARTS FROM REPORTS. cen AB CUSTOMIZING REPORTS cee? MINI QUIZ 1... - - 118 MINI QUIZ 2... - - 119 MODULE 5 PROBLEM-BASED WORKSHOP LEARNING OBJECTIVES. COMMON MISTAKES. Mistake 1: Layout Plan Floor Order... ee 121 Mistake 2: Position of Reference Point between Floors 122 Mistake 3: Checking the Debug Message List ee 122 Most Common Error... a - 122 Most Gommon Warnings. ee - 122 Mistake 4: Replacing Cables after Project Clear-Up.... 128 Mistake 5: Unbalanced Power Distribution ee 128 Mistake 6: Cable Connectors (Mobile and Source Side) 124 MINI QUIZ..... - 124 MODULE 6 COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR LEARNING OBJECTIVES - 125 INTRODUCTION TO THE GOMPONENTS DATABASE (DB) EDITOR. 125 ACCESSING DB EDITOR - 126 DB EDITOR WORKSPACE. cree AB Customized Views. . Version 8.0 vil TABLE OF CONTENTS DB EDITOR HELP. - sn 128 SHARED DATABASES - son 128 Local vs Shared Database 7 - 129 Shared Database Settings... 7 7 7 129 Save & Update Database, 180 Multiple Shared Databases... 180 EXPORT COMPONENTS TO VEXIXML. - 131 IMPORT COMPONENTS (VEX, XML) .. EDIT OPTIONS........ 192 194 Eait » Assign Connector. 134 Edit » Debug Message 195 DEBUG MESSAGE LIST....... 196 ImporingrExportng Debug Messages. Exports debug messages to share with oth Import debug messag VIEW OPTIONS .. Detning Equivalent Components Dotining Sub Componer Categorizing Parr. Approve Parts By Customer... CREATING COMPONENTS. AddiModity/Duplicat Physical Propertios Gonoral Propertos.. All-Link Proporti Example: Coupler... General Proportos... Adding Band of Frequencies, 7 Example: Antenna Patter... Lavel 1 Cortication Example: Small Cel. Physical Propertios General Properties . Example: Fiber Optic Cable. Example: Fiber BDA Physical Propertos General Properties . ‘TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART COMPONENT DATASHEET. ACCESSING THE ONLINE IN-BUILDING NETWORK COMPONENTS DATABASE. MINI QUIZ... MODULE 7 DESIGNING FROM SCRATCH WORKSHOP. NORTH AMERICA Floor Layouts. Installation Constraints Part 1: New Project. Stops - Part 2: Network Design. Network Design Criteria. Stops - Part 3: Design Clean-up. Part 4: Save Your Work. APAG .... Floor Layouts. Installation Constraints Part 1: New Project. Stops - Part 2: Network Design. Network Design Criteria. Stops - Part 3: Design Clean-up. Part 4: Save Your Work. Version 8.0 148 148 149 149 149 149 150 151 152 158 153 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX A GUIDELINES TO CREATING A PROJECT... APPENDIX B GLOSSARY APPENDIX PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEETS 163 Icons Legend ‘The following icons are used throughout the course: Ten Youn OS Teeter quene wb sad hein thi setting Practice Activity Denotes an activity using practice files which needs to be completed using iBwave Design. Key Point Highlights important key points which willbe covered in the exam. HinvTip Provides hints or tips about the subject at hand, x Level 1 Certification Biowove PREFACE COURSE INTRODUCTION COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this course, yau will be able to: = Describe in- bul network project design process Design projects using plans, systems and components "Use time-saving options to optimize in-building designs © Determine and fx project errors using Debug message lst Run and configure reports = Manage components using the database editor SCHEDULE The following schedule is applicable for in-class and virtual classroom sessions only. Introduetion 830 - 930 Introduction to iBwave Design 9:00 - 9:30 iBwave Design Plans 9:30 - 10:00 Break 10:00 - 10:15 Design Plan 10:15 = 12:00 Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 Design Plan Workshop 100 + 215 Break 245 - 230 Layout Plans 230+ 4:15 Layout Plans Workshop 45-445. aaa 445+ 5:00 Version 8.0 1 PREFACE: COURSE INTRODUCTION PME Fecap and Oa A 830 - 9:00 Picture Plans and Workshop 9:00 - 9:30 iBwave Design Plans Workshop 930 + 10:30 Break 10:30 - 10:45 Project & Application Settings 10:45 - 12:00 Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 IBwave Design Reports 1:00 - 2:00 Problem-Based Workshop 2:00 - 3:00 Broak 3:00 - 3:15 Components Database Editor 345 - 4:30 Q.&A/ Review 430 - 5:00 PATE Recep andes 830 - Designing trom Scratch Workshop 845 - Broak 10:15 - Designing trom Scratch Review 10330 - Final Recap and Q & A before Exam 1148 Lunch 12:00 - Introduction to Exam 1:00 - Exam 115 Collecting Results, Evaluations & Break 345 - Gonclusion and @ & A 4:00 + 2 Level 1 Ceritication iBwave CERTIFICATION ROADMAP iBwave Certification Industry-specific pragrams designed for wireless operators, system Integrators and equipment manufacturers, pa Level 4 (3-day course) | EEhnme | Master the iBwave Design software tool to create and manage in-bullding wireless networks design projects Understand in-building projects, floorplans and site a eee surveys, learn the fundamentals ofin-buildng radio peta {esting and having the knowiedge to create picture Project Alton Seas plans, dasign plans, layaut plans, and generate reports. Cee eo Students are required to perform hands-on workshops Problem-based Workshop i ee and exams to obtain certification to Level 1 and enter ‘Desgrng a Project em Lovel 2 Sera jicsi a Bicsi ey ra Level 2 (3-day course) acini ieteestieimetiel ‘Acquire the fundamentals of in-building propagation ‘models and conduct propagation predictions using the In-Bulldng Review Project Deployment Process Fado Wave Propagation Bases Propagation Module in iBwave Design. Perform in- = Bade Propngaten Moda building rac testing using the Collection Module in 8 ey iBwave Design. Students wil learn how to characterize 5 nBuleng Propagation Mesaurement building partons using advanced AutoCAD and floor cto plan features and plan an in-building measurement 0 ee Campaign. Students will understand how to conduct an Foning redtons ‘empirical measurement campaign in order to tune in- = Datetan building propagation models. trporing Our Predon Gpiinizaton Designing rom Sertch + Advanced Projet Validation Bicsi 18 Version 8.0 3 PREFACE: COURSE INTRODUCTION 9 boston tree ead ones IPS up Seana, aa hoor Bicsi w CeCe Level 3 (3-day course) Improve your design planning techniques for large and complex building projects. Leam how to analyze network capacity. Overcome the many challenges involved in stadium design. Learn how te incorporate new technologies, like MIMO and Wi-Fi ofioading PRE-COURSE FUNDAMENTALS FOR LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION The following two courses are recommended for all students who will be designing wireless networks: In-Building Review Sedan Technologi System requirements iBwave Design tools Components Link budgets Noise modeling Propagation basics Building and system architectures Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) = Project ite cycle * Process including collecting information, design, engineering and equipment Selection = Implementation of solution Note: The above two online courses as well as the student manual may be accessed directly in the Leaming Center. Level 1 Certification Bowave ABOUT iBwave iBwave is the pawer behind great in-building wireless experience, enabling bilions of end users and devices to connect inside a wide range of venues. As the global industry reference, aur software solutions allow for smarter planning, design and deployment of any wireless network project regardless of size, complexity or technology. ~~ g ur entorprise-grade software solutions help same of the biggest global companies solve their in- building connectivity puzzles. Along with innovative software, we are recognized for world-class support in 80 countries, providing the industry's most comprehensive components database and a well-established certification program. (ver 800 leading global telecom operators, enterprise, carriers, systems integrators and equipment manufacturers rely on the power of iBwave for in-building wireless netwark design In summary, iBwave is the global leader at innovating and delivering software solutions that simplify converged networks and keep the world connected @ ‘800+ customers @ 100,000 networks Version 8.0 2 93% satisfaction rating @ 2,800 certified [professionals PREFACE: COURSE INTRODUCTION Clients Who Trust iBwave Here are some of the over 800 companies worldwide who trust us. They all use our software to design better networks that keep the entire world connected. Sonat? ong Bal Sy erent Boum Q yu aree — = ~ com noel gag, WP Raat rb oe et come My Fespn Sm ows wom) Me ea ‘CORNING | *SaNe rman 2% QL Naren Quacowm — FF sprint eordia — ¢oy,,, CC emersmn—_ siveess mG a rn Sremcrees [REN Gere: Onion mst ain Wee rir 7 Wireless Network Design Workflow i Bwave products suppor all phases in the wireless network design workflow. ed Ceni Site surveys Ww Installation & commissioning ‘and documentation & design Maintenance & upgrades. IBwave Mobile IBwave Design iBwave Unity 6 Level 1 Cartfication Browove iBwave Product Portfolio Overview iBwave provides the most eficient and profitable way to design and deliver in-bullding wire heterogeneous and Wi-Fi networks. iBwave Design Enterprise Optional Modules |Bwave Design Enterprise optional modtules include Propagation, Optimization and Collection. Propagation eure ol fee et ea Version 8.0 7 PREFACE: COURSE INTRODUCTION wave at the core, enabling the ecosystem iBwaveis at the core, enabling the ecosystem from site surveys to network design to managing projects and reporting, all while accessing the worl's mast comprehensive component database Containing all the latest in-bulding wireless components and technologies. ao). + eves ievvave vt @TEOCO EXFO. Com nite (@ = ‘Sytem, ascom acters “ee” —- Le + Gp 8 Level 1 Cerifieation Brovove MODULE 1 INTRODUCTION TO iBwave DESIGN Inthis module, we will have an overview of iBwave Design and explore the workspace environment ‘to have an understanding of how to navigate within the application. LEARNING OBJECTIVES = Describe key benefits of iBwave Design = Navigate in iBwave Design IN-BUILDING DESIGN CHALLENGES In-building design can be complex with some of these common challenges: "No standards between operators, system integrators and equipment vendors, "High design complexity due to mult-band, mult-operator, muititechnology scenarios "Specialized resources required "Cost overrun due to design and installation errors "Interaction between indoor and outdoor networks. = Goal of designing in-building project: position base stations and antennas to adequately cover building to specified power level at In general, the goal of designing an in-building projact is to pasition base stations and antennas carefully 80 that they cover the building adequately in the places that are required. Thus the design problem is: given a building, where do we position how many base stations of what power to cover the building to a specified minimum pawer level at a minimum cost? ‘The problem is far too complicated for any simple approximations; buildings use many materials that degrade performance by attenuation, reflection, etc Itis much too time-consuming and expensive to perform experiments on the premises of potential customers; even the taking of measurements is, costly and slow. Brute force solutions with high-power transmitters are infeasible, for reasons of cost and public concem over electromagnetic radiation; in any case, the field is too compeiiive to permit over-engineerad solutions. A tool is required to help develop and manage projects with human interaction that can automate calculations, reports and updates on the design. Version 8.0 8 MODULE 4: INTRODUCTION TO iBwave DESIGN WHAT IS iBwave DESIGN? iBwave Design is a first class integrated software that helps wireless operators, system integrators ‘and equipment manufacturers fully automate the design, planning and management of the indoor wireless network and predict its performance. iBwave Design is a mutt-technology toolset that empowers RF Engineers by providing the right mi of usability, control, and flexbilty fo simulate real project situations and accurately predict the network quality of service. aulomatsd RF calculations id eat and customizable reports In-bull RB CeUlpmont ‘management and cost tracking iBwave DESIGN FEATURES & BENEFITS Components Database Drag and drop network parts onto layout plans from our database of aver 23,000 accuratel modeled network elements. Antennas, small clls, cables, access points, fiber hardware - if you design with it, we probably have it. And if not, we'll quickly add it. "Design Automation With automatic link budget calculations, automatic AP placement, automatic cable length calculations, and built-in error validation the network design process will be automated and the time it will take you to work on and deliver finished network projects will be drastically reduced. " Multitechnology Support and Asset Sharing Design DAS, Wi-Fi, small calls or public safety networks all in one solution and save time by sharing design assets layouts, modeled buildings - across all projects. ™ Layout Pian Importing Quickly import your building layout plans from CAD, POF or JPG files to design wireless networks. Easily assign materials to walls and surfaces and watch your buildings come to lie it stunning 8D. "Automatic Error Checking Catch and fix design errors before you deploy with automatic error checking. Establish thresholds, customize wamings and errors, and view errors on-screen as you design. "Output Maps and Compliancy Reports Impress your customer by sending them a detailed report to show them the predicted 10 Level 1 Certification Bawove performance of the network and how it complies with their performance KPI's. Include a 3D image of the customer's building showing prediction results - or send them the design file so they ‘can view it themselves in our free read-only software iBwave Viewer. = Equipment List and Project Cost Reports Easily generate an equipment ist and projact cost report to get an accurate estimate of what will be required for deployment and how much the project will cost. Review detailed design information and associated costs and gain valuable both be optimized sight into where dasigns and costs can iBwave DESIGN WORKSPACE The iBwave Design workspace consists of the follawing main areas: Prefered Pars is 8 Companenis Browser | [Manus & Butons oa ht A aT 8 es ae = Se * Pars + Uiitos Debug Message List IBWAVE DESIGN TABS iBwave Design displays the workspace in a tabular format. Each tab represents a different page. In addition to the Startup page, there are 3 kinds of tabs that are depicted by different icons, + pesign Plan 2 “There is only one Design Plan per project which loads automatically when the initial project properties are set. It uniquely provides a global view of the projectin the:fomm of a trunking diagram Version 8.0 1" MODULE 1; INTRODUCTION To iBwave DESIGN = Layout Plan &) Import images of floor plans, scale and start adding components, connecting them with cables, and displaying the link budgets. Although a project can contain many layout plans, the first plan is loaded automatically when the inital project properties are set * Picture Pian i ‘Add photos of the environment (rooms, corridors, equipment rooms, possible component locations, etc.). There can be more than one picture plan in a project. i a0 sitar a Picture plans ‘Design plan ‘Layout plane IBWAVE DESIGN STARTUP PAGE When iBwave is launched, the: Startup page is the only tab which is launched automatically. Should it arise that the Startup page was closed, it can be opened again by clicking View > Startup Page Bowove = Create new projects, Some fee open an existing projact faee or access recent projects ‘ ‘Access quick inks, such 1 Yi as the Components Database, My iBrrave Portal iBwave's Leaming | View the atest news about iBwave Design, Centar or ie centact "| including the latest parts updates, upcoming Sippel events and certfieation sessions, etc. 2 Level 1 Certification Bawove IBWAVE DESIGN HELP ‘The iBwave Design Help contains step-by-step information for each task that can be done in iBwave Design. The What's New in This Version can also be found he Itcontains the following tabs: = Contents Click on a chapter, then on click on a ttle to display the corresponding topic. For a list of shortcut keys, cick on the Shorteut Keys, = Index ‘This tab lists keywords by alphabetical order; click on a keyword to display its corresponding topic. = Search Enter one or more words to find topics containing these words. * Glossary ‘This tab displays. definitions related to the iBwave technology. "Print Click this tab to print the current topic. WELCOME TO iBWAVE DESIGN ‘Two methods to access the Help in iBwave Design: + Click Help > IBwave Help, OR + Press Ft Version 8.0 2 MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO iBwave DESIGN TOOLBOX On the let side of the screen is the Toolbox which is separated into Parts and Uilties. Parts The Parts toolbox displays components from a database of thousands of preloaded components organized into categories and subcategories. When a subcategory is selected, for example, the S1S0-Omni antenna, you have access to its specifications, images, properties, description and antenna pattems (when applicable). The sub-category can be easily modified from the Parts window and fitter the part by approval status, manufacturer and model Utilities The Utilities Toolbox consists of tools necessary for calculations. “ E = Narrow Band 31 ‘Order Intermod Frequency Calculator Caleulator 1 [=| Burm Power Converter +——#@) Net Scan kaaonnene Level 1 Certification Boovove COMPONENTS BROWSER ‘The Component Browser offers a ist view of all the components in the database. tis possible to search for a component, drag and drop a component onto a plan and double-click on an item to see the properties. From this browser, specific components can be marked as a favorite or as approved. eject Yar lest Pare Teh ses Paden fat si PREFERRED PARTS. ‘The Proferred Parts List allows users to create shortcuts to their favorite parts or most frequently used parts. More information will be available on how to create preferred parts in the upcoming modules. ‘Add frequenty used pats to Preferred Parts ist Create groups of proterred parts for ‘Add shoricut keys to ‘quickly ade parts to plan Version 8.0 6 MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO iBwave DESIGN INFORMATION PANELS (On the right side of the screen are the Information Panels. By defauit, the panels are separated into Upper and lower portions. ‘The upper portion consists of tabs that display information. Views can be customized by selecting what to display or hide. The information that is displayed on the plans can be fitered, lacated, locked or imported in these panels. The bottom portion consists of System, Plans and Parts information The following tabs can be accessed via the top part ofthe panel: "Calculations Calculation information is grouped by wireless services, in a tree structure to facilitate configuration. Gan activate the power per channel for all sectors of a given wireless service in ‘one click instead of having to go through the full list of system inividually. "Properties Displays properties related to the component that is selected. = Survey With the Collection Module, import and trace the walk test data "Layers Lock or hide different layers in the design diagrams. View the Antenna Contours for each system; with the Propagation Module, ereate and run output maps; with the Optimization module, create capacity analyses. ‘The following tabs can be accessed via the bottom part ofthe panel = systems Lists out each systom in their assigned color code, and aisplays information about the system There are shortcut keys on the top of the tab to add, dolete, see and edit system properties, expand and collapse the tree structure = Plans Lists the plans in a tree structure, Shortcut keys on top of the tab are available to add, delete and view plan properties. = Part info Displays the parts information and Geo location/position of where the mouse curser is hovering 16 Level 1 Cerification Upper part; Calculations. Properties Suney Layers Prediction Lower part: MINI QUIZ True or False Qo a a a Qo Systems, Plans Part Info ‘Adgitional buttons to modify how and what data is displayed (varies per information panel). iBwave Design layout plans offer a trunking diagram (downlink tree schematic) to display a global view of the project. iBwave Design offers methods to fiter the data displayed in the plans. The Debug Message list is located to the right of the screen. Users can access thousands of components from the Parts toolbox to add to the plan. Shortcut butions to generate each report type are available under the main menu, Version 8.0 7 Biswove MODULE 2 DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS In this module, we will loam about the three types of plans that are supported in iBwave Design (design, layout, and picture). Before creating plans, there are several project properties that need to be set up which we will aso review. We will also leam about the plan environments, their purpose and features of each plan as well as the procedures and tools available to create your network design. This module consists of four sections with hand-on exercises throughout. At the end of the module, there wil be a workshop which summarizes the features of each plan. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this module, you will be able to: = Start a project "Describe the various plan environments "Identity purpose and features of plans "Uso plans in iBwave Design = Explore procedures and tools for network design STARTING A PROJECT ‘See Appendix A for a list of guidelines to creating a project. General When starting a new project, the Project Properties window will appear. Enter the following project, settings before creating a design: Version 8.0 cy MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS 1. Enter the site information such as name and type of project, 2. Enter the customer information such as nam 1nd contact information. 8. Import a project image and view annotations once the project has been started. Note: Information is synchronized with other iBwave products. Initial Requirements When starting a ere 5 project, an estimate of (ase project items such as ‘ nae floors, expected peak Seeiineiedtie 1 data throughput and ee ee | oa technologies can be nree x entered. Sena | cor rate aS] Note: This information ee - is synchronized with other iBwave products, | == Poet Tae Bi ursnsne Doo gut ina Clore —_—o 20 Level 1 Certification Company Information Brwave Provide company information and logo which will be displayed on the plan's Title Block. 1. Under Project Properties » Preferences > Company info, center the designer and any information pertinent to the project (i. customer nam: 2. Click the Logo button to adel an image which will be displayed on design, layout and picture plans, 3. Click OK. Units Tris category will allow sets the Units of measurement in metric and imperial units for the = Orin tepein General section. tis also = possible to mix both types ot a Units in a project Fetters Mae om “ The RF section units of i ia = = surement for Power (48m, Swany | ores mW, dbW or W) and Antenna, scenes | Tomer gain (4d or dB). a | [nee The Coordinate system section « Units for Export coordinates ro ae = (UTM, Decimal) and can be as i | displayed in DMS, Decimal, = UTM and world coordinates a 7 units : CL Version 8.0 a MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. Wireless Services In the Wireless services category, the operators and wireless services can be defined. A wireless service is a combination of Region/Country, Band and Technology. iBwave Design uses wireless services to group sectors (systems), "Under Preferences > Wireless Services, click on the + sign to enter the operator and a wireless. service Wirele services can also be defined later in the Systems panel. ‘Once the wireless services have been configured, the project settings can be saved as a template ‘under Preferences > General, it can then be re-used for future projects. Project Properties | Preferences ‘wpa = ‘Customize Calculations Itis usoful to set up the dofault calculations used for tho technologies in tho project. For nt ce ‘example, CDMA / WCDMA mason technologies can sot up the ico sonar| i: ————] Pilot CPICH percentage and vee " antenna contour predictions. resin " tome a © A ey OHA NCNA 22 Level 1 Certification DESIGN PLAN The Design Plan is a trunking diagram of the overall project and provides a global view of al the systems, components, and calculations associated with all the layout plans of the project. There is onty one design plan per project. Once the inital Project Properties are defined, the design plan and a layout plan automatically appear. Version 8.0 2 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, System Sources The next logical step, once a new project is started is to create one or more system sources. Systam sourcas can be created using a system wizard. = Glick on the Project menu and select Add Systam ‘A System is an RF source defined per frequency band, technology and number of channels. The user can add as many systems as needed and there's no limitation. This functionality is suitable for ‘mult-cartier, muit-technology projects. ‘Assystem can be copied and pasted to support multiple sources or to support multiple paths of the ‘same source. One donor antenna can be shared among mutiple affair systems. We will go over the four types of systoms that iBwave Design suppor in the following pages. spend acid Seip Sn ren aS air ES. GSM=) [@Q] Own [ Spit seo (_]s» [J oar ome +[enmewimm oman [0 | eo 24 Level 1 Certification Biowove Generic Signal Source "Represents direct signal feed from Base Station "Generic signal source is nat included in Equipment List Sector Aobs [ao] Bandas Wes Off-Air Measured RSSI "Signal identified as measured reading at donor antenna "Signal source feeds in-bulding system * Specific information about transmitting Base Station is unknown ar is only measured on-site ‘Note: Antenna changes connector type when assigning to system. cee —a/7———— ——_- - —-) Fsee Eee ta cc seo CO se CO) es 5 ee a ae) ———— cat H o Version 8.0 25 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. Off-Air Theoretical Path "Signal source: donor antenna associated with donor base station "Typically used when Base Station information available "Source feeds Repeater connected to rest of in-building system coro ite elses —— | me [ sono a) kept Base Transceiver Station (BTS) * Models smal cells for indoor/outdoor installations = Access Point WiFi, includes similar parameters to srnall cell. " BIS BS with transceivers support different frequencies and sectors (two options to add Generic BTS- ‘ram this list or select Generic Signal Source from Parts Menu). * Baseband Unit Part of BTS. @ sserpae levee + Remote Radio ae a Head = a ‘Component for BTS. = = Small Cell aa Includes parameters for bands, output a 5 power and wireless A services that define o— small call signal ‘ee | = Other me at Other signal sources. 26 Level 1 Certification Adding a System 1. Adda system using one ‘of the following three methods: © From the Systems. panel, click on the ‘Add system icon to launch the System Wizard, OR © Access the System Wizard from Project > ‘Add Systom, OR © Use the shortcut key by pressing. Gils ShitsS 2. Select wireless service. ‘Change appearance of system (e.g, color, 1D). 4. Enter System info (eg. sector, site info), 5. Enter signal info (Operator, band, ‘technology and number of channels). 6. Select System sources 7. Click Next to enter system specific parameters, Note: Fields/screenss appearing next depend on the system selected Version 8.0 Project Menu Bawove Systems Panel Shortcut Key Ctrl + Shift + s g eee emt Cor) ow teow aa sexes sao. wo ( a7 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS: Adding a Radio Transceiver 1. From the Parts ere ome toolbox, select the jay Box Sow a roe f Signal Source futon button and wooo ooo appropriate radio =o ‘ee Passe Grasse snd transcei — rm 2. From Select part window, selectthe |. appropriate ‘Subcategory. 3. Select the Manufacturer and Model 4. Enter the Output power (Power/Channel) it using an existing 5. Select Sources tab. Click Source for uni-band system or ‘Source 1 for multiband system. 6. Formult:band systems, enter True to activate or False to de- activate source, Se 7. Use existing antenna or Connect to DAS. 8. Click Wireless Service button, 9. Enter system and technology-specitic parameters and click OK. Note: For step 6, if only one Source is available, it cannot be set Active to False. For step 8, the part has to support the frequency band specified in the service section. For example, a Cisco Access Point can only cover Wi-Fi Bands (2.4 GHz or 5 GH). 28 Level { Carification Multi-Source Systems In iBwave Design, itis possible to combine mare than one source in one system. Therefor possible to have more than one Base Station, Access Point or Pico Cell Base stations within the same system. All systems that share the same frequencies and channels will be grouped into one system and be ‘composed of more than one source. On the opposite if frequency information is changed on a source included in one system, a different system will then be wizard, lke the . operator name and or FE creno 50 ‘country is changed, systoms will be kept soparate or created if combined with another source, For example, multiple RRUs connected to ‘oNodeB of a sector to foxtend coverage area without adding extra capacity resource. Components & Connections To access a component, select the component from the Parts Window categories. Parts Categories and Sutencse = S| SS lex eerieeiel ea lige gen pened Teteeet eo - aa SS; learrs aoa ae i [eee a perce = Version 8.0 29 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. Customize Part Information Once a component is selected from the Parts tool box, the Selected Part window will appear to show all modifiable and non-modifiable fields of that component. Non-modifable fields are set by the manufacturers, so they remain under read-only status. Modifiable fields appear in bold characters and the values of that component can be edited. Here is an example of the fields for an antenna: = Cost Indicates the value and installation costs of a component. = ID Override Overurites a component's Part ID. = Inventory # The intemal inventory number. = Part Type Overri Ezits type of a component. This will be described in greater detail in the Reports sections. Please refer to the online DB Editor Help Guide for more details. = Show in Report Choose whether a component is displayed in the reports or not = True Component s captured in reports. * False =e 7 Componentdoesnt in appear in reports = ree (Ccoveredin dotailin a Reports chapter) ee ___ | (a sore =, || <== teconctcowit 00g Sg aero a oer RB: aA esarotontsces I ar (Ans non. 5 i ta | Bearer Tne 30 Level 1 Certication Making a Connection When connecting two components together youll need to remember the following: * A connection can ony be made between an output signal @ and an input signal @. The connecors onan inputs representod by a sol ted color, andthe connectors fo the output side is ropresonted by 2 dark cil inside a red ciclo when hovering the mouse over connector when connecting components, these ccs fash "= The correct cable type associated with the components (coaxial, optical, or twisted pait) will also ‘need ta be used. = Awaming error from the Debug message list will appear whenever the wrong connector type andior gender is used. Two connectors of the same gender cannot be connected and different types of connectors also cannot be connacted together. For example, when connecting to an NI {ype —connector using a cable which has a DIN type connector, a warning message will appear inthe Debug message list Connector Validations and Calculations By Default, iBwave Design will take ito account all the connector lasses in a design. In the Calculations settings of the Project Properties menu, there is a checkbox under Connectors. validations and calculations that allows the enabling or disabling of both the connectar loss calculation and connector validation functions in a design. ee —") aa ' Displays Waming in = me Be Debug Message List i 5 ee gender or connector Pe ee ee {ype mismatch rs ee eee How to Connect Components 11. Select cable. Place cursor over connector unti red dot flashes, then click. 2. Place cursor over other connecior until red dot flashes, then click 3. If necessary, click on the cable to reshape it Note: When placing the cursor over a connector, an information box will appear. The last vary as follows: may * Connection (green) Using right connector ype and gender. Version 8.0 a MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, * Gonnecting (orange) Connector mismatch gender andlor type andar fiber strands. The system wil allow you to connect to modify ater. Will generate a warring message in the Debug Message list. "Connecting: (red) Wrong cable type or trying to connect output to output, or input to input. Cannot connect and must modify immeciately. Cable Relocation Itis possible to move a cable from one component to another by dragging one cable end of a companent then placing it at a connector of the desired component MINI QUIZ 1 ® Creating systems 1. Inthe LIMa De complete the following exercises: iz folder, open the file L1M2 Design Plan M1 jbw to 2. From the Project Properties window, under the Calculations tab, ensure that the antenna, contours are set to PILOTICPICH for both CDMA and HSPA. 3, From the Project Properties window, create a new Wireless service for Operator 1 in USA, Band: 850 MHz-Cellular, Technology: GSM. 4, Create four systems on the design plan: ‘System 1: Off-Air Theoretical path a. Inthe System Wizard, select Operator 1 from the list of Wireless services. 1. Enter the following specifications: 1 channel, TX power of 20 dBm, BTS NF of 6 dB. Distance should be 0.6 miles (0.97 KM), feeder loss is -2.5 dB and the antenna gain is 16 dBd ©. Connect a donor antenna (SISO-Directional, Manufacturer: Generic, Model: Yagi) and a Generic repeater (located in Ampli ‘System 2: Off-Air Measured RSSI a. Inthe System Wizard, set the System color to green. b. Enter Operator 2 32 Level 1 Certification Boweve cc. Set the following specifications: Region is USA. System: CDMA 1800 MHz, block A, 1 channel, Measured RSSI-G5 dm d. Connect a donor antenna (SISO-Directional, Manufacturer: Generic, Mod Generic repeater. ©. Verity that Operator 2 is now on the Wireless Service list. ‘System 3: Generic Signal Source a. In System Wizard, set the System color to light blue. b. Select Operator 2 Enter the following: Region is USA. Systm: HSPA 50 MHz cellular, 1 channel, BTS NF of 6.5 dB, TX power of 43 dBm. ‘System 4: Wi-Fi Transceiver From the Parts Toolbox, open the Signal Source category. For the Subcategory, select Access P Select the Manufacturer-Generic and the Mode Wi-Fi For the Source configuration, choose Connect to DAS. Set the System color to Red Click Wireless Service. agi) and a se angee Select Operator 1. ‘Set the following specifications: Region is USA. Band is 2.4 GHz-Wi-Fi, Technology is 802.11big, List of channels: select 1. (Note: Service Set Identifier (SSID) name is not required) 5. Save this fle because you will use itin the next mini quiz, Information Display Structure ‘Systems are grouped by default; by operator, wireless service and then sector numbers, The new structure displays the systems that are available in a project, in a user-tiendly view, especially for mmutt-camiar projects with a large number of sectors. A Wireless Service is used to group all the sectors from a given Operator, Technology, and Band. This new grouping structure is applied to all iBwave Design: Calculation Panel, Prediction Panel, Reports, System Legends, etc. which simpifies navigation and maintains consistency. At any time, itis possible to get back to the Legacy mode by changing the configuration in the Project Properties > Preferences > General tab under System display mode. This wil, automatically rearrange the list of systems the way they were displayed in the previous versions. Version 8.0 3 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, = 5 s 5 5 a o s g a oi 5 o o eS Calculations Panel The Calculations Panel is location at the top of the Information Panels. The calculation fields are grouped by Wireless Servicas in a tree structure. The display of the power per channel for all sectors of a given wireless service can be enabled or disabled in one click instead of having to go through each system individually Check the box related to the desired calculations to see the information. = Cable loss (available only in Design Plan) "Downlink Parameters: ‘© Power/Channel ‘Output power per channel fora specific source at a specific node. © Composite power Total output power for a specific source at a specific node. ‘Sum of all channels ‘* Absolute gain‘loss Node gain or loss. ‘+ Reference signal power Transmit power per resource element for downlink reference signal (Tx_RE_dirs) defined for LTE systems. «Pilot power ral Salar CDMA pilot power based on user defined parameters under Project Properties. ‘© CDMA overhead CDMA Pilot, Paging, Sync power based on user-defined parameters under Proje Properties + MSRSSI Expected Mobile RSS! at each antenna. Retums an Expected ASS! for the specitiod distance in the Design Plan 4 Level 1 Certification Boowove * MS signal range Expected Mobile range at each antenna, Returns a distance in (feet or meter) for the ‘specified RSSI. This is also the Radius size of Antenna Contours on Layout Plans. "Uplink Parameters: ‘© Noise/Channel Uplink noise power. At the top of this panel, the following buttons are available: Refrash information ‘Auto-refresh i} Display calculations at the antenna only (available only Tene : indesign plan) a g Display mobile signal and Carrier-o-Noise ratio eed 1 {available only in design plan) Seen Expand or collapse ths list fil = See Display the cable length as the measured value (i this was manually entered), or the estimated value (which is estimated by the software based on the scale of the building) Note: When working on large projects, the application might become slow; it might be useful to disable Auto-refresh. Note that the Debug Message lst is not always up-to-date when Auto-refresh is disabled; the Refresh button needs to be clicked regularly ta update RF calculations as well as the Debug Message list. Layers Panel Layers can be af two types - single or mupl. Single Layers Single layers mean that each object, whether itis a label, an image, a component, can be brought ta the front or the back ‘of others. The following is example is of a single layer on the design plan. "Users can superpose the chosen objects using the: Bring to Front or Send to Back or Up One Level or Down One Level buttons regardless the type of objec. For example, a repeater can be placed on top of a text box (or an image) while an antenna is placed at the bottom of the same image. ‘Version 8.0 35 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Multiple Layers Multiple layers occur when types of objects are grouped together to form a layer. For example, all parts make up a layer called Parts. If this layer is locked, then the parts will stay fixed in their position fn the design plan. In this exarple, the parts layer is positioned on the top of the list, which means, they cannot be overlapped or super-imposed by other layers. Locking the layers prevents accidental changes in the location of these e layers. There are two types of layers by as default: Single Layer anel Multiple Layors. ee ge Objects can be superposed by type. For a oo ‘example, all components can be considered as |e sone og Parts. Therefore, the Parts layer should be | Schnee a8 place on top of the Text boxes layar if you want jie 8 fo display an antonna over atext box. Defaut = L_. | 22 ote layers are set differently among design plan, [Bicwcnnmnioe SOE Lock layout plan and picture plan. ip-tel oe tayout plan and picture pl Upon O &showitide The example on the right is of multiple layers on a design plan, eee Components Browser ‘Add Component to Design/Layout Plan Glick Component Browser tab. Define sort criteria (can use simple or advanced search) Enter keyword(s). Double-click the camponent to access the Parts selection window, or drag and drap it on design ‘or layout plan Note: Switch the search mode from simple to advanced by entering text. om 36 Level 1 Certification Bowove Antennas Allantennas modeled in iBwave Design include horizontal and vertical radiation pattems. Antenna pattems are especially important when running predictions with the Propagation module. To lear: more about how antenna pattems are loaded in the software, please refer to the online DB Editor Help. To view antenna pattems, click on the: View patterns button in the Select Part window. Certain antenna properties can be madified without launching the Components Database Editor: = Azimuth Offset For each band, an offset to the azimuth of directional antennas can be added. This represer ‘the azimuthal (horizontal) offset angle of an antenna with respect to the arrow of a directional antenna on the layout plan. Changing this could be considered as rotating the antenna an the vertical axis. "Mechanical Downtitt ‘Adjusting the mechanical downtit is particularly useful —for example, when designing stadium environments where the tt needs to be adjusted according to the stand slope. "Mount Orientation In some situations, installers prefer to change the orientation of directional antennas mounted on walls by 90 degrees in the vertical-plane, thus having the Horizontal and Vertical pattems swapped in order to provide better coverage. Typical examples would include stadium seating areas where wide coverage footprint with minimum signal spillage can be achieved using a rotated panel antenna, Noto: The Mount Orientation of an antenna can also be changed by right-clicking on it from the layout plan. For more information regarding antenna properties, please consult the online help. Version 8.0 37 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Cable Properties The following steps are typical in the selection of a cable ype. Itis possible to modify the cable appearance (cable style and color). A cable's style and color can be set directly from the Parts window or it can be modified from an existing cable by double-clicking that cable and change the Trace calor, the Trace styl the Trace width will be the thickness of the cable Ifthe cable appearance fields (Trace color, width, style) are grayed out, those fields, under Generic, need to be verified if they are set to Read/Write by using the DB Editor for this particular cable. We will cover the DB Editor in another module. A cable length can be addled if the measured length is known, Double-click on Measured length to ecit this field. In the Calculations Panel, click on the shortcut key for Measured Length to display this fied on the cable — the value will be displayed in [square brackets} Cable ID and Cable Length Cable ID and Cable Length can be repositioned. When entering the cable length, add the Measured Length value. IF this is not known, software will use the estimated length based on the scaling of the building. in Calculations Panel, select Measured length to see this value displayed on the cab, in [square brackets} Set Cable Properties 4. Select appropriate cable from toolbox (not shown). Select manufacturer and model ‘Select connector andior jumper. 2. 3. Adjust maximum length. oman as 4. Modity appearance (trace style and color) if required. 5. Enter cable length if known, Note: From Calculation panel, set calculation to Measured Length, pa ie | 38 Level 1 Certification Mobile and Source Side When connecting cables to components, its essential to identify both ends of the cable (mobile or source) and ensure that the right type of connector is associated to the right end. To determine the type of cable connection double-click on the desired cable to view the cable Source side Mobile side Reshape a Cable by Cable Style iBwave Design provides a faster method to reshape a oe cable without dragging from an intersection dot. This function is called Cable Styl. easier . Right-click on a cable to change the style. Version 8.0 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Splitters/Combiners In iBwave Design, splitters and combiners are bath grouped under the Spliter type. {A splitter can be turned into a combiner (and vice-versa) by right-clicking on it then selecting Inverse Direction. The ports of a coupleritapper can also be swapped to balance antennas by right licking on it and selecting Inverse Tap/Through = = se see faezene = a ae |i bore Cm —— =! eet en . Subparts Use sub parts to indicate parts that need to be ordered along with a main part. For example, for a certain remote, a power supply can be added as a sub part. Sub parts also appear in reports Note: Define default sub-parts in the Database Editor so that they are displayed autornaticlly in the list of sub parts. We will cover this in the Components. Database Editor module. ‘Add Subpart 1. From Parts Tool box, select Category and subcategory (not shown). From Select part window, click Add ‘Subpart. 2. Click Add. Select part madel : 3 nmr is 58 ‘te. (nat shown). Click | Remove to delete part. 3. Enter quantity and click OK. | rawr eres | 40 Level 1 Certication Fiber Components Fiber distibution equipment such as fiber BDAS, Fiber BDA hubs, splice traysicassettes and more can be selected from the parts list and added to the designayout plan. These can then be interconnected with fiber distribution cables ‘which can have a variety of connectors or split strands that are spliced {mae ‘ueesancaran | ssvtucoun i — ae owns ene HEL ee FE ome =e Wea a —_ Version 8.0 a MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, = sT 2 connector with a hal-twist bayonet type lock En and a 25 mm ferrule; comes in simplex and T SF... duplex ‘A snap-in connector with a 2.5 mm ferrule that ~~ uses a push-pull latching mechanism similar to : = Le A small connector witha flange on top, similar to connection, and a 1:25 mm ferule; comes simplex and duplex. A. serew-in connector with a 2.5 mm femule; comes in simplex and duple = rR = MTP ‘A connector that uses high-fber-count ribbon cable (commonly 12 or 24 fibers}; comes in ‘The main types of fiber connectors used are: 5 = sc a SF > common audio and video cable mes in simplex and duplex. < we an FU-48 connector, that helps secure the = Fe A small, duplex connector with both fibers in a single ferrule; used with multimode fiber only. simplex and duplex. ‘Typically fiber distribution is done through splice trays or splice cassettes: "Splice Trays are used to secure, organize, and protect spliced fibers and can mount horizontally in a rack-mountable shelf or vertically on a wall or inside a cabinet using a bracket. = Splice Cassettes are modular, prefabricated and equipped Sibi with front panel connectors for easy interconnection and can ‘mount in @ rack-mountable shelf and can have a mix of front panel connactor-type modules within the same shelf. SS ee Splice Caen Fiber cables include many strands which must be distributed to various pars of the network, a2 Level 1 Cortication iBwave Design allows strands to be split out of larger cables and distributed to splice trays or splice cassettes. It keeps. track of strands that are not connected, connected and. used or connected and not used within virtual connectors. a8 etrands Properties Panel ‘The Properties pane! sts system and component propertias. To display information onthe Properties panel, cick on a system or component on the design or layout plan Multiple properties of several components or systems can be changed at the sam Version 8.0 3 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Part Info Panel The Part Info Panel located an the bottam of the Information Panel displays information related to what the mouse is hovered aver. nia al Replacing Components Replace an identical, selected, or specific component. 11. Right-click component. Select Replace components and appropriate option. 2. Select suitable component and properties. Replacing with Equivalent (Components) a component on a plan cannot be used (e.g., out of stock), it can be replaced with an equi component having the same specifications as the original one without affecting performance. 1. Right-click component. Select Replace with equivalent and appropriate option. 2. Select suitable component and properties. Note: Equivalents must already be set up in the database. If nat, no equivalent components will be displayed in the Component Selection window. 44 Lovel 1 Certification Component Groups Specific components can be assigned to ‘groups that were defined in Project properties. Use graups to easily sort parts in Equipment List or Cost Details reports. 1. Define Component Groups under Project Properties. 2. From the design or layout plan, select ‘components to group. 3. Right-click components, click Assign ‘component group option and select group. Version 8.0 MODULE. ESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. Searching for Components The search feature provides the abily to search for specific components ina project according to specific criteria, The image below displays the search options and steps to perform a search, 1. Click the binocular icon eae ‘on the taoibar ar Press Cur, ‘Type keyword in soarch box. 8. Check field to which keyword should apply. 4, Select options (e.g., Set Layout Plan, No focus) Click Find. Double-click part to see it in plan I. a ee immita) eee Utilities Toolbox Tho Uliies toolbox consists of tools necessary for caleulations such Calculator BB) standarc or sciontic Calculator is made avalabio hore 80 that there is no need to leave © the iBwave Design workspace to access the calculator. y| Frequency Calculator a |r an >0|Pan an mC ™ ae it oa _— rier — = Net Scan (pees (as wi 6205 Nitands Tinaiamp + Prtsl Soe Ovation) Sew P face) Set) Mts Clone Stamp Tool The Clone Stamp Tools atime saver when designing in-bulding networks. I pravides the auicky clone a component from an existing part (including cable). Click on the clone stamp tool icon, then click on the component that needs to be cloned. The cursor «wil be in drop mode so that it an drop multiple times onto the plan. To exit drop mode, simply press the ESC button on the keyboard or click the right mouse button 8 Level 1 Certification 41. Select Too! 2, Select component to copy 3. Click inside window to paste. Clone Multiple Blocks The Multiple Blocks feature allows objects to be cloned quickly using rows and columns ta identify the number and placement of these objects. Objects include: systems, components, walls, horizontal and inclined surfaces. Each object is equal to one block. To create multiple blocks: 1. Select the abject to be cloned. ‘on the down arrow next to the Clone Stamp Tool, select Multiple Blocks. 3. Under Block size, enter the number of objects to clone by defining the number of rows and columns, 4. Under Spacing adjust the spacing between objecisiblocks. 5. Under Sector numbering, used only when cloning systems, define the frst number for Sector numbering and select Use next available number to continue in chronological order. 6. Tomanually order the sector numbers of the BTW, click on Manual Ordering, ‘The mouse will change to a cross hair. Glick on the BTS in the preview window and the sector numbers will be assigned with every mouse ‘on End manual ordering once the sector numbers are assigned, then click OK. Version 8.0 49 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS: ‘The Clone Stamp Tool enables the backend equipment for a sector to be copied. When base station equipment is part of the selection, the Sector Number will automaticaly be set in sequential order. ‘This feature allows users to properly madel the first “Basra = sector with the right configuration and backend equipment and then use the clone stamp tool to create with a few clicks all the other sectors. Since the sector number is automatically assigned, there is no need to go to each system individually to set the configuration. For projects with a large amount of sectors, this could represent hours of design time saved Design Automation The Design Automation tool offers the following options: = Parts Placement "Gable replacemer = Spiter balancing 50. Level { Corification Biovave Parts Placement ‘The Parts Placement feature helps organize convoluted parts and cables into a structured downlink {tree format with customized spacing. Cappasniegarens [pg mee —_ 2 ee 2. Click the Automation icon on the — & toolbar. Under the Placement tab, 1 — * st Uo i = 3. Select Apply to All (Re-arrange all ‘components on Design or Layout Plan) or Downlink from Selected (Re-arrange components for group attached to selected components ‘and downwards), 4. Click Apply. Parts are now ‘organized in downlink tree with customized spacing ‘Cable Replacement In the Automation feature, Cable Replacement can also be performed. The length ranges will need ‘to be defined and assigned a specific model for each range. All specified cables are replaced by the appropriate model according to the specified length. 1. Display design (project) or layout =) ee tas plan or selectthe desired cableson ++ 2g) | scene design or layout plan | | ——— asa 2 caktteAsmasmienontic Rat ea cae toolbar. Under the Gable 2 replacement tab, click the plus sign. From the Parts toolbox, select the part manufacturerimodel. Define the length range(s) for each added part Note: DMin for frst range is always 0. 3. Select Apply to All (Replace all cables on Design or Layout Plan) or —_ Downlink from Selacted (Replace T cables for group attached to uy selected component and r=) downwards) or Selected (Replace cables selected in design/layout plan). 4. Click Apply. ‘Version 8.0 51 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, Splitter Balancing ‘The Splitter Balancing function replaces existing spliters/couplers on the design plan by diferent ‘models, to automatically balance the output power of the antennas, 1. Display Design (project) or Layout plan or select the desired splitters on Design or Layout plan 2. Glick the Automation icon on the toolbar. Under the Spiiter balancing tab, click the plus sign. From the Parts toolbox, select the Manufacturer! model 3. Under Apply, select All (Replace all spliters on Design or current Layout plan) of Downlink from selected (coplace splters attached to selected components and downwards, then select the system to balance). Apply. Spitters are now balanced based on criteria. Note: For step 4, if balancing is not adequate, click Undo to revert to the original spltter/coupler models, and change the required settings. Debug Message List ‘When designing a projact and the Waming Status Bar color changes, check the Debug Message List to see the error message details by resting the mouse cursor on the Debug Message List ‘window on the bottom of the page. Double-click the warning message to go to the faulty component from the Debug message window. iBwave Design wil then locate the fauity component on the design plan, fon Sco wah bee Right-click dabug message list for advanced features Warming status bar Level 1 Certification Errors @ " Frequency-wise compatibility between part and system signal source = Cable does not support systom signal source frequency "A property used by iBwave Design is not defined for a part = A property used by iBwave Design has an invalid value for a part Fiber hub and! remote unit are not compatible nat from same family) * Invalid formula between two connectors of a part Warnings 4 = A maximum value is exceeded. For example, Optical budget, Input Power, Maximum Cable Length if specified in the cable (Fiber, Coax, Cat, otc.) "Some values different from 0 are showing 0 because of the limited amount of displayed decimal digits "Saturated output "Minimum cable length is not respected (at least 8.28 feet /1 meter long) ™ Component selected is not approved Information “? * AGC is active for the specified part = Some connector’ calculations may be hidden or disabled Resetting Labels Reset Label Location ‘While designing, some labels might not be properly positioned. You can reset labels, including ‘calculation labels and part IDs, to default location. 11. Select the components andlor labels to reset 2. Right-click on one of the selected items and select Reset labels location. ‘3. Glick appropriate option ‘© Allcomponents: All the labels on this plan are repositioned ‘© Alllitem] of that modet: All labels of ‘© Solection: All labels ofthe selected items are repositioned eel ‘model are repositioned ‘Version 8.0 53 MODULE 2: ESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Reposition Cable Labels Set the position of cable labels in the design plan andlor for the entire project to source side, jostination side or longest line Soloct the cables labels to reposition. Right-click on one of the selected items and select Position label. Select which side to reposition labels. Click appropriate option. ‘© Selection: All labols of the selected cables are repositioned All Cables in Design Plan: All the cable labels on the design plan are repositioned All Cables of this modo! in the Design Plan: All cable labels of this model in the design plan are repositioned Lal = ; oa — Ee = Apply Template to Label Location Instoad of resetting labels to the default location, the can be repositioned at a custorn positon by applying a tomplato. 1. Select a repositioned label to use as a template for this type of item and right-click, OR ‘To reposition al the labels af a spectic component type, select the component and right-click. 2, Seloct Apply tomplate to all [tem] of that mod sone 54 Level 1 Certification Arranging Objects Use the following tools to edit or enhance the orientation of images and icons: * Align text and images: lot justty, center or right justly text, top, middle or bottom * Send to Back, Bring to Front: place components in the desired order of placement * Rotate or Fi: rotate or flip images ‘Align Text and images Send to back/Front, Up/Down Levels RotatelFlip MINI QUIZ 2 ® From the previous mini quiz, use the file LiM2 Design Plan MQibw file which you saved, to do the following exercise: Create a Design Plan 1. Create a simple passive DAS. ‘a. Combine the Ott-air Measured RSSI and Base Station systems from the previous mini-quiz using a Commscope hybrid combiner (located in Passive DAS Category under Spliter > ‘Subcategory-All > Manufacturer- ‘Commscope-Model H-3-CPUS-N), b. Use four Generic antennas: 2 SISO directional antennas (Panel 90) and 2 SISO omni antennas, Use two 2-way Spitters from different manufacturers (located in the Passive DAS Category.Commscope S-2-CPUS-H-N and Generic) 4d. For each spiiter, connect one SISO directional antenna and one SISO omni antenna, 2. Connect the two splitters to the combiner. Version 8.0 55 MODULE. : DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, f. Use the Part Automation tool to organize the components. 2. Change the existing system. . Goto the Calculations Panel and enable Power/Channel at the antennas for both systems. b. Change the TX output power far system S (BTS) such that the power at the antennas for both systems is close in value. 3. Use the Properties Panel to set the Sector Number of all the systems (excluding the Wi-Fi signal generator) to 1 4. Create sector 2 by cloning the Oft-air Measured RSSI and Base Station systems using the Clone Multiple: Blocks feature (Clone Stamp Tool > Multiple Blocks). 5. Atthe end of this mini quiz, save the fle as L1M2 Design Plan You will need it for the next mini quiz. LAYOUT PLAN What is the Layout Plan? The layout plan is the floor plan representation of a project. It displays an imported scaled image of the floor plan. Systems and components, represented as pictograms, are placed on the floor plan as per design requirements. Calculations, Contaurs and Prediction (using the Propagation Madule) can be selectively displayed fon the layout plans. There can be multiple layout plans per project depending on the number of floors per building 56 Level 4 Ceritcation Creating a Layout Plan Lets go over how to create a layout plan and impor an image of the leorplan. 1. From main menu, click Plans > New Layout Plan. From Plan properties window, enter name and aa description. St 2. Import floorplan file (e.g., AutoCAD vector image including wall). om 8. Click Contig bution to set the scale ae 10 the image. = 4. Sot size of pictograms and : a Pushpins. eae 5. Define part variables. a ] 6. Define floor and component height taser ox from flor. 7. Glick OK. o comeiym) aa Note: Several image file formats are come = supported inciuding gif, tt, bmp, pat, dwg, etc. atin Beni = 9 E \|E AutoCAD Floor Plans When importing an AutoCAD file, an additional screen will be displayed where the layers to import can be selected. Different layers are displayed on the left panel af the screen, ‘Select AutoCAD layers to exclude from list or right-click layer and select Exclude layer. ‘Specify wall optimization type and numberof arc line segments. ‘Specify conversion quality for layers selected ‘Save converted fle as PNG image (optional). Click Convert Version 8.0 57 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS ne i fe Gc ao "= iBwave Design supports * dwg and “dxf AutoCAD formats Import floor image and walls all at once = AUIoCAD files imported as vactor images —maintains clarity whan zooming in ar out on image = Each layer typically represents specific information (e.g, text boxes, legends, particular wall material types) = One floor plan per file for imported AutoCAD files = For multiple floor plans in one fil, put each floor plan into separate file using AutoCAD = Possible to export multiple layers of dug file into single layer image fle such as “jpg, “gif, using AutoCAD viewer Hore's a tp that can speed up the import process for AutoCAD files. Pro-selecting the nacessary layers from an AutoCAD file considerably speeds up the impor process. AUIoCAD layers can be turned On/O# using a generic AutoCAD viewer, such as DWG TrueView which can be downloaded for fre. These control options are available under Layers Propertis. Pe fom om OR STUNT TNT TT NE] « Besggece5e: [er 58 Level 4 Ceritcation Layout Plan Image Adjustment iBwave Design provides a quick method to stretch a layout plan's image. "Proportional ft to page The image is proportionally stretched to fit the page's width. Image appears on top of the page. "Proportional ft to page and center The image is proportionally stretched fo fit the page's width. Image is placed in the middle of the page * Non proportional fit to page The image is stretched to fit the pay "Center in page This function will ring the image to the middle of the page. The size of image remains unchanged, 's width and height regardless the original dimensions. Crop and Resize Image TER VRS To a Oc ES 1. Click image. AeA woe S2SG ie BM OSERE I 2. Click Rectangle and select a = — t : roquied ares = 4. lick Gop Selection ool to Bere deal remove wha nol roqed . Feains = ee 4 Fight image, select B =e TigoutPlanimage andtype el fee or tt are = 5. ightcckimag, select lock “ ome " q hap sat: ; aoc = afm Reference Point The reference point is used to vertically align floors of a building. This point needs to be placed at the same coordinates on each layout plan of a building, The reference points also used to calculate VIA distances (covered later on in this module). Version 8.0 59 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, Set Reference Point el 1. Right-click reference point and select Lock postion to pas remove checkmark. Move point to required positon. se Bal Right-click point and select Lock position. 4 Note: By default, this point is lacated an the upper left 3 Pe ccorner ofthe plan. If the Lock position menu is disabled, Fone ncont {goto the Layers panel and unlock the Reference plan i layer. 2. If the Lock position menu is disabled, go to the Layers panel and unlock the Feeference plan layer. Repeat step for each Layout plan (nat shown) 4, To validate position of points, view building in 3D aaa | (propagation madule: net shown) Note: To show/hide the reference point, enable/disable the \— — Reference Plan layer. Scaling Scale the layout plan to ensure that the cable length is calculated automatically and the prediction is calculated and displayed properly. These are the following methods you can use to scale the layout plan’ "During or after the floor plan is imported in the Plan Properties window "Using iBwave Design Ruler "From Google Earth path Method 1: Plan Properties 11. Right-click the layout plan and select Plan Properties (not shown). Select the Config button. 2. From the Scale configuration window, position the scale ruler then enter the scale vector length. a sss I 60 Level 1 Ceriication Biwove Method 2: iBwave Design Ruler 1. Select ruler tool on toolbar. 2. Using the ruler, draw a path on the area to be defined (i.., doorway or width of corridor) 3. Double-click scale line and set distance. 4. Click ‘Set horizontal and vertical scale’ and click OK. Method 3: Google Earth Path ‘The advantage of using this method is that is can also set the latitude and longitude coordinates. Note: The direction of the path in iBwave Design must be the same as used in Google Earth (rom back to front, front to back, right to left o left to right). Itin Google Earth, the direction when creating the path taken, for example, was from back to front, whereas in iBwave Design, the direction was, from front to back, the angle of the reference point will be dephased by 180 degrees. 1. Launch Google Earth and locate building. 2. Click ‘Add Path icon to create path reference. Version 8.0 6 MODULE 2; DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS: 3. Draw path on one side of building using ONLY two points, Da not invert path. Use samo sido in iBwave Design floor plan 4. Name path in Google Earth Path window and cick OK. Note: Add name only ater creating path 5. Right-click new path located in Places panel. Click Save Place As nos x Pacer 8 Few Level 1 Cartication 6. Save path reference as kml filo, then click Save. 7. IniBwave Design, place ruler on same side of building that corresponds to Google Earth path Note: The path must be defined in the same direction in iBwave Design as used in Google Earth 8 Double-click line and select Set Geo location from KML. 9. Browse for Google Earth path. 10. Use Google Earth path to set scale and reference point coordinates and x-axis north offset angle on reference point. 11. From building properties window, view coordinates and angle of reference path from Google Earth. Direction of path in Design must be same used in Google Earth, Version 8.0 — SO oe a ‘Salone pitas sue a ON snm: 2/t= ts EEE = f= etna | Beene (58) tad 6 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, Compass ~ Set to True North {A True North compass can be sat an floor plans to provide an accurate reference to true north that emulates a compass. 1. Ina project, click to select a. layout plan tab. 2. Click the compass ican from the ‘ool bar. 3. Move the mouse to a location on ‘he layout plan, preferably on top ‘of plan and click to drop the ‘compass. 4. Hovering the cursor over the ‘compass will display the angle in a tootip Note: The tit angle displayed in ‘he tooltip is based on the top of ‘the page (Y-axis). 5. To change the tit of the compass, double-click the pictagram to open building properties. 6. Enter an offset value relative to the X-axis in X-axis north offset angle (clockwise). Note: The wording in the image should read counter-clackwise, not clackwise. 7. Click OK whan done. eer =] wt : B_[e ise fue Note: The compass may be resized, maved or copied by clicking on it. Level 1 Ceriication Bswove Duplicate Plan ‘Anather tip to save time while working with layout plans is using the Bs Hy tics ltt mo Duplicate Plan feature. Duplicating a floor plan, saves time and maintains consietency across all lovols. The Duplicate Plan feature provides the fastest way to clone a layout plan ora picture plan in a project. For example, lat's say you are working on a projact of a building which has several identical floors and components. Instead of creating new floor plans and loading all similar images for each flor, you can simply clone as many floor plans as you need by using Duplicate Plan. Ey Note: iBwave Design will copy all components (except VIA connectors) on the original layout plan and add them to the duplicated layout plan under different part IDs. Redundant DAS Redundant DAS can be used to pravide continuous service in the event of network failures because ‘emergency services must persist to ensure public safety. In order to be able to use a spitter in a redundlant DAS configuration, the spliter must be set to allow its outputs to be interconnected (or looped) 1. Select the Redundant DAS tool. 2. Right-click component and select Allow loop. Se) Se 2 | Soe |e ee 25 soo | ce en = oe A radiating cable is used to create the redundant loop between the splitters outputs. Ifthe splitter is ‘ot set to allow its outputs to be looped (Allow Loop set to False). the cable will not be allowed to connect to the second spitter output. Ifthe splitter is set to allow its output tobe looped, the connection to the second output will be accepted. Version 8.0 65 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS ‘A tooltip cable probe can be used to evaluate the weakest signal in the loop. The probe provides: information for each system that is selected in the Calculations panel 1. From Layers panel, set cable _[sjzsii TNE probe to visible. a@ 2. From Calculations panel, select @ Downlink PoweriChannel for % each system feeding loop. Be 3. Select toottip cable probe icon m aa = and hover over radi a lel 7 a © Co a ge =e ean nd } a csmecoueane a . 66 Level 1 Certification Tooltip Cable probe provides key data indicated below a at any point along radiating cable for each system Za selected in calculations panel: Pre eonn "Distance from Side 1 and Side 2 Pane "Output power from Side 1 and Side 2 z = Output Power at weakest point Sl ge ie i hi Note: Tooltip Cable prabe only works on scaled layout. | plans (not on design plan) with looped rac cables, To simulate a failure point, simply right-click on a label thatis already set for the cable and select Failure Point from the drop-down menu. Passing the probe along the cable on either side of the break (ar failure Point will show no power output from the opposite Side of the spiter. ‘Again, the information is provided for each system that is selected in the calculation panel Drawing Tools If the floor plan is not available and you want to get a quick start on the design, or to draw on an cxisting floor plan, the drawing tools available from the menu can be used to create lines and shapes. "Uso drawing tools for lines and shapes (mouse changes to a crosshair) " Left-cick object to create the inflection point Version 8.0 67 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS "= When drawing lines, use the shortcuts or right-click the plan and select the following: ‘* Snap to line corners (this will ensure that when you attach two lines that the corners will merge) © Snap to lines ‘* Snap to grid (Note: To enable the grid, go to Tools > Options) * Orthogonal extensions, Piast Hk Vor last oe Tou Mipats Prin “Aaonon ap Ones Corporate ra 9 20m Snr cone —_ Annotations Tho Annotation foature lets you add additional details, such as building material and RF characteristics, to a project in the form of: "Text notes ® Video tles "Other formats, such as Microsoft Excel and Word files, ‘notes can be associated to "Project "Layout plan = Building * Spaciic point on a design, layout or picture plan (by adding a push pin) Idoally, annotations should be created in our iBwave Mobile apps. 68 Level 1 Certification Aciding Annotations Display the plan to annotate, 2. Inthe Tools toolbar, click the Annotation pin and select the desired icon, 8. Place the push pin atthe desired location, and click to confirm the position. 4. In the Annotation window, add the desired notes or files. Note: Double-clcking an Annotation pin wll reopen the Annotation window. Default Page Size ‘To sot specitic page sizo as default, right-click plan (Design, Layout or Picture) and select Show Page Soup (not shown) From Page size tab, click Set current page size as default Plans created in future will have same page size Version 8.0 69 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Multiple Floors Building Configuration Jn a project, layout plans can be a sex grouped under buildings. This option can be used with any type of project but is moro useful with the Propagation module since the heights ofthe floors are important. The order of the buildings in the project and the order of the layout plans (Hors) can be configured using the up & down arrows. If there is basement floors in the building right-click on the layout plan ‘which corresponds to the street level of ‘the building, thon select Set ground love. In the example on the right, Floor 1 ‘would be selected as the ground level {or the frst building. This step is important if you are planning on ‘exporting a building to Google Earth. By selecting the ground level, oniy floors that are at ground level or higher are played in Google Earth Building Properties 1nd building's coordinates. Users can also see all layout plans belong to this building. Building Properties can be accessed from the Plan info panel or from each layout plan’s tab of that Modity Building Properties 1. Right« 2. Modify building name and coordinates. View layout plans. ick building to access properties foie tow (SE iad m coat 70 Level 1 Certification Boowove Design Plan Organizer The Design Plan Organizer enables the components to be organized on a per region or flor basis. Each layout plan corresponds toa floor. Each floor has speciic components. The Design Plan Organizer will associate all tho components visually ina building on a per floor basis without having ‘the user manually drag and drop the components on the proper area in the design plan From the Plans menu, click on Design Plan Organizer. Assign a name to this block/building and then specify the number of regions or floors that are inthis building. Then optionally, choose a color for each region and map it to a particular layout plan. After this is done, any future components dropped ‘onto a layout plan will appear in the proper region in the design plan automatically. For best results, apply Design Plan Organizer frst, then the Automation Placement tool per floor. nt Moe pede aN aot Pe PR pnp ~ | CHS) a rte Bt sae fra) ‘Americas ek tari Square |-B1- eee ‘Americas! Square |-B1- ‘Americas! Square |= B1- ‘Americas Square |- B1-, “Americas| Square |-81- ‘Americas! Square |-B1 Version 8.0 n MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS MINI QUIZ 3 ®& From the previous mini quiz, use the file L1M2: Design Plan MQ2 ibw file which you saved, to do the following exercise: 1. Delete sector 2 (cloned from the previous mini quiz). 2. Import and scale the following floor plan using the AutoCAD file AutoCAD file.dwg and name this Plan 1, Use any measurement for the scale, ‘Sot the reference point on Plan 1 near the staircase, as indicated in the image. 4. Import and scale the Layout image ofthe following floor plan using the pg fle FloorPlan jpg and. name this Plan 2. Use the same scale and reference point as Plan 1. Lock the imported floor plan 5. Go tothe Design Plan and use the Design Plan Organizer to set up the bul appropriate regions (tloors). 6. Save your file as L1M2 Design Plan MQ 19 with the You will need ths fle for the next mini quiz. rare aa | Reference 7 Point SL [eee Designing on Layout Plan itis possible to design a systern on layout plans instead of using the design plan made. A component added onta any layout plan wil bo automatically added onto the design plan If no madification is applied to the parts definition, all components on a layout plan are represented by the default pictagrams instead of on image as per the database of components. Pictograms can bbe changed using the Components Database Editor. For more detals.on how to madity pictogram image of a component, please refer to the a DB Editor Help. ae Position Components onto Layout Plan To position components on layout plan, select the component to be positioned, move the component to its location, anid | shape the cable to show where it runs. 2 Level 1 Certification The floor and component height can be: customized within the Plan Properties window. The estimated cable lengths are determined by the scale of the floor plan and these specified heights Cmmosce } | Note: tis possible to toggle between Measured Length and Estimated Length in the Calculations panel. To set the ‘measured length, double-click on a cable and then enter the measured length. Pictograms When adding components to the layout plan, these components are represented by pictograms. ‘These pictograms are customizable — the color and size can be changed. The pictogram for a VIA s illustrated with this shape to identify where a cable is running vertically — if right-clicking on a VIA, itis possible to select to show the other end of the VIA and the display will change to show the floor plan and location on the other end of this VIA. "To change the the Opacity level = To change the colar, double-click on the pictogram and specify the new replacement color of apictogram, go to Plan properties and select the Size in percentage and ca ‘antanna tor Oma system stteruator BDA Media Converter Generic Signal Source Miscationeous Base Transceiver Station ers Network Eauipment Pico Cel, Small Call Fibor BOA Power Supey WiFi Access Polnt Fiber BDA Hu Fiver Repeater Fiber Repeater Hub Repeater Spiter Va V@SeChCBO ® @ 3 ° @ ® S @ Version 8.0 Ey MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS Design to Layout Plan: Adding Components ‘There are two methods to insert components onto a layout pan from an existing design plan. In method 1, components are assigned tothe layout plan, whereas in method 2, the Pull Parts option is used. Method 4: Assign to Layout Plan 11, From the design plan, right-click selected components). 2. Assign the component(s) to the desired layout plan, Method 2: Pull Parts 1. Select the desired layout plan 2. Right-click the plan. Select Pull parts from design plan, 3. Select the components for the layout plan. Patestower elceconponens > Pach equal > 4 Urstecmponens + a Level 1 Certification Bovove Design and Layout Plan Sibling ‘A component added onto any layout plan will be automatically added onto the design plan. From the layout plan, right-click on any component and select Show design sibing to see this same component on the design plan. ‘The same is true on the design plan, right-click on a component can and select Show layout sibling land the same component will be represented by a pictogram on the layout plan. Design Plan LayoutPlan Shon pa pope Assign Component Group . | Shoo properties. ‘Srewlabels > Show layouts Hela : | ‘Show labels , ‘ilu eete source fom escltons Exclude ected syste from calculations Design for Multiple Floors ViAs AVIAis a cable break point going from one layout plan to another. VIAs are created automatically ‘when connecting components between different floors. Align VIAs in Same Location 1. Scale layout plans and ensure reference points are set in correct locations. Stating from lowest floor, right-click VIA and Select Align othor end vertically. a 2. ightcick VIA again and select Show other end. The VIA boro SS, location on higher floor should appear. Manually creating a VIA To manually insert a VIA on a layout plan, from the Parts toolbox, select the VIA component and place it on the layout plan. Yau will be prompted to enter the VIA properties: Version 8.0 75 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS, = Other end of VIA on layout plan Indicates the floor where the other = Distance between both VIA ends Indicates the distance between the two VIAs located on different floors. nd of the VIA is located. = Auto The valu i taken from the dataut Floor height ofthe Plan Properties. = Custom The cistance between the twa VIAs can be edited itis diferent from the default floor height. 1. Click VIA from Parts Panel. sao Place VIA on layout plan. in sos Sat up a proprio, Selact [T= x location and distance between sn two vias and click OK. cmc ~p 4. Connect the component tothe | “se —_—_ start VIA then tothe end VIA wo vom abserving port direction (IvOut) | sw canna ——————————— {not shown). vou tamtmomncs @he —_OGen me — a—e (eee) Legends Access legends directly from the layout plan or from the Tool tab. Several lagends are available for reference on the layout plan and can be resized. The fist five legends (shown below) are updated in real-time whenever new information is added to the plan. The last three legends (Survey Data, (Outdoor and Indoor Prediction) are available with the Propagation and Collection modules, SL etome 76 Level 1 Caortfication Bioware MINI QUIZ 4 *& From the previous mini quiz, use the file L1M2 Design Plan MQ3.ibw fle which you saved, to-do the following exercise: Changing the Existing System 1. Select a room to host the equipment and identi it using a pushin. 2. Place the base station, repeater and combiner in plan 1 in the defined equipment room (Hint: Inthe design plan, right-cick on a component and select Assign to Layout Plan), ‘Assign one splitter with connected antennas to each plan and position them appropriately. Place the system and pistogram legends in both layout plans. ‘Show PowerfChannel and MS RSSI in both floor layout plans. For Plan 1, change the floor height to 10 feet, and component height to 6 feet Atthe end of this mini quiz, save the file as L1M2 Design Plan MQ4 ibw. You will need it for the rrext mini quiz. Noose PICTURE PLANS The picture plan is used for additional content and pictorial representations of a project. Its function is similar to a simple tox editor where text and images can be ‘added to capture details of the project. It provides a plan to customize and add Supplemental details, such as, Cover Page, Project Description, Installation Locations, Photos of the venué There can be multiple Picture project depending on the project requirements. play Content Although new components cannot be added from the Parts tool box into the picture plan, existing parts can be pulled from other plans to be illustrated on the pictures. Using the drawing tools, itis also possible to draw images, add image files and add text to the picture plan. Version 8.0 7 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. Creating a Text Box Text Boxes are used to add notes and descriptions about the project and installation. There are two types available: Simple text box Accessed by clicking the text box drop-down menu in the drawing tools toalbar. This option allows for the entry of text ony. "Text box equipped with a rich text editor Accessed by clicking the text box icon in the drawing tools toolbar. This options provides a text editor toolbar which provides rich text features such as fonts, tables, colors, etc. Text Box Simple Text Box Advanced Editing Options No Editing Features To open an expanded view of the rch text box, click on the far-right icon on the text editor menu bar. This opens a separate window for editing text with the full set of eciting features similar to any advanced text editor application. Features include saving the file as a separate document, editing the font style and layout, inserting tables, pictures, shapes, hyperlinks and symbols as well as changing background colors and adding columns. G5 coe eB AD my Portertta . 78 Level 1 Cortfication Brovove ication 1age modification tools located at the bottom-left of the screen near the Debug Message List. The following tools are available (starting from left to right ie | Rectangle Selection Selects a rectangular part of an image for cropping Crop Selection Allows you to crop the selected part of an image. Invert Colors Inverts colors of an image. Adjusts brightness and contrast Adjusts transparency. Converts an image to black and white Converts an image to gray scale. MINI QUIZ 5 & From the previous mini quiz, use the file L1M2 Design Plan MGs bw file which you saved, to do the following exercise: Creating a Picture Plan 1 2. 3 oe Create a new picture plan and name it Lobby. Import an image of the lobby using Lobby. jpg by clicking on the image icon Place one antenna and draw the cable route on the picture plan (Hint: use the Pull Parts feature) Enter a text box and use the advanced editing features to define the insallaton. Save your fila as L1M2 Design Plan MOS ibw. You will need it for the next Version 8.0 79 MODULE 2: DESIGN, LAYOUT & PICTURE PLANS. DESIGN PLAN WORKSHOP *€ From the previous mini quiz, use the file L1M2 Design Plan MQS.ibw file which you saved, o do the following exercise: 11. Create plan 3 using FloorPlan jpg. Use the same scale and reference point as Plans 1 and 2. 2. Add Plan 8 to the Design Plan Organizer. 3. Move the existing system components added from the previous mini inthe Design Plan Organizer. iz to an appropriate floor 4. Copy one omni antenna, one directional antenna and one splitter fram floor 1 or 2; add the ‘components on floor 3. 5. Connect all the components to the systems. Make the changes as necessary to be able to connect all the floors. 6._Use the Part Automation Cable Replacement tool to replace cables, with the following rules: © Length <3 ft: Use Jumper © 8 70 ft: Use % cable 7. Clean up the project to suitably represent an actual solution 8. Export the project to a jpg file for a Customer Proposal (Hint: Go to Plans > Export > Export Project.) 9. Save your project under the name L1M2 Design Plan Workshop ibw. 80 Level 1 Certification MODULE 3 PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS In this module, we will earn how to create and save project settings, how to set page sizes and how {o display project information. We will also leam how to customize and save the workspace. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of this module you will be able to: = Setup: © Project properties © Preferences * Calculations © Propagation medals = Improve coverage = Setup print and general projact workspace options PROJECT PROPERTIES Overview When starting a new project, itis recommended to define specific project properties which can then be saved and shared with other iBwave users. The project properties contain 4 categories of settings: e "Project aed q Set name and date, system display mode and configure zones, oc set errors and warning messages in the debug massage ls. Honrennry "Preferences Save project properties into a template, set company information, fonts, units of measurement, security settings, etc. "Calculations Set parameters that affect calculations of link budget (technology, default component and floor height, composite output power, etc.) Version 8.0 at MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS, "Propagation Models Specify settings for the different propagation models: Variable Path Loss Exponent, Free Space Path Loss, Fast Ray Tracing and Empirical (COST 231). Fast Ray Tracing and Empirical (COST 231) are only available ifthe Propagation module is installed. Project ‘As we have covered the first two settings (General and Initial Requirements) in the previous module, we will bogin by reviewing the Errors Warnings settings. Error/Warnings The errors and wamings that appear in the Debug Message List are listed inthis tab. This is played in read-only format. They can be customized only in the Gomponents Database Editor. We will cover how to configure the severity and the display options for each message in the module on Components Database Editor. From this tab, you can click on Synchronize with database to synchronize with the settings configured in your organization. itis advised to synchronize with the database to ensure that all projects will display the same warnings and errors in the Debug Message List. Lists Debug Message List ferro, severity level andi they . ate to be displayed SS Synchronize with database to coe ensure that al projects display SS same messages, Customize messages ‘cgtemiana.. eaprtrearrone. or Same a in 0B Editor. En = The last settings in the Project group are covered in the other iCP Levels. Zones and Power Sharing will be covered in Level 2 whereas Capacity (including Requirements and Sector Limits), will be covered in Level 3. Preferences General The text appearance and calculations font as well as other properties can be modified after which time these settings can be saved in a template by clicking an Save as. The template will be saved under: (C:\DocumentsandSettings fusemame) Application Data iBwaveSolutionsincliBwaveDesign VTemplates\ProjectSettings. 82 Level 4 Ceritcation Bowove ‘The template can then be shared with other users. n addition, the system display mode can also be set. There are two options on how items are grouped in the project: = Legacy (by System Name) = Grouped by Wireless Itis recommended to keep the system display to the default Grouped by Wireless Service setting, for versions 6.3 and higher. in this case systems are grouped by operator, wireless service and then sector numbers. The new structure displays the systems that are availabe in a project, in a user- {riondly view, especially for mutti-carrier projects with a large: number of sectors. A Wireless Service is used to group all the sectors from a given Operator, Technology and Band ‘This new grouping structure is applied to all wave Design: Calculation Panel, Prediction Panel, Reports, System Legends, etc. which simplifies navigation and maintains consistency. Atany time, itis possible to revert back to the Legacy mode by changing the configuration in the Project Properties by selecting the Grouped by wireless service in System display mode. This automatically rearranges the list of systems as they were displayed in the previous versions. If one option is selected, itis possible to switch to the other one at any point in time. Set text appearance for Part 0, Part model ‘and Calculations, Select system display on mode, ‘As we have covered the Company Info and Units settings in the previous module, we will now review the Part ID settings. Part ID iBwave Design automatically assigns an ID to the components that are added in a default convention. However, users are free to modify this convention to customize the Part ID. Users have the option of specifying that Bwave Design regenerate ID numbers forall new parts or forall existing parts. The parts numbering scheme can also be modified to reset on each layout plan or to continue increasing throughout the project. The numbering start index indicates the intial number ofthe part IDs. Version 8.0 cy MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS, Ifthe Generate IDs for new parts only option is selected, two types of numbering systems are offered (we sometimes refer to this as “manual numbering’). Manual numbering offers two options for new parts numbers: A. Continue from the highest number ‘Autornatically generates the highest part ID # when adding a new component. For examplo, three existing components withthe labels: A1, A2, and A8 (at some point AS to A7 are deleted), the next component added willbe assigned AS. Use next available Finds the next available number when adding a new component. For example, three existing ‘components with the labels: A1, A2, and AB (at some point AS to A7 are deleted), the next component added wil 0 assigned AS. Generates all labels a vwthout boing able to Trea iy them and use sequential numbering ae «| | | Goneraas tbe for = —y row components, eee be Bred to tre project = ee Sand alows the manual =. te tmadicaon of a = 1 Label, a [ong a thoy =e Ee 8 are uriaue el a oe ‘The ID tab wil define es abel content by Oevew beomeet component type. gy Part type: fists he mt ae f types of components =: nga volab = a + late tho donor acemrneoe fat hae for each component = f2 eae ‘ype and ray be ee esas fee + Veil: whan checked, ———— tispay labels for the component type + Tomplate: displays the component type Level 4 Ceriieation ohm rte Used whan numbering labels, Bawove ‘The Numbering (#) tab defines the order Indicates the initial Te ni fr itrtitying anemeentnecnananstayears components, — ‘When checked, the i ‘numbering index on aoe ‘Tho Manual numbering option is ‘ach layout plan only available when Generate IDs ‘where the ID template for new parts ony (10 tab) is variables are defined selected. Property are reset = hee ede Part 10 templates can ‘bo added or deleted heaceeye bout cannot be lf ees rmodiiod Sarees Version 8.0 er MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS Categories Tab & aoe ao ‘The Categories tab = Soe provides abbreviations Sete | Sinn ‘which ean be modified Sow Felevant to an = established nomenclature Part Approval Under Project Preferences > Part Approval if Enable fitring of approved parts is selected and key customers are selected, the display of approved parts willbe limited to specific customers. The actual customer lists set up in the Components Database Editor. Ths topic will be covered in more detail in the Components Database Editor module. When a partis selected from ™== a the Parts toolbox and opened | Srenurn ome norrtromernen in the Part Property window, = omer | components can be fitered Peto = aot according to their approval = a c status. The approval fitering Cee 7 t options are as follows: cxpesionee | = all ~~ oe oan Displays all components, - approved or not oe ect + Approved eae Displays all approved components (default setting) orlimit = 08=== etme viewing of approved components by specified customers *** = * Not Approved ——)| Parts displayed are not approved a amsaao of sie | © ss0mme, ‘The Components Database Editor is also used to view and a ‘modify the lst of approved components (e.g, display components only from specific customers}. 86 Level 1 Certification Security Projects can be password protected to restrict permission: = Open = Modify (read-only access) "Restrictions to view cost information e a a —— ES os ia ee a ow io a 1 on | ease Pirmethesedervens | ween ‘Saiotfeceand co ence egg 7 So Creme Layers Layer be citrzd odepnanrackby dt nh as nator ice par Se oan Cee The balance of settings in the Preferences group are covered in other modules. Custom reports will be in the next module, whereas Component groups and Wireless services were covered in the previous module, Version 8.0 a7 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS, Calculations Ail settings that affect the calculation of link budgets can be madified in this category. Fram the settings offered in the Calculations category, WIMAX technology, Capacity definition, MIMO, PIM, Legends and Prediction will be covered in Levels 2 and 3. General In the Connectors section, if the Connectors validations and calculations box is checked, the: connector validation is enabled. Fiber cables that do not have matching parts are nat allowed! to connect and the warning message "Connector values hidden’ will be displayed in the debug message list Select the Redundant DAS tool option when you want to use a splitter in a redundant DAS Configuration and the splitter must be set to allow its outputs to be interconnected or looped. The Customs calculations option is for equipment which have builtin calculations which are not Visible to users. For example, when available, custom output power calculations are applied to fiber components. Covered in Level 2 _—_— - By default, all connector losses cman aa indesign are taken into —— er ew a) One account Fe box checked Bf keewaene Te redundant DAS too opton a" Rs she is used for be Seely ———_——- — systems, lowing outputs o be ——— oe leone i= Used for equipment which have ‘ee ainnsg—————— builtin calculations wnich are Emecamin=ssn=s not visible fo users, a ee [Adds the defined percentage as, buffer length to the cables in = the Equipment List and all relevant reports. CDMAWCDMA & HSPA Technologies The CDMA technology can be set independently for each CDMANCDMA system source. In the Default Walsh codes power section, the percentage of power allocated to Walsh Codes can be ‘ocified and will be taken into account in calculations. ‘Set the default HSPA downlink control channel transmit power. This is a percentage of the total downlink power: enter a value between 0% and 100%. This parameter is equivalent to CPICH percentage pawer used in WCDMA or pilot percentage power used in CDMA. Under Antenna cantours prediction based on, select the way propagation, Mobile Signal Range (including antenna contours) and Mobile Signal RSSI calculations are performed. Options are: = PoweriChannel Uses the power per channel 88 Level 1 Cartfication Baswove = PilovCPICH Uses the Common Pilot Channel (CPICH). "Overhead power Corresponds to the overhead power (CPICH + PICH + SCH). ma oo Cherie home Used to selec the way Mobile Signal ae Range (neluing antenna contours) Some] or tnd Mobile Signal RSS calelatone rool are performed = LTE Technology Several power downlink settings need to be defined for the corresponding LTE signals. When creating a system for LTE, the application includes a mode to automatically define the LTE ‘transmitter setings. Select Tic power settings configuration, two options: = Automatic calculations to set automatically the suggested reference signal for an LTE system with 0 0B offsets = Custom values to enter default values for LTE transmit power settings lf Custom values is selected, under LTE transmitter settings, enter: "Tx RE_dirs (Reference signal) ‘Transmit pawer per resaurce element for downlink reference signal (RS) given in dBm. = Tx RE_Offset_pbch (Physical broadcast channel) ‘Transmit pawer offset for physical broadcast channel (PBCH) relative to TX_RE_dirs given indB. = Tx RE_Offset_ss (Synchronization) ‘Transmit pawer offset for primary synchronization channel (P-SCH) and secondary synchronization channel (S-SCH) relative to Tx_RE_dlrs given in dB. = Tx RE_Offset_pdcch (Physical downlink control channel) Transmit pawer offset for Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDGCH) relative to Tx_RE_dis. Version 8.0 a9 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS " Tx_RE_Offset_pdsch (Physical downlink shared channel) ‘Transmit power offset for Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) relative to Tx_RE_dirs. When the Apply to all existing LTE systems box is.checked, power values in existing LTE systems, are replaced with these Project Properties values, and Project Properties values become default values for future systems. Since this update is applied immediately, the checkbox will be cleared the next time you access the Projact Properties. When this checkbox is cleared, the values apply to ‘existing systems are not modified. wo options: + Automatic calculations + Custom values Pawer settings are nat independent of [__eath other. The sats of per checks ‘must be satisfac otherwise 2 warning message wil be displayed and transmit ower loves will need to be re-entered These settings can be redefined when you add a system using LTE technclogy. "as \When checked, power values in existing LTE systems are replaced wih these values, | CoveradinLevel’ |“ J— wen uncheckes valves apply to tre systems ony; existing systems ace not I — = mole. ‘The next two settings in the Calculation group are covered in othor lovols. WiMAX technology, is covered in Level 2, whereas Capacity definition is covered in Level 3. Mobile Signal The options available in this section will differ depending on which Propagation Model is selected. = If Free Space Path Loss is selected, only RSS! willbe available in the Contour Target drop-down = If Variable Path Loss Exponent is selected, both the RSS! and Achievable Throughput options will be available 90 Lovol 1 Cortifcation ‘Specifies the distance from fan antenna for which MS SSIs calculated, when this option is solectod in ‘the Caleuiaions Panel. Determines the adlus of the antenna contours (dependent on the selected Propagation Model). Used to calouate the MS Signal Range in the Calculations Panel, MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS “The defaut values dlsplayed in each of ‘When the Variable Path ‘Loss Exponent & ‘Achievable Throughput ‘options are selected, ‘the Bottom section wil be split into two tables + Technology ~ aplaying Bitrate and Bndwicth settings + Band - aisplaying Expocted MS Range ‘and Expocted MS RSS! satings ‘The Brae: column — default values may be ‘madi par technology. 92 Level 1 Certification Biswove ing ‘The building setting is used to modify the default values for heights and areas, EMF Limits ‘This setting calculates the approximate satety distance from a transmitting antenna using the Version 8.0 93 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS Propagation Models The Propagation Models satings allows users to view and customize default values used in various propagation model equations We will eview the settings for Antenna Contours for both the Variable Path Loss Exponent and Free ‘Space Path Loss propagation models. Both the Fast Ray Tracing and Empirical (COST231) propagation models will be covered in Level 2. Calculations > Mobile Signal, itis observed that the coverage criteria is not being met on Floor 4 From the list below, what method would you use to increase the coverage? (Add more antennas (Replace the cables wit athinnor cable (Reposition the antennas (1 Allotthe above Answer: More antennas will need to be added. Replacing the cables with thicker cables helps increase coverage but with thinner cables the coverage becomes weaker. Re-positioning the antennas will nat be sufficient to provide coverage to the entire floor. Question 2 [2 What could be modified ta improve the coverage on the floor as displayed in the image? Relocate antenna 1 Change the cable between the splitter and antenna 1 Redirect antenna 2 Relocate antenna 2 Redirect antenna 3 ooaaa Relocate antenna 3 1 Replace the spiter Answer: The correct answers are "Relocate antenna 1", "Change the cable between the splitter and antenna 1" and "Replace the splitter’. Redirecting or relocating the four directional antennas would rot improve the floor coverage. Version 8.0 97 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS Question 3 Inthe image displayed, which component would work best to ensure that the Base Transceiver Station distributes power to all of the antennas on all the floors? C1 Directional coupler C1 spiiter O Filter O Alotthe above ‘Answer: The directional coupler is the answer. The use of spitters would create large inequality between the powers of antennas on Floor 1 and Floor 4 and 5. Using fers is not an option since the same band should be passed through all the antennas. Question 4 8 Which of the following component(s) should be used at the locations ‘marked with green boxes to provide balanced power at the antennas? C1 spiiter — 3 (Directional coupler eo 1 Tapper i aoa 2 1 Allofthe above 7 LT" ‘Answer: All ofthe above is the correct answer. Ifthe equipment (green box) is placed between two antennas, the splitter is a good choice. If the equipment and the antenna location is such that the equipment needs to be put closer to one antenna over another antenna, the directional coupler and the taper can be used, 98 Level 4 Ceriication PAGE SETUP The Page Setup option is used to define: "Print setings for an iBwave Design project, Display settings for the plans being worked on ‘The settings can be applied to: = Allpplans when creating a new project = Each plan individually, such as setting different page sizes There two methods to the Page Setup option: "= Right-cick on a plan (design, floor etc.) > Show page setup.... OR Glick Project > Page Setup Print Setup The Print Setup tab allows users to e define page size and orientation for tne a printing and zoom level. The printer me a dolimitations can also be displayed to aa = view the printing area. = : Note: These settings only affect the s output (print or POF), not the plans = cisplayed in iBwave Design oe =| Brean foe Carmenere Dieta Version 8.0 99 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS Page Size Allows users to define the page size 1 and orientation for drawing canvas displayed on the screen. = Applicable only for the design plan, the Multiple Pages option allows users to on ar define the number of pages needed to Somnath draw the design plan. cE Note: These settings only affect the en design, layout and picture plans = displayed in iBwave Design ome wae nen ndeemnanaon == = Title Border Allows users to select from a lst af items to display in the tile block and haw the title block should be displayed on each plan. Note: These settings can be applied to the current plan and all plans in an iBwave Design project as ‘well all identical ttle blocks. 100 Level 1 Certification Boowve TOOLS > OPTIONS Additional options that are helpful in designing a project in iBwave Design can be customized through the Tools > Options function. The settings in this menu are application-spesitic, thats, iBwave Design will keep these settings for future projects. Please refer to the online help for more information. General We will now see the various. sections for the General category. Settings & Connector Options e _- Different colors may be defined for each 7 type of connector media and UO. Allows users to spect he otal region and number of Gecimals for calculations as Saal — “Te Draw connector rection option wil sotings = L aiferentate the input (source sie) from = the output mobile side) of component. Settings "Default region ‘Select the region/country to use as a default when adding systems. = Number of decimals Select the number of digits after the decimal (0 to 6).This selection is used when entering ‘numbers and producing reports. = Show the Startup Page When selected, the Startup Page is displayed when launching iBwave Design. This change takes effect the next time you access iBwave Design. = Backup files on save When selacted, the design file (ibw) and, if enabled, the prediction data fle (predData) are saved and a backup fle (“bak) is created * Lock opened project When selected, the first user can open the design fil (bw) normally and edit this project. All other users attempting to open this design will be prompted to open it as read-only = Show the other end of via automatically When selacted, after connecting a component to a via, the other end of that. layed. Version 8.0 101 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS "Display help in a separate browser When selected, the i8wave Design Help is opened in a Web browser integrated to the application. Connector Options = Connector color Selects the desired color for each type of connector media and VO. = Draw connector direction: When selected, differentiates the input (source side) from the output (mobile side) of component. Design Plan Siblings & Layout Pictograms e Enable Switch to layout plan on assign Thee par to swith from the design plan tothe came a 2 Selected layaut plan winen assigning @ Sr Ss, component. Soren ‘The two adaltiona options allows users to define the type of cable style for both design and layout plans. ‘Allowing the user to hide pictograms, this fption wil display a circle on the layout plan in the color of their choice. a Design Plan Siblings * Switch to layout plan on assign part When enabled, switches from the design plan when assigning a component to a layout plan. * Design plan cable style Selects the default cable style on the Design plan. For example, the cable style HVH stands for orthogonal horizontal, vertical, and horizontal = Layout plan cable style Selects the default cable style on the Layout plan. For example, the cable style polyline means a line composed sf several line segments. Layout Pictograms = Display circle for hidden pictograms When enabled, displays a circle on the layout plan when a pictagram is hidden. 102 Level 4 Ceritcation le color Selects a colar for the circle representing hidden pictograms. Workspace iBwave Design comes with a default pre-configured workspace. Any changes you make on the workspace can be saved, but can also be reset to the default settings. “Tho workspace may be customized ————— \(oolbars, panels, lc.) and saved as the Seeman default workspace to be used foreach new project, ‘When the workspace has been ‘customized, users may always revert back to the orginal Bwave Design ‘workspace by clicking onthe Reset ‘workspace button ——_———_—_____ Customized Workspace Panels can be moved and pinned in eitferent parts of the soreen. (Open the iBwave Design toa! and try relocating the various panels — you will see arrows on the screen and when the cursor havers aver an arrow, it wil highlight a part of the screen in blue ~ this will indicate where the panel willbe located. Unclick the mouse key to lat go of the panel so that it lands in the shaded blue area. The first time iBwave Design is launched after installation, the workspace is configured with th default setings. However, users can customize their workspace and save these new settings into a ‘template for future use and for sharing with other iSwave Design users within the organization. The settings can be reset to revert back to the default settings. jecommend to display all the panels and toals in the workspace to maximize the convenience when looking for information. The information panels can be opened on the right of the workspace stacked horizontally and the tools (Pars and Utilities) on the left ofthe workspace. Use the smaller size title block whenever possible to maximize the space within the tabs. Version 8.0 103 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS et ok an noe te et sae ree Floating panel o toolbox * Click and hold mouse Docking # panel or button onthe tie bar teolbor + Move desired postion "Move to desired and release mouse bution postion += Holsing the Resizing a pana or oobox: mouse, hover over aes bee the location + Hover over the extremities (of panel or toolbox = 1 The cursor tums into 8 double aro, eek on it ‘and hold the mouse button Gs), _ mente cetat cos BS ..« Frlcmee roves bon indicators; a bive Zone will appear = Release mouse button to dock aes Advanced Editing The Advanced Editing category will display the component and layout plan settings. Under Layout Pian select the options when deleting a layout plan "Assign "None" Layout Plan to all components on the Design Plan Will keep all components on the design plan only and set layout plan assignment of these components to None when deleting a layout plan. "Delete all components on the Design Plan Also deletes all components from the design plan when deleting a layout plan. = Confirm to delete related components on the Design Plan Decides whether components should be kept on the design plan and set layout plan assignment to None or deleted from the design plan too when deleting a layout plan, eon When checked. a confirmation a message is aways displayed = wasp I tore selected toms are deleted = ‘ne etnes how a layout plan and its a | emeenremnereees See Lorna Used to dupiate the measured | lengths of cables when using nemo @ J copyPast | Eee ‘Select to automatically connect a se _________________Fiargpotin iar eabie | io connection Defines whether warnings should ‘— be cisplayed for text size and OPI settings. 104 Level 4 Certtication Biowave Database The shared database can alsa be relocated at any time without launching the Components Database Editor and can be synchronized evary time iBwave Design is opened. e ‘When a path is defined in either of Soe these options, it permits users to share = database, ar Users may also select the Hide option 7 ifthey ifort to alwaye use the same rome database, Ifleft unchecked, they wil be prompted to select adatabase leach time they access iBvvave Design ‘The database may bo synchronized either every time IBwave Design is launched or when prompted. Itis also possible to define an interval in minutes for which the auto- Ga = synchronization wil ake place Image Compression aad ——— — | — 1 — Depending on the color reduction 5 — option selected when loading: |Seee | Images, tha compression setting “ oa * se could considerably reduce the project size When saving the project, users may resize or set compression levels for Jpeg images within the project. Itis important to note that while this will reduce the project size, wil, ‘also reduce the Image size and resolution qualty Version 8.0 105 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS Performance 8 Allows users to set how cables are displayed, + Overlapping of cables can bo displayed, however, this option should be disabled io speed up drawing times on plans. * Live cable update wil allow ‘cables to stay attached to components being moved. When ‘disabled, cables wil stay at the ‘same place but wil be redrawn ‘when the mouse is released, Used mostly for 3D Viewer, will have ‘2 small impact on Fast Ray Tracing propagation, Enable the multiprocessor usage for various tasks to benefit from multi Lao = core capabilties and speed up = processing Proxy Proxy: The connection of your computer to the internet can be mediated by a proxy server. The proxy server settings are defined by your ISP or network administrator. If the system's Internet Explorer is set up property, the Proxy setting should be ignored. Default settings are suitable for most cases. a po a 106 Level 1 Certification Broveve Grid The Grid category will allow users to set and display grids including the display characteristics in regards to style, color and size. Users wil alsa be able to snap objects to the grid Server Configuration Users may add server information to enable lacal iBwave Design connection and sharing of files through the server or the Cloud, To access the iBwave Server, a valid server connection with valid credentials is required for every iBwave Design user. Note: The iBwave Server platform is used for file sharing and data exchange for deployments using Unity Server version older than 7.0. for version 7.0 and above, the iBwave Drive is used with the cloud server. e a ies Soda Md iy de pe oe al Semewom | ae Version 8.0 107 MODULE 3: PROJECT & APPLICATION SETTINGS Wi-Fi Survey Configuration The Wi-Fi survey configuration sets the Wi-Fi adaptor settings used by the Network scan tool for WHFi survey collection as well as the chatted survey route on floor pans. The configured settings are required only once and are applied to all projects created in iBwave Design. “The offset defined forthe Measured SSI Offset or both the 24 and ‘5 GHz will add them to tho colected RSS! valuos during the network ‘scan and survey collection for WF surveys. wh wil route on layout plans, ss oo PREFERRED PARTS Users may add a list of frequently used components in the Preferred Parts list as a shortcut to ‘access their components rather than searching through the entire database. The Proferred Parts tab accessible on the left of the screen. Cnce the tab is opened, right-click on ito add, rename or dolete a group of components, To add @ component to this preferred parts list, perform ene of the followin "Right-click on the tab and solect new part, then search for the component "Right-click on a component in your design and add ito the Proferred Parts list "Drag a component from the components browser and drop it into the Preferred Parts list In addition to adding items to the profarred parts 3, You may also try the following tasks: "Assign a shortcut key to a part by right-clicking on the part and selecting Assign shortcut ~ then choose Ctr to Ctr+9 for the shortcut koy "Change the order of parts by moving the part up or down in the list "Copy a part from a lst to anather by dragging the part to the desired group "Remove a shortcut key, and remove a part from the list by right-clicking and select the remove shortcut or remove part option Proferrod parts lists are saved as xm files and can be shared with other users. To share these lists, copy the files located under this folder C:\Documents and Settings\(user_name)\pplication Data\iBwave Solutions incVBwave Design\Templates\Proferred Parts, 108, Level 1 Ceritication Baowove ‘A component can also be added on the design plan or layout plan by clicking on the Component Browser tab, which is pinned to the left-hand side by defauit. The following can be performed = Define the sort criteria, = Enter a keyword into the Search field box. "Double-click on a component to bring out the Part Selection window, or drag and drop the component to the design plan or layout plan. Method 3 1. Right-click on @ component. 2. Select Add to preferred parts, soloct group, |} =o Method + 11. Right-cick on the Preferred Parts panel, select New part 2, Search ter the partusing the | == Part Selection window. Method 2 1. From te Component Browser, ‘rag a component onto the Preferred Parts panel. MINI QUIZ ® tion Settings Mini quiz folder, use the -ibw file From the L1MS Project and Applic 10 do the following exercise: 11. Open the .ibw file and do a print preview for Floor 1. Change the settings so that the print will ft ‘onto one page. 2. Add a company lago to the Title Block. Use company lago. png. ‘Add any spliter tothe default group in the Preferred Parts list. Assign the shortcut key CTRL+6 to this part. 4, Save your iow file. Version 8.0 109. MODULE 4 iBwave DESIGN REPORTS In this module, we will explore the various types of reports in iBwave Design, what their purpose is as well as how to customize them: LEARNING OBJECTIVES. "Create different reports "Identity advantages of reports "Customize reports REPORTS OVERVIEW A lot of information is contained within a project fle and iBwave Design offers an automated method to generate reports from this information. The main advantages of our Reports function are: = Automated method to generate critical project information tes manual tasks "Information updated in realtime Variety of reports ‘Equipment List Report Prec ame “Antennas Report reps searscnee corer cnt ceondate:_U/18 tee Version 8.0 m MODULE 4: iBwave DESIGN REPORTS CREATING REPORTS To start running reports, there are two methods (shown below). Upon launching a report, the rospective reports options window opens so that the details for the report can be specified propery. Method 1 Method 2 4. From the monu bar, cick Reports, 1. From the toolbar, click tho appropriate report a TYPES OF REPORTS ‘Tho difront typos of reports that can bo generated via iBwave © Equipment List Bill of matorial or bil of quantity, Each component in the design is shown (Type, Manufacturer, Model, Dascription, Inventory # and Quantity, "Cost Details Similar to tho equipment list, but also provides tho Unit Cost, Equipment Cost (Unit Gost ‘muttiplied by Qty,), and the Construction Cost (Installation cost forall components). Separate costs such as mark-up on equipment and construction cost, as well as free datinable cost can be ‘addod to pr ‘summary of the total cost * Cable Routing Lists tho 10 of each cable in the dosign, where It comes from, whore it goes to, cable proportion ‘and the fangth (moasuired and estimated). * Cross-Reference The reference for each companent is in this report as wel asthe layout plan location * Antonna For each antenna in the dosign, the Antenna ID, Source 1D, Antenna gain, Total loss/gain, Powor / channel, Composite powor and (i applicable) tho CPICH is given. The composite powor for ll systoms por antonna is spocifod. * Link Budget Lists tho link budget to oach antenna. For each cable or component, tho loss or gain is identtiod and the resulting signal level is given. * Horizontal Link Budget Lists tho link budget at various points ofthe signal cis an consist of tho folowing: 1d in a horizontal row format. Gain and 2 Level 4 Cortitcation Baswave loss are shown by chasen components. This report provides: the total gain/loss per type of ‘component; and the composite output power per antenna, broken down by operator. = Annotations Provides all pushpin annotations, "Prediction Versus Measured Data This report compares the measured data (derived from a walk test, for instance) with th predicied value. This gives a very good indication ifthe building is modeled property or if there might be a need for a calibration of the propagation model used. = Electromagnetic Field Foreach and every antenna and the different systems, the EIRP, Power density and Electric field ate given for a distance that can be defined by the user. Also, the user can specify limits for Electic field or power density either through fix values or formulas, and the report indicates the minimum distance that needs to be kept for these antennas, in order not to exceed the specified limit "Compliance ‘Shows the compliance results for each floor and all floors combined. = Survey Data Exports survey traces from layout plans, = Output Maps Consolidates generated output maps. 1nd small cells Access Points (AP) on each floor. ‘This report can become useful when commissioning the network plan. ‘The following table provides a list of reports that is covered in Level 1: [Equipment List Bill of Material, generates deta reports BD costDetais Unit, equipment, eonstructons costs and more G@ Cable Routing (Cable ID, location BB) cross-reference Component reference nd layout plan locaton |B) Annotations ‘All pushpin annotations (images, notes, txt and mare) [W) Antennas 1D, gain, lossigain, power/channel, composite power Ba. Link Budget Link bucige o antenna (loss/gain, signal level) \3a_ Horizontal Link Budget Shows link budget at various points of signal Ma Electromagnetic Field EIRP, power density and electric field ‘The reports described in this table will be covered in Levels 2 and 3, as they are specific to the Propagation, Collection and Optimization module: Version 8.0 113 MODULE 4: iBwave DESIGN REPORTS Report Type fe [BD Prediction Versus Compares measured data with predicted Propagation, Galecton Measured Data values IB compliance Generates 3 types of validations that outputs Propagation compliance results per set threshold limits Output Maps Consolidates al generated ourput maps Propagation, Optimzation ar a a ps pag pt BD suney data Reports survey traces fram layout pares Collection [B) Access Points Lists WF and small clls Access Points (AP) ‘on each Foor REPORT OPTIONS Report optians let you configure what you want to appear in reports. The report options available depend on the report type. Most report windows have three different tabs: General, Sorting/Filter and Advanced. We will review each tab below: a. a General ed oa "Select General options tobe Sem me 5 cluded in report. ea en "include Notes in the report and," 2 necessary, make visible in the = a footer section of the report. a ae "Other sections vary depending "7" ‘on report selected. roe owe [ o0}e|. J va cont: | oni Cae 1 peso - Ss omy 2 fore Sam foe | - eal fel Hila ——— 14 Level 1 Ceriication ceetast neat Onin a x Sorting/Filter es ner The Sorting tab could also be called —_sethactaia the Filler tab depending on the report selected. * Sections available vary depending on report selected, such as: a © Define criteria to customize toner Fenian © Group by floortbulding al © Group by component group a a a 4 4 a a a a a @ cette. Open a x Advanced aso "Sections available vary ae ee ‘ depending an report selected, such as: ate © Grouping options ae = © Report categories and ‘summary colurnns to be included/exctuded © Cable safety margins © Colors and size of fonts/photos © Ete Note: Although the Cable safety ‘margin is displayed on this tab, the actual value is set in Project Properties > Calculations, Version 8.0 18 MODULE 4: iBwave DESIGN REPORTS EXPORTING REPORTS The Export function in iBwave Design bears several advantages. There are a variety of report export formats which can be used to produce reports, such as: * Forinstance, the equipment list can be exported Equipment Lit Report and forwarded directly to purchase department. ‘Son DERE Gia co O} Depending on the best format for the purchase 7d Gara anv te a he tema can co Serr Separir S meroee hs Fe FRY Mosftpomerroct re = Also, there might be a need in quickly La ‘transferring data to ether parties. Maybe the ere Electramagnetic Field Report to a regulation FB) mono Exe! Fle, authority, or the Link budget report to the FS} onerooament cae ‘customer, so that he can quickly approve By tear * With the possibiity to expar into xisixml, a post FA rehrentrie processing of the oxisting data can take place by FS Mera er simply exporting to xml and further adding FS opetoament re Fe, calculations in Excel AR care Note: Inthe trial version of wave Design, the types Eber. of export formats are limited to PDF, XPS, data and © crm vave nom. image files. HIDING PARTS FROM REPORTS There might be a need to use components in the design plan or layout plan but not list these components in reports because they will not be ordered separately, or should not be highlighted in any way. In Bwave Design, the field Show in Report should be set to "False". The component in the design and layout plans will not show in the Reports. This feature might be useful for extra components in the design that help to understand the overall schematics or details of the design, but will nat be ordered for any reason, Itmight also represent an active component that needs to be used in the design, but is provided by the customer, thus again, does not nead to be ordered. You can also display a different type for this, part when printing reports by modifying the Part type override. "Parts may be hidden from reports by changing the parameter in the Select part > Properties > ‘Show in Report 16 Level 1 Certification sect put a x caer seven teeny: Tee te te: antares (omnete very © ron econ dom 8.0 pe Gronanatpeapin or CobrFA=295,R=0,6=0,0=0) a eee Descroton Heat 10.000 Cectrl stor rae ie 400 peer va be pais 5 - oe CUSTOMIZING REPORTS ‘To customize a report, display the Project Properties and click Preferences > Custom Reports. ‘All roport typos aro listod. Select a report name from the Resource Name column, and click Edit to launch the Designer tool. (Tho first time a report is edited, Default is indicatod next to the report type, simply click the Edit button). s 12 ove a tempat ick heading to sort alphabetical | = Chick to customize report In Roport Designer Version 8.0 17 MODULE iBwave DESIGN REPORTS Possible customizations include: = Renaming the report tile or a column he: edited 19: any, Le. any label starting by “loc_" can be "Inserting the company logo in the header with the Image button "Adding notes atthe end of a report with the Text button = Changing properties such as page size and text font with the Properties panel Proportios Change page sie, font and more | J (Change headings ‘Add customized text, labels and images: (e9., logo) — [| ‘Adationat Variables may bbe adie 19 the report ‘To obtain detailed information on the Designer tool, please rater to the iBwave online help (in the ‘Table of contents, click Reports > Customization). Customized reports are stored under the iBwave Report Template folder which is indicated on ‘Template path af the Custom Report Settings (Projact Properties) Note: Technical support is provided only for changes to the visual appearance of reports. As for functional changes, these are not included in the Annual Maintenance & Support fees and are available on an hourly rate basis. MINI QUIZ 1 ® From the L1M4 Design Reports Mini quiz folder, open L1M4 Design Reports MQ ibw ‘todo the following exercises: = Run the Equipment List report and make sure that the model ALR4600/001 does not appear. Greate a paf file called EquipmentListRaport pat. "Run the Link Budget report for System 1 and show link budget fram the system to the antenna. Sort the report so that ANT6-B1-F5 appears on the fist page. Note that Fis the highest floor and ANTS is the highest Antenna ID on this floor. Greate a pat fle called LinkBudgetRepor pa. 118 Level 1 Certification MINI QUIZ 2 ®& 1. Create a component group called Operatar 1 (hint: Project Prope ties). 2. Assign the Fiber BDASs from B2 (floors 1 and 3) to Operator 1 3. Create a Cost Details report, adding an equipment mark-up and construction mark-up at 10% ‘each, Make sure the mark-ups are visible in the report. 4, Show only components from Operator 1, and group by Floor. 5. Run the report and export it to a Word dacument called CosiDetailsReport docx. Version 8.0 19 MODULE 5 PROBLEM-BASED WORKSHOP In this module, we will learn about typical user mistakes when designing projects as well as how to prevent and troubleshoot the issues. LEARNING OBJECTIVES = Identify common mistakes and pitfalls = Troubleshoot project design COMMON MISTAKES Mistake 1: Layout Plan Floor Order Very often, the importance of arranging the layout plan order |! nex in Plans Info windaw is neglected. The proper arrangement | Fi gi AY. on the overhead tab does not indicate that the arrangement in the Plans Info window is correct. The arrangement on the | Sareaper oon sure cana Plans Info window must be correct. The reasons for this are: 2 omen Sa tartsime as Sse = The vertical cable length calculation is based on the arrangement in the Plans Info window "Building view in 8D viewer dependent on order of layout plans Location and export to Google Earth Map affected "Prediction for floors above and below (Level 2) To solve this problem, either manually drag and drop, or use the arrow keys, to move the layout plan to the correct position. Repeat untl all the plans are properly positioned, Version 8.0 421 MODULE 5: PROBLEM-BASED WORKSHOP Mistake 2: Position of Reference Point between Floors “The building reference point indicates the common location from one floar tothe others on each layout plan. By defauit, the referance point is lacked at the top-left corner of the layout plan tis: important that the reference point be placed in the sarne position on each floor layout plan (i.e., comer of the elevator shaft ‘As the reference point is also used to calculate the distances of the VIAs, itis very important to select a common point for each and every plan to ensure correct vertical cable calculation and. accuracy of the 8D layout plan Ground Floor Floor 1 Mistake 3: Checking the Debug Message List When we are rushing for deadlines, there are chances that we miss-out the debug messages. The indication can be seen at the bottom-right side ofthe screen Most Common Errors = Frequency-wise compatibilty between part and system signal source * A properties used by iBwave Design is not defined for a part, = Fiber hub and remote unit are not compatible (not from the same family) * Gain value was not specified comectly Most Common Warnings = Amaximum value was exceaded (0.9. Optical budget, Input Power...) * Saturated Output * Compliance area on certain layout plan below expected value 122 Level 4 Ceritcation Browove ‘You can check the errors and wamings description by clicking on the Debug Message List at the botiom-eft side of the screen. Doulble-ctick on the errorfwaming message to direct you to the faully component. iBwave Design will then locate the faulty component on the design plan. Mistake 4: Replacing Cables after Project Clean-Up Usualy aftr the design is done, the cosmetic look ofthe layout plan will be cleaned up. When two ‘or more components are put on top of each other, the cable length will change. Since the ‘components are on top of each other, the cable length will be marked! as 0 m. Therefore, the cables have to be replaced with jumpers or the cable length has to be changed manwally. This type of error will have an impact on the fal output power calculation as lasses are diferent. 926m 921m Mistake 5: Unbalanced Power Distribution ‘There are times when the cable is connected to the wrong port of the coupler as it will cause an Unbalanced power distribution Itis easy to detect iit is a small project, however, tit involves a lot of i itwill not be logged in the ‘The Antenna report can be run in order to double-check the output power of each arrienna. 208m 140m bur] Version 8.0 2a MODULE 5: PROBLEM-BASED WORKSHOP Mistake 6: Cable Connectors (Mobile and Source Side) ‘There are times when the cable connectors (source and motile side) may need adjustments. Source side Mobile side | 4 MINI QUIZ ®€ From the L1MS Problem Based Workshop folder, open the file L1M5 PB Workshop MQ.ibw. 1. Rename the designer's name. 2. Find as many mistakes as possible. 124 Lavel 1 Certification MODULE 6 COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR Tho aim of this topic is to provide information on how to manage the database af components, to explain the features available to create and customize appropriate components and to learn how to share components, We will also see a quick process on troubleshooting component errors. LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘Access the Components Database Editor * Share database components "Edit database components " Croate and customize components INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPONENTS DATABASE (DB) EDITOR "Complimentary application that manages a centralized database of components used by the IBwave Design application "Users may add, delete and modify components directly in the Components Database = Possibility to sot up equivalent parts, sub-components, approved parts and categorized parts "Easily export or import groups of components that may be exchanged amongst users, "Instantly update the Components Database with the changes made to the components, enabling thom in their designs Version 8.0 128 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR ACCESSING DB EDITOR 1. There are two methods to access the DB Editor application. * Glick Tools > Database Editor, OR L © Glick Windows Start > iBwave Solutions > DB Editor Pi eo Ee resin Al 2. Verity if the database path is correct. ° ‘© If not, cick the Browse button to select sausesonhonsnee yeti ante cr create a folder for the database 3. Click OK. Ce CTE 6 DB EDITOR WORKSPACE The database workspace lists components and allows users to create or duplicate a component, and modify or delete an existing component. The workspace includes: "Column Headers Parts list can be sorted by clic = Fitter Type a keyword to under a column to fitter the lst by that Keyword. For example, under the column header Type, enter the word “antenna'to see a list of antennas. Filter thelist to show ‘only approvedinon-approved parts, or parts with or without equivalents, "Buttons |Add, Modify, Duplicate, Delete, or Approve/Not approve components. "Status Bar Displays the database's directory, shared or local, whether this database can be modified or not and the last saving time. Note that a local database cannot be modified = File Menu ‘Access to export/import the companents *vex or “xm file as well as saving the database changes and preference settings (shared database path). dng on the header name, 126 Level 1 Cartication Bowove = Edit Menu Access to Assign Connectors for jumpers and cables, and to the database of Debug Messages for customization, = View Menu Choose to display or hide the Equivalent Components and 3D View panels on the right-hand side of the window. By defaut, these panels are on Auto-hide and only appear when you hover your cursor over them "Help Menu Accesses the DB Editor help, online Frequently Asked Questions and current DB Editor Version. "Creator Name To have read-write access to modify or edit a component, both the component and user's creator name must be identical. if not, the component is accessed in Read-Only mode. To modify a component that does not have the same creator name as yours, the component must be duplicated. This duplicated partis then added to the database with the user's creator name. The creator name consists of the company name under which the license has been registered to, You can find it rom the iBwave Design main menu Help > About * + Column Headers used to sort components TORS * Area'to search componenis by type, manufacturer, model, ec. TT F EaaEneS ae epsonaleustonzed panels + Sub-Components Status Bar sting + Equvalent oreo Btlons fr edting Components + Type ot Database 0 component definitions in Categorize Pars lena the database table Approve Parts ae | + 3D Viewer When selecting a customized view, itis preferable to dock it by prassing the pushpin at the top-right. If not, the view window will automatically hide. Version 8.0 127 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR F i i i Sub Components Equivalent Components Categorize Pars i en | | 2 =—omm| fl DB EDITOR HELP. ‘Two methods can be used to access the DB Editor Help from the Components Database Editor: © Click Help > DB Eaitor Help, OF © Press Ft SHARED DATABASES ‘There are two types of databases: * Local database (Read-only) When using the local database, components cannot be modified or deleted. iBwave Design uses local copy of the database when adding a component to a design and when properly configured, the local copy can be synchronized with a shared database. 128, Level 1 Certification Bawove "Shared database (Read-Write) Usoful when designers want to share the same parts among a group. Users can easily import, export, modify, add, or delete parts and by enabling the iBwave Design database synchronization feature, iBwave Design replaces its local copy by the shared one every set amount of time to reflect any changes in the shared database. Ifthe shared database path is not available (ex: working offine) iBwave Design will use the local database instead. Local vs Shared Database "Read-only mode: Cannot modify * Read-write mode: Shar iBwave andlor delete components Design pars by importing iawave use leat ony ot exporting, adding, medng and database when adting VS | ‘esting pars components to wave Design * iBwave Design replaces local copy with the shared one every set amount of time to reflect any changes in the shared database = Local copy can be synchronized with shared database Shared Database Settings When sharing databases with colleagues, i's ciical to provide the database location and set up the auto-synchronization timing 1. Select Tools > Options @ Benednio inion 2. Inthe Options window, select aia ests diene Database. —— 3. Ensure that the shared database
  • Save. Riderateintnerie j Choose the location to save file. 2. IniBwave Design, select Tools > Update Database. co at om Cm Open CaS Multiple Shared Databases ‘You can have more than one shared database. This is particularly useful when you want to keep. different pricing for the same components To create another shared database, copy the Components vb file from the Shared database folder to a different folder. If there is no vab file in the database path selected, a warring message will appear asking if you want to create an iBwave Design Database in the directory. If yes is clicked, i will automatically create a components.vdb file in the new location. 130 Level 1 Certification In DB Editor, click File > Preferences. 2. required, change the database location © If no vab file exists, a warning message indicates to create the database in a directory. Click Yes. ©The components.vdb fil automatically created in the new location. 3. Click OK. e Fi et vow Hee Orennnn began e Cite tencnoinet Ge cater ane oe = EXPORT COMPONENTS TO VEX/XML Use the export feature to share components with other users. You can only export components it ‘they have the same creator name as yours. f you wish to export a component that does not have the same creator name, you need to duplicate it frst. The types of formats to export are: = Vex File Contains all information about selected components, including physical images and pictograms, losses, gain, frequency ranges. Users do not need to have the existing parts in their database before importing a vex fie. = Xmi File Contains only imited information such as cost and inventory number. Users must have the same components in their database: before importing an xm! fie. Users can modify an xml file using a Text editor program or Microsoft Excel. Only the cost and inventory information should be modified. This method shauld only be used for batch modification (for example, cost updates). Version 8.0 131 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR Shares components with others. @ bone corvorne Donte Note: Must have same creator name Fl sit ow He a - 1. Select components (fiterit required). 2. Click Fila > Export > Export to vex or Export to xml 3, If required, select component(s). o--— o- 4. If required, check the Export 8 Debug Message List bax 4 Me deat» We vo so Click OK. Geis Hee From the Parts Export window, ire 7 Hime tenner the File name and click ep Oedeepem Save, a. IMPORT COMPONENTS (VEX, XML) Use the import feature to import components from other users. The same types of file formats which are used to export components, VEX and XML, are used to import. When importing a component, there is an Overurite protected fields Option: By default, when you import components from a vex fie, all component parameters in the database are automatically overwritten except Cost info and all ReadiWrite fields. You can overwrite some protected fields. When you click on ApprovediNot Approved to edt the approval status of components it reduces the time spent sitting through and editing components. You have the following import options: = Selection Only selected parts/debug messages willbe imported. = AllParts Al paris will be imported, regardless of what is selected. Debug messages will nt be imparted, 132 Level 1 Certification Browove = All debug messages All debug messages will be imported, regardless of what is selected. Parts will nat be imported. = Alldata All the parts and debug messages in the vex fle will be imported, regardless of what is selected. 1. Click Fite > Import Q toneconsene Dab tte: 2. Select the correct fle a 5 format (.vex or xml) Me Sane wee 0 [semen - from the drop-down menu. Mette - 3. Locate and select the foto ipon aick Oven 0 atempeoot SeaeseR Bi rr Honest Bae 4. Click Yes to confirm, 5. Select the components ta be imported. 6. Click Overwrite Protected Fialds. Of... O Version 8.0 133 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR 7. Select the fields to overwrite (excludes cost and “ readiwrt feds). Peele ba Note: f none are selected, the information will nt be updated for the parts. Oss - & Click OK. i Ha Click he dropdown menu for npot tom selected Hex © files, select the appropriate option nceeene appropriate opt Hone 10. For vex files ony, check tho Overwite Approval status. sm box to update the database 1 oFekox eo EDIT OPTIONS Three options are available to be edited: * Connectors of jumpers or cables can be edited by clicking on “Assign Connectors". = Debug Messages can also be edited as well as customize the severity of each message. Messages can be hidden from the Debug Message List if they are considered “accepted” or rrormal for an organization and the severity of certain messages can be raised if they are considered mare important. This provides flexibility and control for an orgarization with strict quality requirements and compliancy of system designs. "The customer list of approved parts can also be edited, we will earn more about this in the Approve Parts section. Edit > Assign Connector The Assign Connectors table shows all cables with and without connectors inthe current database. {An exclamation point icon appears inthe frst column of a cable with missing connectors. You can assign connectors to any selected cable on the list. 134 Level 1 Certiication Bisvove Glick Edit > Assign Connectors. cone Conve bits 2. From the Connector Assignment window, chack for . ee missing cable connectors in frst column, |e 3. Glick a column header or use search boxes below it to conor sortby type, category and more Sel Select a Connector Source Side and Connector Mobile Side for the cable. Click OK. Save changes in DB Editor and share with users if required. e: = =¢ Edit > Debug Message List “The ist of errors and warnings that appears in the iBwave Design Debug Message Lists stored in the DB Editor. You can customize the lst to meet specific requirements for your organization. 1. Glick Edit > Debug Messages. cone eneena bit 2. From the Severity column, select new severity level from the drop-down menu. 3. Click the Enabled box to enable/disable the message. 4. Click OK. Save Brenan changes in DB Editar and share with users if needed. Motehemegesiorteag. Aiwreh pact 3 = Version 8.0 135 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR DEBUG MESSAGE LIST Synchronize Debug Message In order to have the same messages in iSwave Design as the Debug Message Listin DB Editor, the Debug Message list will need to be synchronized in iBwave Design with the database. There are two methods todo 30: Method 1 Senctonpion 1. Expand the Debug Message List Cr cae | Sento 2. Right-click on the table, select Synchronize with latabase from the menu. Method 2 1. Click Project > Properties > Project > Errors/Warnings. 2. Click the Synchronize with database button. 8. Click OK. oe mest oe re torent aeataepets be bo Sec Saoemronien me Importing/Exporting Debug Messages ‘The stops for importing and exporting debug messages are the same as importing and exporting components, with some differences: Exports debug messages to share with others = Follow same steps as Export Components to VEX/XML * Chock the Export Debug Messages box 136 Level 4 Ceritcation Browove Import debug messages "Follow same stops as Import Components * Glick the Import from selected files crop-dowin menu and select Matching Debug Messages (Corece amenities Nore VIEW OPTIONS You can enable or disable the following: * Equivalent Components Select a component on the list to display its equivalent component(s) in the panel. * Sub Components Select a component on the list to display its sub component(s) in the panel * 8D Viewer Select a material in thelist, to display its texture in 3D. The Propagation module needs tobe installed to view material in 3D. This is discussed in Level 2. * Categorize Parts Customize how parts ae categorized. S{O)< Remember that when selecting a customized view, itis preferable to dock it by pressing “A/= the pushpin atthe top-ight not, the view window will automatically hide. Defining Equivalent Components A\list of "equivalent parts” can be defined for each component in the databaso. Ths list features components that have equivalent specifications to the selected component. 11. Select the component in the table for which to define equivalent(s). 2. Click the Equivalent Components tab and dock it by clicking the pushpin. 3. Click the Edit list button to access Edit made (button converts to Done) 4 Drag the equivalent component(s) from the table to the Equivalent Components panel. Version 8.0 137 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR 8, Click Done, You are back in Read-Only mode with the equivalent components listed in the table. 6. Save the file in the DE Editor and then update the shared database in iBwave Design as usual wm eo fas Defining Sub Components In iBwave Design, sub components aro components that need to be ordered along with a main component. For example, fora certain remote, you can add a power supply as a sub component. These sub components will nt be displayed on the design plan but are required so that the main component willbe functional You can define default sub-components in the Database Editor so that you do not have to add them manually in iBwave Design. 11. Select the component in the table for which to define sub components lick the Sub Components tab and dock it by clicking the pushpin. the Edit list button to access Edit mode (bution converts to Done}. 4. Drag the component(s) from the table to the Sub Components panel and set the default quantity 5. Click Done. You are back in Read-Only mode with the sub components listed in the table. 6. Save the file in the DB Editor and then update the shared database in iBwave Design as usual 138 Level 4 Ceriieation © s i o: = year eoweseinminaes ne Categorizing Parts arts are grouped and assigned to categories and sub-categories to simplify the part search and selection Customize the default assignment of components to specific categories and subcategories. 1. Glick the Categorize Parts tabs and dock it by clicking the pushpin. 2. In the Categorize Parts panel, select the appropriate category and subcategory from the drop- down menus. 3. Drag the appropriate part(s) from the table to the Categorize Parts panel lick the Apply Categorization button 5. Save the file in the DB Editor and then update the shared database in iBwave Design as usual o ooo a Version 8.0 139 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR Approve Parts When a component is selected and opened in the Part Property windaw, companents can be fitered according o thei approval status. The approval fitering options are as follows: = al sensor Displays all components, approved or not a 4 = Approved i { Displays all approved components (detauit setting) or limit — ; viewing of approved components by specified customers. or = Not Approved es Parts displayed are not approved. i Use the Components Database Editor to view and modify the list of approved components (¢¢9., display components only from specific customers) © eae Compara Pastore a x = “Ii sect gaportactan FE See Sma 7 eater ee leeds 2 fae ena owe asa ee Seo | Gears Goneseu. mes ose. Sea. art mae. of iy] (aes | (aA) [ewer] [raieenaniasea | Cred eitngtSnClin\domocoerthawdD8 Shad Sermadoterede Lanai: HSI2 IBIS By Customer All components can be assigned with the approval status and can be associated to approving customers. ‘Some parts may be approved by one customer but nat necessarily by others. The approval method allows iBwave Design to filter parts by the associated customer name which was defined in the Components DB Editor. There are three main tasks in the Approve Parts process by customer: Greate customer list in Components DB Editor Assign components to customers "Enable fitering of Parts in iBwave Design 140 Level 1 Cerification Create Customer List in Components Database 1 se view a j Glick Edit > Customer List. 5 Son ergot Ft | aa Glick Add to enter a customer name. B contin o x Note: If required, an existing customer name can oy sinn always be edited later on by Conon double-clicking on the name. Click OK. Assign Components to Customers 1 From the Customer drop-down menu, select the appropriate customer. Note: Ifthe Customer drop-down menu is not displayed, it represents that there are no customers set up. Select the component(s) you wish to assign to the customer from the database table. 2 [ie Ore te =) ee) [ome | praia] [rien Click the ApprovediNot Approved button. These parts will now display a check mark in the Approval column: ‘Save the file in the DB Editor and then update the shared database in iBwave Design as usual Version 8.0 ut MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR Enable Filtering of Parts in IBwave Design 1. From iBwave Design, click Project > e Properties. [ames a ar 2. From the Preferences section, click Part | "Sica ara “Approval. carve e: bk tengo eve as 3. Select Enable fitering of approved parts. = i 4, Select the appropriate custamer(s) whose pee o ‘approved parts you wish to view. Note: When selecting multiple customer the iter wil only "see" parts which are ‘common to ALL selected customers, =o 5. Click Ox. 6. To display the approved parts: e © From the Parts toolbox, select the co appropriate component. For Filter, re censure Approved is selected. Only saves: approved parts for the selected ema customer(s) willbe displayed. ia CREATING COMPONENTS. Add/Modify/Duplicate 1. Identity the component to create. Read the vendor specifications sheet. 2. Click on one af the fllowing buttons: ‘© Add: create new component from scratch ‘© Modify: alter existing component properties (must be created by user's organization) © Duplicate: make a copy of an existing component and its properties, In order to avoid mistakes, itis preferable to duplicate an existing component and modify its properties. 142 Level 1 Ceriication 8 z ino of BOO me Cer se teat etn rt tet ie Soo [eee aac] owes F ae nS momr a masa /P ree anne tmera poor [see DO Wa suum. of SSS = es Soe neeyearg Oni Geereeired00 Sed 0Dnmeioe ey Ln 265011210070 Physical Properties Inthe Components DB Editor workspace where the components ae listed, click on the component to launch a separate window to edit the component properties. On the left side, you will see a panel with cffront properties starting with Physical. For the Physical properties the type, manufacturer, model and description can be selected. Images can also be added under the Design and Layout image tabs. Connector rows can be added and connectors can be generated and assigned under the Connector Formulae ta. Using the drop-down menus, select Type, Catogory and Subcatogory. Define Manufacturer, Model and Descrition. Ck the Design and Layout Image tabs to add an To add a connector row, click Add. Provide the name and other deta. Click the Connector Formulae Generator tab to generate and assign connectors on UL and DL ‘bands for fiber equipment (not shown). 6. Click OK. 1age (library or specific location). op ers Version 8.0 143 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR B Pecan inten Gerace Tuner ane |Conecarsce ce Te [cee |x coms ere seem General Properties Further down the list are options to edit Generic, Electrical, and Mechanical properties. From the Generic settings, the following key parameters can be edited: "The Show in Reports: Set to "True" by default, to display a companent in the reports, ar “False” to from the reports. = 1D Override Modify this field to overwrite a component's ID. In iBwave Design, this ID appears below the component when the Part ID option from the Data View Fitter is enabled, = Part Type Override Used to edit Type of a component; everwritien name appears only in reports. component 144 Level 4 Ceritcation Basvove Co et Bex! 3 | cenere SS = (oOo, ove, Pat = ose tae Elactical an an, wah All-Link Properties ‘The last item on: ist is All-Link. It must be selected first, then right-click on it to add a band and its properties. This is where the antenna pattern file can be loaded, and more. 1. Click on the All-Link folder to select it. Drectaion 2. Right-click Al-Link and select Add Band. 8. Define the Frequency Range. 4. Enter/select Band Dependent Properties such as: © Gain, Load from pattern file, permission mode, etc 5. Add Connectors Formulae to generate and assign connectors on UL and DL bands for fiber ‘equipment. 6. Click OK. Band-2 Properties Version 8.0 145 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR Example: Coupler General Properties 1. Create a new components, select the type as Splitter (continue to fil out as per create components) 2. Under Connectors tab, 3. For directional coupler, add 1 input, 1 through port and 1 tap port. 4, Provide the details for each to define the coupler (connector side, cable type, etc) 5. Ifa design image is provided, define the position of each connector by selecting the connector ‘and clicking on the image. Add, a ‘Adding Band of Frequencies There is no limitation on the number of frequency bands in a component. tis important that no band overlaps with another. "Enter a formula using variables Type in the string of characters containing variable names using the exact same syntax (case- sensitive) as in the Band Dependent Properties section. = Enter a formula using a constant Type in the constant value you wish to be applied between the Source and Destination connectors. "Uso + and—symbols to add and subtract variables together. = Select a unit representative of the formula’s resutt. = When modeling components supporting MIMO, the 2 paths that represent Feed 1 & Feed 2 of the MIMO station need to be defined in the components: 146 Level 4 Ceritcation Bowave © Allpaths Al signal calculations (Feed 1 & Feed 2 of the MIMO BTS signals) pass from the Source to the Destination connectors defined. This is the case in normal SISO component definition. © MIMO path 1 Only path 1 (Feed 1 of the MIMO BTS signal) passes from the Source to the Destination connectors defined. ‘© MIMO path 2 ‘Only path 2 (Feed 2 of the MIMO BTS signal) passes from the Source to the Destination connectors defined. lick on the All-Link folder to select it, then right-click on it and select Add Band. Define the Frequency Range. Enter Band Dependent Propertios Under Connectors Formula, click Add to add line, then enter appropriate information Click OK. Bee, cscs Pe onl ana Cues tenon it o~« [Dato oa Example: Antenna Pattern In order to run prediction on the Propagatian module, antenna radiation pattem noeds to be specified for each antenna, The antenna radiation pattern file should be an MSI Planet antenna filo format. The antenna pattern file is an ASCII Text fle and the general information, horizontal data, points and vertical data points are stored in one file. The left columa label and the data are separated by at least one space. Normally, the antenna radiation pattom file in MSI Planet format is provided by each manufacturer. If users do not have the original antenna radiation pattern file of an antenna, iBwave Generic antenna pattems" can be used instead. Generic antenna pattem files are stored in the iBwave Design's installation folder. Note: Generic patter files cannot provide the accurate prediction resutts. Version 8.0 147 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR Example: Small Cell Physical Properties 1. Under Wireless Services, click Add to add a wireless sonvice. 2. Choose region, band, and technology and enter the maximum frequency. 8. Under connectors, click Add to add required connectors with corresponding characteristics and indicate position. 148 Level 1 Certification Bisvave General Properties 1. Under General, set generic, mechanical and electrical properties. In Generic properties, set sublype as small cel. Set clustered small cel to True if required. Example: Fiber Optic Cable 1. Under General, set width, color and style of trace for Design and Layout Plans. Set Type of Media to Optical Under Mechanical, set type of connector for source and mobile side. Under Optical, set number of cable strands. Specify fiber mode, type and reflectance value. Example: Fiber BDA Physical Properties "From the connectors tab, cick Add to add required connectors and set properties. "Indicate the position on the image or in the Position fel. Version 8.0 149 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR General Properties ** Under General, set the electrical, generic and mechanical properties. Under Generic, set“Is remove Unit’ to true, if required. Band properties and connectors formulae approach same as coupler, however consider both Uplink ‘and Downlink Down-Link: Band 4 Level 1 Cortiication TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHART heckand ent Version 8.0 151 MODULE 6: COMPONENTS DATABASE EDITOR COMPONENT DATASHEET oo SSE [2 way Power Divider 800-2600 MHz NE Por Tis pier sees is eed ide an or, leavers £00220 Ke hoor and cursor ‘estos are avatable [Eee Low Profile + Flat Response, Ls Product Tipe ay Power Decer pen cr Nbr of np Poi 1 Name of put Pos z [pat connector Typ tere | [impede chee “YSWR OFA) | Toten >a inp Par ET OBE) VE <0 ters, ning Corners mT 3g inn, THOSE an GOON AE 1) 208 ast, [ena Lass Comecios ren Gay rae | [ounisin Tor (aBOMEMEWRAGK NO Weare. 1g 0) ost 152 Level 1 Certification Bisvove ACCESSING THE ONLINE IN-BUILDING NETWORK COMPONENTS DATABASE "= iBwave Design menu bar: click Online Components, = iBwave web site: www "Private components: contact ee a SL - [Pee | Bir exec © i ferennonenconscmmns com 8 iBwave COMPONENTS DATABASE ee a th our ya {Sooty de need authantnt MINI QUIZ ®& From the L1M6 DB Editor Miniquiz folder, open the data sheet ( pdf) to complete the following 1. Open the Components DB Editor and create the component according to specifications in the data sheet, Set the following properties: ‘Change the Show in Reports status to False Specity Divider as the ID Override Expor this new component to a vex fie called L1C6.vex. ‘Save the database, From iBwave Design, select the Tools menu, then Update Database, Test the divider by adding it toa design, then connecting a system and two antennas to it. Check the uplink and downlink calculations. Version 8.0 153 MODULE 7 DESIGNING FROM SCRATCH WORKSHOP NORTH AMERICA The objective of this workshop is to create a new project to provide ubiquitous wireless coverage within the entre building. The building is composed of 2floars of open space offices, executive offices, etc. You will also need to plan for network expansion The project should include: = DAS design Using any components available in your components database. Floor Layouts The two floors ofthe attice building (Floor 1 and Floor 2) have exactly the same layout The floor plan drawing (OWG fil) is provided in the folder named L1M7 Designing from Scratch. Installation Constraints ‘A. Equipment cannot be installed inside the elevator shafts. BB. Installing hardware inside the rooms indicated in the image below is prohibited. ©. Hardware (antennas and accessories) can only be installed within the corridors, walkways and ‘open areas. D. The riser (telecom closet) is located against the wall Front-end equipment (base stations) should be located on the first floor as shown. Version 8.0 155 MODULE 7: DESIGNING FROM SCRATCH Part 1: New Project Steps 1. Create a new project. Create a new layout plan (Floor 1) and browse for the DWG file provided. Select all layers except for $-GRID-INTR, then import the image file for Floor 1 ‘Set Page Setup to landscape and crop image to fit page. Lock the image. 4. Make sure the reference point is positioned suitably. 8 5. Scale the image as shown in the image above. Part 2: Network Design Network Design Criteria A. Wireless Service and Technology © Wireless Service is an 850 MHz Cellular using CDMA technology © CDMA antenna contours prediction calculations are based on Pilo/PICH with pilot set at 10% of full power ‘© Mobile signal uses the Variable Path Loss Exponent propagation model and has an ‘expected downlink level (MS RSSI) of 2-75 dBim for the pilot B. Propagation Model Considerations © Select a Dense RF Enviranment far the Variable Path Loss Exponent propagation model 156 Level 1 Certification Bioware ©. Antenna Output Pawer Considerations © For 850 MHz Cellular, we need: 0 dBm pilot, 10 dEm output power per channel D. BTS Considerations © Uses 850 MHz Cellular (CDMA), 1 channel © Generic Signal Source © Output powerichannel is 33 dBm Steps 1 ‘Taking points A and B of the Network Design Criteria above into account, set the Project Properties appropriately for: ‘a. Proferences > Wireless services b. Calculations > CDMAWCDMA technology . Calculations > Mobile Signal d._ Propagation models > Variable Path Loss Exponent To get an idea of where to place the antennas, use radio transceivers: ‘a. From the Parts Toolbox, under the Signal Source category, select the Base Transceiver Station. b. Select the Sublype: Other Choose the manufacturer: Generic Signal Generator, and Model: Generic RF Source. Inthe Properties panel, specify the output power as per the antenna considerations (Network Design Criteria, point C) above. Note that for Radio Transceivers, the output power is always. set to Power/channel 2. Inthe Sources panel, make sure that the Source configuration is set to Use existing antenna and select the appropriate Wireless Service as per point A of the Network Design Criteria, considerations above. 1. Place the radio transceiver on the layout plan and activate the Antenna Contours to see its coverage. 9. Add radio transceivers by copying and pasting the one created in the previous step in the layout plan to cover the entire floor. Select SISO-Omni Generic antennas and place them onto the floorplan, directly on top of the Radio Transceivers. Delete the Radio Transceivers (Hint: on the design plan, select one transceiver, right-click and ‘choose Select all components like this one) On the layout plan, feed all antennas using generic two-way splitters located in the Passive DAS category. Connect the components together using a Yeinch generic coaxial cable. ‘Align the components and position the cables neatly. Go to the design plan and improve the display by modifying the page setup and using the AutomationPlacement too Create Floor 2 (use Duplicate Plan to save time) Version 8.0 187
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