T B Banerjee Presentation On Scours Depth 16.02.2016

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• Design Discharge and Depth of Scour for design of foundation.

• The value of the design discharge will be increased by what is indicated

in the table below.
Catchment area in km2 Increase over design Discharge in
0-3000 30
3000-4000 30-20
10,000- 40,000 20-10
Above 40,000 10

• Depth of Scour – The mean scour depth below Highest flood level
(HFL) for Natural channel flowing our securable bed can be calculated
theoretically from the equation
𝐷𝑏2 1/3
𝑑𝑚 = 1.34

where Db = The Design discharge foundation per meter width of effective

Ksf = Silt factor of the bed material obtained upto the level of anticipated deepest scour.
• The values of Ksf for various types of bed material are given in IRC 78-2014.

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