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Student Learning Motivation in the middle of the co-19 pandemic

Riri Novrianti

Padang State University

Article Info   ABSTRACT


Received Jun  
02th, 2020
Learning will be optimal if someone has the will and drive from themselves or from
the environment. Motivation serves to encourage students to act, determine the
direction of the action and select their actions, and will encourage them to achieve
achievement. Therefore motivation is very necessary and very important for anyone
to achieve their goals, and the teacher is a person who is very important in
increasing student motivation, because the teacher is the closest person and
understands the condition of his students, and the teacher is expected to provide
motivation to students. In the midst of this co-19 pandemic student motivation to
learn decreases due to unusual teaching and learning processes, and it is expected
that student motivation can increase again with the guidance and direction to
Keywords: stimulate student activity in learning in the midst of the co-19 pandemic.




Riri Novrianti

Padang State University



Learning is a change in behavior where the change can lead to better behavior (Ngalim Purwanto, 2007).
To be in accordance with what is expected in learning by a student, there are several factors that influence it, one of
which is motivation.

Motivation to learn is an impetus that arises because of internal and external stimuli so that someone wishes
to make changes in behavior or certain activities that are better than the previous situation (Hamzah B. Uno, 2008).

According to Mc. Donald, motivation is a change in strength in a person characterized by the

emergence of "feelings" and preceded by a response to the goals to be achieved by someone later.

In the process of teaching and learning activities, motivation is very necessary and very important
for students, because without the motivation of teaching and learning activities will not be conducive and
students do not have enthusiasm and goals for learning, therefore, motivation is very important in
teaching and learning activities. Teaching and learning process is a process that is deliberately held for the
benefit of students and students, so that students are happy and passionate about learning, educators try to
provide and use all the potential and efforts to provide learning motivation and a conducive atmosphere
so that students can learn with their will and enjoy learning with happy heart.

Motivation is one of the most important factors for students. What does it mean students -
students go to school / college without any motivation to learn, but motivation, indeed varies greatly in
terms of high and low and kind, kinds, then the task of educators is to condition the potential motivation
to concentrate on learning

In the midst of the co-19 pandemic that is sweeping across the world, we are confronted with a
variety of problems starting from its impact on a country's economy, social life and education.

The impact on education is the implementation of learning from home, and we can see how
students deal with learning like this, and the impact of decreasing student motivation in learning, due to
the many shortcomings and differences when they learn from home.

Therefore we examine how the development of student motivation in the midst of the co-19
pandemic and how the steps and strategies of the teacher to re-increase student motivation, but we hope
that this pandemic quickly passes and students can learn as before


This article uses the literature study method, which will provide sources related to student motivation in
the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Literary studies summarize the various arguments related to student
learning motivation in and views on student learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic from
scientific sources such as research publications, government sites, books, trusted mass media, and other
sources. Namely by identifying student motivation in the middle of a pandemic, the application of online
learning and its impact on student motivation in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Results and Discussion

Motivation to learn

             The relationship between teacher closeness and student motivation and the combined impact of
these factors on learning. Motivation has been widely accepted by educators and researchers as one of the
key factors that influence the level and success of student learning. Motivation provides the main impetus

for starting learning and then directing the strength to maintain long learning. On the other hand, high
motivation can make up for the shortcomings that are sufficient in one's abilities and learning conditions.
Gardner and Lambert (1972) found that, despite the ability to a sizeable proportion of individual
variability in learning achievement, motivational factors can override the effects of one's talents.

Learning motivation needs to be improved, as time and technology continues, there are many
students who are unaware of the technology, they prefer to play with children the same age and play
games of course this greatly makes the motivation for learning decline in students. Motivation needs to be
improved, students need to be fostered and given learning the importance of learning motivation.


Motivation is no longer seen as a reflection of certain inner forces such as instincts, volition,
volition, and psychic energy; nor is behavior strictly seen as a function of stimulation and reinforcement.
Conversely, current cognitive approaches place a focus on individual thoughts and beliefs (and more
recently emotions) that are transformed into action. So, in Pintrich and Schunk's View, motivation
involves various mental processes that lead to the initiation and maintenance of actions; as they define it,
'Motivation is the process by which activities are directed towards the desired and sustained goals (1996:

The nature of motivation is divided into two, namely extrinsic motivation and intrinsic
motivation. Extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from outside the self. Suppose students study
with enthusiasm because they want to get good grades, someone is exercising because they want to be
champions in a tournament. Thus in extrinsic motivation the goals to be achieved are outside those

Learning Motivation in the middle of Covid-19 Pandemic

The covid-19 outbreak has caused a variety of panic, including higher education. Especially after
the central government has reacted successively with various actions such as establishing alert status,
disaster emergencies, non-natural disasters, extension of disaster emergency status to large-scale social
restrictions (PSBB). Since then COVID-19 prevention efforts have taken the form of setting social and
physical distance (social & physical distancing) in various spheres of life. This policy is based on the
number of victims who continue to grow and the distribution of the virus is increasingly difficult to
control throughout Indonesia.

             Through the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture Circular Letter No 3 of 2020
concerning Prevention of COVID-19 in the Education unit, all education in Indonesia is no exception
taking strict steps on the government's call to conduct learning activities from home. The provisions are
also based on the Minister of Education and Culture Circular Letter Number 4 Year 2020 concerning the
implementation of education policy in the emergency period to prevent the spread of Corona Virus
Disease (Covid-19).

The government conducts policy in the field of education to learn from home by utilizing
technology, this has many pros and cons, for areas that have a good internet network will easily access
online learning, but for students who live in environments where internet access is inadequate will feel
difficulties in this online learning.

With the learning from this house, it will be seen how many students who have motivation to
learn in the midst of this co-19 pandemic, for students who can easily access the internet will be easy and
have high motivation in learning distance learning, many students who take advantage of this situation to
really studying or just following the requirements for school, it was found that some of the students
claimed to have decreased their motivation to learn during a pandemic and were unfortunate because the
facilities they received were not very good, such as the difficulty of the internet network, so they no
longer had the motivation to learn, and could said to be very declining, menut the observation of students
who have decreased learning motivation tends to be experienced by students who are far from internet
facilities, but it does not rule out for children who already get good facilities also have low learning

Many facilities are provided by educators to students to keep learning at home, some have very
high motivation from themselves and encouragement from the environment so that there are also students
who really enjoy learning from home, and not a few students who use the time at home to play, but the
willingness to learn a little, it is clear students need friends to encourage or stimulus to have the will to

To increase the motivation to learn students need to do several steps that can make students have high
motivation to learn even in pandemic conditions. Many things can be done by educators and parents if
they are able to work together to be able to provide motivation to students and their children. Some things
that can increase student motivation are:

a. Clarify the objectives to be achieved. Clear goals can foster student interest in learning. The clearer the
objectives to be achieved, the higher the motivation possessed by students

b. Generating student interest. Students will be encouraged to learn, which they will have an interest in
learning. Some ways that can be done to foster student interest include:

1) Connect the subject matter to be taught with the needs of students with an attractive power point media

 2) Adjust the subject matter to the level of experience and ability of students.

3) Use a variety of models and learning strategies vary, such as in carrying out online learning, educators
can provide podcast services for students. So students can listen and learn at home

 c. Creating a pleasant atmosphere for learning

 d. Give reasonable praise for each student's success.

It is hoped that educators are able to provide motivation to students in the event that this pandemic can
revive student motivation even though conditions are in the midst of the 19th pandemic. Through this
distance learning, educators are expected to be able to create innovation and motivational encouragement
to further increase student motivation even with different conditions.

Educators must master technology at a time like this, because learning from home requires technology to
keep learning at home.


Motivation has a very important position for students, without the motivation of students will not be able
to undergo learning activities, and hopefully the educators are able to provide motivation to students
when this pandemic struck can revive student motivation to learn even though the conditions in the
middle of the co-19 pandemic. this distance learning, educators are expected to be able to create
innovation and motivation to increase student motivation even though with different conditions


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