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Othman, Aisha, Pislaru, Crinela, Kenan, Thuraya and Impes, Ahmed

Attitudes of Libyan students towards ICT's applications and E­learning in the UK

Original Citation

Othman, Aisha, Pislaru, Crinela, Kenan, Thuraya and Impes, Ahmed (2013) Attitudes of Libyan 
students towards ICT's applications and E­learning in the UK. In: Proceedings of The Fourth 
International Conference on e­Learning (ICEL2013). The Society of Digital Information and 
Wireless Communications (SDIWC), pp. 123­129. ISBN 9780985348397 

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Aisha Othman, Crinela Pislaru, Thuraya Kenan ,Ahmed Impes

University of Huddersfield, School of Computing & Engineering, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, UK

ABSTRACT learning is a method that comes from

technology, which is sometimes, called distance
The use of virtual learning technology has increased learning, which takes place virtually instead of in
rapidly in university teaching. The introduction of e- a traditional classroom [1]. On-line learning
learning has led to rapid change which has impacted began when a computer was developed and was
both the learners and the educators. The increasing used at the same time for personal use
use of technology in all aspects of life, as well as in [2].Distance learning was developed by using
the education sector, motivated Libyan universities to computer as a tool to deliver courses which
update their processes and make the technology the made distance learning easier than before, as the
main factor in their education systems. This paper use of the computer has increased due to the
will analyse students‟ feedback for some Libyan availability of such technology [2].Using on-line
students who studied abroad, thereby evaluating the learning as a tool provides students with the
e-learning environment as an effective support to opportunity to use all applications and
face-to-face learning. The actual research was communicate through the available forms of
conducted with 30 Libyan students; the findings technology; this truly indicates that on-line
reflect the fifteen percent who responded to the learning plays an important role in supporting
questionnaire. The questionnaire comments and students from different classes with different
suggestions reported by students on e-learning are abilities. the value of on-line learning for
also reflected in the results. The reported findings academic communities offers: access to digital
focus on participants‟ attitudes towards and their sources and references which are not available
satisfaction with technology. The article concludes locally or in hard copy; the ability to
by commenting on the prospects of e-leaning in the communicate with learners and tutors remotely
UK. without needing to be present in the classroom;
access to interactive tutorials; and it is also easier
to obtain educational games and some equipment
KEYWORDS for creation and designs [3]. However, the
biggest benefits of e-learning were that the
E-learning; Libya; Information and communication students had access to the material at any time
technology (ICT); student attitudes; student and did not have an excuse for missing courses,
satisfaction. unless they did not have an Internet connection
[4].On-line courses give students the opportunity
when they cannot attend the class to follow the
1. INTRODUCTION lesson regardless of their location or time.
Students can obtain announcements, access
Many authors have discussed the method in assignments, take notes, contribute to discussion
which on-line learning can be used to deliver boards, chat and study with other students, and
assessment, training and support. E-learning create their own schedules.
offers the flexibility to deliver courses without E-learning has had a significant impact on the
the need to attend classes or follow the lesson in development of education, as it can be used
the lab, as well as saving the institutions‟ money.
This problem is very important for learners who anytime, as well as anywhere, and can be
usually have limited money and also for tutors to practiced in almost any discipline, in various
reduce their expenses of different resources, for sectors, whether public or private, and in
instance books, journals and other sources. E- education or business. Higher educational

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institutions, such as universities, experience e- variety of sources in a short period of time .
learning in everyday teaching and studying Instructors: In a virtual environment, as in a
activities. Students are using a „blackboard‟ face-to-face situation in a classroom, instructors
system for information relating to their studies, take on the role of being the ideal guide to a
such as hand-outs, enrolment status, teacher‟s student‟s educational experiences. Depending on
notices; and they communicate with their the teaching method an instructor uses in an
colleagues and teachers without having to go to online environment, he/she can choose whether
university. On the other hand, business or not to have direct communication with their
organisations use e-learning to provide training students.
to remote or mobile employees, and to advertise
their products and services to customers [5]. Motivations: Instructors can be motivated to
create a virtual environment for a number of
2-SIGNIFICANT PROPERTIES OF different reasons: For example, they may be
ONLINE LEARNING IN UNIVERSITY encouraged by their institutions; they may wish
TEACHING to reach a large number of students; or they may
have an interest in the advantages of technology,
The main features in e-learning are: a computer as it would help them to deliver information
with internet access, the university along with effectively.
some applications, and software to use and
control the system efficiently. Students can Concerns: E-learning has changed instructors‟
present their work in the e-classroom from views to thinking that their students need to gain
anywhere, at any time reputation and quality are new training and skills to achieve success .In
important for higher education institutions, so virtual learning, an instructor‟s role changes
they regularly update learning material and from being the primary source for their students‟
create new opportunities for students. Number knowledge, to being the manager of resources
From an organisational point of view, a for knowledge .[7]
stakeholder is someone who is directly involved
in an organisation [6] Stakeholders from an Educational Institutions
online environment are individuals who are
affected by e-learning. The following sections In the higher education sector, (which includes
will describe stakeholder groups, and their colleges and universities), e-learning is
feelings of both concern and enthusiasm for e- becoming more popular, which may lead HEI‟s
learning. to create „online only‟ educational institutions.

Students: Students are the main consumers of e- Motivations: Educational institutions provide
learning; they can be graduate or under-graduate distance learning, including e-learning, to create
students who are enrolled at college or access to staff and students, particularly if they
university. are involved in more than one department. An
upgrade to e-learning depends on the
Motivations: E-learning can be a component of technological infrastructure in the institution,
traditional learning or may be combined with which can lead to expensive upgrades .E-
online learning. Students are encouraged to learning requires different types of technological
achieve qualifications in higher education by involvement, including the Internet, course
using e-learning, especially those who are management software, fully equipped
located far away from the institution E-learning classrooms, and proper computer and
can also be inexpensive and time-saving as well. information technology facilities for students
.Generally, institutions need more trained staff if
Concerns: Since e-learning introduced a totally the use of technology is set to increase .
new learning environment for students, it meant
that different skills were required in order to Employers: Often, there is a tendency for
succeed Students‟ critical thinking and research employers to review online education, and to
skills are developing because they have to deal establish e-learning facilities to educational
with a huge amount of information from a institutions, so that they can develop the

ISBN: 978-0-9853483-9-7 ©2013 SDIWC 124

infrastructure of the technology and upgrade mentality to adopt new technology to implement
them regularly .Employers have a wide range of an advanced educational system.
services to provide, from learning the
management system to installing hardware Changing Student Expectation
components. Students‟ expectations are changing with the
progress of e-learning in higher education
Motivations: Employers are becoming more institutions in Libya. According to the Aljabal
motivated to invoke e-learning in their Algharbi University in Gharian in Libya [8] e-
establishments, as an alternative to the traditional learning responded to several problems
education system; denying the value of e- identified by the students, as they discovered that
learning would restrict their pool of potential they could have direct contact with tutors and
clients .Employers are motivated to provide fellow students. They also found that several
learning environments that will result in learning sources provided them with the
effective learning for students and make a profit opportunity to work as a group, and it also
for their business. Employees are encouraged to helped other students by providing feedback on
embrace e-learning to achieve qualifications in their assessment tasks.[8] found out the students‟
higher education for the purpose of advancing response in her research: “It appeared that the
their career. On the other hand, unlike the traditional classroom setting is not sufficient to
traditional way of learning, e-learning will save assure effective and efficient communication
money and time. between instructors and us and that other means
of communication and education have to be
Concerns: E-learning providers should be found.” “We do not have a wider choice of
concerned about the demise in communication resources and modalities of study materials.”
skills in the teaching of various courses. It “The possibilities to collaborate in group work
depends on the employers as to whether they assignments are too limited to work at fixed
choose to emphasise the technical or times in the day; we could not work when we are
interpersonal skills in e-learning. in different places. When ones misses the class
session he/she will face difficulties to understand
Attitude, Awareness, and Motivation of
the lesson because the only key learning
Libyan Users
materials are the instructor notes on the class.”
Although introducing e-learning to Libya faces Consequently, it is clear that Libyan students
very hard challenges, the government has been admit that there are problems in the Libyan
concentrating on ICT, which has consequently education system, and they accept alternatives
opened up an opportunity to adopt e-learning for such as e-learning to gain a better standard of
the higher education sector. The government education. To convince the students about the
started a 60 million e-learning pilot project in benefits of e-learning, the e-learning provider
September 2009, as a sign of approval and should employ well-trained teachers with
support. There was another sanction for the positive attitudes.
Development of Administrative Centres
(ODAC) to improve Libya‟s ICT infrastructure,
and to expand its economy and improve the LEARNING – PARTICULARLY IN LIBYA
quality of life for the community, which is Libya, one of the Arabic countries, has a great
considered to have created a positive effect on number of literate citizens, where they also enjoy
the online environment initiatives in Libya. a high standard of living and education, among
the African nations. The higher education sector
Due to the advantages of ICT, several traditional
in Libya widely uses ICT in their daily teaching
structures are shifting towards the online
and learning. Also, the government is
environment. The increasing growth of
introducing new projects to develop ICT
technology has led to a broader expansion of
structure. Like other developing countries, Libya
knowledge transfer. This trend is very important
has a significant challenge in online education
for the developing countries, as there is a lack of
because of the linguistic and cultural background
technological infrastructure, resources and
of the teacher and students. Moreover, there is

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no proper e-learning infrastructure, or much great challenge in the implementation and
awareness of technology, and there is also a lack integration of ICT and e-learning in an education
of Libyan experts to develop an online learning system [8].Libya faces a number of
and teaching environment. After reviewing the e- technological challenges because there is no
learning literature during researching, there is a proper technological infrastructure, although
list of most important challenges in Libya in several infrastructure plans are currently in
higher education context are: progress. A computer laboratory is available in
every higher education institution in Libya, but
Language and Culture Barrier the insufficient network facility puts serious
restrictions onto the Internet access. Moreover,
Introducing any new technology to a cultural
availability of educational software products is
group is a great challenge, because different
very limited and most of them are in English,
people have different views when adapting to
and very few are in Arabic. Also, there is no
new technology. In some come cases, people are
software development environment, no trained
afraid of change in the system. In the context of
developers, and a lack of technical departments,
ICT and e-learning system development, it
which leads to delays in operation and
should be a priority to consider the cultural
installation software.
aspect of the user groups, which may lead the e-
learning to a diverse dimension .Designing a Management Support
common e-learning system interface for learners
worldwide would involve cultural According to Mapuva: “Institutional leaders are
communication, which would therefore influence a determinant factor, given their decision-
the adaption of the IT adoption .Libya is a making roles, which could either make-or-break
modern and literate Arabic country, where the the e-learning projects by either facilitating or
main language is Arabic; however, the standard impeding its implementation within their
of the English language is very poor. In terms of institutions.” [9] So, organisational support is
linguistics, Arabic is different to English, i.e., essential to motivate teachers, although they are
they do not have anything in common. For always committed in their role to support, they
example, English is written from left to right, would gain more confidence with the support of
and Arabic is written from right to left. administration, which is the key element to
Moreover, most of the e-sources, like software enable ICT into the process of the educational
and web contents are in English, which makes system. This implies that Libyan higher
ICT and e-learning in the Libyan education education institutions are suffering from the lack
system more difficult. of a skilled management team.

Technological Challenges 4- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

Having proper technological resources is a The researcher is pleased that the qualitative and
primary feature in developing the e-learning quantitative data suited her study needs; the
system, which involves the need for mixed models research has been selected in
communication networks, hardware, software, within-stage to gather these data. Therefore, the
computers, radio, audio cassettes, video, and researcher used a questionnaire tool to collect
Internet access. The e-learning framework both qualitative and quantitative data by
depends on the technological infrastructure, providing open and closed questions. The use of
including planning, hardware and software. a questionnaire is supported by research done by
Since software interface refers to the overall Johnson and Christensen (2007) [10] which
front-end look of the e-learning system, it stated that, “An example of within-stage mixed
implies that the design of the interface should be model research would be where you used a
easy to use, and understandable to the target questionnaire during data collection that
group of the user .Moreover, the e-learning included both open-ended (i.e., qualitative)
system is designed to help the pedagogy, so it questions and closed-ended (i.e., quantitative)
should be easy to use and manage, and support questions”. Mixed methods were selected to suit
the learning models. Maintaining e-learning is a study needs in within-stage to gather data, the

ISBN: 978-0-9853483-9-7 ©2013 SDIWC 126

researcher used a questionnaire tool to collect more likely to study Chemistry (23% compared
both qualitative and quantitative data by with 15% male) and English (31% compared
providing open and closed questions .To collect with 8% of males)
data, a questionnaire was send to Libyan
students by e-mail and different areas in the UK. Most students from female and male have been
200 questionnaires were distributed, 30 out of using computers for over ten years ago. The
200 questionnaires were received. percentage was 67% compared with other
students who stated that they have been using
5- FINDINGS computers from two years, other said five years
and the rest said they have been using computers
from eight years ago, those students were age
The computers using by mode of study and 35+years, The majority of students were
age: confidents using computers as illustrated in the
graph below; about half (47%) stated that they
As could be expected, analysis of using
were so confident in using computers for many
computers by age of students discloses strong
tasks, whereas 38% of students said that they
links with the mode of study, as younger
were good at using computers. Males were more
students (especially students aged 21–35) were
likely than females to be confident; 37% of
full-time students. As the graphs below illustrate,
males compared with 10% females. Age was a
full-time students used a computer every day and
significant element, with older students less
had a strong tendency to using technology
confident than younger learners, 10% of students
compared with other students, such as part-time
aged 35+ felt confident compared with 41% 21–
students. Especially, there were important
35-year-olds as shown below. Students studying
differences for:
Advanced Computers Science and Engineering
 Very rarely, if ever (12% compared with were the most confident in using computers,
73%); whereas students studying Business, English,
Chemistry and Health Social Care were the least
 Occasionally (19% compared with 18%); confident in using computers. Full-time students
stated more confidence in using computers than
 Every day, I‟m addicted! (69% compared part-time students, 70% of Libyan students
with 73%); found e-learning interesting; they liked the
online environment and wished to take another
However, there was quite a similar number for
online course. In addition, 60% would
occasionally (19% compared with 18%);
recommend the online environment to Libyan
notably, younger students were more likely to
students who study in Libya. Only 23%, were
use computers for different reasons compared
not interested in the online environment.
with students aged 35+
Interestingly, 90% agreed that if traditional
Usage of Computers by Gender learning is blended with e-learning, it shall be
more useful,
The analysis of data revealed a set of significant
differences in the way males and females who 6- DISCUSSION
were using computers, males were more likely
Based on the findings, the main factors analysed,
than females to use computers. These differences
tutor support, learning styles, and time
in using computers among males and females
management, do influence student satisfaction;
could be related to the different subjects which
however, gaining knowledge was the most
students tended to study. The study stated that
impact factor in determining student satisfaction
males were more likely to study subjects which
with online learning. Moreover, the general
related to usage of computers, which require
opinion of e-learning is that flexibility and tutor
students to use computers for different reasons.
support were the main reasons for students‟
For instance, Advanced computer science,
satisfaction. The majority of students in this
Accounting and Engineering (54% compared
research were comfortable and confident
with 15% female). In contrast, females were
concerning usage of computers as well as the

ISBN: 978-0-9853483-9-7 ©2013 SDIWC 127

online environment in general, most students organisation that is expanded by an institution‟s
spent over ten hours per week on the Internet in leaders, to prepare for the adaptation of e-
their home or other places, also most of them learning, in order to improve teaching and
had experience using computer over ten years, learning methods. It is also necessary to
and the majority of students recommend investigate HEI organisational structures, which
blending this environment with traditional enable the adoption of e-learning.
learning. Also, some of them recommended the
online environment to Libyan students who The Changing Organisational Structure
study in Libya. However, a few students Bringing in new technology such as ICT and e-
preferred traditional learning to online learning, learning into HEI‟s has an influence on the re-
the main reason was lack of skills to learn and arrangement of organisational structure, and also
lack of time to access to the online environment. changes their approach to education. This also
affects organisational structures which had to be
The findings showed that Libyan students had
aligned in preparation for the adoption and use
positive attitudes towards e-learning; our
of ICTs in the HE sector, primarily for the
findings achieved research objectives and
purpose of skills-development. The introduction
answered the research question (research
of e-learning has had a direct impact on the
hypotheses) which was „Does e-learning replace
organisational structure, on both tactical and
face-to-face learning or does it support
strategic levels .On the other hand, lecturers have
learning?‟ The findings showed that e-learning
to take on a challenging role in this changeable
supports traditional learning methods, the results
teaching and learning environment, and in the
based on the respondents' gender, educational
design of e-learning. Although there are obvious
level and age. The findings showed that E-
unwanted effects, the implementation of distance
learning is also an effective teaching method to
learning techniques can emphasise university
motivate students to learn and encourage them to
structure. The modern university has to be
continue in further education. Thus, technology
adaptable, and able to embrace new teaching
plays an important role in improving and
methods through e-learning, and that teachers
developing teaching methods as well as giving
also play a significant role in the execution of e-
students wider opportunities to learn.
learning within HEIs.
Training Teaching Staff
The following section aims to present Teaching staff play a vital role in higher
recommendations about how higher education education institutions when they adapt to any
institutions should implement e-learning in case new technology, since they are the people who
of a lack in skilled manpower, and lack of deliver information to the students. In the
adequate resources to establish e-learning: implementation of e-learning, teachers need to
be trained appropriately by the institution‟s staff
Institutional Leadership development facility. Schuler and Jackson
The responsibility of institutional leaders is vital described a „primary stop‟ where teachers
in the implementation of e-learning in the HEIs, enhance their knowledge and skills that are
since they make the decision of whether or not to required for desired work-related performance
invoke a programme, such as e-learning within Lecturers play an essential role in ensuring the
their institution. Therefore, it is important to implementation of e-learning in HEI‟s, but they
explorer these leaders‟ attitudes because they are not the only group to adopt and implement
will indicate either an adoption or rejection of e- this successfully. Students will experience a
learning in their institutions. Other influential positive learning environment if the lecturer is
factors are the institutional structures and well-trained, with a positive attitude, along with
organisations that they implant within their traditional learning as well as e-learning .Since
institutions for the execution of policies. A study staff development training is the main concern
has shown that the success or failure of an e- for institutions in implementing any form of new
learning operation depends on the structure of learning methods, it is essential to focus

ISBN: 978-0-9853483-9-7 ©2013 SDIWC 128

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