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Studi Kelayakan Bisnis

Group Member(s) :
- Raissa Amanda Rizkita (120310180054)
- Fayyadh Afdhil (120310180055)
- Nurunnadiya Savitri​ (120310180081)
- Mohamad Naufal Adli (120310180106)
- Fernando (120310180113)


1. Segmenting

Geographic City Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi

Gender Female Male

Age 10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35

Income/month Rp500.000 Rp600.000 Rp700.000 Rp800.000 Rp900.000

Junior High Senior High

Education Primary Bachelor
School School

customer Dessert fill up easy to get
Behaviors wants

Engagement Low Medium High

2. Targeting
Eatmeefirst is a brand that offers desserts. the products are suitable and
appropriate with the market. It is because Eatmeefirst is following the “dessert box”
trend that is really popular in various circles, especially teenagers.

3. Positioning
The results of the interview with the owner of the SMEs, Eatmeefirst, it can be
said that he places his special products at very satisfying quality and with a pre-order
system. Eatmeefirst itself sells regal pudding, banoffee, pannacotta marie, and mango
cheese pudding. However, basically the food menu provided by Eatmeefirst is a
product that is very much on the market. There are so many sellers who sell the same
product with the same marketing system. Placement of the product like this makes it
difficult for the product to develop and the existing production capacity is not fully
absorbed. For this, the placement of these products must be improved, by adding a
uniqueness that cannot be found in other sellers. Modification of taste, recipe and
appearance can increase consumer enthusiasm and increase sales.

The wise distribution strategy to deliver the product at the right-time, right place, and
right condition as expected. The main channel is through every logistics possible,
example: JNE, Tiki, J&T, Wahana, Go-Send, grab-Send with our own
custom-packaging to make our customers feel special to buy from our brand. The process is
simple, firstly
people choose and purchase, and then we compile the transaction everyday and
approve the payment proof, then we can send all the list of buyers in one day to the
courier to be sent directly from the day they purchase the products.

Regarding marketing strategy, we will optimize several factors:

a. Opt-in Pages optimization to collect audiences’ data, track them, and follow-up
with them through content marketing, objection handling, testimonials, retargeting them
through ads omnichannel that eventually make them convert as a buyer and then shift them
into brand advocate (Loyal audience that give free ads (Mouth-to-Mouth). Optimization can
be through Exit- Intent Pop-ups, 5-min Pop-ups, Header/Footer Opt-In, CouponBox Opt-In,
running ads to certain special landing page that collects customers’ data (Leadgen
Campaigns), and other split-testing that can be apply to optimize and scale further. (Not
forgetting to put pixels here).

b. Website Optimization to aware audiences who land in this page and make them
buy. Optimization can be through building trust by give them a lot of payment options
certified by legal entity, provides them information regarding customer’s success,
testimonials, reviews towards every “decision-making” pages, like product detail pages,
shopping cart pages, add-to-cart pages, also to emphasize weekly or daily blogging to educate
the audiences (soft-selling) and many more to discuss. (Not forgetting to put pixels here).

c. Building the Machine. Rearrange and Revamp everything regarding their digital marketing
presence (Customer Value Journey) from Awareness, Engage, Subscribe, Convert, Nurture,
Advocate, and finally Loyal Community. In addition, we must prepare their value ladder
stacking so that we can use it to upsell and cross-sell audiences after they buy.

d. Email Optimization Automation through Drip Campaign to maximize revenue and

nurturing audiences. Email is the most underdog channel of revenue because most people
think it is outdated. But the truth is most people are still using email and at the very least,
people open and read email every week. Therefore, it’s still one of the lowest hanging fruit
across the other digital marketing platforms. There’s several main types of email that should
be used:
a. Trust/Relationship Builders Campaign
b. Social Proof Campaign
c. Objection Handling Campaign
d. Offers Campaign

e. Lists that act differently must be segmented towards different list, the most
common used segmentation is segment for people who don’t open email, segment for people
who open but didn’t click the link, segment for people who clicked but didn’t convert,
segment for people who landed in certain pages of your landing pages or websites, and many
more to segment for the purpose of personalization.

f. Besides automated drip campaigns to “serve” audiences in the most personalized

way, we can also aim towards broadcasting to all of our list through holiday campaigns,
social engagement campaigns, content campaigns, or other possible campaigns.

After every digital platform that is possible to input pixel are operating, now we can
click our ads, what kind of audiences who buy our products directly after, what kind of
audiences who don’t buy, what kind of audience who abandoned the cart, and many more
precise tracking that we can utilize to retarget the potential customers, target lookalike
audiences, or let the AI (Artificial Intelligence) operate by itself to help usstress-free a bit.
There’s one simple to follow strategy to run profitable ads, which is called “Venus-Flytrap
Strategy”, the first sequence that we must do is only to run “engagement-objectives
campaign” towards 60-secs video that we create and target the audiences, run it for 3-7 days
then retarget audiences that watched 75% of our videos toward “direct-response marketing”
which indeed is “conversion-objectives”, then retarget people who don’t convert again
(conversion-objectives), then do a custom audiences again to target people who convert
(preferably 1-3% LookAlike Audiences). Then we can repeat the campaign! If it’s not
profitable, it’s possibly wrong with the creatives, copywriting, or maybe your
product/services are way too red-ocean (too much competition).

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