Alternatives: Commonly-Used Phrase / Sentence Alternative

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Commonly-used Phrase / Sentence Alternative

1 Technology is prevalent in the world in today’s technology- focused
today. world
2 Those who are passionate about those who support the ownership of pets
having pets
3 It has a number of advantages. It brings various benefits./ It exerts several
benefits./ It brings a lot of wondrous benefits.
4 They are searching for ways.. They are seeking ways..
5 Keeping pets is too expensive for those In less affluent countries, the expense of
who live in poorer countries. maintaining a pet is prohibitive.
6 Some young people are not interested Not all
in keeping pets. youngsters actually want to keep a pet,
because their interests lie elsewhere.
7 I am interested in watching TV. Watching TV serves my interest.
8 Many students tend to attend Many young people aspire to attending
University. University.
9 There are a number of ways/solutions. A number of solutions appear to be possible.
10 Cost of living is a major concern for The cost
students. of day to day life can be almost overwhelming
for students.
11 When it comes to solutions, one Turning to possible solutions, an obvious step
effective way would be to + infinitive would be to + infinitive
12 Another successful way to confront A second remedy might be to + infinitive
this issue would be to + infinitive
13 He just wanted to get his money back. All that he wanted was to get his money back.

To get his money back was all that he wanted.

14 My brother has always accompanied It is my brother who/that has always
me through thick and thin. accompanies me through thick and thin.
15 First of all, you need to check to see The first thing you need to do is to check to see
what is missing. what is missing.
To check to see what is missing is the first thing
you need to do.
16 I was born in 1990. The year when I was born was 1990.

1990 was the year when I was born.

17 I live in a two-bedroom apartment. The place where I live is a two-bedroom
A two-bedroom apartment is the place where I
18 I really admire my brother. The person who I really admire is my brother.

My brother is the person who I really admire.

19 The boss’s attitude annoys me. The thing that annoys me is the boss’s attitude.

The boss’s attitude is the thing that annoys me.

What annoys me is the boss’s attitude.

The boss’s attitude is what annoys me.

20 The Internet facilitates the flow and What the Internet does is facilitate the flow
dissemination of information. and dissemination of information.
21 Protect the environment Halt environment degradation
22 Collaborate (verb) Join hands
23 Governments can protect the Governments hold the power to take
environment. concrete
actions to protect the environment.
24 First and foremost, ….. The primary reason is that …..

25 In each country, only the government Only the local

can understand and realize what authority of each country can have an insight
problems exist in that country. into its own problems.
26 Implement programs to tackle the offer practical schemes to fix the situation
27 It could have strong effects on the It could guarantee
environment. sustainable and drastic impacts on our
28 Environmental problems are related to Environmental problems are
all countries, so nations cannot solve usually across borders and beyond the
them on their own. capability of any single nation to solve.
29 Agree to do something reach an agreement to + infinitive
30 Prevent probable damage to water prevent foreseeable detriments to water
conditions conditions
31 Play an important role Play an indispensable role/ play a crucial role
32 Be responsible for protecting their Have a duty to keep their
countries from environmental countries from being environmentally
problems degraded.
33 Worrying trend Vexing issue
34 Children are more likely to be exposed Children are of high chance to
to a lot of serious diseases such as be vulnerable to numerous serious diseases
diabetes. such as diabetes.
35 It threatens the national growth of any It poses a dire threat to the national growth of
country. any
36 Governments should be responsible Governments
for smoothing this problem over. should be accountable for mitigating this
37 These overweight children are not These overweight children will not be able to
physically ready to join the army. meet
the physical demand to join the army.
38 Those parents who work nowadays Working parents nowadays tend to devote
tend to spend their time on working. virtually their whole time to working.
39 Spend a lot of time sitting down, and lead a sedentary lifestyle
not moving or exercising very much
40 Considerably emphasize on theoretical place considerable emphasis on theoretical
subjects subjects
41 Parents and schools should collaborate Parents and schools should shoulder the
to protect their children from being responsibility for protecting their children from
overweight. obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.
42 Start a career pursue a successful career
43 Become successful in your job move up the career ladder
44 know how to work with computer have a good grasp of computer skills
45 A lot of research has been published An enormous amount of research has been
online about a wide range of areas of published on the Internet across the whole
knowledge. spectrum of disciplines.
46 Mobile phones make interaction for Mobile phones facilitate interaction for work
work and personal use easier, without and personal purposes regardless of time
time restriction. constraint.
47 The disadvantages outweigh its The merits are
advantages. overshadowed by its demerits.
48 One of the clear advantages is that youThe possibility of answering work-related or
can answer work-related or personal personal calls at any time is of immense
calls at any time. benefit.
49 This practice develops relationships. This practice strengthens people-to-people
50 Stay in touch no matter where they are stay in touch irrespective of
geographical barriers
51 The intensity of traffic jams will be The traffic flow will be smooth.
52 I think… I am of the opinion that…
53 They are inevitably forced to deal with They are inevitably swept to the maelstrom of
their job. work.
54 He keeps looking at his computer His eyes are riveted on his computer screen.
55 Electromagnetic waves have negative Electromagnetic waves adversely affects our
effects on our organs. organs.
56 Although it is favorable to some extent, Albeit advantageous to some extent, it makes
it keeps them away from society and them isolated and unhealthy.
makes them unhealthy.
57 We should increase young children’s We should equip young children with long-
awareness about their health. term health consciousness.
58 A lot of people die of smoking-related A large number of people succumb each year
illnesses annually. to smoking-related illnesses.
59 The study of family history has become The study of family history has gained
popular. enormous popularity.
60 It is the most common hobby in North It is the fastest-growing hobby in North
America. America.
61 certainly Without a shadow of a doubt

62 I just wasted my money on the holiday. The whole holiday was a colossal waste of
63 He is the best example of He is the very epitome of perseverance.
64 I agree with those who think that.. I side with those who think that…
65 Make the air quality less harmful ameliorate the communal air quality
66 Changing someone’s opinion creating a mindset shift in someone
67 Globalization can bring international Cross-border economic and cultural
economic and cultural cooperation. cooperation could be the major drive of
national growth.
68 International trade could entitle an International trade could create conditions for
economy to spread their advantages so an economy to grow by leveraging
as to compete with foreign companies their competitive advantages and boosting
for a share of the market. their export earnings.
69 The same beliefs and values a homogeneous set of beliefs and values
70 Improve social cohesion Bolster social cohesion
71 Heavy traffic jams Bumper-to-bumper traffic
72 Many people can’t get enough exercise The hectic schedule that many people have
due to their hectic schedule. sweeps them to the maelstrom of work/study
and deprives them of time for sufficient
73 Produce the result you want Yield the desired result
74 An increase in the number of old a staggering growth in the proportion of
people in many countries elderly people in many countries
75 Put considerable pressure on Exert intense pressure on somebody
76 Practical experience Hands-on experience
77 I prefer accessories like jewelry. I show a big preference for accessories like
78 It made him successful. It brought success to him.
79 A young manager can use a new A young manager can come up with a new
advertising strategy for a product. advertising strategy for a product.
80 He was not able to write his own name. He was barely capable of writing his own name.
81 People have different opinions about People hold different views about this issue.
this issue.
82 Make a situation less stressful Mitigate a stressful situation
83 I have a lot of friends. One of them is I have a lot of friends one of whom is my close
my close confidant. confidant.
84 I have been to many different cities. I have been to many different cities two of
Two of them are Paris and Sydney. which are Paris and Sydney.
85 It brings a lot of advantages. The most It brings a lot of advantages the most important
important one would be …. of which would be …
86 I have three sisters. None of them is I have three sisters none of whom is able to
able to speak English. speak English.
87 My city has a lot of high-rise buildings. My city has a lot of high-rise buildings most of
Most of them are located in upscale which are located in upscale neighborhoods.
88 I have never been to London. Never have I been able to London.
89 The newspapers rarely present a Rarely do the newspapers present a balanced
balanced view of current events. view of current events.
90 The security camera was installed to The security camera was installed to deter
stop people from stealing. people from stealing.
91 Too much noise Excessive levels of noise
92 She is attracted to online apps. She gravitates towards online apps.
93 It can have negative effects on health. It can produce detrimental effects on health.
94 If you are exposed to too much noise Constant exposure to high pitch noise can
constantly, you are likely to be riddled result in auditory problems.
with hearing problems.
95 It has a negative effect on people’s It adversely affects people’s health.
96 Travelers are interested in the areas The untouched beauty of these areas is usually
whose beauty has not changed. appealing to travelers.
97 Gather knowledge/ experience Accumulate knowledge/ experience
98 The book has been publicly praised by The book has been widely acclaimed by
teachers and students. teachers and pupils.
99 He became more timid as he grew Fearless as a youth, he became more timid as
older, while he was fearless as a youth. he grew older.
100 Celebrities are always in the limelight. Celebrities are always in the full glare of
101 He can get his degree because he has Now that he has passed the examination, he
passed the examination. can get his degree./ Inasmuch as he has passed
the examination, he can get his degree./ On
account of the fact that he has passed the
examination, he can get his degree./ In view of
the fact that he has passed the examination, he
can get his degree.
102 This appliance will not work unless it is This appliance will not work unless properly
properly attached. attached.
103 If it rains, the picnic will be postponed. In the event that it rains, the picnic will be
postponed./ In case that it rains, the picnic
will be postponed./ Provided that it rains, the
picnic will be postponed./ Providing that it
rains, the picnic will be postponed.

104 They climbed higher to get a better view. They climbed higher in order that/ so that/for the
purpose that they might get a better view.
105 If I see him, I’ll invite him to our party I might see him. In this case, I’ll invite him to our
tomorrow. party tomorrow.
106 They decided to see the movie. The title of They decided to see the movie the title of which
the movie intrigued them. intrigued them.
107 This nightclub has put on many shows. This nightclub has put on many shows, the most
The most spectacular show is the present spectacular of which is the present one.
108 There are a lot of students. Some of them There are a lot of students some of whom come
come from other countries. from other countries.
109 You mustn’t smoke while you are near the It is imperative/mandatory/necessary that you not
gasoline tanks. smoke while you are near the gasoline tanks.
110 Those houses which are now being torn Those houses being torn down now were built
down were built fifty years ago. fifty years ago.
111 Anyone who has talked to him once will Anyone having talked to him once will be
be convinced of his innocence. convinced of his innocence.
112 He, who had been offered a good job out- Having been offered a good job out-of-town, he
of-town, told his wife they would have to told his wife they would have to move.
113 The girl who is making the most noise is The girl making the most noise is my daughter.
my daughter.
114 The patient, who had been advised by his Having been advised by his doctor to stop
doctor to stop smoking, made every effort smoking, the patient made every effort to do so.
to do so.
115 The orchestra members, who had been Having been practicing all day, the orchestra
practicing all day, were very tired by members were very tired by evening.
116 Robert, who hoped to finish college in Hoping to finish college in three years, Robert
three years, worked very hard. worked very hard.
117 After she had finished all her housework, Having finished all her housework, she sat down
she sat down to watch television. to watch television.
118 While I was walking along the street, I met Walking along the street, I met a friend whom I
a friend whom I had not seen for a long had not seen for a long time.
119 The painter painted my house last year. I had the painter paint my house last year./ I had
my house painted last year.
120 The dressmaker shortened my dress. I had the dressmaker shorten my dress./ I had my
dress shortened.
121 The aging couple are counting on their The aging couple are counting on being helped
children’s financial help. financially by their children.
122 It is not always easy to be honest at all Being honest at all times is not always easy.
123 I seem to remember that I have done this I seem to remember having done this exercise
exercise before. before.
124 Social networking websites and The emergence of social networking websites and
applications such as Facebook have applications such as Facebook has revolutionized
introduced new ways of communication. the way people contact one another.
125 Her mother insists on the thing that she What her mother insists on is her watering the
must water the plants every day. plants every day.
126 He recklessly broke the law, which His wife was shocked at his recklessly breaking the
shocked his wife. law.
127 The hotel was closed unexpectedly. This The unexpected closing of the hotel left the
left the tourists with no place to stay. tourists with no places to stay.
128 He coughed violently. This kept him awake His violent coughing kept him awake all night.
all night.
129 It seems they are having an argument. They appear to be having an argument.
130 It seems they have had an argument. They appear to have had an argument.
131 It is impossible for him to get the money. For him to get the money now is impossible.
132 It requires courage to dress that way. To dress that way requires courage.
133 It is wrong if they give the child everything It is wrong of them to give the child everything he
he wants. wants.
134 They saw so much violence on screen, It was shocking to them to see so much violence
which shocked them. on screen.
135 You were considerate to visit me in the It was considerate of you to visit me in the
hospital. hospital.
136 It will take us some time to locate a For us to locate a suitable place for a meeting will
suitable place for a meeting. take some time.
137 He realized how much he loved her when Her absence made him realize how much he loved
she was absent. her.
138 She doesn’t want anyone to stare at her. She doesn’t want to be stared at.
139 For anyone to take advantage of us isn’t To be taken advantage of isn’t pleasant.
140 We still have a few more matters which We still have a few more matters to deal with.
we must deal with.
141 That is a noble goal which you should That is a noble goal to strive for.
strive for.

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