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A choice assessment has been found to be a more accurate method of identifying pref-
erences than is single-item presentation. However, it is not clear whether the effectiveness
of reinforcement varies positively with the degree of preference (i.e., whether the relative
preference based on the results of a choice assessment predicts relative reinforcer effec-
tiveness). In the current study, we attempted to address this question by categorizing
stimuli as high, middle, and low preference based on the results of a choice assessment,
and then comparing the reinforcing effectiveness of these stimuli using a concurrent
operants paradigm. High-preference stimuli consistently functioned as reinforcers for all
4 clients. Middle-preference stimuli functioned as reinforcers for 2 clients, but only when
compared with low-preference stimuli. Low-preference stimuli did not function as rein-
forcers when compared to high- and middle-preference stimuli. These results suggest that
a choice assessment can be used to predict the relative reinforcing value of various stimuli,
which, in turn, may help to improve programs for clients with severe to profound dis-
DESCRIPTORS: assessment, concurrent operants, predictive validity, reinforcer pref-
erence, developmental disabilities

Most systematic assessments of reinforcers 1977), it is possible that a large number of

for persons with severe to profound disabil- stimuli would need to be evaluated in order
ities have focused on either identifying pre- to identify functional reinforcers for a given
ferred stimuli without testing whether the individual. Thus, Pace, Ivancic, Edwards,
stimuli were functional reinforcers (e.g., Iwata, and Page (1985) made an important
Cautela & Kastenbaum, 1967; Homme, advance in this area by integrating a simple
Csanyi, Gonzales, & Rechs, 1969) or assess- procedure for identifying preferred stimuli
ing the reinforcing effects of stimuli without based on direct observation of approach re-
first using a specific procedure for predicting sponses (i.e., preference assessment) with a
which stimuli would function as reinforcers method for quickly assessing whether pre-
(e.g., Dattilo, 1986; Wacker, Berg, Wiggins, ferred stimuli actually functioned as rein-
Muldoon, & Cavanaugh, 1985). Because forcers (i.e., reinforcer assessment).
the reinforcing effects of specific stimuli tend There are important methodological and
to vary across clients and contexts (e.g., Fehr, conceptual distinctions between preference
Wacker, Trezise, Lennon, & Meyerson, and reinforcer assessments. During prefer-
1979; Rincover, Newsom, Lovaas, & Koegel, ence assessments, a relatively large number
of stimuli are evaluated to identify preferred
This investigation was supported in part by Grant stimuli. The reinforcing effects of a small
MCJ249149-02 from the Maternal and Child Health
Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human subset of stimuli (i.e., the highly preferred
Services. stimuli) are then evaluated during the rein-
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Cath- forcer assessment. Although the preference
leen C. Piazza, Neurobehavioral Unit, Kennedy Krie-
ger Institute, 707 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland assessment is an efficient procedure for iden-
21205. tifying potential reinforcers from a large
number of stimuli, it does not evaluate the while saying "sit down"). Matt was a 19-
reinforcing effects of the stimuli. year-old male with Down syndrome and se-
Fisher et al. (1992) extended the findings vere to profound mental retardation. He
of Pace et al. (1985) by comparing the re- could understand some simple two-step
sults of a single-stimulus and a choice pre- commands that occurred frequently in his
sentation format. In the choice procedure, daily routine and common object names and
pairs of stimuli were presented simulta- actions. Rusty was a 10-year-old male with
neously, and the client was asked to choose autism and profound mental retardation
one stimulus over the other. Fisher et al. who used three signs (eat, more, go). He
demonstrated that this choice procedure re- knew the names of his family members, his
sulted in greater differentiation among stim- name, and words that were used frequently
uli and more reliably identified reinforcers in his daily routine. Sam was a 10-year-old
when compared to the single-stimulus pre- male with autism and severe mental retar-
sentation developed by Pace et al. dation. He used gestures to communicate his
Although Fisher et al. (1992) demonstrat- wants (e.g., pointing to objects). He could
ed that a choice assessment is a more sensi- recognize the names of some familiar objects
tive measure of preference, it is not clear and follow one-step commands in the con-
whether the effectiveness of reinforcement text of the activity.
varies positively with the degree of prefer-
ence (i.e., whether the relative preference for Procedure
stimuli demonstrated during the choice as- Caregiver interview. Caregivers (the person
sessment predicts relative reinforcer effective- identified as assuming the care and supervi-
ness). From an applied standpoint, it is im- sion of the client throughout the day prior
portant for clinicians to have a variety of po- to the client's hospitalization) were asked to
tential reinforcers available and to be able to generate a list of potential reinforcers during
predict the relative effectiveness of those a structured interview called the Reinforcer
stimuli as reinforcers. Thus, in the current Assessment for Individuals with Severe Dis-
investigation, we evaluated whether a choice abilities (RAISD) developed and described
assessment could be used to predict relative by Fisher, Piazza, Bowman, and Amari (in
effectiveness of stimuli identified as high, press). Fisher and colleagues have demon-
middle, and low preference. strated that stimuli generated from the
RAISD, when used in combination with a
METHOD choice assessment, are more effective rein-
forcers than are stimuli from a standard list
Subjects (e.g., such as used by Fisher et al., 1992; C.
Participants were 4 males admitted to a Green et al., 1988; Pace et al., 1985; a copy
specialized inpatient unit for the assessment of the RAISD is available from the authors
and treatment of severe destructive behavior. upon request). The RAISD provides
Julius was a 7-year-old male with deafness, prompts to caregivers regarding preferred
chronic lung disease, and severe to profound stimuli within the following general do-
mental retardation. He primarily used nat- mains: visual, auditory, olfactory, edible, tac-
ural gestures (e.g., grabbing someone's hand tile, and social. The goal of the RAISD is to
to get attention) and vocalizations such as facilitate the identification of as many po-
screaming to communicate. He occasionally tential reinforcers as possible. Caregivers
responded to one-step commands when ac- were asked not only to identify specific pre-
companied by cues (e.g., pointing to a chair ferred stimuli but also to describe the con-
ditions under which those stimuli were pre- tient selected the stimulus during the choice
ferred (e.g., eating Oreo® cookies dipped in assessment. High-preference stimuli were de-
milk). Following the interview, caregivers fined as the three items or activities ap-
were asked to rank the stimuli generated proached most frequently by the client dur-
from the assessment according to their pre- ing the choice assessment (i.e., stimuli
dictions regarding child preference. For each ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Middle-preference
client, the highest ranked stimuli (12 for Ju- stimuli were defined as the three items or
lius, 13 for Matt, and 16 for Rusty and Sam) activities chosen closest to the median num-
were used in the choice assessment described ber of times (e.g., the 7th, 8th, and 9th
below. ranked stimuli). Low-preference stimuli were
Choice assessment. The choice assessment defined as the three items or activities chosen
was conducted in a manner identical to that the least (e.g., the 13th, 14th, and 15th).
described by Fisher et al. (1992). During the The stimulus selected least frequently (e.g.,
choice assessment, each stimulus was paired 16) was not used in the assessment so that
once with every other stimulus (66 for Juli- the category rankings (i.e., high, middle,
us, 78 for Matt, and 120 pair presentations low) were equidistant from each other. In
or trials for Rusty and Sam). During each cases in which the caregiver was unable to
trial, two stimuli were placed 0.7 m apart identify at least 15 preferred stimuli Julius
and approximately 0.7 m in front of the cli- and Matt), the best possible approximation
ent. Stimuli were presented either by placing of these three sets of stimuli was selected.
the stimulus in front of the client or, for The stimuli identified as high, middle, and
social stimuli, by having the therapist act out low from the choice assessment were then
the activity (e.g., therapist claps). Client ap- compared during the reinforcer assessment.
proach responses to one of the stimuli re- Prior to each phase of the reinforcer as-
sulted in 5 s of access to that stimulus and sessment, training trials were conducted to
removal of the other stimulus. Simultaneous teach the client to gain access to the stimuli
approach to both stimuli (e.g., reaching for being assessed in that phase (a description of
both stimuli) was blocked by the therapist.
If no approach response was made within 5 the phases and the stimuli assessed is pre-
s, the therapist prompted the client to sam-
sented below). A training trial consisted of
ple both stimuli by giving the stimulus to placing the stimulus being evaluated in a
the client or by engaging in the activity with square or in a chair, and then allowing the
the client (e.g., therapist throws a ball to the child 5 s to independently engage in the tar-
client). The two stimuli were then re-pre- get behavior (i.e., stand in a square or sit in
sented for an additional 5 s, and approach a chair). If the child failed to engage in the
responses resulted in 5 s of access to the cho- target behavior, sequential verbal, gestural,
sen stimulus. If no response was made with- and physical prompts were used to assist the
in 5 s, the stimuli were removed, and the child to emit the behavior. When the child
next trial began. stood in the square or sat in the chair, access
Reinforcer assessment. The reinforcer as- to the stimulus was provided immediately.
sessment consisted of a comparison of the The trial ended when the child left the
reinforcing effectiveness of stimuli defined as square or chair or 10 s had elapsed, which-
high, middle, and low preference based on ever came first. Training was conducted in
the results of the choice assessment. Stimuli blocks of 10 trials. Training trials ended
were divided into categories of high, middle, when the child independently engaged in
and low, based on how frequently the pa- the target behavior (i.e., in-square or in-
chair) for 80% of three consecutive blocks apist stood in the assigned square or sat in
of 10 trials. the assigned chair and modeled the social
During reinforcer assessment, a concur- activity at the beginning of the session (e.g.,
rent operants paradigm (Catania, 1963; clapping). A child gained access to a partic-
Herrnstein, 1970) was used to evaluate the ular stimulus by standing in the square or
reinforcing effects of the high-, middle-, and sitting in the chair associated with that stim-
low-preference stimuli. Three responses were ulus. If the child left the square or got up
concurrently available during each session from the chair, the stimulus was withdrawn
(i.e., having one's body positioned in Square or terminated. Sessions lasted 10 min.
A, B, or C for Julius and Matt or sitting in
Chair A, B, or C for Rusty and Sam). One Data Collection and Reliability
of the three squares or chairs served as a con- All sessions were conducted in individual
trol (i.e., no reinforcement was provided), treatment rooms (approximately 3 m by 3
and standing or sitting in the other two m) equipped with one-way mirrors. Trained
squares or chairs produced access to a stim- observers recorded client responses while
ulus (e.g., sitting in Chair A resulted in ac- seated either behind the mirror or in the
cess to a high-preference stimulus, sitting in room with the client. During the choice as-
Chair B produced access to a low-preference sessments, trained observers recorded each
stimulus, and sitting in Chair C was on ex- time the client approached the presented
tinction). In one phase, high stimuli were stimuli during each trial. Approach re-
compared with middle stimuli; in a second sponses were defined as the client moving
phase, high stimuli were compared with low toward the stimulus with any part of the
stimuli; and in a third phase, middle stimuli body within 5 s of stimulus presentation
were compared with low stimuli. The order (Pace et al., 1985). On an average of
of the comparisons was selected at random 95.45% of trials across clients, a second in-
(see Figure 1 for the order of phases for each dependent observer also recorded approach
client). responses. The average agreement coeffi-
Prior to each session, the child was al- cients for approach responses across clients
lowed to select the two stimuli to be com- were (a) occurrence, 95.9% (range, 91.2%
pared in that session using an abbreviated or to 100%); (b) nonoccurrence, 100%; and
"mini" choice assessment. During the mini (c) total, 94.6% (range, 88.4% to 100%).
choice assessment, each stimulus in the cat- The reliability coefficients for each partici-
egory was paired once with every other stim- pant's choice assessment were calculated by
ulus for a total of three pair presentations dividing the number of agreements by the
per category. The stimulus selected most fre- sum of agreements plus disagreements and
quently was the stimulus used in the session. multiplying by 100%. An agreement was de-
If each stimulus was chosen equally often, fined as both observers recording that the
one stimulus was randomly selected for the same stimulus was approached (i.e., occur-
session. rence agreement) or that neither stimulus
The two stimuli used in the session (se- was approached (i.e., nonoccurrence agree-
lected based on the mini choice assessments) ment). A disagreement was defined as either
were randomly assigned to two of the (a) the two observers recorded that different
squares or chairs, and the remaining square stimuli were approached (used only for oc-
or chair served as a control. The stimuli were currence reliability), or (b) one observer re-
then placed in the squares or next to the corded that one of the stimuli was ap-
chairs. In the case of social stimuli, a ther- proached and the other observer recorded
Middle v. Low High v. Low H

a0 80
z / w High
:3 0 -

40 -

XL 20 Co


1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9
100 1 Highv. Middle v.Low

High I t ;~~A


~~~~~~~~~Middle LI

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

100 High v. Low Middle v. LowIHigh v. Middle




co440 High Mi

0 20

High v. Middle High v. Low Middlc

co 80




4 5 6 7

Figure 1. Percentage duration of in-square and in-chair behavior when associated with high, middle, low,
or no (control) stimuli for the 4 clients.
that no approach response was made (used square behavior when compared to either
for both occurrence and nonoccurrence the middle or the low stimuli. For Matt, ini-
agreement). tial response to the high stimuli was 0 when
During reinforcer assessment, the target compared to the middle stimuli, but, after
responses were identical to those used by the first session, in-square behavior increased
Fisher et al. (1992). That is, in-square be- and remained near 100% for the high stim-
havior was used for individuals who resisted uli. When high and low stimuli were com-
sitting in chairs (i.e., Julius and Matt). The pared for Matt, access to high stimuli re-
squares were 0.7 m by 0.7 m and were sulted in an average of 97% in-square be-
drawn on the floor with tape. In-square be- havior. For Rusty during the first phase
havior was defined as the client having any (high vs. low), access to high-preference
portion of his body in the square. In-chair stimuli initially resulted in variable levels of
behavior was used for clients who sat for in-chair behavior, but durations of in-chair
high-preference tasks but not for low-pref- behavior increased and stabilized over the
erence tasks (i.e., Rusty and Sam). The three course of the phase. When high and middle
identical chairs were positioned approxi- stimuli were compared, in-chair behavior av-
mately 1 m apart in a triangular formation. eraged 64.5% for the high stimuli and 2.3%
In-chair behavior was defined as contact of for the middle stimuli. For Sam, access to
buttocks to the chair. Trained observers re- the high stimuli resulted in stable and high
corded total duration of in-square or in-chair in-chair behavior when compared to the
behavior on laptop computers. A second in- middle stimuli and more variable but high
dependent observer recorded duration of in- durations of in-chair behavior when com-
square or in-chair behavior on an average of pared to the low stimuli. For Julius and Sam,
72% of sessions across clients. Exact inter- the middle stimuli also functioned as rein-
val-by-interval agreement coefficients were forcers and were superior to the low stimuli
calculated for duration of in-square or in- in terms of reinforcer effectiveness. However,
chair behavior using the formula described for the other 2 clients, neither the middle
above. An agreement was defined as a 10-s nor the low stimuli functioned as reinforcers.
interval during which both observers record-
ed the same duration (in seconds) of the tar-
get behavior. In Phase 2, the average exact DISCUSSION
agreement coefficient across clients was 97% In the current investigation, we attempted
(range, 93% to 99%). to determine the extent to which preference,
based on the results of a choice assessment,
predicted relative reinforcer effectiveness.
RESULTS Stimuli categorized as high preference by the
The results from the reinforcer assess- choice assessment consistently functioned as
ments are depicted in Figure 1. The stimuli reinforcers across all clients and all relevant
identified as high preference based on the phases. Stimuli identified as moderately pre-
results of the choice assessment consistently ferred (i.e., middle stimuli) by the choice as-
functioned to reinforce in-chair or in-square sessment functioned as reinforcers for 2 of
behavior for all 4 clients and were superior the 4 clients when compared with low-pref-
to either the middle or low stimuli in terms erence stimuli. Stimuli identified as low pref-
of reinforcer effectiveness. For Julius, access erence by the choice assessment did not
to the high-preference stimuli resulted in an function as reinforcers for any clients when
immediate and sustained increase in his in- compared to high- or middle-preference
stimuli. Thus, the choice assessment ap- Shade, 1993). Further, a change in the rate,
peared to predict relative reinforcer efficacy magnitude, or quality of reinforcement for
for the three categories of stimuli (high, one operant in a concurrent operants para-
middle, and low) with a reasonable degree digm generally affects response rates for both
of accuracy. schedules.
Relative reinforcer effectiveness was ex- When assessing relative reinforcer effec-
amined using simple free-operant behaviors. tiveness with a concurrent operants para-
These arbitrary responses were selected for digm, the use of simple free-operant re-
several reasons. First, because the study was sponses (e.g., key pecking, switch pressing,
designed to assess relative reinforcer effec- in-square or in-seat behavior) as dependent
tiveness, the focus was on teaching the con- variables may have advantages over more
tingencies in effect (Response A produces complex (and perhaps more socially mean-
Reinforcer A, Response B produces Rein- ingful) responses. First, as previously men-
forcer B) rather than on acquisition of a spe- tioned, the focus is on teaching the client
cific response or skill. Thus, we wanted to the contingencies in effect rather than the
make the contingencies and the responses as specific responses. Second, the matching
simple and as clear as possible. Second, be- phenomenon, which allows one to deter-
cause inpatient admission lengths are limit- mine relative reinforcer effectiveness based
ed, it was necessary to develop time-efficient on relative response rates, occurs only after
methods that could be used across clients an initial acquisition phase (i.e., after the in-
with varying degrees of mental retardation. dividual has learned the contingencies in ef-
We have found that most of our clients learn fect; Mazur, 1994). This acquisition phase
the contingencies associated with simple re- should be shorter, and hence matching
sponses like in-square and in-seat behavior should occur faster, for a simple free-operant
quickly, whereas more complex tasks often response than for a more complex response.
require extensive training. Third, when cli- In addition, given the generality of the
ents fail to learn more complex tasks, it is matching phenomenon, the relative response
sometimes difficult to differentiate between rates associated with two schedules,
skill deficits and reinforcer ineffectiveness. amounts, or types of reinforcement in a con-
When assessing relative reinforcer effec- current operants paradigm should hold
tiveness using a concurrent operants para- across dependent variables, as long as the
digm, the response chosen as the dependent stimuli used as consequences are functional
variable may be less important than when reinforcers for the responses used as depen-
assessing reinforcer effectiveness in a single- dent variables.
operant situation. With a concurrent oper- This is not to suggest that a stimulus
ants paradigm, two schedules of reinforce- identified as more preferred using a concur-
ment (or two qualitatively different reinforc- rent operants paradigm with a simple free-
ers) are in direct competition, and response operant response (in-seat behavior) will nec-
rates tend to match the relative rate or mag- essarily function as a reinforcer for more
nitude of reinforcement associated with each complex and clinically relevant responses
schedule (Herrnstein, 1970). This matching (e.g., acquisition of language or hygiene
phenomenon appears to be quite general and skills) or that stimuli identified as less pre-
has been demonstrated to occur across a ferred will not function as reinforcers when
wide range of species, reinforcers, and re- assessed in a single-operant paradigm. A giv-
sponses (e.g., Conger & Killeen, 1974; Mat- en stimulus may function as a reinforcer for
thews & Temple, 1979; Neef, Mace, & one response but not for another. In addi-
tion, the same stimulus may function as a able. Reinforcers found to be highly substi-
reinforcer for a given response in one situa- tutable (i.e., in all conditions) could then be
tion but not in another, and may not func- used across clinical settings.
tion as a reinforcer for the same response in
the same situation at a different point in
time. However, given the generality of the REFERENCES
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Behavior Analysis, 18, 249-255. Received April 27, 1995
Rachlin, H., Kagel, J. H., & Battalio, R C. (1980). Initial editorial decision July 24, 1995
Substitutability in time allocation. Psychological Revision received October 3, 1995
Review, 87, 355-374. Final acceptance October 30, 1995
Rincover, A., Newsom, C. D., Lovaas, 0. I., & Koe- Action Editor, E Charles Mace

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