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Term I
2020 – 2021

Grade: XI
General Instructions:

Project topics : (choose any two topics)

 The problem of Child Labour inIndia
 The Population explosion and it’s impact on urbansociety.
 Poverty andcrime
 Problems of the aged inIndia
 Problems of the differently abled inIndia.
 Children and beggary.

 You are expected to use A-4 size white sheets (one side ruled and
one side blank), neatly filed between two thick chartpapers.
 Use of labelled pictures/photographs is essential. Cartoons /
caricatures are not allowed. No extra marks for decorationand
 You may write on the right-hand side page and paste / draw pictures /
photographs on the left-hand side.
 Entire project to be hand written. You may write either in blue or black
ink. Only Titles/ Sub-titles may be written with colourpens.
 Criteria for evaluation are Presentation andViva.
Break-up for the topics mentioned above:
 Coverpage/topic - 1page
 Acknowledgement - 1page
 Content/Index - 1page
 Introduction - 1page
 Aim/ statementofpurpose - 2 pages
 Methodology - 2pages
 Datacollection - 2pages
 Body - 2pages
 Conclusion - 1page
 Reference/Bibliography - 1page

The project has to be submitted in pdf format on Microsoft Teams on or before 14

September, 2020

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