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The Importance of Humanities

"Please do not do this, you will never find a job." This is one of
my favorite teachers and is responding to my interest in the field
of potential research in history. My teacher, my friend, and I
enjoyed so many courses together, so we spent a business day
afternoon to visit her. Of course my response is in contrast to my
friends who want to pursue a career in computational linguistics,
but history is my primary concern. It is difficult to love history
and literature in an environment where the career of science and
technology continues to spread.

The birth of subjects related to the humanities can be traced

back to ancient Greece. In this era, humanities science is one of
the most important education, but the importance of humanities
science has weakened since the Industrial Revolution. Due to
mass production and high demands, considerable science and
engineering has become more focused and recognized.
However, due to advances in technology and the adaptability of
people to it, the market has developed rapidly over the past
decade. Since thousands of products are invented and circulated
all over the world, people are beginning to be demanding when
it is noisy. Therefore, in order to adapt to a variety of needs, the
products are gradually diversified, easy to use and visually
appealing. In other words, we celebrated the era when working
products are not enough for people.
Humanities can be defined as education curriculum designed to
teach individuals about human condition in various forms. The
importance of important human philosophy is to research human
condition including ancient and contemporary languages such as
literature, philosophy, religion, visual arts such as music and
drama, it is also useful as a social science. History,
Anthropology, Area Studies, Communication, Culture, Law,
Economics, Linguistics

If you ask humanity, why are their studies worthwhile, they have
the potential to make a beautiful, idealistic view of your subject
- this is definitely an effective and important view . The
humanities science is about the state of mankind, a conscious
man all of us are trying to explore this life. They are about
ourselves, our past, understanding our future, connecting with
our colleagues, and learning how to become a sympathetic
nerve. As a social interpretation of a classic movie death poet to
his studies, "Medicine, according to law, engineering, these are
very high pursuits to maintain life Ting is right"

What are the advantages of humanities? There are lots of

answers. To cope with the greatest social and technical
challenges, the ability to think critically about the human context
is very important. Humanities graduates are receiving better
training than science and engineering graduates. Scott Hartley of
venture capitalists said in The Fussy and Techie that barriers to
entry into the technical role are declining. Many works requiring
professional training are currently available through tools and
the internet. For example, it is very easy to create today's web
pages, and anyone can create their own websites with the help of
many template providers. People who can solve large human
problems are more competitive

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