WRC-107 Lifting Trunnions - Horz. Lift

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Horizontal lift


Step 1 Note values from output file of PVElite, as shown below.

Import data from PV elite

Step 2 Open PVElite

Step 3 In PV Elite, Click this button -->

(To start design of lifting lug)

Step 4 A new window "COADE CALC" will open, Go to Step 4

Step 4 Go to 'Analysis'→'Choose Analysis type'→'Legs and Lugs'
As shown below in sketch

Step 5 A new window will open. Click " +" new Item button

Step 6 Fill in the data from Datasheet or PVElite output file and select trunnion in "Analysis Type"
box as indicated below:
Inputs required
By program

Step 7A Provide following values for calculating Axial Load, Normal Load, Tangential Load.
Weight of Empty Vessel (From Step 1 and convert it into Newtons) W= 15000 N
No. of Trunnions n= 2

Load Per Trunnion W/n = 7500 N


Axial Load, 5% of (W / n) = 375 N
Normal Load W/n = 7500 N
Tangential Load 5% of (W / n) = 375 N

Step 7B Now click ">>" button as indcated above. New window "Dialog" will open. Fill in the
specifications for trunnion (as calculated in Step 7A) and check in the box for WRC 107
calculation as indicated in the figure below:

Figure shown below helps selecting Dimension of trunnion

Step 8 Click OK in dialog window, click Load and fill in the vessel empty weight
(from Step 1) and occasional load factor.As shown below:

Step 9 Now Save your program by clicking →

Step 10 Analyze your program by clicking →

Step 11 Read at the end of Report.

Step 12 If the results are "Fail. Go to Step 7B & try with different geometrical dimensions.
Unless you get Passed message.

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