Digital Hardware Homework 1

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CE213 – Digital Hardware

Home Work 1

Issue Date: Friday, 11 September 2020

Department of Computer Engineering

College of Computer Science and Information Technology

King Faisal University

A. Number Conversions
1. Convert the following binary numbers to their equivalent decimal values:
a. (101101)2
b. (1011011001)2
2. Convert the following decimal values to binary:
a. 47
b. 1023
3. Convert the following hex numbers to their decimal equivalent:
a. 7AF
b. FB
4. Convert the following decimal numbers to hex:
a. 33
b. 61,341
5. Convert each of the hex values from Problem 3 to binary.
6. Convert the binary values in Problem 1 to hex.

B. Number Ranges
7. What is the largest decimal value that can be represented by:
a. An 8-bit binary number
b. A 16-bit binary number
8. How many bits are needed to count up to a maximum of 31?
9. With 3 bits, show the binary counting sequence from 010 to 111.
10. List the hex numbers in sequence from (197)16 to (1B4)16.
11. How many hex digits are required to represent decimal numbers up to 255?

C. BCD, ASCII, and Error Detection Codes (Parity Check Method)

12. Encode the following decimal numbers in BCD:
a. 53
b. 132
13. How many bits are required to represent the decimal numbers in the range from 0 to 77
a. binary code
b. BCD code
14. The following numbers are in BCD. Convert them to decimal.
a. 0110011101110101
b. 010001010101
15. Represent the statement “𝑋 = 4 × 𝑍” in ASCII code. Attach an even parity. What is the
result in hex?
16. Convert the following decimal numbers to BCD code and then attach an odd parity.
a. 61
b. 5552
17. Suppose the receiver received the following data from the transmitter. The data was
transmitted with an even parity.
What errors can the receiver determine in these received data?

D. Bit, Nibble, Byte, Word

18. How many bits are contained in 2 bytes?
19. What is the largest hex number that can be represented using 4 bytes?
20. How many nibbles can be stored in a 32-bit word?
21. What is the most significant nibble of ASCII code for the letter Z?
22. How many bytes does it take to make up a 32-bit word?

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