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Am I clean enough to be pulled by the magnet?

(Dadi Janki - 31st October 2006 - Shantivan)

Our very lives are being created through Baba versions. Look at what you were, what you are now and what
you are becoming. I should be as beautiful as Baba is beautiful. This is possible because He is making me that.
Now, ask yourself; do I wilt? Do I become unhappy? My face should be very beautiful - constantly.

To celebrate a meeting is to become like Baba. In the Golden and Silver ages we did not have any body
consciousness and Baba has now come to finish our body consciousness. In body consciousness we cannot
take anything from Baba. Out of love I am asking you to question yourself, ‘has my body consciousness
finished or is it still finishing’? Mama used to ask us ‘do you have the power to feel very deeply and know
what is inside?’ Do you know how much of your ego has finished? Are you subtle enough to feel such things?

Am I being pulled to Baba through my own effort or is Baba pulling me? Previously we were so rusty that the
Magnet couldn’t pull us. Now we belong to Baba and we desire to become pure gold. Is my needle now clean
enough to allow me to be pulled by Baba? A clean needle is good for sewing (for joining and mending) and
also for injecting. If it is free from rust, it connects us with Baba’s love. Ask yourself, ‘am I now free from
alloy? Do I feel pulled by Baba the Magnet?’ Our attraction to God has liberated us from Maya. How much
am I liberated from attraction and confusion? I should have no attraction or confusion whatsoever. Check
yourself well in this. For this I need the power of realisation and then the other powers can work automatically.
It is then that I am connected to Baba and the powers are under my orders. When a girl gets married and goes
to her father-in-law’s house, they send some of her friends with her to give her company. In the same way Baba
has given us the powers as our companions.

Baba needs useful children. Baba used to say ‘if you are of no use to Baba then go to Mama’. Who can be such
a useful child? Those who desire to remain in a spiritual stage. My spirituality should be such that it separates
me from the vices. The soul had become weak and, due to coming under pressure, began performing wrong
actions. We need special subtle power to feel very deeply whether we are liberated from this. It is through this
that we become liberated. Baba made us belong to him and liberated us from vicious bondages. We have
received not only liberation, but liberation in life too. Thus, this knowledge is like sugar cane. This power of
spirituality will help me to keep all powers in front of me. Just by watching Mama and the Dadi’s we become
liberated from attraction and confusion.

When reality and royalty are part of my personality I will feel that they are also present in the service I do. If I
can maintain my spirituality Baba will give power. I need to become true gold and a flawless diamond. There
shouldn’t be a single flaw in me. The Bestower is bestowing, so let me be present in front of Him. Just
remember that you are a soul and you will be able to perform elevated actions.

At Amrit Vela Dadi experienced ‘I the soul belong to Baba. Mine is one Baba’. Develop such experiences and
thus, in a practical way, create a world of happiness for yourself. We also have to go to the abode of peace, but
before that spread peace to the whole world.

Just think, ‘I belong to Baba and Baba belongs to me’. Pay attention to keeping your mind at rest - not sleep,
but at rest, relaxed and cool. Then even the elements will come under your control. Otherwise you keep
saying it’s too hot, it’s too cold. No, keep nature under your orders. When I conquer nature then Baba gives
orders to nature not to trouble you. Nowadays you have all facilities but you have become sensitive. We have
to become so strong so that others who see me become co-operative and serviceable souls in Baba’s task.

Om Shanti

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