Scaffolding: Assessment Sheet

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Assessment Sheet


Using the assessment sheet.

This short assessment is designed to give your trainer an idea of how well you have understood the
safety talk. The following will help.

1) It is a multiple choice assessment – no written answers are required.

2) Please complete the assessment, in the time allotted, by placing an ‘X’ in the box next to
the answer you consider to be the most correct.
3) Read the question and the answers carefully before making your selection.
4) Only give one answer to each question. There will be a most correct answer in each case.

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Assessment Sheet

Qu 1. Scaffolding should be erected, adjusted and dismantled by

(under the supervision of):

(a) Anyone who is available

(b) A competent (properly trained) person
(c) Someone who has done it before

Qu 2. Scaffolding must be maintained and this is the responsibility of:

(a) The management

(b) The trained person
(c) All employees

Qu 3. If there are any defects or concerns, this must be reported:

(a) At the end of the shift

(b) Immediately
(c) When the opportunity arises

Qu 4. In order to provide safe access and egress, ladders will be:

(a) Properly secured

(b) Angled at more than 30%
(c) Not more than 1 year old

Qu 5. Scaffold platforms should be no less in width than:

(a) 500mm
(b) 600mm
(c) 700mm

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Assessment Sheet

Qu 6. Where stores are stacked on platforms:

(a) The passageway can be reduced to 450mm

(b) The passageway should be increased to750mm
(c) Must be 600mm

Qu 7. Where guard rails are removed to facilitate loading, they must be:

(a) Stacked carefully

(b) Replaced immediately
(c) Replaced at the end of the shift

Qu 8. How often should scaffolding be inspected?

(a) At least once a month

(b) At least once a day
(c) At least once every 7 days

Qu 9. When scaffolding is inspected, the findings should be:

(a) Remembered
(b) Recorded
(c) Communicated to the workforce

Qu 10. Scaffolding should be inspected after significant alteration:

(a) True
(b) False

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