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Modul Khas







1|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Task 1: Various Idioms - Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. If it's to you, let's meet on Tuesday instead of Monday.

all along all at once all of a sudden all the same

2. The accident on Jalan Kerambit.

took part took place took time took turns

3. Children, your task for tomorrow is to learn this poem .

by all means by chance by heart by the way

4. Good-by and don't forget to !

keep good time keep in mind keep in touch keep moving

5. The party was formal and dull until Mike arrived and with his
jokes. Then everyone began to relax.

broke the bank broke the ice broke the law broke the news

6. Mr. Mirza is the Sales Department.

in case of in charge of in honor of in search of

7. Will he ever come back? No, he left .

by himself for good in advance on time

8. The car almost hit an old woman crossing the street. That was a .
close call false alarm last-minute notice long shot

9. He is and will be here in ten minutes.

about to have dinner behind bars on his way out of town

10. When his children broke a vase yesterday, he and began to

shout at everyone.

lost all hope lost his breath lost his temper lost his way

2|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Task 2: Various Idioms - Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Let's go out and have some fun. , it's Sunday!

After all Before long In general On the other hand

2. He was of breaking the door when his wife called and

said that she found the key.
beside the point off the point on the point to the point

3. He wants to have his own company in which he will be able to .

call a halt call a spade a spade call it a day call the shots

4. Azam, I have to be at the bank in fifteen minutes, and my car won't start.
Can you , please?
give me a blank check give me a break give me a lift give me five

5. You'd be if you get a full-time job.

above board better off for good in the long run

6. I'm staying at Rizal's house. Write to me Marza, 123

Main Road, Paka Dungun.
in care of in charge of in place of in terms of

7. I try to do my best at work, but my boss always with my work.

falls asleep finds fault follows suit

8. Where have you been? Mother is with worry.

beside herself in hot water out of reach under the weather

9. He asked his secretary to the chief accountant before the meeting.

get a grip on get even with get in touch with get rid of

10. I don't mind their visits once in a while, but I at

inviting them to stay with us for a week.
draw a conclusion draw blood draw the curtain draw the line

3|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Task 3: Body Idioms - Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. He is all and can't install or repair anything in the house.

elbows knees thumbs toes

2. She decided to try her at gardening.

body hand head leg

3. She didn't have the to tell him the bad news.

heart mouth soul tongue

4. He wanted to tell them the truth, but he got cold at the last
feet hands knees toes

5. He visits fashionable places where he can rub with

arms elbows fingers hands

6. Her little son is the apple of her .

eye heart mind soul

7. I tried to keep a straight when she told me about her

magical powers.
face head neck shoulder

8. Success and money went to his , and he forgot old friends.

brain head heart mind

9. He wasn't able to put his on it right away, but he promised

to look into the problem later.
eye finger hand nose

10. I feel it in my that we are going to have problems.

bones heart knees stomach

4|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Task 4: Colour Idioms - Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. She is feeling because her boyfriend didn't call her yesterday.

blue green red white

2. How many little lies do we tell every day?

blue green red white

3. Her father and mother saw when they found out that their
daughter was dating that guy.
blue green red white

4. Lena and Nick will be with envy when they see my new car!
blue green red white

5. That expensive gift turned out to be a elephant. We didn't

have any use for it, and we couldn't sell it either.
blue green red white

6. I tried to talk him out of it. Actually, I talked to him till I was
in the face, but he didn't change his mind.
blue green red white

7. They have to sell their property because their business has been in the
for six years.
blue green red white

8. Her flower garden is fantastic. She loves gardening and has a thumb.
blue green red white
9. The idea came to him right out of the when he was
making coffee in the kitchen.
blue green red white

10. There was so much bureaucratic tape that we did not

get the required papers in time.
blue green red white

5|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Task 5: Animal Idioms - Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. Tom eats like a . He ate all of the roast beef, and most of
the chocolate cake too.
cow horse lion whale

2. I don't like this situation. I don't trust those people, and I smell a
cat mouse rat skunk

3. We were scared and didn't know what to do. Then Mike decided to
and tell the boss everything.
take the bear by the tooth take the bull by the horns take the lion by
the muzzle take the monkey by the tail

4. She doesn't need it, but she doesn't let me have it either. She behaves like a
____________________in the manger.
bear dog fox wolf

5. I didn't like driving in that city. Traffic was too heavy there. Wild drivers and
road were also a problem.
bears foxes hogs weasels

6. My neighbor is as strong as . I couldn't

even move that box, and he picked it up and carried it out.
an elephant a gorilla an ox a tiger

7. He is not rich, and his family is large. He has to work hard to keep the
from the door.
jackal lion tiger wolf
8. In my opinion, buying a used car without consulting a good car mechanic
first is like buying a in a poke.
cat dog goat pig

9. You can sit here till the come home, but he

won't come out and talk with you.
bulls camels cows sheep
10. The hall was so packed with people that there was not enough room to
swing a .
cat dog mouse rabbit

6|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Task 6: Bird Idioms - Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Aunt Lucy is up with the every day and has a lot

done by noon.
geese lark owl rooster

2. Victor really cooked his when the director

found him fast asleep in his office.
chicken duck goose turkey

3. He has plenty of excellent food and a lot of expensive clothes. He lives like a
cheerful lark fighting cock plump partridge singing canary

4. We enjoyed view of the city from the top of the hill.

a bird's-eye an eagle's-eye a falcon's-eye a hawk's-eye

5. Alice was until she was almost 14. And now she is
such a beauty!
a lame duck a spring chicken an ugly duckling a white crow

6. The amusement park is about three miles from here as the

crow eagle pigeon swallow

7. Those guys are troublemakers. You've got to watch them like a

crow cuckoo hawk magpie

8. The owner of that house is as crazy as a . His neighbors

avoid him if they can.
loon mockingbird parrot sparrow

9. This painting was the artist's song. He died soon after he

finished it.
eagle nightingale owl swan

10. His friends tried to talk to him about his attitude, but it was no good. It was
like water off a back to him.
duck's goose's gull's penguin's
7|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza
Construct sentences using the idiom given.

Idiom Meaning Sentence

Black and blue Full of bruises

Be on cloud Be very happy


Feeling a bit Feeling slightly ill

under the

Cost an arm Very expensive

and a leg

A stone’s throw Very near

Down in the Very sad


Butterflies in Very nervous

the stomach

No use crying Feeling regret

over spilt milk

As fit as a fiddle Very active person

In hot water In trouble

8|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

Identify the suitable idiom for the pictures below and write sentences
or paragraph using the idioms.

• Over the moon

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________




• As stubborn as a mule

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________




9|M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Par t 3 –Sir Marza

• Out of the blue

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________




• One’s good deed for the day

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________

• ________________________________




10 | M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Part 3 –Sir Marza

a cock and bull cerita yang tidak masuk akal dan sukar dipercayai
a piece of cake mudah untuk dilakukan
a queer fish seseorang yang sedikit pelik atau gila
all ears tidak sabar-sabar mendengar apa yang seorang telah
an eagle eye untuk mengawasi seseorang atau sesuatu dengan berhati-hati
at odds perbezaan pendapat
at one go dalam satu percubaan saja
at the eleventh pada saat akhir
beat the clock untuk menyelesaikan tugas sebelum masa tertentu
behind time lewat
bite the dust gagal atau berhenti sedia ada
black and blue teruk lebam
black out pengsan
build castles in hari impian
the air
burn the belajar atau bekerja sehingga lewat malam
midnight oil
call it a day berhenti melakukan sesuatu
carried away untuk menjadi sangat teruja
change hands menukar kepada pemilik yang lain
clean bill of jaminan bahawa seseorang itu dalam keadaan sihat
cold feet sangat gugup
cool it bertenang
day by day setiap masa
deep down rasa kuat
dirt cheap untuk menukar kepada pemilik yang lain
draw the line untuk menetapkan had
earn a crust untuk mendapatkan wang yang cukup untuk hidup
easy money mendapatkan wang dengan kerja-kerja yang senang
eat like a bird makan sangat sedikit
eat your words untuk mengakui bahawa apa yang anda katakan adalah salah
every once in a kadang-kadang
feel good merasa gembira dan yakin
fishy about sesuatu yang ganjil mengenai seseorang
foot the bill membayar bil
free and easy ceria dan menyeronokkan
get over untuk melupakan
11 | M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Part 3 –Sir Marza
give someone a memberi tepukan
big hand
give someone untuk memuji seseorang
give someone untuk mengelakkan sesuatu mesyuarat atau seseorang
the slip
gives me the pergerakan badan anda kerana takut
go bananas menjadi marah atau gila
go downhill menjadi lebih teruk
go halves berkongsi kos
grab a bite membeli sesuatu untuk makan dengan cepat
have a crush on seperti seseorang romantis sebelum mengetahui mereka
have a say menyatakan pendapat seseorang
have an eye for iri hati seseorang
have something untuk memikirkan sesuatu yang khususnya
in mind

head over heels mencintai seseorang sangat banyak

high and low di mana-mana

hit the nail on menyatakan sesuatu yang sangat betul
the head
hit the roof tiba-tiba menjadi sangat marah
in black and menulis atau dalam percetakan
in seventh sangat gembira
in the nick of tepat pada masanya
in the same boat dalam keadaan yang sama

jump on the untuk menyertai sebelah yang paling popular

jump to the untuk mewujudkan idea tanpa fakta yang betul
keep a cool head bertenang dalam keadaan yang sukar

keep a low tidak menarik orang perhatian

keep early tidur awal

12 | M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Part 3 –Sir Marza

keep the ball Untuk memastikan perkembangan
keep the kelihatan serius atau ketat
straight face
kicked the meninggal dunia
leap in the dark usaha dengan peluang sedikit kejayaan

lend someone a untuk membantu orang

lend someone mendengar apa yang dibincang oleh orang yang lain
an ear
let sleeping tidak menimbulkan masalah dengan campur masalah
dogs lie
let the cat out of membocorkan rahsia
the bag
lie through your mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak benar
like a cat on hot sangat gugup
like a fish out of berasa tidak selesa di tempat-tempat tertentu
like two peas in sungguh sama
a pod
live from hand hidup dalam kesusahan
to mouth
made for each sesuai
make a clean pengakuan
breast of
make a fresh untuk memulakan hidup lagi
make a good untuk perjalanan lebih cepat daripada yang dijangkakan
make great berjalan lancar
mind goes blank tidak boleh berfikir atau ingat

needle in a satu perkara yang hampir mustahil untuk mencari

needless to say sesuatu yang dijangka akan berlaku
next to nothing hampir tiada

13 | M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Part 3 –Sir Marza

nine times out sesuatu yang biasanya atau hampir sentiasa berlaku
of ten
nip something untuk menghentikan sesuatu yang pada peringkat awal
in the bud
no earthly tanpa sebab sama sekali
no hard feelings tidak berniat jahat

not on your life untuk mengatakan bahawa anda pasti tidak akan melakukan
nowhere in mustahil untuk sesiapa sahaja untuk mencari atau melihat
of the same untuk mempunyai pendapat yang sama tentang sesuatu
on the breadline miskin

on the same mempunyai cara yang sama pemikiran atau idea yang sama
once in a blue sangat jarang
over and over berulang kali
pain in the orang yang menjengkelkan
pinch and hidup hemat
pull a long face kelihatan sedih
put the clock untuk kembali ke zaman awal
put your heads bekerjasama untuk menyelesaikan masalah
quick as a flash sangat cepat

rain cats and hujan lebat

sell like hot menjual dengan cepat
show someone untuk memberitahu seseorang untuk keluar
the door
skate on thin ice dalam keadaan yang bahaya
through thick walaupun terdapat masalah atau kesukaran
and thin

14 | M o d u l FREE Ke las Inte nsif Part 3 –Sir Marza

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