Rational Curves With Rational Rotation Minimizing Frames From Pythagorean-Hodograph Curves

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Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Rational Curves with Rational Rotation Minimizing

Frames from Pythagorean-Hodograph Curves

G. R. Quintana2,3

Joint work with the Prof. Dr. B. Juëttler1 , Prof. Dr. F. Etayo2
and Prof. Dr. L. González-Vega2

1 Institut für Angewandte Geometrie

Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

2 Departamento de MATemáticas, EStadı́stica y COmputación
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
3 This work has been partially supported by the spanish MICINN grant
MTM2008-04699-C03-03 and the project

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples


1 Preliminaries
Involutes and evolutes of space curves

2 Theoretical Results
Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

3 Constructions and Examples

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Definition (PH curves)

Polynomial Pythagorean-Hodograph ( PH) space curves are
polynomial parametric curves with the property that their
hodographs p0 (u) = (p01 (u), p02 (u), p03 (u)) satisfy the Pythagorean

(p01 (u))2 + (p02 (u))2 + (p03 (u))2 = (σ(u))2

for some polynomial σ(u).

Spatial PH curves satisfy kp0 (u) × p00 (u)k2 = σ 2 (u)ρ(u) where

ρ(u) = kp00 (u)k2 − σ 02 (u)**.

**From Farouki, Rida T., Pythagorean - Hodograph Curves: Algebra and Geometry Inseparable Springer, Berlin,


CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Definition (RPH curves)

Rational Pythagorean-Hodograph ( RPH) space curves are rational
parametric curves with the property that their hodographs
p0 (u) = (p01 (u), p02 (u), p03 (u)) satisfy the Pythagorean condition

(p01 (u))2 + (p02 (u))2 + (p03 (u))2 = (σ(u))2

for some piecewise rational function σ(u).

Definition (RM vector field)

A unit vector field v over a curve q is said to be Rotation
Minimizing ( RM) if it is contained in the normal plane of q and
v 0 (u) = α(u)q 0 (u), where α is a scalar-valued function.

**(from Corollary 3.2 in Wang, Wenpin; Jüttler, Bert; Zheng, Dayue; Liu, Yang, Computation of Rotation

Minimizing Frames, ACM Trans. Graph. 27,1, Article 2, 2008).

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Definition (RM vector field)

A unit vector field v over a curve q is said to be Rotation
Minimizing ( RM) if it is contained in the normal plane of q and
v 0 (u) = α(u)q 0 (u), where α is a scalar-valued function.

Given v RM vector field over q, any unitary vector w
perpendicular to q 0 and v is a RM vector field over q**.
The ruled surface D(u, λ) = q(u) + λv(u) is developable.

**(from Corollary 3.2 in Wang, Wenpin; Jüttler, Bert; Zheng, Dayue; Liu, Yang, Computation of Rotation

Minimizing Frames, ACM Trans. Graph. 27,1, Article 2, 2008).

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Definition (RMF curve)

A Rotation Minimizing Frame RMF in a curve is defined by a unit
tangent vector tangent and two mutually orthogonal RM vectors.

Definition (R2 MF, resp. R3 MF, curve)

A polynomial (resp. rational) space curve is said to be a curve with
a Rational Rotation Minimizing Frame (an R2 MF curve; resp. an
R3 MF curve) if there exists a rational RMF over the curve.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Definition (DPH, resp. RDPH, curve)

A polynomial (resp. rational) space curve p is said to be a
polynomial (resp. rational) Double Pythagorean-Hodograph
( DPH, resp. RDPH) curve if kp0 k and kp0 × p00 k are both
piecewise polynomial (resp. rational) functions of t, i.e., if the
1 kp0 (u)k2 = σ 2 (u)
2 kp0 (u) × p00 (u)k2 = (σ(u)ω(u))2
are simultaneously satisfied for some piecewise polynomials (resp.
rational functions) σ(u), ω(u).

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Definition (SPH curve)

A rational curve is said to be a Spherical Pythagorean Hodograph
( SPH) curve if it is RPH and it is contained in the unit sphere.

Definition (Parallel curves)

Two rational curves p, p̂ : I → Rn are said to be parallel curves if
there exists a rational function λ 6= 0 such that

p0 (u) = λ(u)p̂0 (u), , ∀u ∈ I

Equivalence relation → [p] the equivalence class generated by p.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Let p and p̂ be rational parallel curves
1 If p is RPH then p̂ is also RPH.
2 If p is RDPH then p̂ is also RDPH.
3 If p is R3 MF then p̂ is also R3 MF.
Consequently If a curve p is RPH (resp. RDPH, R3 MF) then the
curves in [p] are RPH (resp. RDPH, R3 MF).

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Relationships illustrated


Let p and p̂ be rational parallel curves

1 If p is RPH then p̂ is also RPH.
2 If p is RDPH then p̂ is also RDPH.
3 If p is R3 MF then p̂ is also R3 MF.
Consequently If a curve p is RPH (resp. RDPH, R3 MF) then the curves in [p] are RPH (resp. RDPH, R3 MF).

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Given p and q curves in R3 ,

p is an evolute of q and q is an involute of p if the tangent lines

to p are normal to q.

p : I = [a, b] → R3 be a PH space curve;
s(u) = 0 kp0 (t)kdt, the arc-length function;
q, an involute of p:

p0 (u)
q(u) = p(u) − s(u)
kp0 (u)k

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

p0 (u)
The vector field v(u) = kp0 (u)k is a RM vector field over the
involute q(u).

Geometric proof: since q 0 · v=0,

1 v is RM vector field over q
iff the ruled surface q + λv
developable; and
2 q + λv is the tangent
surface of p.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

**Given a PH space curve p, we consider q an involute of p. The
frame defined by  0 
q (u)
, v(u), w(u)
kq 0 (u)k
p0 (u)
is an ( RMF) over q, where v(u) = kp0 (u)k and
q 0 (u)
w(u) = kq 0 (u)k × v(u).

p0 (u)
If p is a spatial PH curve then v(u) = kp0 (u)k , the involute
q 0 (u)
q(u) = p(u) − s(u)v(u) and w(u) = kq 0 (u)k × v(u) are piecewise

Generality: ”any curve is the involute of another curve” from Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler, A Treatise on Differential

Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Constable and Company Limited, London, 1909.
CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones
Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples


p0 0 kp0 ×p00 k

Every curve p satisfies kp0 k kp0 k .


p0 0
For a PH curve it is reduced to kp0 k

 0 0 
p0 0
kp0 k is piecewise rational but kp0 k is not.

p0 (u)×p00 (u)
Given a curve p, the vector field b(u) = kp0 (u)×p00 (u)k is a RM vector
field with respect to the involute q(u) = p(u) − s(u) kpp0 (u)k

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results Involutes and evolutes of space curves
Constructions and Examples

Consider a curve p and its involute q = p − s kpp0 k . Then

p0 (u) × p00 (u) q 0 (u) × p0 (u)

kp0 (u) × p00 (u)k kq 0 (u) × p0 (u)k

RMF over the involute q:

p0 p0 × p00

, ,b = 0
kq 0 k kp0 k kp × p00 k

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

The image s of a rational planar PH curve r = (r1 , r2 , 0) by the
Möbius transformation
Σ:x→2 −z
kx + zk2

where z = (0, 0, 1), is a SPH curve and vice versa.

Note that Σ ◦ Σ =Id. Then by direct computations the necessary

and the sufficient conditions hold.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

Necessary condition. r is PH, kr 0 k2 = σ 2 , σ rational. Then,
s = Σ(r) = (2r1 , 2r2 , 1 − r12 − r22 )
r12 + r22 + 1

By direct computation ksk = 1. Since

2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0
0 (−2(r1 r1 + 2r1 r2 r2 − r1 − r1 r2 ), 2(−2r2 r1 r1 − r2 r2 + r2 + r2 r1 ), −4(r1 r1 + r2 r2 ))
s =
2 + r 2 + 1)2
(r1 2

it holds ks0 k = 2kr 0 k/kr + zk2 = 2σ(kr + zk)−2 .

Sufficient condition. let s = (s1 , s2 , s3 ) such that s21+ s22 + s23 = 1and
s1 s2
s02 02 02 2
1 + s2 + s3 = σ for σ rational. Then r = Σ(s) = s3 +1 , s3 +1 , 0 ⇒
r contained in z = 0.
Differentiating r 0 = − (s3 +1) 1 0 0
3 (s1 , s2 , 0) + s +1 (s1 , s2 , 0).
0 0 0 0 σ
Substituting s1 s1 + s2 s2 = −s3 s3 ⇒ kr k = s3 +1 .

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

1 Given a SPH curve r(u)/w(u) : I → R3 where v and w are
polynomial functions of the parameter
R then the
integrated-numerator curve p(u) = r(u)du is DPH.
2 If a space curve p(u) is RDPH then the unit-hodograph curve
p0 (u)
kp0 (u)k is SPH.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

(1) r/w is spherical, kr/wk = 1 so r12 + r22 + r32 = w 2 . Derivating
2(r1 r10 + r2 r20 + r3 r30 ) = 2ww0 . From PH curve def. (r/w) = σ, σ
rational. This gives kr 0 w − rw0 k = w2 σ. Direct comput.
kr 0 k2 = w2 σ 2 + w02 . p is DPH because kp0 k = krk = w and
kp0 × p00 k2 = kr × r 0 k2 = (σw2 )2 .
(2) By hypothesis kp0 k2 = σ 2 and kp0 × p00 k2 = σ 2 kp00 k2 − σ 02 = δ 2 ,

σ and δ rational. Since Lemma** holds for rational space curves we have
p0 0 2
00 2 02 δ
= kp k − σ =

kp0 k σ

p0 0 00
= kp ×p k .

Lemma**: Every curve p satisfies
kp0 k kp0 k

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

1 Given a SPH curve r(u)/w(u) : I → R3 where v and w are
polynomial functions of the parameter
R then the
integrated-numerator curve p(u) = r(u)du is DPH.
2 If a space curve p(u) is RDPH then the unit-hodograph curve
p0 (u)
kp0 (u)k is SPH.

1 If p is a DPH curve then the unit-hodograph kpp0 k is an SPH curve
and additionally (p0 /kp0 k) = kp0 × p00 k/kp0 k, polynomial.
2 If p is an RPH curve then kp0 × p00 k2 = σ 2 ρ, where kp0 k = σ and
ρ = kp00 k2 − σ 02 .
3 If p is RDPH then kp0 × p00 k2 = σ 2 ω 2 , where ω 2 = ρ.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

1 Let p be a DPH curve and consider an involute q. The vectors

q 0 (u) p0 (u) × p00 (u)

and b(u) = 0
kq (u)k kp (u) × p00 (u)k

are piecewise rational, where q is an involute of p. Thus q is R3 MF.

2 If a rational space curve q is R3 MF then we can find a space curve
p(u) such that p(u) is RDPH and q(u) is an involute of p(u).

(1)Initial lemmas.
(2)Basically construction of the involute in
Do Carmo, Manfredo P, Geometrı́a Diferencial de Curvas y Superficies,
Alianza Editorial, S. A., Madrid,1990.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Preliminaries Relationship between planar RPH curves and SPH curves
Theoretical Results Relationship between DPH curves and SPH curves
Constructions and Examples Relationship between R3 MF curves and RDPH curves

The R3 MF curve from pevious Theorem (1) q has piecewise polynomial

 p0 0
arc-length function: kq 0 k = |s|
kp0 k and then

kp0 × p00 k σω
kq 0 k = |s| 0
= |s| = |s|ω
kp k σ

Note that the previous property does not hold in general for R3 MF
If two curves p and p̂ are parallel, then the corresponding involutes q, q̂
are also parallel.

Every R3 MF curve is parallel to the involute of a DPH curve.

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Construction of an R2 MF curve of degree 9

Degree 9 R2 MF curve from a polynomial planar PH curve. The

derivative of the PH curve is defined from two linear univariate
polynomials a(t) = a1 t + a0 and b(t) = b1 t + b0 :

r 0 (t) = (a2 (t) − b2 (t), 2a(t)b(t), 0)

The SPH curve s is image of r by the transformation described in the

previous Theorem getting s(t) = (s1 , s2 , s3 ), where
s1 = (6(a21 t3 + 3a1 t2 a0 + 3a20 t − b21 t3 − 3b1 t2 b0 − 3b20 t + 3c1 ))/(9 +
24a1 t4 a0 b1 b0 + 6a21 t5 b1 b0 + 6a1 t5 a0 b21 + 18a1 t3 a0 b20 + 18a1 t2 a0 c1 +
18a20 t3 b1 b0 − 18b1 t2 b0 c1 + 12a1 b1 t3 c2 + 18t2 a0 b1 c2 + 18t2 a1 b0 c2 +
36a0 b0 tc2 + a41 t6 + 9a40 t2 + b41 t6 + 9b40 t2 + 9c21 + 9c22 + 3a21 t4 b20 +
2a21 t6 b21 + 6a21 t3 c1 + 6a31 t5 a0 + 15a21 t4 a20 + 18a1 t3 a30 + 3a20 t4 b21 +
18a20 t2 b20 + 18a20 tc1 + 6b31 t5 b0 + 15b21 t4 b20 − 6b21 t3 c1 + 18b1 t3 b30 − 18b20 tc1 )

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Construction of an R2 MF curve of degree 9

s2 = (6(2a1 b1 t3 + 3t2 a0 b1 + 3t2 a1 b0 + 6a0 b0 t + 3c2 ))/(9 +
24a1 t4 a0 b1 b0 + 6a21 t5 b1 b0 + 6a1 t5 a0 b21 + 18a1 t3 a0 b20 + 18a1 t2 a0 c1 +
18a20 t3 b1 b0 − 18b1 t2 b0 c1 + 12a1 b1 t3 c2 + 18t2 a0 b1 c2 + 18t2 a1 b0 c2 +
36a0 b0 tc2 + a41 t6 + 9a40 t2 + b41 t6 + 9b40 t2 + 9c21 + 9c22 + 3a21 t4 b20 +
2a21 t6 b21 + 6a21 t3 c1 + 6a31 t5 a0 + 15a21 t4 a20 + 18a1 t3 a30 + 3a20 t4 b21 +
18a20 t2 b20 + 18a20 tc1 + 6b31 t5 b0 + 15b21 t4 b20 − 6b21 t3 c1 + 18b1 t3 b30 − 18b20 tc1 )
s3 = −(−9 + 24a1 t4 a0 b1 b0 + 6a21 t5 b1 b0 + 6a1 t5 a0 b21 + 18a1 t3 a0 b20 +
18a1 t2 a0 c1 + 18a20 t3 b1 b0 − 18b1 t2 b0 c1 + 12a1 b1 t3 c2 + 18t2 a0 b1 c2 +
18t2 a1 b0 c2 + 36a0 b0 tc2 + a41 t6 + 9a40 t2 + b41 t6 + 9b40 t2 + 9c21 + 9c22 +
3a21 t4 b20 + 2a21 t6 b21 + 6a21 t3 c1 + 6a31 t5 a0 + 15a21 t4 a20 + 18a1 t3 a30 +
3a20 t4 b21 + 18a20 t2 b20 + 18a20 tc1 + 6b31 t5 b0 + 15b21 t4 b20 − 6b21 t3 c1 + 18b1 t3 b30 −
18b20 tc1 )/(9 + 24a1 t4 a0 b1 b0 + 6a21 t5 b1 b0 + 6a1 t5 a0 b21 + 18a1 t3 a0 b20 +
18a1 t2 a0 c1 + 18a20 t3 b1 b0 − 18b1 t2 b0 c1 + 12a1 b1 t3 c2 + 18t2 a0 b1 c2 +
18t2 a1 b0 c2 + 36a0 b0 tc2 + a41 t6 + 9a40 t2 + b41 t6 + 9b40 t2 + 9c21 + 9c22 +
3a21 t4 b20 + 2a21 t6 b21 + 6a21 t3 c1 + 6a31 t5 a0 + 15a21 t4 a20 + 18a1 t3 a30 + 3a20 t4 b21 +
18a20 t2 b20 + 18a20 tc1 + 6b31 t5 b0 + 15b21 t4 b20 − 6b21 t3 c1 + 18b1 t3 b30 − 18b20 tc1 )

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Construction of an R2 MF curve of degree 9

s depends on the parameters that define the initial polynomials a and b

and on the integration constants obtained when we integrate r 0 : c1 , c2 ,
c3 . Integrating the numerator of the spherical curve we obtain a DPH
curve p̂. Its involute q̂ is R3 MF. We take now the minimum degree
polynomial curve q such that [q] = [q̂]. Once done we find an R2 MF
curve of degree 9 q = (q1 , q2 , q3 ) where
q1 = (a61 + a41 b21 − a12 b41 − b61 )t9 + (9a51 a2 + 9a31 a2 b21 − 9a21 b31 b2 −
9b51 b2 )t8 + (36a41 a22 − (36/7)a41 b22 + (72/7)a31 a2 b1 b2 + (216/7)a21 a22 b21 −
(216/7)a21 b21 b22 − (72/7)a1 a2 b31 b2 + (36/7)a22 b41 − 36b41 b22 )t7 + (81a31 a32 −
27a31 a2 b22 + 63a21 a22 b1 b2 − 45a21 b1 b32 + 45a1 a32 b21 − 63a1 a2 b21 b22 + 27a22 b31 b2 −
81b31 b32 )t6 +(108a21 a42 −(216/5)a21 a22 b22 −(108/5)a21 b42 +(648/5)a1 a32 b1 b2 −
(648/5)a1 a2 b1 b32 + (108/5)a42 b21 + (216/5)a22 b21 b22 − 108b21 b42 )t5 +
(81a1 a52 − 81a1 a2 b42 + 81a42 b1 b2 − 81b1 b52 )t4 + (27a62 + 27a42 b22 − 27a22 b42 −
27b62 − 27a21 + 27b21 )t3 + (−81a1 a2 + 81b1 b2 )t2 + (−81a22 + 81b22 )t

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Construction of an R2 MF curve of degree 9

q2 = (2a51 b1 + 4a31 b31 + 2a1 b51 )t9 + ((9/2)a51 b2 + (27/2)a41 a2 b1 +

18a31 b21 b2 + 18a21 a2 b31 + (27/2)a1 b41 b2 + (9/2)a2 b51 )t8 + (36a41 a2 b2 +
36a31 a22 b1 + (180/7)a31 b1 b22 + (648/7)a21 a2 b21 b2 + (180/7)a1 a22 b31 +
36a1 b31 b22 + 36a2 b41 b2 )t7 + (117a31 a22 b2 + 9a31 b32 + 45a21 a32 b1 +
153a21 a2 b1 b22 + 153a1 a22 b21 b2 + 45a1 b21 b32 + 9a32 b31 + 117a2 b31 b22 )t6 +
((972/5)a21 a32 b2 + (324/5)a21 a2 b32 + (108/5)a1 a42 b1 + (1512/5)a1 a22 b1 b22 +
(108/5)a1 b1 b42 + (324/5)a32 b21 b2 + (972/5)a2 b21 b32 )t5 + (162a1 a42 b2 +
162a1 a22 b32 + 162a32 b1 b22 + 162a2 b1 b42 )t4 − 162a2 b2 t + (54a52 b2 +
108a32 b32 + 54a2 b52 − 54a1 b1 )t3 + (−81a1 b2 − 81a2 b1 )t2
q3 = (9a41 +18a21 b21 +9b41 )t6 +(54a31 a0 +54a21 b1 b0 +54a1 a0 b21 +54b31 b0 )t5 +
(135a21 a20 + 27a21 b20 + 216a1 a0 b1 b0 + 27a20 b21 + 135b21 b20 )t4 + (162a1 a30 +
162a1 a0 b20 + 162a20 b1 b0 + 162b1 b30 )t3 + (81a40 + 162a20 b20 + 81b40 )t2

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Construction of a R2 MF quintic

We consider the R2 MF quintic (introduced in Farouki, Rida T.; Gianelli,

Carlotta; Manni, Carla; Sestini, Alessandra, 2009. Quintic Space Curves
with Rational Rotation-Minimizing Frames. Computer Aided Geometric
Design 26, 580–592) q = √ √ √ √ √
−8 t3 − 24 t5 + 12 t4 − 4 t2 2 + 8 t3 2 − 8 t4 2 + 16 t5 2, −2 t2 2 − 4 t3 +

5 √ √ 5
6 t4 − 6 t4 2 − 4 t5 + 16
5 t
2, −10 t + 20 t2 − 10 t2 2 − 28 t3 +
√ √ √
20 t3 2 + 22 t4 − 16 t4 2 −8 t5 + 24 5

5 t 2

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Construction of a R2 MF quintic

Using our method we can obtain the previous curve from the planar PH

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Work still in process.......... Any suggestions???

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

Theoretical Results
Constructions and Examples

Thank you!

CVC seminar, Wed 17 nov 2010 R3 MF curves from PH ones

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