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Previous Page compound engine / computer

compound engine A multicylinder engine in such a way as to be under predominantly

which the working fluid—steam, air, or hot compressive stress.
gas—expands successively as it passes from compression ratio 1. In an internal combus-
one cylinder to another through the engine. tion engine, the ratio of cylinder volume with
compound lever A device consisting of two the piston at bottom dead center to the vol-
or more levers, where force or motion is ume when the piston is at top dead center. 2.
transferred from the arm of one lever to the In powder metallurgy, the ratio of the vol-
next lever in the train. ume of loose powder used to make a part to
compounds Thermosetting, thermoplastic, the volume of the pressed compact.
epoxy resin (cold curing), and elastometric compression spring An elastic member, usu-
materials with or without fillers and/or ally made by bending metal wire into a heli-
additives after they have solidified. [ANSI/ cal coil, that resists a force tending to
ISA-12.23.01-1998] compress it.
compound screw A screw that has threads of compression test A destructive test for deter-
different pitches or opposite helixes on oppo- mining fracture strength, yield strength, duc-
site ends of the shank. tility, and elastic modulus by progressively
compound semiconductor A semiconductor loading a short-column specimen in com-
such as gallium arsenide that is made up of pression.
two or more materials, in contrast to simple compressor [Eng] 1. In engineering, the
single-element materials such as silicon and device, in a weir-type or sleeve (pinch) valve,
germanium. that the valve stem forces against the back-
compressibility Volumetric strain per unit side of the diaphragm or sleeve so as to cause
change in hydrostatic pressure. the diaphragm or sleeve to move and seal
compressibility factor (Z) A factor that is against the internal flow passageway of the
used to compensate for deviation from the valve body. [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-2000] 2. A
laws of perfect gases. If the gas laws are used machine—usually a reciprocating-piston,
to compute the specific weight of a gas, the centrifugal, or axial-flow design—that is
computed value must be adjusted by the used to increase pressure in a gas or vapor.
compressibility factor Z to obtain the true Also known as "compression machine."
specific weight. [Comp] 3. In computing, a hardware or soft-
compressible Capable of being compressed. ware process for removing redundant or oth-
Gas and vapor are compressible fluids. erwise uninteresting words from a stream,
compressible flow Fluid flow under condi- thereby "compressing" the data quantity.
tions that cause significant changes in den- Compton scattering A form of interaction
sity. between X-rays and loosely bound electrons
compression Any of several techniques for in which their collision results in the deflec-
reducing the number of bits required to rep- tion of the radiation from its previous path,
resent information in the storage or transmis- accompanied by random phase shift and a
sion of digital data (thereby saving memory slight increase in wavelength.
or bandwidth), and in which the original computational process An instance of the
form of the information can be reconstructed. execution of a segment by a processor using
Also, called "compaction." See asymmetrical a data area.
compression, JPEG, MPEG, and symmetrical computational stability The degree to which
compression. a computational process remains valid when
compressional wave A wave in an elastic subjected to effects such as errors, mistakes,
medium that causes an element of the or malfunctions.
medium to undergo changes in volume with- computer 1. A data processor that can per-
out rotating. form substantial computation, including
compression element An element of a cable numerous arithmetic or logic operations,
entry that acts on the sealing ring to enable without intervention by a human operator
the latter to fulfill its function. [ISA-12.00.01- during the run. 2. A device that is capable of
1999 (IEC 60079-0 Mod)] solving problems by accepting data, per-
compression failure Buckling, collapse, or forming described operations on the data,
fracture of a structural member that is loaded and supplying the results of these opera-
in compression. tions. Various types of computers are calcula-
compression member A beam, column, or tors, digital computers, and analog
other structural component that is loaded in computers. See analog computer, digital com-

computer, notebook / computer program

puter, general-purpose computer, hybrid com- cations technology to automate and integrate
puter, and stored program computer. manufacturing processes.
computer, notebook A small, portable com- computer interface Serves as the interface
puter with a flip-up screen. device between the host computer and other
computer-aided drafting or design (CAD) devices on the data highway. It converts data
The technique of using computers to auto- from the protocol of the computer to that of
mate the production of technical line draw- the highway, and vice versa.
ings such as P&IDs. computer interface device (CID) Hardware
computer-aided repair (CAR) The technique that allows a general-purpose computer to
of using computers to automate the repair of share data with the rest of the distributed
electronic products after a fault has been control system.
detected. computerized composition An all-inclusive
computer-aided test (CAT) The technique of term for the use of computers to automati-
using computers to automate the test process cally perform the functions of hyphenation,
of a device, board, or system. justification, and page formatting.
Computer and Automated Systems Associa- computer-limited Pertaining to a situation in
tion of the Society of Manufacturing Engi- which the time required for computation
neers (CASA/SME) A professional exceeds the time available.
engineering association dedicated to the computer maintenance management system
advancement of engineering technology. (CMMS) A general classification of com-
CASA/SME supports the administrative puter programs that are designed to assist in
functions of the MAP/TOP users group. managing the maintenance of process plants
computer code A machine code for a specific and other facilities. CMMS programs also
computer. provide the history and future work schedul-
computer control Computer control is a ing of assets, including tracking preventative
device in which control and/or display maintenance schedules for these assets.
actions are generated for use by other system Sophisticated CMMS systems keep an inven-
devices. When used with other control tory of spare parts on line with work orders
devices on the communication link, the com- and handle inventory control, automatic pur-
puter normally performs or functions in a chasing, receiving, and physical counting as
hierarchical relationship to the other control well as providing personnel with the
devices. information to make appropriate decisions
computer control system A system in which based on costs and operating efficiencies. See
all control action takes place within the con- preventative maintenance, predictive mainte-
trol computer. Single or redundant comput- nance, and total productive maintenance.
ers may be used. [ISA-5.5-1985] computer network A complex that consists
computer-dependent language A relative of two or more interconnected computing
term for a programming language whose units.
translation can be achieved only by a specific computer networking The interconnection of
model (or models) of computer. two or more geographically separated com-
computer graphics A general term identify- puters so that information can be exchanged
ing pictures or diagrams, as distinct from let- between them, usually under the direction of
ters and numbers, presented on a computer individual, autonomous control programs.
video screen or hard copy device. See also distributed processing.
computer-independent language A lan- computer operator A person who performs
guage in which computer programs can be standard system operations such as adjust-
created without regard for the actual com- ing system operation parameters at the sys-
puters that will be used to process them. tem console, loading a tape transport,
Related to transportability. placing cards in a card reader, and removing
computer instruction A machine instruction listings from the line printer.
for a specific computer. computer part-programming In numerical
computer-integrated engineering (CIE) An control, the preparation of a part program in
engineering environment that combines fea- order to obtain a machine program using the
tures of test and measurement, computer- computer and the appropriate processor and
aided design, manufacturing, and engineer- post processor.
ing. computer program A series of instructions or
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) statements in a form that is acceptable to a
The application of computer and communi-

computer simulation / condensed type

computer prepared to achieve a certain sion medium. See multiplexor. 2. In twisted-

result. pair Ethernet networks, a multiport repeater
computer simulation A logical-mathemati- that has diagnostic and administrative capa-
cal representation of a simulation concept, bilities (often referred to as "hub" or
system, or operation programmed to be "repeater").
solved on an analog or digital computer. concentricity The quality of two or more geo-
computer telephony Broad term for the metric shapes that have the same center.
many combinations of (PC) computers and Usually, the term is applied to plane shapes
telephones for new and unique applications. or cross sections of solid shapes that are
computer word A sequence of bits or charac- approximately circular.
ters treated as a unit and capable of being concentric orifice plate A fluid-meter orifice
stored in one computer location. Synony- plate that has a circular opening whose cen-
mous with machine word. ter coincides with the axis of the center of the
computing device A device or function that pipe it is installed in.
performs one or more calculations or logic concrete A mixture of aggregate, water, and a
operations, or both, and transmits one or binder, usually portland cement, that cures
more resultant output signals. A computing as it dries and becomes rock hard.
device is sometimes called a computing concurrent engineering Structuring the
relay. See computing relay. [ANSI/ISA-5.1- design process so that all concerned parties,
1984 (R1992)] including manufacturing, sales, and custom-
computing instrument See instrument, com- ers, are involved from the beginning so as to
puting. bring about a more meaningful result faster.
computing relay 1. A transducer that per- concurrent processing Two (or more) com-
forms a computational function in order to puter operations that appear to be processed
convert the input signal into the desired out- simultaneously when in fact the CPU is rap-
put value. 2. A device that performs one or idly switching between them.
more calculations or logical functions or condensate 1. The liquid product of a con-
both, and sends out one or more resultant densing cycle. Also known as "condensate
signals. liquid." 2. A light hydrocarbon mixture that
concatenate To combine several files into one is formed by expanding and cooling gas in a
file or several strings of characters into one gas-recycling plant so as to produce a liquid
string by appending one file or string after output.
another. condensate pot A section of pipe (4 inches in
concave Describing a surface whose central diameter) that is installed horizontally at the
region is depressed with respect to a flat orifice flange union in order to provide a
plane that passes approximately through its large-area surge surface. This makes possible
periphery. the movement of the impulse line fluid with
concave curve A change in the angle of incli- the instrument element position change,
nation of a belt conveyor where the center of reducing measurement error from the hydro-
the curve is above the conveyor. [ISA- static head difference in the impulse lines.
RP74.01-1984] condensate trap 1. A device that separates
concentrate 1. To separate metal-bearing saturated water from steam in a pipe or piece
minerals from the gangue in an ore. 2. The of process equipment. 2. A device that is
enriched product resulting from an ore-sepa- used to trap and retain condensate in a mea-
ration process. 3. An enriched substance that surement impulse line in order to prevent
must be diluted, usually with water, before it hot vapors from reaching the instrument.
is used. condensation-type hygrometer Any of sev-
concentration 1. The weight of solids con- eral designs of dew point instruments that
tained in a unit weight of boiler water or operate by detecting the equilibrium temper-
feedwater. 2. The number of times that the ature at which dew or frost forms on a ther-
dissolved solids have increased from the moelectrically, mechanically, or chemically
original amount in the feedwater to the cooled surface. Surface condensation may be
amount in the boiler water because of evapo- detected by optical, electrical, or nuclear
ration in generating steam. techniques.
concentrator 1. Any communication device condensed type In the typographical compo-
that allows a shared transmission medium to sition of screen displays and printing, a slen-
accommodate more data sources than there der or narrow typeface.
are channels available within that transmis-

condenser / conductivity-type moisture sensor

condenser The heat exchanger, located at the conduct electricity. Thus, conductance is
top of the column, that condenses overhead reciprocal of resistance.
vapors. For distillation, the common con- conducting polymer A plastics material that
denser cooling media are water, air, and has an electrical conductivity approaching
refrigerants such as propane. The condenser that of metals.
m a y be partial or total. In a partial condenser, conduction Transmission of energy, thermal
only part of the vapors are condensed, with or electrical, by a m e d i u m that does not
the remainder usually being w i t h d r a w n as a involve movement of the m e d i u m itself.
vapor product. conduction band In semiconductors, the
condenser backpressure elements A multiple range of energies in which free electrons are
breakdown diffuser, normally installed in the allowed. See valence band and band gap.
steam condenser neck, that is used to gener- conduction error The error in a temperature
ate a positive back pressure upstream of the transducer as a result of heat conduction
condenser v a c u u m and to reduce the kine- between the sensing element and the mount-
matic energy of steam from an external ing of the transducer. [ISA-37.1-1975]
source other than the turbine exhaust. conduction pump A device for p u m p i n g a
[ANSI/ISA-77.13.01-1999] conductive liquid, such as a liquid metal, by
condenser boiler A boiler in which steam is passing an electric current across the stream
generated by the condensation of a vapor. of liquid and applying a magnetic field at
conditional branch See conditional transfer. right angles to the electrical current.
conditional jump See conditional transfer. conductive dust A dust whose resistivity is
conditional probability The probability that less than 100 ohm-cm or that breaks d o w n
a second event will be B if the first event is A, w h e n 1,000 volts per cm are applied across
expressed as P(B/A). the bulk sample w h e n it is tested in accor-
conditional stability 1. A linear system is dance with methods outlined in ISA-12.10-
conditionally stable if it is stable for a certain 1988. Such dust is denoted as Group E in the
interval of values of the open-loop gain and National Electrical Code.
unstable for certain lower and higher values. conductive elastomer An elastomeric mate-
2. The property of a controlled process by rial that conducts electricity. Usually m a d e
which it can function in either a stable or by mixing p o w d e r e d metal into a silicone
unstable mode, depending on the conditions before it is cured.
imposed. conductively connected A part is conduc-
conditional transfer An instruction that, if a tively connected to another part if the current
specified condition or set of conditions is sat- between the parts, with the equipment at ref-
isfied, is interpreted as an unconditional erence test conditions, exceeds the limit for
transfer. If the conditions are not satisfied, leakage current. [ANSI/ISA-82.02.01-1999
the instruction causes the computer to pro- (IEC 1010-1 Mod)]
ceed in its normal sequence of control. A con- conductivity 1. The a m o u n t of heat (Btu)
ditional transfer also includes the testing of transmitted in one hour through one square
the condition. Synonymous with "condi- foot of a homogeneous material that is 1 in.
tional j u m p " and "conditional branch" and thick w h e n there is a difference in tempera-
related to branch. ture of 1 F between the two surfaces of the
conditioning [Comm] 1. The addition of material. 2. The electrical conductance, at a
equipment to a voice grade line, usually by a specified temperature, between the opposite
common carrier, to provide the m i n i m u m faces of a unit cube. Usually expressed as
line characteristic values required for some ohm- 1 cm- 1 .
data transmission. 2. Modification of a signal conductivity bridge A simple four-arm AC
in one form or media to match that of bridge circuit in which a conductivity cell is
another, such as preparing digital output for the u n k n o w n circuit element. Electrically, the
voice-grade channel transmission, or trans- cell is equivalent to a resistance and a capaci-
forming a 4-20mA nonlinear transmitter sig- tance in series. Higher AC frequencies lead
nal into a linear digital signal within the to lower cell-polarization errors but intro-
controller. duce greater errors because of capacitance
condition monitoring system A system impedance. The latter can be reduced by
designed to monitor the condition of a using a phase-sensitive detector.
machine or process. conductivity-type moisture sensor An
conductance In conductivity measurement, a instrument for measuring the moisture con-
measure of the ability of a solution (fluid) to tent of fibrous organic materials such as

conductometer / conformity

wood, paper, textiles, and grain at moisture wiring" techniques (generally, methods other
contents u p to saturation. than programming languages).
conductometer An instrument that measures configuration 1. The arrangement of the parts
thermal conductivity, especially one that or elements of something. 2. A low-level,
does so by comparing the rates at which dif- fill-in-the-blank form of programming a pro-
ferent rods conduct heat. cess control device. 3. In computing, a particu-
conductor Any material through which elec- lar selection of hardware devices or software
trical current can flow. routines a n d / o r programs that function
conduit 1. Any channel, duct, pipe, or tube together. 4. A term applied to a device or sys-
for transmitting fluid along a defined flow tem whose functional characteristics can be
path. 2. A thin-wall pipe used to enclose wir- selected or rearranged through programming
ing. or other methods. 5. The hardware, firmware,
a n d / o r software combinations that make u p a
conduit entry A means of introducing a con-
system. 6. The selection of h a r d w a r e devices,
duit into an electrical apparatus so as to
firmware, or software programs that fits the
maintain the relevant type of protection.
application technology to its particular use.
[ISA-12.00.01-1999 (IEC 60079-0 Mod)]
cone bearing A tapered sleeve bearing
shaped like a truncated cone that runs in a
correspondingly tapered bearing block.
cone-plate viscometer An instrument for
routinely determining the absolute viscosity
of fluids in small sample volumes by sensing
the resistance to rotation of a moving cone.
This resistance is caused by the presence of
the test fluid in a space between the cone a n d
a stationary flat plate.
confidence level 1. The probability that the
interval in question will include the true
value of the quantity being measured. 2. In COMPARING
acceptance sampling, the probability that Configuration
accepted lots will be better than a specific
value known as the rejectable quality level
(RQL). A confidence level of 90 percent indi- configure To run an installation procedure
cates that 90 out of every 100 lots accepted that sets u p software to operate on a particu-
will have a quality that is better than the lar computer and printer.
RQL. 3. In statistical work, the degree of confined flow The flow of a continuous
assurance that a particular probability stream of fluid within a process vessel or
applies to a specific circumstance. conduit.
conformance The condition whereby a
config.sys A basic computer file that outlines device conforms to the manufacturer's speci-
how that particular device is designed to fications. See accuracy a n d error band.
conformance testing Running a standard set
configurable 1. A system feature that permits
of tests to determine whether some product
the basic structure and characteristics of a
meets a set of standards a n d / o r specifica-
device or system, such as control algorithms,
tions. Testing does not guarantee that prod-
display formats, or i n p u t / o u t p u t termina-
ucts can interoperate, only that they conform
tions, to be selected by entering keyboard
to specification.
commands. [ISA-5.3-1983] 2. A term applied
to a device or system whose functional char- conformity Of a curve, the closeness to which
acteristics can be selected or rearranged it approximates a specified curve (e.g., loga-
through programming or other methods. The rithmic, parabolic, cubic, etc.). Note: 1. Con-
concept generally excludes physical (hard) formity is usually measured in terms of
rewiring as a means for altering the configura- nonconformity and expressed as conformity,
tion. [ANSI/ISA-5.1-1984 (R1992)] 3. In for example, the m a x i m u m deviation
instrumentation, the term for a device or sys- between an average curve and a specified
tem whose functional characteristics can be curve. The average curve is determined after
selected or rearranged by selecting from making two or more full range traverses in
libraries of algorithms, images, and "soft- each direction. The value of conformity is
referred to the output unless otherwise
stated. 2. As a performance specification,

conformity, independent / connector

conformity should be expressed as "indepen- in a circular path such that it forms a cone.
dent conformity," "terminal-based confor- The antenna is steered automatically so that
mity," or "zero-based conformity." When the telemetry source is kept at the center of
expressed simply as conformity, it is the cone.
assumed to be independent conformity. See coniscope See koniscope.
linearity" [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] conjugate bridge An arrangement of electri-
conformity, independent The maximum cal or electronic components in which the
deviation of the calibration curve (the aver- supply circuit and detector circuit are inter-
age of upscale and downscale readings) from changed as compared with the normal
a specified characteristic curve positioned so arrangement for that type of bridge.
as to minimize the maximum deviation. conjugate impedances An impedance pair in
[ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] which the magnitudes of the resistance and
conformity, terminal-based The maximum reactive components of one are equal to the
deviation of the calibration curve (the aver- corresponding values of the other, but whose
age of upscale and downscale readings) from reactive components are of opposite signs.
a specified characteristic curve positioned so connect To establish linkage between an
as to coincide with the actual characteristic interrupt and a designated interrupt servic-
curve at upper and lower range values. ing program. See disconnect
[ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] connecting rod Any straight link that trans-
conformity, zero-based The maximum devia- mits power or motion from one part of a
tion of the calibration curve (the average of mechanism to another, especially one that
upscale and downscale readings) from a links a rotating member to a reciprocating
specified characteristic curve positioned so member. An example is the link that attaches
as to coincide with the actual characteristic a piston to the crankshaft in a reciprocating
curve at the lower range value. internal combustion engine.
[ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] connection In communications, connection
implies a transport link-level control circuit.
See association.
connection facilities Terminals, plugs and
sockets, screws, and other parts that are used
to electrically connect the conductors of
external circuits. [ISA-12.00.01-1999 (IEC
60079-0 Mod); ISA-12.02.01-1999 (IEC 60079-
11 Mod)]
connection head An enclosure attached to
the end of a thermocouple within which elec-
trical connections are made.
connection head extension A threaded fit-
ting or an assembly of fittings extending
between the thermowell or angle fitting and
the connection head. [ANSI-MC96.1]
connections, external Terminations that are
intended to be connected in the field.
connections, internal Terminations that are
intended to be connected in the factory
Zero-based Conformity under controlled conditions. [ANSI/ISA-
12.16.01-1998 (IEC 60079-7 Mod)]
conforms Agrees fully with the rules of a connector 1. A connector is a coupling device
recognized standard, is compliant. See com- that is used to connect the wire medium to a
pliant and compatible. fieldbus device or to another segment of
conical orifice An orifice that has a 45° bevel wire. 2. A coupling device employed to con-
on the inlet edge to yield a more constant nect the medium of one circuit or communi-
and predictable discharge coefficient at low- cation element with that of another circuit or
flow velocity (Reynolds number less than communication element. [ANSI/ISA-50.02,
10,000). Part 2-1992] 3. Any detachable device for
conical scan antenna An automatic-tracking providing electrical continuity between two
antenna system in which the beam is driven conductors. 4. In fiber optics, a device that

connector insertion loss / constant voltage power supply

joins the ends of two optical fibers together high resistance, making it very suitable for
temporarily. precision wire-wound resistors and for form-
connector insertion loss The power loss (in ing thermocouples with iron, copper, silver,
dB) by an optical signal as it passes through a and so on. Used as a negative lead in types E,
fiber-optic connector. J, and T thermocouples.
connect time 1. The length of time a user is constant-bandwidth (CBW) The spacing of
connected to a computer system measured FM subcarriers equally with relation to each
from logon to logoff. 2. The amount of time it other. See proportional bandwidth.
takes a switching network to connect the constant cavitation An early level of cavita-
calling party to the called party. tion that is characterized by mild, steady
consecutive access A method of data access popping or crackling sounds, which may be
that is characterized by the sequential nature audible or detected by vibration measure-
of the I/O device involved. For example, a ments. It is the next higher inflection point
card reader is an example of a consecutive on the cavitation profile above the point of
access device. Each card must be read one incipient cavitation. This level is represented
after another, and no distinction is made by the constant cavitation coefficient sc. [ISA-
between logical sets of data in or among the RP75.23-1995]
cards in the input hopper. constant-current potentiometer A type of
conservation of charge The principle that null-balance instrument for determining an
states that the total charge of an isolated sys- unknown DC voltage, usually less than 10 V,
tem is constant. Also known as "charge con- under conditions that maintain constant cur-
servation." rent in the detector circuit. Resolution of up
conservation of energy (first law of to one part in 103 can be achieved with a sin-
thermodynamics) The principle that gle potentiometer slidewire and up to one
energy cannot be created or destroyed, part in 107 with a multidecade device.
although it can be changed from one form constant-current transformer A type of
into another. Also known as "energy conser- transformer that automatically adjusts the
vation." output of its secondary circuit to maintain a
consistency A qualitative means for classify- constant current under varying load imped-
ing substances, especially semisolids, accord- ances when its primary windings are con-
ing to their resistance to dynamic changes in nected to a constant-voltage power supply.
shape. constant-delay (filter) See bessel.
console 1. A main control desk for an inte- constant-head meter A flow measurement
grated assemblage of electronic equipment. device that maintains a constant pressure dif-
Also known as "control desk." 2. A grouping ferential by varying the cross section of a
of control devices, instrument indicators, flow path through the meter, such as in a pis-
recorders, and alarms that are housed in a ton meter or rotameter.
freestanding cabinet or enclosure to create an constant-load balance A single-pan weight-
operator's workstation. 3. The cabinet or ing device that has a constant load and in
enclosure for a floor-model radio or televi- which the sample weight is determined by
sion receiver, or similar electronic device. 4. hanging precision weights from a counter-
That part of a terminal that provides user poised beam.
input and output capability. 5. A control cen- constant-resistance potentiometer A type of
ter, or part of a control center, that has one or null-balance instrument for determining an
more inclined surfaces for mounting instru- unknown DC voltage, usually less than 10 V,
ments and controls within a range, for conve- by using a constant scaling resistor in paral-
nient viewing and manipulation lel with the potentiometer circuit.
constant 1. A value that remains the same constant status A status attribute that has
throughout the distinct operation. The oppo- both the high- and low-limit indications set
site of variable. 2. A data item that takes as its and is used to indicate that the downstream
value its name (hence, its value is fixed dur- block cannot respond to the output of the
ing the execution of a program). upstream block. [ISA-TR50.02, Part 9-2000]
constant-amplitude (filter) A reference to the constant voltage power supply A power
characteristic of a butterworth filter. See But- supply that is capable of maintaining a fixed
terworth. voltage across variable load resistance and
constantan An alloy of copper (50% to 60%) over defined input voltage and frequency
and nickel that has a very low temperature change. Output current is automatically con-
coefficient of resistance and comparatively

constant-volume gas thermo... / context switching multitasking

trolled to keep constant the product of out- or that separate to make or break electrical
put current and load resistance. continuity.
constant-volume gas thermometer A device contact sense module A device that monitors
for detecting and indicating temperature and converts program-specified groups of
based on Charles's law—the pressure of a field-switch contacts into digital codes so
confined gas varies directly with absolute they can be input into the computer.
temperature. In practical instruments, a bulb contact symbology The representation of
immersed in the thermal medium is con- logic schemes in contact or ladder diagram
nected to a Bourdon tube by means of a cap- form.
illary. Changes in temperature are indicated contact thermography A method for measur-
directly by the movement of the Bourdon ing surface temperature in which the surface
tube because of changes in bulb pressure. of an object is covered with a thin layer of
constrained mechanism A mechanical luminescent material and then viewed under
device in which all members move only ultraviolet light in a darkened room. The
along predetermined paths. brightness that is viewed indicates the sur-
constraint 1. The limit of normal operating face temperature.
range. 2. A condition imposed on a system contact-type membrane switch A disk-
that limits the freedom of the system. The shaped momentary-contact switch of multi-
constraint may be physical or mathematical, layer construction. The active element con-
necessary or incidental. sists of two conductive buttons that are
consumables 1. Those materials or compo- separated by an insulating washer. Finger
nents that are depleted or that require peri- pressure on one face of the disk brings the
odic replacement through normal use of the buttons into contact, completing the electri-
instrument. [ANSI/ISA-92.02.01, Part 1-1998; cal circuit. When the pressure is released, the
ISA-92.03.01-1998; ANSI/ISA-92.04.01, Part 1- contacts separate, breaking the electrical cir-
1996; ISA-92.06.01-1998] 2. Resources that are cuit.
not normally included in bills of material or contact-wear allowance The thickness that
are not individually accounted for in specific may be lost because of wear from either of a
production requests. [ISA-95.00.01-2000] pair of mating electrical contacts before they
contact In hardware, a set of conductors that cease to adequately perform their intended
can be brought into contact by electrome- function.
chanical action and that thereby produce contained parameter A block parameter that
switching. In software, a symbolic set of is accessible to the communication network
points that are open or closed depending on but may not be linked to an input or output
the logic status assigned to them by internal parameter. The parameter value may be used
or external conditions. in the block algorithm or written by the block
contact input See input, contact. algorithm. [ISA-TR50.02, Part 9-2000]
contact inspection In ultrasonic testing, a container A special-purpose, reusable enclo-
method for scanning a test piece that sure for shipping cargo via truck, rail, and
involves placing a search unit directly on a ship. [ISA-RP60.11-1991]
test piece surface that has been covered with contaminant That which makes something
a thin film of couplant. else impure or corrupt through contact or
contactor A mechanical or electromechanical mixing. [ISA-71.04-1985]
device for repeatedly making and breaking contaminate To make impure or corrupt by
electrical continuity between two branches of contact or mixing.
a power circuit, thereby establishing or inter- contamination The presence of an unwanted
rupting current flow. substance—usually, a substance that causes
contact output See output, contact. an undesired effect or interferes with a
contact rectifier A device for converting AC desired effect.
electrical power into DC power. It is con- content-addressed storage See associative
structed of two different solids that are in storage.
contact with each other. Rectification is Contention 1. A condition on a multidrop
accomplished because the selected combina- communication channel in which two or
tion of solids yields greater electrical conduc- more locations try to transmit at the same
tivity in one direction across the interface time. 2. Unregulated bidding for a line or
between them than in the other direction. other device by multiple users.
contacts The electrically conducting parts in a context switching multitasking Multiple
contactor that repeatedly come into contact applications can be loaded into the com-

contiguous file / contrast

puter, but only the one in the foreground is compound's manufacturer of the compound.
given process time. This simplest level of [ANSI/ISA-12.23.01-1998 (IEC 60079-18
multitasking is the way early versions of Mod)]
Microsoft Windows worked. That is, once an continuous operation A process that oper-
application is in the foreground, all other ates on the basis of continuous flow, as
applications stop. Compare cooperative multi- opposed to batch, intermittent, or sequenced
tasking and time-slice multitasking. operations.
contiguous file A file that consists of physi- continuous-path numerical control A type of
cally adjacent blocks on a mass-storage numerical-control system that involves not
device. only the specification of the successive end
continuity test Any test to determine the positions of machine slides or equivalent
presence and/or location of broken or open machine members, but also the automatic
connections or of shorts in printed circuit generation of the linear, circular, or parabolic
board interconnections, chassis, cables path to be followed in moving from one end
(including fiber optic), and harness. position to the next. Also known as "con-
continuity tester A device for testing touring numerical control."
whether a fiber-optic communication system continuous rating 1. The rating that is appli-
forms a continuous optical path between two cable to the specified operation for a speci-
points. fied uninterrupted length of time. [ISA-37.1-
continuous blowdown The uninterrupted 1979 (R1982)] 2. A defined power input or set
removal of concentrated boiler water from a of operating variables that represents the
boiler in order to control total solids concen- maximum values for operating a device con-
tration in the remaining water. tinuously for an indefinite time without
continuous control Automatic control in reducing its normal service life.
which the controlled quantity is measured continuous spectrum A distribution of wave-
continuously and corrections are a continu- lengths in a beam of electromagnetic radia-
ous function of the deviation. tion in which the intensity varies
continuous dilution The technique of sup- continuously with wavelength. Further, the
plying a protective gas flow continuously to intensity exhibits no characteristic structure
an enclosure that contains an internal poten- such as a series of bands where the intensity
tial source of flammable gas or vapor for the does not abruptly change at discrete wave-
purpose of diluting any flammable gas or lengths. See also band spectrum.
vapor that could be present to a level below continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) A
its lower explosive limit / lower flammable widely used type of chemical reactor to
limit (LEL/LFL). [ANSI/ISA-S12.01.01-1999] which feed is continuously added and from
continuous duty Term that describes a device which product is continuously removed. The
that is able to operate continuously with no vessel is well-stirred, so the product's com-
off or rest period. position is the same as the overall vessel
continuous-duty rating The maximum composition. This type of reactor has been
power or other operating characteristic that a extensively modeled and has served as a test
specific device can sustain indefinitely with- bed for many novel control schemes.
out significant degradation of its functions. continuous weld A welded joint in which the
continuous flow production A method of fusion zone is continuous along the entire
ongoing production that is typical of the pro- length of the joint.
cess industries, as compared with batch man- contour control system A system of control
ufacturing. in which two or more controlled motions
continuous mixer A type of mixer in which move in relation to each other so that a
starting ingredients are fed continuously and desired angular path or contour is generated.
the final mixture is withdrawn continuously, contouring numerical control See continu-
without stopping or interrupting the mixing ous-path numerical control.
process. Generally, unmixed ingredients are contraction The narrowing of the stream of
fed at one end of the machine and blended liquid that passes through a notch of a weir.
progressively as they move toward the other contract maintenance 1. Maintenance that is
end, where the mixture is discharged. not normally done by plant personnel. 2. A
continuous operating temperature of the maintenance service organization that con-
compound The maximum temperature to tracts to do specific maintenance.
which the compound can be subjected con- contrast In a photographic or radiographic
tinuously according to the data given by the image, the ability to record small differences

contrast factor / control, velocity limiting

in light or X-ray intensity as discernible dif- converted, outside of any feedback loop, into
ferences in photographic density. corrective action to minimize deviations of
contrast factor The slope of the central por- the controlled variable. NOTE: The use of
tion of a graph of photographic density ver- feedforward control does not change system
sus the exposure for a given photographic or stability because it is not part of the feedback
radiographic emulsion. loop which determines the stability charac-
control 1. Frequently, one or more of the com- teristics. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
ponents in any mechanism that is responsi- control, high-limiting Control in which the
ble for interpreting and carrying out output signal is prevented from exceeding a
manually initiated directions. 2. In some predetermined high limiting value.
applications, a mathematical check. 3. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
Instructions that determine conditional control, low limiting Control in which out-
jumps often are referred to as "control put signal is prevented from decreasing
instructions," and the time sequence of the beyond a predetermined low limiting value.
execution of these instructions is called the [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
"flow of control." 4. Any manual or auto- control, optimizing Control that automati-
matic device for regulating a machine to cally seeks and maintains the most advanta-
keep it at normal operation. If automatic, the geous value of a specified variable, rather
device is motivated by variations in tempera- than maintaining it at one set value.
ture, pressure, water level, time, light, or [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
other influences. 5. Maintaining a desired set control, relay A control system in which the
point of steam temperature during opera- error signal must reach a certain value before
tion. [ANSI/ISA-77.44-1995] the controller reacts to it, so that the control
control, adaptive Control in which automatic action is discontinuous in amplitude.
means are used to change the type or influ- control, safety combustion See "combustion
ence (or both) of control parameters in such a (flame) safeguard."
way as to improve the performance of the control, safety Control (including relays,
control system. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 switches, and other auxiliary equipment
(R1993)] used in conjunction therewith to form a
control, cascade Control in which the output safety control system) which are intended to
of one controller is the set point for another prevent unsafe operation of the controlled
controller. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] equipment.
control, differential gap Control in which the control, shared time Control in which one
output of a controller remains at a maximum controller divides its computation or control
or minimum value until the controlled vari- time among several control loops rather than
able crosses a band or gap, causing the out- by acting on all loops simultaneously.
put to reverse. The controlled variable must [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
then cross the gap in the opposite direction control, supervisory Control in which the
before the output is restored to its original control loops operate independently subject
condition. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] to intermittent corrective action; e.g., set
control, direct digital Control that is per- point changes from an external source.
formed by a digital device that establishes [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
the signal to the final controlling element. control, time-proportioning Control in
[ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] which the output signal consists of periodic
control, direct multiplex A control means pulses whose duration is varied to relate, in
using hardware, a computer program, or some prescribed manner, the time average of
both, to directly interleave or simultaneously the output to the actuating error signal.
receive or transmit two or more signals on a [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
single channel. [ISA-RP55.1-1975 (R1983)] control, velocity limited Control in which
control, feedback Control in which a mea- performance is limited by the rate of change
sured variable is compared to its desired attainable by some component, usually an
value to produce an actuating error signal actuator.
which is acted upon in such a way as to control, velocity limiting Control in which
reduce the magnitude of the error. [ANSI/ the rate of change of a specified variable is
ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] prevented from exceeding a predetermined
control, feedforward Control in which infor- limit. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
mation concerning one or more conditions
that can disturb the controlled variable is

control accuracy / control card

control accuracy The degree to which a con- control agent The energy or material that
trolled process variable corresponds to the comprises the process element, which is con-
desired value or set point. trolled by manipulating one or more of its
control action Of a controller or a controlling attributes. The attribute(s) are commonly
system, the nature of the change of the out- termed the controlled variable(s).
put that is effected by the input. Note: The control algorithm A mathematical represen-
output may be a signal or the value of a tation of the control action to be performed.
manipulated variable. The input may be the control and instrumentation engineer An
control loop feedback signal when the set engineer who applies standard engineering
point is constant, an actuating error signal, or standards and practices to the specification,
the output of another controller. [ANSI/ISA- sizing, and functional design of instrumenta-
51.1-1979 (R1993)] See proportional control tion hardware or control systems. Such engi-
action, integral control action, and derivative neers must have a clear understanding of the
control action. manufacturing or scientific process to be con-
control action, derivative (rate) (D) In pro- trolled. They serve as the key person on the
cess instrumentation, control action in which instrumentation design and operation team,
the output is proportional to the rate of often supervising and reviewing the team's
change of the input. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 efforts. Under supervision, the control and
(R1993)] instrumentation engineer participates in the
control action, floating In process instru- design and planning of control and instru-
mentation, control action in which the rate of ment systems as required by the project
change of the output variable is a predeter- assignment, including: (a) collecting back-
mined function of the input variable. Note: ground information, (b) preparing drawings
The rate of change may have one absolute and calculations, (c) designing or modifying
value, several absolute values, or any value systems, (d) assisting in the selection and
between two predetermined values. [ANSI/ procurement of equipment, (e) ensuring
ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] compliance with applicable standards and
control action, integral (reset) (I) Control codes, (f) completing assigned tasks on
action in which the output is proportional to schedule, (g) assisting technicians and
the time integral of the input. That is, the rate designers as needed, and (h) possibly spe-
of change of output is proportional to the cializing in a specific engineering discipline.
input. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] 3. See Instrument Engineer.
control action, proportional (P) Control control apparatus An assembly that contains
action in which there is a continuous linear one or more control devices to manipulate a
relation between the output and the input. controlled variable.
This condition applies when both the output control block A storage area through which a
and input are within their normal operating particular type of information that is
ranges and when the process is operating at a required for control of the operating system
frequency below a limiting value. is communicated among its parts.
[ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] control board A panel that contains control
control action, proportional-plus-derivative devices, instrument indicators, and some-
(rate) (PD) Control action in which the out- times recorders, which display the status of a
put is proportional to a linear combination of system or subsystem and from which
the input and the time rate of change of the switches, dials, and controllers can be manip-
input. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] ulated to alter system operating variables.
control action, proportional-plus-integral Also known as control panel and panel board.
(reset) (PI) Control action in which the out- control bus The data highway that is used for
put is proportional to the linear combination carrying control signals.
of the input and the time integral of the control calculations Installation-dependent
input. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] calculations that determine output signals
control action, proportional-plus-integral from the computer in order to operate the
(reset)-plus-derivative (rate) (PID) Control process plant. These may or may not use
action in which the output is proportional to generalized equation forms such as PID
a linear combination of the input, the time forms.
integral of the input, and the time rate of control card A card that contains input data
change of the input. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 or parameters for a specific application of a
(R1993)] general routine.

Next Page
control center / control instruction

control center 1. An equipment structure or control computer A process computer that

group of structures from which a process is directly controls all or part of the elements in
measured, controlled, and/or monitored. the process. See process computer.
[ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] 2. An equip- control counter A physical or logical device
ment structure, or group of structures, from in a computer that records the storage loca-
which a system is measured, controlled, tions of one or more instruction words,
and/or monitored. [ISA-RP 60.4-1990] which are to be used in sequence, unless a
control center facility A combination of the transfer or special instruction is encountered.
services, protective enclosures, and environ- control device Any device—such as a heater,
mental treatment that are necessary for the valve, electron tube, contactor, pump, or
proper functioning of the control center. actuator—that is used to directly effect a
[ISA-RP 60.4-1990] Control center facilities change in some process attribute.
can be found in the following: (a) an area Control Diagram Language (CODIL) A pro-
within an enclosure that is constructed to cess-oriented language and system that was
protect a control center and its operating per- once offered by Leeds and Northrup Com-
sonnel (the enclosure might also contain a pany.
computer room, motor control center room, control domain In (the referenced) standard,
instrument/electric shop, laboratory, and control domain is synonymous with the
personnel facilities such as toilets, lockers, manufacturing operations and control
and offices), (b) an unenclosed area located domain. [ISA-95.00.01-2000]
either indoors or outdoors at grade level or control drawing A drawing or other docu-
in an elevated or subsurface structure, (c) an ment that is provided by the manufacturer of
area in a mobile unit, or (d) an area in a pre- the intrinsically safe or associated apparatus.
fabricated or skid-mounted enclosure. [ISA- It details the interconnections that are
RP60.1-1990] allowed between the intrinsically safe and
control character A character whose purpose associated apparatuses. If the intrinsically
is to control an action rather than to pass safe or associated apparatus is investigated
data to a program. For instance, ASCII con- under the entity concept, the control drawing
trol characters have an octal code between 0 should include the applicable electrical
and 37. The control character is normally parameters that will make it possible to
typed by holding down the Ctrl key on a ter- select the apparatus for interconnection.
minal keyboard while striking a character [ISA-12.02.01-1999 (60079-11 Mod); ANSI/
key. ISA-12.01.01-1999]
control chart A plot of some measured quan- control electrode In an electron tube or simi-
tity, such as a dimension, against the sample lar device, an electrode whose potential can
number, time, or quantity of goods pro- be varied to induce variations in the current
duced. This plot can be used to determine a flowing between two other electrodes.
quality trend or to make adjustments in pro- control element A component of a control
cess controls as necessary to keep the mea- system that when stimulated by an actuating
sured quantity within prescribed limits. signal reacts to manipulate a process
control circuit 1. A circuit in a control appa- attribute.
ratus that carries the electrical signal that is control equipment Equipment that controls
used to determine the magnitude or duration one or more output quantities to specific val-
of control action. It does not carry the main ues. Each value is determined by manual set-
power that is used to energize instrumenta- ting, local or remote programming, or by one
tion, controllers, motors, or other control or more input variables. [ISA-82.03-1988]
devices. 2. A circuit in a digital computer that control function See control operation.
performs any of the following functions: control grid An element of an electron tube
directing the sequencing of program com- that is ordinarily positioned between the
mands, interpreting program commands, or anode and cathode to act as a control elec-
controlling the operation of the arithmetic trode.
element and other computer circuits in accor- control initiation The signal that is intro-
dance with the interpretation. duced into a measurement sequence to regu-
control complexity ratio (CCR) A measure of late any subsequent control action as a
the complexity of a particular control sys- function of the measured quantity.
tem's logic configuration. control instruction A computer instruction
that directs the sequence of operations.


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