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Ee The base of natural loga- entrained water or gas to build up in front of

rithms. the orifice.

EABI Embedded Applica- echo 1. A reflected wave that is returned with
tion Binary Interface; estab- sufficient amplitude and phase-shift delay to
lishes object code standards be detected as a wave that is distinct from the
for embedded applications wave originally transmitted. 2. To reflect
of software so as to allow received data to the sender. For example,
developers to easily migrate keys depressed on keyboard are usually ech-
and reuse code from processor to processor. oed as characters displayed on screen. As a
EAPROM Electrically alterable programma- security check, the transmitted message is
ble read-only memory; memory that can be repeated back to sender.
selectively altered using an electrical field echo check A check of the accuracy of a
rather than ultraviolet (as with EPROMs); transmission in which the information that
sometimes the field can be controlled so as to was transmitted to an output device is
be selective, without erasing all the stored returned to the information source and com-
data (as with EPROMs). See EPROM. pared with the original information to ensure
earing The formation of a scalloped edge the accuracy of the output.
around a deep-drawn sheet metal part as a echoplex A method for verifying transmitted
result of directional properties in the blank data by echoing the characters transmitted
material. back to the source device for the sake of com-
earliest actuation (ACTN) point The value parison. See echo check.
that is closest to the normal operating point echo ranging A form of active sonar. The
of the process variable at which a bistable or sonar equipment generates pulses of sound
channel could be expected to actuate. and then determines distance to underwater
[ANSI/ISA-TR67.04.08-1996] objects by precisely measuring the time it
early trip contacts An independent set of takes for a pulse a narrow, focused sound
contacts in timing equipment. They will beam to reach an object, be reflected, and
switch at a set point that occurs before the return to a known location, usually one adja-
end of a timing or count cycle. cent to the transmitter. The direction to the
earphone An electrically driven acoustic object can also be found using this method.
transducer that is intended to operate in the echosonogram A graphic display, such as an
audio frequency range and to be held against echocardiogram, that is determined by using
the ear when used. ultrasonic pulse-echo techniques.
earth That electrical potential that is common echo sounding Determining the depth of
to Earth. The British term for the U.S. term water below a vessel or platform by using
ground. sonic or ultrasonic pulse-echo techniques.
ebullition The act of boiling or bubbling. economic lot size The number of items that
EC European Community; group of Euro- must be manufactured in each setup or pur-
pean countries banded together for common chased on each order so as to minimize the
agricultural and economic policies: Belgium, costs of manufacturing, purchasing, setup,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, inspection, and warehousing over a certain
Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portu- time, usually a year or longer.
gal, Spain, United Kingdom; not to be con- economizers Heat exchangers that are used
fused with the EU. to recover excess thermal energy from pro-
ECC Error checking and correction; error cor- cess streams. Economizers are used for pre-
recting code. Form of "self- correcting" mem- heating feed and as column reboilers. In
ory. some systems, the reboiler for one column is
eccentric Describing any rotating mecha- the condenser for another.
nism whose center of rotation does not coin- EDC Error detection and correction; form of
cide with the geometric center of the rotating "self -correcting" memory.
member. eddy A whirlpool of fluid.
eccentric orifice An orifice whose center does eddy current 1. A circulating current that is
not coincide with the centerline of the pipe or induced in a conductive material by a chang-
tube. Usually, the eccentricity is toward the ing electromagnetic field. 2. An electric cur-
bottom of a pipe that is carrying flowing gas rent that is set up in the near-surface region
and toward the top of a pipe carrying liquid. of a metal part by the induction that results
This tends to promote the passage of from the electromagnetic field of an external
entrained water or air rather than allowing coil carrying an alternating current. Eddy

eddy current tachometer / effluent

currents are used to generate heat or electro- planning, production, and distribution
magnetic fields for use in such applications issues. See MES, DES (distribution execution
as induction heating, the electromagnetic system).
sorting and testing of materials, vibration EEx The designation for an explosion-pro-
damping in spacecraft, and various types of tected electrical apparatus that complies with
instrumentation. harmonized CENELEC standards. [ANSI/
eddy current tachometer A device for mea- ISA-12.01.01-1999]
suring rotational speed that has been used effect A change in output that is produced by
extensively in automotive speedometers. It some outside phenomena, such as elevated
consists of a permanent magnet revolving in temperature, pressure, humidity, or radia-
close proximity to an aluminum disk, which tion. [ISA-RP67.04.02-2000]
is pivoted to turn against a spring. As a mag- effective address 1. A Modified address. 2.
net revolves, it induces eddy currents in the The address that is actually considered as
disk, setting up torque that acts against the being used in a particular execution of a
spring. The amount of disk deflection is indi- computer instruction.
cated by a moving pointer that is directly effective bandwidth An operating character-
coupled to the disk. istic of a specific transmission system. It is
EDG Electronic dot generation; method for equal to the bandwidth of an ideal system
producing halftones electronically on scan- whose uniform pass-band transmission
ners. equals the maximum transmission of the real
edge filter An interference filter that abruptly system. In addition, its transmitted power is
shifts from transmitting to reflecting over a the same as the real system for equal input
narrow range of wavelengths. signals that have a uniform distribution of
EDI Electronic data interchange; computer- energy at all frequencies.
to- computer exchange of structured transac- effective cutoff frequency A transducer
tional information between autonomous characteristic that is expressed as the fre-
computers. quency at which the insertion loss between
edit 1. To rearrange data or information. Edit- two terminating impedances exceeds the loss
ing may involve deleting unwanted data at some reference frequency in the transmis-
selecting pertinent data applying format sion band by a specified value.
techniques inserting symbols such as page effective resistance Alternating current resis-
numbers and typewriter characters applying tance. It is measured as the power in watts
standard processes, such as zero suppression dissipated as heat divided by the current in
and testing data for reasonableness and amperes squared. Effective resistance
proper range. Editing is sometimes further includes resistance to direct current and
distinguished between input editing (rear- resistance caused by eddy currents, hystere-
ranging source data) and output editing (pre- sis, and skin effect.
paring table formats). [ISA-RP55.1-1975 effective value The root-mean-square value
(R1983)] 2. To organize data for subsequent of a cyclically varying quantity. It is deter-
processing on a computer. mined by finding the average of the squares
editor 1. A routine that performs editing of the values throughout one cycle and tak-
operations. 2. A system program for amend- ing the square root of the average.
ing source code programs in high-level lan- efficiency 1. The ratio of output to the energy
guage or assembly languages. input. The efficiency of a boiler is the ratio of
EDO Extended data out; high-performance heat absorbed by water and steam to the heat
dynamic random access memory (DRAM). equivalent of the fuel fired. [ISA-77.41-1992] 2.
eductor 1. A device that withdraws a fluid by In manufacturing, the average output of a
aspiration and mixes it with another fluid. 2. process or production line expressed as a per-
Using water, steam, or air to induce the flow centage of its expected output under ideal
of other fluids from a vessel. See injector. conditions. 3. The ratio of useful energy that is
EECS Electrical Equipment Certification Ser- supplied by a dynamic system to the energy
vice. British certification laboratory for test- supplied to it over a given period of time. 4.
ing the equipment of different vendors to The ratio of the work done by a heat engine to
some common standard. the heat energy absorbed by it, also known as
EES Enterprise execution system; software "thermal efficiency."
packages to help reconcile top-down busi- effluent Liquid waste that is discharged from
ness planning with bottom-up production an industrial processing facility or waste
execution requirements for such functions as treatment plant.

effluvium / elbow meter

effluvium Waste by-products of food or The withdrawal of fluid from a chamber by

chemical processing. the action of a jet pump or eductor.
E format In FORTRAN, an exponential type ejector A device that utilizes the kinetic
of data conversion that is denoted by Ew.d, energy in a jet of water or other fluid to
where w is the number of characters to be remove a fluid or fluent material from tanks
converted as a floating-point number with d or hoppers
spaces reserved for the digits to the right of ejector condenser A direct-contact condenser
the decimal point. For example, E11.4 yields in which vacuum is maintained by a jet of
000.5432E03 as input, 543.2 internally, and high-velocity injection water. The condenser
0.5432E+03 as output. simultaneously condenses the steam and dis-
EFT Electrical fast transient; burst surge charges water, condensate, and noncondens-
interference to electrical and digital signals. able gases into the atmosphere or into the
EFTA European Free Trade Association; Aus- next stage ejector.
tria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, elastance The reciprocal of capacitance.
Switzerland. elastic chamber The portion of a pres-
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter (or Array); sure-measuring system that is filled with the
video standard (for IBM PC in 1984); allows medium whose pressure is being measured
sixteen out of possible sixty-four colors to be and that expands and collapses elastically
used; can emulate all modes of earlier CGA, with changes in pressure. Examples include
adding 320 x 200, 640 x 200, and 640 x 350 Bourdon tube, bellows, flat or corrugated
pixels with sixteen colors; see CGA, PGA, diaphragm, spring-loaded piston, or a com-
SVGA, UXGA, VGA, XGA. bination of two or more single elements,
E-glass In the construction of glass-bulb-type which may be the same or different types.
pH sensors, this term is used for the mem- elastic collision A collision between two or
branes of electrodes for processes in which more bodies in which their internal energy
measurements are to be made in acid media. remains constant and the kinetic energy of
E-glass is suitable for use at higher process translation for the combination of bodies is
temperatures. See G-, L-, and S-glass. conserved.
EIA 1393A A user-level format and protocol elastic scattering A collision between two
(promulgated by the Electronics Industry particles, or between a particle and a photon,
Association) for the bidirectional transfer of in which total kinetic energy and momentum
digitally encoded information in a manufac- are conserved.
turing environment. elastomer A material that can be stretched to
EIA 485 A format and protocol of the Elec- approximately twice its original length with
tronics Industry Association that specifies relatively low stress at room temperature.
the electrical characteristics of generators When the stretching force is released, the
and receivers to be used in balanced digital material returns forcibly to about its original
multipoint systems. size and shape.
EIA interface A serial word transfer in ASCII elastomeric energized liner A resilient elas-
characters with RS-232C logic levels, as, for tomeric ring under the main liner in a butter-
example, between the computer and a man- fly valve body is compressed by the disk
ual operator. acting through the main liner. This generates
EIA-SP 1907B An international building wir- a resilient sealing action between the disk
ing standard issued by the Electronics Indus- and the main liner. [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-
try Association that formalizes cabling 2000]
practices, distances, installation practices, elastoresistance The change in the resistance
and media types. of a material when it is stressed within its
EIS Extended instruction set; enterprise infor- elastic limit. A concept used in the design of
mation system. Integrated computer data- some sensors.
base for all aspects of corporate business elbow 1. A fitting that connects two pipes at
including process and materials manage- an angle. The angle is usually 90°, but it may
ment functions across many plant locations. be any other angle less than 100°. 2. Any
ejection 1. The physical removal of an object sharp bend in a pipe.
from a specific site—such as a cast or molded elbow meter A pipe elbow that is used as a
product from a die cavity by hand, com- flow measurement device. A pressure tap is
pressed air, or mechanical means. 2. The placed at both the inner and outer radius,
emergency expulsion of a passenger com- and the pressure differential caused by dif-
partment from an aircraft or spacecraft. 3.

electrical apparatus category 'ia' / electrical pumping

ferences in flow velocity between the two erosive machining," "electron discharge
flow paths is measured. machining," and "electrospark machining."
electrical apparatus category 'ia' An electri- electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
cal apparatus that is incapable of causing systems (E/E/PES) When used in this con-
ignition in normal operation and when a sin- text, electrical refers to logic functions that are
gle fault and any combination of two faults is performed by electromechanical techniques
applied. The safety factors are as follows: (e.g., electromechanical relay, motor-driven
1.5—in normal operation and with one fault; timers, etc.). Electronic refers to logic func-
1.0—with two faults. tions that are performed by electronic tech-
electrical apparatus category 'ib' An electri- niques (e.g., solid-state logic, solid-state
cal apparatus that is incapable of causing relay, etc.). Programmable Electronic System
ignition in normal operation and when a sin- refers to logic that is performed by program-
gle fault applied, with the following safety mable or configurable devices (e.g., a pro-
factors: 1.5—in normal operation and with grammable logic controller [PLC]), single-
one fault; 1.0—with one fault, if the appara- loop digital controller [SLDC], etc.). Field
tus contains no unprotected switch contacts devices are not included in E/E/PES.
in parts that are likely to be exposed to a [ANSI/ISA-84.01-1996]
potentially explosive atmosphere and the electrical engineering A branch of engineer-
fault is self-revealing. ing that deals with the practical applications
electrical apparatus An item that is applied of electricity, especially the generation, trans-
as a whole or in part to utilize electrical mission, and utilization of electric power by
energy. It includes, among others, equipment means of current flow in conductors.
for generating, transmitting, distributing, electrical insulation There are four types of
storing, measuring, regulating, converting, electrical insulation: 1. Basic—Insulation that
and consuming electrical energy. It also is applied to live parts to provide basic pro-
includes items for telecommunication. [ISA- tection against electric shock. 2. Supplemen-
12.01.01-1999] tary— Independent insulation that is applied
electrical circuits low-voltage circuit A cir- in addition to basic insulation to provide
cuit that involves a potential of not more protection against electric shock if basic insu-
than 30 volts. It is supplied by a primary bat- lation fails. 3. Protective (double)—Insulation
tery or by a standard Class 2 transformer or that comprises both basic insulation and sup-
other suitable transforming device. It can plementary insulation. 4. Reinforced—A sin-
also be supplied by a suitable combination of gle insulation system that is applied to live
transformer and fixed impedance that hash parts to protect them against electric shock (it
output characteristics that comply with Class is equivalent to double insulation).
2 transformer requirements. A circuit that is electrically alterable read-only memory
derived from a supply source classified as a (EAROM) A type of computer memory
high-voltage circuit (by connecting resistance that is normally unchangeable. Its contents
in series with the supply circuit to limit the can be changed only under special condi-
voltage and current) is not considered a tions.
low-voltage circuit. electrically erasable and programmable
electrical conductivity A material character- read-only memory
istic that indicates the relative ease with (EEPROM) Nonvolatile memory that may
which electrons flow through the material. be electrically erased and reprogrammed.
The usual units of conductivity are %IACS, electrically operated extensions Usually a
which relates the conductivity to that of highly sensitive induction-type device for
annealed pure copper. Electrical conductivity signaling high or low flows or deviations
is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity. from any set flow. The device consists of a
electrical discharge machining A machining sensing coil that is positioned around the
method in which stock is removed by melt- extension tube of the rotameter. Moving the
ing and vaporization under the action of metering float into the field of the coil causes
rapid, repetitive spark discharges through a a low-level signal change that is usually
dielectric fluid flowing in the intervening amplified to a level suitable for performing
space between a shaped electrode and the annunciator or control functions.
workpiece. It is often referred to by its abbre- electrical pumping The deposition of energy
viation, EDM. Process variations include into a laser medium by passing either an
electrical discharge grinding and electrical electrical current or discharge or a beam of
discharge drilling. Also known as "electro- electrons through the material.

electrical resistivity / electric-resistance-type liquid-level detector

electrical resistivity A characteristic of mate- electric chart drive A clocklike mechanism

rial that indicates that material's relative driven by an electric motor, which advances
resistance to the flow of electrons. The usual a circular or strip chart at a preset rate.
units of resistivity are ohm-m (SI) or ohms electric contact Either of two opposing, elec-
per circular-mil foot (U.S. customary). It is trically conductive buttons or other shapes
the reciprocal of electrical conductivity. that allow current to flow in a circuit when
electrical spacing There are three kinds of they touch each other. They are usually
electrical spacing. 1. Basic: Physical separa- attached to a spring-loaded mechanism that
tion between conductive parts to provide is mechanically or electromagnetically oper-
basic protection against electrical shock. 2. ated so as to control whether or not the con-
Supplementary: Physical separation that is tacts touch.
used in addition to basic insulation to protect electric controller An assembly of devices
against electric shock if the basic insulation and circuits that turns electric current to an
fails. 3. Protective: Increased physical separa- electrically driven system off and on in
tion between conductive parts to protect response to a stimulus. In most instances, the
against electric shock (equivalent to double assembly also monitors and regulates one or
insulation). more characteristics of the electric supply—
electrical steel Low-carbon steel that con- voltage or amperage, for example.
tains 0.5 percent to 5 percent Si or other electric/electronic extensions A system that
material. Electrical steel is produced specifi- converts float position into a proportional
cally to have enhanced electromagnetic electric signal (either AC or DC). It may also
properties, which are suitable for making the convert float position into a proportional
cores of transformers, alternators, motors, shift or unbalance in impedance, which is
and other iron-core electric machines. Con- balanced by a corresponding shift in imped-
trast with electric steel. ance in the receiving instrument.
electrical terminals There are four types of electric field A condition within a medium
electrical terminals. 1. Field-wiring terminal: or evacuated space that imposes forces on
Any terminal to which a supply circuit wire stationary or moving electrified bodies in
is intended to be connected by an installer in direct relation to their electric charges.
the field. 2. Measuring or testing terminal: electric field strength The magnitude of an
An external terminal or connector of the electric field vector.
equipment to which a connection is made to electric heating Any method for converting
serve the equipment's function. 3. Measuring electric energy into heat, but especially those
or testing grounded terminal: An external methods that involve resistance to the pas-
terminal of a grounded measuring or testing sage of electric current.
circuit that is internally connected to the electric hygrometer An instrument that uses
equipment's protective grounding system an electrically powered sensing means to
and is intended to be connected to the determine the humidity of ambient atmo-
grounded side of the external circuit to sphere.
which it is attached. 4. Protective grounding electric instrument An indicating device for
terminal: A terminal that is connected to the measuring the electrical attributes of a sys-
equipment's protective grounding system tem or circuit. Contrast with electric meter.
and is intended to be externally connected to electricity meter A device for indicating the
earth ground. time integral of an electrical quantity.
electrical tests There are two types of electri- electric meter A recording or totalizing
cal tests. 1. Routine test: A test that is per- instrument that measures the amount of elec-
formed on each piece of equipment during tric power that is generated or used as a
the production process. 2. Type test: A test function of time. Contrast with electric instru-
that is performed on one or more pieces of ment.
equipment, which are representative of a electric-resistance-type liquid-level
type, in order to determine whether the detector A device for detecting the pres-
design, construction, and manufacturing ence of liquid at a given point. It consists of
methods comply with the requirements an electric probe that is insulated from the
according to standard side of a vessel and positioned so that the
electric boiler A boiler in which electric heat- end of the probe is at the desired liquid level.
ing means serve as the source of heat. In operation, a small electric voltage is
impressed between the probe and the vessel.
If liquid exists at the probe level, current

electric steel / electrodeposition

flows in the circuit but does not flow if the electrochemical corrosion 1. Corrosion of
liquid is below probe level. Simple electrical metal that is caused by current flowing
systems are used when the solution has a through an electrolyte between anode and
resistivity of less than 20,000 ohm-cm, but cathode areas. [ISA-71.04-1985] 2. Corrosion
electronic systems can extend the range to of a metal because of chemical action
20-million ohm-cm. Two probes, widely sep- induced by electric current flowing in an
arated, can be used to control the level electrolyte. Also known as "electrolytic cor-
between high and low limits or to provide rosion."
high-level and low-level alarms. electrochemical machining (ECM) A
electric steel Any steel that is melted in an machining method in which stock is
electric furnace, which allows close control of removed by electrolytic dissolution when an
composition. Also known as electric-furnace underelectric current flows through an elec-
steel. Contrast with electrical steel. trolyte flowing in the space between a tool
electric stroboscope A device that uses an cathode and the workpiece. Also known as
electric oscillator or similar element to pro- "electrochemical milling" and "electrolytic
duce precisely timed pulses of light. Oscilla- machining."
tor frequency can be controlled over a wide electrochemical recording A type of record-
range so that the device can be used to deter- ing system in which a signal-controlled elec-
mine the frequency of a mechanical oscilla- tric current passes through a sensitized
tion (for instance, the rpm of a rotating shaft recording medium, usually in sheet form.
or the frequency of a mechanical vibration) This induces a chemical reaction in the
by determining the light-pulse frequency at medium.
which the object appears motionless. electrochemical transducer A device that
electric tachometer An electrically powered uses a chemical change to measure an input
instrument for determining rotational speed, parameter and produces an output electrical
usually in rpm. signal that is proportional to the input
electric telemeter An apparatus for remotely parameter.
detecting and measuring a quantity, includ-
ing the detector intermediate means, the
transmitter, the receiver, and the indicating
device. The transmitted signal is conducted
electrically into the remote indicating or
recording station.
electric thermometer An instrument that
uses electrical means to measure and indi-
cate temperature.
electric transducer A type of transducer in
which all input, output, and intermediate
signals are electric waves.
electroacoustic transducer A type of trans- Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor
ducer in which the input signal is an electric
wave, and the output is a sound wave, or electrode An electrically conductive member
vice versa. that emits or collects electrons or ions or that
electrochemical cell or battery An electro- controls the movement of electrons or ions in
chemical system that is capable of storing in the interelectrode space by means of an elec-
chemical form the electric energy it receives tric field.
and can give it back by reconversion. [ISA- electrode characteristic The relation between
12.16.01-1999 (IEC 79-7 Mod)] electrode voltage and electrode amperage for
electrochemical cleaning The process of a given electrode in a system, with the volt-
removing soil through the chemical action ages of all other electrodes in the system held
that is induced by passing an electric current constant. The electrode characteristic is usu-
through an electrolyte. Also known as "elec- ally shown as a graph.
trolytic cleaning." electrode force The force that tends to com-
electrochemical coating A coating that forms press the electrodes against the workpiece in
on the surface of a part because of the chemi- electric-resistance spot, seam, or projection
cal action that is induced by passing an elec- welding. Also known as "welding force."
tric current through an electrolyte. electrodeposition Any electrolytic process
that results in the deposition of a metal from

electrode voltage / electromechanical transducer

a solution of its ions. It includes processes Most ELs that are used in control systems are
such as electroplating and electroforming. ACTFEL devices.
Also known as "electrolytic deposition." electrolytic cleaning See electrochemical clean-
electrode voltage The difference in electric ing.
potential between a given electrode and the electrolytic corrosion See electrochemical cor-
system cathode or a specific point on the rosion.
cathode. The latter is especially applicable electrolytic deposition See electrodeposition.
when the cathode is a long wire or filament. electrolytic etching The process of engraving
electrodynamic instrument An electrical a pattern on a metal surface by electrolytic
instrument having that has a fixed and a dissolution.
moving coil, both of which carry all or part of electrolytic grinding A combined grinding
the current to be measured. If the coils are and electrochemical machining operation in
connected in series, the interaction of the which an electrically conductive grinding
fields induced by the coils produces a torque wheel is made the cathode and the work-
that is proportional to the square of the cur- piece is made the cathode. An electric current
rent (as in an AC voltmeter). If the coils are is impressed between them in the presence of
connected in parallel, a torque is produced a chemical electrolyte.
that is proportional to the product of the two electrolytic hygrometer An apparatus for
coil currents (as in an AC ammeter). In both determining the water vapor content of a gas
cases, the indication is an effective (rms) by directing it at a known flow rate through a
value. Teflon™ or glass tube whose inside has been
electroemissive machining See electrical dis- coated with a thin film of P 2 O 5 (phosphorus
charge machining. pentoxide), which absorbs water from the
electroforming The process of shaping a flowing gas. The water is dissociated by a
component of a thick metal plate on a con- DC voltage that is impressed on a winding
ductive pattern through electrodeposition. embedded in the hygroscopic film. The
The part may be used as formed or it may be resulting current represents the number of
sprayed with molten metal or other material molecules dissociated. A calculation based
on the back to increase its strength. on flow rate, current, and temperature yields
electrogalvanizing Coating a metal with the water concentration in ppm.
electrodeposited zinc. electrolytic machining See electrochemical
electrograph 1. A tracing that is produced on machining.
prepared sensitized paper or other material electrolytic pickling Removing scale and
by passing an electric current or electric surface deposits by electrolytic action in a
spark through the paper. 2. A plot or graph chemically active solution.
that is produced by an electrically controlled electrolytic powder A metal powder that is
stylus or pen. produced directly or indirectly by elec-
electrohydraulic actuator A device that con- trodeposition.
verts electrical energy into hydraulic pres- electromagnet Any magnet assembly whose
sure and into motion. [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01- magnetic field strength is determined by the
2000] magnitude of an electric current passing
electroless plating The deposition of a metal through some portion of the assembly.
from a solution of its ions by chemical reduc- electromagnetic 1. Pertaining to phenomena
tion. The deposition is induced when the in which electricity and magnetism are
basis metal is immersed in the solution, with- related. 2. When used as a third Modifier per
out the use of impressed electric current. standard ISA-37.1-1975 (R1982), electromag-
electroluminescent displays (EL, netic refers to the conversion of a change of
ELD) Devices that emit phosphorous glow measurand into an output induced in a con-
when they are excited with a small voltage. ductor by a change in magnetic flux, in the
Electroluminescent displays are the only absence of excitation. [ISA-37.1-1975 (R1982)]
completely solid-state type of liquid crystal electromechanical actuator A device that
displays (LCDs) and typically come in two converts electrical energy into motion.
versions. Direct-current thick-film devices [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-2000]
are usually used as lamps behind LCDs, and electromechanical transducer A type of
alternating-current thin-film ELs (ACTFEL) transducer in which the input signal is an
devices are more suitable for high-perfor- electric wave and the output signal is
mance, high-information content displays. mechanical oscillation, or vice versa.

electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) / electronic engineering

electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) An forces that are exerted on one or more

agreement taking effect January 1, 1996, to charged electrodes in an electric field.
ensure that no electronic system sold in any electrometer tube A high-vacuum tube that
member country will generate a electromag- can measure extremely small DC voltages or
netic field large enough to disturb nearby amperages because of its exceptionally low
systems. It also stipulated that all electronic conductance of its control electrode.
systems would have to be immune from the electromigration A phenomenon in solid-state
electromagnetic fields generated by other microcircuits in which atomic-scale hills and
systems that comply with those same regula- valleys carrying electronic information grow
tions. The EMC directive covers frequencies in the microcircuits' thin metal conductors.
between 9 KHz and 1 GHz. It was initially This problem is more acute with smaller,
intended to control the electromagnetic sen- more densely packed chips.
sitivity of virtually all electric and electronic electron An elementary subatomic particle
industry products from any EU member or that has a rest mass of 9.107 x 10-28 g and a
countries included in the European Eco- negative charge of 4.802 x 10-10 statcoulomb.
nomic Area (EEA), with the goal of reducing Also known as a "negatron." A subatomic
nontariff barriers to trade. The EMC directive particle of identical weight and positive
does not mandate a single law for all coun- charge is termed a "positron."
tries but sets guidelines, which are conse- electron beam A narrow, focused ray of elec-
quently open to interpretation. trons that streams from a cathode or emitter
electromagnetic field sensitivity The maxi- and can be used to cut, machine, melt, heat-
mum output of a transducer in response to a treat, or weld metals.
specified amplitude and frequency of a mag- electron-beam instrument Any instrument
netic field. It is usually expressed in gauss, whose operation depends on the use of vari-
equivalent to a stated fraction of 1 g. [ISA- able electric or magnetic fields, or both, in
RP37.2-1982 (R1995)] order to deflect a beam of electrons. The elec-
electromagnetic instrument Any instrument tron beam may be of constant intensity or it
in which the indicating or recording means is may vary in intensity according to a control
positioned by mechanical motion that is con- signal.
trolled by the strength of an induced electro- electron-beam tube Any of several types of
magnetic field. electron tubes whose performance depends
electromagnetic interference See interference, on the formation and control of one or more
electromagnetic. electron beams.
electromagnetic pulse (emp) A type of dis- electron device Any device whose operation
turbance that leads to noise in radio-fre- depends on conduction by the flow of elec-
quency electric or electronic circuits. trons through a vacuum, gas-filled space or
electromagnetic radiation An all-inclusive semiconductor material.
term for any wave that has both an electric electron emission The ejection of free elec-
and a magnetic component. The spectrum of trons from the surface of an electrode into the
electromagnetic waves includes—in order of adjacent space.
increasing photon energy, increasing fre- electron gun An electron-tube subassembly
quency, and decreasing wavelength—radio that generates a beam of electrons and may
waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, additionally accelerate, control, focus, or
x-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays. deflect the beam.
electromechanics The technology that is electronic commerce (EC) A business envi-
associated with mechanical devices and sys- ronment that integrates electronic transfer
tems that are electromagnetically or electro- and automated business systems.
statically actuated or controlled. electronic data interchange (EDI) A com-
electromagnetic wave A wave in which both puter-to- computer exchange of structured
the electric and magnetic fields vary periodi- transactional information between autono-
cally, usually at the same frequency. mous computers.
electrometallurgy The technology that is electronic data processing (EDP) Data pro-
associated with the recovery and processing cessing that is largely performed by elec-
of metals using electrolytic and electrical tronic equipment.
methods. electronic engineering A branch of engineer-
electrometer An instrument for measuring ing that deals chiefly with the design, fabri-
electric charge, usually by means of the cation, and operation of electron-tube or
transistorized equipment. Such equipment is

electronic heating / electrostatic lens

used to generate, transmit, analyze, and con- electro-optic effect A change in the refractive
trol radio-frequency electromagnetic waves index of a material under the influence of an
or similar electrical signals. electric field. Kerr and Pockels effects are,
electronic heating Producing heat by using respectively, quadratic and linear in electric
radio-frequency current generated and con- field strength.
trolled by an electron-tube oscillator or simi- electron volt Abbreviated eV (preferred) or
lar power source. Also known as EV. A unit of energy that is equal to the work
"high-frequency heating" and "radio-fre- done in accelerating one electron through an
quency heating." electric potential difference of one volt.
electronic mail The use of a large centralized electropainting The electrodeposition of a
computer to store messages for users of the thin layer of paint on metal parts that are
electronic mail network. made anodic. Also known as "electro-
electronic measuring equipment Equipment phoretic painting."
that uses electronic devices to measure or to electrophonic effect An auditory sensation
observe quantities or to supply electrical that results when AC electric current of a cer-
quantities for measuring purposes. Elec- tain amplitude and frequency passes
tronic devices are parts or assemblies of parts through an animal's tissues.
that use electron or hole conduction in semi- electrophotography The image transfer sys-
conductors, gases, or a vacuum. [ISA-82.03- tems used in copiers to produce images
1988] using electrostatic forces.
electronic photometer See photoelectric pho- electroplating The electrodeposition of a thin
tometer. layer of metal on the surface of a part that is
electronic printing Any technology that in contact with a solution or an electrolyte
reproduces pages without the use of tradi- that contains ions of the deposited metal. In
tional ink, water, or chemistry. most electroplating processes, the part to be
electronic switch A circuit element that plated is the cathode. The concentration of
causes a start-and-stop or a switching action metal ions in the solution is maintained by
electronically, usually at high speeds. placing a sacrificial anode of the deposited
electronic transition A transition in which metal in the electrolyte.
the electron in an atom or molecule moves electropneumatic controller An electrically
from one energy level to another. powered controller in which pneumatic
electron metallography The use of an elec- devices perform some or all of its basic func-
tron microscope to study the structure of tions.
metals and alloys. electropolishing Smoothing and polishing a
electronmicroprobe analysis A technique for metal surface by closely controlled electro-
determining the concentration and distribu- chemical action much as in electrochemical
tion of chemical elements over a microscopic machining or electrolytic pickling.
area of a specimen by bombarding it with electroscope An instrument for detecting an
high-energy electrons in an evacuated cham- electric charge by observing the effects of the
ber. X-ray fluorescent analysis is then per- mechanical force that is exerted between two
formed of the secondary X-radiation emitted or more electrically charged bodies.
by the specimen. electrospark machining See electrical dis-
electron microscope Any of several designs charge machining.
of apparatus that use diffracted electron electrostatic field interference A form of
beams to make enlarged images of tiny interference that is induced in the circuits of
objects. a device because of the presence of an elec-
electron multiplier tube A type of electron trostatic field. It may appear as com-
tube that uses cascaded secondary emission mon-Mode or normal-Mode interference in
to amplify small amperages. the measuring circuits. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979
electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (R1993)]
(ESCA) An analysis method that measures electrostatic instrument Any instrument
the energies of X-ray-induced photoelectrons whose operation depends on the forces of
emitted from a sample. electrostatic attraction or repulsion between
electron tube Any device whose operation charged bodies.
depends on conduction by the flow of elec- electrostatic lens A set of electrodes arranged
trons through a vacuum- or gas-filled space so that their composite electric field acts to
within a gastight envelope. focus a beam of electrons or other charged

electrostatic memory / elevation

electrostatic memory A memory device that value of the manipulated variable. [ANSI/
retains information by means of electrostatic ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
charge, usually involving a special type of element, primary The system element that
cathode ray tube and its associated circuits. quantitatively converts the measured vari-
electrostatic microphone An electroacoustic able energy into a form suitable for measure-
transducer for converting sound into an elec- ment. Note: For transmitters that are not
trical signal by means of the variation in the used with external primary elements, the
electrostatic capacitance of the active trans- sensing portion is the primary element.
ducer element. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
electrostatic painting A spray-painting pro- element, reference input The portion of the
cess in which the paint particles are charged controlling system that changes the refer-
by spraying them through a grid of wires ence-input signal in response to the set point.
that is held at a DC potential of about 100 kV. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979 (R1993)]
The parts being painted are connected to the element, sensing The element that is directly
opposite terminal of the high-voltage circuit responsive to the value of the measured vari-
so they attract the charged paint particles. able. It may include the case that protects the
The process yields more uniform coverage sensitive portion. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979
than conventional spray painting, especially (R1993)]
at corners, edges, recesses, and oblique sur- elementary In object-oriented programming
faces. (OOP), something that consists of a single
electrostatic precipitator A device for remov- object, not a compound.
ing dust and other finely divided matter elements of measurement and control
from a flowing gas stream by electrostatically systems Functional units or integrated
charging them and then passing the gas combinations of functional units that ensure
stream over charged collector plates, which the transducing, transmitting, or processing
attract and hold the particles. of measured values, control quantities or
electrostatic voltmeter An instrument for variables, and reference variables. A valve
measuring electrical potential by means of actuator together with a current-to-pressure
the electrostatic forces between elements in transducer, valve positioner, or a booster
the instrument. relay is considered an element that receives
electrostriction transducer A device that con- the standard pneumatic transmission signal
sists of a crystalline material that produces or standard electric current transmission sig-
elastic strain when subjected to an electric nal. [ANSI/ISA-7.0.01-1996]
field or that produces an electric field when elements of process control systems
strained elastically. Also known as "piezo- Elements that ensure the transducing, trans-
electric transducer." mitting, and processing of measured values,
electrothermal process Any process that pro- control quantities, controlled variables, and
duces heat by means of an electric current— reference variables (transmitters, indicators,
using an electric arc, induction, or resistance controllers, recorders, computers, actuators,
method—especially when the process signal conditioners). [ANI/ISA-50.1-1982
requires temperatures higher than those (R1992)]
obtained by burning a fuel. elements, feedback Those elements in the
electrothermal recording A form of electro- controlling system that act to change the
chemical recording in which chemical feedback signal in response to the directly
change is induced by thermal effects associ- controlled variable. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979
ated with the passage of electrical current. (R1993)]
electrothermic instrument Any instrument elements, forward controlling Those ele-
whose operation depends on the heating ments in the controlling system that act to
effect associated with the passage of electric change a variable in response to the actuat-
current. ing error signal. [ANSI/ISA-51.1-1979
element [Comp] 1. A component of a device (R1993)]
or system. [ANSI/1SA-51.1-1979 (R1993)] 2. elevated range See range, suppressed-zero.
In data processing, one of the items in an elevated span See range, suppressed-zero.
array. [Sci] 3. In science, a substance that can- elevated-zero range See range, elevated-zero.
not be decomposed by chemical means into elevation Vertical distance above a reference
simpler substances. level, or datum, such as sea level. See range,
element, final controlling The forward con- suppressed-zero.
trolling element that directly changes the

elevation error / emission characteristic

elevation error A type of error in tempera- the end user cannot access to Modify.
ture-measuring or pressure-measuring sys- Embedded software is also referred to as
tems that incorporate capillary tubes partly "firmware" or "system software." [ANSI/
filled with liquid. The error is introduced ISA-84.01-1996]
when the liquid-filled portion of the system embedding 1. The process of completely
is at a different level than the instrument encasing any electrical device by pouring a
case. The amount of error varies with the dis- compound over it in a mold. The enclosed
tance of elevation or depression. device is then removed from the mold after
ELF Extremely low frequency radiation in the compound solidifies. [ISA-12.23.01-1998
CRT- based video monitors; see VLF. (IEC 79-18 Mod)] 2. In OLE (Object Linking
elinvar An iron-nickel-chromium alloy that and Embedding), embedding means storing
also contains varying amounts of manganese an object of one type file in a file of another
and tungsten, has low thermal expansion, type and optionally maintaining linkage
and has almost invariable Modulus of elas- from the second file to the file that originally
ticity. Its chief uses are for chronometer bal- contained the object. An example is an Excel
ances, watch balance springs, instrument spreadsheet embedded in a WordPerfect
springs, and other gauge parts. document.
ellipsometer An optical instrument that mea- embrittlement cracking A form of metal fail-
sures the constants of elliptically polarized ure that occurs in steam boilers at riveted
light. It is most often used in thin-film mea- joints and at tube ends. The cracking is pre-
surements. dominantly intercrystalline.
elliptically polarized light Light in which EMD Equilibrium mode distribution; steady
the polarization vector rotates periodically, modal state of multimode optical fiber in
changing in magnitude with a period of 360 which the relative power distribution among
so it describes an ellipse. The result of two modes is independent of fiber length.
plane polarized beams of light (each approxi- emergency maintenance An urgent need for
mately a sine wave) being perpendicular to repair or upkeep that was unpredicted or not
each other and having a constant phase dif- previously planned work. See corrective main-
ference. The resultant planes' polarized wave tenance.
in the direction of the common beams will emergency shutdown system (ESS) Instru-
describe an ellipse. A special case called "cir- mentation and controls that are installed for
cular polarization" occurs when the ampli- the purpose of taking the process, or specific
tudes of the two planes' polarized waves are equipment in the process, to a safe state. This
equal, and the phase difference is an odd does not include instrumentation and con-
multiple of _ / 2 . trols that are installed for nonemergency
elliptically polarized wave Any electromag- shutdowns or routine operations. Emergency
netic wave whose electric or magnetic field shutdown systems may include electrical,
vector, or both, at a given point describes an electronic, pneumatic, mechanical, and
ellipse. hydraulic systems (including those systems
elongation Axial plastic strain. It is usually that are programmable). Other common
expressed as a percentage of the original terms used for emergency shutdown systems
gauge length in a uniaxial tension test to include "safety instrumented system" (SIS),
fracture. "safety shutdown systems" (SSD), "protec-
ELSI Extra large-scale integration. Integrated tive instrument systems," and "safety inter-
circuits that contain more than one million lock systems." [ANSI/ISA-91.01-1995]
components on a chip. emery An abrasive material composed of
elute To wash out or remove by dissolving. pulverized, impure corundum. It is used in
elutriation The separation of fine, light parti- various forms, including cloth or paper, and
cles from coarser, heavier ones by passing a combines an adhesive-bonded layer of
slow stream of fluid upward through a mix- emery grains and compacted, emery-binder
ture so the finer particles are carried along mixtures that are shaped into cakes, sticks,
with it. stones, grinding wheels, and other imple-
E-mail Electronic mail; a method for trans- ments.
mitting text messages and files digitally over emission characteristic The relation between
communication links, such as the phone sys- the rate of electron emission and some con-
tem. trolling factor—the temperature, voltage, or
embedded software Software that is part of current of a filament or heater, for instance—
the system supplied by the vendor and that

emissivity / enclosure

for a specific element of a system, all other a different material, usually an elastomeric or
factors being held constant. polymeric material. [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-
emissivity 1. A material characteristic that is 2000]
determined as follows. The ratio of radi- encapsulated body liner In a butterfly valve
ant-energy emission rate that is solely a body, all the surfaces of the body are covered
result of temperature for an opaque, polished by a continuous surface layer of a different
surface of a material is divided by the emis- material, usually an elastomeric or plastic
sion rate for an equal area of a blackbody at material. A soft elastomer behind a harder
the same temperature. 2. The rate at which encapsulating material may be used to pro-
electrons are emitted from a solid or liquid vide interference for disk and stem sealing
surface when additional energy is imparted areas. [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-2000]
to the system by radiant energy, such as heat encapsulation [Safe] 1. In safety contexts, an
or light, or by energetic particles, such as a international term that describes a type of pro-
beam of electrons. tection in which the parts that could ignite an
EMI susceptibility The level or degree to explosive atmosphere by either sparking or
which a device is vulnerable to electromag- heating are enclosed in an encapsulant so this
netic interference. ignition cannot occur. CENELEC refers to this
emittance An alternative term for emissivity. type of protection as "Ex m" in draft standard
emulate To imitate one system with another EN50028. Note: Encapsulation is the potting
such that the imitating system accepts the or casting of electrical components with
same data, executes the same programs, and epoxy, elastomer, silicone, asphaltic, or similar
achieves the same results as the imitated sys- compounds for the purpose of excluding
tem. moisture or vapors. Encapsulated compo-
emulator 1. A device or program that emu- nents are not necessarily hermetically sealed.
lates, usually by microprogramming the imi- [ANSI/ISA-12.00.01-1999 (IEC 60079-0 Mod)]
tating system. Contrast with simulate. 2. A 2. The process of applying the compound to
computer that behaves very much like enclose any electrical device(s) by suitable
another computer by means of suitable hard- means such as embedding or potting. [ANSI/
ware and software. ISA-12.23.01-1998 (IEC 79-18 Mod)] 3. In
emulsifier A substance that can be mixed object-oriented programming (OOP), the
with two immiscible liquids to form an inclusion of data structures and procedures
emulsion. Also known as "disperser" and in a single entity and the isolating (or hiding)
"dispersing agent." of those workings. This leaves interfaces
emulsion characteristic curve A graph of the clean and defined for Modularity. 4. A pro-
relative transmittance of a developed photo- cess of transmitting network traffic that
graphic or radiographic emulsion versus encloses one protocol within another.
exposure. Alternatively, a graph of a function encapsulation "m" A type of protection in
of transmittance versus a function of expo- which the parts that could ignite an explo-
sure. sive atmosphere by either sparking or heat-
enable 1. To restore a computer system to ing are enclosed in a compound in such a
ordinary operating conditions. 2. To "arm" a way that this explosive atmosphere cannot
software or hardware element to receive and be ignited. [ANSI/ISA-12.23.01-1998 (IEC 79-
respond to a stimulus. 3. To allow the pro- 18 Mod); ANSI/ISA-12.01.01-1999]
cessing of an established interrupt. 4. To encipher See encode.
remove a blocking device, that is, a switch, to enclosure 1. A part that protects equipment
permit operation. Contrast with disable. See against certain external influences and, in
also arm. any direction, protection against direct con-
enamel 1. A type of oil paint that contains a tact. It may also provide protection against
finely ground resin and that dries to a harder, the spread of fire. [ANSI/ISA-82.02.01-1999
smoother, glossier finish than other types of (IEC 1010-1 Mod)] 2. All the walls that sur-
paint. 2. Any relatively glossy coating, but round the live parts of electrical apparatuses,
especially a vitreous coating on metal or including doors, covers, cable entries, rods,
ceramic, which is obtained by covering it spindles, and shafts. These enclosures ensure
with a slurry of glass frit and firing the object the degree of protection that is provided by
in a kiln to fuse the coating. Also known as the enclosure of the electrical apparatus.
"glaze" and "porcelain enamel." Note 1: This definition differs from that of
encapsulated body All surfaces of the body IEC 60079 ISA-12.00.01 (IEC 60079-0 Mod)
are covered by a continuous surface layer of because it recognizes that an intrinsically

Next Page

enclosure type / endothermic reaction

safe apparatus may not be in a single enclo- encrustation The buildup of slag, corrosion
sure and that it is not dependent on its enclo- products, and biological organisms such as
sure for primary protection. Note 2: The barnacles or other solids on a structure or
enclosure may not be physically the same for exposed surface.
protecting an apparatus from live parts ver- encryption The process of converting data
sus protecting it from the ingress of solid for- into codes that cannot be read without a key
eign bodies and liquids. Note 3: Designating or password.
the surfaces that form the boundaries of the end In computer programming, a word that
enclosure is the responsibility of the manu- indicates the completion of a program struc-
facturer. [ISA-12.02.01-1999; ISA-12.00.01- ture.
1999 (IEC 60079-0 Mod)] 3. A framework or end around carry A carry from the most-sig-
shell, or a combination of these, that pro- nificant digit place to the least-significant
vides the environment for containing the digit place.
control equipment and instrumentation that end connection The configuration that is pro-
constitute a control center. vided in order to make a connection with the
enclosure type A North American system of pipe. [ANSI/ISA-75.05.01-2000]
rating the standard levels of protection pro- end connections, flanged End connections
vided to electrical apparatus by enclosures. that incorporate flanges that mate with the
The levels of protection by these enclosure corresponding flanges on the piping.
types are to (1) persons against contact with end connections, split-clamp End connec-
live or moving parts inside the enclosure, tions of various proprietary designs that use
(2) the apparatus against the ingress of solids split clamps in order to apply gasket or mat-
and/or liquids, (3) the apparatus against the ing surface loading.
deleterious effects of corrosion, and (4) the end connections, threaded End connections
apparatus against the damage caused by the that incorporate threads, either male or
formation of external ice. This enclosure type female.
is in addition to (and not an alternative to) end connections, welded End connections
the types of protection needed to safeguard that have been prepared so they can be
against ignition in hazardous (classified) welded to the line pipe or other fittings. Such
locations. Definitions of these enclosure connections may be butt weld (BW) or socket
types are found in UL 50 or NEMA 250. See weld (SW).
also degree of protection. [ISA-12.01.01-1999] end device The last device in a chain of
encode 1. To apply a code, frequently one devices that performs a measurement func-
that consists of binary numbers, to represent tion. The end device is the one that performs
individual characters or groups of characters the final conversion of a measured value into
in a message. Synonymous with "encipher." an indication, record, or control-system input
2. To represent computer data in digital form. signal. See transducer.
3. To substitute letters, numbers, or charac- ENDEC Encoder/decoder; term used in the
ters for other numbers, letters, or characters, disk industry for digital circuitry that per-
usually in order to intentionally hide the forms manipulations similar to those a video
meaning of the message except to certain codec does for video signals, in bits going to
individuals who know the enciphering and from disk drive. See codec.
scheme. end element In process control, a device that
encoder 1. A device that is capable of trans- causes a change in a process, such as a valve,
lating from one method of expression to motor drive unit, silicon-controlled rectifier
another method of expression. For example, (SCR), and the like. Also final device,finalcon-
an encoder might translate a verbal message, trol device.
"add the contents of A to the contents of B," end instrument See end device and transducer.
into a series of binary digits. Contrast with end-of-file (EOF) A magnetic marker on a
decoder. 2. A device that transforms a linear or reel of magnetic tape that signifies where a
rotary displacement into a proportional digi- data file ends.
tal code. 3. A hardware device that converts end of tape (EOT) A unique reflective
analog data into digital representations. marker near the end of a reel of magnetic
encoding/decoding The process of organiz- tape to warn the computer that the end is
ing information into a format suitable for approaching.
transmission and then reconverting it after endothermic reaction A reaction that occurs
the transmission. with the absorption of heat.


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