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SOS childrens villages nepal

SOS hermann gmeiner secondary school itahari

sos hermann gmeiner higher
secondary school
itahari sunsari nepal
post box:121,itahari

“animals are like us,endangered species on an

endangered planet,and we are the ones who are
endangering them,it and ourself.they are innocent
sufferers in a hell of our making.”

Jeffrey moussaieff masson

HMG had made the provision of including project as a

part of school curriculum.we have found it fruitful in a
sense that we not only get extra knowledge from the research but the readers will also be
enriched by its contents. The project was purposed to the health teacher mr.manoj Kumar
choudary and accepted by him on the topic endangered animals of Nepal because this topic is
very much related with the relation between nature, animals and human beings. This report is
for the partial fulfillment of the requird for the HPE course to grade 10.we hope the
department and the school will accept this project and the readers will enjoy, cater and gives
detail information about the broad concept of endangered animals of Nepal.

Principal vice principal

Mr.santi ram Timsina. Mr.sasi kumar upadhya

subject teacher

Mr.manoj kumar Choudary.

sos Hermann gmeiner school itahari


SOS childrens villages nepal

SOS hermann gmeiner secondary school itahari

sos hermann gmeiner higher
secondary school
itahari sunsari nepal
post box:121,itahari

we have taken efforts in this assignment.however,it would not have been possiblw without the
kind support and help of many individuals.we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of

we are highly indebted to our Hpe reacher MR.manoj kumar choudary for his guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the assignment
and also for his support in completing the assignment.

this has helped us to know about the endangered animals of Nepal and makes us aware.we
would like to gratitude towards our parents and members of families for their guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the assignment
and also for their support in completing the assignment.

we would also like to thank our friends who has helped us to collect materials for our project
report.without their help it was impossible to get success.

our thanks and appreciations also go to the people who are directly or indirectly helped us out
in developing the project.

Anish Neupane

ronal thapa
sos hermann gmeiner higher secondary school

SOS childrens villages nepal

SOS hermann gmeiner secondary school itahari

sos hermann gmeiner higher
secondary school
itahari sunsari nepal
post box:121,itahari


In today’s rapidly changing world,many wild animals face an increasingly

difficult struggle for survival.Data released in 1996 by the world
conversation Union (also known as IUCN) indicates that of about 4600
species of mammal known to exist,over 1000 are classified as being at risk
for extinction.The number of mammal species becoming endangered has
increased consistently over the last few hundred years.some of the animals
vanished as a result of hunting ,others through competition from other
species.Several species of mammals have become extinct in the 20 th

Today Hunting still poses a danger to some species,particularly animals

such as elephants,rhinoceros and tigers which fetch high prices on the
black market for their tusks,horns, and other body parts.During the past 30
years alone,the number numbers of tigers has been reduced to about
5000.International efforts have helped to stem the trade in products from
these animals,but withour further invention,their future as wild species
remains as doubt.

our country is also facing this the KMTNC has announced the
concept of establishing the CONSERVATION AREA,NATIONAL PARK
AND WILDLIFE RESERVE.The major objectives of establishing such areas
is to promote the condition of the endangered species and increase its
number as far as possible.

like the dinosaur, the penguin-like great auk, the passenger pigeon, the zebra-like
quagga, the thylacine, the Balinese tiger, the ostrich-like moa, the tarpan, and the
mammoth, some animal species have also gone into extinction, while many others
are on the verge of extinction; and still many others are daily endangered. Hence,
there is a need to have a catalogue of the endangered animal species of the world,
considering one continent after another; and the various reasons why these animals
are being daily endangered will also be made bare; and of course, the possible ways
to protect and preserve them.

It is pertinent to note that an endangered species is any species of organisms (plants

and animals) that will go into extinction if nothing is done to stop the cause(s) of its
decline; hence, endangered animal species are the species of animals facing a very
high risk of extinction. Animal species that are in immediate danger of extinction are
termed ENDANGERED SPECIES, while the species of animals that are likely to become
endangered in the nearest future are termed THREATENED. However, other animal
species that are not in immediate danger but that have small populations and so
could in no time become extinct are called VULNERABLE or CANDIDATE species. At
the moment, there are about 3080 endangered animal species world-wide. And to a
very large extent, man is solely responsible for this ugly trend.

Most animals start life as a single fertilized cells,which divides many times to produce
the thousands or millions of cells needed to form a functioning body.During this
process,groups of cells develop different characterstistics and arrange themselves in
tissues that carry out specialized functions.

1. To conserve the endangered animals of Nepal.

2. to provide employment to the local people.
3. to protect the environment of the endangered animals.
4. To increases and protect the natural beauty.
5. to reduce bad human activities like killing animals for their skin,fur etc.
6. To teach them how to protect the endangered animals.
7. To make people aware about the importance of endangered animals.
8. To make the government and local people and local people use thre law in
proper way.
9. To study and do research about the endangered animals and their habitat.

1. Makes students to make optimum utilization of library and available resources.

2. Creates practical and long-term learning.
3. Identifies the area of need and interest.
4. Develops the self-confidence of students to tackle the problems.
5. Enhances the principal of learning by doing.
6. Motivates the wholesome participation of students
7. Teachers centered teaching is modified into student centered teaching .
8. Enhances the creativity of students.
9. Develops research skills in students.
10.Increase the learning habits.
11.Helps the effective learning and teaching process.
12.Feeling of competition and self-responsibility.
13.Breaks the monotony of classroom learning.
14.Broadens the educational output.
15.Provides new knowledge, altitude and scientific thinking.
16.Identifies the area of need and interest.
17.Provides techniques and innovative ideas.
18.Develops decision making skills in students.
AT last
importance of endangered animals
1. It helps to bring in development tourism and economy due to attraction
of tourists in the country.
2. It helps to give knowledge about the rare animals , their habitats ,
behaviors ,physical description etc on the people.
3. It becomes the great attraction for the people to do study and research
about them.
4. It increase the native beauty of the nature beauty of the environment
and helps to balance the ecosystem of the environment.
5. it convinces local people to be participating in the conservation of rare
animals in local areas.
6. To enchourage people to improve the breeds of rare animlas through the
crossing methods,providing them favourable type of environment,taking
proper care of them,giving them sufficient food to eat,etc.

I found many things regarding the animals of Nepal.I have done research on their
habitat,structure ,etc.And what I found was that more animals of Nepal are in
endangered stage.The main reasons of human activities such as destruction of
forests.Population is increasing day by day.due t it,peoplea are destroying forests to
get wood,timber and land to cultivate to live in.

so they destroy the forests and use the land fot their own purpose.Due t this many
species living there become rare.Problem is illegal ahunting and illegal business on
these animals.Some people hunt animals for entertainment ,some to sell animals
whether for meat or horns.For examples,rhinoceros is killed for its is all
because of illegal hunting and illegal business.Some other problems are putting fire
knowingly and unknowingly.Due to all humans acts animals are suffering hard.

1. Certain rules and regulations should be implemented on the people to

conserve the rare and endangered animals.
2. Local villager people should make aware about and also make ythem to
participate to conserve the forests as well as endangered animals.
3. Dry wood and leaves can be taken by the people instead of cutting strong and
hard trees together with green leaves for their cattles.
4. Unplanned and Unwisely killing or hunting animals for the various purposes
over excessively should be reduced and controlled
5. Fire should not be lit near the forest areas or the match-sticks should not be
thrown in dry leaves otherwise it might burn all the trees of the forests as well
as most of the living creatures of the forests.
I want to conclude giving lots of thanks to mr.manoj kumar chaudhary
hpe teacher the end

Thank you

anish Neupane

Ronal thapa

class ten

section b

on the topic endangered animals of Nepal we had done research and did project.our
many helpers gave us full support and we are able to finish our project.By doing this
project we found what kind of animals are found where and their habitat,their
structure ,shape ,siza and reasons why they are in endangered state our country.The
reasons were destruction of forest for fire-wood,timber,raw materials ,land,etc.and
mai n reason of course we,human beings.

we people have no tbee able t realize the things we have got,And without realizing
we start destroying it.By doing this project we have realized that we are also the ones
who have caused this problem.For exampke we use the shoers made of lather which
comes from animals.and to ger leather we got to kill animals.And we are making the
animals endangerd directly as well as indirectly.Not only students others are also the
ones who are causing this huge problems.SOm it becomes our prime duty to remove
this problem and for this we have to study hard and try to implement the things we
have learnt in proper way.and we all should try our best to solve these problems.

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