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Hutamares, Kristine E

GED0106- Sec 52

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”

Music is a type of an art that creating a sound that is came from the instruments.
According to Greenberg (2016) Music is kind of entertainment for us people and it has been
feature of us. This can be the other way of expressing your feelings or you can let out the things
you can’t say personally and that you can create a song as well as music. We usually listen to
music when we are frustrated, happy, angry, and sad because music as I’ve said it is our
emotions. Our favorite song is depending on our emotional attachment because we all have that
kind of attitude that when a music or song has an impact to us eventually that will be our favorite
song and we tend o listen to it repeatedly. And the long-lasting favorite song are due mainly to
an emotional attachment that we have a memory that associated with the song. We all have the
ability to create a song or music because we all have feelings, we should put it in a song, each of
us have different experience, we may be in a same situation but our experience will never be the

There are effects of humans when we listen to the music. According to the studies, when
we listen to music the brain will release chemical called dopamine that is involved motivation or
have a positive effect to our mood. According to Pfizer Medical Team (2017) there are benefits
to our health if we listen to music like it can reduce our stress because sad music, low pitch or
don’t have any lyrics because these can relax our mind. It can also provide comfort because
those people who have serious illness they usually listen to music, to improve their
communication and expressing their feelings and by that it can lessen of what they’re pain or
illness. There are people that is introvert, they don’t like to socialize they just like to listen to
music. Just like me, because there are times that I don’t want to talk to people, I always have my
earphones wherever I go so instead of talking to other people I can listen to my favorite songs.
And to those people having depression can reduce the feelings because as long as you let out
your feelings, your anxiety can reduce and it is possible to cure your depression. Also, listening
to music can raise your IQ and academic functioning because your brain will relax and just like
other children that enrolling to music lessons because it can perform higher academic
In conclusion the music is a very powerful thing that human really need for our lives
because it has a power that you can do in music that you may can’t do in other people. Also,
music will be there for us to let out things that we cannot say with other people, so instead that
you say it in other people you can just express it through music. Music have lots of benefits if
you just listen to it, it can cure or reduce the pains that you are feeling Also, music will never
judge you whatever your feelings is that’s why music is one of what we need in for lives.

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