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Class – IX
Social Science

Time allowed: 3 hours, Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions:
a) The question paper has 30 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
b) Question numbers 1-8 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each question carries one each.
c) Question numbers 9-20 are three marks questions. Answers of these questions should not
exceed 80 words.
d) Question numbers 21-26 are five marks questions. Answers of these questions should not
exceed 100 words.
e) Question number 27 and 28 are map questions of three marks each.
f) Question numbers 29-30 are based on OPEN TEXT ASSESSMENT BASED.

1. What is used to convert skin and hides into leather?

In which month of the year the Dhangars harvested bajra and started their move to
How much land was enclosed between 1750 and 1850 in England?
Ans. Tannin
6 million Acres

2. Elephants are found in which type of forests?

Ans. Tropical rain forests.

3. Which promises were done by Devi Lal during his election campaign with the people?

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Ans. Devi said that if his party won the elections, his government would waive the loans of
farmers, Agricultural Labourers and small businessmen. He promised that this would be the
first action of the government.

4. What do you understand by SEBC?

Ans. Socially and Educationally Backward Classes.

5. Where is Guantanamo Bay located?

Ans. Guantanamo bay is located in Guantanamo Province controlled by America at the
southeastern end of Cuba.

6. In which areas of India even today famine to has caused starvation deaths?
Ans. A. Kalahandi and kashipur in Odisha.
B. Baran district of Rajasthan.
C. Palamao district of Jharkhand.

7. Name three dimensions of food security?

Ans. Availability, Accessibility and affordability.

8. Which states achieved the highest rate of growth in food grain production during
Green Revolution?
Ans. Punjab and Haryana.

9. Why the Colonial Governments thought that the forests were unproductive? Give
What were the instructions given to the police to check the movement of pastoralists in
colonial Africa?
Can you explain why the production of wool was responsible for disappearance of the
common land?
Ans. In the early Nineteenth century the colonial states thought that the forests were

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unproductive. They were considered to be wilderness that had to be brought under
cultivation so that the land could yield agricultural products and revenue, and enhance the
income of state. So between 1880 and 1920, cultivated area rose to 6.7 million hectares.
A. The police were given instruction to keep a watch on the movements of pastoralists, and
prevent them from entering white areas.
B. Passes to enter the Territory should not be given to these natives unless exceptional
circumstances necessitate their entering.
C. Ordinary visiting passes should not be given to the locals
A. When the price of wool went up in the world market in the sixteenth century, rich
farmers wanted to expand wool production to earn profits.
B. They were eager to improve their sheep breeds and ensure good feed for them.
C. They were keen on controlling large areas of land in compact blocks to allow improved
D. So they began dividing and enclosing common land and building hedges around their
holdings to separate their property from others.
E. They drove out villagers who had small cottages on the commons, and they prevented the
poor from entering the enclosed fields

10. Mention any three major transformations in the History of Cricket.

How did the conservatives react against the movement for the national dress reform in
Ans. A. The replacement of the gentlemanly amateur by the paid professionals.
B. The triumph of the one day games as it over shadowed Test cricket in terms of popularity.
C. The remarkable change in global commerce and technology.
D. Introduction of Twenty-Twenty matches.
A. The reformers did not immediately succeed in changing social values.
B. They had to face ridicule and hostility. Conservatives everywhere opposed change.
C. They lamented that women who gave up traditional forms of dressing no longer looked
beautiful, and lost their femininity and grace.

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D. Faced with persistence attacks, many women reformers changed back into traditional
clothes to conform to conservatives.

11. Why is cricket considered to be a colonial game?

Describe the famous case of defiance of the shoe respect.
Ans. A. Unlike some other English team games like hockey and football, which became
international games played all over the world, cricket remained a colonial game, limited to
countries that had once been part of the British Empire.
B. The pre industrial oddness of cricket made it a hard game to export.
C. For the citizens of colonies, playing cricket becomes a sign of superior social and racial
A. In 1862, there was a famous case of defiance of the shoe respect rule in a Surat Courtroom.
B. Manockjee Cowasjee Entee, an assessor in the Surat Fouzdaree Adawlut, refused to take
off his shoes in the court of the session judge.
C. The judge insisted that he takes off his shoes as that was the Indian way of showing
respect to superiors. But Manockjee remained adamant.
D. He was barred entry into the courtroom and sent a letter of protest to the governor of

12. “Transition period from hot rainy season to dry winter conditions linked with the
occurrence of cyclonic depression over Andaman Sea.” Explain
Ans. The October –November months form a transition period from hot rainy season to dry
winter conditions. The temperature rises and sky become clear as the monsoon retreat. By
early November the conditions of the low pressure over north western India get transformed
to the Bay of Bengal. This shift is linked with the occurrence of cyclonic depressions which
originate over Andaman Sea. These cyclones cause heavy and wide spread rain crossing the
eastern coasts of India. Sometimes these tropical cyclones caused destruction.

13. How do human beings influence the ecology of a region? Mention any three points.
Ans. A. Human beings are an integral part of ecosystem.
B. They utilize the vegetation and wildlife. The greed of human beings leads to over-

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utilization of these resources.
C. They create ecological imbalance like cutting of trees and the killing of animals.
D. They also responsible for extinctions of some species of plants and animals.

14. Why the Northern Indian Plain is thickly populated? Mention the two states of
Northern Plains with high population density?
Ans. A. Suitability of soils for agriculture: The northern plain and the delta regions have
fertile soils are the most suitable for agriculture. The northern plain and the delta regions
have fertile soils. As such, these areas are very thickly populated.
B. Climatic conditions: Areas of Northern Plains receives heavy rainfall. It is over about 400
cm of rainfall annually.
C. Economic activity: Agriculture and animal rearing can be done throughout the year. Plains
terrain allows better means of transportation through road and railways and waterways.
West Bengal, Bihar Uttar Pradesh are the most populous states of this region.

15. What is an election? How it gives an immense power to voters to make many
Ans. Election is a mechanism by which people can choose their representatives at regular
intervals and change them if they wish to do so. This mechanism is called election. In an
election the voters make many choices:
A. They can choose who will make laws for them.
B. They can choose who will form the government and take major decisions.
C. They can choose the party whose policies will guide the government and law making.

16. Can you explain why parliamentary democracy in most countries is often known as
the cabinet form of government?
Ans. A council of Ministers is the official name for the body that includes all the ministers.
All the major decisions of the government are taken the cabinet Ministers. It is not practical
for all the ministers to meet regularly and discuss everything; the decisions are taken in
Cabinet meetings. The cabinet works as a team. The ministers may have different views and
opinions, but everyone has to own up to every decision of the cabinet. No minister can
openly criticize any decision of the cabinet. So we can say that parliamentary democracy in
most countries is often known as the cabinet form of government.

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17. Can you illustrate any three significances of Rights?
Ans. Following are the significances of Rights:
A. Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority. They ensure that the majority
cannot do whatever it likes.
B. Rights are guarantees which can be used when things go wrong. Things may go wrong
when some citizens may wish take away the rights of others.
C. Rights are necessary for the very sustenance of a democracy.

18. The Famine of Bengal causes a heavy devastation’. Explain.

Ans. A. The most devastating famine that accrued in India was famine of Bengal in 1943.
B. This famine killed thirty lakhs people in the province of Bengal. Nothing like the Bengal
famine has happened in India again.
C. The agricultural laborers, fishermen, transport workers and other casual laborers were
affected the most by dramatically increasing price if rice. They were the ones who died in
this famine.
D. Starvation victims stayed in the relief camps.
E. During the Bengal Famine of 1943, families leave their villages and migrated to the safe

19. Elaborate the major objectives of Academy of Development Science?

Ans. Following are the major objectives of Academy of Development Science:
A. In Maharashtra, Academy of Development of Science has facilitated a network of NGOs for
setting up grain banks in different regions.
B. ADS organize training and capacity building programmes on food security for NGOs. Grain
Banks are now slowly taking shapes in different parts of Maharashtra.
C. ADS efforts to set up Grain Banks. Grain Banks facilitate replication through other NGOs
and to influence the Government’s policy on food security are thus paying rich dividends.
D. The ADS Grain Bank Programme is acknowledged as a successful and innovative food
security intervention.

20. Explain the three different cards of ration cards?

Ans. A. Antyodaya Cards: Antyodaya cards are for the poorest of the poor.

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B. Below Poverty Line Cards: BPL cards for those below poverty line
C. Above Poverty Line Cards: APL cards are for all.

21. Can you write a brief outline of the ideas given by Dietrich Brandis for the
management of forests in India?
How the pastoralists of Africa survived in droughts and dry seasons during pre colonial
period? How did their life become very miserable in drought during colonial rule?
Why the British Government has problem from the production of opium in Central
India and Rajasthan?
Ans. Dietrich was appointed as the first Inspector General of Forests in India by the colonial
Government. Following are his suggestions:
A. Brandis felt that a proper system had to be introduced to manage the forests of India and
people had to manage
B. This system would need legal sanction. Rules about the use of forest resources had to be
C. Felling of trees and grazing had to be restricted so that forests could be preserved for
timber production.
D. Anybody who cut trees without following the system had to be punished.
E. Brandis set up the Indian Forest Services in 1864 and helped formulate the Indian forest
Act of 1865.
Drought affects the life of pastoralists. When rain fails and pastures are dry, cattle are likely
to starve unless they can be moved to areas where forge is available. That is why,
traditionally, pastoralists are nomadic. They move from place to place. This nomadism
allows them to survive bad times and avoid crises.
But during colonial period their lives become very miserable. The Massai were bound down
to a fixed area, confined within a reserve, and prohibited from moving in search of pastures.
They were cut off from best grazing lands and forced to live within a semi-arid tract prone to
frequent droughts. Since they could not shift their cattle to places where pastures were
available, large number of Massai cattle died of starvation and disease during colonial period

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A. By 1773, the British Government in Bengal had established a monopoly to trade in opium.
B. No one else was legally permitted to trade in the product. By the 1820s, the British found to
their horror that opium production in their territories was rapidly declining, but its
production outside the British territories was increasing.
C. It was being produced in Central India and Rajasthan, within princely states that were not
under British control.
D. In these regions, local traders were offering much higher prices ton peasants and
exporting opium to China. To the British this trade was illegal. It was smuggling and it had to
be stopped. Government monopoly had to be retained.

22. Name the India’s National Game? Mention Some India’s achievements in the field of
this game?
How would you explain the major changes in the clothing pattern which occurred in
Europe from seventeenth century to twentieth century?
Ans. Hockey is India’ National Game. Following are India’s achievements in the field of
A. The brilliance and skill of players like the great Dhyan Chand brought India a string of
Olympic gold medals.
B. Between 1928 and 1956, India won gold medals in six consecutive Olympic Games.
C. During this golden age of Indian dominance, India played 24 Olympic matches and won all
of them.
D. India scored 178 goals at an average of 7.43 goals per match and conceded only seven
E. The two other gold medals for India came in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and 1980 Moscow
A. Before the 17th century, most ordinary women in Britain possessed very few cloths made
of flax, linen or wool which were difficult to wear and clean
B. After 1600, trade with India brought cheap, beautiful and easy to maintain Indian chintzes
within the reach of many Europeans.
C. During the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century, Britain began the mass
manufacturing of cotton textiles which becomes more accessible to a wider section of the

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D. By early twentieth century, artificial fibers made clothes further cheap and easy to wash.
E. In the late 1870s, heavy restrictive under-clothes were gradually discarded. Clothes got
lighter and simpler.
F. Changes in women’s clothing also took place as a result of two World Wars.

23. What ideas justify that precipitation varies from place to place and season to season
in our country?
Ans. A. This variation can be observed in its amount and seasonal distribution.
B. While precipitation is found mostly in the forms of snowfall in the upper parts of
Himalayas, it rains over the rest of the country.
C. The annual precipitation varies from over 400 cm in Meghalaya to less than 10 cm in
Ladakh and western Rajasthan.
D. Our country mostly receives rainfall from June to September. But some parts of our
country like Tamil Nadu coast get most of it’s during October and November.
E. The rainfall decreases from east to west in Northern Plains.

24. Which are the most widespread forests of India? Mention any two characteristic
features of these forests.
Ans. The Tropical deciduous forests are the most widespread forests in India.
A. These are the most wide spread forests in India.
B. They are also called the monsoon forests and are spread over the region.
C. They receive rainfall between 200 cm and 70 cm.
D. Trees shed their leaves for about six to eight weeks in dry summer.
E. These forests are further sub-divided into moist and dry deciduous depending on the
availability of water.
F. These forests are to be found in the eastern part of the country, northeastern states and on
the foothills of Himalayas, Jharkhand, west Odisha and Chhattisgarh and on the eastern
slope of the western Ghats.

25. Can you illustrate the conditions of the democratic elections? Explain in Detail.
Ans. Following are the conditions required for democratic elections:
A. Every adult citizen should be able to choose. This means that everyone should have one

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vote and every vote should have equal value.
B. There should be something to choose from. Parties and candidates should be free to
contest elections and should offer some real choice to the voters.
C. The choice should be offered at regular intervals. Election must be held regularly after
every few years.
D. The candidates preferred by the people should get elected.
E. Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they
really wish

26. “It is not wrong to say that Democratic Government is not there in Saudi Arabia”.
Are you agreeing with this statement? Give some suitable reasons.
Ans. Yes, we are agreeing with this statement. On the behalf of following facts we can say
that democracy is not there in Saudi Arabia:
A. The country is ruled by a hereditary king and the people have no role in electing or
changing their rulers.
B. The King selects the legislature as well as the executive. He appoints the Judges and can
change any of their decisions.
C. Citizens cannot form Political Parties or Political Organizations. Media cannot report
anything that the Monarch does not like.
D. There is no freedom of religion. Every citizen is required to be Muslim. Non Muslim
residents can not follow their religion in private, but not in public.
E. Women are subjected to many public restrictions. The testimony of one man is considered
equal to that of the two women.

27.1 (a) two features A and B are marked in the given map of Bastar. Identify these
features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked on the map
A. A place associated with a centre of colonial administration in Bastar
B. A river which flows East to West in Bastar region
(b) On the same political map locate and label the following
C. Kanger – The forest in which the rebellion against colonial rule started first.

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27.2 On the given map of India Mark and locate-
A. A state where Gaddies are found
B. A state where Banjaras are found
C. A state where Dhangars are found

27.3 (a) Three features A, B and C are marked in the given physical map of USA. Identify

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these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names
on the lines marked on the map
A. Name of the crop grown in the shaded area in USA 1920
B. Name the mountain in the shaded area
C. Name the region of the shaded area.



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27.2 Answer:

27.3 Answer:

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28.1. Two features A and B are marked in the given political map of India. Identify these
features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked on the map. A. Type of Forest B. A meteorological Station of Gujarat
28.2. Locate and Label Bharatpur Bird Sanctuaries with appropriate symbols on the
same map given for identification.


29 & 30 . Question Based on OTBA

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