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MegaGoal Book 1 Unit 3: What Will Be, Will Be


A. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

1. A _____ is a kitchen appliance.
A. plate B. refrigerator C. lawn mower D. washing machine
2. A car that was owned by another person first is _____.
A. a used car B. an old car C. an electric car D. a second car
3. An exciting book about travel and discovery is _____.
A. a travel book B. a future book C. a science novel D. an adventure novel
4. _____ restaurants are quick and inexpensive.
A. Fine B. Table service C. Italian D. Fast food
5. Jules Verne was considered _____ because many of the inventions that he imagined became a reality.
A. a vision B. an inventor C. a visionary D. a visitor
6. A vault is a place that keeps things _____.
A. wet B. safe C. underground D. expensive
7. Certainly! is another word for _____ when used as a reply to a question.
A. yes B. no C. maybe D. hopefully

B. Choose the right answer :-
1. Why will he ( go – went – going – goes ) to the market tomorrow ?
2. Ali will be ( travelled – travel – travels – travelling ) abroad next summer .
3. Maybe, my family ( will stay - is going to stay – stays ) in Dammam for the next week .
4. It is very cloudy . It ( going - going to - is going to – going) rain .
5. They will ( sent – send – sends - sending) us the goods next week.
6. I ( am going to post – will post – posted -have posted ) these letters tonight.
7. I am going to be ( write – writing - writes – wrote ) homework soon .
8. Will they go fishing next Thursday ? Yes, they (will – did – do – are )
9. Are we going to walk tomorrow ? Yes, we ( will – did – do - are)
10. ( Will – Did – Do - Are) they come tomorrow? No they won’t.
11. Ali will ( have – has – had – having ) lunch at two o’clock .
12. Nora probably ( is going to arrive – arrives – is arriving – will arrive ) at school soon .
13. ( Will – Did – Do – Is) it going to rain tomorrow . ?
14. My sister is going to ( marry – married – marries – marrying ) next month .
15. I ( don’t - won’t - didn’t - haven’t ) write the letter tomorrow .
16. Tomorrow , our first lesson ( will be – was – were – is ) English .

C. Do as shown:
17. He’ll come to Makah this year. ( Change into Negative)
__________________________________________________________ .
18. She will play tennis this week. ( Rewrite using “going to”)
__________________________________________________________ .
19. Will people eat artificial food? (Answer with your opinion)
__________________________________________________________ .
20. My mother will be cook rice in the afternoon. ( Correct)
1. To gather
a. to come together b. to separate c. to join
2. To witness
a. to give evidence b. to help c. to see an event
3. bobby pin
a. pin worn by boys b. safety pin c. hairpin
4. obsolete
a. complete b. outdated c. high-tech
5. vault
a. an electric measure b. a safe c. a can
6. to withstand
a. to oppose b. to observe c. to resist or survive

D. Read the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of each question/statement.
The Westinghouse Time Capsules

The Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company is a large electric company in the United States. It was
established in 1886, and it still exists today. In 1939, Westinghouse created a time capsule for the New York World’s Fair.
They filled the capsule with common items from that time, including pieces of cloth, metal, plastic, plant and vegetable
seeds, money, books, art, and news stories on microfilm. The time capsule is buried in the park in New York where the
World’s Fair was held.
In 1964, Westinghouse made another time capsule for the 1964 World’s Fair and buried it near the first capsule.
The plan is that both of these capsules will be opened in the year 6939—in five thousand years! Do you think these
capsules will last that long? Do you think these items will help people in five thousand years learn about life in the year

1. The Westinghouse Company is still in business today.

2. The 1939 time capsule was opened in 1964.

3. The 1939 time capsule contains news stories.

4. The capsule will be opened in five hundred years.

5. Both time capsules are buried in secret places.

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