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English Language

Mega Goal 1

Name/ _________________________________
Class/ _________________________________
Unit : 1
Big Changes

I-(A) Read the following passage and answer the questions below.

King Abdul-Aziz, a gifted leader and dedicated warrior for the cause of Islam, was responsible
For the legendary event that marked the beginning of modern Saudi Arabia. In 1902, he regained
Riyadh, beat the city garrison, took the Masmak Fortress, and established his headquarters in the city.
He expanded Saudi Arabia to include all of the Hijaz, Makkah and Madinah and united all the tribes
into one nation. On September 23, 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established, as a
unified Islamic state, with Arabic as the national language and the Holy Qur'an as its constitution.

1- Was King Abdul-Aziz responsible for the legendary event of modern Saudi Arabia?
2-What did King Abdul-Aziz expand Saudi Arabia to include?
3-When was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established?

4- Put (T) for true and (F) for false:

A- King Abdul-Aziz regained Riyadh in 1908. ( )
B- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established as a unified Islamic stae. ( )

5- Complete the sentence:

He regained Riyadh, beat the city garrison, took the Masmak Fortress and……………………………………………

*Choose the correct verb :
1- He is ( live – lives – living) with his uncle now until he can find his own place.
2- ( Do – Does – Did ) it snow in winter ?
3- He ( lives – lived – has lived ) in Britain for 4 years.
4- What ( do – does – did ) you think of my idea?

* Do as shown between brackets:

1 -The water …………… please turn it off.. ( boil ) ( present progressive)

Remember ;
2 -The moon ………………. Around earth. ( go ) *simple(present
simple: Opresent ) ) + v3
+ ( is # are
3- His father ( die)…………… …………….last month. *simple [past
: O + ( the verb
was # were] ) + v3
*future : O + will + be + v3
*present perfect : O + (have # has ) + been +

* Match:

1- launch ( ) to found .
2- establish ( ) be part of .
3- fit in ( ) to start.
( ) to send.

* Write the appropriate words for these pictures

( pollution - traffic - terrorism - global warming )

……………………. …………………….. …………………..

* Rewrite Using Capitals :

1 – my brother never had been to dubai .

2- a lot of people go away in august .
3 – riyadh is the capital of saudi arabia .


3 a

1- Choose: o
1- I have ( look – looked – been looking) for a job for three months.
2- My father has ( work – worked – been working ) at many 1 different jobs during his career.
3– I'm good { in – at – about } using computer .
4 – She's good at { cook – cooked – cooking } food .
Q 2 – Do as show between brackets :

1 – He's good at play football. {{ correct the verb }}.

2 -for/ He /three /. /has/ working/ been /hours {{ Rearrange }}.

#Put the word in the correct space:

1-Engineers need to be able to

……………………..with temperatures that average 104 F .
2 – Teacher , Doctors and Food scientist are ………………………………
3-I put the picture on the ……………………………………….
4- The scientist works in the …………………….

# Put the word under the correct picture :

blueprint - food scientist - satellite - car sculptor

#Read the resume then complete the chart:

Ail AL-Farsi
sales manager
Med gulf Company
65 king Fahd street 13 Jun
Dear Mr. AL-Farsi
I am writing to apply for the Sales Agent advertised in
the Okadh journal . Here some of my qualities , skills
and qualifications :
I have a computer expertise and teamwork skills , I
have diploma in sale , I fluent in English and I will be
friendly and honesty .
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing
from you.

Ahmad Mohammad




Who wrote the

cover letter

Unit : 3
What will be,will be

Read the passage ,then answer the question below it :

Time builds a wall between us and the past. We can’t know, really, what things
were like by reading about them in books alone. We need more clues to help us
understand a period of time when we weren’t alive . To help preserve the past and to help
future citizens to understand how things were, people create time capsules. Time
capsules are containers that we bury for people to reopen it in the future . The
capsules contain objects that are chosen to represent life in the period of time when the
capsules were buried .Time capsules can be sealed for a few years or for a century.
Usually the capsules contain special items such as documents, videos, photographs,
letters, newspapers or other objects that can show people in the future a more complete
view of the period of time when the capsule was sealed and buried.

1-What does the items in the time capsule represent ?

2-Mention 3 items can be sealed in time capsule ?

3- Find the meaning of the words from the passage :

Time :………………….. keep =………………….

4-Put ( T ) or ( F ) :
a-We can only know about the past from the books . ( )
b- Sealed is the opposite for the world open . ( )

* Choose:
1- He will ( travel – travels – travelling) to London next month.
2- They will be ( travel – travels – travelling ) at this time tomorrow.
3- She ( will – won't) go to school tomorrow because she is ill.

# Do as shown between brackets :

1/ He will go to Europe next Summer. (( make yes/no Q ))
2 /Ali will taking the exam by the weekend. (( correct the verb ))
3 / 1/ Will people eat artificial food? [ agree ]


Fill the gaps with the correct completion :

Certainly no kidding opinion predict treasure

1-I don't agree with you . I have a different …………………………

2-……………….. the children will be happy if you give them chocolate .
3-Hidden ……………………. represent an interesting adventure .
4-The Holy Qur'an ……………………..the events that happen nowadays.

#Match the words with the correct picture :

……………… ………………. ……………… ………………….

Match :
Certainly To make money from
No kidding To come together
To gather To express surprise
Used to say yes

Unit :4
The Art of Advertising

Q1 –Complete the missing word in the following dialogue: r
Ali: Hi, Nasser. n
Nasser :………………….What are you doing? i Ali:
………………………………………………………….. t
Nasser: Do you use plastic to pay for purchases? :
Ali :……………………………………………………. 1
Nasser: Who is the first person used the concept of the credit card ? Ali:
…………………………………………………………………………. L
************************************************* s
Faisl: Good after noon, Khalid.
Khalid: ……………………… . How are you doing?
Faisl : ………………………………………… . 1
Khalid: Did you see the fold-up bike advertisements ?
Faisl: …………………………………………… .
Khalid: What is the most important features of it?
Faisl: ………………………………………………………….

Choose the correct answer :

1- This bag is the ( more expensive - most expensive – expensive ) in the shop.
2- The silver ring is ( small – smaller – smallest ) than the gold ring .
3- This new doorbell ( smell – taste – sound ) just like a bird .
4- This car is { make – made – making } in Japan.

Do as shown between brackets :

1-Ali cleaned the car . ( change into passive )
2- Sami has written the story . ( change into passive )
2 – Ali is tall. Khalid is short . {{ Make comparative form}}
3 - I like this new fragrance . It ……………… rose. ( Use correct verb: look ,smell ,sound .taste)


Write the missing letter of the following words:

1-What has happened in Syria now is incon……eivable .
2- Typewriters are considered impra……tical nowadays.

3-I am thinking of buying a co……pact car in the future.

2- There are a lot of pro……ucts come over this industry.

*Choose the correct meaning for each word :

1. status symbol :
a. belonging to the state b. brand name c. sign of high social standing
2. cash in :
a. to make money from b. use a cash machine c. to invest
3. limited :
a. small company b. kept within a boundary c. disabled

*write the correct word under each picture :

Perfume- jewelry– advertisement- cell phone- bike- suitcase

Give the opposite :

Expensive X ……………………

Fast X ………………………….

Comfortable X ………………………

Unit: 5
Did you hurt your self ?

Grammar t
1 - Fill in the blank with either because or so to complete
i the sentence.
1. I closed the window …………………………. it was cold. :
2 - The water wasn’t clean ………………………. we didn’t swim.
Choose the correct answer : e
1 – Sara cut { himself – herself – ourselves } when shes was peeling potatoes.
2 – I burned { herself – my self – themselves } when Is was making fries .
o mirror .
3 – He likes to look { myself – himself – herself } in the
Under line the correct answer : 1
1- I'm a careful driver .
A- So am I. B - Neither am I.

2 – I didn't slip on the floor.

A – So did I . B – Neither did I .


Match :

1 - Lucky day ( ) fight against.

2 – bald ( ) What are you doing ?

3 – to challenge ( ) a day of good fortune .

( ) having no hair on the head.

*write the correct word under each picture:

Motorcycle - helmet - wheelchair - squirrel - emergency

…………………. …………………. ………………………


Unit : 6
Take my advice.

Read the passage below then answer the questions t :
Love is the a beautiful feeling that express honesty, affectionr and at the same time friendship. Around the
world people are concerned about solutions for many of social problems. The feeling love could be the key for
many of that problems. Although, some people do not believe that n it is possible . Problems that include world
hungry and violence are some example of social matters that lovei could solve.
The most important reason why love could hlep the hungry problem: around the world is the fact that love
ties people together in a way to help each other. First of all, feelings such as, caring about others and helping
each other is also included in love. In fact ,today people tend to be more selfish and caring less about others.
However, love flourish that felling and make people more likely toLshare what they have.
Another imporant social matter that love could help to solvesis the violence. It is undeniable that the fisrt
thing to be with love is peace. Currently, the world are moved by sambition, revenge and meanness. Usually
when you read or watch some news the fisrt headlight that appears o is about war, murder and there are
anywhere to be safe. Actions like that is avoided when love is surrounding people life's.

In conclusion, Love is answer for most of the world question.1It is a necessary feeling in life because it is
wonderful and magic. Also, it hold people together in way to help and care about each others.

A-What are the two social problems that mentioned in the passage can be solved by love ?
B-Why does the war spread in the world today?
C-Find the opposite from the passage :
War # ………………….. Death # ………………….


Choose the correct answer:

1 – He {take up – put off- gave up } smoking for health reason .
2 - Don't { take up – throw away – gave up } your old clothes.
3 - She should { visited – visit – visiting } her mother

Do as shown between brackets:

1 – I'm going to …………….karate. {use correct verb: put off-take up}
2 – He should study hard. { Make Yes/No Q}
3 – She should changes her diet. { correct the Verb}


Fill the gaps with the correct word :

advice keeping fit exercise problem habit junk food

1-He asked his sister to give him …………………………. about writing essay.
2-………………………….and soft drinks should be taken away from schools .
3-Yoga is a kind of quite ………………………………….
4-One of the main things that you have to consider in…………………….. and losing extra kilos
is to adapt healthy
Life style .
5-Eating late at night is really bad ………………………………..

Match the words with their meanings :

1-feeling down ( ) an expression that make a statement stronger

2-look out for myself ( )think only about you self.
3-To be honest ( )feeling depressed


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