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ii) y Ar y This graph shows p(x) has three zeroes. ne a This graph shows p(x) has two zeroes. SOLVED QUESTIONS BASED ON EXE Very Short Answer/Objective Type Questions [1 Mark] Sol. (d) x2+(a+ I)x+b If p() is a polynomial of at least degree one and P(K) = 0, then k is known as (@ value of p(x) (©) zero of p(x) (©) constant term of p(x) (@) none of these Sol. (b) Zero of p(x) J Let px) =ar+b Put xk Pk) = ak +b =0 +: kis zer0 of px), 9k-9~3k+1=0 Page 1 => 6k-8=0 3 3. If the zeroes of the quadratic Polynomial x? + (@+1)x+5 are2 and -3, then @) a=-,b=-1 (b)a=5,5=4 () a@=2,b=-6 @ a=0,b=-6 INCERT Exemplar Problem, CBSE 2011) 5. Sol. (a) . + Zeroes of p(2) = 227 are and Sol. ” iy A\.,, Py La This graph shows p(x) has four zeroes, w me x oO] * _ This graph shows p(x) has three zeroes RCISE 2.1 = 2 is a zero and x =~3 is another zero “ QP +(atlP+b=0 and(— 3)? + (a+ 1) 3)+5=0 => 44+2a+2+b=0and 9-30-3+509 = 2a+ ~6 ..and-~3a+d=-6 Solving (i) and (ii), we get Sa = 0 > a=0andb=~6, 4. Which of the following is not the graph of quadratic polynomial? ' 4 @ ® — > | a © TY @ Ad: INCERT Exemplar Problem] ~ Iterosses the x-axis in three points. ‘ For zeroes 2? 27 = 9 2227 = 2-4/7 3V3 y’ Sol. Graph of y = f(x) intersect x-axis in one point only. Therefore number of zeroes of f(x) is one. 8. The graph of y = f(x) is given, how many zeroes are there of f(x)? x’ x y’ Sol. -.Graph y = f(x) does not intersect x-axis. f(x) has no zeroes. Key Points: (i) The graph of linear polynomials a straight line and it cuts the x-axis at exactly one point. (ii) The graph of a quadratic polynomial is a parabola which cuts the x-axis at atmost two points. (iii) The graph of a cubic polynomial cuts the x-axis at atmost three points. (iv) The graph of an n degree polynomial cuts the x-axis at atmost rn points. ‘Zeroes of fix) are s-coordinates of these points, eroes Of Short Answer Type | Questions [2 Marks] 1 are ~ 4,— 1 and 2. -, Zeroes of ft 13, Graph of y = f{x)is given below. Find the zeroes of 1d: Por what value off ls 3 zer0 of the polynomial wtxth? Sol, Since 3 is a zero of the polynomial 2x? + x + k (3) =0 = pls) = 22 ++ k s (3) = 23/2 +3 +k O-18+3+k = k=-21 iynomial nix is given By/p(X), then for any a ‘obiained by replacing x Sol. Here graph of y =x) intersect the x-axis in A(—4, 0), BCI, 0) and DQ, 0). PRACTICE QUESTIONS BASED ON EXERCISE 2.1 1, Isx=—3 zero of the polynomial p(x) = 2° + 5x +32 7. k is a zero of the polynomial p(x) = x? — 11x + 24. If 2, Show that x = ~ 2 is a zero of the polynomial ‘kis a prime number, then find the value of k. PQ) = 3x7 + 13r+ 14 3. If 1 is one of the zeroes of polynomial x? ~ x + k, 8, Zeroes of a polynomial can be determined graphically. then find value of k. No, of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to no. of points 4. Graph of y= ffx) is given. Find the zeroes and number where the graph of polynomial of zeroes of fix). " (@ intersects y-axis (8) intersects x-axis (©) intersects y-axis or intersects x-axis @ none of these 9. If graph of a polynomial does not intersects the x-axis, but intersects y-axis in one point, then no. of zeroes 5. Graph of x= f(y) is given, find the zeroes and number f the poly ial is ae of the polynomial is equal to y (@ 0 1 © orl (4) none of these 10. A polynomial of degree n has (@ only 1 zero y (6) at least n zeroes 6. If p is a zero of 2x? ~ 5x + 3, then find the value (©) atmost n zeroes ofp. “ Page 3 (@ more than n zeroes sis af = product of zeroes = - eroes are | and 3, If p(x) = ax? + bx +c and a +c =, then one of the zeroesis wt oF oz ot Sol. (c) p-1) = 0; a(-1 + BC) +e = 0 => a-b+c=0, -. One zero (a) =-1 af = product of zeroes = £ = (1) =F =p-2 4. The number of polynomials having zeroes as -2 and 5 is @1 @2 (© 3 (@ more than 3 INCERT Exemplar Problem] Sol. (d) v x? — 3x—10, 2x - 6x ~ 20, Spo... -9x— BY Zt -5, 3x? — 9x 30 ete, have zeroes ~ 2 and 5. 5. Given that one of the zeroes of the cubic polynomial ax’ + bx” + cx + d is zero, the product of the other two zeroes is e © ot 4 @o OF INCERT Exemplar Problem] Sol. (b) + a + By + ya = 2 it, a=0 $0,0+ fy +0= 2 => py=£ 6. If the product of the zeroes of x* ~ 3kx + 242 — 1 is 7, then values of k are___ and Sol. Product of zeroes = 7 > 2P-1=7 = 2P=8=> P=4 = k= 42 7. Find the product of the zeroes of - 2x? + kx + 6, Sol. Here a=~2, b= Product of zeroes ie, axB 4, Find the sum of the zeroes of the given quadratic "polynomial -3x7 + Sol. Since polynomial is ~ a=-3,b=0,c7k axe + Ox+k ‘and sum of zeroes = 0 =3 9, If one zero of the polynomial x7 — 4x + 1 is 2+ -b = ie, atp == 2 ate 3, write the other zero. Sol. Let other zero be a, erfH+a-+--( T = a=4-2-f3 =2-43 ite the polynomial, the produet and sum of respectively. whose zeroes are ~2 and ~ 926 Sol. Product of zeroes = —> = = 2 a Sum of zeroes = —> = — Polynomial is H2- bre s) ic, (P+3s— 11. Find the zeroes of the polynomial (x — 2)? + 4. Sol. For zeroes (x- 2)+4=0 @-27 +2=0 ‘Sum of two perfect squares is zero if each of them is zero, +. No zero, Short Answer Type I Questions [2 Marks] 12. Find the zeroes of /3x2 + 10x + 7/3. Sol. 3x? + 10x+ 73 = 03824324 I+ V3 = ¥3x(x +73) + 72 +V3) = (V3x+7) (x+/3) For zeroes of the polynomial, (¥3x+7)(x+V3) =0 ze VBx+7= 0 or x4V¥n0 = 2 ey! = or k(2x? + 3x9) Polynomials 35 ee — ors Let aa oes 0 "Walston is “Find zeros of pone) 8 gH «and f be the zeroes of polynomial, Then, answor tes reece eaten a8? #84213. Thaw awe] Note: But dont answer as “x29 = 9 9" 098-005 423, There 13. Find a uadratle polynomial whose zeros are . ~9 and, 5 > k+6= A k-2) Sol, Sum of zeroes =-9 + (- 1) - =81=1 _ -82 moes=9+ (3) = Hal, = = += 4-2 Produet of zeroes =(-9)x(—3) 1 Ses keT Quadratic polynomial = 3? ~ (sum of zeroes) x + 17> Hfonerootof the quadratic polynomial 22—2x-+p product of zeroes is 3, find the other root. Also, find the value of p. Sol, + 3 isa root (zer0) ofp (x) axe ( => 20%-3x3+p=0 14, Ifthesum of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial = = —«18-9+p=0 => p= fy? + 2y ~ 3k is equal to twice thelr product, find Now p(x) = 2x? -3x-9 = 20? — 6x +3x-9 the value of k. [eBse 2014) =2e(e—3)+3a-3) Sol. PQ) = by? + 2y~3k =(@-3) Qx+3) For roots of polynomial, p(x) = 0 ATQ,, Sum of zeroes = 2 * product of zeroes > (e-3) Qe +3)=0 =3k 3 ee ear) - z => x=3orx=—3, Other root =-3 18, Ifa.and f are zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 4x? + 4x +1, then form a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 2a and 28. [CBSE 2015] Sol. pe) = 42 44x41 ©, B are zeroes of p(x) 15, Ifzeroes of p(x)= ax? + bx+ care negative reciprocal of each other, find the relationship between a and c. Sol. PQ) = ar + br+e Let one zero = pee eee +, Other zero = - es 0 Now, product of zeroes = = ‘Alo ap = > i) Now a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 24 = and 28. Short Answer Type Il Questions [3 Marks] 1 ~ (gum of zoroes)x + Product of zeroes 16. Find the value of k such that the polynomial a - ee * payee 2B x2 — (+ Ox + 2(2k— 1) has sum of its zeroes equal p to half of their product. [Dethi 2019] P= 2x (tax t Sol. The given polynomial is ; [Using 69 (0 and (i) w= (k+ 6x + 22k- 1) C4 avtl Page 5 19. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial ‘and verify the relationship between i Ws Vaasa Die tenes inset heuer aod the zeroes and the coefficients. Sol. Here p(y) = 7)? - 4 For zeroes of p(y), p(y) yA, > 37 3 Ivy - 2) + 13y uUUY Del +. eroes are and 2 3 ICBSE, Allahabad 2019] 2 3 =0=>21y?-Ily-2=0 21? - May + 3y-2=0 y-2)=0 (y+ NQy-2)=0 20. If the zeroes of x7 — px + 6 are in the ratio 2 : 3, find p. Sol. pl) =2—pr+6 Let zeroes are 2m and 31 Sum of zeroes = - 4 > &m+3m = Sm=p Product of zeroes = £ > amx3m=$ = 6 =6 > m=) = m=+1 im ~~) I ‘When m = 1, eq (i) becomes Sxl=p=> When m Sx-1=p> pass a ay pas ~1, eq (i) becomes P page 6 2. Sol. a, Bare the zeroes of polynomial Move Hee +1) —p soc that (2 +1) (B+ 1) pe) = 2 - nang ete cara a= 1,b=-kc=—k-p ++ a B are zeroes of px) =-2 satprk atp--2 c a i ap- £ = oB=-k-p Also (a +1) (B+1)=0 => aptatp+l=0 => (Ck-p)tk+l=0 -ptl=0=>p= a, b,c are co-prime a # 1 such that 26 =a +c. If a? —26x-+c and 20 5x2 + koe +4 has one integral root common, then find the value of k. P(x) = a? - 2bx +e P(I)= a1) 26 * 1 +e a-2b+c=a+c-2b 2» 2b-2b=0 Given; a+ ry al = x Now, product of zeroés of p(x) is a zero of p(x) =|s Io eens Other root £ Roots are 1 and & c - £ are co-prime + integral root of p(x) = 1 A.T.Q,, 1 is a root of fix) = 2x9 - 5:2 + xe +4 > A) =0 = AlP-sSUP+kx1+4=0 ke tong Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] 23, Sol. If one zero of the quadratic polynomial S00) = 4? — Bk + 8x —9 is negative of the other, then find zeroes of kx? + 3kx+2. [CBSE 2015] Sx) = 407 ~ Ske + 8-9 = 4? + (8 BH —9 Let one ze + other zero ae [ATQ] ‘Now Sum of zeroes = = = 2tem- 20) 24, Sol. > 848-0 k= Polynomial p(x) = fa? + 3hx + 2 becomes PQ)=1 x2 43x42 [Using k= =P 43x42 For zeroes of p(x), x7 + 3r+2=0 > &+DME+1)=0 => E=-2x5-| Given that the zeroes of the c ubie polynomial 2° ~ 6x2 + 3x + 10 are of the form a, a+b, a 42) for some real numbers a and 6, find the values of @ and 5 as well as the zeroes of the given Polynomial. INCERT Exemplar Problem] PU) = 9 6x? + 3x4 10 Sum of the zeroes = a y > atatb+a+2 > 3a+3b= > => b=2-a ald) Also, product of zeroes = oh enn rere rater = dat bYa+25)=-10 > al2\fa + 2(2 -a)] = -10 [Using (0) = 2a(4 ~ a) = -10 = a4 —a)=-5 => 4a-a=-5 > = > (a-5ya+1)=0 > a=5ora=-l ‘When a = 5, eq. (0) becomes b=2-5=3 \ zeroes are an5 atb=5-3=2 a+26=5-6=-1 ‘When a =-t, eg, (D) become b=2-(-1)=3 zeroes are zeroes are 1, 2 and 5, PRACTICE QUESTIONS BASED ON EXERCISE 2.2 If a, B are the zeroes of a polynomial, such that a +B =6 and af = 4, then write the polynomial . Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum of whose zeroes is 0 and one zero is 5. . Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 6x? — 3 — 7x and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients of the polynomial. |. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 13x —8x+ 4/3, . Find a quadratic polynomial whose one zero is 5 and product of zeroes is 30. ind a quadratic polynomial whose one zero is 7 and. sum of zeroes is -18. .. Form a quadratic polynomial, one of whose zero is 5 and the product of the zeroes is -2V5. . Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 5+ V2 and S- V2. . Show that + and 2 are the zeroes of the polynomial 2 4x2 +. 4x —3 and verify the relationship between zeroes and co-efficients of polynomial. [CBSE 2012] If one zero of the quadratic polynomial 2x? + px +4 is 2, find the other zero. Also, find the value of p. 11. If, B are zeroes/toots of polynomial x? ~ 6x + k, find the value of k such that («. + B)? ~ 2a = 40. 12. If 2 and 3 are zeroes of polynomial 3x° - 2kx + 2m, find the values of k and m. 13. Ifa, B are zeroes of polynomial p(x) = Sx* + Sx +1 then find the value of (/) a2 + B* (i) at + Bt 14, Find a cubic polynomial with the sum, sum of the product of its zeroes taken two ata time, and product of its zeroes are 5, ~6 and -20 respectively. 15, If both the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial (p(x) = (k + 2)x?— (k- 2) - 5 are equal in magnitude ‘but opposite in sign, then find the value off. 16. If @ and B are the zeroes of the polynomial x? + 6x + 9, then form a polynomial whose zeroes are ~ a and B. [CBSE 2014) 17. Ifa, B are zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 3x7 ~ 12x + kuch that o - B= 2, find the value of & 18, Find the value of p and q if they are the zeroes of p(x) = 2x? + pr +g. 19. If one zero of the polynomial (k + Ix? ~ Sx + 5 is multiplicative inverse of the other, then find the zeroes of kx? — 3kx + 9, where & is constant. page 7 {nors| 5: A polynomial of degree five is divided by a Guadratie polynomial, If it leaves a remainder, then find the degree of remainder. Sol. Degree of remainder is always less than divisor Degree of remainder will be less than 2. Hence, degree is | or 0, 6. Check whether 3x —7 is a fa Ge +37 — 26x 252 Sol. If 3x—7 is a factor of p(x) = 6? + 12 — 26 — 25, then fl (3) should be equal to 0, 1 3 aye Now, p(7) = 6 «(Z) +(Z) +26 2-25 40 3 Bale 3 “3x —7 is not a factor of p(x). ctor of polynomial 7. If x? +27 — ax + b is divisible by x2 — x, write the values of a and b. P(x) =x +37 — ax + b is divisible by 22 — x. ¥ (= 1) is a factor of p(x). Sol, = x= 0 andx=1 are zeroes of p(x). => p(0)=0 > (0) + 0 -ax0+5=0> 5=0 and p(1) = 0 => 1° + (1? -ax1+5=0 = 2-a+0=0>a=2 Short Answer Type I Questions [2 Marks] 8. Using division, show that 3y*+ 5 is a factor of Gy* + 15y* + 16y? + 4y? + 10y -— 35. Sol. 29 +52 +2y-7 IP + 5)6F HIS + GP HE 10y—35 6 +109 158+ 6 +4? HOy—35 158 +2592 6y? — 21)? +10y— 35 6 +10y — 217-35 = 21-35 + 0 +» Remainder = 0 Hence, 3)? + 5 is a factor of 6y* + 15y* + 16)? + 4y? + 10y-35 Page 8 frye’ 9. If the polynomial 6x* + 8x? + 17x? + 21x +7 is divided by another polynomial 3x2 + 4x + 1, the Temainder comes out to be (ax +b), find a and 6, 22+5 Be tdx +1 ) 68 +R + e+ Diet Sth 80 $20 15x? + 21x+7 15x? +20 +5 x42 Sol, but given remainder is ax + b, then ax+b=x+2 => a=1,b=2, Short Answer Type II Questions [3 Marks] 10. Find all zeroes of the polynomial (Qx4 — 9x9 + Sx? + 3x— 1) if two of its zeroes are (@+¥3) and 2- /3), [CBSE 2018 Sol. Since, (2+ /3) and (2 ~ 73) are the two zeroes of the given polynomial 2x4 — 9x? + 5:2 + 3x — 1, Then {x-(2+/3)}{x—(2-¥3)} {@-2)-V3}{@-2)+/3} = @-2)- (v3 = (74x + 1) is the factor ee given polynomial. =x-1 det 1 204-958 + 52 + 3-1 2x4 80 +22 +3? + 3x, ~O+4e- x Pars = +4x-1 <2 t4x-1 + - + For other zeroes: 2x*—-x-1=0 (-2x+ 1-0 x-1=0 or 2x+1=0 > x=1 or2x=-1> x Therefore, other zeroes are 1 and 1. Find all zeroes of the polynomial 3x° + 10x? - 9x —4 if one of its zero is 1. [Deihi 2019}, 1 is one of the zero of p(x) = 31° + 10x? 9x ~ 4 =>x= | satisfies the polynomial p(x) *. (r= 1) is a factor of p(x) Hence (x ~ 1) divides p(x) completely. Sol. ee Po 5r+6 cer on dividing 2 - 105+ 21 BY ‘ 3 + TiorF 21 x-1 aes 10 or 4 cee ae pam ats «. Remainder = - 5x +15. Long Answer Type Questions [4 Marks] ni jegree more than 2, When jlynomial of de . u. a * vrridea byx2,itleaves remainder {and 0 a when It is divided by x—3 it leaves a remainder a crinca en a 3, Find the remainder when p(x) is divided by eran erate eae Hors) A+ liv+4=0 is divi -% | ae+drtrt4=0 Sol. Let r (x) = ax + 5, when p(x) is divided by (x2) | Axe +4) + 1@+4)=0 @-3). cording to division algorithm, we ots) = 2) 6-3) 9) +r) ac! = ple) = = 2) = 3) g(a) + ax +b Hence, other zerves are ~ 4 and —!. Now, — p(2)=1 AI2)It-1 and 2 are te seroes of the polynomial a cine i 20 —x9 — Se— 2, find its third zero, cia 0} Sot. Also, p(3)=3 => (3-2(G-3)qG)+ax3+5=3 f > 3atb=3 ~@ Solving (i) and (ii), we get a=2,b=-3 = rx)=2x-3 15. Ifx +a is a factor of the polynomial x7 + px + ~ 1 and 2 are zeroes of p(x) = 2x? — x2 — 5x2 and x7 + mx + n prove that @ = = [HOTS] {CI} @-2)=x7 -x—2 isa factor of p(x) _ vd F Sol. Since x + ais a factor of x? + px+q For other zeroes ace then(- a)? -pa+q=0= a?=pa—q aD) ©. Other zero 3 also (x + a) is a factor of x? + mx + n then we get 13. Zeroes of a quadratic polynomial are 3 and 7. Find GaP-am+n=0 the remainder when this polynomial is divided by = @-am+n=0 5x46, Sol. Zeroes of a quadratic polynomial are 3 and 7 ieee ae 7 eee From eq, (i) and (ii), we get Product of zeroes = 3x 7= 21 CRBC IC) j Quadratic polynomial is > am -ap = n—q ; 2° — (sum of zeroes)x + product of zero Hence, Page 9 =x -10r+21 ee 16, pee geen So ceaee ane rere = 24993 + 522 + ax — 8 = pfx) . verify the division algorithm, ICBSE 2011) Ax) = glx) . g(x) + r(x) ee a 17, Find the polynomial of least degree which peer eu Should be subtracted from the polynomial 2 1420) dx! + 6x—3 50 that itis exactly divisible -e +32 435-8 by? —x +1, [Hors} gPtarye Sou 243-2 aaa a x4 IF 2P aes Gd atta] #yPte 7 3-52 + 6-3 ; ~ 3530+ 3r Checking p(x) = 2191+ 524 ae —g ey 9) = 2? <2 — reye—7 22+ 2¢-2 BQ) =? 4 $1 —+t et Now, g(x) x g(x) + 163) (ae +1) @P—x-1) 40-7 2a Pat a det 27 x-1 Remainder = x — 1 “XI should be subtracted So that p(x) is completely divisible by g(x). PRACTICE QUESTIONS BASED ON EXERCISE 2.3 1. P(x) is a polynomial of degree four. g(x) is another Polynomial of degree one. When p(x) is divided by g(x) the quotient is g(x) and remainder is 1) (r(x) # 0). Find the degree of g(x) and r(x), » POX) = £(3).9(a) + r(x), If degree of g(x) = 4, degree of G2) ~ 3 and degree of r(x) = 2, then find the degree of x) On dividing the polynomial 4x*— 5x? —39x2— 46x-2 by the polynomial g(x), the quotient and remainder were x? —3x—S and-Sx+8 respectively. Find g(x). ICBSE 2011) |. Find the value of b for which (2x + 3) is a factor of 2° +97 —x—b, ICBSE 2012} Divide p(x) by q(x) and check your answer using division algorithm, (Dividend = Divisor « Quotient + Remainder) POR) = 6x5 + 4x4 — 2749-7? — 274-6, g(x) = 22-3 . a, By are zeroes of cubic polynomial kx? - Sx + 9, Ifa? +B’ +? =27, find the value of k. [HOTS] . Find all the zeroes of the polynomial x* +x? ~ 34x? — 4x + 120, if two of its zeroes are 2 and -2, Find all zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = 3° + 13x27 + 32x + 20. If one of its zeroes is~2, [CBSE 2014] Page 10 9. What must be subtracted or added to p(x) = 8x" + 14x? = 2x? + Br 12 so that 4x? + 3x —2 is a factor of PG)? [CBSE 2012) Given that the zeroes of the cubic polynomial 2° ~ 6x? + 3x + 10 are of the form a, a +b, a+ 2b for some real numbers a and 6, find the values of a and 6 as well as the zeroes of the given polynomial. IHoTs} Find & so that x? + 2x + kis a factor of 2x4 + x? ~ 14x? + 5x + 6, Also find all the zeroes of the two polynomials, Find the values of a and b so that x4 +23 + &¢ + is divisible by x? + 1, (CBSE 2015} On dividing (x) = 31° ~ 2x2 + Sx — 5 by polynomial P(x), the quotient and remainder are x7 — x + 2 and ~7 respectively find p(x), [CBSE 2013] Ifa polynomial x* — 3x3 - 6x? + kx — 16 is exactly divisible by x? ~ 3x + 2, then find the value of k. ICBSE 2014] Obtain _all other zeroes of the polynomial a4 3V2x9 + 3x? + 3V 2x — 4, if two of its zeroes are V2 and 272. [CBSE 2014) Find all the zeroes of the polynomial 7 2x? +4? Gx—3, iftwo ofits zeroes are V3 and V3 10, 1. 2 13, 4, 15, 16,

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