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General Revision of Unit.

6 (Mega Goal1)
( Ex.1 Vocabulary )
A/ Match:
Take Use a skin Take vitamins relax Stay in bed
painkillers cream

B/ Write the possible solutions for each problems:

Take medicine - take painkillers – drink warm tea or milk – use a skin cream
Take vitamins – relax – take cough syrup – stay in bed

1- Sore throat ……………………… 4- stress ………………………………

2- rash …………………………. 5- toothache …………………………….

3- flu ………………………….. 6- feeling tired ……………………………

C/ Fill the gaps :

advice / exercise / habit / junk food

1- He asked his sister to give him …………………………. about writing


2- …………………….and soft drinks should be taken away from schools


3- Yoga is a kind of quite …………………………

4- Eating late at night is really bad ………………………..

Ex.2 (Grammar)

A/ Choose:
1 – He ( take up – put off- gave up ) smoking for health reason.
2 - Don't ( take up – throw away – gave up ) your old clothes.
3 - She should ( visited – visit – visiting ) her mother.
4 – I get along well ( with – in – of ) Sara.
5 – My boss is difficult to ( put – give – turn ) up with.

B/ Use correct verb: put off-take up

I'm going to …………….English course.
C/ Make Yes/No Q :
He should study hard.
D/ Correct the Verb:

She should changes her diet.
E/ Write a sentence using had better:

F/ Write two-word or three-word verbs text to the

Give – put – take – throw – turn – get – with – away – down – off – along - up

1- stop doing ……………….. 2- postpone ………………

3- discard …………………. 4- be friendly ……………..
5- refuse ………………….. 6- begine …………………
7- accipt a bad situation …………………………….

Ex.3 ( Vocabulary )
1.feeling down ( ) think only about yourself & not care about others
2.look out for myself ( ) to make a statement stronger. be honest ( ) feeling depressed

Ex.4 ( Reading )
Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
It's easier than you think to start eating healthy ! Take small steps each week to improve
your nutrition and move toward a healthier you.
Small changes can make a big difference to your health. Try incorporating at least six of
the eight goals below into your diet. Commit to incorporating one new healthy eating goal
each week over the next six weeks.
Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
Make half the grains you eat whole grains. Choose a variety of lean protein foods.
Compare sodium in foods. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Eat some seafood.
Cut back on solid fats.
Bring healthy snacks into your school for parties and celebrations, instead of
providing sugary treats.
When cooking, keep in mind to keep yourself safe from food poisoning. Wash hands,
utensils, and cutting boards before and after contact with raw meat, poultry, seafood, and

1- How to start eating healthy foods ?


2- What should you do when you want to cook ?


3- Is a small change can make a big difference ?


4- Complete:
1- Make half your plate ……………..and………………….
2- drink water instead of ………………………

5- Put (T) OR (F):

1- Compare sodium in foods. ( )
2- Eat some junk food. ( )

6- find out advice:


7- Find the opposite :

Unhealthy ……………………

Ex.5 ( Writing )

Read the Email and replay with advice !!


Please help. I don’t know what to do. I lent my book

to a friend of mine and we have a test tomorrow.
It's too late to get it back and I only have my
notes from class.

How am I going to study ? any ideas?


Subject: Replay

Tr. Bushra Alsabei


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