General Revision of Unit.1 (Mega Goal1) : Changes

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General Revision of Unit.

1 (Mega Goal1)
( Ex.1 Vocabulary )
A/ Match:
Global poverty natural disasters fresh water Endangered economy pollution
warming species
globalization security overpopulation diseases unemployment terrorism traffic

globalization poverty security Fresh water economy

Endangered terrorism pollution Natural disasters diseases


unemploymen traffic Global warming overpopulation


B/ Fill in the missing letters :

1. Poverty 2. Traffic
3. Terrorism 4. globalization
5. economy 6. fresh water
7. pollution 8. security
9. diseases 10. Unemployment

C/ Match:
1. to affect ( 4 ) to set up , start
2. to launch ( 2 ) to send into space
3. to take for granted ( 1 ) to produce a change
4. to establish ( 3 ) to accept as part of life
5. to host ( 5 ) to provide a place for

Ex.2 (Grammar)

A/ Choose:
1- She always ( study – studys – studying ) English
2- They are ( live – lives – living ) in Australia.
3- I have ( see – saw – seen ) a cat on the road.
4- Hanaa ( has –have ) been reading a book.
5- He (doesn't – don't ) eat a burgur.
6- It (is – are – am ) not snowing in my city.

B/ Correct:
1- They hasn't lived in a city. ……haven't……….
2- Sahar has been go to Abha since 3 months. …going……
3- Ameer and Ali isn't teachers. ……aren't….

C/ Make a sentence:
………‫…………كل طالبة جملتها تختلف عن االخرى‬.(present perfect)

Ex.3 ( Vocabulary )
1. in fact, you see ( 3 ) be part of
2. by the way ( 1 ) used to surprising information
3. fit in ( 2 ) used to new topic

Ex.5 ( Vocabulary )
A/ Match:
1. regain ( 4 ) given in limited amounts
2. effect ( 3 ) moved quickly
3. transformed ( 2 ) answer
4. rationed ( 5 ) medical procedure to cure illness
5. treatment ( 1 ) to remember

B/ Explain in your own words :

1. regain consciousness …wake up……
2. slip into a coma …lose consciousness…
3. makes my head spin …make someone feel dizzy…

Ex.6 ( Reading )

Read the following passage and answer the questions below.

King Abdul-Aziz, a gifted leader and dedicated warrior for the cause of Islam, was
responsible for the legendary event that marked the beginning of modern Saudi
Arabia. In 1902, he regained Riyadh, beat the city garrison, took the Masmak
Fortress, and established his headquarters in the city. He expanded Saudi Arabia to
include all of the Hijaz, Makkah and Madinah and united all the tribes into one nation.
On September 23, 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially established, as a
unified Islamic state, with Arabic as the national language and the Holy Qur'an as its

1- Was King Abdul-Aziz responsible for the legendary event of modern Saudi Arabia?
……Yes, he was…………..

2- What did King Abdul-Aziz expand Saudi Arabia to include?

He expanded Saudi Arabia to include all of the Hijaz, Makkah and Madinah
and united all the tribes into one nation
3- When was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established?
………On Sep. 23, 1932……………

4- Put (T) for true and (F) for false:

A- King Abdul-Aziz regained Riyadh in 1908. ( F )
B- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established as a unified Islamic stae. ( T )

5- Complete the sentence:

He united all the tribes into one nation. On …. On Sep. 23, 1932…………

Ex.7 ( Grammar )
1. I ( work – works – worked ) yesterday.
2. They ( were – was – am ) sleeping at 9:00 pm.
3. I was cooking pizza when Sara ( break - broke – broken )
the egg.
You was watching a film last night. …were……
Make a sentence:
Asma- sleep / when Aml-take my bag
……Asma was sleeping when Aml took my bag.........

Ex.8 ( Writing )
Rewrite Using Capitals :
1 – my brother never had been to dubai .

2- a lot of people go away in august .


3 – riyadh is the capital of saudi arabia .

Riyadh……………………..Saudi Arabia…………………………

Tr. Bushra Alsabei

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