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Vince and Ruth: Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!

Vince: You look so gorgeous this afternoon Maam Ruth.
Ruth: Thanks Sir Vince. let me return the favor to you right away for you too look so good and so cool this

Vince: Well…. There are one hundred and one reasons of getting dressed up elegantly and ravishingly This

Ruth: You’re right Sir Vince. This afternoon marks the first ever event to be recorded in the history of CPNHS-
Annex. An event of social graces & gregariousness!

Vince and Ruth: Welcome to the Senior Ball of Class 2018!!

Vince: The much-awaited social gathering of the grade 12 senior high students of our school as they are
for take-off and venture to the another world of challenges and successes.

Ruth: And without further ado…to kick the ball rolling, let’s paint the town red and roll out the red carpet for
the grand entrance. Let us welcome with a resonating applause our school head, Efren M. Bernaldez,
together with our honored guests _______________,
___________________,___________________,___________________, as they take a walk of fame.
Vince: Let’s give our loudest applaud to the Senior High School Faculty and Staff as they will have their grand
entrance and take their walk of fame.!

Ruth: Finally let’s get ready to be amazed as the gorgeous and handsome ladies and gents of Senior class 2018
have their walk of fame! Let’s welcome them with a resounding applause!

Vince: And… that wraps up the so-called CPNHS-annex version of “Walk of Fame”. You guys are so hip and

Ruth: And to formally commence this event, please rise and feel a few moments of solemnity for an invocation
to be given to us by select grade 12 students.
 Invocation Select grade 12 students

Vince: Please remain standing and imbibe among ourselves the virtue of nationalism & patriotism through the
singing of Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by Ma’am Caren Joy C. Alarcon.
 National Anthem Ma’am Caren Joy C. Alarcon

Ruth: You may now be seated.

Vince: To welcome our beloved parents who spend time in witnessing this elegant event of the year, Let us
a welcome address from Hon. Rigo D. Negre, the Grade 12-Parents Batch President. Let’s give him a
round of applause!

 Welcome address for parents Hon. Rigo D. Negre

Ruth: Thankyou Sir. And to give a warmth welcome to our honored guests in gracing this special event, Let us
call on our Barangay Captain, Hon. Mariano L. Calderon. Let’s welcome him with a resonating

 Welcome address for guests Hon. Rigo D. Negre

Vince: Thankyou sir. And to welcome our beloved attendees who had been the highlights of this momentous
event, the Seniors- and the creative hands who put art and crafted this event, the CPNHS- Annex
Faculty and staff. Let’s give our valued attention to our School Head, Efren M. Bernaldez, Sr. A round of
applause please!

 Welcome address seniors and CPNHS-annex Faculty and Staff Hon. Efren M. BErnaldez, SR.

Ruth: Thank you so much Sir for that warmth welcome! May those words of welcome be our moving spirit as
we enjoy the afternoon.

Vince: Yes, that’s right Maam Ruth and While enjoying the essence of this afternoon’s event, a group of
will be selecting deserving recipients of the following awards: Mr. Head turner and Runway Diva..

Ruth: and of course, Gem of the event and Gentleman of the crowd , and lastly, the King and Queen of the
So seniors please give your best shot, just be you, keep calm and enjoy the afternoon.

Vince: By the way, Ma’am Ruth, I think we need some serenade to sprinkle moment of good vibes to calm
the atmosphere of this sweltering afternoon.

Ruth: You’re exactly right Sir Vince! So Let’s give the spotlight to Jinky R. dela Cruz for her sweet serenade.
give her a big hand!
 Solo Jinky R. dela Cruz

Vince: Wow! That’s the most angelic voice ever! Thankyou Jinky for ringing a good music into our ears.
Ruth: That’s two thumbs-up sir Vince! By the way, I have something to ask, aside from seeing our dear
dressed elegantly, having their dance of the afternoon, what do you think is the other significant of this

Vince: Hmmmp..that’s a thought-provoking question maam Ruth. Well… in my own angle of vision, every
Ball signifies the celebration of achievements of our senior students and these legacies should be
over to the deserving and trustworthy inheritors…

Ruth: You’ve spelled it out Sir! And Aside from that, all the scholastic emblems held by seniors for one school
year should be bequeathed to their honorable recipients----those symbols of academic victories, co-
curricular triumphs and team-building upheavals.

Vince: At this juncture, let’s now move on to the bequeathal ceremony. This turnover ceremony will not be
completed if we don’t give stress to a cache of accomplishments of the Supreme Student Government
in various programs and projects. Towards the end of this School year, the SSG has left no stones
unturned in empowering the student body and in serving the Annexians in every step of the way.

Ruth: The odyssey of service and leadership is about to end….to turn the hourglass upside down for the new
breed of student-leaders in the service for the Annexians. And to make it happen, may we hand in the
microphones to the predecessor and the successor of CPNHS- Annex leadership by example, our outgoing SSG

President Zacara P. Lastimado for the turning over of the key of responsibilities to the incoming SSG President
Hannah Lie L. Mayola. Let’s give them a big hand!

 Key of Responsibilities Zacara P. Lastimado and Hannah Lie L. Mayola

Vince: Thank you SSG officers Zacara and Hannah. We’re more than just halfway this turn over ceremony,
predicting outcomes of our future success is a joy to do but there is one effective way to find out! Let our Class
Prophet take her course in giving her fearless predictions and formidable forecasts not based on Chinese
astrology or tarot cards but merely on the ambitions & career paths of our dear seniors.

Ruth: Sounds great, sir. And to interpret the vibrations not from magic crystal ball but from the sheer guts
and will power of the seniors, may we request the presence of our School Pub. writer, Cristine D. Dayondon
for the reading of the Class Batch Prophecy.

 Class Prophecy Cristine D. Dayondon

Vince: Thanks Cristine for such eloquence to deliver the contents of your batch Prophecy. I have nothing to
say with regard to that but “God bless to all of you….and so be it!”
Ruth: Your road to success will always be under construction. But, with your innate aptitude coupled with
great attitude, you can shape up your altitude with accuracy & fondness. Good luck to the members of the
Graduating Class of 2018.
Vince: For us to be inspired and keep going, Let us listen for an inspirational talk. Please join me in welcoming
our Municipal Mayor Hon. Renante V. Inocando for his talk . Let’s give him a warm applause.

 Inspirational talk Hon. Renante V. Inocando

Ruth: Thank you Mayor for a remarkable message. Surely, the seniors had learned a lot from you they’ll take
note of that with no ifs and buts.
Vince: Furthermore, no Senior Ball is considered memorable in the absence of candle-lighting ceremony. Such
ceremony symbolizes the hand-over of the candles to the next bearers so as to lead & guide our school and its
stakeholders in reaching their dreams and aspirations. While doing so, let us witness our Seniors singing their
Batch Theme Song “The Fight Song”.

 Theme Song and candle lighting Seniors

Ruth: Thankyou Seniors. The flame atop of every paraffin elucidates the road to success of the outgoing
seniors in the next chapter of their academic career. At this point, let’s move onward and go forward and
listen to the word of guidance to be given to us by our municipal Vice Mayor, Hon. Lolita N. Obsioma.
Vince: Let’s us welcome our Vice Mayor with resonating applause!

 Words of guidance Hon. Lolita N. Obsioma.

Ruth: Thankyou Ma’am for your words of wisdom. Those words will be a guidance and light to the path of our
dear seniors.
Vince: That’s right, Maam Ruth! And One of the most-awaited part of this event is the traditional cotillion de
honor to showcase the gracefulness and the inclination of the Annexians tonight, let’s now welcome the
Seniors in their Cotillion de Honor under the supervision of Sir Marvin Dante Asio. Let’s give them a big hand
with grace and poise!
 Cotillion de Honor Seniors

Ruth: Thank you seniors for your awe-inspiring performance. That gracefulness in social dances is probably
included in the roster of specific legacies of the Senior Class.
Vince: I agree to that Maam Ruth! At this point, let’s be enlightened with the short message to be given to us
by the Chairperson of Education Committee, Hon. Ryan Rex M. Dumagpi! A resounding applause please!

 Short message Ryan Rex M. Dumagpi

Ruth: Thankyou sir for a noteworthy message! Those are nuggets of wisdom for keeps!
Vince: At this point in time, I am quite sure that everyone is excited to witness the second batch of seniors in
their cotillion de honor. Let’s welcome them with grace and poise of applause!

 Cotillion de Honor Seniors

Ruth: That’s admirable performance crafted with gracefulness and refine skills in dancing. Thankyou seniors!
Before moving to the second part of the event, let’s acknowledge the seniors who had shine for this
afternoon’s event. May we call on Maam Rezziel C. Dulay, the awards committee in-charge for the awarding.

 awarding Rezziel C. Dulay

Vince: Congratulations to all seniors not just to those who had received awards but to all of you, for you had
been you, you have been unique in your own ways!

Ruth: We’re almost done with the first part of this event. And to formally end this part and to move on to the
next exciting one, please join me in welcoming Ptr. Charlie M. Torres our GPTA President for his parting words.
Let’s give him a warm applause.

 Parting Words Ptr. Charlie M. Torres

Vince: Thank you Ptr! At this point in time, I am quite sure that everyone is excited to get the taste of luscious
& sumptuous food dinner.
Ruth: So before we prolong such “digestive revolution” inside us, we are now declaring with full force

Vince: Let’s enjoy the food in observance of the table etiquette as usual. Happy Eating, everyone! Bon

 Dinner

Part I
Presentation and Grand Entrance ……...School Head, Guests, SHS
Faculty and Staff, Senior
Invocation …………………...……….…..Select Grade 12 students S
Anthem…………….Caren Joy C. Alarcon
SHS Teacher
Welcome Address for parents…………...Hon. Rigo D. Negre
Grade12-Parents Batch President
Welcome Address for guests……………Hon. Mariano L.Calderon
Barangay Captain
Welcome Address for students& faculty…Efren M. Bernaldez, Sr.
School Head
Solo ……………………………………....Jinky R. dela Cruz
Grade 12 Student
Turning Over of the Key
of Responsibility…………………………Zacara P. Lastimado outgoing SSG
President to Hannah Lie
L. Mayola
Grade 11 representative
Batch Prophecy …………………………Cristine D. Dayondon
School Publication Writer
Inspirational Talk ………………………Hon. Renante V. Inocando
Municipal Mayor
Batch Theme Song………………………Senior “Fight Song”
Words of Guidance ……………………..Hon. Lolita N. Obsioma
Municipal Vice-Mayor
Cotillion de Honor………………………Senior
Short Message…………………………...Hon. Ryan Rex M. Dumagpi
EdCom Chairperson
Cotillion de Honor………………………Senior
Awarding………………………………...Rezziel C. Dulay
SHS Teacher
Closing Remarks………………………....Ptr. Charlie M. Torress
GPTA President
Part II
Early Dinner
Masters of Ceremony:
Esther Ruth A. Santillan
Carl Vincent R. Ga-as
SHS Teachers

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