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University of Venda Degree/Diploma Examinations November Exams 2009 Subject — : English Communication Skills for Business Course Code: ECS 1643 Time hrs Marks 00 Examiners Ms. L.P.M. Mulaudzi Mr. WJ Gudhluza Moderator: Mr. Z Nengome This paper consists of four (6) pages including this cover page INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES I. Make sure that all your biographical details appear on the answer sheet. 2. Answer all questions on the UNIVEN answer booklet provided. 3. Number your answers according to how questions are numbered in the question paper. ‘NB: All the names of people and places used in these questions are fictitious and have no resemblance with any person (s) dead or alive. If there is any, it is regrettably coincidental SECTION A [20] QUESTION 1 [14] COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE ON COMMUNICATION An example* has been provided for you. | Purpose/Type of Sender Receiver Medium/channel ‘communication “Instructions ‘Management ‘Subordinates 1._ Problem solving | 1.1... - 2. Feedbackon | 21. project 3._ Bargaining i 33... | Bone 4 Retail manager 4.2 HR manager [a3 5. Information on | 5. Bi, stam policies & | procedure QUESTION 2 Match the statements in Column A to their correct explanations in Column B. Write only the number and the alphabet representing your choice A 8 "Raid ils insects dead” ~. Fear inducing /A threat of ] punishment 72. An experienced housewife gives her views about | b. A fantasy approach the cleaning power of Omo. 3. A commercial showing a young manwhohas | c Aslogan died and gone to heaven but cannot stay permanently because he is still tied to his cell phone contract, 4. The television commercial for a soft drink shows | d. A testimonial approach 2 fat girl looking on while other girls and boys play in the pool | 5. A commercial showing advertised batteries Alice offife approach allowing a toy bear to walk further than other unmarked batteries do. 6. A radio commercial explaining the importance | fA comparative approach and ingredients of FLORO. ia rational/emotional approach h.humorous approach (6) nm ECS 1643 EXAM 2009 Page 2 SECTION B: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION [55] QUESTION 3 Read the following scenarios and then respond accordingly. 3.1 Kate Ngobeni would like to take leave but is not sure how much leave she has available. She sends an e- mail to the director of Personnel and enquires about her leave situation. She informs him how much leave she requires. You are the Director of Personnel where Kate Ngobeni works. Send an e-mail to inform her about the leave situation. [10] 3.2 You work for Nedbank Ltd (Thohoyandou) and your responsibilities include replying to correspondence from holders of Personal Savings accounts. One such customer is a Mrs. Tracy Makonde, from whom you have received the following letter: Dear Sir/Madam ‘This morning | received my monthly statement of transactions in my Savings Account number 1348, (022141 for the four weeks ending November 7”. Inotice that my account shows a withdrawal of R200 made on 24" October. This is a withdrawal | have neither made nor authorized and | am very angry to see that the debit has been made. Lam simply not prepared to accept mistakes of this kind and therefore ask you to correct the matter at once. | can only add that if this kind of mistake recurs, | will have no option but to close my account | which | have now held for 14 years. Write a reply to Mrs. Makonde to cover the following situation: On checking you found that Mrs. Makonde’s complaint is fully justified. Due to an entry having been wrongly entered into the computerized system, her account has been debited with R200 in error. You will of course rectify this and the correction (including an allowance for interest) will be shown on her next monthly statement (15) ——_—_—$—$— —— — ———— ECS 1643 EXAM 2008 Page 3 SECTION B: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION [55] QUESTION 3 Read the following scenarios and then respond accordingly. 3.1 Kate Ngobeni would like to take leave but is not sure how much leave she has available. She sends an e- mail to the director of Personnel and enquires about her leave situation. She informs him how much leave she requires. You are the Director of Personnel where Kate Ngobeni works. Send an e-mail to inform her about the leave situation. {20} 3.2 You work for Nedbank Ltd (Thohoyandou) and your responsibilities include replying to correspondence from holders of Personal Savings accounts. One such customer is a Mrs. Tracy Makonde, from whom you have received the following letter: Dear Sir/Madam This morning | received my monthly statement of transactions in my Savings Account number 1348 022141 for the four weeks ending November 7". | | notice that my account shows a withdrawal of R200 made on 24" October. This is a withdrawal | have neither made nor authorized and | am very angry to see that the debit has been made. | am simply not prepared to accept mistakes of this kind and therefore ask you to correct the matter at once. | can only add that if this kind of mistake recurs, | will have no opti which | have now held for 14 years. n but to close my account Write a reply to Mrs. Makonde to cover the following situation: (On checking you found that Mrs. Makonde’s complaint is fully justified. Due to an entry having been wrongly entered into the computerized system, her account has been debited with R200 in error. You will of course rectify this and the correction (including an allowance for interest) will be shown on her next monthly statement (15) ————— BCS 1643 EXAM 2009 Page 3 few, an, drive, above, these, and, model, but, that, personal, so, of, company, are, which, miserable, emotional, do jm ne therapist, butt became apparent soon Cnovgh what was making her so disconsolate and Glsappointed was a situation that prevails ip ‘many other companies - where people are not happy and management is not reading the signs. Look at this list and see how many of (2) Symptoms you recognise. A number (2) People at your workplace: * Look (3) and despondent; | Are showing signs of “over-controling systems” (4) and subordinates; * Are dependent on the (5) asa parent "Have regular (6) Outbursts when under stress, Okay ~(7) you say that most of these symptoms (8) Prevalent in all workplaces anyway! To (9) extent you are right. However, the (10) describes “a number of people”, (11) which then suggests that it isn'ta (12) individuals who may be experiencing (13) Problems or behavioural immaturity,(14) ‘ether that the culture ofa department or of the (15) tobe (16), and changed. Once the above pointers are understood a new map needs tobe drewn Up, resulting in a workforce With a higher morale [16] Page 5 rrr 77 4.2 Match the concepts in A to their definitions in 8. Column A Column B 1. Ultra vires until we meet again 2. Verbatim b. automatically 3. Quorum c. inprivate 4, Mutatis Mutandis d. among others 5. Slump fe. a heavy fall in sales and prices 6. Turnover word for word 7. In Camera minimum number who must 8 Inter alia be present for a meeting to 9. Abstain continue hh. acting beyond powers possessed i. present ina meeting but do not vote | j. total volume of trade done by business over a given period k._ the many, the masses after making necessary changes to suit circumstance [9] 0 ea me aa ECS 1643 EXAM 2009 Page 6 @ University of Venda Degree and Diploma Examinations Supplementary Exams 2008/9 Subject: English Communication Skills for Business Course Code : ECS 1643 Time :3 hrs Marks 2100 Examiners: Ms. LPM Mulaudzi Ms. R S Ngubane. Moderator: Mr. A Z Nengome INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. Make sure that all your biographical details appear on the answer sheet. Answer all questions on the UNIVEN answer booklet provided. This question paper consists of SIX printed pages including this cover page. Aw NS Number your answers according to how questions are numbered in the question paper QUESTION 1 [8] Read the following passage and then answer questions that follow: Globalization 1. A growing divide between the haves and the have-nots has left increasing numbers in the Third World in dire poverty, living on less than a dollar a day. Despite repeated promises of poverty reduction made over the last decade of the twentieth century, the actual number of people living in poverty has actually increased by almost 100 million. This occurred at the same time that total world income actually increased by an average of 2.5 percent annually. 2. In Africa, the high aspirations following colonial independence have been largely unfulfilled. Instead, the continent plunges deeper into misery, as incomes fall and standards of living decline. The hard-won improvements in life expectancy gained in the past few decades have begun to reverse. While the scourge of AIDS is at the center of this decline, poverty is also a killer. Even countries that have abandoned African socialism, managed to install reasonably honest governments, balanced their budgets, and kept inflation down find that they simply cannot attract private investors. Without their investment, they cannot have sustainable growth 3. If globalization has not succeeded in reducing poverty, neither has it succeeded in ensuring stability. Crises in Asia and in Latin America have threatened the economies and stability of all developing countries. There are fears of financial contagion spreading around the world that the collapse of one emerging market currency will mean that others fall as well. For a while, in 1997 and 1998, the Asian crisis appeared to pose a threat to the entire world economy. 4. Globalization and the introduction of a market economy have not produced the promised results in Russia and most of the other economies making the transition from communism to the market. These countries were told by the West that the new economic system would bring them unprecedented prosperity Instead, it brought unprecedented poverty: in many respects, for most of the people, the market economy proved even worse than their Communist leaders has predicted. The contrast between Russia's transition, as engineered by the international economic institutions, and that of China, designed by itself, could not be greater: while in 1990 China's gross domestic product (GDP) was 60 percent that of Russia, by the end of the decade the numbers had been reversed. While Russia saw an unprecedented increase in poverty, China saw an unprecedented decrease. (An extract from Globalization and its discontents by J Stiglitz) 1.1 What is the meaning of “A growing divide between the haves and the have-nots...” (Paragraph 1)? 2) ‘BCS 164 Supplementary Exam 20089 1.2 Write in numbers “...the last decade of the twentieth century,” (2) 1.3 According to the passage, globalization a. has improved the standard of living b. failed to reduce poverty ©. has not improved the standard of living a 1.4 “High aspirations following colonial independence” means a. Africans were promised that poverty will be eradicated after independence b. Globalization brought colonial independence c. Africans were full of hope after gaining independence from colonial powers. (1) 1.5 Which countries have been disappointed by the promise of globalization? 2) QUESTION 2 [22] Complete the following paragraph about meetings by filling in the correct word/s: The 2.1 .... and the .....of'a meeting. He/she has to send out the 2.3 ..........of the meeting well in advance. is responsible for the 2.2 The chairperson has to make sure that there is a attendance otherwise the meeting will have to be 2.5 were outstanding. A 2.7 send out notices to those members who had not yet paid their membership fees. The The 2.6 ......announced that the membership fees .was put forward and 2.8. by another member to motion was 2.9 ,, Afier all items on the agenda had been dealt with, the 2.10 ... the meeting at 20h00. .officially2.11 QUESTION 3 (22) 3.1 Illustrate the mass communication process graphically. 8) 3.2 Intrapersonal communication refers to communication with plants and animals. True ECS 1643 Supplementary Exam 20089 or false? Q) 3.3 Complete the table below on mass media: Type ‘Example The printed media A= Radio Films and TV Facsimile, internet, electronic display panels and e-mail @) 3.4 Mention two uses for (a) vertical upward communication @) (b) horizontal communication @ QUESTION 4 (24) 4.1 You are the secretary of your company, Possibilities Consultants. Write a memorandum to invite all project leaders to a leadership workshop to be held as follows: Date: 22 November 2008 Venue: Khoroni, Sibasa Conference Room Time: h30 to 16h30 (10) 4.2 You have been requested by your company to evaluate a report that has been compiled by one of your colleagues on the security state of the company. List all criteria that you will use to ensure that the report is indeed an objective and factual presentation of information. (4) QUESTION 5 [24] 5.1 Fill in the blank spaces in the passage below by choosing the most appropriate words from the ones given. Write only the number and the word on your answer sheet. ECS 1643 Supplementary Exam 20089 Mliterate; home; work; messages; audiences; disseminating; information; public; The mass media reach into nearly every (1) and (2) place in the country, showering its citizens with far more (3), than they can absorb. These media of general and specialized (4) audiences appear to represent an easily used means of (6) ideas and (6) to the (7), Just because these media exist does not necessarily mean that those messages are accepted. For example, print messages have no direct impact on the millions of (8) South Africans. (8) 5.2 List six (6) checklist points for a business letter. © 5.3 Choose the most appropriate words for the numbered spaces from those given below. Write only the number and the words. use; radio; television; newspapers; magazines; pamphlets; periodicals; response: information; service; buy; The purpose of advertising is to evoke a (1) by providing (2) about a product or (3), and to persuade the public to (4) a product or (5) a service in preference to those of other organisations. Advertisement may be oral or written or a combination of both. Oral advertisements include the (6) and (7). Written advertisements appear in (8), (9) and (10). Some of the most expensive media for advertising are used by Big Business. (10) ‘ECS 1643 Supplementary Exam 20089

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