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University of Venda Degree/Diploma Examinations November Supplementary Exams 2013 Module nglish Communication Skills for Business Code 2 8cs 1643 Marks 100 Duration :3 Hours Examiners :Ms LPM. Mulaudzi Mr WI Gudlhuza Moderator : Mr AZ Nengome This paper consists of eight (8) pages including this cover page. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Read carefully all the instructions given in each of the questions and answer them. accordingly. 2. Make sure that all your biographical details appear on the answer book-let. 3. Make sure that any of your answers not to be marked is cancelled. 4. Write neatly and legibly. NB: All the names of people and places used in these questions are fictitious and have no resemblance | with any person(s) dead or alive. Ifthere is any, itis regrettably coincidental, | ——— ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 1 SECTION A [40] QUESTION 1 [INTENSIVE READING] Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Tracking the Path of Lost Baggage For air travellers, the problem of lost luggage occurs much less frequently today than it did a few decades ago. Then, it was not unusual for passengers to arrive in London and discover that their luggage had taken a different route, to Paris, Hawaii or Rome. Airlines are now better than they used to be at uniting passengers with their baggage. For example, Air Canada carries 33 million pieces of baggage each year and only about 600 of these fail to reach their owners. Moreover, 95 per cent of all claims for lost luggage are resolved within 24 hours. Air Canada and 350 airlines around the world are now using bar-coded luggage tags and a computerized tracking system that can locate bags better than the most dedicated employee. When an airline Uses this system to match passenger claims with unclaimed luggage, the computers automatically search the databases of all the other airlines. What happens to that lost suitcase that is found riding around on the airport luggage carousel? ‘An unclaimed bag from Air Canada Is kept at the airport for five days while staff tries to contact the owner. Then it is transferred to the Central Baggage Tracing Office in Montreal's Dorval Airport, where a more sophisticated search may include opening the bag and looking for personal documents. Library books, drug prescriptions or anything else that could help identify the owner. If this fails, the airline keeps the piece of baggage for four to six months. Finally itis sent away to be sold. One of the best-kept shopping secrets in Canada is the Unclaimed Luggage and Goods Store in Ottawa, where keen bargain hunters may purchase luggage or other articles left on the planes of many international airlines. Many unchecked items found on airplanes — eyeglasses, coats, books, umbrellas - are donated to charity. The rest are sold. Among the items that have been sold at the Ottawa store are a $10.00 solid gold Bulgari pen and a hand-crafted mandolin left by some unknown musician. In the American lost luggage-store in Scottsboro, Alabama, a 5.75- carat diamond was discovered in the toe of a sock, and one lucky woman bought a bag that had $2000 tucked in a side pocket. To keep your bags from going astray, experts suggest a few simple actions. Put a red ribbon, an adhesive colour strip or a colourful sticker on the outside of your luggage to distinguish it from similar bags. This makes it much easier for you to spot your own bag on the luggage carousel and helps prevent other travellers from picking up your bag by mistake. In addition, you should ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 2 Place a card or label with your full name and address on the inside of your luggage. If the beg is lost, airline employees will be able to open and return it. A little prevention can ensure that ‘your bag doesn’t end up at the lost-luggage store. Choose the correct answer from each of the following statements: 1. What is the best meaning for “uniting” as used in paragraph 1? Lining Joining Tracking Separating (a) one» 2. What is the best meaning for “sophisticated” as used in paragraph 2? ‘A. Quick B. Classic C. Mature D. Thorough (a) 3. Why are the dashes used in paragraph 3? A. Toadd a new idea B.To make a personal comment CTo emphasize an important idea D.To begin and end a list of examples (cy 4. Which of the following best describes the key idea linking the first and last paragraphs? A. Tracking luggage electronically 8. Connecting passengers and their luggage Putting and identifying mark on your luggage ©. Selling the contents of travellers lost luggage (a) 5. Explain how “Moreover” connects the ideas in sentence 5 in paragraph 1 with the previous sentence, (2) 6. Why does Air Canada sell unclaimed luggage after four to six months? (2) 7. Name one item that has been sold at the Unclaimed Luggage and Goods Store in Ottawa (Paragraph 3). (1) 8. In paragraph 4, what word or words are used to connect two related sentences? (1) ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page3 [10] Question 2 2.1 Identify the different leadership styles in the following examples. (a) Bill Gates steered Microsoft towards unbelievable success. He had a vision when he took reins of the company and then used all the resources available to make that vision a reality. He is an example of a leader who is competent and knowledgeable enough to decide about each and everything, (2) (b) ‘An advertising manager approaches his team members on how to promote 2 particular product of @ company. The team members brain storm over the issue, some suggest direct mails to the prospective clients. The leader takes all these suggestions, Weighs their pros and cons and then takes the final decision after considering opinions of his team members. @) (c) In the Danish government, the Danish can smoke marijuana and are also allowed open prostitution (2) 2.2. Mention four categories of communication. (a) 2.3 Identify the basic components of mass communication in the following instance: ‘Anewspaper report of a political gathering. (4) 2.4.Mention the type of communication taking place in the following instances: (a)The manager of the administrative department is delegating work to the typist. (b) The HR manager is interviewing an applicant for a vacant post. (c) “Don’t try to argue with unhappy customers. if you can’t handle them yourself, call the the manager’. (6) “Hereis the report of our sales figures”. [4x2 = 8) ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 4 2.5 Identify the approaches to message style used in advertising in the following examples: (a) “Today, Tomorrow, Together”. (b) An experienced housewife gives her views about the cleaning power of Omo {c) Acommercial showing a young man who has died and went to heaven but cannot stay permanently because he is still tied to his cell phone contract (4) A commercial showing advertised batteries allowing a toy bear to walk further than other unmarked batteries do. [4x2=8] SECTION B: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION [45] Question 3 3.1 You recently bought an expensive appliance (choose one that you are familiar with) at Game Stores, Thohoyandou and it has been giving you trouble since you bought it. Write to the manager of the company setting out the fault (s) clearly. Mention what you would like done or ask the company what it is prepared to do. (10) 3.2 You are the Purchasing Manager of Thusong Solutions, a stationery company. You have received a letter from one of your suppliers, Small Limited, to inform you that they cannot deliver your latest order because you have not settled your account. Write an e-mail to Small Limited in which you inform them that you paid this account two months ago. (10) 3.3 Read the notes of discussion at a Students’ Union Meeting Notes of discussion at Students'Union meeting Thami: We really need to sort out where and when we will hold the opening ball. What about Friday 15 February? Sanjay: | think Friday is pointless. No one will bbe in the mood then, as there is football on Saturday. ‘Angie: | agree. But | think it would be better ‘on a Thursday. Most people have other commitments on a Friday and many people | are working in part-time jobs. That does not matter. They could | ‘Angle: | agree, | think we can go for the cheaper option. But if we can get Bheki and Don that would be great. Can | make another point? | think the word “ball” is too formal-people think they have to dress up for it and it will put them off, Sanjay: | quite like it, it sounds like an occasion. Riaz: u are joking! What about “rave? ‘Thami: No. raves went out 10 years ago. Let us settle for Opening Night at The Barn or ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 5 ‘come to the ball after work. Angie: Well, | could not for one! | work u 11h30 most Fridays. | think most people would prefer Thursday. Riaz: | would prefer Thursday and so would most of my friends. Thami: Ok, Thursday it is then - the 11th. Now where? We could hold it at The Barn. The Barn will cost us R250 but that includes the DI. ‘Angie: | like The Barn for the atmosphere but their DJ is awful. Can we have the place without him? ‘Thami: Apparently not. The other point is, do we have a good alternative DJ? Sanjay: Oh, come on- Bheki and Don could beat the Barn DJ any day. What about them? ‘Angie: We'd need to know if they were free that evening. What would they charge us? Sanjay: | don’t know. They may be prepared to doit for nothing. Riaz: Not if | Bheki they won't. Anyway they may be good but their music is pretty specialized. The Barn DJ will have a broad appeal. Thami: Look, we can't keep discussing t forever. Sanjay, find out whether Bheki and Don are free on that night and how much they would charge. I'l need to know tomorrow. Unless we get 2 definite commitment from them I suggest we book the The Barn before we lose the opportunity. something similar. What do you think? Sanjay: If you must. | prefer the word “ball” myself. Riaz: No. I'l go with Thami and to the point, its’s straightforward Thami: Ok. So that is settled and I'll check if Bheki and Don are available, how much they will charge and then make he booking. Riaz, will you sort out the tickets and posters if | give you the information? What do you think we should charge? Angie: | don’t, we cannot decide that until we know about the cost. Why don’t we meet again ‘on Thursday to discuss all the outstanding issues? Thami: Can you manage 12 noon? It’s the only time I'm free. Angie: | can- how about you two? Sanjay: Yes, good idea. I'm free providing we finish by 1pm. Riaz: I'll have to change a couple of things but yes, go on, count me in. ‘Thami: Ok 12 noon here on Thursday. I'll get the minutes out for today as fast as | can to help speed things up. ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 6 Write out the notice and agenda for the subsequent meeting. (as) 3.4 Below are technikon enrolment figures for four years. In 1996, 70% of students were male and 30% female. In 2001, 58% of students were male and 42% female. In both 1986 and 1991, 82% of students were male and 18% female, Present this information in a table. (10) SECTION C: LANGUAGE AND BUSINESS REGISTER ts) 4.1 Correct the underlined words in the following text. Do not copy the whole text, Only write down the numbers and the answers.€.g. 9. Aviation. Many great inventions are greeted with 4. ridecule and disbelief. The invention of the airplane was no exception. Although many people who heard about the first powered flight on December 17, 1903, were excited and impressed, others reacted with peals of laughter. The idea of flying an aircraft was repulsive to some people. Such people called Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the first flying machine, 2. impulsive fools. Negative reactions, however, did not stop the Wrights. impelled by their desire to succeed, they continued their ‘experiments in aviation. Orville and Wilbur Wright had always had a compelling interest in aeronautics and mechanics. ‘As young boys they earned money by making and selling kites and mechanical toys. Later, they designed a newspaper-folding machine, built a printing press, and operated a bicycle-repair shop. In 1896, when they read about the death of Otto Lilienthal, the brothers’ interest in flight grew into a compulsion. Lilienthal, a 3. Pionneer in hang-gliding, had controlled his gliders by shifting his body in the desired direction, This idea was repellent to the Wright brothers, however, and they searched for more efficient methods to control the balance of airborne vehicles. In 1900 and 1901, the Wrights tested 4, numerus gliders and developed control techniques. The brothers’ inability to obtain enough lift power for the gliders almost led them to abandon their efforts. After further study, the Wright brothers concluded that the published tables of air pressure on curved surfaces must be wrong. They set up a wind 5.tunel and began a series of experiments with model wings. Because of their efforts, the old tables were 6. repealled in time and replaced by the first reliable figures for air pressure on curved surfaces. This work, in turn, made it possible for them to design a machine that would fly. In 1903 the wrights built their ee ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 7 first airplane, which Z, costed less than one thousand dollars. They even designed and built their own source of propulsion- a light weight gasoline engine. When they started with the ‘engine on December 17, the airplane pulsated wildly before taking off. The plane managed to stay aloft for twelve seconds, however, and it flew one hundred twenty feet. By 1905 the Wrights had 8. pefected their first airplane that could turn, circle and remain airborne for half an hour at a time. Others had flown in balloons or in hang gliders, but the Wright brothers were the first to build a full-size machine that could fly under its own power. As the contributors of one of the most outstanding engineering achievements in history, the Wright brothers are accurately called the fathers of 9. aviasion. (8) Source: [accessed - 8/20/2011] 4.2 Provide the correct concept for the underlined words/phrases or sentence. Choose from the given words and write only the question number and the word. Consensus, prima facie, mutatis mutandis, ignorantia juris neminem excusat, per capita, customs duty, intestate, slump, null and void, sub judice, inter alia, ex officio. 1. Mr.Freeman’s property is in the protection of the state because he died without leaving awill. 2. His authority as CEO was declared as having no legal effect. 3. The accused refused to comment on the case as it was still being tried by the court of law. 4, Most countries tries to discourage import of goods by increasing the amount importers pay on goods imported into the country. 5. The administrator accepted the statement only after necessary changes/alterations were mad 6, The chairperson of the committee, by virtue of the office held, becomes a member of other committees 7. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. i ed ECS 1643 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM 2013 Page 8

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