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University of Venda DEGREE SUPPLIMENTARY EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2011 MODULE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CODE: HRM 2621 MARKS: 100 DURATION: 3 HOURS EXAMINERS: MS K.E. KHASHANE (INTERNAL EXAMINER) MR. T.S SETATI (MODERATOR) INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of TWO pages including the cover page. This paper consists of FOUR Questions. Answer ALL FOUR questions. Write neatly and use legible handwriting. yay, . Make sure that your student number appears on the front page of your answer booklet. Question 1 1.1 Define the following concepts: a) Research (2) b) Research problem (2) ©) Independent variable (2) d) Dependent variable (2) e) Research design 2 1.2 Explain five sources of non-scientific knowledge (15) [25] Question 2 2.1. Discuss the research cycle in detail (15) 2.2 Give an example where you must identify hypothesis, independent variable and dependent variable. (10) [25] Question 3 3.1 Mention and briefly explain the two requirements that should be met for drawing a simple random sample from a particular population. ©) 3.3. Using examples, distinguish between probability samples and non-probability samples, (10) 3.4 Indicate the similarity and the difference between stratified random sampling and quota sampling ® [25] Question 4 4.1 Discuss three factors which are beyond the researcher's control (15) 42 Discuss some of the factors that mainly deal with ways in which we can deal with known threats to construct validity (10) [25] TOTAL: — [100]

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