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University of Venda DEGREE AND DIPLOMA EXAMINATION MARCH 2013 SPECIAL EXAMINATION SUBJECT: STATISTICS MODULE: STA1648: Inference statistics TIME: 3 HOURS MARKS: 100 EXAMINERS: MUKONDELELI LE MODERATOR: MULAUDZI TB ‘This Paper consists of nine (9) Pages including cover page and Statistical Tables. INSTRUCTIONS Answer all Questions. Each question carries 20 marks QUESTION 1 [20] 1.1 Distinguish between the following: a) Null and alternative hypothesis b) Type | and type Il error ©) Left tailed test and right tailed test ) Critical value and critical region e) Significance level and power of a test Consider the following partially completed ANOVA table Source Sum of square d.f Mean Square F Treatment ae 3 Error 50 “ Total 1000 19 (a) Complete the ANOVA table (b) How many treatments are being compared in this analysis of variance QUESTION 2 [20] 2.1 Ina simple random sample of 591 unemployed male high school dropouts between the ages of 16 and 21, 204 stated that they were regular customers of alcohol drinks. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion 22 The Kelly Bread Company wants to estimate its average daily usage of flour with a sample of 14 days, the point estimate of u is 173 kg, with s=45 kg. Construct a confidence interval with a 99% confidence coefficient. 23 Suppose that we have taken independent, random samples of sizes 1 =5 and n,=15 from two normally distributed populations having means 4, and, jzand suppose that we obtain ¥,=57 , and 3, s, =5. Assuming that the equal variances assumption holds: (a) Calculate a 90% confidence interval for (b) Can we be 90% confident that the difference between and is greater than 20? Explain QUESTION 3 (20) 3.1You want to estimate the mean number of Sentences in a magazine advertisement. How many magazine advertisements must be included in the sample if you want to be 95% confident that the sample mean is within 1 sentence of the population mean and the standard deviation is equal to 5.0? 3.2One of the distributors reports an average of 150 sales per day for the distributorship. You suspect that this average is not accurate, so you randomly select 35 days and determine the number of sales each day. The mean is 143 daily sales with a standard deviation of 15 sales. At 1% level of significance, is there enough evidence to doubt the distributors reported average? 3.3Approximately 1 in 10 consumers favor cola brand A. After a promotional campaign in a given sales region, 200 cola drinkers were randomly selected from consumers in the market area and were interviewed to determine the effectiveness of the campaign. The result of the survey showed that a total of 26 people expressed a preference for cola brand A. Do these data present sufficient evidence to indicate an increase in the acceptance of brand A in the region? 44 and, j,and suppose that we obtain %,=57 , ¥,=56 and 5, =3,s; =5.Assuming that the equal variances assumption holds: (a) Calculate a 90% confidence interval for (b) Can we be 90% confident that the difference between and is greater than 20? Explain QUESTION 3 [20] 3.4You want to estimate the mean number of Sentences in a magazine advertisement. How many magazine advertisements must be included in the sample if you want to be 95% confident that the sample mean is within 1 sentence of the population mean and the standard deviation is equal to 5.07 3.20ne of the distributors reports an average of 150 sales per day for the distributorship. You suspect that this average is not accurate, so you randomly select 35 days and determine the number of sales each day. The mean is 143 daily sales with a standard deviation of 15 sales. At 4% level of significance, is there enough evidence to doubt the distributors reported average? 2.3Approximately 1 in 10 consumers favor cola brand A. After a promotional campaign in a given sales region, 200 cola drinkers were randomly selected from consumers in the market area and were interviewed to determine the effectiveness of the campaign. The result of the survey showed that a total of 26 people expressed a preference for cola brand A. Do these data present sufficient evidence to indicate an increase in the acceptance of brand A in the region? JUESTION 5. [20] 5.1 Give two properties of 4’ curve 5.2 Define the following terms: 2) Contingency table b) Goodness of fit 5.3 Ina 1999 poll conducted for Newsweek magazine by Princeton survey research associates women were asked whether they would have some form of cosmetic surgery if cost were not an issue. The data given in the magazine were presented separately for 18-29 year old and 30-39 years old. Assuming that the survey was based on random samples of 500 women in each age group, the percentages given in the magazine would produce the numbers shown in the table below. | Yes | No Do not know | ‘Age 18-29 335 755 70 | 30-39 280 210 0 At the 5% level of significance, can you conclude that the desired for cosmetic surgery is related to age. @@@COCOOAOQEQOQOGCECEEECE@eCCEGE Tablet i e E e 5 g a ee 00 Si HE BS an HE a EG a ie ae Hae g 58838 a a 33038 Beebe agate Sased see eg8ee afae2. Seded coeds a a Eee 85 SE Sdded Saddd Sceca aby AGSER yggaa GSES y Ss Shese BER iesg Se gatas Sipe: sxoas geass pesca sega see a 35535 S5R58 258 SER Beas agbee gains regen gaan aes cae a ose Beeg) Sass iS dddas: sega3. 83885 33533 Seo

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