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1 John 4:12 "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and

his love
is made complete in us."

John reminds his readers of an important biblical truth. No person has ever seen God in
His full divine essence. Even Moses saw only the back of God (Exodus 33:18–23). However
God's love allows humanity to "see" Him through the actions of His people. This echoes
statements made in 1 John 2:5, and coming up in verse 17. When we have a thorough, complete
experience of walking in God's love, we demonstrate Him to ourselves and to others. God abides
in those who seek to love Him. We do not need to physically see Him; He is already in us.

Also, God's love is made perfect or complete in us. This does not mean we become sinless.
Instead, the focus is on maturity or the quality of love in us. We can find no greater love than
God's love. The believer experiences God's love inside of them, offering us everything we need
to live for Him and to love others. We do not need to seek another experience, person, or
teaching, as false teachers would suggest. The love of God is sufficient.

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