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The following are the important players in the art

A. ARTIST market:
― Art practitioner
― Painter, sculptor, chireographer, dancer, poet, musicians 1. CURATOR
― Produces or creates indirectly functional arts with ― Manager or overseer
aesthetic value using imagination ― Keeper of a cultural heritage institution
― Paintings, sculptures, dances, music, literary pieces ― E.g, gallery, museum, library, or archive
― Creative individuals who use their imagination and skills ― Specialist charged with an institution’s
to communicate in an art form collections; can be a dealer
― Use materials of an art to solve visual problmes ― They select art to be displayed in a
― Look to many resources for inspiration museum, organizing art exhibitions in
― Some look forward to their natural and cultural galleries or public places
environment for ideas; others look within themselves for ― To be successful, should be organized,
creative motivation passionate, knowledgeable, adept at multi-
― Exhibit the courage to take risks tasking, & proficient at writing
― Able to see surroundings in new and unusual ways 2. ART BUYER
― Work long periods of time to achieve their goals ― Professional who is knowledgeable in
― Some are self-taight and have been called folk-artists art
because they are not educated in traditional artisitic ― Who scout talents for advertising
methods agency seeking to employ an art
― Devoed only to the creative part, making visually pleasant director
work only for the gratification and appreciation of the ― Who look for an art for a collector or a
viewer but with no practical value company
― Art collector
― CRAFTSMAN ― Person or a company that buys and
― Carpenter, carver, plumber, blacksmith, weaver, sells works of art
embroiderer ― Often study the history of art before
― Produces directly functional and/or decorative arts starting their careers
― Hel us in meeting our basic needs such as food, clothing, ― Have to understand the business site
dwelling, furniture, and kitchen utensils of art world
― They craft everything that makes our life easy ― Keep up w/ the trends in the market &
― Their works are useful, relevant, and essential in our are knowledgeable about the style of
everyday life art
― Serve us for a long time, supplying us directly functional ― Figure out how much the art
― Basically a physical worker who makes objects with his or ― Personal owned collection of works,
her hands, and who through skill, experience usually a collection of art
― Ability can produce things of great beauty as well as ― in a museum or art gallery env’t
usefulness ― signifies that a certain work is not
― Learn skills and techniques from some other artists owned by the institution, but is on loan
from an individual or organization,
KEY COMPONENTS OF THE ART MARKET either for temporary exhibition or for
― Art Market: economic ecosystem that relies not only on long term
supply and demand but also on the fabrication of a work ― source is usually from an art collector
: can appear somewhat unclear since artists
do not make art with sole intention of selling it, and
buyers often have no idea of the value of their purchase
ARTISAN SPACE: A tricky element of the visual arts
― Involves both physiological capability of the visual
1. Gawad sa Manlilikhang Bayan (GAMABA)
system and the physical manipulation of the 2-
National Living Award
dimensional surface to give the viewer an illusion
― Institutionalized in 1992 through republic
of depth or distance
― National Commission for Culture and the Arts
a. Physiological Perception of Space
(NCCA): highest policy making and coordinating
― 2 process should be understood
body of the Phil. For culture and arts
(stereoscopic vision, And
― Award is conferred upon a Filipino citizen or
kinesthetic vision): these 2 visual
group of any Filipino citizens engaged in any processes allow the viewer to
traditional art uniquely Filipino perceive depth and distance
Duties and Responsibilities of Awardees
― stereoscopic vision: gives the
a. to transfer the skills of his/her traditional folk art
viewer the perception of depth
to the younger generation through apprenticeship
because of the distance b/w the 2
and such other training methods as are found to be
― retinal disparity: gives the viewer 2
b. to cooperate with the implementing agency, as
images then physiologically
provided for in Section 7 of this act, in the
merges them into one image
promotion and propagation of his/her traditional
― kinesthetic vision: involves the
folk art
movement of the eyes when
c. to donate to the national museum a sample or
looking at or viewing the object
copy of his/her work
2. National Artists of the Phil ― more ocular movements occur
― Considered to be the highest national recognition for when the object is near, and less
when the object is far
individuals who contributed to the dev’t of phil. Arts
b. The Illusion of Space
― National commission for culture and arts and the
1. Overlapping. When objects are grouped, not all
cultural center of the phil. Together administer this
parts of some objects will be seen
2. Relative Size and Linear. Objects that are big
― Pres of the phil. Grants this award to an artist after
will be perceived as near compared with
both institutions give recommendations for this
objects that are far
particular artist
3. Atmospheric Perspective. Also known as aerial
― Fernando Amorsolo: 1st national artist
― SHAPE: result from the coming together of lines
enclosing an area and separating it from its
― A perceptual “totality” is formed givng the viewer
the “wholes” that now are labelled as shapes
1. Geometric: regular & precise and present an industrial
feel to the viewer.
: may be rectilinear or curvilinear
2. Organic: have natural appearance and represent
objects from nature; curvilinear and irregular
3. Biomorphic: shapes manifest some qualities of biological
4. Amorphous: shapes exist w/o any basisi from either
nature/ geometry

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