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Working Together for School Success

November 2020

Harding Academy
Melissa Canterbury, School Counselor

Memory builder
Strengthen your Learn to manage emotions
youngster’s memory with this playful Is your youngster’s behavior
idea. Have her look away while you sometimes a mystery to you?
build a small block tower. Then, let Acting out can be a child’s
her study it for 30 seconds and turn way of showing you he’s
her back. Can she duplicate it from angry or upset. Use this
memory, using the same shapes, col- advice to help him express
ors, and positions for her tower? Now his feelings in more posi-
let her build a structure for you to tive ways.
copy—and test your memory!
Make a chart
Prepared for conferences Together, brainstorm
You can make the most of parent- a list of emotions, such
teacher conferences—whether yours is as happy, frustrated,
virtual or in person—by listing ques- excited, and bored. For
tions ahead of time that you’d like to each one, your child can
ask. Here are three to include: “What draw and name a character
does my child seem most interested (Happy Henry, Frustrated Fred).
in?” “What is hardest for him?” “How If he misbehaves (say, he yells at his sis- will feel heard and cared about. As a
can I support him at home?” ter for touching his toys), he could use result, he may be less apt to take out his
A vote for good citizenship the characters to talk about his feelings. frustration on others.
Good citizens take an active role in (“Uh-oh, I’m acting like Angry Andy!”)
Find coping techniques
selecting their leaders. Show your Ask “why?” Equip your youngster with strategies
youngster how it’s done. Talk about Simply asking “Why do you think for handling negative emotions. You
the candidates you prefer and what you feel that way?” and listening care- might mention things you do when you
they stand for. Then, take her to the fully to your child’s answer helps in two feel the same way he does. (“If I’m wor-
polls when you vote this month, or ways. First, it allows him to recognize ried about something, it helps me to put
let her watch you fill out a mail-in and describe how he’s feeling. (“I’m it in writing. That might help you,
ballot and put it in the mailbox. frustrated because my project isn’t turn- too.”) With time and patience, he’ll
Worth quoting ing out the way I wanted.”) Second, he develop his own strategies for managing
“The difference between winning and his feelings.♥
losing is most often not quitting.”
Walt Disney Reviewing report cards
Look at your youngster’s first report card of the
school year as an opportunity to help her succeed
going forward. Consider these tips:
Q: If people count sheep to fall ● Start by reading the key that explains what the
asleep, what do sheep count? marks or grades mean. Do they indicate how well
A: Nothing. your child performed or how much progress she
Sheep can’t made—or both?
count! ● Ask your youngster to tell you about her report card. She’s a
good judge of what’s behind the grades. Also, put any low marks in perspective. Your
child has probably adjusted to a lot of changes in this unusual year. Let her know you
understand and that she has time to finish the year strong.♥

© 2020 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated

Home & School CONNECTION ®
November 2020 • Page 2

Doorways to creative writing (Judi Barrett), she might describe a

rainy afternoon spent making spa-
Coming up with a good story idea ghetti and meatballs with her
is the first step toward writing a good grandma. Or for Where the Wild
story. Unleash your youngster’s Things Are (Maurice Sendak),
imagination and boost her writing she could write about a hike in
skills with these two ideas for get- the forest—what wild animals
ting started. will her character see?
1. Book titles. Suggest that 2. Flashbacks. Instead of
your child use the title of a writing the beginning of her
favorite book as inspiration for story first, your youngster
her own story. If she chooses can start at the end! She
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs might open with, “And that’s
how we discovered that our
cat was a secret agent.” Then
she could write the rest of the tale
as a flashback, with the cat disap-
pearing unexpectedly and the family finding spy disguises
Paper-cup phone like wigs and fake mustaches around the house.♥
This old-fashioned “phone” is a fun
way for your child to explore sound
Materials: pencil, two paper cups, scis- Tag … you’re out!
sors, string, two paper clips Our sons love our
Have your youngster use the pencil to local playground, but because of the
poke a hole in the bottom of each cup pandemic, we don’t go when it’s
and cut a piece of string about 50 feet crowded. So we look for creative
long. Now he should put opposite ends ways to stay active outside. Recently,
of the string through the bottoms of the the boys started making up new ver-
cups and tie each end to a paper clip sions of tag.
inside the cup. Brody invented Pizza Tag. When “It” tags you, you have to call out a pizza top-
ping before “It” counts to 3. If you can’t think of one, or you pick a topping
another player already said, you’re out. Then Ben came up with Sticker Tag. “It”
tags you by putting a sticker on your back. If a player gets three stickers, he’s out.
In all of our games, the last person out becomes “It” and decides which version
of tag we’ll play next—or invents a brand-new one. And all that running around
means the boys get plenty of exercise!♥

Time for a phone call! Each person

holds a cup. Walk apart until the string
is taut, and carry on a conversation, tak-
Develop stronger social skills
ing turns speaking into your cups. To Q: My daughter seems to have up to show she’s listening (“What songs
listen, hold your cup to your ear. trouble making and keeping do you dance to?”). Friends also cele-
Now talk at the same volume without friends. How can I help her learn better brate each others’ accomplishments and
the phone. Your child will notice your social skills? strengths. Your child could tell a class-
voice isn’t as loud. That’s because sound A: Strong social skills will help your child mate that he used awesome graphics in
waves vibrate, and the vibrations travel become a good friend. Plus, knowing how his presentation, for instance.
better through a solid (the string) than to interact with others can also improve Finally, encourage your daughter to
through air.♥ her academic achievement and her atti- stay in touch with friends and set up get-
O U R P U R P O S E tude toward school. togethers to main-
To provide busy parents with practical ideas Discuss ways to show tain strong
that promote school success, parent involvement, she cares about a friend’s relationships.
and more effective parenting. For example,
Resources for Educators, opinions or interests.
a division of CCH Incorporated Your daughter might they might have
128 N. Royal Avenue • Front Royal, VA 22630
ask questions (“What dance parties or
800-394-5052 • kind of dance class do sing-alongs via
ISSN 1540-5621 you take?”) and follow video chat.♥
© 2020 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated

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