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Lecture Notes on Cosmology

Antonio Riotto

Département de Physique Théorique, Université de Genève,

24 quai Ansermet, CH-1211, Genève, Switzerland


This set of notes has been written down as supplementary material for the course on Topics in
Cosmology delivered to the students of the Central European Joint Programme of doctoral studies
in theoretical physics (Particle physics, Gravity and Cosmology), dubbed CEPGC, in Prague from
9 - 13 September 2013. Hopefully they are self-contained, but by no means they are intended to
substitute any of the reviews on the subject. The notes contain some extended introductory material
and a set of exercises, whose goal is to familiarize the students with the basic notions covered during
the lectures.

email:, phone: +41 22 379 6310 September 7, 2013


During the preparation of this set of notes, we have been found useful consulting the following
reviews and textbooks:

S. Dodelson, “Modern Cosmology”, Academic Press, 2003;

E.W. Kolb and M.S. Turner, “The Early universe”, Addison-Wesley, 1989;

J.A. Peacock, “Cosmological Physics”, Cambridge University Press, 1999.


We will adopt natural, or high energy physics, units. There is only one fundamental dimension,
energy, after setting ~ = c = kb = 1,

1 1
[Energy] = [Mass] = [Temperature] = [Length] = [Time] .

The most common conversion factors and quantities we will make use of are

1 GeV 1 = 1.97 ⇥ 10 14 cm=6.59 ⇥ 10 25 sec,

1 Mpc= 3.08⇥1024 cm=1.56⇥1038 GeV 1,

MPl = 1.22 ⇥ 1019 GeV,

H0 = 100 h Km sec 1 Mpc 1 =2.1 h ⇥ 10 42 GeV,

⇢c = 1.87h2 · 10 29 g cm 3 = 1.05h2 · 104 eV cm 3 = 8.1h2 ⇥ 10 47 GeV4 ,

T0 = 2.75 K=2.3⇥10 13 GeV,

Teq = 5.5(⌦0 h2 ) eV,

Tls = 0.26 (T0 /2.75 K) eV.

s0 = 2969 cm 3.


I Introduction 9

1 The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric 11

1.1 Open, closed and flat spatial models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.2 The particle horizon and the Hubble radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3 Particle kinematics of a particle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.4 The cosmological redshift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 Distances in cosmology and Hubble’s law 21

3 Standard cosmology 27
3.1 The stress-energy momentum tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 The Friedmann equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 Exact solutions of the Friedman-Robertson-Walker Cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.4 The expansion age of the universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

II Equilibrium thermodynamics 38

4 Entropy 42

5 Brief thermal history of the universe 46

6 Neutrino decoupling 48

7 Matter-radiation equality 50

8 Photon decoupling and recombination 51

9 The baryon number of the universe 54

10 The universe budget 54

10.1 Photons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
10.2 Baryons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10.3 Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10.4 Neutrinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
10.5 Dark energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

III Beyond equilibrium 62

11 Boltzmann equation for annihilation 62

12 Big Bang nucleosynthesis 65

12.1 Neutron abundance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
12.2 Light element abundances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

13 Recombination revisited 74

14 The dark matter abundance 78

14.1 Hot relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
14.2 Cold relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

IV The inflationary cosmology 85

15 Again on the concept of particle horizon 86

16 The shortcomings of the standard Big-Bang Theory 87

16.1 The Flatness Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
16.2 The Entropy Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
16.3 The horizon problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

17 The standard inflationary universe 97

17.1 Inflation and the horizon Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
17.2 Inflation and the flatness problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
17.3 Inflation and the entropy problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
17.4 Inflation and the inflaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
17.5 Slow-roll conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
17.6 The last stage of inflation and reheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
17.7 A brief survey of inflationary models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
17.7.1 Large-field models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
17.7.2 Small-field models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
17.7.3 Hybrid models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

V Inflation and the cosmological perturbations 111

18 Quantum fluctuations of a generic massless scalar field during inflation 116
18.1 Quantum fluctuations of a generic massless scalar field during a de Sitter stage . . . 116
18.2 Quantum fluctuations of a generic massive scalar field during a de Sitter stage . . . 118
18.3 Quantum to classical transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
18.4 The power spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
18.5 Quantum fluctuations of a generic scalar field in a quasi de Sitter stage . . . . . . . 121

19 Quantum fluctuations during inflation 122

19.1 The metric fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
19.2 Perturbed affine connections and Einstein’s tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
19.3 Perturbed stress energy-momentum tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
19.4 Perturbed Klein-Gordon equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
19.5 The issue of gauge invariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
19.6 The comoving curvature perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
19.7 The curvature perturbation on spatial slices of uniform energy density . . . . . . . . 136
19.8 Scalar field perturbations in the spatially flat gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
19.9 Comments about gauge invariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
19.10Adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
19.11The next steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
19.12Computation of the curvature perturbation using the longitudinal gauge . . . . . . . 142
19.13Computation of the curvature perturbation using the flat gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
19.14A proof of time-independence of the comoving curvature perturbation for adiabatic
modes: linear level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
19.15A proof of time-independence of the comoving curvature perturbation for adiabatic
modes: all orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
19.16Gauge-invariant computation of the curvature perturbation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

20 Gravitational waves 154

20.1 The consistency relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

21 Transferring the perturbation to radiation during reheating 156

22 Comoving curvature perturbation from isocurvature perturbation 158

23 Symmetries of the de Sitter geometry 162

23.1 Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

23.2 Killing vectors of the de Sitter space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

VI The physics of the CMB anisotropies 169

24 Perturbing gravity 170

24.1 The connection coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
24.2 Einstein equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

25 The initial conditions provided by inflation 172

26 The collisionless Boltzmann equation for photons 172

27 Collision term 176

27.1 The Collision Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

28 The brightness equation 178

29 The Boltzmann equation for baryons and CDM 180

29.1 Energy continuity equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
29.2 Momentum continuity equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

30 Analytical treatment of the CMB anisotropies 186

30.1 Tightly coupled solutions for linear perturbations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

31 Time evolution of the gravitational potential 190

32 Perturbation modes with k ⌧ keq 191

32.1 Perturbation modes with k keq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

33 Perturbation modes with k keq : improved analytical solutions 192

33.1 Sub-Hubble evolution of CDM perturbations for ⌧ < ⌧eq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
33.2 Computation of 0 for ⌧ > ⌧eq and modes crossing the horizon during the radiaton
epoch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

34 The temperature anisotropy in multipole space 196

35 Di↵usion damping 198

36 Matching to the inflationary prediction 201

37 The position of the first peak 204

38 The dependence on the other cosmological parameters 206

39 The polarization of the CMB anisotropies 206

VII Matter perturbations 212

40 Newtonian equations of motion 213

41 Linear evolution 216

42 Pressureless case 217

43 The pressure case 221

43.1 Collisionless damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
43.2 Collisional damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

44 Power spectrum of cold dark matter 227

44.1 The fate of the baryons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

45 Beyond perturbation theory 231

46 Spherical collapse 236

47 The dark matter halo mass function and the excursion set method 241
47.1 The computation of the halo mass function as a stochastic problem . . . . . . . . . . 242

48 The bias 248

49 The halo model 251

VIII Appendix 256

A Non-Gaussianity of the cosmological perturbations 256

A.1 The generation of non-Gaussianity in the primordial cosmological perturbations: generic
considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
A.2 A brief Review of the in-in formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
A.3 The shapes of non-Gaussianity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

A.4 Theoretical Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
A.4.1 Single-Field Slow-Roll Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
A.4.2 Models with Large Non-Gaussianity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
A.4.3 Multiple Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
A.4.4 A test of multi-field models of inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
A.4.5 Non-Standard Vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
A.5 The impact of the non-Gaussianity on the CMB anisotropies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
A.6 Why do we expect NG in the cosmological perturbations? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
A.7 The impact of primordial non-Gaussianity on the CMB anisotropies . . . . . . . . . 280
A.8 Non-Gaussianity in the CMB anisotropies at recombination in the squeezed limit . . 287
A.9 The impact of the non-Gaussianity on the halo mass function . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
A.10 The impact of the non-Gaussianity on the halo clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

IX Exercises 301

Part I

Our current understanding of the evolution of the universe is based upon the Friedmann-Robertson-
Walker (FRW) cosmological model, or the hot big bang model as it is usually called. The model
is so successful that it has become known as the standard cosmology. The FRW cosmology is so
robust that it is possible to make sensible speculations about the universe at times as early as 10 43

sec after the Big Bang.

The most important feature of our universe is its large scale homogeneity and isotropy. This
feature ensures that observations made from our single point are representative of the universe as a
whole and can therefore be legitimately used to test cosmological models. For most of the twentieth
century, the homogeneity and isotropy of the universe had to be taken as an assumption, known as
the Cosmological Principle. The assumption of isotropy and homogeneity dates back to the earliest
work of Einstein, who made the assumption not based upon observations, but as theorists often do,
to simplify the mathematical analysis. The Cosmological Principle remained an intelligent guess
until firm empirical data, confirming large scale homogeneity and isotropy, were finally obtained
at the end of the twentieth century. The best evidence for the isotropy of the observed universe

Figure 1: The large-scale structure from the 2dF Galaxy Survey

is the uniformity of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation: aside
from the observed dipole anisotropy, the temperature di↵erence between two antennas separated by
angles ranging from about 10 arc seconds to 180 is smaller than about one part in 105 . The simplest
interpretation of the dipole anisotropy is that it is the result of our motion relative to the cosmic rest
frame. If the expansion of the universe were not isotropic, the expansion anisotropy would lead to a
temperature anisotropy in the CMBR of similar magnitude. Likewise, inhomogeneities in the density

Figure 2: The CMB radiation projected onto a sphere

of the universe on the last scattering surface would lead to temperature anisotropies. In this regard,
the CMBR is a very powerful probe: It is even sensitive to density inhomogeneities on scales larger
than our present Hubble volume. The remarkable uniformity of the CMB radiation indicates that
at the epoch of last scattering for the CMB radiation (about 200,000 yr after the bang) the universe
was to a high degree of precision (order of 10 5 or so) isotropic and homogeneous. Homogeneity and
isotropy is of course true if the universe is observed at sufficiently large scales. The observable patch
of the universe is of order 3000 Mpc. Redshift surveys suggest that the universe is homogeneous
and isotropic only when coarse grained on scales of the order of 100 Mpc. On smaller scales there
exist large inhomogeneities, such as galaxies, clusters and superclusters. Hence, the Cosmological
Principle is only valid within a limited range of scales, spanning a few orders of magnitude. The
inflationary theory, as we shall see, suggests that the universe continues to be homogeneous and
isotropic over distances larger than 3000 Mpc.
It is firmly established by observations that our universe therefore

• is homogeneous and isotropic on scales larger than 100 Mpc and has well developed inhomo-
geneous structure on smaller scales;

• expands according to the Hubble law for which the recession velocity of, say, galaxies is
proportional to their distances.

Concerning the matter composition of the universe, we know that

• it is pervaded by thermal microwave background radiation with temperature T0 ' 2.73 K;

• there is baryonic matter, roughly one baryon per 109 photons, but no substantial amount of

• the chemical composition of baryonic matter is about 75% hydrogen, 25% helium, plus trace
amounts of heavier elements;

• baryons contribute only a small percentage of the total energy density; the rest is a dark
component, which appears to be composed of cold dark matter with negligible pressure (25%)
and dark energy with negative pressure (70%).

Observations of the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation suggest that

• there were only small fluctuations of order 10 5 in the energy density distribution when the
universe was a thousand times smaller than now.

Any cosmological model worthy of consideration must be consistent with established facts. While
the standard big bang model accommodates most known facts, a physical theory is also judged
by its predictive power. At present, inflationary theory, naturally incorporating the success of the
standard big bang, has no competitor in this regard. Therefore, we will build upon the standard
big bang model, which will be our starting point, until we reach contemporary ideas of inflation.
We will then show how its prediction influences the CMB physics as well as the physics of the
matter perturbations. This set of notes also o↵ers three Appendices about the non-Gaussianity of
the cosmological perturbations, the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the universe and the
phase transitions in the early universe. These subjects will not be covered during the lectures.

1 The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric

As discussed in the previous section, the distribution of matter and radiation in the observable
universe is homogeneous and isotropic. While this by no means guarantees that the entire universe is
smooth, it does imply that a region at least as large as our present Hubble volume is smooth. So long
as the universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic on scales as large as the Hubble volume, for
purposes of description of our local Hubble volume we may assume the entire universe is homogeneous
and isotropic. While a homogeneous and isotropic region within an otherwise inhomogeneous and
anisotropic universe will not remain so forever, causality implies that such a region will remain

smooth for a time comparable to its light-crossing time. This time corresponds to the Hubble time,
about 10 Gyr. We have determined during the last part of the GR course (and will be reminded in
the first exercise session) that the metric of a maximally symmetric space satisfying the Cosmological
Principle is the the metric for a space with homogeneous and isotropic spatial sections, that is the
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, which can be written in the form

2 2 2 dr2
ds = dt + a (t) + r2 d✓2 + r2 sin2 ✓d 2
, (1)
1 kr2
where (t, r, ✓, ) are are coordinates (referred to as comoving coordinates), a(t) is the cosmic scale
factor, and with an appropriate resetting of the coordinates, k can be chosen to be +1, 1, or 0
for spaces of constant positive, negative, or zero spatial curvature, respectively. The coordinate r is
dimensionless, i.e. a(t) has dimensions of length and only relative ratios are physical, and r ranges
from 0 to 1 for k = +1. The time coordinate is just the proper (or clock) time measured by an
observer at rest in the comoving frame, i.e., (r, ✓, )=constant. As we shall discover shortly, the
term comoving is well chosen: observers at rest in the comoving frame remain at rest, i.e., (r, ✓, )
remain unchanged, and observers initially moving with respect to this frame will eventually come to
rest in it. Thus, if one introduces a homogeneous, isotropic fluid initially at rest in this frame, the
t =constant hypersurfaces will always be orthogonal to the fluid flow, and will always coincide with
the hypersurfaces of both spatial homogeneity and constant fluid density.
We already know the curvature tensor of the maximally symmetric metric entering the FRW
metric (and its contractions), this is not difficult.

1. First of all, we write the FRW metric as

ds2 = dt2 + a2 (t)e

gij dxi dxj . (2)

From now on, all objects with a tilde will refer to three-dimensional quantities calculated with
the metric geij .

2. One can then calculate the Christo↵el symbols in terms of a(t) and e ijk . Recalling from the
GR course that the Christo↵el symbols are

✓ ◆
µ 1 @g⇢⌫ @g⇢ @g⌫
⌫ = g µ⇢ + , (3)
2 @x @x⌫ @x⇢
we may compute the nonvanishing components

jk = e ijk ,
i ȧ i
j0 = ,
a j
0 ȧ
ij = gij = ȧae
gij . (4)

3. The relevant components of the Riemann tensor

⇢ ⇢
R µ⌫ = @µ ⌫ @⌫ µ + µ⇢ ⌫ ⌫⇢ µ (5)

for the FRW metric are

ä i
Ri0j0 = ,
a j
R0i0j = äaegij ,

Rkikj eij + 2ȧ2 geij .

= R (6)

eij = 2ke
4. Now we can use R gij (as a consequence of the maximally symmetry of geij ) to calculate
Rµ⌫ . The nonzero components are

R00 = 3 ,
Rij = aä + 2ȧ2 + 2k geij ,
✓ ◆
ä ȧ2 k
= + 2 2 + 2 2 gij . (7)
a a a

5. The Ricci scalar is

R= aä + ȧ2 + k , (8)

6. the Einstein tensor Gµ⌫ = Rµ⌫ 2 gµ⌫ R has the components

✓ ◆
ȧ2 k
G00 = 3 2
+ 2 ,
a a
G0i = 0,
✓ ◆
ä ȧ2 k
Gij = 2 + 2+ 2 gij . (9)
a a a

1.1 Open, closed and flat spatial models
In order to illustrate the construction of the metric, consider the simpler case of a two spatial
dimensions. Examples of two-dimensional spaces that are homogeneous and isotropic are the flat
plane R2 , the positively-curved closed two sphere S2 and the negatively-curved hyperbolic plane H2 .
Consider first a two sphere S2 of radius a and embedded in a three-dimensional space R3 . The
equation of the sphere of radius a is

x21 + x22 + x23 = a2 . (10)

The element of length is the three-dimensional Euclidean space is

dx2 = dx21 + dx22 + dx23 . (11)

Since x3 is a fictitious coordinate, we can eliminate it in favor of the other two and write

(x1 dx1 + x2 dx2 )2

dx2 = dx21 + dx22 + . (12)
a2 x21 x22
Now, let us introduce the polar coordinates

x1 = r0 cos ✓, x2 = r0 sin ✓, (13)

in terms of which the infinitesimal line length becomes

a2 dr 2
2 0
dx = 2 + r 2 d✓2 . (14)
a r0 2
Finally, with the definition of a dimensionless coordinate r = r0 /a (0  r  1), the spatial metric

2 2 dr2
dx = a + r2 d✓2 . (15)
1 r2
Note the similarity between this metric and the k = 1 FRW metric. It should also now be clear that
a(t) is the radius of the space. The poles of the two-sphere are at r = 0, the equator is at r = 1.
The locus of points of constant r sweeps out the latitudes of the sphere, while the locus of points of
constant ✓ sweeps out the longitudes of the sphere. Another convenient coordinate system for the
two sphere is that specified by the usual polar and azimuthal angles (✓, ) of spherical coordinates,
related to the xi by

x1 = a sin ✓ cos , x2 = a sin ✓ sin , x3 = a cos ✓. (16)

In terms of these coordinates, the spatial line element becomes

⇥ ⇤
dx2 = a2 d✓2 + sin2 ✓d 2
. (17)

This form makes manifest the fact that the space is the two sphere of radius a. The volume of the
two sphere is easily calculated

Z p Z 2⇡ Z ⇡
VS 2 = d x ge = d d✓ a2 sin ✓ = 4⇡a2 , (18)
0 0
as expected. The two sphere is homogeneous and isotropic. Every point in the space is equivalent
to every other point, and there is no preferred direction. In other words, the space embodies
the Cosmological Principle, i.e., no observer (especially us) occupies a preferred position in the
universe. Note that this space is unbounded; there are no edges on the two sphere. It is possible to
circumnavigate the two sphere, but it is impossible to fall o↵. Although the space is unbounded, the
volume is finite. The expansion (or contraction) of this two-dimensional universe equivalent to an
increase (or decrease) in the radius of the two sphere a. Since the universe is spatially homogeneous
and isotropic, the scale factor can only be a function of time. As the two sphere expands or contracts,
the coordinates (r and ✓ in the case of the two sphere) remain unchanged; they are “comoving.”
Also note that the physical distance between any two comoving points in the space scales with a
(hence the name scale factor).
The equivalent formulas for a space of constant negative curvature can be obtained with the
replacement a ! ia. In this case the embedding is in a three-dimensional Minkowski space. The
metric corresponding to the form for the negative curvature case is

2 2 dr2 ⇥ ⇤
dx = a 2
+ r2 d✓2 = a2 d✓2 + sinh2 ✓d 2
. (19)
The hyperbolic plane H2 is unbounded with infinite volume since 0  ✓ < 1. The embedding of
H2 in a Euclidean space requires three fictitious extra dimensions, and such an embedding is of
little use in visualizing the geometry. The spatially-flat model can be obtained from either of the
above examples by taking the radius a to infinity. The flat model is unbounded with infinite volume.
For the flat model the scale factor does not represent any physical radius as in the closed case, or
an imaginary radius as in the open case, but merely represents how the physical distance between
comoving points scales as the space expands or contracts.
The generalization of the two-dimensional models discussed above to three spatial dimensions
is trivial. For the three sphere a fictitious fourth spatial dimension is introduced, and in cartesian
coordinates the three sphere is given by: a2 = x21 + x22 + x23 + x24 . The spatial metric is dx2 =
dx21 + dx22 + dx23 + dx24 . The fictitious coordinate can be removed to give

(x1 dx1 + x2 dx2 + x3 dx3 )2
dx2 = dx21 + dx22 + dx23 . (20)
a2 x21 x22 x23
In terms of the coordinates x1 = r0 sin ✓ cos , x2 = r0 sin ✓ sin and x3 = r0 cos ✓, this metric
becomes equal to the FRW metric with k = +1 and r = r0 /a. In the coordinate system that
employes the three angular coordinates ( , ✓, ) of a four-dimensional spherical coordinates system,
x1 = a sin sin ✓ cos , x2 = a sin sin ✓ sin , x3 = a sin cos ✓ and x4 = a cos , the metric is given

⇥ ⇤
dx2 = a2 d 2
+ sin2 (d✓2 + sin2 ✓d 2
) . (21)

The volume of the three-sphere is

Z p
VS 3 = d3 x ge = 2⇡ 2 a3 . (22)

As for the two-dimensional case, the three-dimensional open model is obtained by the replacement
a ! ia, which gives the FRW metric with k = 1. Again the space is unbounded with infinite
volume and a(t) sets the curvature scale. Embedding H3 in a Euclidean space requires four fictitious
extra dimensions.
It should be noted that the assumption of local homogeneity and isotropy only implies that
the spatial metric is locally S3 , H3 or R3 and the space can have di↵erent global properties. For
instance, for the spatially flat case the global properties of the space might be that of the three torus,
T3 , rather than R3 ; this is accomplished by identifying the opposite sides of a fundamental spatial
volume element. Such non-trivial topologies may be relevant in light of recent work on theories with
extra dimensions. In many such theories the internal space (of the extra dimensions) is compact,
but with non-trivial topology, e.g., containing topological defects such as holes, handles, and so
on. If the internal space is not simply connected, it suggests that the external space may also be
non-trivial, and the global properties of our three-space might be much richer than the simple S3 ,
H3 or R3 topologies.

1.2 The particle horizon and the Hubble radius

A fundamental question in cosmology that one might ask is: what fraction of the universe is in causal
contact? More precisely, for a comoving observer with coordinates (r0 , ✓0 , 0 ), for what values of
(r, ✓, ) would a light signal emitted at t = 0 reach the observer at, or before, time t? This can
be calculated directly in terms of the FRW metric. A light signal satisfies the geodesic equation
ds2 = 0. Because of the homogeneity of space, without loss of generality we may choose r0 = 0.

Geodesics passing through r = 0 are lines of constant ✓ and , just as great circles passing from the
poles of a two sphere are lines of constant ✓ (i.e., constant longitude), so d✓ = d = 0. Of course,
the isotropy of space makes the choice of direction (✓0 , 0) irrelevant. Thus, a light signal emitted
from coordinate position (rH , ✓0 , 0) at time t = 0 will reach r0 = 0 in a time t determined by

Z t Z rH
dt0 dr0
= p . (23)
1 kr0 2 0 a(t0 ) 0
The proper distance to the horizon measured at time t is

Z t Z a Z rH
dt0 da0 1 dr0
RH (t) = a(t) = a(t) = a(t) p (PARTICLE HORIZON).
0 a(t0 ) 0 a a H(a0 )
0 0
0 1 kr0 2
If RH (t) is finite, then our past light cone is limited by this particle horizon, which is the boundary
between the visible universe and the part of the universe from which light signals have not reached
us. The behavior of a(t) near the singularity will determine whether or not the particle horizon is
finite. We will see that in the standard cosmology RH (t) ⇠ t, that is the particle horizon is finite.
The particle horizon should not be confused with the notion of the Hubble radius defined in the
previous equation

1 a
H ȧ
The Hubble radius is the distance over which particles can travel in the course of one expansion
time, that is roughly the time in which the scale factor doubles (think of the distance as dt ⇠
(da/a)H 1 ). So the Hubble radius is another way of measuring whether particles are causally
connected with each other. If they are separated by distances larger than the Hubble radius, they
cannot currently communicate. Let us emphasize a subtle distinction between the particle horizon
and the Hubble radius: if particles are separated by distances greater than RH (t) they never could
have communicated with one another; if they are separated by distances greater than the Hubble
radius H 1, they cannot talk to each other at the time t.
We shall see that the standard cosmology the distance to the horizon is finite, and up to numerical
factors, equal to the Hubble radius, H 1, but during inflation, for instance, they are drastically
di↵erent. One can also define a comoving particle horizon distance

Z t Z a Z a ✓ ◆
dt0 da0 0 1
0 a(t0 ) 0 H(a0 )a0 2 0 Ha0

Here, we have expressed the comoving horizon as an integral of the comoving Hubble radius,

which will play a crucial role in inflation. We see that the comoving horizon then is the logarithmic
integral of the comoving Hubble radius (aH) 1. Let us reiterate that there is a subtle distinction
between the comoving horizon ⌧H and the comoving Hubble radius (aH) 1. If particles are separated
by comoving distances greater than ⌧H , they never could have communicated with one another;
if they are separated by distances greater than (aH) 1, they cannot talk to each other at some
time ⌧ . It is therefore possible that ⌧H could be much larger than (aH) 1 now, so that particles
cannot communicate today but were in causal contact early on. As we shall see, this might happen
if the comoving Hubble radius early on was much larger than it is now so that ⌧H got most of
its contribution from early times. We will see that this could happen, but it does not happen
during matter-dominated or radiation-dominatd epochs. In those cases, the comoving Hubble radius
increases with time, so typically we expect the largest contribution to ⌧H to come from the most
recent times.
A similar concept is the event horizon, or the maximum distance we can probe in the infinite

Z 1
Re (t) = a(t) , (28)
t a(t0 )
which is clearly infinite if the universe expands a a ⇠ tn (n < 1).

1.3 Particle kinematics of a particle

Consider the geodesic motion of a particle that is not necessarily massless. The four-velocity uµ of
a particle with respect to the comoving frame is referred to as the peculiar velocity. The geodesic
equation of motion in terms of the affine parameter chosen to be the proper length is

duµ µ dxµ
+ ⌫ u⌫ u = 0, uµ = . (29)
ds ds
The µ = 0 component of the geodesic equation is

du0 0 du0 du0 ȧ

+ ⌫ u⌫ u = + 0 i j
ij u u = + gij ui uj = 0. (30)
ds ds ds a
Denoting by |u|2 = gij ui uj and recalling that (u0 )2 + |u|2 = 1, it follows that u0 du0 = |u|d|u|,
the geodesic equation becomes

du0 ȧ 2 1 d|u| ȧ
+ |u| = 0 + |u| = 0. (31)
ds a u ds a
Finally, since u0 = dt/ds, this equation reduces to

1 d|u| ȧ
= . (32)
|u| dt a
It implies that |u| ⇠ a 1. recalling that the four-momentum pµ = muµ , we see that the magnitude
of the three-momentum of a freely propagating particle red-shifts away as a 1. Note that in eq. (31)
the factors of ds cancel. That implies that the above discussion also applies to massless particles,
where ds = 0 (formally by the choice of a di↵erent affine parameter). In terms of the ordinary
three-velocity v i for which uµ = (u0 , ui ) = ( , v i ) and = 1/ 1 |v|2 , we have

|v| 1
|u| = p ⇠ . (33)
1 |v|2 a
We again see why the comoving frame is the natural frame. Consider an observer initially (t =
t1 ) moving non-relativistically with respect to the comoving frame with physical three velocity of
magnitude |v|1 . At a later time t2 the magnitude of the observer’s physical three-velocity |v|2 will

a(t1 )
|v|2 = |v|1 . (34)
a(t2 )
In an expanding universe, the freely-falling observer is destined to come to rest in the comoving
frame even if he has some initial velocity with respect to it.

1.4 The cosmological redshift

Without explicitly solving Einstein’s equations for the dynamics of the expansion, it is still possible
to understand many of the kinematic e↵ects of the expansion upon light from distant galaxies. The
light emitted by a distant object can be viewed quantum mechanically as freely-propagating photons,
or classically as propagating plane waves. In the quantum mechanical description, the wavelength
of light is in- inversely proportional to the photon momentum = h/p. If the momentum changes,
the wavelength of the light must change. It was shown in the previous section that the momentum
of a photon changes in proportion to a 1. Since the wavelength of a photon is inversely proportional
to its momentum, the wavelength at time t0 , denoted as 0, will di↵er from that at time t1 , denoted
as 1, by

1 a(t1 )
= . (35)
0 a(t0 )
As the universe expands, the wavelength of a freely-propagating photon increases, just as all physical
distances increase with the expansion. This means that the red shift of the wavelength of a photon
is due to the fact that the universe was smaller when the photon was emitted.
It is also possible to derive the same result by considering the propagation of light from a distant
galaxy as a classical wave phenomenon. Let us again place ourselves at the origin r = 0. We consider
a radially travelling electro-magnetic wave (a light ray) and consider the equation ds2 = 0 or

dt2 = a2 (t) . (36)
1 kr2
Let us assume that the wave leaves a galaxy located at r at time t. Then it will reach us at time t0
given by

Z Z >
< sin
> r = r + r3 /6 + · · · (k = +1),
t0 r
dt dr
= f (r) = p = r (k = 0), (37)
t a(t) 0 1 kr2 >
: 1
sinh r=r r3 /6 + · · · (k = 1).
As typical galaxies will have constant coordinates, f (r) (which can of course be given explicitly, but
this is not needed for the present analysis) is time-independent. If the next wave crest leaves the
galaxy at r at time (t + t), it will arrive at time (t0 + t0 ) given by

Z r Z t 0 + t0
dr dt
f (r) = p = (38) .
1 t+ t 0 kr2 a(t)
Subtracting these two equations and making the (eminently reasonable) assumption that the cosmic
scale factor a(t) does not vary significantly over the period t given by the frequency of light, we

t0 t
= . (39)
a(t0 ) a(t)
Therefore the observed frequency ⌫0 is related to the emitted frequency ⌫ by

⌫0 a(t)
= . (40)
⌫ a(t0 )
Astronomers like to express this in terms of the red-shift parameter

1+z = , (41)

which implies

a(t0 )
z= 1 . (42)
Thus if the universe expands one has z > 0 and there is a red-shift while in a contracting universe
with a(t0 ) < a(t) the light of distant galaxies would be blue-shifted. A few remarks:

1. This cosmological red-shift has nothing to do with the stars own gravitational field - that
contribution to the red-shift is completely negligible compared to the e↵ect of the cosmological

2. Unlike the gravitational red-shift in GR, this cosmological red-shift is symmetric between
receiver and emitter, i.e. light sent from the earth to the distant galaxy would likewise be
red-shifted if we observe a red-shift of the distant galaxy.

3. This red-shift is a combined e↵ect of gravitational and Doppler red-shifts and it is not very
meaningful to interpret this only in terms of, say, a Doppler shift. Nevertheless, as mentioned
before, astronomers like to do just that, calling v = zc the recessional velocity.

4. Nowadays, astronomers tend to express the distance of a galaxy not in terms of light-years
or megaparsecs, but directly in terms of the observed red-shift factor z, the conversion to
distance then following from some version of Hubble’s law.

5. The largest observed redshift of a galaxy is currently z ⇠ 10, corresponding to a distance of

the order of 13 billion light-years, while the cosmic microwave background radiation, which
originated just a couple of 105 years after the Big Bang, has z ⇠ 103 .

2 Distances in cosmology and Hubble’s law

We have seen that there is a cosmological red-shift in Robertson-Walker geometries. Our aim will
now be to see if and how these geometries are capable of explaining Hubble’s law that the red-shift
is approximately proportional to the distance and how the Hubble constant is related to the cosmic
scale factor a(t). The fact that the answer is yes is clear from the following simple arguments. Let
us ego- or geocentrically place ourselves again at the origin r = 0. Consider another galaxy following
the comoving geodesic at the fixed value Rg = r. Its instantaneous proper distance Rg (t) at time t
can be calculated from

dRg = a(t) p . (43)
1 kr2

Choosing k = 0 for simplicity, we have

Rg (t) = a(t) r . (44)

If follows that

vg (t) = Rg (t) = ȧ(t) r = H(t) r , (45)
where we have introduced the Hubble parameter

H(t) ⌘ . (46)
In other words, recession velocities of objects in an expanding universe are proportional to their
distances. Let us now formalize this argument. Reliable data for cosmological red-shifts as well as
for distance measurements are only available for small values of z and thus we will consider the case
where (t0 t) and r are small, i.e. small at cosmic scales. First of all, this allows us to expand a(t)
in a Taylor series,

a(t) = a(t0 ) + ȧ(t0 )(t t0 ) + ä(t0 )(t t0 ) 2 + · · · . (47)
Let us reintroduce the deceleration parameter

q(t) = , (48)
ȧ2 (t)
and denote their present values by the subscript zero, i.e. H0 = H(t0 ) and q0 = q(t0 ). H(t) measures
measures the expansion velocity as a function of time while q(t) measures whether the expansion
velocity is increasing or decreasing. Notice that, as announced, these quantities are ratios of equal
powers of a, which by itself is not an observable quantity. We can therefore write

a(t) = a(t0 ) 1 + H0 (t t0 ) q0 H02 (t t0 ) 2 + · · · . (49)
This gives us the red-shift parameter z as a power series in the time of flight, namely

1 a 1
= = 1 + H0 (t t0 ) q0 H02 (t t0 ) 2 + · · · . (50)
1+z a0 2
Inverting it gives

✓ ◆
z = (t0 t)H0 + 1 + q0 H02 (t0 t)2 + · · · . (51)
For small H0 (t0 t) we therefore obtain

 ✓ ◆
1 1
t0 t= z 1 + q0 z 2 + · · · . (52)
H0 2
We can also use (37) to express (t0 t) in terms of r. On the one hand we have

Z t0
= r + O(r3 ) , (53)
t a(t)
while expanding a(t) we have

Z t0 Z t0
dt0 1 dt0
t a(t0 ) a0 t 1 + (t0 t0 )H0 + · · ·
Z t0
1 ⇥ ⇤
= dt0 1 + (t0 t0 )H0 + · · ·
1 1 2
= (t0 t) + t0 (t0 t)H0 (t t2 )H0 + · · ·
a0 2 0

1 1
= (t0 t) + (t0 t)2 H0 + · · · . (54)
a0 2
Therefore we obtain

1 1
r= (t0 t) + (t0 t)2 H0 + · · · . (55)
a0 2
Using (52) we finally obtain

1 1
r= z (1 + q0 )z 2 + · · · . (56)
a 0 H0 2
This clearly indicates to first order a linear dependence of the red-shift on the distance of the galaxy
and identifies H0 , the present day value of the Hubble parameter. However, this is not yet a very
useful way of expressing Hubble’s law. First of all, the distance a0 r that appears in this expression
is not the proper distance (unless k = 0), but is at least equal to it in our approximation. Note
that a0 r is the present distance to the galaxy, not the distance at the time the light was emitted.
However, even proper distance is not directly measurable and thus, to compare this formula with
experiment, one needs to relate r to the measures of distance used by astronomers. One practical
way of doing this is the so-called luminosity distance dL . If for some reasons one knows the absolute
luminosity of a distant star (for instance because it shows a certain characteristic behavior known
from other stars nearby whose distances can be measured by direct means - such objects are known
as standard candles), then one can compare this absolute luminosity L with the measured flux F.
Then one can define the luminosity distance dL as

d2L = . (57)

In the absence of expansion, the detected flux is simply equal to the fraction of the area of the
two sphere surrounding the source covered by the detector (dA/4⇡d2L where dA is the area of the
detector) times the luminosity L. in this case dL is simply the distance to the source. The expansion
of the universe complicates matters: Is dL the distance to the source at the time of emission, or at
the time of detection? Of course, it is neither. If a source at comoving coordinate r emits light at
time t, and a detector at co- moving coordinate r = 0 detects the light at t = t0 , conservation of
energy implies

F= , (58)
4⇡a2 (t 2
0 )r (1 + z)

d2L = a20 r2 (1 + z)2 . (59)

The result may be understood as follows: at the detection time t0 , the fraction of the area of a two
sphere surrounding the source covered by the detector is dA/4⇡a2 (t0 )r2 . In addition, the expansion
decreases the energy per unit time crossing the two sphere surrounding the source by a factor of
(1 + z)2 : one factor of (1 + z) arising from the decrease in total energy due to the red shift of the
energy of the individual photons, and the other factor of (1 + z) arising from the increased time
interval between the detection of incoming photons due to the fact that two photons separated by
a time t at emission, will be separated by a time t(1 + z) at the time of detection. Therefore
d2L = [a(t0 )r]2 (1 + z)2 . Intuitively, the fact that for z positive dL is larger than the actual (proper)
distance of the galaxy can be understood by noting that the gravitational red-shift makes an object
look darker (further away) than it actually is.
Using (56) we obtain

1 1
dL = z + (1 q0 )z 2 + · · · . (60)
H0 2
This is called the Hubble’s law and relates the luminosity distance to the red-shift. The program
would then be to collect as much astronomical information as possible on the relation between dL
and z in order to determine the parameters q0 and H0 . The Hubble diagram, see Fig. 3 , is the
most direct evidence we have that the universe is expanding. Measuring redshifts is straightforward;
the hard part is determining distances for objects of unknown intrinsic brightness. One of the
most popular techniques is to try to find a standard candle, a class of objects which have the same
intrinsic brightness. Any di↵erence between the apparent brightness of two such objects then is a
result of their di↵erent distances from us. This method is typically generalized to find a correlation
between an observable and intrinsic brightness. For example, Cepheid variables are stars for which

Figure 3: Hubble diagram from distant Type la supernovae. Top panel shows apparent magnitude
(an indicator of the distance) vs redshift. Lines show the predictions for di↵erent energy
contents in the universe. Bottom panel plots the residuals, making it clear that the
high-redshift supernovae favor a ⇤-dominated universe over a matter-dominated one.

intrinsic brightness is tightly related to period. The Hubble Space Telescope measured the periods of
thousands of Cepheid variables in galaxies as far away as 20 Mpc. With distances to these galaxies
fixed, five di↵erent distance measures were used to go much further, as far away as 400 Mpc. Current
data favor a value of H0 = (72 ± 0.08) Km sec 1 Mpc 1. In general one can parametrize the Hubble
rate today as H0 = 100 h Km sec 1 Mpc 1. For our estimates in the following we will make use of
the value h = 3/4. As shown in Fig. 3 the standard candle that can be seen at largest distances is a
Type la supernova. Since they are so bright, supernovae can be used to extend the Hubble diagram
out to very large redshifts (the current record is of order z ⇠ 2), a regime where the simple Doppler
law ceases to work. In the next section, we will elaborate about this point. For now, we simply
point out that this expression depends on the energy content of the universe. The three curves in
Figure 3 depict three di↵erent possibilities: flat matter dominated; open; and flat with a cosmological

constant ⇤. The high-redshift data are now good enough to distinguish among these possibilities,
strongly disfavoring the previously favored flat, matter-dominated universe. The current best fit is
a universe with about 70% of the energy in the form of a cosmological constant, or some other form
of dark energy. More on this in the next section.
Another relationship whose form also depends upon the cosmological model is the the galaxy
count-red shift relationship. This relationship holds great promise as an observational tool to deter-
mine our cosmological model. Consider a comoving volume element dVc , containing dNg galaxies.
In terms of the number density of galaxies per comoving volume element nc (t)

dNg = nc (t)dVc = nc (t) p drd⌦, (61)
1 kr2
where d⌦ is the angle element. Of course r is not an observable, and we must relate r to z. From
the relation (56) we have

r2 dr z 2 dz
p = 3 3 [1 2(q0 + 1)z + · · · ] , (62)
1 kr2 H0 a 0
and we may express the galaxy count as a function of red shift

1 dNg nc (z)
= 3 3 [1 2(q0 + 1)z + · · · ] . (63)
z dzd⌦ H0 a 0
If one makes the reasonable assumption that nc (z) is constant (galaxies are neither created or
destroyed (probably a good assumption at redshifts less than a few), then the di↵erential galaxy
count can be used to determine q0 .
Finally, we mention one other relationship that depends upon the cosmological model, the angular
diameter-redshift relation. Let us assume that there is an object (say, a galaxy or a cluster) of proper
diameter D at coordinate r, which emitted light at t, detected by the observer at t0 . As usual, we
may choose the coordinate system such that the observer is at the coordinate r = 0. From the FRW
metric it follows that the observed angular diameter of the source ✓ is related to D by

✓= . (64)
The angular diameter distance dA is defined as

dA = = a(t)r. (65)

In a static Euclidean geometry dA = dL is simply the distance to the source. It is easy to express dA
in terms of dL and z using the fact that d2L = a20 r2 (1 + z)2 , dA = dL /(1 + z)2 . For small H0 (t t0 )
we obtain

H0 d A = z (3 + q0 )z 2 + · · · . (66)
Again, the form of the relationship depends upon the cosmological model through q0 . We have
discussed three observables (dL , dNg /dzd⌦ and dA ) which all depend upon the cosmological model
through q0 . There are also relationships between observables which do not depend upon the cosmo-
logical model. The simplest example is the measured surface brightness of an object, say a galaxy
or a cluster. The surface brightness, SB, of an object is the energy flux per projected solid angle
(on the sky): SB= dF/d⌦. The projected solid angle is related to the projected surface area on
the object by dA = a2 (t)r2 d⌦, from which it follows that dF/d⌦ = SBintr /(1 + z)4 , where SBintr is
the intrinsic surface brightness of the object. Model-independent relationships are useful because in
principle they can be used to test whether spurious astrophysical or observational problems a↵ect
the model-dependent relationships. For instance, a measured deviation of dF/d⌦ from a (1 + z) 4

dependence would indicate that galactic evolution (and/or other e↵ects) must be taken into account
when using standard candles.

3 Standard cosmology
All of the discussions in the previous section concerned the kinematics of a universe described by a
FRW. The dynamics of the expanding universe only appeared implicitly in the time dependence of
the scale factor a(t). To make this time dependence explicit, one must solve for the evolution of the
scale factor using the Einstein equations

Rµ⌫ gµ⌫ R = 8⇡GN Tµ⌫ ⇤gµ⌫ , (67)
where Tµ⌫ is the stress-energy tensor for all the fields present (matter, radiation, and so on) and we
have also included the presence of a cosmological constant. With very minimal assumptions about
the right-hand side of the Einstein equations, it is possible to proceed without detailed knowledge
of the properties of the fundamental fields that contribute to the stress tensor Tµ⌫ .

3.1 The stress-energy momentum tensor

To be consistent with the symmetries of the metric, the total stress-energy tensor tensor must be
diagonal, and by isotropy the spatial components must be equal. The simplest realization of such a
stress-energy tensor is that of a perfect fluid characterized by a time-dependent energy density ⇢(t)
and pressure P (t)

T ⌫µ = (⇢ + P )uµ u⌫ + P µ
⌫ = diag( ⇢, P, P, P ), (68)

where uµ = (1, 0, 0, 0) in a comoving coordinate system. This is precisely the energy-momentum

tensor of a perfect fluid. The four-vector uµ is known as the velocity field of the fluid, and the
comoving coordinates are those with respect to which the fluid is at rest. In general, this matter
content has to be supplemented by an equation of state. This is usually assumed to be that of a
barytropic fluid, i.e. one whose pressure depends only on its density, P = P (⇢). The most useful
toy-models of cosmological fluids arise from considering a linear relationship between P and ⇢ of the

P = w⇢ , (69)

where w is known as the equation of state parameter. Occasionally also more exotic equations of
state are considered. For non-relativistic particles (NR) particles, there is no pressure, pNR = 0, i.e.
wNR = 0, and such matter is usually referred to as dust. The trace of the energy-momentum tensor

T µµ = ⇢ + 3P. (70)

For relativistic particles, radiation for example, the energy-momentum tensor is (like that of Maxwell
theory) traceless, and hence relativistic particles have the equation of state

Pr = ⇢r , (71)
and thus wr = 1/3. For physical (gravitating instead of anti-gravitating) matter one usually requires
⇢ > 0 (positive energy) and either P > 0, corresponding to w > 0 or, at least, (⇢ + 3P ) > 0,
corresponding to the weaker condition w > 1/3. A cosmological constant, on the other hand,
corresponds, as we will see, to a matter contribution with w⇤ = 1 and thus violates either ⇢ > 0
or (⇢ + 3P ) > 0.
Let us now turn to the conservation laws associated with the energy-momentum tensor,

rµ T µ⌫ = 0. (72)

The spatial components of this conservation law,

rµ T µi = 0, (73)

turn out to be identically satisfied, by virtue of the fact that the uµ are geodesic and that the
functions ⇢ and P are only functions of time. This could hardly be otherwise because rµ T µi would
have to be an invariant vector, and we know that there are none. Nevertheless it is instructive to
check this explicitly

rµ T µi = r0 T 0i + rj T ji = 0 + rj T ji = P rj g ij = 0. (74)

The only interesting conservation law is thus the zero-component

rµ T µ0 = @µ T µ0 + µ
µ⌫ T
+ 0
µ⌫ T
= 0, (75)

which for a perfect fluid becomes

µ 0 0 ij
⇢˙ + µ0 ⇢ + 00 ⇢ + ij T = 0. (76)

Using the Christo↵el symbols previously computed, see Eq. (4), we get

⇢˙ + 3H(⇢ + P ) = 0 . (77)

For instance, when the pressure of the cosmic matter is negligible, like in the universe today, and
we can treat the galaxies (without disrespect) as dust, then one has

⇢NR a3 = constant (MATTER) . (78)

The energy (number) density scales like the inverse of the volume whose size is ⇠ a3 On the other
hand, if the universe is dominated by, say, radiation, then one has the equation of state P = ⇢/3,

⇢r a4 = constant (RADIATION). (79)

The energy density scales the like the inverse of the volume (whose size is ⇠ a3 ) and the energy which
scales like 1/a because of the red-shift: photon energies scale like the inverse of their wavelenghts
which in turn scale like 1/a. More generally, for matter with equation of state parameter w, one

⇢ a3(1+w) = constant. (80)

In particular, for w = 1, ⇢ is constant and corresponds, as we will see more explicitly below, to a
cosmological constant vacuum energy

⇢⇤ = constant (VACUUM ENERGY). (81)

The early universe was radiation dominated, the adolescent universe was matter dominated and
the adult universe is dominated, as we shall see, by the cosmological constant. If the universe
underwent inflation, there was again a very early period when the stress-energy was dominated by
vacuum energy. As we shall see next, once we know the evolution of ⇢ and P in terms of the scale
factor a(t), it is straightforward to solve for a(t). Before going on, we want to emphasize the utility
of describing the stress energy in the universe by the simple equation of state P = w⇢. This is
the most general form for the stress energy in a FRW space-time and the observational evidence
indicates that on large scales the RW metric is quite a good approximation to the space-time within
our Hubble volume. This simple, but often very accurate, approximation will allow us to explore
many early universe phenomena with a single parameter.

3.2 The Friedmann equations

After these preliminaries, we are now prepared to tackle the Einstein equations. We allow for the
presence of a cosmological constant and thus consider the equations

Gµ⌫ + ⇤gµ⌫ = 8⇡GN Tµ⌫ . (82)

It will be convenient to rewrite these equations in the form

✓ ◆
Rµ⌫ = 8⇡GN Tµ⌫ gµ⌫ T + ⇤gµ⌫ . (83)
Because of isotropy, there are only two independent equations, namely the 00-component and any
one of the non-zero ij-components. Using Eqs. (7) we find

3 = 4⇡GN (⇢ + 3P ) ⇤,
ä ȧ2 k
+2 2 +2 2 = 4⇡GN (⇢ P ) + ⇤. (84)
a a a

Using the first equation to eliminate ä from the second, one obtains the set of equations for the
Hubble rate

k 8⇡GN ⇤
H2 + 2
= ⇢+ (85)
a 3 3
and for for the acceleration

ä 4⇡GN ⇤
= (⇢ + 3P ) + . (86)
a 3 3
Together, this set of equation is known as the Friedman equations. They are supplemented this by
the conservation equation (77). Note that because of the Bianchi identities, the Einstein equations
and the conservation equations should not be independent, and indeed they are not. It is easy to
see that (85) and (77) imply the second order equation (86) so that, a pleasant simplification, in
practice one only has to deal with the two first order equations (85) and (77). Sometimes, however,
(86) is easier to solve than (85), because it is linear in a(t), and then (85) is just used to fix one
constant of integration.
Notice that Eqs. (85) and (86) can be obtained, in the non-relativistic limit P = 0 from
Newtonian physics. Imagine that the distribution of matter is uniform and its matter density is ⇢.
Put a test particle with mass m on a surface of a sphere of radius a and let gravity act. The total
energy is constant and therefore

1 mM
Ekin + Epot = mȧ2 GN =  = constant. (87)
2 a
Since the mass M contained in a sphere of radius a is M = (4⇡⇢a3 /3), we obtain

1 4⇡GN
mȧ2 m⇢a2 =  = constant. (88)
2 3
By dividing everything by (ma2 /2) we obtain Eq. (85) with of course no cosmological constant
and after setting k = 2/m. Eq. (86) can be analogously obtained from Newton’s law relating the
gravitational force and the acceleration (but still with P = 0).
The expansion rate of the universe is determined by the Hubble rate H which is not a constant
and generically scales like t 1. The Friedmann equation (85) can be recast as

⇢ k
⌦ 1= = , (89)
3H 2 /8⇡G N a2 H 2
where we have defined the parameter ⌦ as the ratio between the energy density ⇢ and the critical
energy density ⇢c

⇢ 3H 2
⌦= , ⇢c = . (90)
⇢c 8⇡GN

Since a2 H 2 > 0, there is a correspondence between the sign of k and the sign of (⌦ 1)

k = +1 ) ⌦ > 1 CLOSED,
k=0 ) ⌦=1 FLAT, (91)
k= 1 ) ⌦<1 OPEN.
Eq. (89) is valid at all times, note also that both ⌦ and ⇢c are not constant in time. At early times
once has a radiation-dominated (RD) phase radiation and H 2 ⇠ a 4 with (⌦ 1) ⇠ a2 ; during the
matter-dominated phase (MD) one finds H 2 ⇠ a 3 with (⌦ 1) ⇠ a. These relations will be crucial
when we will study the inflationary universe. The present day value of the critical energy density is

⇢c = 1.87 h2 · 10 29
gr cm 3
= 1.05h2 · 104 eV cm 3
= 8.1h2 ⇥ 10 47
GeV4 . (92)

It is also common practice to define the ⌦ parameters for all the components of the universe

⌦i = , (i = MATTER, RADIATION, VACUUM , ENERGY, · · · ). (93)
If we define

⇢⇤ ⇤ 1 ⇤
⌦⇤ = = = , (94)
⇢c 8⇡GN ⇢c 3H 2
and a curvature density parameter

⌦k = , (95)
H 2 a2
we can obtain the so-called golden rule of cosmology

⌦m + ⌦ + ⌦b + ⌦⇤ + ⌦k + · · · = 1. (96)

We have indicated here with the subscript m the dark matter (DM) (see below) and b the baryons
(ordinary matter). Present day values do no carry the index 0 unless needed for the clarity of the
presentation. From each discussion it should be clear when we intend that the ⌦ parameters are at
the present epoch or at a generic instant of time. In particular, the Friedmann equation (85) can be
written as

H 2 = H02 (⌦m a 3
+ ⌦r a 4
+ ⌦⇤ + ⌦k a 2
+ · · · ), (97)

where we have set a0 = 1. In the previous section we have also introduced the deceleration parameter,
see Eq. (48). By combining Eqs. (85) and (86) and using the definition of ⌦0 , that is the value of
the parameter ⌦ today, it follows that

4⇡GN X 1
q0 = + 2 ⇢i (1 + 3wi ) ' (⌦m + 2⌦r 2⌦⇤ ) . (98)
3H0 i 2

For a MD universe we have q0 = ⌦m /2, for a RD we have q0 = ⌦r , both positive. Nevertheless, for
a vacuum-dominated universe, we obtain q0 = ⌦⇤ and the universe is indeed accelerating.
Recall also that from (8) the curvature of the three-dimensional spatial slices is 3 R = 6k/a2 .
Using the definition of ⌦ we obtain

R = 6H 2 (⌦ 1). (99)

From the FRW metric, it is clear that the e↵ect of the curvature becomes important only at a
comoving radius r ⇠ |k| 1/2 . So we define the physical radius of curvature of the universe Rcurv =
a(t)|k| 1/2 = (6/|3 R|)1/2 , related to the Hubble radius H 1 by

H 1
Rcurv = . (100)
|⌦ 1|1/2
When |⌦ 1| ⌧ 1, such a curvature radius turns out to be much larger than the Hubble radius
and we can safely neglect the e↵ect of curvature in the universe. Note also that for closed universes,
k = +1, Rcurv is just the physical radius of the three-sphere.

3.3 Exact solutions of the Friedman-Robertson-Walker Cosmology

To solve the Friedman equations we have to account for the presence of several species of matter,
characterised by di↵erent equations of state or di↵erent equation of state parameters wi will coexist.
If we assume that these do not interact, then one can just add up their contributions in the Friedman
In order to make the dependence of the Friedman equation (85)

8⇡GN 2 ⇤ 2
ȧ2 = ⇢a k+ a (101)
3 3
on the equation of state parameters wi more manifest, it is useful to use the conservation law

⇢i a2 = ci a (1+3wi )
, (102)
for some constant ci . Then the Friedman equation takes the more explicit form

X ⇤ 2
ȧ2 = ci a (1+3wi )
k+ a . (103)

In addition to the vacuum energy (and pressure), there are typically two other kinds of matter which
are relevant in our approximation, namely matter in the form of dust and radiation. Denoting the
corresponding constants by cm and cr respectively, the Friedman equation that we will be dealing
with takes the form

cm cr ⇤ 2
ȧ2 = + 2 k+ a , (104)
a a 3
illustrating the qualitatively di↵erent contributions to the time-evolution. One can then characterise
the di↵erent eras in the evolution of the universe by which of the above terms dominates, i.e. gives
the leading contribution to the equation of motion for a. This already gives some insight into the
physics of the situation. We will call a universe matter-dominated if the piece cm /a dominates;
radiation-dominated if the piece cr /a2 dominates; curvature-dominated if the piece k dominates and
vacuum-dominated if the piece ⇤a2 dominates. As mentioned before, for a long time it was believed
that our present universe is purely matter-dominated while recent observations appear to indicate
that contributions from both matter and the cosmological constant are non-negligible.
Here are some immediate consequences of the Friedman equation (104):

1. No matter how small cr is, provided that it is non-zero, for sufficiently small values of a that
term will dominate and one is in the radiation dominated era. In that case, one finds the
characteristic behavior

ȧ2 = ) a(t) ⇠ t1/2 (RD). (105)

2. If matter dominates, one finds the characteristic behavior

ȧ2 = ) a(t) ⇠ t2/3 (MD). (106)

3. For a general equation of state w 6= 1, one finds

a(t) ⇠ t 3(1+w) . (107)

4. For sufficiently large a, a nonzero cosmological constant will always dominate, no matter how
small the cosmological constant may be, as all the other energy-content of the universe gets
more and more diluted.

5. Only for ⇤ = 0 does k dominates for large a.

6. Finally, for ⇤ = 0 the Friedman equation can be integrated in terms of elementary functions
whereas for ⇤ 6= 0 one typically encounters elliptic integrals.

7. If we extrapolate at t = 0, we see that the scale factor vanishes there and the energy density
becomes infinite. This is a mathematical, rather than a physical singularity and goes under
the name of Big Bang. In practice, if the inflationary cosmology is correct, we are not really
interested in such a epoch as there is no observation which could test it, simply inflation erased
any information about it. Let us also stress that, because of the Cosmological Principle, such
singularity should have happened everywhere uniformly.

Let us study, for historical reasons, the so-called Einstein static solution. Einstein was looking for
a static cosmological solution and for this he was forced to introduce the cosmological constant.
Static means ȧ = 0. Energy conservation then tells us that ⇢˙ = 0 and Eq. (86) tells us that
(⇢ + 3P ) = (⇤/4⇡GN ), therefore also P must be a constant. We see that with ⇤ = 0 we would
already not be able to satisfy this equation for physical matter content (⇢ + 3P ) > 0. Furthermore
Eq. (104) indicates that k must be positive. Finally, going back to Eq. (85) we find

1 1
a2 = (8⇡GN ⇢/3 + 4⇡GN (⇢ + 3P )/3) = (4⇡GN (⇢ + P )) . (108)

This is thus a static universe, with topology R ⇥ S 3 in which the gravitational attraction is precisely
balanced by the cosmological constant. Note that even though a positive cosmological constant has
a positive energy density, it has a negative pressure, and the net e↵ect of a positive cosmological
constant is that of gravitational repulsion rather than attraction.
Let us see what happens for generic k. In the matter-dominated universe we have to solve
ȧ2 = k. (109)
For k = 0 this is the equation (105) we already discussed and goes under the name of Einstein-de
Sitter universe. For k = +1, the equation is

ȧ2 = 1. (110)
In this case we will have a re-collapsing universe with amax = cm , which is attained for ȧ = 0. This
can be solved in closed form for t as a function of a, and the solution to

✓ ◆1/2
dt a
= (111)
da amax a
is ✓ ◆
amax a 1/2
t(a) = arccos 1 2 aamax a2 , (112)
2 amax

as can be easily verified. The universe starts at t = 0 with a(0) = 0, reaches its maximum at
a = amax at

tmax = amax arccos( 1)/2 = amax , (113)
and ends in a Big Crunch at t = 2tmax . The curve a(t) is a cycloid, as is most readily seen by writing
the solution in parametrised form. For this it is convenient to introduce the time-coordinate ⌧ via

d⌧ 1
= . (114)
dt a(t)
As an aside, not that this time-coordinate renders the FRW metric conformal to Minkowski ds2 =
a2 (⌧ )( d⌧ 2 + dx2 ). This coordinate system is very convenient for discussing the causal structure of
the FRW universes. In terms of the parameter ⌧ , the solution to the Friedman equation for k = +1
can be written as

a(⌧ ) = (1 cos ⌧ ) ,
t(⌧ ) = (⌧ sin ⌧ ) , (115)
which makes it transparent that the curve is indeed a cycloid. The maximal radius is reached at

tmax = t(a = amax ) = t(⌧ = ⇡) = amax , (116)
as before. Analogously, for k = 1, the Friedman equation can be solved in parametrised form, with
the trigonometric functions replaced by hyperbolic functions

Figure 4: Qualitative behavior of the Friedman-Robertson-Walker models for ⇤ = 0.

a(⌧ ) = (cosh ⌧ 1) ,
t(⌧ ) = (sinh ⌧ ⌧) . (117)

In the case in which radiation is dominating the equation to solve is

a2 ȧ2 = cr ka2 . (118)

It is convenient to make the change of variable b = a2 to obtain

+ kb = cr . (119)
For k = 0 we already saw that the solution is a(t) ⇠ t1/2 . For k = ±1, one necessarily has
b(t) = b0 + b1 t + b2 t2 . Fixing b(0) = 0 we find the solution

⇣ ⌘1/2
a(t) = 2c1/2
r t kt2 , (120)

so, for k = +1

⇣ ⌘
a(0) = a 2c1/2
r = 0. (121)

Thus already electro-magnetic radiation is sufficient to shrink the universe again and make it recol-
lapse. For k = 1 on the other hand, the universe expands forever. All this is of course in agreement
with the results of the qualitative discussion given earlier.
Finally and for future applications, let us see what happens when the universe is dominated by
a cosmological constant. The equation to solve is

⇤ 2
ȧ2 = k+ a . (122)
We see that ⇤ has to be positive for k = +1 or k = 0, whereas for k = 1 both positive and negative
⇤ are possible. This is one instance where the solution to the second order equation (86)

ä = a, (123)
is more immediate, namely trigonometric functions for ⇤ < 0 (only possible for k = 1) and
hyperbolic functions for ⇤ > 0. The first order equation then fixes the constants of integration
according to the value of k. For k = 0, the solution is
3 ±p⇤/3 t
a± (t) = e , (124)

and for k = +1, thus ⇤ > 0, one has
3 p
a(t) = cosh ⇤/3 t. (125)

This is also known as the de Sitter universe. It is a maximally symmetric (in space-time) solution
of the Einstein equations with a cosmological constant and thus has a metric of constant curvature.
But we know that such a metric is unique. Hence the three solutions with ⇤ > 0, for k = 0, ±1 must
all represent the same space-time metric, only in di↵erent coordinate systems. This is interesting
because it shows that de Sitter space is so symmetric that it has space-like slicings by three-spheres,
by three-hyperboloids and by three-planes. The solution for k = 1 involves sin ⇤/3t for ⇤ < 0
and sinh ⇤/3t for ⇤ > 0. The former is known as the anti de Sitter universe.

3.4 The expansion age of the universe

Using the relation

⇣a ⌘ a0
dz = d(1 + z) = d = ȧdt = (1 + z)H(z)dt, (126)
a a2
we can write the useful relation giving the so-called look-back time

Z t0 Z z Z z
dz 0 1 dz 0
t0 t = dt0 = 0 0
= p .
t 0 (1 + z )H(z ) H0 0 (1 + z 0 ) ⌦m (1 + z 0 )3 + ⌦⇤ + ⌦r (1 + z 0 )4 + ⌦k (1 + z 0 )2
One can compute the age of the universe by sending z to infinity. The resulting integral is clearly a
function of the cosmological parameters

t0 = f (⌦m , ⌦r , ⌦⇤ , ⌦k ) . (128)

The function is such that f (0.3, 0, 0.7, 0) ' 13.5 Gyr for h ' 0.75, while f (1, 0, 0, 0) = 2/(3H0 ) = 9.3
Gyr for the same value of h. Indeed, for ⌦r = ⌦k = 0, one can rewrite the expression for the age of
the universe in a closed form. We change to the variable (1 + z 0 ) = 1/x which implies dz 0 = dx/x2 .
Therefore we get

Z 1/2
1 dx 2 1 1 + ⌦⇤
t0 = p = ln . (129)
H0 0 ⌦m /x + ⌦⇤ x2 3H0 ⌦1/2 ⌦m

It is interesting to compare these values with estimates of the ages of the oldest stars in globular
clusters, tstars ' 11.5 ± 1.3 Gyr. Clearly a universe which is dominated only by matter seems to be
inconsistent with such a measurement (unless one reduces the value of h to about 50). This was
dubbed the age crisis problem and was an indication of the fact that the universe could not contain
only matter even before the discovery of the acceleration of the universe.

Part II

Equilibrium thermodynamics
Today the radiation, or relativistic particles, in the universe is comprised of the 2.75 K microwave
photons and the three cosmic seas of about 1.96 K relic neutrinos. Because the early universe was
to a good approximation in thermal equilibrium, there should have been other relativistic particles
present, with comparable abundances. Before going on to discuss the early RD phase, we will quickly
review some basic thermodynamics.
The number density n, energy density ⇢ and pressure P of a dilute, weakly interacting gas of
particles with g internal degrees of freedom is given in terms of its phase space distribution function
f (p)

n = d3 p f (p),
⇢ = d3 p E(p) f (p),
g 3 |p|2
P = d p f (p), (130)
(2⇡)3 3E(p)

where E 2 = |p|2 + m2 . For a species in kinetic equilibrium, the phase occupancy f is given by the
familiar Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein distributions

f (p) = [exp(E µ)/T ± 1] , (131)

where µ is the chemical potential and +1 refers to Fermi-Dirac species and 1 to Bose-Einstein
species. Moreover, if the species is in chemical equilibrium, then its chemical potential µ is related
to the chemical potentials of other species with which it interacts. For example, if the species i
interacts with the species j, k and l

i + j $ k + l, (132)

then we have

µi + µj = µk + µl . (133)

From the equilibrium distributions, it follows that the number density n, energy density ⇢ and
pressure P of a species of mass m, chemical potential µ and temperature T are

Z 1
g (E 2 m2 )1/2
n = dE E ,
2⇡ 2 m exp [(E µ)/T ] ± 1
Z 1
g (E 2 m2 )1/2
⇢ = dE E 2 ,
2⇡ 2 m exp [(E µ)/T ] ± 1
Z 1
g (E 2 m2 )3/2
P = dE . (134)
6⇡ 2 m exp [(E µ)/T ] ± 1
In the relativistic limit T m and T µ we obtain

< (⇡ 2 /30)gT 4 (BOSE)
⇢ =
: (7/8)(⇡ 2 /30)gT 4 (FERMI)
< (⇣(3)/⇡ 2 )gT 3 (BOSE)
n =
: (3/4)(⇣(3)/⇡ 2 )gT 3 (FERMI)

P = ⇢/3. (135)

For a degenerate gas for which µ T we have

⇢ = (1/8⇡ 2 )gµ4 ,

n = (1/6⇡ 2 )gµ3 ,

P = (1/24⇡ 2 )gµ4 . (136)

Here ⇣(3) ' 1.2 is the Riemann zeta function of three. For a Bose-Einstein species µ > 0 indicates
the presence of a Bose condensate, which should be treated separately from the other modes. For
relativistic bosons or fermions with µ < 0 and |µ| < T , it follows that

n = exp(µ/T )(g/⇡ 2 )T 3 ,

⇢ = exp(µ/T )(3g/⇡ 2 )T 4 ,

P = exp(µ/T )(g/⇡ 2 )T 4 . (137)

In the non-relativistic limit, m T , the number density and pressure are the same for the Bose
and Fermi species

✓ ◆3/2
n = g exp[ (m µ)/T ],
⇢ = m n,

P = n T ⌧ ⇢. (138)

For a nondegenerate relativistic species, its average energy density per particle is

hEi = ⇢/n = [⇡ 4 /30⇣(3)] ' 2.7 T (BOSE),

hEi = ⇢/n = [7⇡ 4 /180⇣(3)] ' 3.15 T (FERMI). (139)

For a degenerate, relativistic species

hEi = ⇢/n = (3µ/4). (140)

Finally, for a non-relativistic particle

hEi = m + (3/2) T. (141)

The excess of a fermionic species over its antiparticle is often of interest and can be computed in the
relativistic and non-relativistic regimes. Assuming that µ+ = µ (true if the reactions like particle
+ antiparticles $ + occur rapidly), then the net fermion number is

Z 1
n+ n = dE E(E 2 m2 )1/2
2⇡ 2 m

1 1

exp[(E µ)/T ] + 1 exp[(E + µ)/T ] + 1

gT 3 2 ⇣ µ ⌘ ⇣ µ ⌘3
= ⇡ + (T m),
6⇡ 2 T T
= 2g(mT /2⇡)3/2 sinh(µ/T ) exp( m/T ) (T ⌧ m). (142)

The total energy density and pressure of all species in equilibrium can be expressed in terms of the
photon temperature T

X ✓ ◆4 Z 1
4 Ti gi (u2 x2i )1/2 u2
⇢r = T du ,
T 2⇡ 2 xi exp(u yi ) ± 1
all species
X ✓ ◆4 Z 1
Ti gi (u2 x2i )3/2
Pr = T 4 du , (143)
T 6⇡ 2 xi exp(u yi ) ± 1
all species

where xi = mi /T and yi = µi /T and we have taken into account the possibility that the species
have a di↵erent temperature than the photons.
Since the energy density and pressure of non-relativistic species is exponentially smaller than
that of relativistic species, it is a very good approximation to include only the relativistic species in
the sums and we obtain

⇢r = 3Pr = g⇤ (T ) T 4 , (144)

X ✓ ◆4 ✓ ◆4
Ti 7 X Ti
g⇤ (T ) = gi + gi , (145)
T 8 T
bosons fermions

counts the e↵ective total number of relativistic degrees of freedom in the plasma. For instance, for
T ⌧ MeV, the only relativistic species are the three neutrinos with T⌫ = (4/11)1/3 T (see below)
and g⇤ (⌧ MeV) ' 3.36. For 100 MeV > ⇠ T >
⇠ 1 MeV, the electron and positron are additional
relativistic degrees of freedom and T⌫ = T and g⇤ ' 10.75. For T >
⇠ 300 GeV, all the species of the
Standard Model (SM) are in equilibrium: 8 gluons, W ± , Z, three generations of quarks and leptons
and one complex Higgs field and g⇤ ' 106.75.
During early RD phase when ⇢ ' ⇢r and supposing that g⇤ ' constant, we have that the Hubble
rate is

8⇡GN 8⇡ ⇢r 8⇡ ⇡ 2
H2 = ⇢r = 2 = 4
2 30 g⇤ (T ) T , (146)
3 3 MPl 3MPl
2 and M ' 1.2 · 1019 GeV is the Planck mass. We get therefore
where GN = 1/MPl Pl

1/2 T2
H ' 1.66 g⇤ (147)
and the corresponding time is, being H ' 1/2t 1,

✓ ◆ 2
1/2 MPl T
t ' 0.3 g⇤ ' sec. (148)
T2 MeV

4 Entropy
Throughout most of the history of the universe the reaction rates of particles in the thermal bath
were much greater than the expansion rate of the universe and local thermal equilibrium (LTE) was
attained. In this case the entropy per comoving volume element remains constant. The entropy
in a comoving volume provides a very useful quantity during the expansion of the universe. The
second law of thermodynamics applied to a comoving volume element of unit coordinate volume and
physical volume V = a3 , implies that (we assume small chemical potentials)

T dS = d(⇢V ) + P dV = d[(⇢ + P )V ] V dP. (149)

The integrability condition

@2S @2S
= (150)
@T @V @V @T
relates the energy density and pressure

T = ⇢ + P, (151)
or, equivalently,

dP = dT. (152)
We therefore obtain from Eq. (149) that

1 dT (⇢ + P )V
dS = d[(⇢ + P )V ] (⇢ + P )V 2 = d + const. . (153)
That is, up to an additional constant, the entropy per comoving volume is

(⇢ + P )
S = a3 . (154)
Recall that the first law (energy conservation) can be written as

d[(⇢ + P )V ] = V dP. (155)

Thus substituting (152) in Eq. (155), we obtain

(⇢ + P )V
d = 0. (156)
This implies that in thermal equilibrium the entropy per comoving volume V , S, is conserved. It is
useful to define the entropy density s as

S ⇢+P
s= = . (157)
It is dominated by the relativistic degrees of freedom and to a very good approximation

2⇡ 2
s= g⇤S T 3 , (158)

X ✓ ◆3 ✓ ◆3
Ti 7 X Ti
g⇤S = g⇤ (T ) = gi + gi , (159)
T 8 T
bosons fermions

For most of the history of the universe, all particles had the same temperature and one replace
therefore g⇤S with g⇤ . Note also that s is proportional to the number density of relativistic degrees
of freedom and in particular it can be related to the photon number density n

s ' 1.8g⇤S n . (160)

Today s0 ' 7.04n The conservation of S implies that s ⇠ a 3

,0 . and therefore

g⇤S T 3 a3 = constant (161)

during the evolution of the universe and that the number density of a given species Y = a3 n can be
written as

Y = . (162)
For a bosonic species in thermal equilibrium (for a fermionic species one needs to multiply the
relativistic expression by 3/4)

Y = (T m),
2⇡ 4 g⇤S
Y = p (m/T )3/2 exp( m/T + µ/T ) (T ⌧ m). (163)
4 2⇡⇡ 3 g⇤S
If the number of a given species in a comoving volume is not changing, i.e. particles are neither
created nor destroyed, then Y remains constant at a given temperature. For instance, as long as
the baryon number processes are out-of-equilibrium, then nb /s is conserved. Although ⌘ = nb /n =
1.8g⇤S (nb /s), the baryon number-to-photon ratio does not remain constant with time because g⇤S
changes. During the era of e± annihilations, the number density of photons per comoving volume
increases by a factor 11/4, so that ⌘ decreases by the same factor. After the time of e± annihilations,
however, g⇤S is constant and ⌘ ' 7nb /s and nb /s can be used interchangeably.
The second fact, that S = g⇤S T 3 a3 = constant, implies that the temperature of the universe
evolves as

1/3 1
T ⇠ g⇤S a . (164)
1. 1/3
When g⇤S is constant one gets the familiar result T ⇠ a The factor g⇤S enters because whenever
a particle species becomes non-relativistic and disappears from the plasma, its entropy is transferred
to the other relativistic particles in the thermal plasma causing T to decrease slightly less slowly
(sometimes it is said, but in a wrong way, that the universe slightly reheats up).

Massless particles that are decoupled from the heat bath will not share such a entropy transfer
when another species becomes more massive than the temperature of the plasma. On the contrary
the temperature of such a decoupled particles scales like a 1 if it is massless and like a 2 if it is
massive. Indeed, consider a massless particles initially in LTE which decouples at some time tD ,
temperature TD and scale factor aD . The phase distribution at decoupling is given by its equilibrium

f (p, tD ) = [exp(E/TD ) ± 1] . (165)

After decoupling the energy density of each massless particle is redshifted by the expansion of the
universe as E(t) = E(tD )aD /a. In addition, the number density of particles decreases due to the
expansion of the universe as n ⇠ a 3. As a result, the phase space distribution f (p) = d3 n/d3 p at
time t will be precisely that of a species in LTE with temperature

⇣a ⌘
that is

✓ ◆  ✓ ◆ 1
a Ea 1
f (p, t) = f p , tD = exp ±1 = [exp (E/T ) ± 1] . (167)
aD a D TD
Next, consider the phase distribution of massive particle such that m TD . The momentum of
each particle redshift away as a 1, from which it follows that its kinetic energy redshifts away as
a 2. Further, the number density of particles decreases as a 3. Owing to both these e↵ects, such
decoupled species will have precisely an equilibrium phase space distribution characterized by the

⇣ a ⌘2
and chemical potential

µ(t) = m + (µD m)T /TD (169)

which insures that the number density of particles scales like a 3. While particles that decoupled
when they are strictly relativistic or non-relativistic at decoupling maintain an equilibrium distribu-
tion, this is not true for particles for which TD ' m, the phase space distribution does not maintain
an equilibrium form in the absence of interactions.

Lastly, an important quantity is the entropy within a horizon volume: SHOR ⇠ H 3T 3; during
the RD epoch H ⇠ T 2 /MPl , so that
✓ ◆3
SHOR ⇠ . (170)

From this we will shortly conclude that at early times the comoving volume that encompasses all
that we can see today (that is a region as larger as our present horizon) was comprised of a very
large number of causally disconnected regions.

5 Brief thermal history of the universe

In the strictest sense and mathematical sense it is not possible for the universe to be in thermal
equilibrium , as in the FRW cosmological model there is no time-killing vector. For practical pur-
poses, however, the universe has much of its history been very close to equilibrium. Needless to
say the departures from thermal equilibrium are very important, indeed all the phenomena we will
study in detail are due to out-of-equilibrium conditions. Examples are the production of the baryon
asymmetry, the freeze-out of DM particles, the generation of the CMB radiation:


The key to understand the thermal history of the universe is the comparison of particle reaction
rates with the expansion rate of the universe. Ignoring the temperature variation due to g⇤S and
assuming that T ⇠ a 1, the rate of change of the temperature is Ṫ /T = H. So, as long as the
interactions necessary for particle distribution functions to adjust to the changing temperature are
rapid compared to the expansion rate, the universe will evolve through a succession of nearly thermal
states with temperature decreasing with a 1.

A useful rule of thumb is that a reaction is occurring rapidly enough if its rate satisfies the

⇠ H. (171)

Let us elaborate about this point further. Let = n |v| the interaction rate for n number of
targets, cross section and relative velocity v. The criterion for equilibrium is that the number of
interactions within a given time t is larger than unity

Z 1
Nint = dt0 (t0 ) >
⇠ 1. (172)

If ⇠ n,
0T then we have

dt0 0 1/2 0 (n
Nint = dT (T 0 ) ' 0.6g⇤ MPl dT 0 0T
0 dT 0 0
0.6g⇤ n 2 1
= MPl 0T ' > 1, (173)
n 2 (n 2) H ⇠
where we have assumed that the universe was in the RD phase. We remind the reader though
that the condition <
⇠ H is not a sufficient condition for a departure from thermal equilibrium to
occur: a massless, non-interacting particle species once in thermal equilibrium will forever mantain
an equilibrium distribution with T ⇠ a 1. The correct way to evolve particle distributions is to
integrate the corresponding Boltzmann equations, this will be done in the following. For the time
being we will use the criterion (171). So, was the universe always in thermal equilibrium? Let us
suppose that the universe was very hot and full of relativistic particles and let us suppose that the
interaction rate was

↵2 3 ↵
= n |v| ' T 3 ·
· 1 ' T · ' ↵2 T, (174)
E2 T2
where ↵ = O(10 1 ) represents the typical strength of an interaction. Equilibrium is attained if

2 T2
1/2 T
↵2 T >
⇠ 1.66g⇤ M ⇠ 10 M ) T <
⇠ 10
1 2
↵ MPl ' 1015 GeV. (175)
Pl Pl
Therefore, we learn that the universe must have been out-of-equilibrium around the temperature of
Grand Unification. This is something to account for when dealing with the early universe phenomena
as such high temperatures. Now, consider interactions mediated by some heavy particle X (say a
heavy gauge boson) at temperatures below its mass mX . Then ⇠ G2X T 5 , where GX ⇠ gX
2 /m2
and gX is the typical coupling at hand. In such a case /H ⇠ G2X MPl T 3 and therefore for mX >

2/3 1/3 4/3
T ⇠ GX MPl ⇠ (mX /100 GeV) MeV such interactions occurs rapidly.
At the earliest time, the universe was a plasma of relativistic degrees of freedom including
quarks, leptons, gauge bosons, and Higgs bosons. If current high energy physics theories are correct,
a number of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) phase transitions occurred in the early universe,
e.g the one at the Grand Unified scale and at the electroweak symmetry breaking at about 102
GeV. During these SSB phase transitions some of the gauge bosons and other particles acquire
mass via the Higgs mechanism and the full symmetry of the theory is broken down to a lower
symmetry. For instance for the electroweak phase transition the symmetry pattern is SU (3)c ⌦
SU (2)L ⌦ ⌦U (1)Y ! SU (3)c ⌦ U (1)em . This happens at times ⇠ 10 10 sec. Subsequent to these
transitions the associated gauge bosons become massive and the interactions they mediate will go
2/3 1/3
out-of-equilibrium at temperatures of the order of GX MPl .

At temperatures of about 102 MeV, at t ⇠ 10 5 MeV, the universe should undergo transition
associated to the chiral symmetry breaking and color confinement, the so-called quark-gluon phase
transition. After it the strongly interacting particles are color-singlet quark-triplets (baryons) and
color-singlet quark-antiquark states (mesons).
The epoch of primordial nucleosynthesis follows when t ⇠ 10 2 sec and T ⇠ 1 MeV. At present,
primordial nucleosynthesis is the earliest test of standard cosmology. At the time of about 1011
sec the matter density becomes equal to the radiation density (equality epoch) and this marks the
beginning of the MD phase and of the period of structure formation. At the time of about 1013
sec ions and electron combine to form atoms and matter and radiation decouple (last scattering or
recombination epoch) ending the era of near thermal equilibrium that existed in the early universe.
The surface of last scattering for the CMB radiation is the universe itself at decoupling. We will
now discuss some of these events in detail.

Figure 5: Schematic picture of the history of the universe.

6 Neutrino decoupling
The phenomenon of neutrino decoupling of a massless species is nicely illustrated by considering
the decoupling of massless neutrinos. In the early universe neutrinos are kept in equilibrium via
interactions of the sort

⌫¯⌫ $ e+ e , ⌫e $ ⌫e, etc. (176)

The cross section for such reactions is given by ' G2F T 2 , where GF is the Fermi constant. The
number density of targets is n ⇠ T 3 . The reactions rate (per neutrinos) is therefore

⌫ ' G2F T 5 . (177)

This gives

✓ ◆3
⌫ G2 T 5 T
' 2F ' . (178)
H T /MPl MeV
Thus at temperatures of the order of a MeV, neutrinos decouple from the thermal bath. Below
⇠ 1 MeV, the neutrino temperature scales like a 1. Shortly after neutrino decoupling, when the
temperature drops below the mass of the electron, the entropy of the e± pairs is transferred to the
photons, but not to the decoupled neutrinos. For T >
⇠ me , the particle species in thermal equilibrium
with the photons include the photons, the e± pairs for a value of g⇤ of

7 11
g⇤ (T >
⇠ me ) = 2 + 8 · 4 = 2 . (179)

At temperatures T <
⇠ me one is left with only photons and therefore

g⇤ (T <
⇠ me ) = 2. (180)

Since entropy conservation dictates that g⇤S (T a)3 remains constant, the entropy transfers increases
(T a) by a factor

 1/3 ✓ ◆1/3
g⇤ (T >
⇠ me ) 11
= . (181)
g⇤ (T <
⇠ me ) 4
As neutrinos do not share such entropy release, their temperature today must be smaller than the
one of photons by the same amount
✓ ◆1/3
T⌫ = T . (182)

In particular today the neutrino sea should have a temperature of the order

✓ ◆1/3
4 2/75 K
T⌫,0 = T ,0 = ' 1.96 K. (183)
11 1.4

Using this result we can compute g⇤ and g⇤S today (assuming three almost massless neutrino species)

✓ ◆4/3
7 4
g⇤ (today) = 2 + · 2 · 3 · ' 3.36,
8 11
✓ ◆
7 4
g⇤S (today) = 2 + · 2 · 3 · ' 3.91. (184)
8 11

Figure 6: The illustration of neutrino decoupling.

Note that, since T⌫ 6= T , the g⇤S and g⇤ are not equal. Furthermore, the entropy of the neutrino sea
and photon sea are separately conserved. Using these results, we can compute the present energy
density and entropy density

⇢r = g⇤ T04 = 8.09 · 10 34 g cm 3
⌦r h2 = 4.31 · 10 5 ,
2⇡ 2
s0 = g⇤S T03 ' 2970 cm 3 ,
2⇣(3) 3
n = T ' 422 cm 3 . (185)
⇡2 0

7 Matter-radiation equality
If we define by ⇢m the total energy density in matter, the today ⇢m = 1.88 · 10 29 ⌦ 2 3,
mh gr cm
where ⌦m,0 is the fraction of the critical density contributed to matter. Using (185) and the fact
that ⇢r /⇢m ⇠ a0 /a = (1 + z), then follows that the redshift, time and temperature of equal matter

Figure 7: The scalings of radiation and matter determine the matter-radiation equality epoch.

and radiation energy densities are (setting a0 = 1)

1 + zeq = = 2.32 · 104 ⌦m h2 ,
Teq = T0 (1 + zeq ) = 5.5 ⌦m h2 eV,
teq = H 1 ⌦ 1/2 (1 + zeq ) 3/2 ' 1.4 · 103 (⌦m h2 ) 2
3 0 m
keq = aeq Heq = H0 ⌦1/2
m 1/2
' 152.3H0 (⌦m h). (186)

Notice that we have neglected the period of DE domination in these estimates.

8 Photon decoupling and recombination

In the early universe the matter and radiation were in good thermal contact because of the rapid
interactions between the photons and the electrons. However, eventually the density of free electrons
became too low to maintain thermal contact and matter and radiation decoupled. Roughly speaking
this occurs when ' H, or equivalently when the mean free path of photons ⇠ 1 became
larger than the Hubble distance.
The interaction rate of photons is given by

= ne T, (187)

where ne is the number of electrons and is the Thomson cross section, ' 6.65 ⇥ 10 25 cm2 .

The equilibrium abundance of free electrons is determined by the Saha equation. The derivation of
the Saha equation will be a warm up for the calculation of elemental abundances in nuclear statistical
equilibrium in the next section.
Let nH , np and ne denote the number densities of hydrogen, free protons and free electrons,
respectively. We will ignore the 4 He nucleus per 10 protons and assume that all baryons in the
universe are in the form of protons. The charge density of the universe implies np = ne and baryon
number conservation implies nb = np + nH . In thermal equilibrium at temperatures smaller than
mi we have

✓ ◆3/2 ✓ ◆
mi T µi mi
ni = g i exp , (188)
2⇡ T
where i = e, p, H. In chemical equilibrium, the process p+e ! H + guarantees that µp +µe = µH .
The factor µH in nH can be expressed in terms of µe and µp which, in turn, can be expressed in
terms of np and ne

✓ ◆ 3/2
gH me T
nH = np ne exp (B/T ) , (189)
ge gp 2⇡

B = mp + me mH = 13.6 eV, (190)

is the binding energy of hydrogen. In the pre-exponential factor, we have set mH = mp . In terms of
the total baryon number density, the fractional ionization is

Xe = . (191)
Using gp = ge = 2 and gH = 4, with nb = ⌘n , the equation for nH gives the equilibrium fractional

p ✓ ◆3/2
1 Xeeq 4 2⇣(3) T
2 = p ⌘ exp (B/T ) . (192)
(Xeeq ) ⇡ me

This is the Saha equation for the equilibrium ionization fraction. The baryon-to-photon ratio ⌘ is
related to the baryon density by ⌘ = (⌦b h2 )2.68 · 10 8 and the temperature is related to the redshift
by T = (1 + z)2.75 K. Using these relations one can solve Eq. (192) for various values of ⌦b h2 .

Figure 8: The equilibrium ionization fraction as a function of (1 + z).

Defining recombination when 90% of the electrons have combined with protons, recombination takes
place at a redshift of about 1300 for the currently value of ⌦b h2 .
The equilibrium ionization is only appropriate to use when the equilibrium is maintained, i.e.
when the reaction rate for p + e $ H + is greater than the expansion rate. This question will
bet treated later and we anticipate that the equilibrium ionization is maintained till (1 + zls ) ' 1100
and that the residual ionization fraction is

X1 ' 3 · 10 ⌦m /⌦b h. (193)

The temperature of recombination therefore reads

Tls = T ,0 (1 + zls ) ' 3030 K ' 0.26 eV. (194)

Assuming that the universe was matter dominated at recombination, the age of the universe at
recombination is

tls ' H0 1 ⌦m1/2 (1 + zls ) 3/2
' 5.4 · 1012 (⌦m h2 ) 1/2
sec. (195)
Notice that we have neglected again the period of DE domination in these estimates. Recombination
occurs at a temperature of about 0.26 eV, not at T ⇠ B ⇠ 13.6 eV. This is due to the small value of
prefactors in front to exp(B/T ) in Eq. (8). The large entropy (small ⌘) and (T /me )3/2 factor result
in Tls being much less than the binding energy of hydrogen. Physically, this is due to the fact that
the number of photons is huge compared to protons and electrons and therefore it is easy for them

to photodissociate a hydrogen atom even at temperatures below 13.6 eV. In finishing the discussion
of this period, we would like to emphasize that there are at least three events in this epoch: the
recombination of matter, the decoupling of radiation and the freeze-in of the residual ionization.
In the following we will neglect the di↵erence among these three events and loosely use the term
recombination and last scattering interchangeably.

9 The baryon number of the universe

The baryon number of the universe is nB = (nb nb̄ ), that is the di↵erence between the number
of baryons and antibaryon number densities. Today, all evidence suggest that there are only a few
antibaryons in the universe and that only baryons present are nucleons, so

nB = nb = nN = 1.13 · 10 (⌦b h2 ) cm 3
. (196)

As discussed earlier, the ratio nb /s corresponds to the net baryon number in a comoving volume and
is conserved in the absence of baryon number violating processes. Since the ratio serves to quantify
baryon number, we define the baryon number of the universe to be

nb 1 8
' ⌘ ' 3.81 · 10 (⌦b h2 ). (197)
s 7
As we will discuss in the next chapter, primordial nucleosynthesis constrains ⌘ in the interval (4 to
7)·10 10 , corresponding to nb /s ' (6 to 10)·10 11 . The inverse of nb /s , of the order of 1010 is the
entropy per baryon, we live in a very high entropy universe.

10 The universe budget

Armed with an expressions for the energy density of a given species, and a knowledge of how it
evolves in time, we can now tackle quantitatively the question of how much energy is contributed
by the di↵erent components of the universe.

10.1 Photons
The temperature of the CMB photons has been measured extraordinarily precisely by the FIRAS
instrument aboard the COBE satellite, T0 = 2.725 ± 0.002 K. The associated density in unity of the
critical energy density is

⇡ 2 T04 2.47 · 10 5
⌦ = = . (198)
15⇢c h2

10.2 Baryons
Unlike the CMB, baryons cannot be simply described as a gas with a temperature and zero chemical
potential. Therefore, the baryon density must be measured directly, not via a temperature. There
are now four established ways of measuring the baryon density, and these all seem to agree reasonably
well. These are all measurements at di↵erent redshifts, and we know that the density scales as a 3.

The simplest way is to observe the baryons today in galaxies. The greatest contribution to the
density, though, comes not from stars in galaxies, but rather from gas in groups of galaxies. In these
groups, ⌦b is about 0.02. The second way to count baryons is by looking at the spectra of distant
quasars. The amount of light absorbed from these baryons is a measure of the intervening hydrogen,
and hence the baryon density. These estimates suggest ⌦b h1.5 ' 0.02 with a fairly large uncertainty.
A third method is to infer the baryon density by careful scrutiny of the anisotropies in the universe.
As we will see, these depend on the baryon density. This technique gives roughly ⌦b h2 ' 0.024.
Finally, the light element abundances are sensitive to the baryon density, and this estimate of these
abundances pins down ⌦b ' 0.020 ± 0.0018 in agreement with other measurements.

10.3 Matter
Measuring the baryon density mentioned above involve the interaction of matter and radiation. For
example, simply counting stars, works at some level because we roughly know how much mass is
required to output the light from a typical star. What astronomers actually do is measure mass-
to-light ratios for galaxies (or parts thereof), and then calculate h⇢i = hM/LiL where L is the
luminosity density. There are, however, methods of measuring the mass of matter that do not rely
on the way light and matter interact. These classically have involved measuring the gravitational
field in a given system, thereby inferring information about the mass responsible for that field.
Therefore, measuring the mass o by dynamical means involves detecting the gravitational e↵ect of
the mass in the galaxy in one way or another. The simplest way is to use Kepler’s third law

GN M (r) = v 2 r, (199)

where v is the orbital velocity at a distance r from the center of the galaxy, M (r) is the mass
interior to r, and spherical symmetry is assumed. Applying this technique to spiral galaxies (taking
the measured rotational velocity to be v), and taking r to be the radius within which most of the light

emitted by the galaxy is emitted, one finds that the fraction of critical density directly associated
with light is

⌦lum ' 0.01 or less. (200)

When astronomers extended this technique to distances beyond the point where the light from a
galaxy e↵ectively ceases (by observing the rare stars, or 21 cm emission from neutral hydrogen, or
HI, gas clouds) they found that M (r) continued to increase. If the mass associated with the light
were the whole story, v would decrease as 1/r beyond the point where the light and mass cut o↵;
rather they found v ' constant, corresponding to M (r) ⇠ r. By definition, the additional mass is

Figure 9: Rotation curves determined from 21 cm observations.

dark, i.e. there is no detectable radiation associated with it. Further, there is no convincing evidence
for a rotation curve that turns over indicating the total mass associated with a spiral galaxy has yet
to be found. There is additional evidence that the dark matter is roughly spherically distributed,
implying that ⇢m ⇠ r 2. Rotation curve measurements indicate that virtually all spiral galaxies
have a dark, di↵use halo associated with them which contributes at least three to ten times the mass
of the visible matter

⌦halo >
⇠ 0.1 ' 10 ⌦lum . (201)

Note that a comparison of the lower limit to the baryon density based upon primordial nucleosyn-
thesis and CMB anisotropies already suggests that there is dark baryonic matter. This is not a
great surprise, as there are a variety of forms that baryons can take that are not luminous, such

Jupiters, white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes. Various considerations though lead us to think
that they are not enough to close the gap. Recently a number of other techniques for inferring
the matter density have emerged. We will see later on that that the distribution of galaxies in the
universe, in particular the power spectrum of this distribution, is very sensitive to ⌦m h. Virtually
all galaxy surveys have indicated ⌦m h ' 0.2. Another way of measuring the total mass density is
to pick out observations sensitive to ⌦b /⌦m and use the apparent value of ⌦b to infer the matter
density. For example, most of the baryonic mass in a galaxy cluster is in the form of hot gas. The
ratio of the mass of gas in clusters of galaxies to the total mass can be measured either by looking
for X-ray emission or by looking at the electron-heated CMB in the direction of the cluster. If this
ratio is characteristic of the universe as a whole, and it probably is, because clusters are so large,
then the cosmic baryon to matter ratio is around 20%. Since baryons make up only about 5% of
the critical density, the total matter density is inferred to be about 0.25. Another way of inferring
the baryon/matter ratio is by looking for features in the power spectrum of galaxies; if the baryon
fraction is truly of order 20%, then there will be wiggles in the spectrum, see later. These pin down
⌦b /⌦m = 0.15 ± 0.07, consistent with the cluster observations. Finally, the anisotropies in the CMB
are sensitive to the matter density ⌦m h2 . Recent determinations indicate ⌦m h2 = 0.16±0.04. Given
the fact that current best estimates of the Hubble constant give h ' 0.72, the CMB observations
also are consistent with a matter density equal to 30% of the critical density. We therefore have an
enormous amount of evidence telling us that the baryon density is of order 5% the critical density,
while the total matter density is some five times larger. Most of the matter in the universe must
not be baryons. It must be some new form of matter: dark matter. Let us also mention, and this
will be come more clear in the following, that dark matter is necessary to drive the formation of
structure in the universe. If dark matter were not present, and since baryons decouple from the
photon fluid too late, there would not be enough time for the structures to form and develop. DM
creates gravitational wells where the baryons, once liberated from the photon pressure, can fall in
and develop structure formation.

10.4 Neutrinos
Unlike photons and baryons, cosmic neutrinos have not been observed, so arguments about their
contribution to the energy density are necessarily theoretical. However, these theoretical arguments
are quite strong, based on very well-understood physics. We know from neutrino oscillations exper-
iments that neutrinos do have mass, but probably in the range m⌫ ⇠ ( 2 )1/2 ⇠ 0.07 eV. As we

will show later, a two-degrees of freedom neutrino will give

⇣ m⌫ ⌘
⌦⌫ ⌫¯ h2 ' 0.0007 . (202)
0.07 eV
One could hope to detect a trace amount, corresponding to masses smaller than an eV by observing
its e↵ect on large-scale structure.

10.5 Dark energy

There are two sets of evidence pointing toward the existence of something else, something beyond the
radiation and matter itemized above. The first comes from a simple budgetary shortfall. The total
energy density of the universe is very close to critical. We expect this theoretically from inflation
and we observe it in the anisotropy pattern of the CMB. Yet, the total matter density inferred from
observations is only a third critical. The remaining two-thirds of the density in the universe must
be in some smooth, unclustered form, dubbed dark energy (DE). The second set of evidence is more
direct. Given the energy composition of the universe, one can compute a theoretical distance vs
redshift diagram. This relation can then be tested observationally.
The direct evidence for the current acceleration of the universe is related to the observation of
luminosity distances of high redshift supernovae and it came in 1998. The apparent magnitude m of
the source with an absolute magnitude M is related to the luminosity distance dL via the relation
✓ ◆
m M = 5 log10 + 25. (203)
This comes from taking the logarithm of Eq. (57) by noting that m and M are related to the
logarithms of F and L, respectively. The numerical factors arise because of conventional definitions
of m and M in astronomy. Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) can be observed when white dwarf stars
exceed the mass of the Chandrasekhar limit and explode. The belief is that SN Ia are formed in
the same way irrespective of where they are in the universe, which means that they have a common
absolute magnitude M independent of the redshift z. Thus they can be treated as an ideal standard
candle. We can measure the apparent magnitude m and the redshift z observationally, which of
course depends upon the objects we observe.
In order to get a feeling of the phenomenon let us consider two supernovae 1992P at low-redshift
z = 0.026 with m = 16.08 and 1997ap at high-redshift z = 0.83 with m = 24.32. As we have already
mentioned, the luminosity distance is approximately given by dL (z) ' z/H0 for z ⌧ 1. Using
the apparent magnitude m = 16.08 of 1992P at z = 0.026, we find that the absolute magnitude
is estimated by M = 19.09 from Eq. (203). Here we adopted the value H0 1 = 2998h 1 Mpc

with h = 0.72. Then the luminosity distance of 1997ap is obtained by substituting m = 24.32 and
M = 19.09 for Eq. (203), H0 dL ' 1.16 for z = 0.83. The theoretical estimate for the luminosity

distance in a two-component flat universe is H0 dL ' 0.95 for ⌦m ' 1 and H0 dL ' 1.23 for ⌦m ' 0.3
and ⌦⇤ ' 0.7. In 2004 it was observationally showed that the universe exhibited a transition




Figure 10: The luminosity distance versus redshift for a flat cosmological model.

from deceleration to acceleration at > 99% confidence level. A best-fit value of ⌦m was found to
be ⌦m = 0.29+0.05
0.03 (the error bar is 1 ). This shows that a MD universe without a cosmological
constant does not fit the data. We should emphasize that the accelerated expansion is by cosmological
standards really a late-time phenomenon, starting at a redshift z ⇠ 1. For the two-component flat
cosmology, the universe enters an accelerating phase (q < 0) for z < zc ⌘ (2⌦⇤ /⌦m )1/3 1. When
⌦m = 0.3 and ⌦⇤ = 0.7, we have zc = 0.67. The problem of why an accelerated expansion should
occur now in the long history of the universe is called the coincidence problem. Once the idea
of the accelerating universe is accepted, the next pressing question is: Why? There are various
explanations available that we may mention briefly. The general trend is to accept that there is a
form of DE fluid dominating the energy density of the present day. Its pressure is P = w⇢ and w
needs to be smaller than 1/3 for this fluid to cause the acceleration. Having learned how to use
scalar fields to accelerate the universe at primordial epochs, the most natural way to explain DE
would be to introduce a scalar field dubbed quintessence, with potential

No Big Bang

vacuum energy density
(cosmological constant)

Target Statistical Uncertainty
expands forever
recollapses eventua
0 Maxima

Clusters d


0 1 2 3
mass density

Figure 11: The dark energy (vacuum energy) and dark matter (mass density) abundances from
SN, CMB, and galaxy clustering observations.

V( ) = V0 + V ( ), (204)

Now, if V0 V ( ) (at least at present epochs), the DE is in practice a cosmological constant. Its
value must be extremely small, V0 ' (H0 MPl )1/2 ' 10 3 eV. Why it is so small is a mystery
that earned the name the CC problem’. On the other hand, if V0 ⌧ V ( ), then the dynamics of
the quintessence field dominates. However, another problem arises at this stage. Having learned
from inflation that the field must be slow-rolling to cause the acceleration of the universe, we have to
2 V 00 /V ) is smaller than unity. This implies that
assume that (MPl is of order of the Planck scale and

that its mass squared is such that V 00 ⇠ H02 ⇠ (10 33 eV)2 . The quintessence field has a Compton
wavelength as large as the entire observed universe.
If the reader does not like all this fine-tuning, there are at least two other explanations for the
acceleration of the universe. The first one goes under the name of modified gravity and is in fact
rather intuitive. If gravity gets weaker at large distances, objects far from us may recede at a velocity
larger than what they would do in the traditional Newtonian gravity case. For this to work, we have
to suppose that the gravitational force has a transient at some critical (and cosmological) scale rc ,
from the usual 1/r2 to, say, 1/r3 . How to get this transition is unfortunately beyond the scope of
these lectures. Another alternative goes under the name of the anthropic principle and is based
on the following point. As we shall see, in a static universe, overdense regions will increase their
density at an exponential rate. In an expanding universe, however, there is a competition between
the expansion and the gravitational collapse. More rapid expansion, as induced by DE, retards the
growth of structure. General Relativity provides the following useful relation in linear perturbation
theory between the growth factor D(a) and the expansion history of the universe (we will derive it)

D̈ + 2H Ḋ = ⌦m H 2 D. (205)
If the universe is always matter-dominated, then D ⇠ a; however, in a DE dominated universe D
scales slower than the scale factor. Now, if the cosmological constant is too large, structure does
not have time to develop: the initial condition is ⇢m /⇢m ⇠ 10 5 at the last scattering surface
(z ⇠ 103 ) and ⇢m /⇢m needs to become order unity by now. Now, if we impose that structures
might have been able to develop by now even in the presence of a cosmological constant , one
1/4 1
obtains a reassuring bound, the CC V0 must be smaller than about 10 eV. In other words, the
cosmological constant may not be far from the value we observe (if it is non-zero) because otherwise
we would not be here to discuss about it. A great deal of observational e↵ort of the next decades
will be devoted to understand the cause of the acceleration of the universe. Four observational
techniques are currently receiving much attention: 1) baryon acoustic oscillations are observed on
large-scale surveys of the spatial distribution of matter. They are caused, as we shall see, by the
same oscillations that left an imprint in the CMB under the form of acoustic peaks. The technique
is sensitive to the DE through its e↵ect on the angular-diameter distance vs. redshift relation and
through its e↵ect on the time evolution of the expansion rate; 2) galaxy cluster surveys measure
the spatial density and distribution of galaxy clusters. This technique is sensitive to DE through
its e↵ect in the angular-diameter distance vs. redshift relation and through its e↵ect on the time
evolution of the expansion rate and the growth rate of perturbations; 3) supernovae as standard
candles to determine the luminosity distance vs. redshift relation; 4) weak lensing surveys measure

the distortion of background images due to the bending of light as it passes by galaxies or clusters
of galaxies. This technique is sensitive to DE through its e↵ect on the angular-diameter distance
versus redshift relation and the growth rate of perturbations. All these techniques will not only shed
light on the nature of DE, but will also help us to discriminate the various possibilities to explain
the present-day acceleration. For instance, the modified gravity scenario predicts a growth function
which is di↵erent from the one predicted in a CC dominated universe. Future applications of the
techniques briefly summarized above should be able to determine which scenario is more likely.

Part III

Beyond equilibrium
The very early universe was hot and dense. As a result, interactions among particles occurred
much more frequently than they do today. Nonetheless, there were times when reactions could
not proceed rapidly enough to maintain equilibrium conditions. As we have already emphasized,
these times are of the utmost interest to cosmologists today. Indeed, we will see in this section
that out-of-equilibrium phenomena played a role in the formation of the light elements during Big
Bang nucleosynthesis, in recombination and in production of dark matter in the early universe. It
is important to understand that all these phenomena are the result of nonequilibrium physics and
that all three can be studied with the same formalism: the Boltzmann equation.

11 Boltzmann equation for annihilation

The Boltzmann equation formalizes the statement that the rate of change in the abundance of a
given particle is the di↵erence between the rates for producing and eliminating that species. Suppose
that we are interested in the number density n1 of a species 1. For simplicity, let us suppose that
the only process a↵ecting the abundance of this species is an annihilation with species 2 producing
two particles, imaginatively called 3 and 4. Schematically,

1 + 2 $ 3 + 4, (206)

that is particle 1 and particle 2 can annihilate producing particles 3 and 4, or the inverse process
can produce 1 and 2. The Boltzmann equation for this system in an expanding universe is

3) Z Z Z Z
3 d(n1 a d 3 p1 d 3 p2 d 3 p3 d 3 p4
a =
dt (2⇡)3 2E1 (2⇡)3 2E2 (2⇡)3 2E3 (2⇡)3 2E4
⇥ (2⇡)4 D (p1 + p2 p3 p4 ) D (E1 + E2 E3 E4 )|M|2

⇥ [f3 f4 (1 ± f1 )(1 ± f2 ) f1 f2 (1 ± f3 )(1 ± f4 )] . (207)

In the absence of interactions, the left-hand side of Eq. (207) says that the density times the scale
factor cubed is conserved. This reflects the nature of the expanding universe: as the comoving grid
expands, the volume of a region containing a fixed number of particles grows as a3 . Therefore, the
physical number density of these particles falls o↵ as a 3.

Interactions are included in the right-hand side of the Boltzmann equation. Let us consider the
interaction term starting from the last line and moving up. Putting aside the (1 ± f ) terms on the
last line, we see that the rate of producing species 1 is proportional to the occupation numbers of
species 3 and 4, f3 and f4 . Similarly the loss term is proportional to f1 f2 . The (1 ± f ) terms, with
plus sign for bosons such as photons and minus sign for fermions such as electrons, represent the
phenomena of Bose enhancement and Pauli blocking. If particles of type 1 already exist, a reaction
producing more such particles is more likely to occur if 1 is a boson and less likely if a fermion. We
have suppressed the momentum dependence of f , but of course all the occupation numbers depend
on the corresponding momentum, e.g. f1 = f1 (p1 ). Moving upward, the Dirac delta functions on
the second line in Eq. (207) enforce energy and momentum conservation; the factors of (2⇡) are
the result of moving from discrete Kronecker deltas to the continuous Dirac version. The energies
here are related to the momenta via E = p2 + m2 . The amplitude on the second line, M, is
determined from the fundamental physics in question. For example, if we were interested in the
Compton scattering of electrons o↵ of photons, M would be proportional to ↵, the fine structure
constant. In almost all cases of interest, this amplitude is reversible, identical for 1 + 2 ! 3 + 4
and 3 + 4 ! 1 + 2. Indeed, reversibility has been assumed in Eq. (207). The last two lines of Eq.
(207) depend on the momenta of the particles involved. To find the total number of interactions,
we must sum over all momenta. The integrals on the first line do precisely that. Finally, the factors
of 2E in the denominator arise because, relativistically, the phase space integrals should really be
four-dimensional, over the three components of momentum and one of energy. However, these are
constrained to lie on the 3-sphere fixed by E 2 = |p|2 + m2 and

Z Z 1 Z Z 1
3 2 2 2 3 D (E |p|2 + m2 )
d p dE D (E |p| m )= d p dE , (208)
0 0 2E
and performing the integral over E with the delta function leads to the factor 2E.

Eq. (207) is an integro-di↵erential equation for the phase space distributions. Further, in
principle at least, it must be supplemented with similar equations for the other species. In practice,
these formidable obstacles can be overcome for many practical cosmological applications. The first,
most important realization is that scattering processes typically enforce kinetic equilibrium. That
is, scattering takes place so rapidly that the distributions of the various species take on the generic
Bose-Einstein/Fermi-Dirac forms. This form condenses all of the uncertainty in the distribution
into a single function of time µ. If annihilations were also in equilibrium, µ would be the chemical
potential, and the sum of the chemical potentials in any reaction would have to balance. For example,
the reaction e+ + e $ + would cause µe+ + µe = 2µ . In the out-of-equilibrium cases we
will study, the system will not be in chemical equilibrium and we will have to solve a di↵erential
equation for µ. The great simplifying feature of kinetic equilibrium, though, is that this di↵erential
equation will be a single ordinary di↵erential equation, as opposed to the very complicated form of
Eq. (207). We will typically be interested in systems at temperatures smaller than (E µ). In this
limit, the exponential in the Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac distribution is large and the ±1 in the
denominator are negligible. Thus, another simplification emerges: we can ignore the complications
of quantum statistics. The distributions become

f (E) ' exp[(µ E)/T ] (209)

and the Pauli blocking/Bose enhancement factors in the Boltzmann equation can be neglected.
Under these approximations, the last line of Eq. (207) becomes

h i
(E1 +E2 )/T
f3 f4 (1 ± f1 )(1 ± f2 ) f1 f2 (1 ± f3 )(1 ± f4 ) ' e e(µ3 +µ4 )/T e(µ1 +µ2 )/T , (210)

where we have used the energy conservation E1 + E2 = E3 + E4 . We will use the number densities
themselves as the time-dependent functions to be solved for, instead of µ. The number density of
species i is related to µi via

d3 p
e Ei /T = eµi /T neq
ni = gi eµi /T i , (211)
where we have introduce the equilibrium number density

d3 p
i = gi
e Ei /T
. (212)
The last line of Eq. (207) can be therefore be written as

✓ ◆
(E1 +E2 )/T n3 n4 n1 n2
e . (213)
3 n4
1 n2

Within these approximations the Boltzmann equation now simplifies enormously. Define the ther-
mally averaged cross section as

1 d 3 p1 d 3 p2 d 3 p3 d 3 p4 (E1 +E2 )/T
h vi = eq eq e
n1 n2 (2⇡)3 2E1 (2⇡)3 2E2 (2⇡)3 2E3 (2⇡)3 2E4
⇥ (2⇡)4 D (p1 + p2 p3 p4 ) D (E1 + E2 E3 E4 )|M|2 . (214)

Then, the Boltzmann equation becomes

✓ ◆
3 d(n1 a n3 n4 n1 n2
a = neq eq
1 n2 h vi . (215)
dt neq
3 n4
1 n2

We thus have a simple ordinary di↵erential equation for the number density. One qualitative note
about Eq. (215). The left-hand side is of order n1 /t, or, since the typical cosmological time is H 1,

n1 H. The right-hand side is of order n1 n2 h vi. Therefore, if the reaction rate n2 h vi is much larger
than the expansion rate, then the terms on the right side will be much larger than the one on the
left. The only way to maintain equality then is for the individual terms on the right to cancel. Thus,
when reaction rates are large, then

n3 n4 n1 n2
eq eq = eq eq . (216)
n3 n4 n1 n2
This equation, which follows virtually by inspection from the Boltzmann equation, goes under dif-
ferent names in di↵erent venues. The particle physics community, which first studied the production
of heavy relics in the early universe, tends to call it chemical equilibrium. In the context of Big Bang
nucleosynthesis, it is called nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE), while in the field of recombination,
the process of electrons and protons combining to form neutral hydrogen, use the terminology Saha

12 Big Bang nucleosynthesis

As the temperature of the universe cools to 1 MeV, the cosmic plasma consists of

• Relativistic particles in equilibrium: photons, electrons and positrons. These are kept in close
contact with each other by electromagnetic interactions such as e+ + e $ + . Besides a
small di↵erence due to fermion/boson statistics, these all have the same abundances.

• Decoupled relativistic particles: neutrinos. At temperatures a little above 1 MeV, the rate
for processes such as ⌫ + e $ ⌫ + e which keep neutrinos coupled to the rest of the plasma

drops beneath the expansion rate. Neutrinos therefore share roughly the same temperature
as the other relativistic particles, and hence are roughly as abundant, but they do not couple
to them.

• Nonrelativistic particles: baryons. If there had been no asymmetry in the initial number of
baryons and anti-baryons, then both would be completely depleted by 1 MeV. However, as
we pointed out earlier, such an asymmetry did exist, (nb nb̄ )/s ⇠ 10 10 and this ratio
remains constant throughout the expansion. By the time the temperature is of order 1 MeV,
all anti-baryons have annihilated and we have seen that

nb 7
⌘= ' 2.7 · 10 ⌦b h2 . (217)

Our task in this section will be to determine how the baryons end up. Were the system to remain in
equilibrium throughout, the final state would be dictated solely by energetics, and all baryons would
relax to the nuclear state with the lowest energy per baryon, iron. However, nuclear reactions, which
scale as the second, or higher, power of the density, are too slow to keep the system in equilibrium
as the temperature drops. So, in principle, we need to solve the corresponding Boltzmann equations
for all the nuclei, i.e. a set of coupled di↵erential equations. In practice, at least for a qualitative
understanding of the result, we can make use of two simplifications that obviate the need to solve
the full set of di↵erential equations.
Before launching ourselves into the computation, let us refresh our memories on about nuclear
physics. A single proton is a hydrogen nucleus, referred to as 1 H or simply p; a proton and a neutron
make up deuterium, 2 H or D; one proton and two neutrons make tritium, 3 H or T. Nuclei with two
protons are helium; these can have one neutron (3 He) or two (4 He). Thus unique elements have a
fixed number of protons, and isotopes of a given element have di↵ering numbers of neutrons. The
total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus, the atomic number, is a superscript before
the name of the element. The total mass of a nucleus with Z protons and (A Z) neutrons di↵ers
slightly from the mass of the individual protons and neutrons alone. This di↵erence is called the
binding energy, defined as
BA = Zmp + (A Z)mn m, (218)

where m is the mass of the nucleus. For example, the mass of deuterium is 1875.62 MeV while the
sum of the neutron and proton masses is 1877.84 MeV, so the binding energy of deuterium is 2.22
MeV. Nuclear binding energies are typically in the MeV range (B3 He = 7.72 MeV, B3 He = 28.3
MeV, B12 C = 92.2 MeV) which explains why Big Bang nucleosynthesis occurs at temperatures a bit

less than 1 MeV even though nuclear masses are in the GeV range. In kinetic equilibrium a nuclear
species with mass number A and charge Z is

✓ ◆3/2 ✓ ◆
mA T µA mA
A = gA exp , (219)
2⇡ T
where µA is its chemical potential. If the nuclear reactions that produce a nucleus A out of Z protons
and (A Z) neutrons occur rapidly compared to the expansion rate, then chemical equilibrium is
also attained and

µA = Zµp + (A Z)µn . (220)

As Eq. (219) applies to protons and neutrons as well we obtain

exp(µA /T ) = exp [(Zµp + (A Z)µn )/T ]

✓ ◆
Z A Z 2⇡ 3A/2
= neq
p (neq
n ) 2 A
exp [(Zmp + (A Z)mn )/T ] . (221)
mn T
Recalling Eq. (218), we finally can express the equilibrium values of the density as

✓ ◆3(A 1)/2
2⇡ Z
A = gA A 3/2
2 A
p (neq
n )
exp(BA /T ). (222)
mn T
Since particle number densities decrease as a 3 , it is useful to use the total nucleon density nN =
(nn + np + i (AnA )i ) as a fiducial quantity to define the mass fraction

nA A h i
XA = = gA ⇣ A 1 (3)⇡ (1 A)/2 2(3A 5)/2 A5/2 (T /mn )3(A 1)/2
⇥ ⌘ A 1 (Xpeq )Z (Xneq )A Z exp(BA /T ). (223)

Furthermore, neutrons and protons can interconvert via weak interactions:

p + ⌫¯ $ n + e+ , p + e $ n + ⌫, n $ p + e + ⌫¯, (224)

where all the reactions can proceed in either direction. The light elements are built up via electro-
magnetic interactions. For example, deuterium forms from p + n ! D + , then D + D ! n+3 He,
after 3 He + D ! p + 4 He is responsible for the production of 4 He.
The first simplification is that essentially no elements heavier than helium are produced at
appreciable levels. So the only nuclei that need to be traced are hydrogen and helium, and their
isotopes: deuterium, tritium, and 3 He. The second simplification is that, even in the context of this
reduced set of elements, the physics splits up neatly into two parts since above T ' 0.1 MeV, no light

nuclei form: only free protons and neutrons exist. Therefore, we first solve for the neutron/proton
ratio and then use this abundance as input for the synthesis of helium and isotopes such as deuterium.
Both simplifications, no heavy elements at all and only neutrons and protons above 0.1 MeV, rely
on the physical fact that, at high temperatures, comparable to nuclear binding energies, any time
a nucleus is produced in a reaction, it is destroyed by a high-energy photon. This fact is reflected
in the fundamental equilibrium equation (216). To see how, let us consider this equation applied to
deuterium production, n + p $ D + . Since photons are in equilibrium, the equilibrium condition

nD n
= eqD eq . (225)
nn np nn np
The right-hand side, recalling that D has 3 spin degrees of freedom while the neutron and the proton
have 2, is

✓ ◆3/2
neq 3 2⇡mD
eq = e(mn +mp mD )/T
. (226)
n pn 4 mn mp T
The argument of the exponential is by definition the binding energy of deuterium, BD ' 2.22 MeV.
Therefore, as long as equilibrium holds,

✓ ◆3/2
neq 3 4⇡
eq eq = eBD /T . (227)
nn np 4 mp T
Both the neutron and the proton density are proportional to the baryon density, so roughly,

✓ ◆3/2
neq T
⇠⌘ eBD /T . (228)
nb mp
As long as BD /T is not too large, the prefactor dominates this expression. The prefactor is very
small because of the smallness of the baryon-to-photon ratio. The small baryon-to-photon ratio thus
inhibits nuclei production until the temperature drops well beneath the nuclear binding energy. At
temperatures above 0.1 MeV, then, virtually all baryons are in the form of neutrons and protons.
Around this time, deuterium and helium are produced, but the reaction rates are by now too low
to produce any heavier elements. In fact, the lack of a stable isotope with mass number 5 implies
that heavier elements cannot be produced via 4 He + p ! X. In stars, the triple alpha process
4 He + 4 He + 4 He ! 12 C produces heavier elements, but in the early universe, densities are far too
low to allow three nuclei to find one another on relevant time scales.

12.1 Neutron abundance
We begin by solving for the neutron-proton ratio. Protons can be converted into neutrons via weak
interactions, p + e ! n + ⌫e for example. As we will see, reactions of this sort keep neutrons and
protons in equilibrium until T ⇠ MeV. Thereafter, one must solve the rate equation (215) to track
the neutron abundance. The ratio of the equilibrium densities of protons and neutrons reads

✓ ◆3/2
p mp
= eQ/T ' eQ/T , (229)
n mn

Q = mn mp = 1.293 MeV. (230)

Therefore, at high temperatures, there are as many neutrons as protons. As the temperature drops
beneath 1 MeV, the neutron fraction goes down. If weak interactions operated efficiently enough to
maintain equilibrium indefinitely, then it would drop to zero. The main task of this section is to find
out what happens in the real world where weak interactions are not so efficient. It is convenient to
define the ratio of neutrons to total nuclei

Xn = . (231)
nn + np
In equilibrium

Xneq = eq . (232)
1 + (neq
p /nn )

To track the evolution of Xn , let us start from Eq. (215), with 1 = neutron, 3 = proton and 2, 4 =
leptons which we take in equilibrium. Then

✓ ◆
3 d(nn a
3) np neq
a = neq
l h vi nn . (233)
dt neq

We can identify neq

l h vi as np , the rate for n ! proton conversion since it multiplies nn in the loss
term. Also, we write nn as (nn + np )Xn on the left, then the total density times a3 can be taken
outside the derivative, leaving

dXn h i
= np (1 Xn )e Xn . (234)
This equation is a di↵erential equation for Xn as a function of time, but it contains the temperature
T and the reaction rate np , both of which have complicated time dependences. It is simplest
therefore to recast the equation using as the evolution variable

x= . (235)
The left-hand side of Eq. (234) then becomes ẋdXn /dx, so we need he expression for dx/dt =
xṪ /T . Since T ⇠ a 1,

1 dT
= H. (236)
T dt
Nucleosynthesis occurs in the RD era, so the main contribution to the energy density comes from
relativistic particles. Therefore we obtain

dXn x np ⇥ x x

= e Xn (1 + e ) , (237)
dx H(x = 1)

H(x = 1) = 1.66 · (10.75)1/2 Q2 ' 1.13 sec 1

. (238)

Finally, we need an expression for the neutron-proton conversion rate, np . Under the approxima-
tions we are using, the rate is

np = (12 + 6x + x2 ), (239)
⌧n x 5
where the neutron lifetime ⌧n =886.7 sec. Thus, when T = Q, the conversion rate is 5.5 sec 1,

somewhat larger than the expansion rate. As the temperature drops beneath 1 MeV, though, the rate
rapidly falls below the expansion rate, so conversions become inefficient. We can now integrate Eq.
(237) numerically to track the neutron abundance. Figure 12 shows the results of this integration.
Note that the result agrees extremely well at temperatures above ⇠ 0.1 MeV with the exact solution
which includes proper statistics, nonzero electron mass, and changing g⇤ . The neutron fraction Xn
does indeed fall out of equilibrium once the temperature drops below 1 MeV: it freezes out at 0.15
once the temperature drops below 0.5 MeV. At temperatures below 0.1 MeV, two reactions we have
not included yet become important: neutron decay n ! p + e + ⌫¯ and deuterium production
n + p ! D + . Decays can be added trivially by adding in a factor of exp( t/⌧n ) to the results of
Figure 12. By the time decays become important, electrons and positrons have annihilated, so g⇤
drops from 10.75 to 3.36 and the temperature-time relation is

✓ ◆2
0.1 MeV
t = 132 sec. (240)
We will see shortly that production of deuterium, and other light elements, begins in earnest at
T ⇠ 0.07 MeV. By then, decays have depleted the neutron fraction by a factor of

Figure 12: Evolution of light element abundances in the early universe.

exp[ (132/886.7)(0.1/0.07)2 ] = 0.74. (241)

So the neutron abundance at the onset of nucleosynthesis 0.15 · 0.74, or

Xn (Tnuc ) = 0.11. (242)

We now turn to light element formation to understand the ramifications of this number.

12.2 Light element abundances

A useful way to approximate light element production is that it occurs instantaneously at a temper-
ature Tnuc when the energetics compensates for the small baryon to photon ratio. A rough estimate
of when a nuclear species A becomes thermodynamically favored is to take in Eq. (223) XA ⇠1
(assuming Xpeq ⇠ Xneq ⇠ 1). This gives

ln ⌘ + ln(Tnuc /mp ) ⇠ BA / [(A 1)Tnuc ] . (243)

Let us consider deuterium production as an example, with Eq. (228) as our guide. The equilibrium
deuterium abundance is of order the baryon abundance (i.e. if the universe stayed in equilibrium,
all neutrons and protons would form deuterium) when Eq. (228) is of order unity, or

ln ⌘ + ln(Tnuc /mp ) ⇠ BD /Tnuc . (244)
This equation suggests that deuterium production takes place at Tnuc ⇠ 0.07 MeV, with a weak
logarithmic dependence on ⌘. For 3 He we have Tnuc ⇠ 0.11 MeV, for 4 He Tnuc ⇠ 0.28 MeV and for
12 C we have Tnuc ⇠ 0.25 MeV. Since the binding energy of helium is larger than that of deuterium, the
exponential factor exp(B/T ) favors helium over deuterium. Indeed, Figure 12 illustrates that helium
is produced almost immediately after deuterium. Virtually all remaining neutrons at T ⇠ Tnuc then
are processed into 4 He. The fact that the abundances of the light elements did not begin to build
up until temperatures of the order of MeV is often blamed on the very small binding energy of
the deuterium, the so-called “deuterium-bottleneck”. In fact, the equilibrium abundances of 4 He
and 12 C are very small until temperatures of the order of 0.3 MeV due to the high entropy in the
Once the abundances of D and 3 He build up, essentially all the available neutrons are quickly
bound into 4 He, the most tightly bound light nuclear species. Since two neutrons go into 4 He, the
final 4 He abundance is equal to half the neutron abundance at Tnuc . Often, results are quoted in
terms of mass fraction; then,

4n4 He
X4 = (sometimes called Y ) = = 2Xn (Tnuc ) ' 2 · 0.11 = 0.22. (245)
Figure 12 shows that this relation holds. Indeed, to find the final helium mass fraction, we need only
take the neutron fraction at Tnuc , Eq. (242), and multiply by 2, so the final helium mass fraction
is 0.22. This rough estimate, obtained by solving a single di↵erential equation, is in remarkable
agreement with the exact solution, which can be fit via

Y = 0.2262 + 0.0135 ln ⌘/10 . (246)

One important feature of this result is that it depends only logarithmically on the baryon fraction.
We saw in Eq. (244) that Tnuc has this logarithmic dependence. One might think that the exponential
sensitivity to Tnuc in the decay fraction would turn this into linear dependence. However, Tnuc is
sufficiently early that only a small fraction of neutrons have decayed: the exponential in this regime
is linear in the time. Therefore, the final helium abundance maintains only logarithmic dependence
on the baryon density. The prediction (246) agrees well with the observations. The best indication
of the primordial helium abundance comes from the most unprocessed systems, typically identified
by low metallicities. Although there have been claims of discord in the past, the agreement remains
one of the pillars of observational cosmology.

Figure 12 shows that not all of the deuterium gets processed into helium. A trace amount remains
unburned, simply because the reaction which eliminates it, D + p ! 3 He + , is not completely
efficient. Figure 12 shows that after Tnuc , deuterium is depleted via these reactions, eventually
freezing out at a level of order (10 4 10 5 ). If the baryon density is low, then the reactions
proceed more slowly, and the depletion is not as e↵ective. Therefore, low baryon density inevitably
results in more deuterium; the sensitivity is quite stark, as illustrated in Fig. 13. As a result,
deuterium is a powerful probe of the baryon density. Complementing this sensitivity is the possibility
of measuring deuterium in gas clouds as z ⇠ 3 by looking for absorption in the spectra of distant
QSOs. Combining the current measurements of primordial deuterium in various systems, one obtains
D/H= 3.0 ± 0.4 · 10 5, corresponding to

⌦b h2 = 0.02050.0018. (247)

The predictions of primordial nucleosynthesis are also sensitive to all parameters involved:

• An increase in the input value of the neutron decay lifetime ⌧n will decrease all weak rates
which go like T 5 /⌧n . Therefore it would lead to a freeze-out of the neutron-to-proton ratio at
higher temperatures, leading to an increase prediction for the abundance of 4 He.

• An increase of the number of e↵ective relativistic degrees of freedom g⇤ would increase the
Hubble rate leading to an earlier freeze-out of the neutron-to-proton ration and hence more
4 He.

• Primordial abundances in equilibrium are proportional to XA ⇠ ⌘ A 1. For larger values of ⌘,

the abundance of 4 He build up slightly earlier resulting in more of it. For the deuterium we have
seen that the opposite is true due to the sensitivity to the depletion process D + p !3 He + .

An accurate fit to the primordial fraction of 4 He is

Y = 0.230 + 0.025 ln(⌘/10 ) + 0.0075(g⇤ 10.75) + 0.014 [⌧n 10.6 min] . (248)

In particular, the possible contribution from the extra number of e↵ective relativistic degrees of
freedom can be parametrized in units of the e↵ective number of neutrinos Ne↵
" ✓ ◆ #
7 4 4/3
⇢r = 1 + Ne↵ ⇢ . (249)
8 11

This equation is valid when neutrino decoupling is complete and holds as long as all neutrinos are
relativistic. From old experiments at LEP we know the number of light neutrinos with a Standard

Figure 13: Predictions are shown for four light elements from primordial nucleosynthesis.

Model like coupling to the Z boson contribute as Ne↵ = 3.046. Any departure of Ne↵ from this
value would be due to non-standard neutrino features or to contribution of other relativistic relics.
Taking into account systematics in determining the primordial abundance of 4 He, a safe range from
nucleosynthesis is 2 <
⇠ Ne↵ <
⇠ 3.7.

13 Recombination revisited
As the temperature drops to ⇠ 1 eV, photons remain tightly coupled to electrons via Compton
scattering and electrons to protons via Coulomb scattering. It will come as no surprise that at these
temperatures, there is very little neutral hydrogen. Energetics of course favors the production of
neutral hydrogen with a binding energy of E0 = 13.6 eV, but the high photon/baryon ratio ensures

that any hydrogen atom produced will be instantaneously ionized. This phenomenon is identical to
the delay in the production of light nuclei we saw above, replayed on the atomic scale. As long as
the reaction e + p $ H + remains in equilibrium, then the following relation holds

ne np neq
e np
= . (250)
nH neq
Using the fractional ionization

ne ne
Xe = = (251)
nH + ne nH + np
and carrying out the integrals on the right-hand side of Eq. (250) leads to
"✓ ◆3/2 #
Xe2 1 me T (me +mp mH )/T
= e , (252)
1 Xe ne + nH 2⇡
The argument of the exponential is E0 /T . Neglecting again the relatively small number of helium
atoms, the denominator (ne + nH ) is equal to the baryon density, ⌘n ⇠ 10 9T 3. So when the
temperature is of order E0 , the right-hand side is of order 109 (me /T )3/2 ⇠ 1015 . In that case, Eq.
(252) can be satisfied only if the denominator on the left is very small, that is if Xe is very close
to 1: all hydrogen is ionized. Only when the temperature drops far below E0 does appreciable
recombination take place. As Xe falls, the rate for recombination also falls, so that equilibrium
becomes more difficult to maintain. Thus, in order to follow the free electron fraction accurately, we
need to solve the Boltzmann equation, just as we did for the neutron-proton ratio. In this case, Eq.
(215) for the electron density becomes

✓ ◆
3 d(ne a nH n2e
a = neq eq
e np h vi
dt neq
H neq
e np
" ✓ ◆ #
me T 3/2 E0 /T
= nb h vi (1 Xe ) e Xe2 nb . (253)

Meanwhile, since nb a3 is constant it can be passed through the derivative on the left after expressing
ne as nb Xe , so that

dXe ⇥ ⇤
= (1 Xe ) Xe2 nb ↵2 , (254)
where the ionization rate is typically denoted as

✓ ◆3/2
me T E0 /T
= h vi e (255)
and the recombination rate is

↵2 = h vi. (256)

The recombination rate has subscript 2 because recombination to the ground (n = 1) state is not
relevant. Ground-state recombinations lead to production of an ionizing photon, and this photon
immediately ionizes a neutral atom. The net e↵ect of such a recombination is zero: no new neutral
atoms are formed this way. The only way for recombination to proceed is via capture to one of the
excited states of hydrogen; to a good approximation, this rate is

✓ ◆1/2 ✓ ◆
↵e2 E0 E0
↵2 = 9.78 ln . (257)
m2e T T
As we have already seen, the Saha equation (252) does a good job predicting the redshift of recom-
bination, but fails as the electron fraction drops and the system goes out of equilibrium. Therefore,
the detailed evolution of Xe must be obtained by a numerical integration of Eq. (254). Results
from numerical integration are shown in Figure 14. As the computation of the neutron/proton ratio

Figure 14: Free electron fraction as a function of redshift.

a↵ects the abundance of light elements today, similarly, the evolution of the free electron abundance
has major ramifications for observational cosmology. Recombination at z ⇠ 1000 is directly tied
to the decoupling of photons from matter. This decoupling, in turn, directly a↵ects the pattern
of anisotropies in the CMB that we observe today. Decoupling occurs roughly when the rate for
photons to Compton scatter o↵ electrons becomes smaller than the expansion rate. The scattering
rate is

ne T = X e nb T, (258)

where = 0.665 · 10 24 cm2 is the the Thomson cross section. Since the ratio of the baryon density

to the critical density is mp nb /⇢c = ⌦b a 3, nb can be eliminated in favor of ⌦b

30 1
ne T = 7.477 · 10 cm X e ⌦ b h2 a 3
. (259)

Dividing by the expansion rate leads to

ne T 3 H0
= 0.0692a X e ⌦b h . (260)
The ratio on the right depends on the Hubble rate, which is given in

= ⌦1/2
m a
(1 + aeq /a)1/2 . (261)

✓ ◆✓ ◆1/2 ✓ ◆3/2 ✓ ◆ 1/2

ne T ⌦ b h2 0.15 1+z 1 + z 0.15
= 113Xe 1+ . (262)
H 0.02 ⌦m h2 1000 3600 ⌦m h2
Let us forget all we just learned and ask what would happen if the universe remained ionized
throughout its history. In that hypothetical case that Xe = 1, and Eq. (262) can be trivially solved
to find the redshift of decoupling. Setting the right hand side to 1 leads to

✓ ◆2/3 ✓ ◆1/3
0.02 ⌦m h2
1 + zdec ⇠ 43 . (263)
⌦b h2 0.15
It tells us that even if the electrons remained ionized throughout the history of the universe, eventu-
ally the photons decoupled simply because expansion made it more difficult to find the increasingly
dilute electrons. In theory, we do not expect the electrons to remain ionized throughout, so this
calculation would appear academic. However, this exercise is relevant for a more general reason.
We do expect that at some late time, the electrons were reionized. We expect this because the
universe we observe back to redshift z ⇠ 6 appears to be ionized. If the universe was reionized at
very late times, much after the decoupling of photons, there would not be a huge change in the
CMB anisotropy pattern. However, if the universe was reionized earlier than this redshift, multi-
ple scattering of the photons would dramatically alter the primordial anisotropy pattern set up at
z ⇠ 1100. Observations of the most distant quasars suggest that reionization took place at z ⇠ 6,
so the alteration is expected to be slight.

14 The dark matter abundance
As we have previously mentioned, there is strong evidence for nonbaryonic dark matter in the uni-
verse, with ⌦m ' 0.3. Perhaps the most plausible candidate for dark matter is a weakly interacting
massive particle (WIMP), which was in close contact with the rest of the cosmic plasma at high tem-
peratures, but then experienced freeze-out as the temperature dropped below its mass. Freeze-out is
the inability of annihilations to keep the particle in equilibrium. Indeed, were it kept in equilibrium
indefinitely, its abundance would be suppressed by exp( m/T ): there would be no such particles
in the observable universe. The purpose of this section, then, is to solve the Boltzmann equation
for such a particle, determining the epoch of freeze-out and its relic abundance. The hope is that,
by fixing its relic abundance so that ⌦m ' 0.3, we will learn something about the fundamental
properties of the particle, such as its mass and cross section. We then might use this knowledge to
detect the particles in a laboratory.
In the generic WIMP scenario, two heavy particles X can annihilate producing two light (essen-
tially massless) particles `

X X̄ $ ``. (264)

The light particles are assumed to be very tightly coupled to the cosmic plasma, so they are in
complete equilibrium (chemical as well as kinetic), with n` = neq
` .There is then only one unknown,
nX , the abundance of the heavy particle. We can use Eq. (215) to solve for this abundance

dnX h i
+ 3HnX = h vi n2X neq
X . (265)
The physical meaning of this equation is clear: particles X can be destroyed and recreated by plasma
interactions, which are accounted for by the first and the second term, respectively. We now define
the number density per entropy density

Y = , (266)
for which Yeq = neq
X /s. Therefore, the Boltzmann (265) becomes

h i
sẎ + Y ṡ + 3HsY = h vis2 Y 2 (Yeq )2 . (267)

Using the conservation of entropy per comoving volume sa3 = constant, we see that the equation
reduces further to

h i
Ẏ = h vis Y 2 (Yeq )2 . (268)

We now introduce another change of variables, namely

x= . (269)
During the RD phase x and t can be related by

1 1/2 MPl 1/2 MPl 2 x2

t= ' 0.3g⇤ 2
= 0.3g⇤ 2
x = . (270)
2H(T ) T m 2H(m)

dY dx H(m) dY
Ẏ = = . (271)
dx dt x dx
The Boltzmann equation we wish to solve therefore becomes

dY xh vis h 2 i
= Y (Yeq )2 . (272)
dx H(m)
In the non-relativistic (x 3) and in the relativistic (x ⌧ 3) cases, the equilibrium values of the
number of X’s per comoving volume has the simple limiting forms

45 ⇣ ⇡ ⌘1/2 g 3/2 x g 3/2 x

Yeq (x) = x e ' 0.145 x e (x 3),
2⇡ 4 8 g⇤S g⇤S
45⇣(3) ge↵ ge↵
Yeq (x) = 4
' 0.278 (x ⌧ 3), (273)
2⇡ g⇤S g⇤S
where ge↵ = g for bosons and ge↵ = 3g/4 for fermions, g being the number of degrees of freedom of
the particle X. Remembering that H(T ) = x 2 H(m), we can recast Eq. (272) under the form

"✓ ◆2 #
x dY A Y
= 1 ,
Yeq dx H Yeq
A = neq
X h vi. (274)

In this form, we see that the change of Y is controlled by the e↵ectiveness of annihilations, the usual
/H factor, times a measure from deviation from equilibrium. It is then clear that when <
⇠ 1,A /H

the relative change in the number of X’s in a comoving volume becomes small, annihilations freeze
out, and the number of X’s freeze in. The value of x at which freeze out takes place is denoted
usually by xf . Thus we expect that

Y ' Yeq for x <

⇠ xf , (275)


Y ' Yeq (xf ) for x >
⇠ xf . (276)

14.1 Hot relics

We first consider the case in which xf < ⇠ 3, that is the freeze out occurs when the particle was still
in the relativistic regime. Since Yeq is constant, the final value of Y at x ! 1, let us denote it by
Y1 , is very insensitive to the details of the freeze out, it is just the equilibrium value at freeze out

Y1 = Yeq (xf ) = 0.278ge↵ /g⇤S (xf ). (277)

Thus the species freeze out with order unity abundance relative to s. Assuming the expansion
remains isentropic thereafter (constant entropy per comoving volume), the abundance of X’s today
is (s0 is the entropy density today)

3 3
nX,0 = s0 Y1 = 2970Y1 cm = 825[ge↵ /g⇤S (xf )] cm . (278)

If, after the freeze out, there is entropy release, and the entropy per comoving volume increases by a
factor , then nX,0 should be divided by . A species that decouples when it is relativistic is called
a hot relic. Its present abundance is given by

⇢X,0 = s0 Y1 m = 2.97 · 103 Y1 (m/eV) eV cm 3

, (279)


⌦X,0 h2 = 7.83 · 10 2
[ge↵ /g⇤S (xf )](m/eV). (280)

For instance, ligh neutrinos decouple when the temperature was about 1 MeV and g⇤S = g⇤ = 10.75.
For a single, two-component neutrino species ge↵ = 2 · (3/4) = 1.5, so that we obtain

⇣ m⌫ ⌘
⌦⌫ ⌫¯ h2 ' . (281)
91.5 eV
This simple formula tells us that light neutrinos cannot be the dark matter today, as they typical mass
scale from neutrino oscillation experiments is, barring cancellations, of the order of ( m2 )atm ⇠ 0.07

14.2 Cold relics
Let us consider now the case of cold relics, that is particles which freeze out when they are in the
non-relativistic regime, xf >
⇠ 3. It is useful to parametrize the annihilation cross section in terms of
the temperature. The annihilation cross section should be such that v ⇠ v p , where p = 0 for the
so-called s-wave annihilation and p = 2 for the p-wave annihilation. As hvi ⇠ (T /m)1/2 , then

n n
h vi ⌘ 0 (T /m) = 0x for x >
⇠ 3, (282)

< 0 s wave,
n= (283)
: 1 p wave.

Let us give an example. Suppose the X particle is a Majorana fermion m , for which

m =C m, (284)

where C is the charge conjugation matrix, that is the Majorana fermion is equal to its antifermion.
This case is rather common in extensions of the Standard Model. The current µ vanishes
m m

identically. In other words Majorana spinors only interact (in vectorial-like interactions) through
the pseudocurrent

µ 5 k1µ + k2µ 5 i µ⌫ 5
m (k2 ) m (k1 ) = m (k2 ) m (k1 ) m (k2 ) (k1 k2 ) ⌫ m (k1 ), (285)
2m 2m
where we have used the Gordon identity. Since the dark matter particle is non-relativistic

k1,2 ' (m, 0, 0, ±mv) , (286)

one finds that

(k1 k2 )µ ' (0, 0, 0, 2mv), (287)

while for momentum conservation

(k1 + k2 )µ = (p1 + p2 )µ , (288)

where pµ1,2 are the four-momenta of the light particles the Majorana spinors are annihilating into.
This term, though the Dirac equation generates a term proportional to the light fermion mass. We
conclude that the annihilation cross section of Majorana fermions are either p-wave suppressed or
suppressed by the light fermion masses.

The Boltzmann equation (272) can be rewritten as

dY n 2
= x Y2 2
Yeq , (289)
where we have defined

xh vis 1/2
= = 0.26(g⇤S /g⇤ )MPl m 0. (290)
H(m) x=1
To begin, consider the di↵erential equation for = (Y Yeq ), the departure from equilibrium

0 0 n 2
= Yeq x (2Yeq + ), (291)
where the prime = d/dx. At early times (1 < x ⌧ xf ) Y tracks Yeq very closely and both and
0 are small, so that an approximated solution can be found setting 0 =0

1 n+2 0
' x Yeq /(2Yeq + ) ' xn+2 /2 . (292)

At late times (x xf ), Y tracks Yeq very poorly, 'Y 0

Yeq and the terms involving Yeq and Yeq
can be dropped. One then obtains

0 n 2 2
= x , (293)

which, upon integration from x = xf to x = 1 gives

Y1 = 1 = xn+1
f . (294)

Now, we have to compute xf , that is the time when Y ceases to track its equilibrium value, or
equivalently, when becomes of the order of Yeq . Defining xf by the criterion (xf ) = cY eq (xf ),
where c is some numerical constant of the order of unity, then the early time solution (292) becomes

(xf ) ' xn+2

f / (2 + c), (295)

and the freeze out criterion reads

✓ ◆
xf ' ln[(2 + c) ac] n+ ln {ln[(2 + c) ac]} , (296)
where a = 0.145(g/g⇤S ). Note that xf depends only logarithmically upon the numerical criterion we
have chosen. Choosing c(c + 2) = n + 1 turns out to be the best fit to full numerical results. With
such a choice we have

Figure 15: The illustration of the free out phenomenon.

xf ' ln[0.038(n + 1)(g/g⇤ )MPl m 0 ]
✓ ◆ nh io
1 1/2
n+ ln 0.038(n + 1)(g/g⇤ )MPl m 0 , (297)


3.79(n + 1)xn+1
Y1 = 1/2
. (298)
(g⇤S /g⇤ )MPl m 0

We mention in passing that one could have obtained a very similar result by estimating xf by the
criterion A (xf ) ' H(xf ), and then setting Y1 = Y (xf ). The formulae in such a case di↵er little
from what we have found: for xf the coefficient of the ln ln is ( n + 1/2) rather than ( n 1/2)
and for Y1 a factor of 3.79 instead of 3.79(n + 1).
As with the hot relic, the present number density and mass density of the X relics are easily

3 (n + 1)xn+1
nX,0 = s0 Y1 ' 2870Y1 cm ' 1.13 · 104 1/2
cm 3
, (299)
(g⇤S /g⇤ )MPl m 0

(n + 1)xn+1 GeV 1
⌦X,0 h2 = 1.07 · 109 f
. (300)
(g⇤S /g⇤ )MPl 0

Notice that the final abundance is inversely proportional to the cross section, which is physically
reasonable: the larger the cross section, the more the X particles annihilate and the fewer are left

Let us now provide two interesting examples. Let us consider a symmetric universe, with no
baryon asymmetry. The annihilation cross section for nucleon-antinucleon of the order of ↵m⇡ 2 ,
where m⇡ = 135 MeV is the mass of the pion, one obtains xf ⇠ 42 + ln ↵, Tf ' 20 MeV and
Y1 ' 7 · 10 20 /↵. This number is ten order of magnitude smaller than the present day abundance
of baryons. It is indeed the baryon asymmetry that prevents this annihilation catastrophe: once
all antinucleons have been annihilated, what remains is the excess of nucleons and annihilations,
luckily, stop.
Next, consider the case of a particle whose mass is about 102 GeV and let us impose that the
present day abundance is ⌦X,0 ⇠ ⌦m ⇠ 0.3. If we choose n = 0, i.e. an s-wave annihilation
2 /m2 , we find that
= ↵X

✓ ◆2 ⇣ ✓ ◆1/2 ✓ ◆2 ⇣
0.75 xf ⌘ 106.75 10 2 m ⌘2
⌦X,0 ' 0.3 . (301)
h 25 g⇤ ↵X 300 GeV
This expression is the mathematical way of expressing what is called the WIMP miracle: without
any particular e↵ort, particles with mass at the electroweak scale and with electroweak interactions
can provide a suitable candidate for the DM. The fact that this miracle has taken place is a good
sign: there are several theories which predict the existence of particles with cross sections at the
electroweak scale. Perhaps the most notable of these theories is supersymmetry, the theory which
predicts that every particle has a partner with opposite statistics. For example, the supersymmetric
partner of the spin zero Higgs boson is the spin 1/2 Higgsino (fermion). Initially it was hoped that
the observed fermions could be the partners of the observed bosons, but this hope is not realized in
nature. Instead, supersymmetry must be broken and all the supersymmetric partners of the known
particles must be so massive that they have not yet been observed even in accelerators: they must
have masses greater than about 1 TeV. Which of the supersymmetric partners is the best candidate
for the dark matter today? The particle must be neutral since the evidence points to dark matter
that is truly dark, i.e. does not interact much with the known particles and especially does not emit
photons. The particle must also be stable: if it could decay to lighter particles, then decays would
have kept it in equilibrium throughout the early universe and there would be none left today. The
first of these criteria restricts the dark matter to be the partner of one of the neutral particles, such
as the Higgs or the photon. The second requires the particle to be the lightest (LSP for lightest
supersymmetric partner) of these, for any heavier particles could decay into the lightest one plus
some ordinary particles.
There are several ways to search for dark WIMPs. SUSY particles may be discovered at the LHC
as missing energy in an event. In that case one knows that the particles live long enough to escape the
detector, but it will still be unclear whether they are long-lived enough to be the dark matter. Thus

complementary astrophysical experiments are needed. In direct detection experiments, the WIMP
scatters o↵ a nucleus in the detector, and a number of experimental signatures of the interaction
can be detected. In indirect detection experiments, neutrinos that arise as annihilation products of
captured WIMPs exit from the Sun and can be detected on Earth. Another way to detect WIMPs
is to look for anomalous cosmic rays from the Galactic Halo: WIMPs in the Halo can annihilate
with one another to give rise to antiprotons, positrons, or neutrinos. In addition, neutrinos, gamma
rays, and radio waves may be detected as WIMP annihilation products from the Galactic Centre.
After this excursus on the universe beyond equilibrium, we are now ready to face the shortcomings
of the standard Big-Bang theory and to launch ourselves into the inflationary universe and its rich

Part IV

The inflationary cosmology

In this chapter we will discuss the inflationary universe. As we will come out along the way, inflation
is responsible not only for the observed homogeneity and isotropy of the universe, but also for
its inhomogeneities. Furthermore, inflation links the quantum mechanical microphysics to the the
macrophysics of the universe as a whole. It is a beautiful example of connection between high energy
physics and cosmology.
Before launching ourselves into the description of inflation, we would like to go back to the
concept of conformal time which will be useful in the next sections. The conformal time ⌧ is defined
through the following relation
d⌧ = . (302)
The metric ds2 = dt2 + a2 (t)dx2 then becomes
⇥ ⇤
ds2 = a2 (⌧ ) d⌧ 2 + dx2 . (303)

The reason why ⌧ is called conformal is manifest from Eq. (303): the corresponding FRW line element
is conformal to the Minkowski line element describing a static four dimensional hypersurface.
Any function f (t) satisfies the rule

f 0 (⌧ )
f˙(t) = , (304)
a(⌧ )
f 00 (⌧ ) f 0 (⌧ )
f¨(t) = H , (305)
a2 (⌧ ) a2 (⌧ )

where a prime now indicates di↵erentiation wrt to the conformal time ⌧ and

H= . (306)
In particular we can set the following rules

ȧ a0 H
H = = 2 = ,
a a a
a00 H2
ä = 2
a a
H0 H2
Ḣ = 2
a a2
8⇡G⇢ k 8⇡G⇢a2
H2 = 2
=) H2 = k
3 a 3
Ḣ = 4⇡G (⇢ + P ) =) H0 = (⇢ + 3P ) a2 ,
⇢˙ + 3H(⇢ + P ) = 0 =) ⇢0 + 3 H(⇢ + P ) = 0

Finally, if the scale factor a(t) scales like a ⇠ tn , solving the relation (302) we find
a ⇠ tn =) a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ 1 n . (307)

Therefore, for a RD era a(t) ⇠ t1/2 one has a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ and for a MD era a(t) ⇠ t2/3 , that is a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ 2 .

15 Again on the concept of particle horizon

We have already encountered the concept of the particle horizon. Let us see how it behaves in an
expanding universe and what this implies. In spite of the fact that the universe was vanishingly
small at early times, the rapid expansion precluded causal contact from being established throughout.
Photons travel on null paths characterized by ds2 = 0 or (along straight lines in polar coordinates)
dr = dt/a(t); the physical distance that a photon could have traveled since the bang until time t,
the particle horizon is
Z t Z ⌧
RH (t) = a(t) = a(⌧ ) d⌧ 0
0 a(t0 ) ⌧0
t H 1
= =n ⇠H for a(t) / tn , n < 1. (308)
(1 n) (1 n)
Recall that in a universe dominated by a fluid with equation of state P = w/⇢ we have n = 2/3(1+w).
The comoving Hubble radius goes like

1 t
aH t
In particular, for a MD universe w = 0 and n = 2/3, while for a RD universe w = 1/3 and n = 1/2.
In both cases the comoving Huble radius increases with time. We see that in the standard cosmology
the particle horizon is finite, and up to numerical factors, equal to the Hubble radius, H 1. For this
reason, one can use the words horizon and Hubble radius interchangeably for standard cosmology.
As we shall see, in inflationary models the horizon and Hubble radius are drastically di↵erent as the
horizon distance grows exponentially relative to the Hubble radius; in fact, at the end of inflation
they di↵er by eN , where N is the number of e-folds of inflation. The horizon sets the length scale for
which two points separated by a distance larger than RH (t) they could never communicate, while
the Hubble radius sets the scale at which these two points could not communicate at the time t.
Note also that a physical length scale is within the Hubble radius if <H 1. Since we can
identify the length scale with its wavenumber k, = 2⇡a/k, we will have the following rule


Notice that in standard cosmology

= = H⇠ . (310)
This shows once more that Hubble radius and particle horizon can be used interchangeably in
standard cosmology.

16 The shortcomings of the standard Big-Bang Theory

By now the shortcomings of the standard cosmology are well appreciated: the horizon or large-scale
smoothness problem; the small-scale inhomogeneity problem (origin of density perturbations); and
the flatness or entropy problem. We will only briefly review them here. They do not indicate any
logical inconsistencies of the standard cosmology; rather, that very special initial data seem to be
required for evolution to a universe that is qualitatively similar to ours today. Nor is inflation the
first attempt to address these shortcomings: over the past two decades cosmologists have pondered

this question and proposed alternative solutions. Inflation is a solution based upon well-defined,
albeit speculative, early universe microphysics describing the post-Planck epoch.

16.1 The Flatness Problem

Let us make a tremendous extrapolation and assume that Einstein equations are valid until the
Plank era, when the temperature of the universe is TPl ⇠ 1019 GeV. From the equation for the

⌦ 1= , (311)
H 2 a2
we read that if the universe is perfectly flat, then (⌦ = 1) at all times. On the other hand, if there
is even a small curvature term, the time dependence of (⌦ 1) is quite di↵erent.
During a RD period, we have that H2 / ⇢r / a 4 and

⌦ 1/ / a2 . (312)
a2 a 4

During MD, ⇢NR / a 3 and

⌦ 1/ / a. (313)
a2 a 3
In both cases (⌦ 1) decreases going backwards with time. Since we know that today (⌦0 1) is
of order unity at present, we can deduce its value at tPl (the time at which the temperature of the
universe is TPl ⇠ 1019 GeV)
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
|⌦ 1 |T =TPl a2Pl T02 64
⇡ ⇡ ⇡ O(10 ). (314)
|⌦ 1 |T =T0 a20 2

where 0 stands for the present epoch, and T0 ⇠ 10 13 GeV is the present-day temperature of the
CMB radiation. If we are not so brave and go back simply to the epoch of nucleosynthesis when
light elements abundances were formed, at TN ⇠ 1 MeV, we get

Figure 16: Illustration of the flatness problem in standard cosmology.

✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
|⌦ 1 |T =TN a2N T02 16
⇡ ⇡ ⇡ O(10 ). (315)
|⌦ 1 |T =T0 a20 TN2

In order to get the correct value of (⌦0 1) ⇠ 1 at present, the value of (⌦ 1) at early times have
to be fine-tuned to values amazingly close to zero, but without being exactly zero. This is the reason
why the flatness problem is also dubbed the ‘fine-tuning problem’.

16.2 The Entropy Problem

Let us now see how the hypothesis of adiabatic expansion of the universe is connected with the
flatness problem. From the Friedman equations we know that during a RD period

H 2 ' ⇢r ' 2 , (316)

from which we deduce

kMPl2 kMPl2
⌦ 1= = 2 . (317)
a2 T 4 S3T2
Under the hypothesis of adiabaticity, S is constant over the evolution of the universe and therefore
MPl 1 1 60
|⌦ 1|t=tPl = 2 2/3
= 2/3 ⇡ 10 , (318)

where we have used the fact that the present horizon contains a total entropy

4⇡ 4⇡ 2⇡ 2 g⇤ (T0 )T03
SU = H0 3 s = H0 3 ' 1090 . (319)
3 3 45
We have discovered that (⌦ 1) is so close to zero at early epochs because the total entropy of
our universe is so incredibly large. The flatness problem is therefore a problem of understanding
why the (classical) initial conditions corresponded to a universe that was so close to spatial flatness.
One would have indeed expected the most natural number for the total entropy of the universe to
be of the order of unity at the Planckian temperature, when the horizon itself was of the order of
the Planckian length. In a sense, the problem is one of fine–tuning and although such a balance
is possible in principle, one nevertheless feels that it is unlikely. On the other hand, the flatness
problem arises because the entropy in a comoving volume is conserved. It is possible, therefore,
that the problem could be resolved if the cosmic expansion was non–adiabatic for some finite time
interval during the early history of the universe.

16.3 The horizon problem
According to the standard cosmology, photons decoupled from the rest of the components (electrons
and baryons) at a temperature of the order of 0.3 eV. This corresponds to the so-called surface of
‘last-scattering’ at a red shift of about 1100 and an age of about 180, 000 (⌦0 h2 ) 1/2 yrs. From the

Figure 17: The black body spectrum of the cosmic background radiation.

epoch of last-scattering onwards, photons free-stream and reach us basically untouched. Detecting
primordial photons is therefore equivalent to take a picture of the universe when the latter was
about 300,000 yrs old. The spectrum of the cosmic background radiation is consistent that of
a black body at temperature 2.73 K over more than three decades in wavelength; see Fig. 17.
The length corresponding to our present Hubble radius (which is approximately the radius of our
observable universe) at the time of last-scattering was
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
als T0
H ls ) = R (t
H 0 ) = R (t
H 0 ) .
a0 Tls
On the other hand, during the MD period, the Hubble length has decreased with a di↵erent law

H 2 / ⇢NR / a 3
/ T 3.

At last-scattering
✓ ◆ 3/2
1 Tls
Hls = RH (t0 ) ⌧ RH (t0 ).
The length corresponding to our present Hubble radius was much larger that the horizon at that
time. This can be shown comparing the volumes corresponding to these two scales

3 (T ) ✓ ◆ 3
H ls T0 2
= ⇡ 106 . (320)
Hls 3 Tls
There were ⇠ 106 casually disconnected regions within the volume that now corresponds to our
horizon! It is difficult to come up with a process other than an early hot and dense phase in the

Figure 18: The horizon scale (green line) and a physical scale (red line) as function of the scale
factor a.

history of the universe that would lead to a precise black body for a bath of photons which were
causally disconnected the last time they interacted with the surrounding plasma.
The horizon problem is well represented by Fig. 18 where the green line indicates the horizon
scale and the red line any generic physical length scale . Suppose, indeed that indicates the
distance between two photons we detect today. From Eq. (320) we discover that at the time of
emission (last-scattering) the two photons could not talk to each other, the red line is above the
green line.
There is another aspect of the horizon problem which is related to the problem of initial conditions
for the cosmological perturbations. We have every indication that the universe at early times, say
t ⌧ 300, 000 yrs, was very homogeneous; however, today inhomogeneity (or structure) is ubiquitous:

stars ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 1030 ), galaxies ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 105 ), clusters of galaxies ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 10 103 ), superclusters
or “clusters of clusters” ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 1), voids ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 1), great walls, and so on. For some twenty-
five years the standard cosmology has provided a general framework for understanding this picture.
Once the universe becomes matter dominated (around 1000 yrs after the bang) primeval density
inhomogeneities ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 10 5) are amplified by gravity and grow into the structure we see today.
The existence of density inhomogeneities has another important consequence: fluctuations in the
temperature of the CMB radiation of a similar amplitude. The temperature di↵erence measured
between two points separated by a large angle (>⇠ 1 ) arises due to a very simple physical e↵ect: the
di↵erence in the gravitational potential between the two points on the last-scattering surface, which
in turn is related to the density perturbation, determines the temperature anisotropy on the angular
scale subtended by that length scale,
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
T ⇢
⇡ , (321)
T ✓ ⇢

where the scale ⇠ 100h 1 Mpc(✓/deg) subtends an angle ✓ on the last-scattering surface. This is
known as the Sachs-Wolfe e↵ect. The CMB experiments looking for the tiny anisotropies are of three
kinds: satellite experiments, balloon experiments, and ground based experiments. The technical
and economical advantages of ground based experiments are evident, but their main problem is
atmospheric fluctuations. The temperature anisotropy is commonly expanded in spherical harmonics

Figure 19: The CMBR anisotropy as function of ` from the recent Planck satellite data.

(x0 , ⌧0 , n) = a`m (x0 )Y`m (n), (322)

where x0 and ⌧0 are our position and the present time, respectively, n is the direction of observation,
`0 s are the di↵erent multipoles and1

ha`m a⇤`0 m0 i = ``0 mm0 C` , (323)

where the deltas are due to the fact that the process that created the anisotropy is statistically
isotropic. The C` are the so-called CMB power spectrum. For homogeneity and isotropy, the C` ’s
are neither a function of x0 , nor of m. The two-point-correlation function is related to the C` ’s in
the following way
D T (n) T (n0 ) E X
= ha`m a⇤`0 m0 iY`m (n)Y`⇤0 m0 (n0 )
``0 mm0
X X 1 X

= C` Y`m (n)Y`m (n0 ) = (2` + 1)C` P` (µ = n · n0 ) (324)
` `

where we have used the addition theorem for the spherical harmonics, and P` is the Legendre
polynomial of order `. In expression (324) the expectation value is an ensemble average. It can be
regarded as an average over the possible observer positions, but not in general as an average over
the single sky we observe, because of the cosmic variance2 .
Let us now consider the last-scattering surface. In comoving coordinates the latter is ‘far’ from
us a distance equal to Z Z ⌧0
= d⌧ = (⌧0 ⌧ls ) . (325)
tls a ⌧ls
A given comoving scale is therefore projected on the last-scattering surface sky on an angular scale

✓' , (326)
(⌧0 ⌧ls )
where we have neglected tiny curvature e↵ects. Consider now that the scale is of the order of
the comoving sound horizon at the time of last-scattering, ⇠ cs ⌧ls , where cs ' 1/ 3 is the sound
velocity at which photons propagate in the plasma at the last-scattering. This corresponds to an
⌧ls ⌧ls
✓ ' cs ' cs , (327)
(⌧0 ⌧ls ) ⌧0
1 2 1
P` 2
An alternative definition is C` = h|a`m | i = 2`+1 m= ` |a`m | .
The usual hypothesis is that we observe a typical realization of the ensemble. This means that we expect
the di↵erence between the observed values |a`m |2 and the ensemble averages C` to be of the order of the
mean-square deviation of |a`m |2 from C` . The latter is called cosmic variance and, because we are dealing
with a Gaussian distribution, it is equal to 2C` for each multipole `. For a single `, averaging over the (2` + 1)
values of m reduces the cosmic variance by a factor (2` + 1), but it remains a serious limitation for low

where the last passage has been performed knowing that ⌧0 ⌧ls . Since the universe is MD from the
time of last-scattering onwards, the scale factor has the following behavior: a ⇠ T 1 ⇠ t2/3 ⇠ ⌧ 2 ,
where we have made use of the relation (307). The angle ✓HOR subtended by the sound horizon on
the last-scattering surface then becomes
✓ ◆1/2
✓HOR ' cs ⇠1 , (328)

where we have used Tls ' 0.3 eV and T0 ⇠ 10 13 GeV. This corresponds to a multipole `HOR

`HOR = ' 200. (329)
From these estimates we conclude that two photons which on the last-scattering surface were

Figure 20: An illustration of the horizon problem stemming from the CMB anisotropy.

separated by an angle larger than ✓HOR , corresponding to multipoles smaller than `HOR ⇠ 200 were
not in causal contact. On the other hand, from Fig. 19 it is clear that small anisotropies, of the
same order of magnitude T /T ⇠ 10 5 are present at ` ⌧ 200. We conclude that one of the striking

features of the CMB fluctuations is that they appear to be noncausal. Photons at the last-scattering
surface which were causally disconnected have the same small anisotropies! The existence of particle
horizons in the standard cosmology precludes explaining the smoothness as a result of microphysical
events: the horizon at decoupling, the last time one could imagine temperature fluctuations being
smoothed by particle interactions, corresponds to an angular scale on the sky of about 1 , which
precludes temperature variations on larger scales from being erased.
To account for the small-scale lumpiness of the universe today, density perturbations with
horizon-crossing amplitudes of 10 5 on scales of 1 Mpc to 104 Mpc or so are required. As can
be seen in Fig. 18, in the standard cosmology the physical size of a perturbation, which grows as the
scale factor, begins larger than the horizon and relatively late in the history of the universe crosses
inside the horizon. This precludes a causal microphysical explanation for the origin of the required
density perturbations.
From the considerations made so far, it appears that solving the shortcomings of the standard
Big Bang theory requires two basic modifications of the assumptions made so far:

• The universe has to go through a non-adiabatic period. This is necessary to solve the entropy
and the flatness problem. A non-adiabatic phase may give rise to the large entropy SU we
observe today.

• The universe has to go through a primordial period during which the physical scales evolve
faster than the Hubble radius H 1.

The second condition is obvious from Fig. 21. If there is period during which physical length scales
grow faster than the Hubble radius H 1, length scales which are within the horizon today, <H 1

(such as the distance between two detected photons) and were outside the Hubble radius at some
period, >H 1 (for instance at the time of last-scattering when the two photons were emitted),
had a chance to be within the Hubble radius at some primordial epoch, < H 1 again. If this
happens, the homogeneity and the isotropy of the CMB can be easily explained: photons that we
receive today and were emitted from the last-scattering surface from causally disconnected regions
have the same temperature because they had a chance to talk to each other at some primordial
stage of the evolution of the universe. The distinction between the (comoving) particle horizon and
the (comoving) Hubble radius is crucial now for the solution to the horizon problem which relies on
the following: it is possible that RH is much larger than the Hubble radius now, so that particles
cannot communicate today but were in causal contact early on.
The second condition can be easily expressed as a condition on the scale factor a. Since a given
scale scales like ⇠ a and the Hubble radius H 1 = a/ȧ, we need to impose that there is a period

Figure 21: The behavior of a generic scale and the Hubble radius H 1 in the standard inflationary

during which ✓ ◆·
> 0 ) ä > 0. (330)
Notice that is equivalent to require that the ratio between the comoving length scales /a and the
comoving Hubble radius

✓ ◆· ✓ ◆· ✓ ◆·
/a /a
= = >0 (331)
H H 1 /a 1/aH
increases with time. We can therefore introduced the following rigorous definition: an inflationary

stage is a period of the universe during which the latter accelerates

INFLATION () ä > 0.

Comment: Let us stress that during such a accelerating phase the universe expands adiabatically.
This means that during inflation one can exploit the usual FRW equations. It must be clear therefore
that the non-adiabaticity condition is satisfied not during inflation, but during the phase transition
between the end of inflation and the beginning of the RD phase. At this transition phase a large
entropy is generated under the form of relativistic degrees of freedom: the Big Bang has taken place.

17 The standard inflationary universe

From the previous section we have learned that an accelerating stage during the primordial phases
of the evolution of the universe might be able to solve the horizon problem. Therefore we learn that

ä > 0 () (⇢ + 3P ) < 0.

An accelerating period is obtainable only if the overall pressure P of the universe is negative: P <
⇢/3. Neither a RD phase nor a MD phase (for which P = ⇢/3 and P = 0, respectively) satisfy such
a condition. Let us postpone for the time being the problem of finding a ‘candidate’ able to provide
the condition P < ⇢/3. For sure, inflation is a phase of the history of the universe occurring before
the era of nucleosynthesis (t ⇡ 1 sec, T ⇡ 1 MeV) during which the light elements abundances were
formed. This is because nucleosynthesis is the earliest epoch we have experimental data from and
they are in agreement with the predictions of the standard Big-Bang theory. However, the thermal
history of the universe before the epoch of nucleosynthesis is unknown.
In order to study the properties of the period of inflation, we assume the extreme condition
P = ⇢ which considerably simplifies the analysis. A period of the universe during which P = ⇢
is called de Sitter stage. By inspecting the FRW equations and the energy conservation equation,
we learn that during the de Sitter phase

⇢ = constant,

HI = constant,

where we have indicated by HI the value of the Hubble rate during inflation. Correspondingly, we
a = aI eHI (t tI )
, (332)

where tI denotes the time at which inflation starts. Let us now see how such a period of exponential
expansion takes care of the shortcomings of the standard Big Bang Theory.3

17.1 Inflation and the horizon Problem

During the inflationary (de Sitter) epoch the Hubble radius HI is constant. If inflation lasts long
enough, all the physical scales that have left the Hubble radius during the RD or MD phase can
re-enter the Hubble radius in the past: this is because such scales are exponentially reduced. Indeed,
during inflation the particle horizon grows exponential

Z t ✓ ◆h it
dt0 1 a(t)
RH (t) = a(t) = aI eHI (t tI )
e HI (t tI )
' , (333)
tI a(t0 ) HI tI HI
while the Hubble radius remains constant

HUBBLE RADIUS = = HI 1 , (334)

and points that our causally disconnected today could have been in contact during inflation. Notice
that in comoving coordinates the comoving Hubble radius shrink exponentially


, (335)

while comoving length scales remain constant. An illustration of the solution to the horizon problem
can therefore be visualized as in Fig. 22. As we have seen in the previous section, this explains both

Figure 22: The solution of the horizon problem by inflation in comoving coordinates
Despite the fact that the growth of the scale factor is exponential and the expansion is superluminal, this
is not in contradiction with what dictated by General Relativity. Indeed, it is the space-time itself which is
propagating so fast and not a light signal in it.

the problem of the homogeneity of CMB and the initial condition problem of small cosmological
perturbations. Once the physical length is within the horizon, microphysics can act, the universe
can be made approximately homogeneous and the primaeval inhomogeneities can be created.
Let us see how long inflation must be sustained in order to solve the horizon problem. Let tI
and tf be, respectively, the time of beginning and end of inflation. We can define the corresponding
number of e-foldings N
N = ln [HI (te tI )] . (336)

A necessary condition to solve the horizon problem is that the largest scale we observe today, the
present horizon H0 1 , was reduced during inflation to a value H0 (tI ) smaller than the value of
Hubble radius HI during inflation. This gives
✓ ◆✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 atf atI 1 T0 N 1
H0 (tI ) = H0 = H0 e <
⇠ HI ,
at0 atf Tf
where we have neglected for simplicity the short period of MD and we have called Tf the temperature
at the end of inflation (to be identified with the reheating temperature TRH at the beginning of the
RD phase after inflation, see later). We get
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
T0 Tf Tf
N> ⇠ ln ln ⇡ 67 + ln .
Apart from the logarithmic dependence, we obtain N >
⇠ 70.

17.2 Inflation and the flatness problem

Inflation solves elegantly also the flatness problem. Since during inflation the Hubble rate is constant
k 1
⌦ 1= / 2.
a2 H 2 a
On the other end the condition (314) tells us that to reproduce a value of (⌦0 1) of order of unity
today the initial value of (⌦ 1) at the beginning of the RD phase must be |⌦ 1| ⇠ 10 60 . Since
we identify the beginning of the RD phase with the beginning of inflation, we require

|⌦ 1|t=tf ⇠ 10 .

During inflation
✓ ◆2
|⌦ 1|t=tf aI 2N
= =e . (337)
|⌦ 1|t=tI af
Taking |⌦ 1|t=tI of order unity, it is enough to require that N ⇡ 70 to solve the flatness problem.
1. Comment: In the previous section we have written that the flatness problem can be also seen
as a fine-tuning problem of one part over 1060 . Inflation ameliorates this fine-tuning problem, by
explaining a tiny number ⇠ 10 60 with a number N of the order 70.

Figure 23: Illustration of the solution of the flatness problem in standard inflationary cosmology.

2. Comment: The number N ' 70 has been obtained requiring that the present-day value of
(⌦0 1) is of order unity. For the expression (337), it is clear that, if the period of inflation lasts
longer than 70 e-foldings, the present-day value of ⌦0 will be equal to unity with a great precision.
One can say that a generic prediction of inflation is that

INFLATION =) ⌦0 = 1.

This statement, however, must be taken cum grano salis and properly specified. Inflation does not
change the global geometric properties of the space-time. If the universe is open or closed, it will
always remain flat or closed, independently from inflation. What inflation does is to magnify the
radius of curvature Rcurv so that locally the universe is flat with a great precision. As we shall see,
the current data on the CMB anisotropies confirm this prediction.

17.3 Inflation and the entropy problem

In the previous section, we have seen that the flatness problem arises because the entropy in a
comoving volume is conserved. It is possible, therefore, that the problem could be resolved if the
cosmic expansion was non-adiabatic for some finite time interval during the early history of the
universe. We need to produce a large amount of entropy SU ⇠ 1090 . Let us postulate that the
entropy changed by an amount
Sf = Z 3 SI (338)

from the beginning to the end of the inflationary period, where Z is a numerical factor. It is very
natural to assume that the total entropy of the universe at the beginning of inflation was of order
unity, one particle per horizon. Since, from the end of inflation onwards, the universe expands

Figure 24: Inflation predicts a local flat universe.

adiabatically, we have Sf = SU . This gives Z ⇠ 1030 . On the other hand, since Sf ⇠ (af Tf )3 and
SI ⇠ (aI TI )3 , where Tf and TI are the temperatures of the universe at the end and at the beginning
of inflation, we get ✓ ◆ ◆ ✓
af N TI
= e ⇡ 10 , (339)
aI Tf
⇣ ⌘
which gives again N ⇠ 70 up to the logarithmic factor ln TTfI . We stress again that such a large
amount of entropy is not produced during inflation, but during the non-adiabatic phase transition
which gives rise to the usual RD phase.

17.4 Inflation and the inflaton

In the previous subsections we have described the various advantages of having a period of acceler-
ating phase. The latter required P < ⇢/3. Now, we would like to show that this condition can be
attained by means of a simple scalar field. We shall call this field the inflaton .
The action of the inflaton field reads
Z Z 
4 p 4 p 1
S= d x gL = d x g @µ @ µ V( ) , (340)

where g = a3 for the FRW metric. From the Eulero-Lagrange equations
p p
µ ( gL) ( gL)
@ = 0, (341)

we obtain
¨ + 3H ˙ r2
+ V 0( ) = 0 , (342)
where V 0 ( ) = (dV ( )/d ). Note, in particular, the appearance of the friction term 3H ˙ : a scalar
field rolling down its potential su↵ers a friction due to the expansion of the universe.
We can write the energy-momentum tensor of the scalar field

Tµ⌫ = @µ @⌫ + gµ⌫ L.

The corresponding energy density ⇢ and pressure density P are

˙2 (r )2
⇢ = T00 = +V( )+ , (343)
2 2a2
T ii ˙2 (r )2
P = = V( ) . (344)
3 2 6a2
Notice that, if the gradient term were dominant, we would obtain P = ⇢ /3, not enough to drive
inflation. We can now split the inflaton field in

(t) = 0 (t) + (x, t),

where 0 is the ‘classical’ (infinite wavelength) field, that is the expectation value of the inflaton field
on the initial isotropic and homogeneous state, while (x, t) represents the quantum fluctuation
around 0. As for now, we will be only concerned with the evolution of the classical field 0. This
separation is justified by the fact that quantum fluctuations are much smaller than the classical
value and therefore negligible when looking at the classical evolution. The energy-momentum tensor
˙0 2
T00 = ⇢ = +V( 0 ), (345)
T ii ˙2
=P = 0 V( 0 ). (346)
3 2
V( 0)

we obtain the following condition

P ' ⇢ .

From this simple calculation, we realize that a scalar field whose energy is dominant in the universe
and whose potential energy dominates over the kinetic term drives inflation. Inflation is driven by
the vacuum energy of the inflaton field.

17.5 Slow-roll conditions
Let us now quantify better under which circumstances a scalar field may give rise to a period of
inflation. The equation of motion of the classical value of the field is

¨0 + 3H ˙ 0 + V 0 ( 0) = 0. (347)

If we require that ˙ 20 ⌧ V ( 0 ),
the scalar field is slowly rolling down its potential. This is the
reason why such a period is called slow-roll. We may also expect that, being the potential flat, ˙ 0
is negligible as well. We will assume that this is true and we will quantify this condition soon. The
FRW equation becomes
H2 ' V( 0 ), (348)
where we have assumed that the inflaton field dominates the energy density of the universe. The
new equation of motion becomes
3H ˙ 0 = V 0( 0 ), (349)

which gives ˙ 0 as a function of V 0 ( 0 ). Using Eq. (349) slow-roll conditions then require

˙2 ⌧ V ( (V 0 )2
0 0 ) =) ⌧ H2

| ¨0 | ⌧ |3H ˙ 0 | =) |V 00 | ⌧ H 2 .

It is now useful to define the slow-roll parameters, ✏ and ⌘ in the following way

˙2 ˙2 ✓ 0 ◆2
Ḣ 0 0 1 V
✏ = 2
= 4⇡GN 2 = 2 = ,
H H 2M Pl H 2 16⇡GN V
✓ 00 ◆
1 V 1 V 00
⌘ = = ,
8⇡GN V 3 H2
= ⌘ ✏= ,
H ˙0

where we have indicated by M Pl the reduces Planck mass,

2 1 MPl 2
M Pl = = . (350)
8⇡GN 8⇡

It might be useful to have the same parameters expressed in terms of conformal time

H0 02
✏ = 1 = 4⇡G N ,
H2 H2
= ⌘ ✏=1 0 .
H 0

The parameter ✏ quantifies how much the Hubble rate H changes with time during inflation. Notice
that, since

= Ḣ + H 2 = (1 ✏) H 2 ,
inflation can be attained only if ✏ < 1:

INFLATION () ✏ < 1.

As soon as this condition fails, inflation ends. In general, slow-roll inflation is attained if ✏ ⌧ 1 and
|⌘| ⌧ 1. During inflation the slow-roll parameters ✏ and ⌘ can be considered to be approximately
constant since the potential V ( ) is very flat.

Comment: In the following, we will work at first-order perturbation in the slow-roll parameters,
that is we will take only the first power of them. Since, using their definition, it is easy to see that
˙ ⌘˙ = O ✏2 , ⌘ 2 , this amounts to saying that we will treat the slow-roll parameters as constant in

Within these approximations, it is easy to compute the number of e-foldings between the be-
ginning and the end of inflation. If we indicate by i and f the values of the inflaton field at the
beginning and at the end of inflation, respectively, we have that the total number of e-foldings is
Z tf
N ⌘ H dt
Z f H
' d 0
Z f H2
' 3 d 0
Z f V
' 8⇡GN d 0
1 f V
= 2 d 0 (351)
M Pl i

We may also compute the number of e-foldings N which are left to go to the end of inflation

N ' 8⇡GN d 0, (352)
where N is the value of the inflaton field when there are N e-foldings to the end of inflation.
1. Comment: A given scale length = a/k leaves the Hubble radius when k = aHk where Hk
is the the value of the Hubble rate at that time. One can compute easily the rate of change of Hk2
as a function of k
✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
dln Hk2 dln Hk2 dt dln a Ḣ 1 Ḣ
= =2 ⇥ ⇥1=2 2 = 2✏. (353)
dln k dt dln a dln k H H H

2. Comment: Take a given physical scale today which crossed the Hubble radius during
inflation. This happened when
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
af T0
e N
= e N
= HI 1 ,
a0 Tf

where N indicates the number of e-foldings from the time the scale crossed the Hubble radius
during inflation to the end of inflation. This relation gives a way to determine the number of
e-foldings to the end of inflation corresponding to a given scale
✓ ◆ ! ✓ ◆
V 1/4 Tf
N ' 65 + ln + 2 ln ln .
3000 Mpc 1014 GeV 10
10 GeV

Scales relevant for the CMB anisotropies correspond to N ⇠60.

17.6 The last stage of inflation and reheating

Inflation ended when the potential energy associated with the inflaton field became smaller than the
kinetic energy of the field. By that time, any pre-inflation entropy in the universe had been inflated
away, and the energy of the universe was entirely in the form of coherent oscillations of the inflaton
condensate around the minimum of its potential. The universe may be said to be frozen after the
end of inflation. We know that somehow the low-entropy cold universe dominated by the energy of
coherent motion of the field must be transformed into a high-entropy hot universe dominated by
radiation. The process by which the energy of the inflaton field is transferred from the inflaton field
to radiation has been dubbed reheating. In the old theory of reheating, the simplest way to envision
this process is if the comoving energy density in the zero mode of the inflaton decays into normal
particles, which then scatter and thermalize to form a thermal background. It is usually assumed
that the decay width of this process is the same as the decay width of a free inflaton field.
Of particular interest is a quantity known usually as the reheat temperature, denoted as TRH (so
far, we have indicated it with Tf ). The reheat temperature is calculated by assuming an instantaneous

conversion of the energy density in the inflaton field into radiation when the decay width of the
inflaton energy, , is equal to H, the expansion rate of the universe.
The reheat temperature is calculated quite easily. After inflation the inflaton field executes
coherent oscillations about the minimum of the potential at some 0 ' m

1 1
V( 0) ' V 00 ( m )( 0 m)
⌘ m2 ( 0 m)
. (354)
2 2
Indeed, the equation of motion for 0 is

¨0 + 3H ˙ 0 + m2 ( 0 m) = 0, (355)

whose solution is

⇣ a ⌘3
0 (t) = i cos [m(t ti )] , (356)
where now the label i denotes here the beginning of the oscillations. Since the period of the oscillation
is much shorter than the Hubble time, H m, we can compute the equation satisfied by the energy
density stored in the oscillating field averaged over many oscillations

D d ✓1 ◆E
h⇢˙ i = ˙ 2 + V ( 0)
dt 2 0 many oscillations
D ⇣ ⌘E
= ˙ 0 ¨0 + V ( 0 )
many oscillations
D ⇣ ⌘E
= ˙0 3H ˙ 0
many oscillations
= 3H ˙ 2
many oscillations
= 3H ⇢ , (357)
many oscillations

where we have used the equipartition property of the energy density during the oscillations h ˙ 20 /2i =
hV ( 0 )i = h⇢ /2i and Eq. (347). The solution of Eq. (357) is (removing the symbol of averaging)

⇣ a ⌘3
⇢ = (⇢ )i . (358)
The Hubble expansion rate as a function of a is

8⇡ (⇢ )i ⇣ ai ⌘3
H 2 (a) = 2 . (359)
3 MPl a

Equating H(a) and leads to an expression for (ai /a). Now if we assume that all available coherent
energy density is instantaneously converted into radiation at this value of (ai /a), we can find the

reheat temperature by setting the coherent energy density, ⇢ = (⇢ )i (ai /a)3 , equal to the radiation
energy density, ⇢r = (⇡ 2 /30)g⇤ TRH
4 , where g is the e↵ective number of relativistic degrees of freedom

at temperature TRH . The result is

✓ ◆1/4 ✓ ◆1/4
90 p 200 p
TRH = MPl = 0.2 MPl . (360)
8⇡ 3 g⇤ g⇤

In some models of inflation reheating can be anticipated by a period of preheating when the the
classical inflaton field very rapidly (explosively) decays into -particles or into other bosons due to
broad parametric resonance. This stage cannot be described by the standard elementary approach
to reheating based on perturbation theory. The bosons produced at this stage further decay into
other particles, which eventually become thermalized.
The presence of a preheating stage at the beginning of the reheating process is based on the
fact that, for some parameter ranges, there is a new decay channel that is non-perturbative: due to
the coherent oscillations of the inflaton field stimulated emissions of bosonic particles into energy
bands with large occupancy numbers are induced. The modes in these bands can be understood
as Bose condensates, and they behave like classical waves. The back-reaction of these modes on
the homogeneous inflaton field and the rescattering among themselves produce a state that is far
from thermal equilibrium and may induce very interesting phenomena, such as non-thermal phase
transitions with production of a stochastic background of gravitational waves and of heavy particles
in a state far from equilibrium, which may constitute today the dark matter in our universe.
The idea of preheating is relatively simple, the oscillations of the inflaton field induce mixing
of positive and negative frequencies in the quantum state of the field it couples to because of the
time-dependent mass of the quantum field. Let us focus, for the sake of simplicity, to the case of a
massive inflaton with quadratic potential V ( ) = 12 m2 2 and coupled to a massless scalar field
via the quartic coupling g 2 2 2.

Neglecting the Hubble rate in the frequency term (being smaller than the time-dependent term),
the evolution equation for the Fourier modes of the field with momentum k is

Ẍk + !k2 Xk = 0, (361)


Xk = a3/2 (t) k,

!k2 = k 2 /a2 (t) + g 2 2

0 (t). (362)

This Klein-Gordon equation may be cast in the form of a Mathieu equation

Xk00 + [A(k) 2q cos 2z]Xk = 0, (363)

where z = mt and

A(k) = + 2q,
a2 m2
q = g2 , (364)

where is the amplitude and m is the frequency of inflaton oscillations, 0 (t) = (t) sin(mt). Notice
that, at least initially, if MPl
2 2
g2 g2 (365)
4m2 m2
can be extremely large. If so, the resonance is broad. For certain values of the parameters (A, q)
there are exact solutions Xk and the corresponding number density nk grows exponentially with
time because they belong to an instability band of the Mathieu equation

Xk / eµk mt ) nk / e2µk mt , (366)

where the parameter µk depends upon the instability band and, in the broad resonance case, q 1,
it is ⇠ 0.2.
These instabilities can be interpreted as coherent “particle” production with large occupancy
numbers. One way of understanding this phenomenon is to consider the energy of these modes as
that of a harmonic oscillator, Ek = |Ẋk |2 /2 + !k2 |Xk |2 /2 = !k (nk + 1/2). The occupancy number
of level k can grow exponentially fast, nk ⇠ exp(2µk mt) 1, and these modes soon behave like
classical waves. The parameter q during preheating determines the strength of the resonance. It is
possible that the model parameters are such that parametric resonance does not occur, and then the
usual perturbative approach would follow, with decay rate . In fact, as the universe expands, the
growth of the scale factor and the decrease of the amplitude of inflaton oscillations shifts the values
of (A, q) along the stability/instability chart of the Mathieu equation, going from broad resonance,
for q 1, to narrow resonance, q ⌧ 1, and finally to the perturbative decay of the inflaton.
It is important to notice that, after the short period of preheating, the universe is likely to enter
a long period of matter domination where the biggest contribution to the energy density of the
universe is provided by the residual small amplitude oscillations of the classical inflaton field and/or
by the inflaton quanta produced during the back-reaction processes. This period will end when the
age of the universe becomes of the order of the perturbative lifetime of the inflaton field, t ⇠ . At
this point, the universe will be reheated up to a temperature TRH obtained applying the old theory
of reheating described previously.

17.7 A brief survey of inflationary models
Even restricting ourselves to a simple single-field inflation scenario, the number of models available
to choose from is large. It is convenient to define a general classification scheme, or “zoology” , for
models of inflation. We divide models into three general types: large-field, small-field, and hybrid.
A generic single-field potential can be characterized by two independent mass scales: a “height” ⇤4 ,
corresponding to the vacuum energy density during inflation, and a “width” µ, corresponding to the
change in the field value during inflation:
✓ ◆
V ( )=⇤ f . (367)

Di↵erent models have di↵erent forms for the function f . Let us now briefly describe the di↵erent
class of models.

17.7.1 Large-field models

Large-field models are potentials typical of the “chaotic” inflation scenario, in which the scalar
field is displaced from the minimum of the potential by an amount usually of order the Planck
mass. Such models are characterized by V 00 ( ) > 0, and ✏ <  ✏. The generic large-field

Figure 25: Large field models of inflation.

potentials we consider are polynomial potentials V ( ) = ⇤4 ( /µ)p , and exponential potentials,

V ( ) = ⇤4 exp ( /µ). In the chaotic inflation scenario, it is assumed that the universe emerged
from a quantum gravitational state with an energy density comparable to that of the Planck density.
4 and results in a large friction term in the Friedmann equation.
This implies that V ( ) ⇡ MPl
Consequently, the inflaton will slowly roll down its potential. The condition for inflation is therefore
satisfied and the scale factor grows as
⇣R ⌘
dt0 H(t0 )
a(t) = aI e tI
. (368)

The simplest chaotic inflation model is that of a free field with a quadratic potential, V ( ) = m2 2 /2,

where m represents the mass of the inflaton. During inflation the scale factor grows as

2 2 (t))
a(t) = aI e2⇡GN ( I (369)

and inflation ends when 4 , the scale factor grows

= O(MPl ). If inflation begins when V ( i ) ⇡ MPl
2 /m2 ) before the inflaton reaches the minimum of its potential. We will later
by a factor exp(4⇡MPl
show that the mass of the field should be m ⇡ 10 6M if the microwave background constraints are
to be satisfied. This implies that the volume of the universe will increase by a factor of Z 3 ⇡ e3⇥10
and this is more than enough inflation to solve the problems of the hot big bang model.
In the chaotic inflationary scenarios, the present-day universe is only a small portion of the
universe which su↵ered inflation. Notice also that the typical values of the inflaton field during
inflation are of the order of MPl , giving rise to the possibility of testing planckian physics.

17.7.2 Small-field models

Small-field models are the type of potentials that arise naturally from spontaneous symmetry break-
ing (such as the original models of “new” inflation) and from pseudo Nambu-Goldstone modes
(natural inflation). The field starts from near an unstable equilibrium (taken to be at the origin)
and rolls down the potential to a stable minimum. Small-field models are characterized by V 00 ( ) < 0

Figure 26: Small field models of inflation.

and ⌘ < ✏. Typically ✏ is close to zero. The generic small-field potentials we consider are of the
form V ( ) = ⇤4 [1 ( /µ)p ], which can be viewed as a lowest-order Taylor expansion of an arbitrary
potential about the origin.

17.7.3 Hybrid models

The hybrid scenario frequently appears in models which incorporate inflation into supersymmetry
and supergravity. In a typical hybrid inflation model, the scalar field responsible for inflation evolves
toward a minimum with nonzero vacuum energy. The end of inflation arises as a result of instability
in a second field. Such models are characterized by V 00 ( ) > 0 and 0 < ✏ < . We consider generic
potentials for hybrid inflation of the form V ( ) = ⇤4 [1 + ( /µ)p ] . The field value at the end of
inflation is determined by some other physics, so there is a second free parameter characterizing the

Figure 27: Hybrid field models of inflation.

This enumeration of models is certainly not exhaustive. There are a number of single-field models
that do not fit well into this scheme, for example logarithmic potentials V ( ) / ln ( ) typical of
supersymmetry. Another example is potentials with negative powers of the scalar field V ( ) / p

used in intermediate inflation and dynamical supersymmetric inflation. Both of these cases require
and auxiliary field to end inflation and are more properly categorized as hybrid models, but fall into
the small-field class. However, the three classes categorized by the relationship between the slow-roll
parameters as ✏<  ✏ (large-field),  ✏ (small-field) and 0 < ✏ < (hybrid) seems to be good
enough for comparing theoretical expectations with experimental data.

Part V

Inflation and the cosmological

As we have seen in the previous section, the early universe was made very nearly uniform by a pri-
mordial inflationary stage. However, the important caveat in that statement is the word ‘nearly’. As
we shall see, our current understanding of the origin of structure in the universe is that it originated
from small ‘seed’ perturbations, which over time grew to become all of the structure we observe.
Once the universe becomes matter dominated (around 50.000 yrs after the bang) primeval density
inhomogeneities ( ⇢/⇢ ⇠ 10 5) are amplified by gravity and grow into the structure we see today.
The fact that a fluid of self-gravitating particles is unstable to the growth of small inhomogeneities
was first pointed out by Jeans and is known as the Jeans instability. Furthermore, the existence of
these inhomogeneities is confirmed by detailed measurements of the CMB anisotropies; the detected
temperature anisotropies almost certainly owe their existence to primeval density inhomogeneities,
since, as we have seen, causality precludes microphysical processes from producing anisotropies on
angular scales larger than about 1 , the angular size of the horizon at last-scattering.
Let us just anticipate for the sake of the argument that the growth of small matter inhomo-
geneities of wavelength smaller than the Hubble scale ( < 1)
⇠ H is governed by a Newtonian
¨k + 2H ˙k + v 2 k k = 4⇡GN ⇢NR k, (370)
s 2
where vs2 = @P/@⇢NR is the square of the sound speed and we have expanded the perturbation to
the matter density in plane waves
⇢NR (x, t) 1
= d3 k k (t)e
. (371)
⇢NR (2⇡)3

Competition between the pressure term and the gravity term on the right hand-side of Eq. (370)
determines whether or not pressure can counteract gravity: perturbations with wavenumber larger
than the Jeans wavenumber, kJ2 = 4⇡GN a2 ⇢NR /vs2 , are Jeans stable and just oscillate; perturbations
with smaller wavenumber are Jeans unstable and can grow.
Let us discuss solutions to this equation under di↵erent circumstances. First, consider the Jeans
problem, evolution of perturbations in a static fluid, i.e., H = 0. In this case Jeans unstable
perturbations grow exponentially, k / exp(t/⌧ ) where ⌧ = 1/ 4GN ⇡⇢NR . Next, consider the
growth of Jeans unstable perturbations in a MD universe, i.e., H 2 = 8⇡GN ⇢NR /3 and a / t2/3 .

Because the expansion tends to “pull particles away from one another,” the growth is only power
law, k / t2/3 ; i.e., at the same rate as the scale factor. Finally, consider a RD universe. In this case,
the expansion is so rapid that matter perturbations grow very slowly, as ln a in RD epoch. Therefore,
perturbations may grow only in a MD period. Once a perturbation reaches an overdensity of order
unity or larger it “separates” from the expansion –i.e., becomes its own self-gravitating system and
ceases to expand any further. In the process of virial relaxation, its size decreases by a factor of
two—density increases by a factor of 8; thereafter, its density contrast grows as a3 since the average
matter density is decreasing as a 3, though smaller scales could become Jeans unstable and collapse
further to form smaller objects of higher density.
In order for structure formation to occur via gravitational instability, there must have been small
preexisting fluctuations on physical length scales when they crossed the Hubble radius in the RD
and MD eras. In the standard Big-Bang model these small perturbations have to be put in by hand,
because it is impossible to produce fluctuations on any length scale while it is larger than the Hubble
radius. Since the goal of cosmology is to understand the universe on the basis of physical laws, this
appeal to initial conditions is unsatisfactory. The challenge is therefore to give an explanation to
the small seed perturbations which allow the gravitational growth of the matter perturbations.
Our best guess for the origin of these perturbations is quantum fluctuations during an inflationary
era in the early universe. Although originally introduced as a possible solution to the cosmological
conundrums such as the horizon, flatness and entropy problems, by far the most useful property of
inflation is that it generates spectra of both density perturbations and gravitational waves. These
perturbations extend from extremely short scales to scales considerably in excess of the size of the
observable universe.
During inflation the scale factor grows quasi-exponentially, while the Hubble radius remains
almost constant. Consequently the wavelength of a quantum fluctuation – either in the scalar field
whose potential energy drives inflation or in the graviton field – soon exceeds the Hubble radius.
The amplitude of the fluctuation therefore becomes ‘frozen in’. This is quantum mechanics in action
at macroscopic scales!
According to quantum field theory, empty space is not entirely empty. It is filled with quantum
fluctuations of all types of physical fields. The fluctuations can be regarded as waves of physical
fields with all possible wavelengths, moving in all possible directions. If the values of these fields,
averaged over some macroscopically large time, vanish then the space filled with these fields seems
to us empty and can be called the vacuum.
In the exponentially expanding universe the vacuum structure is much more complicated. The
wavelengths of all vacuum fluctuations of the inflaton field grow exponentially in the expanding

universe. When the wavelength of any particular fluctuation becomes greater than H 1, this fluc-
tuation stops propagating, and its amplitude freezes at some nonzero value because of the large
friction term 3H ˙ in the equation of motion of the field . The amplitude of this fluctuation
then remains almost unchanged for a very long time, whereas its wavelength grows exponentially.
Therefore, the appearance of such frozen fluctuation is equivalent to the appearance of a classical
field that does not vanish after having averaged over some macroscopic interval of time. Because
the vacuum contains fluctuations of all possible wavelength, inflation leads to the creation of more
and more new perturbations of the classical field with wavelength larger than the Hubble radius.
Once inflation has ended, however, the Hubble radius increases faster than the scale factor, so
the fluctuations eventually reenter the Hubble radius during the radiation- or matter-dominated
eras. The fluctuations that exit around 60 e-foldings or so before reheating reenter with physical
wavelengths in the range accessible to cosmological observations. These spectra provide a distinctive
signature of inflation. They can be measured in a variety of di↵erent ways including the analysis of
microwave background anisotropies.
The physical processes which give rise to the structures we observe today are well-explained in
Fig. 28.
Since gravity talks to any component of the universe, small fluctuations of the inflaton field are
intimately related to fluctuations of the space-time metric, giving rise to perturbations of the curva-
ture R (which will be defined in the following; the reader may loosely think of it as a gravitational
potential). The wavelengths of these perturbations grow exponentially and leave soon the Hubble
radius when > H 1. On super-Hubble scales, curvature fluctuations are frozen in and may be
considered as classical. Finally, when the wavelength of these fluctuations reenters the horizon, at
some radiation- or matter-dominated epoch, the curvature (gravitational potential) perturbations of
the space-time give rise to matter (and temperature) perturbations via the Poisson equation. These
fluctuations will then start growing giving rise to the structures we observe today.
In summary, two are the key ingredients for understanding the observed structures in the universe
within the inflationary scenario:

• Quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field are excited during inflation and stretched to cos-
mological scales. At the same time, being the inflaton fluctuations connected to the metric
perturbations through Einstein’s equations, ripples on the metric are also excited and stretched
to cosmological scales.

• Gravity acts a messenger since it communicates to baryons and photons the small seed per-
turbations once a given wavelength becomes smaller than the Hubble radius after inflation.

Figure 28: A schematic representation of the generation of quantum fluctuations during inflation.

Let us know see how quantum fluctuations are generated during inflation. We will proceed by
steps. First, we will consider the simplest problem of studying the quantum fluctuations of a generic
scalar field during inflation: we will learn how perturbations evolve as a function of time and compute
their spectrum. Then – since a satisfactory description of the generation of quantum fluctuations
have to take both the inflaton and the metric perturbations into account – we will study the system
composed by quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field and quantum fluctuations of the metric.

18 Quantum fluctuations of a generic massless scalar
field during inflation
Let us first see how the fluctuations of a generic scalar field , which is not the inflaton field, behave
during inflation. To warm up we first consider a de Sitter epoch during which the Hubble rate is

18.1 Quantum fluctuations of a generic massless scalar field during

a de Sitter stage
We assume this field to be massless. The massive case will be analyzed in the next subsection.
Expanding the scalar field in Fourier modes
d3 k ik·x
(x, t) = e k (t),

we can write the equation for the fluctuations as

¨k + 3H ˙ k + k = 0. (372)

Let us study the qualitative behavior of the solution to Eq. (372).

• For wavelengths within the Hubble radius, ⌧H 1, the corresponding wavenumber satisfies
the relation k a H. In this regime, we can neglect the friction term 3H ˙ k and Eq. (372)
reduces to
¨k + k = 0, (373)
which is – basically – the equation of motion of an harmonic oscillator. Of course, the fre-
quency term k 2 /a2 depends upon time because the scale factor a grows exponentially. On the
qualitative level, however, one expects that when the wavelength of the fluctuation is within
the horizon, the fluctuation oscillates.

• For wavelengths above the Hubble radius, H 1, the corresponding wavenumber satisfies
the relation k ⌧ aH and the term k 2 /a2 can be safely neglected. Eq. (372) reduces to

¨k + 3H ˙ k = 0, (374)

which tells us that on super-Hubble scales k remains constant.

We have therefore the following picture: take a given fluctuation whose initial wavelength ⇠ a/k
is within the Hubble radius. The fluctuations oscillates till the wavelength becomes of the order of
the horizon scale. When the wavelength crosses the Hubble radius, the fluctuation ceases to oscillate
and gets frozen in.
Let us know study the evolution of the fluctuation in a more quantitative way. To do so, we
perform the following redefinition
k =
and we work in conformal time d⌧ = dt/a. For the time being, we solve the problem for a pure de
Sitter expansion and we take the scale factor exponentially growing as a ⇠ eHt ; the corresponding
conformal factor reads (after choosing properly the integration constants)
a(⌧ ) = (⌧ < 0).
In the following we will also solve the problem in the case of quasi de Sitter expansion. The beginning
of inflation coincides with some initial time ⌧i ⌧ 0. We find that Eq. (372) becomes
✓ ◆
00 2 a00
k+ k k = 0. (375)
We obtain an equation which is very ‘close’ to the equation for a Klein-Gordon scalar field in flat
space-time, the only di↵erence being a negative time-dependent mass term a00 /a = 2/⌧ 2 . Eq.
(375) can be obtained from an action of the type
Z  ✓ ◆
1 02 1 2 a00 2
Sk = d⌧ k , (376)
2 k 2 a k

which is the canonical action for a simple harmonic oscillator with canonical commutation relations

⇤ 0 ⇤0
k k k k = i. (377)

Let us study the behavior of this equation on sub-Hubble and super-Hubble scales. Since
= k ⌧,
on sub-Hubble scales k 2 a00 /a Eq. (375) reduces to

k + k2 k = 0,

whose solution is a plane wave

e ik⌧
= p
k (k aH). (378)
We find again that fluctuations with wavelength within the horizon oscillate exactly like in flat
space-time. This does not come as a surprise. In the ultraviolet regime, that is for wavelengths

much smaller than the Hubble radius scale, one expects that approximating the space-time as flat
is a good approximation.
On super-Hubble scales, k 2 ⌧ a00 /a Eq. (375) reduces to

00 a00
k k = 0,
which is satisfied by
k = B(k) a (k ⌧ aH). (379)

where B(k) is a constant of integration. Roughly matching the (absolute values of the) solutions
(378) and (379) at k = aH ( k⌧ = 1), we can determine the (absolute value of the) constant B(k)
1 1 H
|B(k)| a = p =) |B(k)| = p = p .
2k a 2k 2k 3
Going back to the original variable k, we obtain that the quantum fluctuation of the field on
super-Hubble scales is constant and approximately equal to

2k 3

In fact we can do much better, since Eq. (375) has an exact solution:
✓ ◆
e ik⌧ i
k = p 1 . (380)
2k k⌧
This solution reproduces all what we have found by qualitative arguments in the two extreme regimes
k ⌧ aH and k aH. The reason why we have performed the matching procedure is to show that
the latter can be very useful to determine the behavior of the solution on super-Hubble scales when
the exact solution is not known.

18.2 Quantum fluctuations of a generic massive scalar field during

a de Sitter stage
So far, we have solved the equation for the quantum perturbations of a generic massless field, that
is neglecting the mass squared term m2 . Let us know discuss the solution when such a mass term
is present. Eq. (375) becomes
⇥ ⇤
k + k 2 + M 2 (⌧ ) k = 0, (381)

where ✓ ◆
2 2 2 2 1 m2
M (⌧ ) = m 2H a (⌧ ) = 2 2 .
⌧ H2

Eq. (381) can be recast in the form
 ✓ ◆
00 2 1 2 1
k + k ⌫ k = 0, (382)
⌧2 4

where !
2 9 m2
⌫ = . (383)
4 H2
The generic solution to Eq. (381) for ⌫ real is
p h i
k = ⌧ c1 (k) H⌫(1) ( k⌧ ) + c2 (k) H⌫(2) ( k⌧ ) ,

(1) (2)
where H⌫ and H⌫ are the Hankel’s functions of the first and second kind, respectively. If we
impose that in the ultraviolet regime k aH ( k⌧ 1) the solution matches the plane-wave
solution e ik⌧ / 2k that we expect in flat space-time and knowing that
r r
2 i( x ⇡ ⌫ ⇡ ) 2 ⇡ ⇡
H⌫ (x 1) ⇠ e 2 4
, H⌫ (x 1) ⇠ e i( x 2 ⌫ 4 ) ,
⇡x ⇡x
+ 12 ) ⇡2
we set c2 (k) = 0 and c1 (k) = 2

ei( ⌫ . The exact solution becomes
⇡ i( ⌫ + 12 ) ⇡2
k = e ⌧ H⌫(1) ( k⌧ ). (384)
(1) p i ⇡2 3
On super-Hubble scales, since H⌫ (x ⌧ 1) ⇠ 2/⇡ e 2⌫ 2 ( (⌫ )/ (3/2)) x ⌫ , the fluctuation
(384) becomes
) ⇡2 2(⌫ 3 (⌫ ) 1 1
k = ei( ⌫ 2 2 ) p ( k⌧ ) 2 ⌫
(3/2) 2k
Going back to the old variable k, we find that on super-Hubble scales, the fluctuation with
nonvanishing mass is not exactly constant, but it acquires a tiny dependence upon the time

✓ ◆3 ⌫
H k 2
2k 3 aH

If we now define, in analogy with the definition of the slow roll parameters ⌘ and ✏ for the inflaton
field, the parameter ⌘ = (m2 /3H 2 ) ⌧ 1, one finds

⌫ '⌘ . (385)

18.3 Quantum to classical transition
We have previously said that the quantum flactuations can be regarded as classical when their
corresponding wavelengths cross the Hubble radius. To better motivate this statement, we should
compute the number of particles nk per wavenumber k on super-Hubble scales and check that it is
indeed much larger than unity, nk 1 (in this limit one can neglect the “quantum” factor 1/2 in
the Hamiltonian Hk = !k nk + 2 where !k is the energy eigenvalue). If so, the fluctuation can
be regarded as classical. The number of particles nk can be estimated to be of the order of Hk /!k ,
where Hk is the Hamiltonian corresponding to the action
Z 
1 02 1 2
Sk = d⌧ + k M 2 (⌧ ) 2
. (386)
2 k 2 k

One obtains on super-Hubble scales

02 ✓ ◆2 0 ✓ ◆ 4
k H a2 k
nk ' ⇠ p ⇠ 1,
!k k3 k aH

which confirms that fluctuations on super-Hubble scales may be indeed considered as classical.

18.4 The power spectrum

Let us define now the power spectrum, a useful quantity to characterize the properties of the per-
turbations. For a generic quantity g(x, t), which can expanded in Fourier space as
d3 k ik·x
g(x, t) = e gk (t),

the power spectrum can be defined as

h0|gk1 gk2 |0i ⌘ (2⇡)3 (3)

(k1 + k2 ) |gk |2 , (387)

where |0 i is the vacuum quantum state of the system. This definition leads to the relation
D E Z d3 k Z
d3 k
2 2
0 g (x, t) 0 = 3
gk g k = 3
|gk | = Pg (k), (388)
(2⇡) (2⇡) k

which defines the power spectrum of the perturbations of the field g(x, t) as

Pg (k) = |gk |2 . (389)
2⇡ 2

18.5 Quantum fluctuations of a generic scalar field in a quasi de
Sitter stage
So far, we have computed the time evolution and the spectrum of the quantum flutuations of a
generic scalar field supposing that the scale factor evolves like in a pure de Sitter expansion,
a(⌧ ) = 1/(H⌧ ). However, during inflation the Hubble rate is not exactly constant, but changes
with time as Ḣ = ✏ H 2 (quasi de Sitter expansion), In this subsection, we will solve for the
perturbations in a quasi de Sitter expansion. Using the definition of the conformal time, one can
show that the scale factor for small values of ✏ becomes
1 1
a(⌧ ) = .
H ⌧ (1+✏)
Eq. (381) has now a squared mass term
M 2 (⌧ ) = m2 a2 ,
a00 1
' 2 (2 + 3✏) . (390)
a ⌧
Taking m2 /H 2 = 3⌘ and expanding for small values of ✏ and ⌘ we get Eq. (382) with
⌫ ' +✏ ⌘ . (391)
Armed with these results, we may compute the power spectrum of the fluctuations of the scalar
field . Since we have seen that fluctuations are (nearly) frozen in on super-Hubble scales, a way of
characterizing the perturbations is to compute the spectrum on scales larger than the Hubble radius
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆3 2⌫
k3 2 H k
P (k) ⌘ | k| = . (392)
2⇡ 2 2⇡ aH

We may also define the spectral index n of the fluctuations as

dln P
n 1= =3 2⌫ = 2⌘ 2✏.
dln k

The power spectrum of fluctuations of the scalar field is therefore nearly flat, that is is nearly
independent from the wavelength = ⇡/k: the amplitude of the fluctuation on super-Hubble scales
does not (almost) depend upon the time at which the fluctuations crosses the Hubble radius and
becomes frozen in. The small tilt of the power spectrum arises from the fact that the scalar field
is massive and because during inflation the Hubble rate is not exactly constant, but nearly constant,

where ‘nearly’ is quantified by the slow-roll parameters ✏. Adopting the traditional terminology,
we may say that the spectrum of perturbations is blue if n > 1 (more power in the ultraviolet)
and red if n < 1 (more power in the infrared). The power spectrum of the perturbations of a
generic scalar field generated during a period of slow roll inflation may be either blue or red. This
depends upon the relative magnitude between ⌘ and ✏. For instance, in chaotic inflation with a
quadric potential V ( ) = m2 2 /2, one can easily compute

n 1 = 2⌘ m2 m2 ,
2✏ =
3H 2
which tells us that the spectrum is blue (red) if m2 > m2 (m2 < m2 ).

Comment: We might have computed the spectral index of the spectrum P (k) by first solving
the equation for the perturbations of the field in a di Sitter stage, with H = constant and therefore
✏ = 0, and then taking into account the time-evolution of the Hubble rate introducing the subscript
in Hk whose time variation is determined by Eq. (353). Correspondingly, Hk is the value of the
Hubble rate when a given wavelength ⇠ k 1 crosses the horizon (from that point on the fluctuations
remains frozen in). The power spectrum in such an approach would read

✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆3 2⌫
Hk k
P (k) = (393)
2⇡ aH
with 3 2⌫ ' 2⌘ . Using Eq. (353), one finds

dln P dln Hk2

n 1= = +3 2⌫ = 2⌘ 2✏,
dln k dln k
which reproduces our previous findings.

Comment: Since on super-Hubble scales

✓ ◆⌘ ✏  ✓ ◆
H k H k
k 'p 'p 1 + (⌘ ✏) ln ,
2k 3 aH 2k 3 aH
we discover that

| ˙ k | ' |H (⌘ ✏) k| ⌧ |H k| , (394)

that is on super-Hubble scales the time variation of the perturbations can be safely neglected.

19 Quantum fluctuations during inflation

As we have mentioned in the previous section, the linear theory of the cosmological perturbations
represent a cornerstone of modern cosmology and is used to describe the formation and evolution

of structures in the universe as well as the anisotropies of the CMB. The seeds for these inhome-
geneities were generated during inflation and stretched over astronomical scales because of the rapid
superluminal expansion of the universe during the (quasi) de Sitter epoch.
In the previous section we have already seen that pertubations of a generic scalar field are
generated during a (quasi) de Sitter expansion. The inflaton field is a scalar field and, as such, we
conclude that inflaton fluctuations will be generated as well. However, the inflaton is special from
the point of view of perturbations. The reason is very simple. By assumption, the inflaton field
dominates the energy density of the universe during inflation. Any perturbation in the inflaton field
means a perturbation of the stress energy-momentum tensor

=) Tµ⌫ .

A perturbation in the stress energy-momentum tensor implies, through Einstein’s equations of mo-
tion, a perturbation of the metric

Tµ⌫ =) Rµ⌫ (gµ⌫ R) = 8⇡G Tµ⌫ =) gµ⌫ .
On the other hand, a pertubation of the metric induces a backreaction on the evolution of the
inflaton perturbation through the perturbed Klein-Gordon equation of the inflaton field

✓ ◆
µ @V
gµ⌫ =) @µ @ + = 0 =) .
This logic chain makes us conclude that the perturbations of the inflaton field and of the metric are
tightly coupled to each other and have to be studied together

() gµ⌫ .

As we will see shortly, this relation is stronger than one might thought because of the issue of gauge
Before launching ourselves into the problem of finding the evolution of the quantum perturbations
of the inflaton field when they are coupled to gravity, let us give a heuristic explanation of why we
expect that during inflation such fluctuations are indeed present.
If we take Eq. (342) and split the inflaton field as its classical value 0 plus the quantum
flucutation , (x, t) = 0 (t) + (x, t), the quantum perturbation satisfies the equation of
¨ + 3H ˙ r2
+ V 00 = 0. (395)

Di↵erentiating Eq. (347) with respect to time and taking H constant (de Sitter expansion) we find

( 0)
+ 3H ¨0 + V 00 ˙ 0 = 0. (396)

Let us consider for simplicity the limit k/a ⌧ H and let us disregard the gradient term. Under this
condition we see that ˙ 0 and solve the same equation. The solutions have therefore to be related
to each other by a constant of proportionality which depends upon space only, that is

= ˙ 0 t(x). (397)

This tells us that (x, t) will have the form

(x, t) = 0 (x, t t(x)) .

This equation indicates that the inflaton field does not acquire the same value at a given time t in all
the space. On the contrary, when the inflaton field is rolling down its potential, it acquires di↵erent
values from one spatial point x to the other. The inflaton field is not homogeneous and fluctuations
are present. These fluctuations, in turn, will induce fluctuations in the metric.

19.1 The metric fluctuations

The mathematical tool do describe the linear evolution of the cosmological perturbations is obtained
by perturbing at the first-order the FRW metric gµ⌫ ,

(0) (0)
gµ⌫ = gµ⌫ (t) + gµ⌫ (x, t) ; gµ⌫ ⌧ gµ⌫ . (398)

The metric perturbations can be decomposed according to their spin with respect to a local rotation
of the spatial coordinates on hypersurfaces of constant time. This leads to

• scalar perturbations,

• vector perturbations,

• tensor perturbations.

Tensor perturbations or gravitational waves have spin 2 and are the “true” degrees of freedom of
the gravitational fields in the sense that they can exist even in the vacuum. Vector perturbations
are spin 1 modes arising from rotational velocity fields and are also called vorticity modes. Finally,
scalar perturbations have spin 0.
Let us make a simple exercise to count how many scalar degrees of freedom are present. Take a
space-time of dimensions D = n + 1, of which n coordinates are spatial coordinates. The symmetric

metric tensor gµ⌫ has 2 (n + 2)(n + 1) degrees of freedom. We can perform (n + 1) coordinate
transformations in order to eliminate (n+1) degrees of freedom, this leaves us with 12 n(n+1) degrees
of freedom. These 12 n(n + 1) degrees of freedom contain scalar, vector and tensor modes. According
to Helmholtz’s theorem we can always decompose a vector Ui (i = 1, · · · , n) as Ui = @i v + vi ,
where v is a scalar (usually called potential flow) which is curl-free, v[i,j] = 0, and vi is a real
vector (usually called vorticity) which is divergence-free, r · v = 0. This means that the real vector
(vorticity) modes are (n 1). Furthermore, a generic traceless tensor ⇧ij can always be decomposed
⇣ ⌘
ki kj 1
as ⇧ij = ⇧Sij + ⇧Vij + ⇧Tij , where ⇧Sij = k2
+ V
n ij ⇧, ⇧ij = ( i/2k) (ki ⇧j + kj ⇧i ) (ki ⇧i = 0)
and ki ⇧Tij = 0. This means that the true symmetric, traceless and transverse tensor degreees of
freedom are 12 (n 2)(n + 1).
The number of scalar degrees of freedom are therefore

1 1
n(n + 1) (n 1) (n 2)(n + 1) = 2,
2 2
while the degrees of freedom of true vector modes are (n 1) and the number of degrees of freedom of
true tensor modes (gravitational waves) are 12 (n 2)(n + 1). In four dimensions n = 3, meaning that
one expects 2 scalar degrees of freedom, 2 vector degrees of freedom and 2 tensor degrees of freedom.
As we shall see, to the 2 scalar degrees of freedom from the metric, one has to add an another one,
the inflaton field perturbation . However, since Einstein’s equations will tell us that the two scalar
degrees of freedom from the metric are equal during inflation, we expect a total number of scalar
degrees of freedom equal to 2.
At the linear order, the scalar, vector and tensor perturbations evolve independently (they de-
couple) and it is therefore possible to analyze them separately. Vector perturbations are not excited
during inflation because there are no rotational velocity fields during the inflationary stage. We will
analyze the generation of tensor modes (gravitational waves) in the following. For the time being
we want to focus on the scalar degrees of freedom of the metric.
Considering only the scalar degrees of freedom of the perturbed metric, the most generic per-
turbed metric reads
0 1
(1 + 2 ) @i B
gµ⌫ = a2 @ A, (399)
@i B (1 2 ) ij + Dij E
while the line-element can be written as
⇥ ⇤
ds2 = a2 (1 + 2 )d⌧ 2 + 2 @i B d⌧ dxi + ((1 2 ) ij + Dij E) dxi dxj , (400)

where Dij = @i @j 1
3 ij r2 .

We now want to determine the inverse g µ⌫ of the metric at the linear order

g µ↵ g↵⌫ = µ
⌫. (401)

We have therefore to solve the equations

⇣ ⌘⇣ ⌘
g(0) + g µ↵ g↵⌫
+ g↵⌫ = µ
⌫ , (402)
where g(0) is simply the unperturbed FRW metric. Since
0 1
µ⌫ 1 1 0
g(0) = 2@ A, (403)
a 0 ij

we can write in general

g 00 = ( 1 + X) ;
1 i
g 0i = @Y;
g ij = (1 + 2 Z) ij + Dij K . (404)
Plugging these expressions into Eq. (402) we find for µ = ⌫ = 0

( 1 + X)( 1 2 ) + @ i Y @i B = 1. (405)

Neglecting the terms 2 · X e @ i Y · @i B because they are second-order in the perturbations, we

1 X +2 = 1 ) X = 2 . (406)

Analogously, the components µ = 0, ⌫ = i of Eq. (402) give

( 1 + 2 )(@i B) + @ j Y [(1 2 ) ji + Dji E] = 0. (407)

At the first-order, we obtain

@i B + @i Y = 0 ) Y =B. (408)

Finally, the components µ = i, ⌫ = j give

⇣ ⌘
@ i B @j B + (1 + 2 Z) ik + Dik K ((1 2 ) kj + Dkj E) = i
j. (409)

Neglecting the second-order terms, we obtain

(1 2 + 2 Z) j + Dji E + Dji K = i
j )Z = ; K = E. (410)

The metric g µ⌫ finally reads

0 1
1 @ 1+2 @iB
g µ⌫ = 2 A. (411)
a @iB (1 + 2 ) ij Dij E

19.2 Perturbed affine connections and Einstein’s tensor
In this subsection we provide the reader with the perturbed affine connections and Einstein’s tensor.
First, let us list the unperturbed affine connections

0 a0 i a0 i 0 a0
00 = , 0j = j, ij = ij , (412)
a a a
i 0 i
00 = 0i = jk = 0. (413)

The expression for the affine connections in terms of the metric is

✓ ◆
↵ 1 ↵⇢ @g⇢ @g ⇢ @g
= g + , (414)
2 @x @x @x⇢

which implies
✓ ◆
↵ 1 ↵⇢ @g⇢ @g ⇢ @g
= g +
2 @x @x @x⇢
✓ ◆
1 ↵⇢ @ g⇢ @ g ⇢ @ g
+ g + , (415)
2 @x @x @x⇢

or in components
0 0
00 = , (416)
0 a0
0i = @i + @i B, (417)
a0 i
00 = @ B + @iB0 + @i , (418)
a0 a0 0 a0 1
ij = 2 ij @i @j B 2 ij ij Dij E + Dij E 0 ,
a a a 2
0 1
0j = ij + Dij E 0 , (419)
i i i a0 i 1 1 1 i
jk = @j k @k j + @i jk @ B jk + @j Dki E + @k Dji E @ Djk E. (420)
a 2 2 2
We may now compute the Ricci scalar defines as

↵ ↵ ↵ ↵
Rµ⌫ = @↵ µ⌫ @µ ⌫↵ + ↵ µ⌫ ⌫ µ↵ . (421)

Its variation at the first-order reads

↵ ↵ ↵ ↵
Rµ⌫ = @↵ µ⌫ @µ ⌫↵ + ↵ µ⌫ + ↵ µ⌫
↵ ↵
⌫ µ↵ ⌫ µ↵ . (422)

The background values are given by

a00 ⇣ a 0 ⌘2
R00 = 3 +3 , R0i = 0 (423)
a a

⇣ a00 ⇣ a 0 ⌘2 ⌘
Rij = + ij , (424)
a a
which give
a0 a0 a0
R00 = @i @ i B + @i @ i B 0 + @i @ i + 3 00 + 3 0
+3 0
, (425)
a a a
✓ 0 ◆2 0
a a a 1
R0i = @i B + @i B + 2@i 0 + 2 @i + @k DiK E 0 , (426)
a a a 2

⇣ ✓ ◆2
a0 0 a0 0 a00 a0
Rij = 5 2 2
a a a a
✓ 0 ◆2 ⌘
a00 a 00 a0
2 2 + @k @ k @k @ k B ij
a a a
✓ 0 ◆2
a0 0 0 a00 a
@i @j B + Dij E + Dij E + Dij E
a a a
1 a0
+ Dij E 00 + @i @j @i @j 2 @i @j B
2 a
1 1 1
+ @k @i Djk E + @k @j Dik E @k @ k Dij E, (427)
2 2 2
The perturbation of the scalar curvature

R = g µ↵ R↵µ , (428)

for which the first-order perturbation is

R = g µ↵ R↵µ + g µ↵ R↵µ . (429)

The background value is

6 a00
R = , (430)
a2 a
while from Eq. (429) one finds
1⇣ a0
R = 6 @i @ i B 2@i @ i B 0 2@i @ i 6 00
a2 a
a0 a0 0 a00 ⌘
6 18 12 + 4@i @ i + @k @ i Dik E . (431)
a a a
Finally, we may compute the perturbations of the Einstein tensor
Gµ⌫ = Rµ⌫ gµ⌫ R, (432)
whose background components are
⇣ a 0 ⌘2 ⇣ a00 ⇣ a 0 ⌘2 ⌘
G00 = 3 , G0i = 0, Gij = 2 + ij . (433)
a a a
At first-order, one finds
1 1
Gµ⌫ = Rµ⌫ gµ⌫ R gµ⌫ R , (434)
2 2

or in components
a0 a0 0 1
G00 = 2 @i @ i B 6 + 2 @i @ i + @k @ i DiK E, (435)
a a 2

✓ ◆2
a00 a0 0 1 a0
G0i = 2 @i B + @i B + 2@i + @k DiK E 0 + 2 @i , (436)
a a 2 a

✓ ◆2
a0 0 a0 0 a00 a0
Gij = 2 +4 +4 2
a a a a
✓ 0 ◆2
a00 a 00
+ 4 2 +2 @k @ k
a a
a0 1
+ 2 @k @ k B + @k @ k B 0 + @k @ k + @k @ m Dm
E ij
a 2
a0 a00
@i @j B 0 + @i @j @i @j A + Dij E 0 2 Dij E
a a
✓ 0 ◆2
a 1 1
+ Dij E + Dij E 00 + @k @i Djk E
a 2 2
1 k 1 a0
+ @ @j Dik E @k @ k Dij E 2 @i @j B. (437)
2 2 a
For convenience, we also give the expressions for the pertubations with one index up and one index

Gµ⌫ = (g µ↵ G↵⌫ )

= g µ↵ G↵⌫ + g µ↵ G↵⌫ , (438)

or in components
 ⇣ 0⌘
1 a 2 a0 0 a0 1
G00 = 2 6 +6 +2 @i @ i B 2 @i @ i @k @ i DiK E , (439)
a a a a 2

1 a0 0 1
G0i = 2 2 @i 2 @i @k DiK E 0 , (440)
a a 2
1 a0 a00 ⇣ a 0 ⌘2 a0
0 0 00
Gij = 2 +4 2 + @i @ i +4 +2
a2 a a a a
a0 1
@i @ i + 2 @i @ i B + @i @ i B 0 + @k @ m Dm
E i
a 2
a0 i a0 i 0 1
@ i @j + @ i @j 2 @ @j B @ i @j B 0 + D E + Dji E 00
a a j 2
1 1 1
+ @k @ i Djk E + @k @j Dik E @k @ k Dji E . (441)
2 2 2

19.3 Perturbed stress energy-momentum tensor
As we have seen previously, the perturbations of the metric are induced by the perturbations of the
stress energy-momentum tensor of the inflaton field
✓ ◆
1 ↵
Tµ⌫ = @µ @⌫ gµ⌫ g @↵ @ + V( ) , (442)
whose background values are (we are not going to put the subscript 0 any longer for the background
1 02
T00 = + V ( ) a2 ,
T0i = 0,
✓ ◆
1 02
Tij = V ( ) a2 ij . (443)
The perturbed stress energy-momentum tensor reads
✓ ◆
1 ↵
Tµ⌫ = @µ @⌫ + @ µ @⌫ gµ⌫ g @↵ @ + V( )
✓ ◆
1 ↵ ↵ @V @V
gµ⌫ g @↵ @ +g @↵ @ + + . (444)
2 @ @
In components we have
0 0 @V
T00 = +2 V ( ) a2 + a2 , (445)
0 1 02
T 0i = @i + @i B @ i B V ( ) a2 , (446)
✓ ◆
0 0 02 @V2 02 2
T ij = a +2 V ( )a ij
1 02
+ Dij E Dij E V ( ) a2 . (447)
For covenience, we list the mixed components

T⌫µ = (g µ↵ T↵⌫ )

= g µ↵ T↵⌫ + g µ↵ T↵⌫ , (448)


02 0 0 @V 2
T00 = a ,
02 0
T0i = @iB + @i ,
Ti0 = @i ,
✓ ◆
02 0 0 @V 2
Tji = + a i
j. (449)

19.4 Perturbed Klein-Gordon equation
The inflaton equation of motion is the Klein-Gordon equation of a scalar field under the action of
its potential V ( ). The equation to perturb is therefore

1 p @V
p @⌫ g g µ⌫ @⌫ = , (450)
g @

which at the zero-th order gives the inflaton equation of motion

00 a0 0 @V 2
+2 = a . (451)
a @

The variation of Eq. (450) is the sum of four di↵erent contributions corresponding to the variations
of p1 g , g, g µ⌫ and . For the variation of g we have

g = g g µ⌫ g⌫µ , (452)

which give at the linear order

p g
g = p ,
2 g
1 g
p = . (453)
g g

Plugging these results into the expression for the variation of Eq. (451)

00 a0 0 00 a0 0 0 0
@µ@µ = 2 + @i @ i +2 +4 +
a a
+ 3 0 0 + @i @ i B 0
@2V 2
= a . (454)
@ 2

Using Eq. (451) to write

00 a0 0 @V 2
2 +4 = 2 a , (455)
a @
Eq. (454) becomes

00 a0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+2 @i @ i 3 @i @ i B
@2V 2 @V
= a 2 . (456)
@ 2 @

After having computed the perturbations at the linear order of the Einstein’s tensor and of the
stress energy-momentum tensor, we are ready to solve the perturbed Einstein’s equations in order
to quantify the inflaton and the metric fluctuations. We pause, however, for a moment in order to
deal with the problem of gauge invariance.

19.5 The issue of gauge invariance
When studying the cosmological density perturbations, what we are interested in is following the
evolution of a space-time which is neither homogeneous nor isotropic. This is done by following the
evolution of the di↵erences between the actual space-time and a well understood reference space-
time. So we will consider small perturbations away from the homogeneous, isotropic space-time (see
Fig. 29). The reference system in our case is the spatially flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker space-

Figure 29: In the reference unperturbed universe, constant-time surfaces have constant spatial
curvature (zero for a flat FRW model). In the actual perturbed universe, constant-time
surfaces have spatially varying spatial curvature

time, with line element ds2 = a2 (⌧ ) d⌧ 2 + dx2 . Now, the key issue is that general relativity is
a gauge theory where the gauge transformations are the generic coordinate transformations from a
local reference frame to another.
When we compute the perturbation of a given quantity, this is defined to be the di↵erence between
the value that this quantity assumes on the real physical space-time and the value it assumes on
the unperturbed background. Nonetheless, to perform a comparison between these two values, it is
necessary to compute the at the same space-time point. Since the two values “live” on two di↵erent
geometries, it is necessary to specify a map which allows to link univocally the same point on the
two di↵erent space-times. This correspondance is called a gauge choice and changing the map means

performing a gauge transformation.
Fixing a gauge in general relativity implies choosing a coordinate system. A choice of coordinates
defines a threading of space-time into lines (corresponding to fixed spatial coordinates x) and a slicing
into hypersurfaces (corresponding to fixed time ⌧ ). A choice of coordinates is called a gauge and
there is no unique preferred gauge


Similarly, we can look at the change of coordinates either as an active transformation, in which we
slightly alter the manifold or as a passive transformation, in which we do not alter the manifold,
all the points remain fixed, and we just change the coordinate system. So this is tantamount to
a relabelling of the points. From the passive point of view, in which a coordinate transformation
represents a relabelling of the points of the space, one then compares a quantity, say the metric
(or its perturbations), at a point P (with coordinates xµ ) with the new metric at the point P 0
which has the same values of the new coordinates as the point P had in the old coordinate system,
fµ (P 0 ) = xµ (P ). This is by the way an efficient way to detect symmetries (isometries if one is
concerned with the metric), we only need to consider infinitesimal coordinate transformations.
From a more formal point of view, operating an infinitesimal gauge tranformation on the coor-
fµ = xµ + xµ
x (457)

implies on a generic quantity Q a tranformation on its perturbation

Q = Q +£ x Q0 (458)

where Q0 is the value assumed by the quantity Q on the background and £ x is the Lie-derivative
of Q along the vector xµ . Notice that for a scalar, the Lie derivative is just the ordinary directional
derivative (and this is as it should be since saying that a function has a certain symmetry amounts
to the assertion that its derivative in a particular direction vanishes).
Decomposing in the usual manner the vector xµ

x0 = ⇠ 0 (xµ ) ;

xi = @ i (xµ ) + v i (xµ ) ; @i v i = 0 , (459)

we can easily deduce the transformation law of a scalar quantity f (like the inflaton scalar field
and energy density ⇢). Instead of applying the formal definition (458), we find the transformation

law in an alternative (and more pedagogical) way. We first write f (x) = f (x) f0 (x), where f0 (x)
is the background value. Under a gauge transformation we have f fµ ) = fe(x
f (x fµ ) fe0 (x
fµ ). Since f is
a scalar we can write fe(x
fµ ) = f (xµ ) (the value of the scalar function in a given physical point is the
same in all the coordinate system). On the other side, on the unperturbed background hypersurface
fe0 = f0 . We have therefore

f fµ ) = fe(x
f (x fµ ) fe0 (x
fµ )

= f (xµ ) fµ )
f0 ( x
= f (xµ ) xµ µ (x) f0 (xµ ),

from which we finally deduce, being f0 = f0 (x0 ),

f= f f00 ⇠ 0

For the spin zero perturbations of the metric, we can proceed analogously. We use the following
trick. Upon a coordinate transformation xµ ! x fµ = xµ + xµ , the line element is left invariant,
⇣ ⌘⇣ ⌘2
ds2 = ds g2 . This implies, for instance, that a2 (x
f0 ) 1 + 2 e dx f0 = a2 (x0 ) (1 + 2 ) (dx0 )2 . Since
f0 ) ' a2 (x0 )+2a a0 ⇠ 0 and dx
a2 ( x f0 = 1 + ⇠ 00 dx0 + @x0 dxi , we obtain 1+2 = 1+2 e +2 H⇠ 0 +2⇠ 00 .
A similar procedure leads to the following transformation laws

e a0 0
= ⇠ 00 ⇠ ;
B = B + ⇠0 + 0

e 1 2 a0 0
= r + ⇠ ;
3 a
E = E +2 .

The gauge problem stems from the fact that a change of the map (a change of the coordinate system)
implies the variation of the perturbation of a given quantity which may therefore assume di↵erent
values (all of them on a equal footing!) according to the gauge choice. To eliminate this ambiguity,
one has therefore a double choice:

• Indentify those combinations representing gauge invariant quantities;

• choose a given gauge and perform the calculations in that gauge.

Both options have advantages and drawbacks. Choosing a gauge may render the computation
technically simpler with the danger, however, of including gauge artifacts, i.e. gauge freedoms which
are not physical. Performing a gauge-invariant computation may be technically more involved, but
has the advantage of treating only physical quantities.
Let us first indicate some gauge-invariant quantities. They are the so-called gauge invariant
potentials or Bardeen’s potentials
✓ ◆ 0
1 E0
GI = B + a , (461)
a 2
✓ ◆
1 a0 E0
GI = + r2 E B . (462)
6 a 2
Analogously, one can define a gauge invariant quantity for the perturbation of the inflaton field.
Since is a scalar field f = 0 ⇠ 0 and therefore

✓ ◆
0 E0
GI = B .

is gauge-invariant. Analogously, one can define a gauge-invariant energy-density perturbation

✓ ◆
0 E0
⇢GI = ⇢ ⇢ B .

We now want to pause to introduce in details some gauge-invariant quantities which play a major
role in the computation of the density perturbations. In the following we will be interested only in
the coordinate transformations on constant time hypersurfaces and therefore gauge invariance will
be equivalent to independence from the slicing.

19.6 The comoving curvature perturbation

The intrinsic spatial curvature on hypersurfaces on constant conformal time ⌧ and for a flat universe
is given by

(3) 4 2
R= r .

The quantity is usually referred to as the curvature perturbation. We have seen, however, that
the the curvature potential is not gauge invariant, but is defined only on a given slicing. Under a
transformation on constant time hypersurfaces ⌧ ! ⌧ + ⇠ 0 (change of the slicing)

! + H ⇠0.

We now consider the comoving slicing which is defined to be the slicing orthogonal to the worldlines
of comoving observers. The latter are are free-falling and the expansion defined by them is isotropic.
In practice, what this means is that there is no flux of energy measured by these observers, that
is T0i = 0. During inflation this means that these observers measure com = 0 since T0i goes like
@i (x, ⌧ ) 0 (⌧ ).
Since ! 0 ⇠ 0 for a transformation on constant time hypersurfaces, this means that

0 0
! com = ⇠ = 0 =) ⇠ 0 = 0

that is ⇠ 0 = 0 is the time-displacement needed to go from a generic slicing with generic to the
comoving slicing where com = 0. At the same time the curvature pertubation transforms into

! com = + H ⇠0 = +H 0

The quantity

R= +H = +H
0 ˙

is the comoving curvature perturbation. This quantity is gauge invariant by construction and is
related to the gauge-dependent curvature perturbation on a generic slicing to the inflaton pertur-
bation in that gauge. By construction, the meaning of R is that it represents the gravitational
potential on comoving hypersurfaces where =0

R= | =0 .

19.7 The curvature perturbation on spatial slices of uniform energy

We now consider the slicing of uniform energy density which is defined to be the the slicing where
there is no perturbation in the energy density, ⇢ = 0.

Since ⇢ ! ⇢ ⇢0 ⇠ 0 for a transformation on constant time hypersurfaces, this means that

⇢ ! ⇢unif = ⇢ ⇢0 ⇠ 0 = 0 =) ⇠ 0 = ,

that is ⇠ 0 = ⇢0 is the time-displacement needed to go from a generic slicing with generic ⇢ to the
slicing of uniform energy density where ⇢unif = 0. At the same time the curvature pertubation
transforms into

! unif = + H ⇠0 = +H .
The quantity

⇢ ⇢
⇣= +H = +H
⇢0 ⇢˙

is the curvature perturbation on slices of uniform energy density. This quantity is gauge invariant
by construction and is related to the gauge-dependent curvature perturbation on a generic slicing
and to the energy density perturbation ⇢ in that gauge. By construction, the meaning of ⇣ is that
it represents the gravitational potential on slices of uniform energy density

⇣= | ⇢=0 .

Notice that, using the energy-conservation equation ⇢0 + 3 H(⇢ + P ) = 0, the curvature perturbation
on slices of uniform energy density can be also written as

⇣= .
3(⇢ + P )
During inflation ⇢ + P = ˙ 2 . Furthermore, on super-Hubble scales from what we have learned in the
previous section (and will be rigously shown in the following) the inflaton fluctuation is frozen
in and ˙ = (slow roll parameters) ⇥ H . This implies that ⇢ = ˙ ˙ + V 0 ' V 0 ' 3H ˙ ,
leading to

3H ˙
3 ˙2 ˙
The comoving curvature pertubation and the curvature perturbation on uniform energy density
slices are equal on super-Hubble scales during inflation.

19.8 Scalar field perturbations in the spatially flat gauge
We now consider the spatially flat gauge which is defined to be the the slicing where there is no
curvature flat = 0.
Since ! + H ⇠ 0 for a transformation on constant time hypersurfaces, this means that

! flat = + H ⇠ 0 = 0 =) ⇠ 0 = ,
that is ⇠ 0 = / H is the time-displacement needed to go from a generic slicing with generic
to the spatially flat gauge where flat = 0. At the same time the fluctuation of the inflaton field
transforms a

0 0
! ⇠ = + .
The quantity

0 ˙ ˙
Q= + = + ⌘ R

is the inflaton perturbation on spatially flat gauges. This quantity is gauge invariant by construction
and is related to the inflaton perturbation on a generic slicing and to the curvature perturbation
in that gauge. By construction, the meaning of Q is that it represents the inflaton potential on
spatially flat slices

Q= | =0 .

Notice that = 0 ⌧ = ˙ t on flat slices, where t = ⇠ 0 is the time displacement going from

flat to comoving slices. This relation makes somehow rigorous the expression (397). Analogously,
going from flat to comoving slices one has R = H t.

19.9 Comments about gauge invariance

While comparing the theoretical predictions (e.g. the CMB power spectrum) with obervations does
not represent a problem on sub-horizon scales where the matter perturbations computed in the dif-
ferent gauges all coincide, it is a delicate operation on scales comparable with the horizon where
di↵erent gauges provide di↵erent results even at the linear level. Truly gauge-independent pertur-
bations must be exactly constant in the background space-time. This apparently limits ones ability

to make a gauge-invariant study of quantities that evolve in the background space-time, e.g. density
perturbations in an expanding cosmology. In practice one can construct gauge-invariant definitions of
unambiguous, that is physically defined, perturbations. These are not unique gauge-independent per-
turbations, but are gauge-invariant in the sense commonly used by cosmologists to define a physical
perturbation. There is a distinction between quantities that are automatically gauge-independent,
i.e., those that have no gauge dependence (such as perturbations about a constant scalar field), and
quantities that are in general gauge-dependent (such as the curvature perturbation) but can have a
gauge-invariant definition once their gauge-dependence is fixed (such as the curvature perturbation
on uniform-density hypersurfaces). In other words, one can define gauge-invariant quantities which
are simply a coordinate independent definition of the perturbations in the given gauge. This can be
often achieved by defining unambiguously a specific slicing into spatial hypersurfaces. In this sense
it should be clear that one may define an infinite number of, e.g., gauge-invariant density contrasts.
Which one to use is a matter that can be decided only considering how the measurement of a given
observable is performed.

19.10 Adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations

Let us comment now on the type of perturbation we may have. Arbitrary cosmological perturbations
can be decomposed into:

• adiabatic or curvature perturbations which perturb the solution along the same trajectory in
phase-space as the background solution. The perturbations in any scalar quantity X can be
described by a unique perturbation in expansion with respect to the background


In particular, this holds for the energy density and the pressure

⇢ P
⇢˙ Ṗ
which implies that P = P (⇢). This explains why they are called adiabatic. They are called
curvature perturbations because a given time displacement t causes the same relative change
X/Ẋ for all quantities. In other words the perturbations is democratically shared by all
components of the universe.

• isocurvature perturbations which perturb the solution o↵ the background solution

One way of specifying a generic isocurvature perturbation X is to give its value on uniform-
density slices, related to its value on a di↵erent slicing by the gauge-invariant definition

✓ ◆
X X ⇢
H =H .
Ẋ ⇢=0 Ẋ ⇢˙
For a set of fluids with energy density ⇢i , the isocurvature perturbations are conventionally
defined by the gauge invariant quantities

✓ ◆
⇢i ⇢j
Sij = 3H = 3 (⇣i ⇣j ) .
⇢˙ i ⇢˙ j
One simple example of isocurvature perturbations is the baryon-to-photon ratio

nb n
S = (nb /n ) = . (463)
nb n

1. Comment:

From the definitions above, it follows that the cosmological perturbations generated during
inflation are of the adiabatic type if the inflaton field is the only field driving inflation. However,
if inflation is driven by more than one field, isocurvature perturbations are expected to be
generated (and they might even be cross-correlated to the adiabatic ones). In the following
we will give one example of the utility of generating isocurvature perturbations.

2. Comment: The perturbations generated during inflation are nearly Gaussian, i.e. the
two-point correlation functions (like the power spectrum) suffice to define all the higher-
order even correlation fucntions, while the odd correlation functions (such as the three-point
correlation function) vanish. This conclusion is drawn by the very same fact that cosmological
perturbations are studied linearizing Einstein’s and Klein-Gordon equations. This turns out
to be a good approximation because we know that the inflaton potential needs to be very
flat in order to drive inflation and the interaction terms in the inflaton potential might be
present, but they are small. Non-Gaussian features are therefore suppressed since the non-
linearities of the inflaton potential are suppressed too. The same argument applies to the
metric perturbations; non-linearities appear only at the second-order in deviations from the
homogeneous background solution and are therefore small. This expectation is confirmed
by a direct computation of the cosmological perturbations generated during inflation up to

second-order in deviations from the homogeneous background solution which fully account for
the inflaton self-interactions as well as for the second-order fluctuations of the background
metric. While the subject of non-Gaussianity is extremely interesting both theoretically and
observationally, it goes beyond the scope of these lectures. The interested reader can refer to
the Appendix A for more details on the subject.

19.11 The next steps

After all these technicalities, it is useful to rest for a moment and to go back to physics. Up to now
we have learned that during inflation quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field are generated and
their wavelengths are stretched on large scales by the rapid expansion of the universe. We have also
seen that the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field are in fact impossible to disantagle from the
metric perturbations. This happens not only because they are tightly coupled to each other through
Einstein’s equations, but also because of the issue of gauge invariance. Take, for instance, the gauge
invariant quantity Q = + H . We can always go to a gauge where the fluctuation is entirely
in the curvature potential ,Q= H , or entirely in the inflaton field, Q = . However, as we
have stressed at the end of the previous section, once ripples in the curvature are frozen in on super-
Hubble scales during inflation, it is in fact gravity that acts as a messanger communicating to baryons
and photons the small seeds of perturbations once a given scale reenters the horizon after inflation.
This happens thanks to Newtonian physics; a small perturbation in the gravitational potential
induces a small perturbation of the energy density ⇢ through Poisson’s equiation r2 = 4⇡GN ⇢.
Similarly, if perturbations are adiabatic/curvature perturbations and, as such, treat democratically
all the components, a ripple in the curvature is communicated to photons as well, giving rise to a
nonvanishing T /T .
These considerations make it clear that the next steps of these lectures will be

• Compute the curvature perturbation generated during inflation on super-Hubble scales. As

we have seen we can either compute the comoving curvature perturbation R or the curvature
on uniform energy density hypersurfaces ⇣. They will tell us about the fluctuations of the
gravitational potential.

• See how the fluctuations of the gravitational potential are transmitted to photons, baryons
and matter in general.

We now intend to address the first point. As stressed previously, we are free to follow two alternative
roads: either pick up a gauge and compute the gauge-invariant curvature in that gauge or perform
a gauge-invariant calculation. We take both options.

19.12 Computation of the curvature perturbation using the longi-
tudinal gauge
The longitudinal (or conformal newtonian) gauge is a convenient gauge to compute the cosmological
perturbations. It is defined by performing a coordinate transformation such that B = E = 0. This
leaves behind two degrees of freedom in the scalar perturbations, and . As we have previously
seen, these two degrees of freedom fully account for the scalar perturbations in the metric.
First of all, we take the non-diagonal part (i 6= j) of the (ij)-Einstein equation. Since the stress
energy-momentum tensor does not have any non-diagonal component (no stress), we have

@i @j ( ) = 0 =) =

and we can now work only with one variable, let it be . The (0i)-component of Einstein equation

0 0
+H = 4⇡GN = ✏ H2 0
, (464)

while the (00)- and the diagonal part (ii)-component (i = j) component of Einstein equations give

⇣ ⌘
3H 0 + H r2 = 4⇡GN 0 0
+ a2 V 0 , (465)
✓ 0 ◆2 ! ⇣ ⌘
a00 a 0 00 0 0 02
2 + 3H + = 4⇡GN a2 V 0 . (466)
a a

If we now use the fact that a00 /a = ( H0 + H2 ), sum the two equations above and use the background
Klein-Gordon equation to eliminate V 0 , we arrive at the equation for the gravitational potential

✓ 00
◆ ✓ 00

00 0 0
k +2 H 0 k +2 H H 0 k + k2 k =0 (467)

and in terms of the slow-roll parameters ✏ and ⌘

00 0
k + 2 H (⌘ ✏) k + 2 H2 (⌘ 2✏) k + k2 k = 0. (468)

Using the same logic leading to Eq. (394), we can infer that on super-Hubble scales the gravitational
potential is nearly constant (up to a mild logarithmic time-dependence proportional to slow-roll
parameters), that is ˙ k ⇠ (slow-roll parameters)⇥ k . This is hardly surprising, we know that
fluctuations are frozen in on super-Hubble scales.

Using Eq. (464), we can therefore relate the fluctuation of the gravitational potential to the
fluctuation of the inflaton field on super-Hubble scales

This gives us the chance to compute the gauge-invariant comoving curvature perturbation Rk

k k k
Rk = k +H = (1 + ✏) H 'H . (470)
˙ ˙ ˙
The power spectrum of the the comoving curvature perturbation Rk then reads on super-Hubble

k3 H 2 2 k3 2
PR = | k| = | k| .
2⇡ 2 ˙ 2 2
4M Pl ✏ ⇡ 2
What is left to evaluate is the time evolution of k. To do so, we consider the perturbed Klein-
Gordon equation (456) in the longitudinal gauge (in cosmic time)

¨k + 3H ˙ k + k k + V 00 k = 2 kV
+ 4 ˙ k ˙.
Since on super-Hubble scales 4 ˙ k ˙ ⌧ | kV
0 |, using Eq. (469) and the relation V 0 ' 3H ˙ , we
can rewrite the perturbed Klein-Gordon equation on super-Hubble scales as

˙ k + 3H ˙ k + V 00 6✏H 2 k = 0.

We now introduce as usual the field k = k /a and go to conformal time ⌧ . The perturbed
Klein-Gordon equation on super-Hubble scales becomes, using Eq. (390),

✓ ◆
00 1 2 1
k ⌫ k = 0,
⌧2 4
⌫2 = + 9✏ 3⌘,
⌫ ' ⌘ + 3✏. (471)

Using what we have learned in the previous section, we conclude that

✓ ◆3
H k 2 ⌫
2k 3 aH
which justifies our initial assumption that both the inflaton perturbation and the gravitational
potential are nearly constant on super-Hubble scale.

We may now compute the power spectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation on super-
Hubble scales

✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆n R 1 ✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆n R 1 ✓ ◆n R 1
4⇡GN H k 1 H k k
PR (k) = = 2 ⌘ A2R ,
✏ 2⇡ aH 2M Pl ✏ 2⇡ aH aH

where we have defined the spectral index nR of the comoving curvature perturbation as

dln PR
nR 1= =3 2⌫ = 2⌘ 6✏.
dln k

We conclude that inflation is responsible for the generation of adiabatic/curvature perturbations

with an almost scale-independent spectrum.
From the curvature perturbation we can easily deduce the behavior of the gravitational potential
k from Eq. (464). The latter is solved by

Z t
A(k) 4⇡GN A(k)
k = + dt0 a(t0 ) ˙ (t0 ) k (t
)' + ✏ Rk .
a a a
We find that during inflation and on super-Hubble scales the gravitational potential is the sum of a
decreasing function plus a nearly constant in time piece proportional to the curvature perturbation.
Notice in particular that in an exact de Sitter stage, that is ✏ = 0, the gravitational potential is
not sourced and any initial condition in the gravitational potential is washed out as a 1 during the
inflationary stage.

19.13 Computation of the curvature perturbation using the flat

We might have computed the spectrum PR (k) by first solving the equation for the perturbation k

in the flat slice in a de Sitter stage, with H = constant (✏ = ⌘ = 0) and then taking into account
the time-evolution of the Hubble rate and of introducing the subscript in Hk and ˙ k . The time
variation of the latter is determined by
!✓ ◆✓ ◆
dln ˙ k dln ˙ k dt dln a ¨k 1
= = ⇥ ⇥1= =✏ ⌘. (472)
dln k dt dln a dln k ˙ k H

Correspondingly, ˙ k is the value of the time derivative of the inflaton field when a given wavelength
⇠k 1 crosses the horizon (from that point on the fluctuations remains frozen in). The curvature
perturbation in such an approach would read (remember that in the flat slide the gravitational
potential is zero)

Hk Hk2
Rk = k ' ,
˙k 2⇡ ˙ k
which reproduces our previous findings. Correspondigly

dln PR dln Hk4 dln ˙ 2k

nR 1= = = 4✏ + (2⌘ 2✏) = 2⌘ 6✏.
dln k dln k dln k
During inflation the curvature perturbation is generated on super-Hubble scales with a spectrum
which is nearly scale invariant, that is nearly independent from the wavelength = ⇡/k: the
amplitude of the fluctuation on super-Hubble scales does not (almost) depend upon the time at
which the fluctuations crosses the Hubble radius and then becomes frozen in after a few Hubble
times. The small tilt of the power spectrum arises from the fact that the inflaton field is massive,
giving rise to a nonvanishing ⌘ and because during inflation the Hubble rate is not exactly constant,
but nearly constant, where ‘nearly’ is quantified by the slow-roll parameters ✏.

19.14 A proof of time-independence of the comoving curvature

perturbation for adiabatic modes: linear level
From what have found so far, we may conclude that on super-Hubble scales the comoving curvature
perturbation R and the uniform-density gauge curvature ⇣ satisfy on super-Hubble scales the relation

Rk ' ⇣k .

We now describe an argument showing that , in the presence of only the adiabatic mode, the
curvature perturbation remains exactly constant on super-Hubble scales. The general argument
follows from energy-momentum conservation
Let us consider a generic fluid with energy-momentum tensor T µ⌫ = (⇢ + P )uµ u⌫ + g µ⌫ P . The
four-velocity uµ is subject to the constraint uµ u⌫ = 1. Since it can be decomposed as

1 µ
uµ = ( 0 + vµ) , (473)
we get
v0 = . (474)

Similarly, we obtain

u0 = a( 1 ),

Ui = avi . (475)

Notice that, since we will work on super-Hubble scales we have only taken the gravitational potentials
in the metric. The associated perturbation of the energy-momentum tensor is

T00 = ( ⇢ + P ) + (¯
⇢ + P̄ )(1 )( 1 )+ P ' ⇢,

T0i ' 0,

Tji = P ji , (476)

The associated continuity equation

µ µ
rµ T⌫µ = @µ T⌫µ + µ T⌫ µ⌫ T (477)


µ µ
@0 T00 + @i T0i + µ T0 µ0 T
µ µ
= @0 T00 + µ T0 µ0 T
= @0 T00 + 0
µ0 T0 00 T
i0 T

= @0 T00 + 0 0
00 T0 + i 0
i0 T0
0 0
00 T0
i0 Tj . (478)

This expression, using the Christo↵el symbols in subsection 19.2 gives

⇢˙ = 3H ( ⇢ + P ) + 3 ˙ ⇢¯ + P̄ .

We write P = Pnad +c2s ⇢, where Pnad is the non-adiabatic component of the pressure perturbation
and c2s = Pad / ⇢ is the adiabatic one. In the uniform-density gauge = ⇣ and ⇢ = 0 and therefore
Pad = 0. The energy conservation equation implies

⇣˙ = Pnad .
P̄ + ⇢¯

If perturbations are adiabatic, the curvature on uniform-density gauge is constant on super-Hubble



The same holds for the comoving curvature R as the latter and ⇣ are equal on super-Hubble scales.
Let us check that this is true, e.g. in the longitudinal gauge. There we have

H H2
Rk ' k / ( ⌧ )⌘ 3✏
, (479)
˙ 2⇡ ˙

1 d ln Rk 1 d ln H 1 d ln ˙ 1 d ln( ⌧ )
= + (⌘ 3✏)
H dt H dt H dt ✓ ◆H dt
1 d( ⌧ )
= 2✏ + (⌘ ✏) + (⌘ 3✏)
H⌧ dt
✓ ◆
1 1
= 2✏ + (⌘ ✏) + (⌘ 3✏)
H⌧ a
✓ ◆
= 2✏ + (⌘ ✏) + (⌘ 3✏) ( H⌧ )
= 2✏ + (⌘ ✏) (⌘ 3✏)

= 0. (480)

19.15 A proof of time-independence of the comoving curvature

perturbation for adiabatic modes: all orders
We prove now that the comoving curvature perturbation is conserved at all orders in perturbation
theory for adiabatic models on scales larger than the horizon. To do so, at momenta k ⌧ Ha the
universe looks like a collection of separate almost homogeneous universes. We choose a threading of
spatial coordinates comoving with the fluid

dxµ i ui dxi
uµ = , v = 0 = = 0. (481)
dt u dt
The rate of the expansion is

⇥ = rµ u µ = @0 e3↵ , (482)
where g00 = N 2 , gij = e2↵ ij , with det ij = 1. The energy conservation equation

u⌫ rµ T µ⌫ = 0 ) ⇢ + (⇢ + P )⇥ = 0, (483)
where dt/d⌧ = u0 = 1/N . Therefore, we obtain

⇢˙ + 3(⇢ + P )↵˙ = 0. (484)

Upon defining

a(t)e = e↵ , (485)

we obtain ✓ ◆
ȧ ˙ ⇢˙
3 = 3↵˙ = . (486)
a ⇢+P
This implies that the number of e-folds of expansion along an integral curve of the four-velocity
comoving with the fluid is

Z ⌧2 Z t2 Z t2
1 1 1 ⇢˙
N (t2 , t1 , xi ) = d⌧ ⇥ = dt N ⇥ = dt . (487)
3 ⌧1 3 t1 3 t1 ⇢+P xi
This implies that

a(t2 )
(t2 , xi ) (t1 , xi ) = N (t2 , t1 , xi ) + ln , (488)
a(t1 )
that is the change in from one slice to another equals the di↵erence of the actual number of e-folds
and the background. In particular, in a flat slice

a(t2 )
N (t2 , t1 , xi ) = ln , (489)
a(t1 )
From (488) we find therefore

Z ⇢(t2 ,xi )
i i 1 d⇢ a(t2 )
(t2 , x ) + (t1 , x ) = ln . (490)
3 ⇢(t1 ,xi ) ⇢+P a(t1 )
If the perturbation are adiabatic, that is if P = P (⇢), then we conclude that

Z ⇢(t,xi )
i i 1 d⇢
⇣(x ) = (t, x ) (491)
3 ⇢(t) ⇢+P

is constant and this holds at any order in perturbation theory. This is the non-linear generalization
of the comoving curvature perturbation.
Consider now two di↵erent slices A and B which coincide at t = t1 . From (488) we have that

NA (t2 , t1 , xi ) + NB (t2 , t1 , xi ) = A (t2 , x

) B (t2 , x
). (492)

Now, choose the slice A such that it is flat at t = t1 and ends on a uniform energy slice at t = t2
and B to be flat both at t1 and t2

A (t2 , x ) = NA (t2 , t1 , xi ) N0 (t2 , t1 ) ⌘ N , (493)

since B is flat. This means that i)
A (t2 , x is the di↵erence in the number of e-folds (from t = t1
to t = t2 ) between the uniform-density slicing and the flat slicing. Therefore, by choosing the initial
slice at the t1 to be the flat slice and the slice at generic time t to have uniform energy density, the
curvature perturbation on that slice is the di↵erence in the number of e-folds between the uniform
energy density slice and the flat slice from t1 to t

@N @N
⇣ = N = N ( (x, t)) ) ⇣ = = =H . (494)
@ @t ˙ ˙

This is indeed the easiest way of computing the comoving curvature perturbation and is dubbed the
N formalism. In general

Z ⇢(t,xi )
1 d⇢
⇣(xi ) = N (495)
3 ⇢(t) ⇢+P

where N must be interpreted ad the amount of expansion along the worldline of a comoving observer
from a spatially flat = 0 slice at time t1 to a generic slice at time t.

19.16 Gauge-invariant computation of the curvature perturbation

In this subsection we would like to show how the computation of the curvature perturbation can
be performed in a gauge-invariant way. We first rewrite Einstein’s equations in terms of Bardeen’s
potentials (461) and (462)

✓ ◆!
2 0 E0
G00 = 3H H GI + GI + r2 GI + 3H H0 + H2 B , (496)
a2 2
✓ ◆!
2 0 0 E0
G0i = @i H GI + GI + H H 2
B , (497)
a2 2
✓ ◆
2 1 2
Gij = 2 H0 + 2 H2 GI +H 0
GI + 00
GI + 2H 0
GI + r DGI i
a2 2
✓ ◆ !
E0 1 i
+ H00 H H0 H3 B i
j @ @j DGI , (498)
2 2

with DGI = GI GI . These quantities are not gauge-invariant, but using the gauge transforma-
tions described previously, we can easily generalize them to gauge-invariant quantities

◆ ✓
(GI)0 E0
G0 = G00 + (G00 )0B , (499)
✓ ◆ ✓ 0 ◆
(GI)0 1 k E
Gi = G0i + G0i Tk @ i B , (500)
3 2
✓ 0 ◆
(GI)i E
Gj = Gij + (Gij )0 B (501)

(GI)0 E0
T0 = T00 + (T00 )0 B = ⇢(GI) , (502)
✓ ◆ ✓ 0 ◆
(GI)0 0 0 1 k E 1 (GI)
Ti = Ti + T i T @i B = ⇢¯ + P̄ a vi , (503)
3 k 2
✓ 0 ◆
(GI)i E
Tj = Tji + (Tji )0 B = P (GI) , (504)
where we have written the stress energy-momentum tensor as T µ⌫ = (⇢ + P ) uµ u⌫ + P ⌘ µ⌫ with
uµ = (1, v i ). Barred quantities are to be intended as background quantities. Einstein’s equations
can now be written in a gauge-invariant way

3H H GI + GI + r2 GI (505)
✓ ◆
02 (GI) 0 (GI) @V 2
= 4 ⇡ GN GI + + a ,
⇣ ⌘
@i H + 0GI = 4 ⇡ GN @i (GI) 0
✓ ◆
0 2 0 00 0 1 2 i 1 i
2H + H GI + H GI + GI + 2 H GI + r DGI j @ @j DGI ,
2 2
✓ ◆
02 (GI) 0 @V 2 i
= 4 ⇡ GN GI + (GI) a j. (506)
Taking i 6= j from the third equation, we find DGI = 0, that is GI = GI and from now on we can
work with only the variable GI . Using the background relation

a00 ⇣ a 0 ⌘2
= 4 ⇡ GN (507)
a a
we can rewrite the system of Eqs. (506) in the form

✓ ◆
2 0 0 2 (GI) 0 (GI) @V 2
r GI 3H GI H + 2H GI = 4 ⇡ GN + a ;
⇣ ⌘
0 (GI) 0
GI +H GI = 4 ⇡ GN ;
✓ ◆
00 0 0 2 (GI) 0 (GI) @V 2
GI + 3H GI + H + 2H GI = 4 ⇡ GN a . (508)

Substracting the first equation from the third, using the second equation to express (GI) as a
function of and 0 and using the Klein-Gordon equation one finally finds the

✓ 00
◆ ✓ 00

00 0
GI +2 H 0 GI r2 GI + 2 H0 H 0 GI = 0, (509)

for the gauge-invariant potential GI . We now introduce the gauge-invariant quantity

u ⌘ a
+z GI , (510)
˙ 0
z ⌘ a =a . (511)

Notice that the variable u is equal to a Q, the gauge-invariant inflaton perturbation on spatially
flat gauges. Eq. (509) becomes

z 00
u00 r2 u u = 0, (512)
while the two remaining equations of the system (508) can be written as

r2 GI = 4 ⇡ GN z u0 z0u , (513)
✓ ◆0
a2 GI
= 4 ⇡ GN z u , (514)

which allow to determine the variables and (GI) .

We have now to solve Eq. (512). First, we have to evaluate z 00 /z in terms of the slow-roll

z0 a0 00 H0 00
= + = ✏ + .
Hz Ha H 0 H2 H 0
We then deduce that

00 z0
⌘1 0
=1+✏ .
H Hz
Keeping the slow-roll parameters constat in time (as we have mentioned, this corresponds to expand
all quantities to first-order in the slow-roll parameters), we find

0 z 00 z 0 H0 (z 0 )2
0' = ✏0 (' 0) + + ,
Hz z H2 Hz 2
from which we deduce

z 00 z 0 H0 (z 0 )2
' + 2 .
z zH z
Expanding in slow-roll parameters we find

z 00
' (1 + ✏ ) (1 ✏) H2 + (1 + ✏ )2 H2 ' H2 (2 + 2✏ 3 ).
If we set

✓ ◆
z 00 1 2 1
= 2 ⌫ ,
z ⌧ 4
this corresponds to

 1/2
1 (1 + ✏ ) (2 ) 3 3
⌫' 1+4 ' + (2✏ )' + 3✏ ⌘.
2 (1 ✏)2 2 2
ik⌧ /
On sub-Hubble scales (k aH), the solution of equation (512) is obviously uk ' e 2k.
Rewriting Eq. (514) as

✓ ◆·
GI 4⇡GN a2 ˙ 2 H
k = uk ,
k2 H a˙
we infer that on sub-Hubble scales

4⇡GN ˙ i k
'i p k e a.
2k 3
On super-Hubble scales (k ⌧ aH), one obvious solution to Eq. (512) is uk / z. To find the other
ek , which satisfies the equation
solution, we may set uk = z u

u z0
= 2 ,
u z
which gives

Z ⌧
d⌧ 0
ek =
u .
z 2 (⌧ 0 )
On super-Hubble scales therefore we find

a˙ a˙ t
H2 a˙ 1
uk = c1 (k) + c2 (k) dt0 . ' c1 (k) c2 (k) ,
H H a3 ˙ 2 H 3a2 ˙
where the last passage has been performed supposing a de Sitter epoch, H = constant. The first
piece is the constant mode c1 (k)z, while the second is the decreasing mode. To find the constant

c1 (k), we apply what we have learned previously. We know that on super-Hubble scales the exact
solution of equation (512) is p
⇡ i(⌫+ 1 ) ⇡ p
e uk =2 2 ⌧ H⌫ ( k⌧ ). (515)
p ⇡ 3
On super-Hubble scales, since H⌫ (x ⌧ 1) ⇠ 2/⇡ e i 2 2⌫ 2 ( (⌫ )/ (3/2)) x ⌫, the fluctuation
(515) becomes
) ⇡2 2(⌫ 3 (⌫) 1 1
uk = ei ( ⌫ 2 2 ) p ( k⌧ ) 2 ⌫
(3/2) 2k

✓ ◆ ◆1 ⌫
uk H 1 H 1 k ⌘ 3✏
k 2
c1 (k) = limk!0 = p = p (516)
z a ˙ 2k ˙ 2k 3 aH aH
The last steps consist in relating the variable u to the comoving curvature R and to the gravitational
potential GI . The comoving curvature takes the form

H (GI) u
R ⌘ GI + 0
= . (517)
Since z = a ˙ /H = a 2✏M Pl , the power spectrum of the comoving curvature can be expressed on
super-Hubble scales as
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆n R 1 ✓ ◆n R 1
k 3 uk 2 1 H k k
PR (k) = = 2 ⌘ A2R (518)
2 ⇡2 z 2M Pl ✏ 2⇡ aH aH


nR 1=3 2⌫ = 2⌘ 6✏. (519)

These results reproduce those found in the previous subsection. The last step is to find the behavior
of the gauge-invariant potential GI on super-Hubble scales. If we recast equation (514) in the form

1 H⇣a GI
uk = k , (520)
4⇡GN ˙ H
we can infer that on super-Hubble scales the nearly constant mode of the gravitational potential
during inflation reads

 Z t
H Ḣ uk
k = c1 (k) 1 dt0 a t0 ' c1 (k) 2
= ✏ c1 (k) ' ✏ ' ✏ Rk . (521)
a H z
Indeed, plugging this solution into Eq. (520), one reproduces uk = c1 (k) aH .

20 Gravitational waves
Quantum fluctuations in the gravitational fields are generated in a similar fashion of that of the
scalar perturbations discussed so far. A gravitational wave may be viewed as a ripple of space-time
in the FRW background metric and in general the linear tensor perturbations may be written as

⇥ ⇤
ds2 = a2 (⌧ ) d⌧ 2 + ( ij + hij ) dxi dxj ,

where |hij | ⌧ 1. The tensor hij has six degrees of freedom, but, as we studied previously, the
tensor perturbations are traceless, ij h = 0, and transverse @ i hij = 0 (i = 1, 2, 3). With these 4

constraints, there remain 2 physical degrees of freedom, or polarizations, which are usually indicated
= +, ⇥. More precisely, we can write

hij = h+ e+
ij + h⇥ eij ,

where e+ and e⇥ are the polarization tensors which have the following properties

k i eij = 0, eii = 0,
eij = eji ,
eij ( k, ) = e⇤ij (k, ), e⇤ij (k, )eij (k, ) = 4.

Notice also that the tensors hij are gauge-invariant and therefore represent physical degrees of
If the stress-energy momentum tensor is diagonal, as the one provided by the inflaton potential
Tµ⌫ = @µ @⌫ + gµ⌫ L, the tensor modes do not have any source and their action can be written as

Z 2 Z
1 p 1 M p 1
Sh = d4 x g @ hij @ hij = Pl d4 x g @ hij @ hij ,
8⇡GN 2 2 2
that is the action of four independent massless scalar fields. The gauge-invariant tensor amplitude

vk = aM Pl p hk
satisfies therefore the equation

✓ ◆
vk00 + k 2
vk = 0,
which is the equation of motion of a massless scalar field in a quasi-de Sitter epoch. We can therefore
make use of the results learnt previously to conclude that on super-Hubble scales the tensor modes
scale like

✓ ◆✓ ◆3 ⌫T
H k 2
|vk | = ,
2⇡ aH

⌫T ' ✏.
Since fluctuations are (nearly) frozen in on super-Hubble scales, a way of characterizing the tensor
pertubations is to compute the spectrum on scales larger than the horizon

k3 X 2 k3
PT (k) = |h k | = 4 ⇥ 2 |vk |2 . (522)
2⇡ 2 2⇡ 2

This gives the power spectrum on super-Hubble scales

✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆n T ✓ ◆n T
8 H k k
PT (k) = 2 ⌘ A2T
M Pl 2⇡ aH aH

where we have defined the spectral index nT of the tensor perturbations as

dln PT
nT = =3 2⌫T = 2✏.
dln k

The tensor perturbation is almost scale-invariant. Notice that the amplitude of the tensor modes
depends only on the value of the Hubble rate during inflation. This amounts to saying that it depends
only on the energy scale V 1/4 associated to the inflaton potential. A detection of gravitational waves
from inflation will be therefore a direct measurement of the energy scale associated to inflation.

20.1 The consistency relation

The results obtained so far for the scalar and tensor perturbations allow to predict a consistency
relation which holds for the models of inflation addressed in these lectures, i.e. the models of inflation
driven by one-single field . We define tensor-to-scalar amplitude ratio to be

⇣ ⌘2
1 H
100 8
1 2
100 AT 2 ⇡ M Pl
r= 4 2 = ⇣ ⌘2 = ✏.
25 AR 4 1 H
25 (2✏) 2 ⇡ M Pl

This means that


One-single models of inflation predict that during inflation driven by a single scalar field, the ratio
between the amplitude of the tensor modes and that of the curvature perturbations is equal to minus
one-half of the tilt of the spectrum of tensor modes. If this relation turns out to be falsified by the
future measurements of the CMB anisotropies, this does not mean that inflation is wrong, but only
that inflation has not been driven by only one field.

21 Transferring the perturbation to radiation during

When the inflaton decays, the comoving curvature perturbation associated to the inflaton field are
transferred to radiation. Let us see how this works.
Let us consider the system composed by the oscillating scalar field and the radiation fluid.
Each component has energy-momentum tensor T(µ⌫) and T(µ⌫) . The total energy momentum T µ⌫ =
T(µ⌫) + T(µ⌫) is covariantly conserved, but allowing for an interaction between the two fluids

rµ T(µ⌫) = Q⌫( ) ,

rµ T(µ⌫) = Q⌫( ) , (523)

where Q⌫( ) and Q⌫( ) are the generic energy-momentum transfer to the scalar field and radiation
sector respectively and are subject to the constraint

Q⌫( ) + Q⌫( ) = 0 . (524)

The energy-momentum transfer Q⌫( ) and Q⌫( ) can be decomposed for convenience as

Q⌫( ) = Q̂ u⌫ + f(⌫ ) ,

Q⌫( ) = Q̂ u⌫ + f(⌫ ) , (525)

where the f ⌫ ’s are required to be orthogonal to the the total velocity of the fluid u⌫ . The energy
continuity equations for the scalar field and radiation can be obtained from u⌫ rµ T(µ⌫) = u⌫ Q⌫( ) and
u⌫ rµ T(µ⌫) = u⌫ Q⌫( ) and hence from Eq. (525)

u⌫ rµ T(µ⌫) = Q̂ ,

u⌫ rµ T(µ⌫) = Q̂ . (526)

In the case of an oscillating scalar field decaying into radiation the energy transfer coefficient Q̂ is
given by

Q̂ = ⇢ ,

Q̂ = ⇢ , (527)

where is the decay rate of the scalar field into radiation.

The equations of motion for the curvature perturbations ⇣ and ⇣ can be obtained perturbing
at first order the continuity energy equations (526) for the scalar field and radiation energy densities,
including the energy transfer. Expanding the transfer coefficients Q̂ and Q̂ up to first order in the
perturbations around the homogeneous background as

Q̂ = Q + Q , (528)

Q̂ = Q + Q , (529)

Eqs. (526) give on wavelengths larger than the horizon scale

⇢0 + 3 H ( ⇢ + P ) 3 (⇢ + P )

= aQ +a Q , (530)
⇢0 + 3 H ( ⇢ + P ) 3 (⇢ + P )

= aQ +a Q . (531)

Notice that the oscillating scalar field and radiation have fixed equations of state with P = 0
and P = ⇢ /3 (which correspond to vanishing intrinsic non-adiabatic pressure perturbations).
Using the perturbed (0 0)-component of Einstein’s equations for super-horizon wavelengths +
H = H( ⇢/⇢)/2, we can rewrite Eqs. (530) and (531) in terms of the gauge-invariant curvature
perturbations ⇣ and ⇣

0 aH Q0
⇣ = Q ⇢
⇢0 ⇢0
✓ ◆
⇢0 ⇢ ⇢
+ Q , (532)
2⇢ ⇢0 ⇢0

0 aH Q0
⇣ = Q ⇢
⇢0 ⇢0
✓ ◆
⇢0 ⇢ ⇢
+ Q , (533)
2⇢ ⇢0 ⇢0

where Q = Q from the constraint in Eq (524). If the energy transfer coefficients Q̂ and Q̂
are given in terms of the decay rate as in Eq. (527), the first order perturbation are respectively

Q = ⇢ , (534)

Q = ⇢ . (535)

Plugging the expressions (534-535) into Eqs. (532-533), the first order curvature perturbations for
the scalar field and radiation obey on large scales

0 a ⇢ ⇢0
⇣ = (⇣ ⇣) , (536)
2 ⇢0 ⇢
" ✓ ◆ #
0 a 0
⇢0 ⇢
⇣ = ⇢ 0 1 (⇣ ⇣ ) .
⇢0 ⇢ 2⇢

From the total comoving curvature perturbation

⇢˙ ⇢˙
⇣= ⇣ + ⇣ , ⇢=⇢ +⇢ . (538)
⇢˙ ⇢˙
it is thus possible to find the equation of motion for the total curvature perturbation ⇣ using the
evolution of the individual curvature perturbations in Eqs. (536) and (537)

0 0 0
⇣ = f 0 (⇣ ⇣ ) + f ⇣ + (1 f )⇣

= Hf (1 f ) (⇣ ⇣ )= Hf (⇣ ⇣ ), (539)

where f = (⇢˙ /⇢).

˙ Notice that during the decay of the scalar field into the radiation fluid, ⇢0
in Eq. (537) may vanish. So it is convenient to close the system of equations by using the two
equations (536) and (539) for the evolution of ⇣ and ⇣. These equations say that ⇣ = ⇣ is a fixed
point: during the reheating phase the comoving curvature pertubation stored in the inflaton field is
transferred to radiation smoothly.

22 Comoving curvature perturbation from isocurvature

Let us give one example of how the fact that the comoving curvature perturbation is not constant
when there are isocurvature perturbation can be useful. The paradigm we will describe goes under
the name of the curvaton mechanism.

Suppose that during inflation there is another field , the curvaton, which is supposed to give
a negligible contribution to the energy density and to be an almost free scalar field, with a small
e↵ective mass m2 = |@ 2 V /@ 2| ⌧ H 2.
The unperturbed curvaton field satisfies the equation of motion

00 0 @V
+ 2H + a2 = 0. (540)

It is also usually assumed that the curvaton field is very weakly coupled to the scalar fields driving
inflation and that the curvature perturbation from the inflaton fluctuations is negligible. Thus, if we
expand the curvaton field up to first-order in the perturbations around the homogeneous background
as (x, ⌧ ) = 0 (⌧ ) + (x, ⌧ ), the linear perturbations satisfy on large scales

00 0 @2V
+ 2H + a2 = 0. (541)
@ 2

As a result on super-Hubble scales its fluctuations will be Gaussian distributed and with a nearly
scale-invariant spectrum given by
1 H⇤
P 2 (k) ⇡ , (542)
where the subscript ⇤ denotes the epoch of horizon exit k = aH. Once inflation is over the inflaton
energy density will be converted to radiation ( ) and the curvaton field will remain approximately
constant until H 2 ⇠ m2 . At this epoch the curvaton field begins to oscillate around the minimum
of its potential which can be safely approximated to be quadratic V ⇡ 12 m2 2. During this stage
the energy density of the curvaton field just scales as non-relativistic matter ⇢ / a 3. The energy
density in the oscillating field is
⇢ (⌧, x) ⇡ m2 2
(⌧, x), (543)

and it can be expanded into a homogeneous background ⇢ (⌧ ) and a first-order perturbation ⇢ as

⇢ (⌧, x) = ⇢ (⌧ ) + ⇢ (⌧, x) = m2 + 2m2 . (544)

As it follows from Eqs. (540) and (541) for a quadratic potential the ratio / remains constant
and the resulting relative energy density perturbation is
✓ ◆

=2 , (545)
⇢ ⇤

Such perturbations in the energy density of the curvaton field produce in fact a primordial density
perturbation well after the end of inflation. The primordial adiabatic density perturbation is asso-
ciated with a perturbation in the spatial curvature and it is, as we have shown, characterized in a

gauge-invariant manner by the curvature perturbation ⇣ on hypersurfaces of uniform total density
⇢. We recall that at linear order the quantity ⇣ is given by the gauge-invariant formula

⇣= +H , (546)
and on large scales it obeys the equation of motion
⇣0 = Pnad , (547)
In the curvaton scenario the curvature perturbation is generated well after the end of inflation
during the oscillations of the curvaton field because the pressure of the mixture of matter (curvaton)
and radiation produced by the inflaton decay is not adiabatic. A convenient way to study this
mechanism is to consider the curvature perturbations ⇣i associated with each individual energy
density components, which to linear order are defined as

✓ ◆
⇣i ⌘ +H . (548)
Therefore, during the oscillations of the curvaton field, the total curvature perturbation can be
written as a weighted sum of the single curvature perturbations
⇢˙ ⇢˙
⇣= ⇣ + ⇣ = (1 f )⇣ + f ⇣ , (549)
⇢˙ ⇢˙
where the quantity
f= (550)
4⇢ + 3⇢
defines the relative contribution of the curvaton field to the total curvature perturbation. From
now on we shall work under the approximation of sudden decay of the curvaton field. Under this
approximation the curvaton and the radiation components ⇢ and ⇢ satisfy separately the energy
conservation equations

⇢0 = 4 H⇢ ,

⇢0 = 3 H⇢ , (551)

and the curvature perturbations ⇣i remains constant on super-Hubble scales until the decay of the
curvaton. Therefore from Eq. (549) it follows that the first-order curvature pertubation evolves on
large scales as
⇣ 0 = f 0 (⇣ ⇣ ) = Hf (1 f )(⇣ ⇣ ), (552)

and by comparison with Eq. (547) one obtains the expression for the non-adiabatic pressure pertur-
bation at first order
Pnad = ⇢ (1 f )(⇣ ⇣ ). (553)

Since in the curvaton scenario it is supposed that the curvature perturbation in the radiation pro-
duced at the end of inflation is negligible, then

1 ⇢
⇣ = = 0. (554)
4 ⇢

Similarly the value of ⇣ is fixed by the fluctuations of the curvaton during inflation

1 ⇢
⇣ = = ⇣ I, (555)
3 ⇢

where I stands for the value of the fluctuations during inflation. From Eq. (549) the total curvature
perturbation during the curvaton oscillations is given by

⇣ = f⇣ . (556)

As it is clear from Eq. (556) initially, when the curvaton energy density is subdominant, the density
perturbation in the curvaton field ⇣ gives a negligible contribution to the total curvature pertur-
bation, thus corresponding to an isocurvature (or entropy) perturbation. On the other hand during
the oscillations ⇢ / a 3 increases with respect to the energy density of radiation ⇢ / a 4, and the
perturbations in the curvaton field are then converted into the curvature perturbation. Well after
the decay of the curvaton, during the conventional radiation and matter dominated eras, the total
curvature perturbation will remain constant on super-Hubble scales at a value which, in the sudden
decay approximation, is fixed by Eq. (556) at the epoch of curvaton decay

⇣ = fD ⇣ , (557)

where D stands for the epoch of the curvaton decay.

Going beyond the sudden decay approximation it is possible to introduce a transfer parameter
r defined as
⇣ = r⇣ , (558)

where ⇣ is evaluated well after the epoch of the curvaton decay and ⇣ is evaluated well before
this epoch. Numerical studies of the coupled perturbation equations has been performed show that
the sudden decay approximation is exact when the curvaton dominates the energy density before it
decays (r = 1), while in the opposite case
✓ ◆

r⇡ . (559)
⇢ D

23 Symmetries of the de Sitter geometry
Before launching ourselves into the computation of the post-inflationary evolution of the cosmological
perturbations, we wish to summarize the symmetries of the de Sitter geometry to understand better
the properties of the inflationary perturbations.
The four-dimensional de Sitter space-time of radius H 1 is described by the hyperboloid
⌘AB X A X B = X02 + Xi2 + X52 = (i = 1, 2, 3), (560)
embedded in five-dimensional Minkowski space-time M1,4 with coordinates X A and flat metric ⌘AB =
diag( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1). A particular parametrization of the de Sitter hyperboloid is provided by
✓ ◆
0 1 1 1 x2
X = H⌘ ,
2H H⌘ 2 ⌘
Xi = ,
✓ ◆
5 1 1 1 x2
X = H⌘ + + , (561)
2H H⌘ 2 ⌘
which may easily be checked that satisfies Eq. (560). The de Sitter metric is the induced metric on
the hyperboloid from the five-dimensional ambient Minkowski space-time

ds25 = ⌘AB dX A dX B . (562)

For the particular parametrization (561), for example, we find

ds2 = d⌘ 2 + dx2 . (563)
H 2⌘2
The group SO(1,4) acts linearly on M1,4 . Its generators are
@ @
JAB = XA XB A, B = (0, 1, 2, 3, 5) (564)
@X B @X A
and satisfy the SO(1,4) algebra

[JAB , JCD ] = ⌘AD JBC ⌘AC JBD + ⌘BC JAD ⌘BD JAC . (565)

We may split these generators as

Jij , P0 = J05 , ⇧+
i = Ji5 + J0i , ⇧i = Ji5 J0i , (566)

which act on the de Sitter hyperboloid as

@ @
Jij = xi xj ,
@xj @xi
@ @
P0 = ⌘ + xi i ,
@⌘ @x
@ @ @
⇧i = 2H⌘xi + H x2 ij 2xi xj H⌘ 2 ,
@⌘ @xj @xi
1 @
i = (567)
H @xi

and satisfy the commutator relations

[Jij , Jkl ] = il Jjk ik Jjl + jk Jil jl Jik ,

[Jij , ⇧±
ik ⇧j
jk ⇧i ,

[⇧± ±
k , P0 ] = ⌥⇧k ,

[⇧i , ⇧+
j ] = 2Jij + 2 ij P0 . (568)

This is nothing else that the conformal algebra. Indeed, by defining

Lij = iJij , D= iP0 , Pi = i⇧+

i , Ki = i⇧i , (569)

we get
Pi = @i ,
H✓ ◆
@ i
D= i ⌘ + x @i ,
✓ ◆
@ i
Ki = 2iHxi ⌘ + x @i iH( ⌘ 2 + x2 )@i ,
✓ ◆
@ @
Lij = i xi xj . (570)
@xj @xi
These are also the Killing vectors of de Sitter space-time corresponding to symmetries under space
translations (Pi ), dilitations (D), special conformal transformations (Ki ) and space rotations (Lij ).
They satisfy the conformal algebra in its standard form

[D, Pi ] = iPi , (571)

[D, Ki ] = iKi , (572)

⇣ ⌘
[Ki , Pj ] = 2i ij D Lij (573)
⇣ ⌘
[Lij , Pk ] = i jk Pi ik j ,
P (574)
⇣ ⌘
[Lij , Kk ] = i jk Ki ik K j , (575)

[Lij , D] = 0, (576)
⇣ ⌘
[Lij , Lkl ] = i il Ljk ik Ljl + jk Lil jl Lik . (577)

The de Sitter algebra SO(1,4) has two Casimir invariants

C1 = JAB J AB , (578)
C2 = WA W A , W A = ✏ABCDE JBC JDE . (579)

Using Eqs. (566) and (569), we find that

1 1
C1 = D2 + {Pi , Ki } + Lij Lij , (580)
2 2

which turns out to be, in the explicit representation Eq. (570),

2 @2 2 @
H C1 = + r2 . (581)
@⌘ 2 ⌘ @⌘
As a result, C1 is the Laplace operator on the de Sitter hyperboloid and for a scalar field (x) we
C1 (x) = (x). (582)
Let us now consider the case H⌘ ⌧ 1. The parametrization (561) turns out then to be
1 1 x2
X0 = ,
2H 2 ⌘ 2 ⌘
Xi = ,
1 1 x2
X5 = + (583)
2H 2 ⌘ 2 ⌘
and we may easily check that the hyperboloid has been degenerated to the hypercone

X02 + Xi2 + X52 = 0. (584)

We identify points X A ⌘ X A (which turns the cone (584) into a projective space). As a result, ⌘
in the denominator of the X A can be ignored due to projectivity condition. Then, on the cone, the
conformal group acts linearly, whereas induces the (non-linear) conformal transformations xi ! x0i

x0i = ai + Mij xj , (585)

x0i = xi , (586)
x i + bi x 2
x0i = . (587)
1 + 2bi xi + b2 x2
on Euclidean R3 with coordinates xi . These transformations correspond to translations and rotations
(generated by Pi , Lij ), dilations (generated by D) and special conformal transformations (generated
by Ki ), respectively, acting now on the constant time hypersurfaces of de Sitter space-time. It should
be noted that special conformal transformations can be written in terms of inversion
xi ! x0i = (588)
as inversion⇥translation⇥inversion.

23.1 Representations
The representations of the SO(1,4) algebra are constructed by employing the method of induced
representations. Let us consider the stability subgroup at xi = 0 which is the group G generated

by (Lij , D, Ki ). It is easy to see from the conformal algebra, that Pi and Ki are actually raising
and lowering operators for the dilation operator D. Therefore there should be states which will
be annihilated by Ki . Every irreducible representation will then be specified by an irreducible
representation of the rotational group SO(3) (i.e. its spin) and a definite conformal dimension
annihilated by Ki . Representations s (0) of the stability group at x = 0 with spin s and dimension
are specified by
[Lij , s (0)] = ⌃ij s (0),

[D, s (0)] = i s (0),

[Ki , s (0)] = 0, (589)

where ⌃ij is a spin-s representation of SO(3). Those representations s (0) that satisfy the relations
(589) are called primary fields. Once the primary fields are known, all other fields, the descendants,
are constructed by taking derivatives of the primaries @i · · · @j s (0). For scalars in particular, the
momentum Pi generates translations so that for a scalar (x) we have

[Pi , (x)] = i@i (x). (590)

Denoting collectively any generator of the stability subgroup G as J = (Lij , D, Ki ) and taking into
account that (x) = eiP·x (0)e iP·x , we find that

ˆ (0)]e
[J, (x)] = eiP·x [J, iP·x

X ( i)n
Jˆ = e iP·x
JeiP·x = xi1 xi2 . . . xin [Pi1 [Pi2 . . . [Pin , J], . . .]] (592)
and (0) is a representation of the stability subgroup. Specifying for J = Lij , D and and J = Ki
we find

L̂ij = Lij + xi Pj x j Pi , (593)

D̂ = D + xi Pi , (594)

K̂i = Ki + 2(xi D xj Lij ) + 2xi xj Pj x 2 Pi . (595)

For a scalar, the right-hand side of the first equation in (589) vanishes, therefore we find that for a
scalar (x)

i[Lij , (x)] = (xi @j xj @i ) (x), (596)

i[Ki , (x)] = 2 xi + 2xi xj @j x2 @ i (x), (597)

i[D, (x)] = xi @i + (x), (598)

i[Pi , (x)] = @i (x). (599)

For example,
[C1 , (0)] = ( 3) (0), (600)

which implies that

m2 = ( 3)H 2 . (601)

It can be shown that the scalar representations of the de Sitter group SO(1,4) actually splits into
three distinct series: the principal series with masses m2 9H 2 /4, the complementary series with
masses in the range 0 < m2 < 9H 2 /4 and the discrete series. It is the principal representations
which survive the Winger-Inonü contraction (H ! 0) to the Poincáre group.
The method of the induced representations used above for the scalar can be employed to include
higher-spin fields as well. For a higher-spin field described by a symmetric-traceless tensor i1 we
⇣ ⌘
i[Lij ,k1 ...ks ] = x @
i j x @
j i + i⌃ ij k1 ...ks , (602)
⇣ ⌘
i[Ki , k1 ...ks ] = 2 xi + 2xi xj @j x2 @i + 2ixj ⌃ji k1 ...ks , (603)

i[D, k1 ...ks ] = xi @ i + s k1 ...ks , (604)

i[Pi , k1 ...ks ] = @i k1 ...ks , (605)

where the spin operator ⌃ij acts as

⌃ij k1 ...ks = ( k1 ...ka 1 ika+1 ...ks jka k1 ...ka 1 jka+1 ...ks ika ). (606)

It is then easy to verify that

m2 1 (s) (s)
C1 = = s( s 3) s(s + 1) since ⌃ ⌃ = s(s + 1). (607)
H2 2 ij ij

23.2 Killing vectors of the de Sitter space

We have seen that the essential kinematical feature of a vacuum dominated de Sitter universe is that
the conformal group of certain embeddings of three dimensional hypersurfaces in de Sitter space-time
may be mapped (either one-to-one or multiple-to-one) to the geometric isometry group of the full
four dimensional space-time into which the hypersurfaces are embedded. The first example of such
an embedding of three dimensional hypersurfaces is that of flat Euclidean R3 in de Sitter space-time
in coordinates. The conformal group of the three dimensional spatial R3 sections is in fact identical
(isomorphic) to the isometry group SO(4,1) of the four dimensional de Sitter space-time, as we now

Since (eternal) de Sitter space is maximally symmetric, it posseses the maximum number of
isometries for a space-time in n = 4 dimensions, namely 2 = 10, corresponding to the 10
solutions of the Killing equation,

rµ ✏(↵) (↵)
⌫ + r⌫ ✏ µ = 0 , µ, ⌫ = 0, 1, 2, 3 ; ↵ = 1, . . . , 10 . (608)

Each of the 10 linearly independent solutions to this equation (labelled by ↵) is a vector field in
de Sitter space corresponding to an infinitesimal coordinate transformation, xµ ! xµ + ✏µ (x) that
leaves the de Sitter geometry and line element invariant. These are the 10 generators of the de Sitter
isometry group, the non-compact Lie group SO(4,1).
The isomorphism with conformal transformations of R3 is that each of these 10 solutions of (608)
may be placed in one-to-one correspondence with the 10 solutions of the conformal Killing equation
of three dimensional flat space R3 , i.e.

(↵) (↵) 2 (↵)

@ i ⇠j + @ j ⇠i = ij @ k ⇠k , i, j, k = 1, 2, 3; ↵ = 1, . . . 10 . (609)

In (608) the space-time indices µ, ⌫ range over 4 values and r⌫ is the covariant derivative with
respect to the full four dimensional metric of de Sitter space-time, whereas in (609), i, j are three
dimensional spatial indices of the three Cartesian coordinates xi of Euclidean R3 of one dimension
lower with flat metric ij . Solutions to the conformal Killing Eq. (609) are transformations of
xi ! xi + ⇠ i (~x) which preserve all angles in R3 . This isomorphism between geometric isometries of
(3 + 1) dimensional de Sitter space-time and conformal transformations of 3 dimensional flat space
embedded in it is the origin of conformal invariance of correlation functions generated in a de Sitter
phase of the universe.
The 10 solutions of (609) for vector fields in flat R3 are easily found. They are of two kinds. First
there are 6 solutions of (609) with @k ⇠k = 0, corresponding to the strict isometries of R3 , namely 3
translations and 3 rotations. Second, there are also 4 solutions of (609) with @k ⇠k 6= 0. These are
the 4 conformal transformations of flat space that are not strict isometries but preserve all angles.
They consist of one global dilation and three special conformal transformations. The Killing Eq.
(608) can be rewritten as

g⌫ @µ ✏ + gµ @⌫ ✏ + @ gµ⌫ ✏ = 0 , (610)

which, for de Sitter space, they provide

@t ✏t = 0 , (611)

@t ✏i + @i ✏t = 2H✏i , (612)

@i ✏j + @j ✏i = 2Ha2 ij ✏t . (613)

Its solutions of can be catalogued as follows. For ✏t = 0 we have the three translations,

(Tj) (Tj) j
✏t = 0, ✏i = a2 i , j = 1, 2, 3 , (614)

and the three rotations,

⌧ = 0, ✏i = a2 ✏i`m xm , ` = 1, 2, 3 . (615)

The spatial R3 sections also have four conformal Killing vectors which satisfy the Killing vector
equations with ✏t 6= 0. They are the three special conformal transformations of R3 ,

(C) (C)
✏t = 2Hxn , ✏i = H 2 a2 ( i
jk x
j k
x 2 ij x
j n
x ) n
i , n = 1, 2, 3 , (616)

and the dilation,

(D) (D)
✏t = 1, ✏i = Ha2 ij x
. (617)

This last dilational Killing vector is the infinitesimal form of the finite dilational symmetry,

x ! x, (618)
a(⌧ ) ! a(⌧ ) , (619)
t!t H ln (620)

of de Sitter space. Since the maximum number of Killing isometries in 4 dimensions is 10, there
are no other solutions and de Sitter space, being a fully symmetric space, possesses the maximum
number of symmetries.
We can understand the issue of scale-invariance rather easily looking at the symmetries of de
Sitter. In conformal time the metric during inflation reads approximately de Sitter

ds2 = ( d⌧ 2 + dx2 ) , (621)
H 2⌧ 2
whose isometry group is SO(4,1). The time-evolving inflaton background is homogeneous and rota-
tionally invariant, so that translations and rotations are good symmetries of the whole system. The
dilation isometry

⌧ ! ⌧, x ! x , (622)

is also an approximate symmetry of the inflaton background in the limit in which its dynamics varies
slowly in time. It is this isometry which guarantees a scale invariant spectrum, independently of the
inflaton dynamics. In Fourier space dilations act on a scalar field (x, ⌧ ) on large scales as

k ! k/ . (623)

Indeed, consider a transformation x ! x. Then, in real space (x) ! (x) = ( x). Expressing
this in terms of the Fourier transform of (x) gives how the rescaling acts in Fourier space

3 ik· x 3
( x) = d ke (k) = d3 p e ip·x
(p/ ) , (624)

where, in the last step, we have made a change in the variable of integration with p = k. Therefore,
the two-point function is constrained to have the form

F (k1 ⌧ )
h k1 k2 i = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 ) . (625)
In such a way

6 6 F (k1 ⌧ / ) F (k1 ⌧ / )
h k1 k2 i ! h k1 / k2 / i= (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 / + k2 / ) = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 ) .
(k1 / )3 k13
If perturbations become time independent when out of the Hubble radius, the function F must be
a constant in this limit and this gives a scale invariant spectrum.

Part VI

The physics of the CMB anisotropies

The primordial perturbations set up during inflation manifest themselves in the radiation as well
as in the matter distribution. By understanding the evolution of the photon perturbations we can
make therefore predictions about the expected CMB anisotropy spectrum today. The evolution, as
we shall see, is determined once again by Einstein equations and Boltzmann equations. Perturbations
to photons evolved completely di↵erent before and after the epoch of last scattering at zls ⇠ 1100.
Before recombination, photons were tightly coupled to electrons and protons; all together they can

be described by a single fluid, dubbed the baryon-photon fluid. After recombination, photons free-
streamed from the surface of last scattering to us today. This means that detecting these photons
is like taking a picture of the universe when it was about 300.000 yr old. In the following, we will
describe the dynamics of such baryon-pthon fluid in details.

24 Perturbing gravity
Before tackling the problem of interest – the computation of the Boltzmann equations for the baryon-
photon and CDM fluids – we first provide the necessary tools to deal with perturbed gravity, giving
the expressions for the Einstein tensor perturbed up to second-order around a flat Friedmann-
Robertson-Walker background, and the relevant Einstein equations. In the following we will adopt
the longitudinal (Poisson) gauge which eliminates one scalar degree of freedom from the g0i compo-
nent of the metric and one scalar and two vector degrees of freedom from gij . We will use a metric
of the form
⇥ ⇤
ds2 = a2 (⌧ ) e2 d⌧ 2 + 2!i dxi d⌧ + (e 2
ij + ij )dx
dxj , (627)

where a(⌧ ) is the scale factor as a function of the conformal time ⌧ , and !i and ij are the vector and
tensor peturbation modes respectively. However in the metric (627) the choice of the exponentials
greatly helps in computing the relevant expressions, and thus we will always keep them where it is
convenient. From Eq. (627) one recovers at linear order the well-known longitudinal gauge. For the
vector and tensor perturbations, we will neglect linear vector modes since they are not produced
in standard mechanisms for the generation of cosmological perturbations (as inflation), and we also
neglect tensor modes at linear order. Nevertheless, we will keep generic expressions in the following.
Let us now give our definitions for the connection coefficients and their expressions for the
metric (627). The number of spatial dimensions is n = 3. Greek indices (↵, , ..., µ, ⌫, ....) run from
0 to 3, while latin indices (a, b, ..., i, j, k, ....m, n...) run from 1 to 3. The total space-time metric gµ⌫
has signature ( , +, +, +). The connection coefficients are defined as
✓ ◆
↵ 1 ↵⇢ @g⇢ @g ⇢ @g
= g + . (628)
2 @x @x @x⇢

The Riemann tensor is defined as

R↵ µ⌫ = ↵

µ,⌫ + ↵
µ ⌫

⌫ µ. (629)

The Ricci tensor is a contraction of the Riemann tensor

Rµ⌫ = R↵µ↵⌫ , (630)

and in terms of the connection coefficient it is given by
↵ ↵ ↵ ↵
Rµ⌫ = @↵ µ⌫ @µ ⌫↵ + ↵ µ⌫ ⌫ µ↵ . (631)

The Ricci scalar is given by contracting the Ricci tensor

R = Rµµ . (632)

The Einstein tensor is defined as

Gµ⌫ = Rµ⌫ gµ⌫ R . (633)

24.1 The connection coefficients

For the connection coefficients we find
00 = H+ 0,
0 @
0i = + H⌦I ,
i 0 @
00 = ! i + H! i + e2 +2 ,
✓ ◆
0 1 @!j @!i 0 1 0
ij = i
+ j +e 2 2 H ij + ij +H ij ,
2 @x @x 2
✓ ◆
i 0 1 0 1 @!i @!j
0j = H ij + + ,
2 ij 2 @xj @xi
i @ @ @ 1 @ ij @ ik @ jk
jk = H! i jk
k+ jk + + + . (634)
@xk @xj @xi 2 @x k @x j @xi

24.2 Einstein equations

The Einstein equations are written as Gµ⌫ = 2 Tµ⌫ , so that 2 = 8⇡GN , where GN is the usual
Newtonian gravitational constant. They read
e 2 ⇥ 2 ⇤
G00 = 2
3H 6H 0 + 3( 0 )2 e2 +2 @i @ i 2r2 = 2 T 00 , (635)
a ✓ ◆
i e2 ⇥ i 0 0 i
⇤ 1 2 i 2 a00 ! i
G0 = 2 2 @ + H @ r ! + 4H 2 = 2 T i0 , (636)
a 2a2 a a2
 ✓ ◆
i 1 2 2 a00 0 0 0 2 0 0 00
Gj = e H 2 2 3( ) + 2H +2 +2
a2 a
⇣ ⌘i e2
2 k 2 2 i
+ e @k @ + r r j + @ i @j @ i @j + @ i @j @ i @j + @ i @j @ i @j
a2 ✓ ◆
H i i 1 ⇣ i 0 i0
⌘ 1 i0 1 i00 1 2 i
@ ! j + @ j ! @ ! j + @ j ! + H j + r = 2 T ij . (637)
a2 2a2 a2 2 j 2 j

Here T µ⌫ is the energy momentum tensor accounting for di↵erent components, photons, baryons,
dark matter. We will give the expressions later for each component in terms of the distribution

25 The initial conditions provided by inflation
Inflation provides the initial conditions for all perturbations once the latter re-enter the horizon. Let
us turn again to the longitudinal gauge. On super-Hubble scales, from Eq. (635) we have

⇢k ⇢k
6H2 k = 4⇡GN a2 ) = 2 , (638)
⇢¯ ⇢¯
on super-Hubble scales, where H2 = (8⇡GN /3)¯
⇢a2 defines the average energy density. Recalling
now that = and that ⇣ = + H ⇢/⇢0 and ⇢0 = 3 H(⇢ + P ) = 3 H(1 + w)⇢, where we have
defined P/⇢ = w, we find that on super-Hubble scales

✓ ◆
⇢k 2 5 + 3w
⇣k = k = 1+ k = k. (639)
3(1 + w)¯
⇢ 3(1 + w) 3(1 + w)
This means that during the RD phase one has (w = 1/3)

RD 2
k = ⇣k (RD) , (640)
and during the MD phase

MD 3
k = ⇣k (MD) , (641)
In particular, notice that

k = k . (642)

26 The collisionless Boltzmann equation for photons

We are now interested in the anisotropies in the cosmic distribution of photons and inhomogeneities
in the matter. Photons are a↵ected by gravity and by Compton scattering with free electrons. The
latter are tightly coupled to protons. Both are, of course, a↵ected by gravity. The metric which
determines the gravitational forces is influenced by all these components plus CDM (and neutrinos).
Our plan is to write down Boltzmann equations for the phase-space distributions of each species in
the universe.
The phase-space distribution of particles g(xi , P µ , ⌧ ) is a function of spatial coordinates xi , con-
formal time ⌧ , and momentum of the particle P µ = dxµ /d where parametrizes the particle path.
Through the constraint P 2 ⌘ gµ⌫ P µ P ⌫ = m2 , where m is the mass of the particle one can eliminate
P 0 and g(xi , P j , ⌧ ) gives the number of particles in a di↵erential volume dx1 dx2 dx3 dP 1 dP 2 dP 3 in
phase space. In the following we will indicate the distribution function for photons with f .

The photon distribution evolves according to the Boltzmann equation

= a C[f ], (643)

where the collision term is due to scattering of photons o↵ free electrons. In the following we will
derive the left-hand side of Eq. (643) while in the next section we will compute the collision term.
For photons we can impose P 2 ⌘ gµ⌫ P µ P ⌫ = 0 and using the metric (627) in the conformal time
⌧ we find 
2 2 p2
P =a e2 (P 0 )2 + + 2!i P 0 P i = 0, (644)
where we define
p2 = gij P i P j . (645)

From the constraint (644)

✓ ◆1/2
P0 = e + 2!i P 0 P i . (646)
Notice that we immediately recover the usual zero and first-order relations P 0 = p/a and P 0 =
p(1 )/a.
The components P i are proportional to pni , where ni is a unit vector with ni ni = ij n
i nj = 1.
We can write Pi = Cni , where C is determined by

gij P i P j = C 2 a2 (e 2
+ ij n
i j
n ) = p2 , (647)

so that ✓ ◆
p ⇣ ⌘ 1/2 p 1
P = ni e
i 2
+ km n
k m
n = ni e 1 km n
k m
n , (648)
a a 2
where the last equality holds up to second order in the perturbations. Again we recover the zero
and first-order relations P i = pni /a and P i = pni (1 + )/a respectively. Thus up to second order
we can write
P0 = e 1 + ! i ni . (649)
Eq. (648) and (649) allow us to replace P 0 and P i in terms of the variables p and ni . Therefore,
as it is standard in the literature, from now on we will consider the phase-space distribution f as a
function of the momentum p = pn with magnitude p and angular direction ni , f ⌘ f (xi , p, ni , ⌧ ).
Thus in terms of these variables the total time derivative of the distribution function reads

df @f @f dxi @f dp @f dni
= + i + + . (650)
d⌧ @⌧ @x d⌧ @p d⌧ @ni d⌧

In the following we will compute dxi /d⌧ , dp/d⌧ and dni /d⌧ :

a) dxi /d⌧ :

dxi dxi d⌧ dxi 0
Pi = = = P (651)
d d⌧ d d⌧
and from Eq. (648) and (649)
✓ ◆
dxi 1
= ni e +
1 ! j nj km n k m
n . (652)
d⌧ 2

b) dp/d⌧ :

For dp/d⌧ we make use of the time component of the geodesic equation dP 0 /d = 0
↵ P ↵P
where we can replace the derivative d/d with (d⌧ /d ) d/d⌧ = P 0 d/d⌧ so that

dP 0 0 P ↵P
= ↵ , (653)
d⌧ P0

Using the metric (627) we find

@g⌫↵ @↵
2 0↵ P ↵ P = g 0⌫ 2 P ↵P
@x @x⌫

0 0 2 0 i 0 i 2 0 2 1 0
= 2(H + ) P +4 ,i P P + 4H!i P P + 2e (H )e ij !i,j + ij +H ij P iP j .

On the other hand the expression (649) of P 0 in terms of p and ni gives

dP 0 pd d(p/a) p d(!i ni )
= e 1 + ! i ni + e 1 + ! i ni + e . (655)
d⌧ a d⌧ d⌧ a d⌧

Thus, Eq. (653) allows us express dp/d⌧ as

1 dp 0 1
= H+ ,i n
e +
!i0 ni 0 i j
ij n n , (656)
p d⌧ 2

where in Eq. (654) we have replaced P 0 and P i by Eqs. (649) and (648). Notice that in order to
obtain Eq. (656) we have used the following expressions for the total time derivative of the metric
✓ ◆
d @ @ dxi @ @ 1
= + i = + i ni e +
1 ! j nj km n k m
n , (657)
d⌧ @⌧ @x d⌧ @⌧ @x 2

✓ ◆
d(!i ni ) @!i @!i dxj @!i i @!i i j
= ni + j = n + jn n , (658)
d⌧ @⌧ @x d⌧ @⌧ @x

where we have taken into account that !i is already a second-order perturbation so that we can
neglect dni / d⌧ which is at least a first order quantity, and we can take the zero-order expression in
Eq. (652), dxi /d⌧ = ni . In fact there is also an alternative expression for dp/d⌧ which turns out to
be useful later and which can be obtained by applying once more Eq. (657)
1 dp d 0 0 1
= H + + !i0 ni 0 i j
ij n n . (659)
p d⌧ d⌧ 2

c) dni /d⌧ :

We can proceed in a similar way to compute dni /d⌧ . Notice that since in Eq. (650) it multi-
plies @f /@ni which is first order, we need only the first order perturbation of dni /d⌧ . We use the
spatial components of the geodesic equations dP i /d = i
↵ P ↵ P written as

dP i i P ↵P
= ↵ . (660)
d⌧ P0
For the right-hand side we find up to second-order

@g↵⌫ @g ⌫ @g↵
2 i↵ P ↵ P = g i⌫ + P ↵P
@x @x↵ @x⌫
⇣ ⌘ ✓ ◆
0 i 0 i0 i ,i 0 k @ 2 +2 i0 i 2 @
= 4(H )P P + 2 k + !,k !k P P + 2 i e + 2! + 2H! P0 4 P iP k
@x @xk
" !#
@ k m i
@ ij @ ik @ jk
+ 2 i km P P 2H! jk + + P j P k, (661)
@x @xk @xj @xi

while the expression (648) of P i in terms of our variables p and ni in the left-hand side of Eq. (660)
 ✓ ◆ k nm
dP i p d i a d(p/a) i dni 1 k m p i 1d km n
= e n + n + 1 km n n ne . (662)
d⌧ a d⌧ p d⌧ d⌧ 2 a 2 d⌧

Thus, using the expression (648) for P i and (646) for P 0 in Eq. (661), together with the previous
result (656), the geodesic equation (660) gives the following expression dni /d⌧ (valid up to first
dni k i ,i ,i
=( ,k + ,k ) n n . (663)
To proceed further we now expand the distribution function for photons around the zero-order value
f (0) which is that of a Bose-Einstein distribution
f (0) (p, ⌧ ) = 2 n o , (664)
exp T (⌧ ) 1

where T (⌧ ) is the average (zero-order) temperature and the factor 2 comes from the spin degrees
of photons. The perturbed distribution of photons will depend also on xi and on the propagation
direction ni so as to account for inhomogeneities and anisotropies

ftot (xi , p, ni , ⌧ ) = f (0) (p, ⌧ ) + f (xi , p, ni , ⌧ ). (665)

The Boltzmann equation up to the linear order can be written in a straightforward way by recalling
that the total time derivative of a given i-th perturbation, as e.g. df (i) /d⌧ is at least a quantity of
the i-th order. Thus it is easy to realize, looking at Eq. (650), that the left-hand side of Boltzmann
equation can be written as

dftot df @f (0) d @f (0) @

= p +p ( + )
d⌧ d⌧ @p d⌧ @p @⌧
@f (0) @!i i 1 @f (0) @ ij i j
p n p nn , (666)
@p @⌧ 2 @p @⌧

where for simplicity in Eq. (666) we have already used the background Boltzmann equation (df /d⌧ )|(0) =
0. In Eq. (666) there are all the terms which will give rise to the integrated Sachs-Wolfe e↵ects (cor-
responding to the terms which explicitly depend on the gravitational perturbations). In order to
obtain Eq. (666) we just need for the time being to know the expression for dp/d⌧ , Eq. (659).

27 Collision term

27.1 The Collision Integral

In this section we focus on the collision term due to Compton scattering

e(q) (p) ! e(q0 ) (p0 ), (667)

where we have indicated the momentum of the photons and electrons involved in the collisions.
The collision term will be important for small scale anisotropies and spectral distortions. The
important point to compute the collision term is that for the epoch of interest very little energy is
transferred. Therefore one can proceed by expanding the right hand side of Eq. (643) both in the
small perturbation, Eq. (665), and in the small energy transfer.
The collision term is given by
1 d3 q d3 q 0 d 3 p0
C(p) = (2⇡)4 (4)
(q + p q0 p0 ) |M|2
E(p) (2⇡)3 2E(q) (2⇡)3 2E(q 0 ) (2⇡)3 2E(p0 )
⇥ {g(q0 )f (p0 ) g(q)f (p)} (668)

where E(q) = (q 2 + m2e )1/2 , M is the amplitude of the scattering process, 4 (q +p q0 p0 ) =
3 (q +p q0 p0 ) (E(q) + p E(q0 ) p0 ) ensures the energy-momentum conservation and g is
the distribution function for electrons. The Pauli suppression factors (1 g) have been dropped
since for the epoch of interest the density of electrons ne is low. The electrons are kept in thermal
equilibrium by the Coulomb interactions with protons and they are non-relativistic, thus we can
take a Boltzmann distribution around some bulk velocity v
✓ ◆3/2 ⇢
2⇡ (q me v)2
g(q) = ne exp . (669)
me T e 2me Te

By using the three dimensional delta function the energy transfer is given by E(q) E(q + p p0 )
and it turns out to be small compared to the typical thermal energies

(p p0 ) · q
E(q) E(q + p p0 ) ' = O(T q/me ) . (670)

In Eq. (670) we have used E(q) = me + q 2 /2me and the fact that since the scattering is almost
elastic (p ' p0 ), then (p p0 ) is of order p ⇠ T , with q much bigger than (p p0 ). In general,
the electron momentum has two contributions, the bulk velocity (q = me v) and the thermal motion
(q ⇠ (me T )1/2 ) and thus the parameter expansion q/me includes the small bulk velocity v and the
the ratio (T /me )1/2 which is small because the electrons are non-relativistic. The fractional energy
change of a single Compton scattering is therefore very small. It makes sense to expand the final
kinetic energy of the electron around its initial value. The collision term becomes therefore, upon
integrating over q0

Z 
⇡ d 3 q d 3 p0 q2 (q + p p0 )2
C(p) = D p + p0 |M|2
4m2e p (2⇡)3 (2⇡)3 p0 2me 2me
0 0
⇥ {g(q + p p )f (p ) g(q)f (p)}. (671)

The Dirac delta becomes

q2 (q + p p0 )2
D p+ p0 ' D (p p0 )
2me 2me
@ D (p + Ee (q) p0 Ee (q0 )
+ (Ee (q0 ) Ee (q))
@Ee (q0 ) Ee (q)=Ee (q0 )
(p p0 ) ·q@ D (p p0 )
= D (p p0 ) + , (672)
me @p0

where the second equality makes use of the fact that for a general function f of two variables x and
y we have @f (x y)/@x = @f (x y)/@y. The formal expansion appears ill-defined at present, but

when integrating over momenta, the derivatives of delta functions will be handled by integrating by
parts. With this expansion and using the fact that

g(q + p p0 ) ' g(q), (673)

the collision term becomes

⇡ d3 q d 3 p0
C(p) = g(q) |M|2
4m2 p (2⇡)3 (2⇡)3 p0
 e
(p p0 ) · q @ D (p p0 )
⇥ D (p p0 ) + f (p0 ) f (p) . (674)
me @p0

To first order Thomson scattering gives

|M|2 = 8⇡ 2
T me . (675)

This is marginally wrong for two reasons: one because there is an angle dependence in the Thomson
cross section; nevertheless it introduces only small corrections; and secondly because the amplitude
square has a polarization dependence and we have implicitly summed over them here.

28 The brightness equation

The Boltzmann equation for photons is obtained by combining Eq. (666) supplemented by the
collision term. At first-order the left-hand side reads

dftot df @f (0) @ dxi @f (0) @

= p + p . (676)
d⌧ d⌧ @p @xi d⌧ @p @⌧

At first-order it is useful to characterize the perturbations to the Bose-Einstein distribution func-

tion (664) in terms of a perturbation to the temperature as
 ⇢ 1
i i p
ftot (x , p, n , ⌧ ) = 2 exp 1 . (677)
T (⌧ )(1 + ⇥)

Thus it turns out that

@f (0)
f= p ⇥, (678)
where we have used that @f /@⇥|⇥=0 = p@f (0) /@p. In terms of this variable ⇥ the linear collision
term will now become proportional to p@f (0) /@p which contains the only explicit dependence on p,
and the same happens for the left-hand side, Eq. (676). This is telling us that at first order ⇥ does
not depend on p but only on xi , ni = pi /p, ⌧ , ⇥ = ⇥(xi , ni , ⌧ ). This is well known and the physical

reason is that at linear order there is no energy transfer in Compton collisions between photons and
electrons. Let us elaborate on the collision term

Z  ◆
2⇡ 2 ne T d 3 p0 0 0 @ D (p p0 )
C(p) = (p p ) + (p p)·v
p (2⇡)3 p0 @p0
@f (0) @f (0)
⇥ f (0) (p0 ) f (0) (p) p0 0
⇥(p̂0 ) + p ⇥(p̂)
@p @p
Z Z " !
1 (0)
ne T 0 0 0 0 0 @f @f (0)
= dp p d⌦ D (p p) p ⇥(p̂ ) + p ⇥(p̂)
4⇡p 0 @p0 @p
@ D (p p0 )
+ (p p0 ) · v (f (0) (p0 ) f (0) (p)) , (679)
where we have used the fact that the integral over q simply gives ne (or ne v for the term which has
a factor q/me ) and ⌦0 is the solid angle spanned by the unit vector p0 . It is convenient at this stage
to define the monopole

⇥0 ⌘ d⌦0 ⇥(p̂0 , xi , ⌧ ). (680)
The collision terms becomes therefore

Z " !
ne T (0) @f (0)
0 0 0 0 @f
C(p) = dp p (p p) p ⇥ 0 + p ⇥(p̂)
p @p0 @p
@ D (p p0 )
+ p·v (f (0) (p0 ) f (0) (p)) . (681)
The integral over p0 can be done trivially and we are left with

@f (0)
C(p) = ne p T (⇥0 ⇥(p̂) + p̂ · v) . (682)
Therefore the Boltzmann equation for ⇥ reads
@⇥ @⇥ @ @
+ ni i + i ni = ne T a [⇥0 ⇥ + v · n] . (683)
@⌧ @x @x @⌧
Notice that since ⇥ is independent on p it is equivalent to consider the quantity
i i dpp3 f
(x , n , ⌧ ) = R , (684)
dpp3 f (0)
= 4⇥ . (685)

The physical meaning of is that of a fractional energy perturbation (in a given direction). From
Eq. (666) another way to write an equation for – the so called brightness equation – is

d @ 1
[ +4 ] 4 ( + ) = ne T a 0+ 2 P2 (v̂ · n) + 4v · n , (686)
d⌧ @⌧ 2

where we have added the term coming from the angular dependence of the Thomson scattering
|M|2 = 6⇡ 2
T me [1 + (n · n0 )2 ] and makes use of the fact that

 " 1
0 2 4 1 0 4 1 X (2 m)! m m 0 0)
[1+(n·n ) ] = 1 + P2 (n · n ) = 1+ P (n · v̂)P2 (n · v̂) eim( , (687)
3 2 3 2 (2 + m)! 2
m= 2

where the P2m are the associated Legendre polynomials. Indeed, by performing in the collisional
term the integration over the azimuthal angle 0 we have

d 0
P2 (n · n0 ) = P2m (n · v̂)P2 (n0 · v̂). (688)
Using the decomposition in Legendre polynomials
(x, p, n) = (2` + 1) ` (p)P` (cos #), (689)

and recolling that

Z 1
1 1
dxPm (x)Pn (x) = mn , (690)
2 1 2n + 1
one recovers Eq. (686).

29 The Boltzmann equation for baryons and CDM

In this section we will derive the Boltzmann equation for massive particles, which is the case of
interest for baryons and dark matter. These equations are necessary to find the time evolution of
number densities and velocities of the baryon fluid which appear in the brightness equation, thus
allowing to close the system of equations. Let us start from the baryon component. Electrons
are tightly coupled to protons via Coulomb interactions. This forces the relative energy density
contrasts and the velocities to a common value, e = p ⌘ b and ve = vp ⌘ v, so that we can
identify electrons and protons collectively as “baryonic” matter.
To derive the Boltzmann equation for baryons let us first focus on the collisionless equation and
compute therefore dg/d⌧ , where g is the distribution function for a massive species with mass m.
One of the di↵erences with respect to photons is just that baryons are non-relativistic for the epoch
of interest. Thus the first step is to generalize the formulae in Section II up to Eq. (663) to the case
of a massive particle. In this case one enforces the constraint Q2 = gµ⌫ Qµ Q⌫ = m2 and it also
useful to use the particle energy
E= q 2 + m2 , (691)

where q is defined as in Eq. (645). Moreover in this case it is very convenient to take the distribution
function as a function of the variables q i = qni , the position xi and time ⌧ , without using the explicit
splitting into the magnitude of the momentum q (or the energy E) and its direction ni . Thus the
total time derivative of the distribution functions reads
dg @g @g dxi @g dq i
= + i + i . (692)
d⌧ @⌧ @x d⌧ @q d⌧
We will not give the details of the calculation since we just need to replicate the same computation
we did for the photons. For the four-momentum of the particle notice that Qi has the same form as
Eq. (648), while for Q0 we find ✓ ◆
0 e qi
Q = E 1 + !i . (693)
a E
In the following we give the expressions for dxi /d⌧ and dq i /d⌧ .

a) As in Eq. (652) dxi /d⌧ = Qi /Q0 and it turns out to be

dxi q i + ⇣ ⌘✓ ◆
i q 1 k m
= ne 1 !i n 1 km n n . (694)
d⌧ E E 2

b) For dq i /d⌧ we need the expression of Qi which is the same as that of Eq. (648)
✓ ◆
i qi 1 k m
Q = e 1 km n n . (695)
a 2
The spatial component of the geodesic equation up to second-order reads
✓ ◆
dQi 0 1 k m q i @ q 2 i k +2 @ E +2 @ q 2 +2
= 2(H ) 1 km n n n e +2 k nn e e e
d⌧ 2 a @x aE @xi a @xi aE
E E h i qj qk
(! i0 + H! i ) ( i0k + !0ik !k,i ) + H! i jk ( i j,k + i k,j + jk,i ) . (696)
a a Ea
Proceeding as in the massless case we now take the total time derivative of Eq. (695) and using
Eq. (696) we find

dq i qiqk q2
= (H 0
)q i + ,k e + ,i
Ee +
,i e +
E(! i0 + H! i ) ( i0
k + !0ik !k,i )E
d⌧ E E
h i qj qk
+ H! i jk ( i
j,k + i
k,j + jk ) . (697)
We can now write the total time derivative of the distribution function as
✓ ◆ 
dg @g q 1 @g 0 i qiqk + q2
= + ni e + 1 ! i ni km n k m
n + (H )q + ,k e ,i
Ee +
,i e +
d⌧ @⌧ E 2 @xi E E
⇣ ⌘ q j q k @g
E(! i0 + H! i ) ( i0k + !0ik !k,i )E + H! i jk ( i j,k + i k,j + jk,i ) . (698)
E @q i

This equation is completely general since we have just solved for the kinematics of massive particles.
As far as the collision terms are concerned, for the system of electrons and protons we consider
the Coulomb scattering processes between the electrons and protons and the Compton scatterings
between photons and electrons

(x, q, ⌘) = hcep iQQ0 q0 + hce ipp0 q0 (699)
(x, Q, ⌘) = hcep iqq0 Q0 , (700)

with p and p0 the initial and final momenta of the photons, q and q0 the corresponding quantities
for the electrons and for protons Q and Q0 . The integral over di↵erent momenta is indicated by
d3 p d 3 p0 d3 q 0
h· · · ipp0 q0 ⌘ ... , (701)
(2⇡)3 (2⇡)3 (2⇡)3

and thus one can read ce as the unintegrated part of Eq. (668), and similarly for cep (with the
appropriate amplitude |M|2 ). In Eq. (699) Compton scatterings between protons and photons
can be safely neglected because the amplitude of this process has a much smaller amplitude than
Compton scatterings with electrons being weighted by the inverse squared mass of the particles.
At this point for the photons we considered the perturbations around the zero-order Bose-
Einstein distribution function (which are the unknown quantities). For the electrons (and protons)
we can take the thermal distribution described by Eq. (669). Moreover we will take the moments of
Eqs. (699)-(700) in order to find the energy-momentum continuity equations.

29.1 Energy continuity equation

We now integrate Eq. (698) over d3 q/(2⇡)3 . Let us recall that in terms of the distribution function
the number density ne and the bulk velocity v are given by
d3 q
ne = g, (702)

and Z
i 1 d3 q qni
v = g , (703)
ne (2⇡)3 E
where one can set E ' me since we are considering non-relativistic particles. We will also make use
of the following relations when integrating over the solid angle d⌦
i i j k d⌦ i j 1 ij
d⌦ n = d⌦ n n n = 0 , nn = . (704)
4⇡ 3

Finally notice that dE/dq = q/E and @g/@q = (q/E)@g/@E. Thus the first two integrals just
brings n0e and (ne v i ),i . Notice that all the terms proportional to the second-order vector and tensor

perturbations of the metric give a vanishing contribution at second-order since in this case we can
take the zero-order distribution functions which depends only on ⌧ and E, integrate over the direction
and use the fact that ij = 0. The trick to solve the remaining integrals is an integration by parts

over qi. We have an integral like (the one multiplying ( 0 H))

d3 q i @g d3 q
q = 3 g = 3ne , (705)
(2⇡)3 @q i (2⇡)3

after an integration by parts over q i . The remaining integrals can be solved still by integrating by
parts over q i . The integral proportional to ,i in Eq. (698) gives
+ ,i d3 q @g
e 3
E i = e + ,i vi , (706)
(2⇡) @q

where we have used that dE/dq i = q i /E. For the integral

d3 q q i q k @g
e + ,k , (707)
(2⇡)3 E @q i

the integration by parts brings two pieces, one from the derivation of q i q k and one from the derivation
of the energy E
d3 q q k d3 q q 2 q k d3 q q 2 q k
4e + ,k g +e +
,k g = 4e + k
,k v + e
,k g .
(2⇡)3 E (2⇡)3 E E (2⇡)3 E 2 E
The last integral in Eq. (708) can indeed be neglected. To check this one makes use of the explicit
expression (669) for the distribution function g to derive

@g qi me
=g vi g , (709)
@v Te Te
and Z
d3 q
gq i q j = ij
ne me Te + ne m2e v i v j . (710)
Thus it is easy to compute
+ ,k d3 q Te Te
e gq 2 q k = e +
,k v
+ 3e +
,k vk ne +e +
,k vk v
, (711)
m3e (2⇡)3 me me
which is negligible taking into account that Te /me is of the order of a thermal velocity squared.
With these results we are able to compute the left-hand side of the Boltzmann equation (699)
integrated over d3 q/(2⇡)3 . The same operation must be done for the collision terms on the right
hand side. For example for the first of the equations in (699) this brings to the integrals hcep iQQ0 qq0 +
hce ipp0 qq0 . However looking at Eq. (668) one realizes that hce ipp0 qq0 vanishes because the integrand
is antisymmetric under the change q $ q0 and p $ p0 . In fact this is simply a consequence of the
fact that the electron number is conserved for this process. The same argument holds for the other

term hcep iQQ0 qq0 . Therefore the right-hand side of Eq. (699) integrated over d3 q/(2⇡)3 vanishes and
we can give the evolution equation for ne . Collecting the results from Eq. (705) to (711) we find

@ne + @(v i ne ) 0 + k + k
+e + 3(H )ne 2e ,k v +e ,k v = 0. (712)
@⌧ @xi
The same equation holds for the protons and therefore for the baryon fluid made of protons and
electrons tightly coupled by the Coulomb scatterings. Similarly, for CDM particles, we find
@nm + @(v i nm ) 0 + k + k
+e + 3(H )nm 2e ,k vm +e ,k vm = 0. (713)
@⌘ @xi

29.2 Momentum continuity equation

Let us now multiply Eq. (698) by (q i /E)/(2⇡)3 and integrate over d3 q. In this way we will find the
continuity equation for the momentum of baryons. The first term just gives (ne v i )0 . The second
integral is of the type
Z ✓ ◆
@ d3 q qnj qni @ Te ij i j
g = ne + ne v v , (714)
@xj (2⇡) 3 E E @xj me
where we have used Eq. (710) and E = me . The third term proportional to (H 0) is
d3 q k @g q i d3 q q 2 q i
q = 4n e + g , (715)
(2⇡)3 @qk E (2⇡)3 E 2 E

where we have integrated by parts over q i . Notice that the last term in Eq. (715) is negligible being
the same integral we discussed above in Eq. (711). By the same arguments that lead to neglect the
term of Eq. (711), it is easy to check that all the remaining integrals proportional to the gravitational
potentials are negligible except for
+ d3 q @g i + ,i
e ,k q = ne e . (716)
(2⇡)3 @qk
The integrals proportional to the second-order vector and tensor perturbations vanish as vector and
tensor perturbations are traceless and divergence-free. The only one which survives is the term
proportional to ! i0 + H! i in Eq. (698).
Therefore for the integral over d3 qq i /E of the left-hand side of the Boltzmann equation (698)
for a massive particle with mass me (mp ) and distribution function (669) we find
Z ✓ ◆
d3 q q i dg @(ne v i ) 0 i ,i + + Te ,i
= + 4(H )ne v + e ne + e ne
(2⇡)3 E d⌧ @⌧ me
@ @! i
+ e + (ne v j v i ) + ne + H! i ne . (717)
@xj @⌘
Now, in order to derive the momentum conservation equation for baryons, we take the first moment
of both Eq. (699) and (700) multiplying them by q and Q respectively and integrating over the

momenta. Since previously we integrated the left-hand side of these equations over d3 qq i /E, we just
need to multiply the previous integrals by me for the electrons and for mp for the protons. Therefore
if we sum the first moment of Eqs. (699) and (700) the dominant contribution on the left-hand side
will be that of the protons
d3 Q i dgp
Q = hcep (q i + Qi )iQQ0 qq0 + hce q i ipp0 qq0 . (718)
(2⇡)3 d⌧

Notice that the integral of the Coulomb collision term cep (q i + Qi ) over all momenta vanishes simply
because of momentum conservation (due to the Dirac function 4 (q +Q q0 Q0 )). As far as the
Compton scattering is concerned we have that

hce q i ipp0 qq0 = hce pi ipp0 qq0 , (719)

still because of the total momentum conservation. Therefore what we can compute now is the
integral over all momenta of ce pi . Notice however that this is equivalent just to multiply the
Compton collision term C(p) of Eq. (668) by pi and integrate over d3 p/(2⇡ 3 )
i d3 p i
hce p ipp qq =
0 0 p C(p), (720)
where C(p) has been already computed previously. We will do the integral (720) in the following.
First let us introduce the definition of the velocity of photons in terms of the distribution function
i d3 p
(⇢ + p )v = f pi , (721)
where p = ⇢ /3 is the photon pressure and ⇢ the energy density. At first-oder we get
4 i d⌦
v = ni , (722)
3 4⇡
where is the photon distribution anisotropies. Therefore the terms proportional to to f (p) will
give rise to terms containing the velocity of the photons. On the other hand the terms proportional
to f0 (p), once integrated, vanish because of the integral over the momentum direction ni , d⌦ni = 0.
Also the integrals involving P2 (v̂ · n) = [3(v̂ · n)2 1]/2 vanish since
d⌦P2 (v̂ · n) ni = v̂ k v̂ j d⌦nk nj ni = 0, (723)

where we are using the relations (704). Similarly all the terms proportional to v, do not give any
contribution. Then there are terms proportional to (v ·n)f (0) (p), (v ·n)p@f (0) /@p and (v ·n)p@f0 /@p
for which we can use the rules (307) when integrating over p while the integration over the momentum
direction is Z Z
d⌦ d⌦ k i 1 i
(v · n)ni = vk n n = v. (724)
4⇡ 4⇡ 3

Thus our final expression for the integrated collision term (720) reads
Z 
d3 p i 4 i
C(p)p = ne T ⇢¯ (v vi ) . (725)
(2⇡) 3

We are now able to give the momentum continuity equation by for baryons by combining mp dgp /d⌧
from Eq. (717) with the collision term (725)
✓ ◆,i
@(⇢b v i ) 0 Tb @ @! i
+ 4(H )⇢b v i + ,i
e +
⇢b + e +
⇢b +e +
(⇢b v j v i ) + ⇢b + H! i ⇢b
@⌧ mp @x @⌘

4 i
= ne T a ⇢¯ (v vi ) , (726)

where ⇢b is the baryon energy density and, as we previously explained, we took into account that to
a good approximation the electrons do not contribute to the mass of baryons. In the following we
will expand explicitly at first and second-order Eq. (726).
At first order we find
@v i 4 ⇢¯
+ Hv i + ,i
= ⌧e0 vi vi . (727)
@⌧ 3 ⇢¯b
with Z ⌧
⌧e = d⌘ n̄e T a(⌘). (728)
Since CDM particles are collisionless, at first order we find
@vm i ,i
+ Hvm + = 0. (729)

30 Analytical treatment of the CMB anisotropies

The bulk of this section deals with the computation of the analytical solutions for the acoustic
oscillations of the photon-baryon fluid at second-order. These solutions are derived adopting some
simplifications which are also standard for an analytical treatment of the linear CMB anisotropies,
and which nonetheless allow to catch most of the physics at recombination. One of these simpli-
fications is to study separately two limiting regimes: intermediate scales which enter the horizon
in between the equality epoch (⌧eq ) and the recombination epoch (⌧ls ), with ⌧ls 1 ⌧ k ⌧ ⌧eq1 , and
shortwave perturbations, with k ⌧eq1 , which enter the horizon before the equality epoch. Notice
that the case k ⌧eq1 will be treated in two steps. First we just assume a radiation dominated
universe, and then we give a better analytical solution by solving the evolution of the perturbations
from the equality epoch onwards taking into account that the dark matter perturbations around the
equality epoch tend to dominate the gravitational potentials.

Our starting point is the brightness equation

@ @ @ @ 1
+ ni i + 4 i ni 4 = ⌧e0 0 + 2 P2 (v̂ · n) + 4v · n . (730)
@⌧ @x @x @⌧ 2

The first two moments of the photon Boltzmann equations are obtained by integrating Eq. (730) over
d⌦n /4⇡ and d⌦n ni /4⇡ respectively and they lead to the density and velocity continuity equations

0 4 0
0 + @i v i 4 = 0, (731)
3 1 ,i
v i0 + @j ⇧ji + + ,i = ⌧e0 v i v i . (732)
4 4 0
Here we recall that = 0 = d⌦ /4⇡ and that the photon velocity is given by Eq. (722), while
⇧ij is the quadrupole moment of the photons defined as
Z ✓ ◆
ij d⌦ 1
⇧ = ni nj ij
. (733)
4⇡ 3

The two equations above are complemented by the momentum continuity equation for baryons,
which can be conveniently written as

R ⇥ i0 ⇤
vi = vi + v + Hv i + ,i
, (734)

where we have introduced the baryon-photon ratio

3 ⇢¯b
R= . (735)
4 ⇢¯

Equation (734) is in a form ready for a consistent expansion in the small quantity 1/⌧e0 which can
be performed in the tight coupling limit. By first taking v i = v i at zero order and then using this
relation in the left hand side of Eq. (734) one obtains

R ⇥ i0 ⇤
vi vi = v + Hv i + ,i
. (736)

Such an expression for the di↵erence of velocities can be used in Eq. (732) to give the evolution
equation for the photon velocity in the tightly coupled limit
R i 1
v i0 + H v + 0
+ ,i
= 0. (737)
1+R 41+R

Notice that in Eq. (737) we are neglecting the quadrupole of the photon distribution ⇧ij (and all the
higher moments) since we will shall show later that at linear order such moment(s) are suppressed
in the tight coupling limit by (successive powers of) 1/⌧e0 with respect to the first two moments, the
photon energy density and velocity. Eqs. (731) and (737) are the master equations which govern

the photon-baryon fluid acoustic oscillations before the epoch of recombination when photons and
baryons are tightly coupled by Compton scattering.
In fact one can combine these two equations to get a single second-order di↵erential equation
for the photon energy density perturbations 0. Deriving Eq. (731) with respect to conformal time
and using Eq. (737) to replace @i v i yields
✓ ◆
00 00 R 0 0 4
0 4 +H 0 4 c2s r2 ( 0 4 ) = r2 + , (738)
1+R 3 1+R
where we have introduced the photon-baryon fluid sound of speed cs = 1/ 3(1 + R). In fact in
order to solve Eq. (738) one needs to know the evolution of the gravitational potentials.
A useful relation we will use in the following is obtained by considering the continuity equation
for the baryon density perturbation. By perturbing at first-order Eq. (712) we obtain

0 0
b + v,ii 3 = 0, (739)

where we have generically indicated = ⇢/¯

⇢. Subtracting Eq. (739) form Eq. (731) brings

0 4 0 4
0 b + (v i v i ),i = 0 , (740)
3 3

which implies that at lowest order in the tight coupling approximation

0 = b, (741)

for adiabatic perturbations.

30.1 Tightly coupled solutions for linear perturbations

In this subsection we briefly recall how to obtain at linear order the solutions of the Boltzmann
equations (738). These correspond to the acoustic oscillations of the photon-baryon fluid for modes
which are within the horizon at the time of recombination. In the variable ( 0 4 ), the solution
can be written as

[1 + R(⌘)]1/4 ( 0 4 ) = A cos[krs (⌧ )] + B sin[krs (⌧ )]

Z ⌧ ✓ ◆
k 0 0 3/4 0 (⌧ 0 )
4p d⌧ [1 + R(⌧ )] (⌧ ) + sin[k(rs (⌧ ) rs (⌧ 0 ))],
3 0 1+R

where the sound horizon is given by

Z ⌧
rs (⌧ ) = d⌧ 0 cs (⌧ 0 ), (743)

with the ratio R defined in Eq. (735). The first line of Eq. (742) corresponds to the solutions
of the homogeneous equation, while the remaining integral corresponds to a particular solution of
Eq. (742). The constants A and B must be fixed according to the initial conditions.
In order to give an analytical solution that catches most of the physics underlying Eq. (742)
and which remains at the same time very simple to treat, we will make some simplifications. First,
for simplicity, we are going to neglect the ratio R wherever it appears, except in the arguments
of the varying cosines and sines, where we will treat R = Rls as a constant evaluated at the time
of recombination. In this way we keep track of a damping of the photon velocity amplitude with
respect to the case R = 0 which prevents the acoustic peaks in the power-spectrum to disappear.
Treating R as a constant is justified by the fact that for modes within the horizon the time scale of
the ocillations is much shorter than the time scale on which R varies. If R is a constant the sound
speed is just a constant
cs = p , (744)
3(1 + Rls )
and the sound horizon is simply rs (⌘) = cs ⌧ . Second, as we already mentioned, we are going to solve
for the evolutions of the perturbations in two well distinguished limiting regimes. One regime is for
those perturbations which enter the Hubble radius when matter is the dominant component, that
is at times much bigger than the equality epoch with k ⌧ keq ⇠ ⌧eq1 , where keq is the wavenumber
of the Hubble radius at the equality epoch. The other regime is for those perturbations with much
smaller wavelenghts which enter the Hubble radius when the universe is still radiation dominated,
that is perturbations with wavenumbers k keq ⇠ ⌧eq1 . In fact we are interested in perturbation
modes which are within the horizon by the time of recombination ⌧ls . Therefore we will further
suppose that ⌧ls ⌧eq in order to study such modes in the first regime. Even tough ⌧ls ⌧eq is not
the real case, it allows to give some analytically solutions.
Before solving for these two regimes let us fix the initial conditions which are taken on large
scales deep in the radiation dominated era (for ⌧ ! 0). We have learnt that during this epoch,
for adiabatic perturbations, the gravitational potentials remain constant on large scales (we are
negelcting anisotropic stresses so that ' ) and from the (0 0)-component of Einstein equations

(0) = 0 (0) . (745)

On the other hand, from the energy continuity equation (731) on large scales

0 4 = const. , (746)

from which the constant is fixed to be const. = 6 (0) and thus we find B = 0 and A = 6 (0).

With our semplifications Eq. (742) then reads
Z ⌧
( 0 4 ) = 6 (0) cos(!0 ⌧ ) 8p d⌧ 0 (⌧ 0 ) sin[!0 (⌧ ⌧ 0 )] , (747)
3 0

where !0 = kcs . This equation can be solved once we know the gravitational potentials during the
various epochs.

31 Time evolution of the gravitational potential

In order to know the gravitational potentials during the various epochs we first set = and then
use the Einstein equations

⇣ a 0 ⌘2 a0 0
6 +6 2r2 = 8⇡GN a2 ⇢, (748)
a a
a0 0
2 @i 2 @i = ⇢ + P̄ )a2 vi ,
8⇡GN (¯ (749)
a 0 a00 ⇣ a 0 ⌘2
6 +4 2 +2 = 8⇡GN a2 P. (750)
a a a
If we write c2s = P/ ⇢ and w = P̄ /¯
⇢ we infer that

00 a00
+ 3 H(1 + c2s ) 0 + 2 + H2 (3c2s 1) c2s r2 = 0. (751)

During RD we have c2s = 1/3 and a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ . Eq. (754) reduces to

00 0
RD + 4H RD c2s r2 RD = 0, (752)

whose solution is in momentum space

RD RD sin(cs k⌧ ) (cs k⌧ ) cos(cs k⌧ )

k =3 k (0) . (753)
(cs k⌧ )3
where RD (0) represents the initial condition deep in the radiation era. The gravitational potential,
as soon the wavenumber becomes larger than the sound horizon 1/(cs ⌧ ), decays like 1/(cs ⌧ )2 .
During MD we have c2s = 0 and a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ 2 . Eq. (754) reduces to

00 0
MD + 3H MD = 0, (754)

whose solution is in momentum space is simply (for the growing mode)

k = k (0) (755)

where MD (0) represents the initial condition deep in the matter era. The gravitational potential
remains constant.

32 Perturbation modes with k ⌧ keq

This regime corresponds to perturbation modes which enter the Hubble radius when the universe is
matter dominated at times ⌧ ⌧eq . During matter domination the gravitational potential remains
MD (⌧ ) 9 RD (0).
constant (both on super-horizon and sub-horizon scales) and its value is fixed to k = 10 k
Since we are interested in the photon anisotropies around the time of recombination, when matter is
dominating, we can perform the integral appearing in Eq. (742) by taking the gravitational potential
equal to its value during matter domination so that it is easily computed
Z ⌧
18 RD (0)
2 d⌧ 0 MD (⌧ 0 ) sin[!0 (⌧ ⌧ 0 )] = (1 cos(!0 ⌧ )) . (756)
0 10 !0
Thus Eq. (747) gives
6 RD 36 RD
0 4 = (0) cos(!0 ⌧ ) (0). (757)
5 5
(1)i 0 0 )/4.
The baryon-photon fluid velocity can then be obtained as @i v = 3( 0 4 In Fourier
iki v i = RD
(0) sin(!0 ⌧ )!0 , (758)
where we use the convention @i v i ! iki v i (k) or equivalentely

ki 9
vi = i RD
(0) sin(!0 ⌧ )cs , (759)
k 10
since the linear velocity is irrotational.

32.1 Perturbation modes with k keq

This regime corresponds to perturbation modes which enter the Hubble radius when the universe is
still radiation dominated at times ⌧ ⌧ ⌧eq . In this case an approximate analytical solution for the
evolution of the perturbations can be obtained by considering the gravitational potential for a pure
radiation dominated epoch. For the integral in Eq. (747) we thus find
Z ⌧
RD 0 3 RD (0)
(⌧ ) sin[!0 (⌧ ⌧ 0 )] = cos(!0 ⌧ ), (760)
0 2!0
where we have kept only the dominant contribution oscillating in time, while neglecting terms which
decay in time. The solution (747) becomes

0 4 =6 (0) cos(!0 ⌧ ), (761)

and the velocity is given by
ki 9
vi = i RD
(0) sin(!0 ⌧ )cs (762)
k 2
Notice that the solutions (761)–(762) are in fact correct only when radiation is dominating. Indeed
between the epoch of equality and recombination, matter will start to dominate. We will account for
such a period and its consequences on the CMB anisotopy evolution in a separate section showing
that some corrections must be properly taken into account. However for the time being we will keep
on discussing the case k keq just by adopting the gravitational potential for a radiation dominated
epoch, since it can be considered a first useful approximation in order to give the main quantitative
features. We want to recover the solutions (761)–(762) in an alternative way. The reason is that
for the case of radiation domination the gravitational potential at late times decays as ⌧ 2 being
approximated by
RD RD cos(!0 ⌧ )
k ' 3 (0) p . (763)
(k⌧ / 3)2
On the other hand from the (0 i)-component of Einstein equation we find that

1 RD0 9 ki
vi ' @i ⌘ i RD
(0) sin(!0 ⌧ )cs , (764)
2H2 2 k
and its divergence
1 RD0 9
@i v i ' r2 ⌘ RD
(0)k sin(!0 ⌧ )cs , (765)
2H2 2
where the second equalities are written in Fourier space and we have kept only the dominant terms
at late time scaling like sin(!0 ⌧ ). Notice that we recover the same result of Eq. (762). As a result
the gravitational potential can be neglected so that

0 4 i 2 RD0
0 ' @i v = r2 . (766)
3 3H2
We integrate Eq. (766) using the late time expression (763) for the gravitational potential to find

0 =6 (0) cos(!0 ⌧ ). (767)

The result in Eq. (767) agrees with the previous result (761) since the gravitational potential can
be neglected at late times.

33 Perturbation modes with k keq: improved analyt-

ical solutions
We have computed so far the perturbations of the CBM photons at last scattering for the modes
that cross the horizon at ⌧ < ⌧eq under the approximation that the universe is radiation-dominated.

However around the equality epoch, through recombination, the dark matter component will start
to dominate. In this section we will account for its contribution to the gravitational potential and
for the resulting perturbations of the photons from the equality epoch onwards. This leads to a more
realistic and accurate abalytical solutions for the acoustic oscillations of the photon-baryon fluid for
the modes of interest.
The starting point is to consider the density perturbation in the dark matter component for
sub-Hubble modes during the radiation dominated epoch. Its value at the equality epoch will fix the
magnitude of the gravitational potential at ⌧eq and hence the initial conditions for the subsequent
evolution of the photons fluctuations during the matter dominated period.

33.1 Sub-Hubble evolution of CDM perturbations for ⌧ < ⌧eq

From the energy and velocity continuity equations for CDM it is possible to isolate an evolution
equation for the density perturbation m = ⇢m /⇢m , where the subscript m stands for cold dark
matter. We have found previously that the number density of CDM evolves according to
@nm i n )
+ m 0 + k + k
+e i
+ 3(H )nm 2e ,k vm nm +e ,k vm nm = 0. (768)
@⌧ @x
At linear order nm = n̄m + nm and one recovers the usual energy continuity equation
0 i ,i
m + vm,i 3 = 0, (769)

with m = ⇢m /¯
⇢m = nm /n̄m . The CDM velocity at the same order of perturbation obeys
v i m + Hvm
= ,i
. (770)

At linear order we can take the divergence of Eq. (770) and, using Eq. (769) to replace the velocity
perturbation, we obtain a di↵erental equation for the CDM density contrast
h ⇣ 0 0
a 3 m = ar2 , (771)

which can be rewritten as

00 0
m +H m = S, (772)

00 0
S=3 + 3H + r2 (1)
. (773)

When the radiation is dominating the gravitational potential is mainly due to the perturbations in
the photons, and a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ . For sub-Hubble scales Eq. (772) can be solved using the Green method
the general solution to Eq. (772) (in Fourier space) is given by
Z ⌧
m (k, ⌧ ) = C 1 + C 2 ln(⌧ ) d⌧ 0 S(⌧ 0 ) ⌧ 0 (ln(k⌧ 0 ) ln(k⌧ )), (774)

where the first two terms correspond to the solution of the homogeneous equation. At early times
the density contrast is constant with

3 3 RD
m (0) = 0 (0) = (0), (775)
4 2

having used the adiabaticity condition, and thus we fix the integration constant as

C1 = 3 (0)/2, (776)

and C2 = 0. The gravitational potential during the radiation-dominated epoch is given by Eq. (753)
and it starts to decay as a given mode enters the horizon. Therefore the source term S behaves in a
similar manner and gets its major contribution from momenta such that k⌧ ⇠ 1. This implies that
the integrals over ⌧ 0 reach asymptotically a constant value. The piece S(⌧ 0 ) ⌧ 0 ln(k⌧ 0 ) will go to a
constant while the piece S(⌧ 0 ) ⌧ 0 (ln(k⌧ ) will go like ln(k⌧ ). Once the mode has crossed the horizon
we can thus write the solution as

m (k, ⌧ ) =A (0) ln(Bk⌧ ), (777)

that is as a constant plus a logarithmic modes. The constants A and B can be obtained matching
them to those in the Eq. (774). The constant part is given by
Z 1
3 RD
A RD (0) ln B = (0) d⌧ 0 S(⌧ 0 ) ⌧ 0 ln(k⌧ 0 ). (778)
2 0

while the logarithmic part is obtained by

Z 1
A (0) = d⌧ 0 S(⌧ 0 )⌧ 0 . (779)

The upper limit of the integrals can be taken to infinity because the main contribution comes
form when k⌧ ⇠ 1 and once the mode has entered the horizon the result will change by a very
small quantity. Using Eq. (753) to compute the source function S, and performing the integrals in
Eq. (779) and (778) one finds that A = 9.0 and B ' 0.62. More accurate values f through a full
numerical integration of the equations are A = 9.6 and B = 0.44. What we have described in the
so-called Meszaros e↵ect.
A useful quantity to compute is the CDM velocity in a radiation dominated epoch. From
Eq. (770) it is given by
Z ⌧
1 kcs ⌧ sin(kcs ⌧ )
vm = d⌧ 0 @ i a(⌧ 0 ) ⌘ 3(ik i ) RD
(0) , (780)
a 0 k 3 c3s ⌧ 2

where the last equality holds in Fourier space and we have used Eq. (753) (and the fact that a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧
when radiation dominates).

33.2 Computation of 0 for ⌧ > ⌧eq and modes crossing the horizon
during the radiaton epoch
In this section we derive the energy density perturbations 0 of the photons during the matter
dominated epoch, for the modes that cross the horizon before equality. We have already solved
the problem assuming matter domination for modes crossing the horizon after equality. Thus it is
sufficient to take the (refined) solution of Eq. (742) and replace the initial conditions
✓ ◆ 
8 MD 8
0 = 4 2
(⌧eq ) + Ā + 2 MD (0) cos(kcs ⌧ ) + B̄ sin(kcs ⌧ ), (781)
3cs 3cs

where we have restored the generic integration constants Ā and B̄ and MD (0) represents the initial
condition for the second-order gravitational potential fixed at some initial time ⌧ ' ⌧eq .
Eq. (777) allows to fix the gravitational potentials on sub-Hubble scales (accounting for the fact
that around the equality epoch they are mainly determined by the CDM density perturbations). At
linear order this is achieved by solving the equation for m which is obtained from Eq. (771) and the
(0 0)-Einstein equation which reads
✓ ◆
0 2 2 3 2 ⇢m ⇢
3H + 3H r = H m+ 0 . (782)
2 ⇢ ⇢

On small scales one neglects the time derivatives of the gravitational potential in Eqs. (771) and (782)
to obtain
00 0 3
m +H m = H2 m, (783)
where we have also dropped the contribution to the gravitational potential from the radiation com-
ponent. The solution of this equation is matched to the value that m has during the radiation
dominated epoch on sub-Hubble scales, Eq. (777), and one finds that for ⌧ ⌧eq on sub-Hubble
scales the gravitational potential remains constant with

MD ln(0.15k⌧eq ) RD
(⌧eq ) = k (⌧ > ⌧eq ) = k (0). (784)
(0.27k⌧eq )2

Since around ⌧eq the dark matter begins to dominate, an approximation to the result (784) can
be simply achieved by requiring that during matter domination the gravitational potential remains
constant to a value determined by the density contrast (777) at the equality epoch

r2 ⌧eq
' H2 m |⌧eq , (785)

from Eq. (782) on small scales, leading to

MD 6 ln(B1 k⌧eq ) RD
(⌧eq ) = k (⌧ > ⌧eq ) ' m |⌧eq = k (0), (786)
(k⌧eq )2 (0.13k⌧eq )2

where we used a(⌘) / ⌘ 2 during matter domination and Eq. (777) with A1 = 9.6 and B1 = 0.44.
The integration constants Ā and B̄ can be fixed by comparing at ⌧ ' ⌧eq the oscillating part of
Eq. (781) to the solution 0 obtained for modes crossing the horizon before equality and for ⌧ < ⌧eq ,
Eq. (761). Thus for ⌧ ⌧eq and k ⌧EQ1 we find that
✓ ◆
0 = 4 (⌧eq ) + 6 (0) cos(kcs ⌧ ) . (787)

34 The temperature anisotropy in multipole space

So far, we have concentrated only on the monopole part of the photon energy density perturbation.
This is not all though. We have indeed an infinite series of terms or multipoles which contribute
to the temperature anisotropy. Let us now move to Fourier space and for a given k mode we will
choose the coordinate system such that k̂ lies on the z-axis and with µ = k̂ · n Then Eq. (686) can
be written as
0 d
+ ikµ ⌧e0 =e ikµ⌧ +⌧e
[ eikµ⌧ ⌧e
] = S(k, n, ⌧ ), (788)
where S(k, n, ⌧ ) can be easily read o↵ Eq. (686)

1 0
S= ⌧e0 0 4ni ,i +4 0
4⌧e0 v · n ⌧ 2 P2 (v̂ · n). (789)
The solution to Eq. (788) is

Z ⌧0
ikµ⌧0 ⌧e (0)
(⌧0 ) = (0)e e + d⌧ S(⌧ )eikµ(⌧ ⌧0 )
e ⌧e (⌧ )
, (790)
where we have set the initial time to zero. We know that ⌧e (0) at early epochs is extremely large so
that the first term can be safely dropped. Therefore we are reduced to

Z ⌧0
(k, µ, ⌧0 ) = d⌧ S(⌧ )eikµ(⌧ ⌧0 )
e ⌧e (⌧ )
, (791)
If the source S did not depend on the angle µ we could directly integrate over the angle µ to obtain
an equation for the multipole components ` of the brightness function

Z 1
1 dµ
` (k, ⌧0 ) = P` (µ) (k, µ, ⌧0 ), (792)
( i)` 1 2
where P` are the Legendre polynomials. The left hand side of Eq. (790) would give

Z ⌧0
` ⌧e (⌧ )
` = ( 1) d⌧ S e j` [k(⌧ ⌧0 )], (793)
where we have used the property

Z 1
dµ 1
P` (µ)eikµ(⌧ ⌧0 )
= j` [k(⌧ ⌧0 )], (794)
1 2 ( i)`
upon using the standard Legendre expansion

eik·x = i` (2` + 1)j` (kx)P` (k̂ · k̂), (795)

in terms of the spherical Bessel functions. This approach seems so promising that we should persue
till the very end. What about the dependence on µ in the source? We can replace it with a time

1 d
µ! . (796)
ik d⌧
As a example, let us consider the term term 4ni ,i in the source S. In Fourier space we replace
the angle µ with a time derivative and thus this term gives rise to

⌧0 ⌧0
d ⇣ ikµ(⌧ ⌘ ⌧0
4ik d⌧ eikµ(⌧ ⌧0 )
e ⌧e
µ = 4 d⌧ e ⌧e
e ⌧0 )
=4 d⌧ eikµ(⌧ ⌧0 )
e ⌧e
0 0 d⌧ 0 d⌧
where, in the last step, we have integrated by parts. Note that the surface term can be dropped
because again ⌧e (0) is large, while the terms at ⌧0 are not small, but irrelevant as they do not contain
any angular dependence. They alter the monopole which cannot be detected. The brighteness
function in multipole space then becomes

Z ⌧0
` = d⌧ S j` [k(⌧0 ⌧ )], (798)
where the source is now defined as

 ✓ ◆  ✓ ◆
0 1 d iv⌧ 0 3 d2
S=e ⌧e
4 ⌧e0 0+ 2 + e ⌧e
4 4 e e ⌧e
⌧e 0 2 . (799)
4 d⌧ k 4k 2 d⌧ 2

At this stage, it is useful to define the visibility function

g(⌧ ) = ⌧e0 e ⌧e
. (800)

It is the probability that a photon last scattered at ⌧ and it satisfies the property that

Z ⌧0
d⌧ g(⌧ ) = 1. (801)

In the standard recombination picture, since ⌧e is so large early on, the probability is essentially
zero for times smaller than the last scattering time. It also declines rapidly after recombination
because of the prefactor ⌧e0 . This means that g(⌧ ) essentially works like a Dirac delta function.
After dropping the terms proportional to 2, which are very small (we will show it later), the source
S then becomes

✓ ◆
d 4ivg ⌧e 0 0
S ' g(⌧ ) ( 0 + 4 ) + +e 4 +4 . (802)
d⌧ k
We can now take the analytic solution one step further by performing the time integration in Eq.
(798) and we get for ⇥ = /4

⇥` (k, ⌧0 ) ' [⇥0 (k, ⌧ls ) + (k, ⌧ls )] j` [k(⌧0 ⌧ls )]

iv(k, ⌧ls ) dj`
[k(⌧0 ⌧ls )]
k d⌧ ⌧ =⌧ls
Z ⌧0
⇥ ⇤
+ d⌧ e ⌧e 0 (k, ⌧ ) + 0 (k, ⌧ ) j` [k(⌧0 ⌧ )].


Therefore, the final temperature anisotropy is the sum of three di↵erent pieces: 1) the Sachs-Wolfe
(SW) term where one finds the presence of the gravitational redshift due to the gravitational potential
; 2) the Doppler term due to the fact that a temperature anisotropy is induced by the motion of
the baryon-photon fluid and finally 3) the so-called Integrated SW (ISW) e↵ect due to the change
in time of the gravitational potentials along the line of sight.

35 Di↵usion damping
Another ingredient that we need to discuss is the di↵usion damping, that is the phenomenon by
which CMB anisotropies are damped on small scales by the di↵usion of photons which are not
infinitely coupled to the rest of the fluid. To do so, we reconsider Eq. (788), but this time for the
function ⇥

0 0 1
⇥ + ikµ⇥ = ikµ ⌧e0 ⇥0 ⇥ + µv 2 . (804)
First of all we take the multipole decomposition for ` > 2. In such a case we have

Z 1
k dµ
⇥0` + µP` (µ)⇥(µ) = ⌧e0 ⇥` . (805)
( i)`+1 1 2
To do the integral we make use of the recurrence relation for Legendre polynomials

(` + 1)P`+1 (µ) = (2` + 1)µP` (µ) `P` 1 (µ), (806)

and we get

k` k(` + 1)
⇥0` ⇥` 1 + ⇥`+1 = ⌧e0 ⇥` . (807)
2` + 1 2` + 1
The first term is of the order of ⇥` /⌧ and is much smaller than the term of the right hand side.
Neglecting the ⇥`+1 term for the moment we obtain that

⇥` ⇠ ⇥` 1 ⌧ ⇥` 1, (808)

and a posteriori we understand why we could get rid of the ⇥`+1 term. Armed with this knowledge,
we can now turn to the equations of the first three moments. By setting k̂ · v = 3i⇥1 , from Eqs.
(731) and (732) we find

0 0
⇥0 + k⇥1 = , (809)

and ✓ ◆
k k iv
⇥01 (⇥0 2⇥2 ) = = ⌧e0 ⇥1 , (810)
3 3 3
together with the equation for the quadrupole ⇥2

2k 9
⇥02 ⇥1 = ⌧e0 ⇥2 , (811)
5 10
and the equation for the amplitude of the baryon velocity
At first order we find
@v ⌧e0
+ Hv + ik = (v + 3i⇥1 ) . (812)
@⌧ R
A we will be interested only on small scales, where the gravitational potentials are small, we may
drop them. From the last equation we read that

R 0
v ' +3i⇥1 = v + Hv . (813)

Let us now write the time dependence of the velocity as

v ⇠ ei d⌧ !
, (814)

and similarly for the other variables. We already know that at leading order in 1/⌧e0 , ! ' cs ⌧ . Since
damping occur at small scales, or high frequency,

v 0 = i!v Hv, (815)

and therefore

✓ ◆ " ✓ ◆2 #
i!R i!R !R
v' 3i⇥1 1 ' 3i⇥1 1+ 0 . (816)
⌧e0 ⌧e ⌧e0

The equation for the second moment, since ⇥02 ⌧ ⌧e0 ⇥2 becomes

⇥2 = ⇥1 , (817)
which shows that our approximation scheme is under control: higher moments are suppressed by
powers of k/⌧e0 . The equation for the zero-th moment is

i!⇥0 = k⇥1 . (818)

Inserting them all into the equation for ⇥1 we find

" ✓ ◆2 #
8k 2 k2 i!R !R
i! 0
+ = ⌧e0 1 + 0 . (819)
27⌧e 2i! ⌧e ⌧e0
Collecting all terms we get

✓ ◆
2 k 2 i! 2 8k 2
! (1 + R) + 0 ! R + = 0, (820)
3 ⌧e 27
which gives

✓ ◆
ik 2 8
! ' kcs c2s R2 + . (821)
(1 + R)⌧e0 27
This means that both the monopole ⇥0 and the dipole ⇥1 have a suppression factor on small scales

2 2
⇥0 , ⇥1 ⇠ e k /kD ,
Z ⌧ 
1 1 R2 8
2 = d⌘ 0
+ . (822)
kD (⌧ ) 0 6(1 + R)⌧e (⌘) 1 + R 9

Threrefore, in the expression (803) of the final temperature anisotropy one has to multiply the
quadrupole and the monopole for a damping factor exp( k 2 /kD
2 (⌧ )). Since on very small angular


1 ⇣ x ⌘` 1/2
j` (x) ' (` 1), (823)
` `
we see that the multipoles ⇥` decay rapidly for large ` when ` > k(⌧0 ⌧ls ) ' k⌧0 . The converse
is also true: angular scales larger than 1/(k⌧0 ) get little contributions from such a perturbation.
Therefore a perturbation with wavenumber k contributes predominantly on angular scales

` ⇠ k⌧0 ⇠ . (824)

For instance the value at which the damping enters in the game is `D ⇠ 1700 for the observed values
of the cosmological parameters. The j` oscillate themselves, resulting, when convoluted to the CMB
functions, in a smearing of the latter. Nevertheless, being the j` for each ` peaked at ` ⇠ k⌧0 ,
the overall structure has peaks and minima inherited from the baryon-photon acoustic oscillation
To summarize, the CMB anisotropy has an oscillating structure (the famous Doppler peaks)
because the baryon-phton fluid oscillates, with 1) a boost for those modes which enter the horizon
at last scattering and 2) a damping due to photon di↵usion. The overall amplitude of the CMB
anisotropy can be fixed at large angular scales (super-Hubble modes) where there is no evolution
and therefore one can match the amplitude with the theoretical prediction from inflation.

36 Matching to the inflationary prediction

One of the last steps we wish to take is now fixing the amplitude of the density perturbation in the
CMB through inflation. As on large scales and during matter-domination (recall that ⌧ls > ⌧eq ) we
have at last scattering

⇢m MD
= 2 (⌧ls ), (825)
and, if the adiabatic condition holds,

1 ⇢m 1
= 0 (⌧ls ), (826)
3 ⇢¯m 4
we obtain that the observed CMB anisotropy on large scales at the last scattering epoch should be
the SW term

✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
MD 2 MD 1 MD
+ (⌧ls ) = +1 = (⌧ls ). (827)
4 SW 3 3

We have seen previously that the temperature anisotropy is commonly expanded in spherical har-
(x0 , ⌧0 , n) = a`m (x0 )Y`m (n), (828)
where x0 and ⌧0 are our position and the present time, respectively, n is the direction of observation,
`0 s are the di↵erent multipoles and

ha`m a⇤`0 m0 i = ``0 mm0 C` , (829)

where the deltas are due to the fact that the process that created the anisotropy is statistically
isotropic. The C` are the so-called CMB power spectrum. For homogeneity and isotropy, the C` ’s
are neither a function of x0 , nor of m. We get therefore that

d3 k ik·x0 ⇤
a`m (x0 , ⌧0 ) = e d⌦ Y`m (n)⇥(k, n, ⌧0 ), (830)
where we have made use the orthonormality property of the spherical harmonics


d⌦ Y`m (n) Y`0 m0 (n) = ``0 mm0 . (831)

The C` are given by

d3 k d3 p i(k p)·x0 ⇤ 0 0 ⇤ 0
C` = e d⌦ Y `m (n) d⌦ Y `m (n ) ⇥(k, n, ⌧0 )⇥ (p, n , ⌧0 )
(2⇡)3 (2⇡)3
`0 +`00 0 00 d3 k d3 p i(k p)·x0
= ( i) (2` + 1)(2` + 1) e
(2⇡)3 (2⇡)3
`0 `00
⇥ d⌦ Y`m (n)P`0 (k · n) d⌦0 Y`m (n0 )P`00 (p · n0 ) ⇥`0 (k)⇥⇤`00 (p) .


where we have decomposed the temperature anisotropy in multipoles as usual

⇥(k, n, ⌧0 ) = ( i)` (2` + 1)P` (k · n)⇥` (k). (833)
In the SW limit we have

` (k) '
(k, ⌧ls )j` (k⌧0 ), (834)
with the spectrum of the gravitational potential defined as

(k, ⌧ls ) (p, ⌧ls ) = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k + p)P MD (k). (835)

Therefore we obtain

1 d3 k
C`SW = P MD (k)j`2 (k⌧0 )
9 (2⇡)3
`0 `00
⇥ ( i) (2` + 1)(2` + 1) d⌦ Y`m (n)P`0 (k · n) d⌦0 Y`m (n0 )P`00 (p · n0 )
0 00 ⇤

`0 `00
1 d3 k
= P MD (k)j`2 (k⌧0 )
9 (2⇡)3
X 0 00 4⇡ 4⇡
⇥ ( i)` ` (2`0 + 1)(2`00 + 1) ``0 Y`m (k)

``00 Y`m (k)
(2` + 1) (2` + 1)
`0 `00
= dk k P MD (k)j` (k⌧0 ) d⌦k |Y`m (k)|2
2 2
= dk k 2 P MD (k)j`2 (k⌧0 ), (836)

where we have made use of the property

4⇡ X̀
P` (n · n0 ) = ⇤
Y`m (n)Y`m (n0 ). (837)
2` + 1
m= `

If we generically indicate by

MD 2
k k 3 = A2 (k⌧0 )n 1
, (838)

we can perform the integration knowing that

Z 1 2`+n 1
(3 n)
dx j`2 (x)xn 2
= 2n 4
4 n
2`+5 n
. (839)
0 2 2
We obtain ✓ ◆n 1
2n 3 A2 H0 (3 n) (` + n 2 1 )
C`SW = 4 n (840)
9⇡ 2 2
2 ` + 5 2n
For n ' 1 and 100 ` 1, we can approximate this expression knowing that (`)/ (` + 2) =
[`(` + 1)] 1 and (2)/ 2 (3/2) = 4/⇡, and we get

`(` + 1)C`SW = . (841)
9⇡ 2
This result shows that inflation predicts a very flat spectrum for low `. This prediction has been
confirmed by CMB anisotropy measurements. Furthermore, since inflation predicts MD
k = 35 ⇣k , we
find that

✓ ◆2
A2⇣ 1 1 H
`(` + 1)C`SW = = . (842)
25⇡ 2 25⇡ 2 M 2 ✏
2 2⇡

Assuming that
`(` + 1)C`SW ' 10 10
, (843)

we find

✓ ◆1/4
' 6.7 ⇥ 1016 GeV.

Take for instance a model of chaotic inflation with quadratic potential V ( ) = 12 m2 2. Using Eq.
(352) one easily computes that when there are N e-foldings to go, the value of the inflaton field is
2 = ( N/2⇡GN ) and the corresponding value of ✏ is 1/(2 N ). Taking N ' 60 (corresponding
to large-angle CMB anisotropies), one finds that COBE normalization imposes m ' 1013 GeV.

37 The position of the first peak

Another astonishing prediction of inflation is that the universe should be, at least locally, spatially
flat. This is spectacularly also tested by CMB anisotropies, in particular by the position of the first
peak. Let us see how that comes out.
The first peak, corresponding to k/(aH) = 2⇡/cs and to the size of the shound horizon at last
scattering, arises when the largest perturbation has time enough to collapse to maximal density. Its
true size is therefore known and we can use it as a standard ruler. The angular size under which
we observe it on the sky depends on the geometry of the universe. Consider the FRW in polar

⇥ ⇤
ds2 = dt2 + a2 (t) dr2 + r2 rd✓2 + r2 sin2 ✓d 2
. (844)

Photons propagate along geodesics ds2 = 0, that is

dr 1
= . (845)
da a
Now, consider a universe with dark matter and dark energy (say a cosmological constant ⇤) and a
flat universe.The equation for the scale factor is

✓ ◆2  ⇣ a ⌘3  ⇣ a ⌘3
2 ȧ 8⇡GN 0 2 0
H = = ⇢m (t0 ) + ⇤ = H 0 ⌦m + ⌦⇤ . (846)
a 3 a a
Changing the variable of integration to y = a0 /a and we get

Z 1
1 1
r(a) = dy p . (847)
H0 a 0 1 ⌦⇤ + ⌦ m y 3
The angle subtended by the horizon at last scattering is then

Figure 30: The pattern of CMB anisotropies and the first peak.

⇥HOR (tls ) ' , (848)
H(tls )a(tls )r(tls )
while the position of the first peak is

H(tls )a(tls ) 1 1
`1 = ⇡H(tls )a(tls )r(tls ) ' ⇡ dy p
H0 a 0 1 ⌦⇤ + ⌦ m y 3
p r Z 1
a0 1
= ⇡ ⌦m dy p , (849)
a(tls ) 1 ⌦⇤ + ⌦ m y 3

where we have used the fact that H 2 a2 /H02 a20 = ⌦m (a0 /a). The prediction of the location of the first
peak is well confirmed by current CMB anisotropy experiments and therefore it is another, albeit
indirect, evidence for inflation.

38 The dependence on the other cosmological parame-
The temperature anisotropies depend in many ways on the cosmological model. let us see why.

• Curvature: the presence of a non-zero curvature determines if initially parallel light-rays stay
parallel (flat universe), diverge (open universe) or converge (close universe). In this way, it
changes the angle under which we see a given scaleat last scattering (angular diameter distance)
and therefore the position of the first peak. Curavture changes also the ISW contribution at
small scales because it changes the time evolution of the gravitational potentials.

• Baryon density: the presence of a baryon density decreases the sound speed, leading to larger
oscillation period. This in turn increases the spacing between peaks. Nevertheless, the most
distinctive feature is the enhancement of the compression peaks and decrease of the expansion
peaks. By comparing the amplitudes of the peaks it is therefore possible to deduce the value of
⌦b . It turns out to be consistent to the value predicted by nucleosynthesis. This is astonishing
as the physics of the CMB takes place at epochs much later than te physics of nucleosynthesis.

• Cosmological constant: For a given total density, the presence of the cosmological constant
with ⌦⇤ = ⌦0 ⌦m means that the matter density is lower and so delays the equality epoch.
As the gravitational potential decays during radiation, this leads to an early ISW, bossting
the first acoustic peak. When the cosmological constant dominates, it also leads to a late ISW
e↵ect again because the gravitational potentials decay.

Spectral index: changing the spectral index introduces an overall tilt in the power spectrum.
The same is true for the tensor spectral index with respec to the gravity wave power spectrum.

39 The polarization of the CMB anisotropies

In this section we wish to discuss, even though briefly, the polarization of the CMB and, again, its
implication for inflation.
The anisotropy field is characterized by a 2⇥2 intensity tensor Iij . For convenience, we normalize
this tensor so that it represents the fluctuations in units of the mean intensity (Iij = I/I0 ). The
intensity tensor is a function of direction on the sky, n, and two directions perpendicular to n that
are used to define its components (e1 ,e2 ).

Figure 31: An illustration of the dependence of the CMB anisotropies from the cosmological pa-

The Stokes parameters Q and U are defined as Q = (I11 I22 )/4 and U = I12 /2, while the tem-
perature anisotropy is given by T = (I11 + I22 )/4 (the factor of 4 relates fluctuations in the intensity
with those in the temperature, I / T 4 ). When representing polarization using “rods” in a map, the
magnitude is given by P = Q2 + U 2 , and the orientation makes an angle ↵ = 12 arctan(U/Q) with
e1 . In principle the fourth Stokes parameter V that describes circular polarization is needed, but we
ignore it because it cannot be generated through Thomson scattering, so the CMB is not expected
to be circularly polarized. While the temperature is invariant under a right-handed rotation in the
plane perpendicular to direction n, Q and U transform under rotation by an angle as

(Q ± iU )0 (n) = e⌥2i (Q ± iU )(n), (850)

where e01 = cos e1 + sin e2 and e02 = sin e1 + cos e2 . The quantities Q ± iU are said to be
spin 2.
We already mentioned that the statistical properties of the radiation field are usually described
in terms of the spherical harmonic decomposition of the maps. This basis, basically the Fourier
basis, is very natural because the statistical properties of anisotropies are rotationally invariant.
The standard spherical harmonics are not the appropriate basis for Q ± iU because they are spin-2

variables, but generalizations (called ±2 Ylm ) exist. We can expand
(Q ± iU )(n) = a±2,`m ±2 Y`m (n). (851)

Here Q and U are defined at each direction n̂ with respect to the spherical coordinate system
(e✓ , e ). To ensure that Q and U are real, the expansion coefficients must satisfy a⇤ 2,`m = a2,` m.

The equivalent relation for the temperature coefficients is a⇤T,`m = aT,` m. Instead of a±2,`m , it
is convenient to introduce their linear combinations aE,`m = (a2,`m + a 2,`m )/2 and aB,`m =
i(a2,`m a 2,`m )/2. We define two quantities in real space, E(n) = `,m aE,`m Y`m (n) and B(n) =
`,m aB,`m Y`m (n). Here E and B completely specify the linear polarization field.
The temperature is a scalar quantity under a rotation of the coordinate system, T 0 (n0 = Rn) =
T (n), where R is the rotation matrix. We denote with a prime the quantities in the transformed
coordinate system. While Q ± iU are spin 2, E(n) and B(n) are invariant under rotations. Under
parity, however, E and B behave di↵erently, E remains unchanged, while B changes sign.

Figure 32: Examples of E- and B-mode patterns of polarization.

To characterize the statistics of the CMB perturbations, only four power spectra are needed,
those for T , E, B and the cross correlation between T and E. The cross correlation between
B and E or B and T vanishes if there are no parity-violating interactions because B has the
opposite parity to T or E. The power spectra are defined as the rotationally invariant quantities
1 P ⇤ 1 P ⇤ 1 P ⇤
CT ` = 2`+1 m haT,`m aT,`m i, CE` = 2`+1 m haE,`m aE,`m i, CB` = 2`+1 m haB,`m aB,`m i, and CC` =
1 P ⇤
2`+1 m haT,`m aE,`m i. The brackets h· · · i denote ensemble averages.

Polarization is generated by Thomson scattering between photons and electrons, which means
that polarization cannot be generated after recombination (except for re-ionization, which we shall
discuss later). But Thomson scattering is not enough. The radiation incident on the electrons must
also be anisotropic. In fact, its intensity needs to have a quadrupole moment. This requirement
of having both Thomson scattering and anisotropies is what makes polarization relatively small.
After recombination, anisotropies grow by free streaming, but there is no scattering to generate
polarization. Before recombination there were so many scatterings that they erased any anisotropy
present in the photon–baryon fluid.

Figure 33: Thomson scattering of radiation where quadrupole anisotropy generates linear polar-

In the context of anisotropies induced by density perturbations, velocity gradients in the photon–
baryon fluid are responsible for the quadrupole that generates polarization. Let us consider a scat-
tering occurring at position x0 : the scattered photons came from a distance of order the mean
free path ( T) away from this point. If we are considering photons traveling in direction n̂, they
roughly come from x = x0 + T n̂. The photon–baryon fluid at that point was moving at velocity
v(x) ⇡ v(x0 ) + T n̂i @i v(x0 ). Due to the Doppler e↵ect the temperature seen by the scatterer
at x0 is T (x0 , n̂) = n̂ · [v(x) v(x0 )] ⇡ T n̂i n̂j @i vj (x0 ), which is quadratic in n̂ (i.e., it has a
quadrupole). Velocity gradients in the photon–baryon fluid lead to a quadrupole component of the
intensity distribution, which, through Thomson scattering, is converted into polarization.
The polarization of the scattered radiation field, expressed in terms of the Stokes parameters Q
and U , is given by (Q + iU ) / T d⌦0 (m · n̂0 )2 T (n̂0 ) / p mi mj @i vj |⌧ls , where T is the Thomson
scattering cross-section and we have written the scattering matrix as P (m, n̂0 ) = 3/4 T (m · n̂0 )2 ,

with m = ê1 + iê2 . In the last step, we integrated over all directions of the incident photons n̂0 .
As photons decouple from the baryons, their mean free path grows very rapidly, so a more careful
analysis is needed to obtain the final polarization:

(Q + iU )(n̂) ⇡ ✏ ⌧ls mi mj @i vj |⌧ls , (852)

where ⌧ls is the width of the last scattering surface and gives a measure of the distance that photons
travel between their last two scatterings, and ✏ is a numerical constant that depends on the shape
of the visibility function. The appearance of mi mj in Eq. (852) ensures that (Q + iU ) transforms
correctly under rotations of (ê1 , ê2 ).
If we evaluate Eq. (852) for each Fourier mode and combine them to obtain the total power, we

`(` + 1)CE` ⇡ A✏2 (1 + 3R)2 (k ⌧ls )2 sin2 (kcs ⌧ls ), (853)

where we are assuming n = 1 and that ` is large enough that factors like (` + 2)!/(` 2)! ⇡ `4 . The
extra k in Eq. (853) originates in the gradient in Eq. (852). The large-angular scale polarization
is greatly suppressed by the k ⌧ls factor. Correlations over large angles can only be created by
the long-wavelength perturbations, but these cannot produce a large polarization signal because
of the tight coupling between photons and electrons prior to recombination. Multiple scatterings
make the plasma very homogeneous; only wavelengths that are small enough to produce anisotropies
over the mean free path of the photons will give rise to a significant quadrupole in the temperature
distribution, and thus to polarization. Wavelengths much smaller than the mean free path decay due
to photon di↵usion (Silk damping) and so are unable to create a large quadrupole and polarization.
As a result polarization peaks at the scale of the mean free path.
On sub-degree angular scales, temperature, polarization, and the cross-correlation power spectra
show acoustic oscillations. In the polarization and cross-correlation spectra the peaks are much
sharper. The polarization is produced by velocity gradients of the photon—baryon fluid at the last
scatteringsurface. The temperature receives contributions from density and velocity perturbations,
and the oscillations in each partially cancel one another, making the features in the temperature
spectrum less sharp. The dominant contribution to the temperature comes from the oscillations in
the density which are out of phase with the velocity. This explains the di↵erence in location between
the temperature and polarization peaks. The extra gradient in the polarization signal, Eq. (852),
explains why its overall amplitude peaks at a smaller angular scale.
Now, as photons travel in the metric perturbed by a GW

ds2 = a2 (⌧ )[ d⌧ 2 + ( ij + hTij )dxi dxj , (854)

they get redshifted or blueshifted depending on their direction of propagation relative to the direction
of propagation of the GW and the polarization of the GW. For example, for a GW travelling along
the z axis, the frequency shift is given by

1 d⌫ 1 T (±) 1
= n̂i n̂j ḣij = (1 cos2 ✓)e±i2 ḣt exp(ik · x), (855)
⌫ d⌧ 2 2
where (✓, ) describe the direction of propagation of the photon, the ± correspond to the di↵erent
polarizations of the GW, and ht gives the time-dependent amplitude of the GW. During the matter-
dominated era, for example, ht = 3j1 (k⌧ )/k⌧ : time changes in the metric lead to frequency shifts
(or equivalently shifts in the temperature of the black body spectrum). Notice that the angular de-
pendence of this frequency shift is quadrupolar in nature. As a result, the temperature fluctuations
induced by this e↵ect as photons travel between successive scatterings before recombination produce
a quadrupole intensity distribution, which, through Thomson scattering, lead to polarization. Both
E and B power spectra are generated by GW. The current push to improve polarization measure-
ments follows from the fact that density perturbations, to linear order in perturbation theory, cannot
create any B-type polarization. As a rough rule of thumb, the amplitude of the peak in the B-mode
power spectrum for GW is

[`(` + 1)CBl /2⇡]1/2 = 0.024(V 1/4 /1016 GeV)2 µK


V 1/4 ' 6.7 r1/4 ⇥ 1016 GeV (856)

is the energy scale of inflation. Future experiments can probe values of r as small as 10 2, corre-
sponding to an inflation energy scale of about 2 ⇥ ⇥1016 GeV. Furthermore, using the consistency
relation r = ✏ valid in one-single field models of inflation, one deduces that

⇣ r ⌘1/2
' , (857)
MPl 10 2
meaning that a future measurement of the B-mode of CMB polarization will imply an inflaton
excursus of Planckian values. Therefore, future measurements of the B-mode polarization of the
CMB will allow a determination of the value of the energy scale of inflation. This explains the utility
of CMB polarization measurements as probes of the physics of inflation. A detection of primordial
B-mode polarization would also demonstrate that inflation occurred at a very high energy scale, and

Figure 34: Summary of the properties of the CMB anisotropies as predicted by inflation.

that the inflaton traversed a super-Planckian distance in field space. Inflation predicts cosmological
perturbations which are

• adiabatic,

• scale-indenpendent,

• (nearly) Gaussian,

• on super-Hubble scales,

• with the addition of and tensor modes,

• in a universe which is spatially flat.

Current observations, as summarized in Fig. (34) confirm all these predictions beautifully.

Part VII

Matter perturbations
We now discuss how matter perturbations evolve since inflation to the present. We have shown
that inflation generates the seeds for the growth of perturbations with a power spectrum which is

nearly scale invariant on super-Hubble scales. After perturbations become sub-Hubble again, their
evolution can be described by simple Newtonian analysis and this is the strategy we will follow in
this chapter. The contents of the universe are the baryons with energy density ⇢b whose equation
of state is that of a collisionless fluid Pb = ⇢b Tb /mp ⌧ ⇢b since baryons are non-relativistic, but
with a nonvanishing sound speed c2s = Pb / ⇢b ; cold dark matter with energy density ⇢m and we
assume they are non-relativistic once MD begins, they have negligible pressure and relative sound
speed; radiation with energy density ⇢ , pressure P = 1/3⇢ and sound speed equal to 1/3.

40 Newtonian equations of motion

When k > aH during the MD epoch GR equations reduce to Newtonian ones and we will now
derive them. It is convenient to introduce comoving coordinates x such that r = a(t)x. The physical
velocity is therefore

dr dx
⌘ V = ȧx + a = Hr + v, (858)
dt dt
where v is called the peculiar velocity. Written in comoving variables (736) becomes

V = Hx + v, (859)

where H = aH = ȧ is the conformal expansion rate as usual. In terms of the conformal time, the
peculiar velocity is

dx dx
v=a = . (860)
dt d⌧
Newtonian dynamics is given by the set of equations

+ rr · (⇢V) = 0,
@V rr P
+ (Vrr ) V = rr tot ,
@t ⇢
rr tot = 4⇡GN ⇢. (861)

Note that all quantities are physical and tot is the total gravitational potential due to the homoge-
neous plus fluctuations. We can rewrite the first two equations in a more familiar form by defining
the time derivative following the fluid element

d @
⌘ + V · rr , (862)
dt @t

which implies

d⇢(x, t)
= ⇢(x, t)rr V = 3H(x, t)⇢(x, t), (863)

1 1 1
H(x, t) = rr · V = rr · (Hr + v) = H(t) + rr · v (864)
3 3 3
is the locally defined Hubble parameter. Similarly

dV rr P
= rr tot . (865)
dt ⇢
Now, let us write tot = bg + , where is due to perturbartions and bg to the background.
Solving the Poisson equation for the background gives

2⇡GN 2
r2r bg = 4⇡GN ⇢(t) ) bg = r ⇢(t). (866)
From this background solution we deduce

dV ȧ 4⇡GN ȧ 4⇡GN
= rr bg ) ȧx = r= ⇢(t)r ) = Ḣ + H 2 = ⇢(t), (867)
dt a 3 a 3
that is the usual acceleration equation in the absence of pressure. The equations of motion for the
perturbations follow by writing

⇢(x, t) = ⇢¯ + ⇢(x, t) = ⇢¯[1 + (x, t)],

P (x, t) = P̄ + P (x, t),

H(x, t) = H̄ + H(x, t),

2⇡GN 2
tot = r + (x, t),
V = Hr + v ) H(x, t) = rr · v. (868)

Now, we need to convert from partial derivatives in (r, t) to (x, ⌧ ). Then

@ @⌧ @ @x @ 1 @ H
= + = x · rx , (869)
@t r @t r @⌧ @t r @x a @⌧ a

@ @⌧ @ @x @ 1 1
= + = 0 + rx = r x . (870)
@r t @r t @⌧ @r t @x a a

The continuity equation therefore reads

@⇢ @ ⇢¯ @ ⇢ @ ⇢ @ ⇢
= (1 + ) + ⇢¯ = 3(1 + )H ⇢¯ + ⇢¯ = 3H(t)⇢ + ⇢¯ ,
@t @t @t @t @t
rr · (⇢V) = ⇢rr · V + V · rr [¯ ⇢(1 + )] = 3H(t)⇢ + ⇢rr · v + ⇢¯(V · rr )(1 + ), (871)


@⇢ @
+ rr · (⇢V) = ⇢¯ + ⇢rr · v + ⇢¯(V · rr )(1 + ), (872)
@t @t

@ 1@ H
= (x · rx ) , (873)
@t a @⌧ a

H 1
(V · rr )(1 + ) = V · rr = (x · rx ) + (v · rx ) (874)
a a
we finally find

@⇢ ⇢¯ @
+ rr · (⇢V) = H(x · rx ) + (1 + )rx · v + H(x · rx ) + (v · rx ) , (875)
@t a @⌧

+ rx · [(1 + )v] = 0. (876)
For the Euler equation we have

@V 1 @V H 1@H 1 @v H2 H
= (x · rx )V = x+ x (x · rx )v, (877)
@t a @⌧ a a @⌧ a @⌧ a a

1 H2 H H 1
(V · rr )V = ( Hx + v) · rx ( Hx + v) = x + (x · rx )v + v + (v · rx )v. (878)
a a a a a
Therefore we obtain

@V 1 @H @v 1 1 rx P
+ (V · rr )V = x+ + Hv + (v · rx )v = rx tot , (879)
@t a @⌧ @⌧ a a ⇢

✓ ◆
@v 1@H 2 rx P
+ Hv + (v · rx )v = rx tot + x . (880)
@⌧ 2 @⌧ ⇢
By recalling that

2⇡GN 2 2⇡GN 2 1 2 2 1@H 2

tot = bg + = r ⇢(t) + = a ⇢(t)x2 + = H x + = x + , (881)
3 3 4 2 @⌧

we recover

@v rx P
+ Hv + (v · rx )v = rx . (882)
@⌧ ⇢
Finally, the Poisson equation gives

✓ ◆
1 1@H 2 1 2 3 @H
r2r tot = 2 r2x x = r = 4⇡GN ⇢. (883)
a 2 @⌧ a2 x a2 @⌧
From Friedmann equations we know that 3@ H/@⌧ = 4⇡GN ⇢ā2 and therefore

r2x = 4⇡GN (⇢ ⇢¯) = 4⇡GN ⇢¯ = ⌦m H2 (884)
In fact these equations are valid also when there is a DE in the system, one should just insert the
appropriate background evolution.

41 Linear evolution
We now want to solve the equations in the linear regime, that is by assuming that | | ⌧ 1 and that
|rx · v|/ H ⌧ 1. For simplicity we start with the case ⌦m = 1, that is a universe totaly dominated
by CDM. Linearizing the continuity equation (876) we obtain

@ @
+ rx · v ⌘ + ✓ = 0, (885)
@⌧ @⌧
where we have defined

✓ = rx · v. (886)

For the Euler equation we have

@v rx P
+ Hv = rx . (887)
@⌧ ⇢¯
Taking its divergence we have

@✓ r2x P 3 2 r2x P
+ H✓ = r2x = H ⌦m . (888)
@⌧ ⇢¯ 2 ⇢¯
Going to Fourier space and combining equations (885) and (888) we obtain a second-order equation
for the density contrast

@2 k @ k 3 Pk
+H = H 2 ⌦m k k2 . (889)
@⌧ @⌧ 2 ⇢¯
On the right-hand side we notice the gravitational term which creates a gravitational instability, that
is the growth of perturbations, and the pression term which on the contrary tries to halt the growth.
The gravitational instabilities due to the fact that gravity is attractive are therefore counter-balanced
by the pressure of the fluid.

42 Pressureless case
In the case in which the fluid does not feel pressure, e.g. in the case of pure CDM, Eq. (889) reduces

@2 k @ k 3
+H = H 2 ⌦m . (890)
@⌧ @⌧ 2
Since nothing depends explictly on k we can look for solutions of the type k = D(⌧ )Ak , that is

d2 D dD 3
+H = H2 ⌦m D. (891)
d⌧ d⌧ 2
This is the di↵erential equation for the growth factor D(⌧ ). In order to solve it we need H(⌧ ) and
⌦m (⌧ ). They are given by the FRW equations (for a flat universe)

H2 (1 ⌦m ) = 0,
H0 = ⌦m (⌧ ). (892)

For the simples case of ⌦m = 1 we have a(⌧ ) ⇠ ⌧ 2 and H0 = H2 /2 and equation (891) becomes

d2 D 2 dD 3 4
+ = D, (893)
d⌧ 2 ⌧ @⌧ 2 ⌧2
whose solutions are given by a growing mode D+ ⇠ a ⇠ ⌧ 2 and a decreasing mode D ⇠ a 3/2 ⇠⌧ 3.

The density contrast reads therefore

k = Ak a + B k a , (894)

where Ak and Bk must be determined by the initial conditions. What about velocity perturbations?
They are given by

✓ ◆
@ k 3 3/2
✓k = = H Ak a Bk a . (895)
@⌧ 2
Let us now lok at the initial conditions fixed at some arbitrary a = 1. If we conveniently define
⇥ = ✓/ H, we obtain

⇥ik = Ak Bk ,
k = Ak + B k , (896)


✓ ◆
3 i 2
Ak = k + ⇥ik ,
5 3
2 i
Bk = k ⇥ik , (897)

implying that

✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
3 i 2 i 2 i 2 i
k (⌧ ) = k + ⇥k a + ⇥ a 3/2 ,
5 5 5 k 5 k
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
3 i 2 i 3 2 i 2 i
⇥k (⌧ ) = k + ⇥k a k ⇥ a 3/2 . (898)
5 5 2 5 5 k

In matrix form
0 8 0
1 1 0 1 90 1
<1 = i
k (⌧ ) 3 2 1@ 2 2
@ A= @ Aa A a 3/2 @ k A . (899)
⇥k (⌧ ) :5 3 2 5 3 3 ; ⇥i

The initial conditions where

0 1 0 1
i 1
@ k A=@ A i
k (900)
⇥ik 1

there exists only the growing mode. Physically this corresponds to i = ⇥ik = ✓ki / H, so the
velocity divergence is opposite to the density contrast, corresonding to initial velocitties pointing
towards a high-density peak as it should for a growing mode (mass keeps accumulating so that
k grows). On the contrary an initial condition for the decreasing mode corresponds to velocities
flowing out at high densities.

So far we have discussed everything in terms of the divergence of the velocity. Nevertheless, the
velocity is a vector field, and that cannot be the whole story. As any vector field, we can decompose
it into a divergence (scalar mode) and a vorticity (vector mode)

v = rx + rx ⇥ A, (901)

so that

rx · v = r2x ⌘ ✓ (since rx · (rx ⇥ A = 0),

rx ⇥ v = r2x A ⌘ !, (since rx ⇥ rx = 0). (902)

In Fourier space these relations take a simple form

k k ⇥ !k
vk = i ✓k + i , (903)
k2 k2
that is the velocity is the sum of a longitudinal part, parallel to k and a transverse part, orthogonal
to k. A velocity field with ! k = 0 is dubbed potential or irratatonial, while if ✓k = 0, it is said to
be solenoid. How the vorticity perturbation evolves? From equation (887) we get immediately

@! k
+ H! k = 0, (904)
so that the vorticity is not sourced (at least at the linear level) by the density perturbations. In an
expanding universe it decays as ! k ⇠ a 1.

Let us now consider the case ⌦m 6= 1. Observatonally we know we are in a regime where ⌦m < 1.
Consider the case where no extra energy densities are around (i.e. an open universe with ⌦m < 1).
A solution can be ontained by a change of variable

y= 1. (905)
At early times ⌦m ' 1 and y goes to zero, at late times ⌦m = 0 and y goes to infinity. One can
check that the growing and decreasing modes are in tis case

3 1+y p p
D+ = 1+ +3 ln( 1+y y),
y y3
D = . (906)
For small y, one recovers D+ ' 2y/5 and D 'y 3/2 and y ' a. For large values of y D+ ' 1
and D ' 1/y. Therefore the fluctuations stop growing when the density of matter drops. This

is expected since there is not enough gravity. The same happens if the universe goes from MD
to a period of, say, driven by a cosmological constant: fluctuations stop growing as the universe
accelerates. To find a solution we notice that the decaying mode in the case ⌦m = 1 is the Hubble
constant. This continues to be true in the more general case of a universe filled with DM, cosmological
constant and curvature. Indeed, let us rewrite Eq. (891) is cosmic time

d2 D dD 3
+ 2H = H 2 ⌦m D. (907)
dt dt 2
Now, take the Einstein equation

Ḣ + H 2 = (⇢m 2⇤), (908)
and let us di↵erentiate it with respect to time

4⇡GN 4⇡GN 3
Ḣ + 2H Ḣ = ⇢˙ m = ( 3H)⇢m = H 2 ⌦m H. (909)
3 3 2
This shows that D ⇠ H is indeed a solution. The second (growing) solution can be constructed
from D (t) and the Wronskian W (t) = Ḋ+ D Ḋ D+ ⇠ a 2. This gives

Z t Z t Z a
0 0 2 0 dt0 da0
D+ (t) = D (t) dt W (t )D (t ) = H(t) = H(a) . (910)
a2 (t0 )H 2 (t0 ) (H(a0 )a0 )3

One can easily check that in the MD case ⌦m = 1 one reproduces the standard result D+ ⇠ a.
Furthermore, since

@ k @ k
✓k = = H , (911)
@⌧ @ ln a
we have

k dD+
vk = ik/k 2 ✓k = i 2
Ak H . (912)
k d ln a

f= , (913)
d ln a
we get

✓k = Hf k or vk = i Hf k. (914)

The function f tends to unity when the universe is MD and one can obtain an equation for f as a
function of ⌦m : a useful approximation is that

f (⌦m ) ' ⌦5/9

m (915)

for a flat universe with a cosmological constant.

43 The pressure case

We now go back to the case in which a pressure is present in Eq. (889). This is the case in which
we are interested in baryons. In principle this can be also the case of baryons plus photons at scale
below the Hubble radius as the extra term in the Poisson equation due to radiation is small. We
will discuss such a case later on.
In order to solve the problem we must first determine the equation of state for the pressure
perturbations. In real space we have, assuming that pressure is a function of density only (adiabatic

P ⇢ P
r2x = c2s r2x ) k 2 c2s k, c2s = . (916)
⇢¯ ⇢¯ ⇢ fixed entropy

cs is the adiabatic sound speed. For radiation c2s = 1/3. For baryons after recombination we can use
a monoatomic real gas (hydrogen) with ' 5/3 for which

nb k b T
⇢b ' nb mp + , pb = n b k b T (917)
( 1)
so that c2s ' (5kb T /3mp ). Going back to the equation Eq. (889), we write it as

✓ ◆
@2 k @ k 3 2
+H = H ⌦m c2s k 2 k. (918)
@⌧ @⌧ 2

The right-hand side defines the Jeans wavenumber kJ2 c2s = 3/2 H2 ⌦m = 4⇡GN ⇢¯b a2 . Recalling that
the momenta are comoving, we obtain

kJphys = 4⇡GN ⇢¯b , (919)
and the Jeans length

phys 2⇡ 2⇡cs
J = =p . (920)
kJphys 4⇡GN ⇢¯b

Then we can write eq. (918) as

@2 k @ k
+H = c2s kJ2 k2 k. (921)
@⌧ @⌧
Thus, for k ⌧ kJ or J perturbations evolve like in the pressureless case. However, for small
scales for which k > kJ the pressure takes over and perturbations cannot grow, pressure wins over
gravity and halts growth. Physically, recalling that H ⇠ GN ⇢¯b , we obtain

J ⇠ cs ⇥ (Hubble time) ⇠ sound horizon. (922)

This means that at scales larger than the Jeans scale pressure canot react over such large scales to
counteract gravity, so perturbations grow as in the pressureless case. Note that in the absence of
expansion one reduces to

@2 k
= c2s k 2 k (923)
at scales smaller than the Jeans scale and one recovers the usual sound waves

k ⇠ e±ics kt . (924)

When the expansion is included, details will depend on the behavior of the sound speed with time.
It is also useful to define the Jeans mass, that is the mass in a radius J /2

4⇡ J ⇡ 5/2 c3s
MJ = ⇢¯b = 3/2 1/2
.. (925)
3 2 6GN ⇢¯b

One can think of this mass as the minimum mass object that can collapse and form in the universe.
The evolution of J and MJ depend on cs (⌧ ) as

J ⇠ cs a3/2 and MJ ⇠ c3s a3/2 . (926)

During the RD epoch, since baryons are tightly coupled to photons, baryons pressure is provided by
photons and therefore c2s ' 1/3. Indeed, using adiabatic conditions,

1 ✓ ◆ 1
P 3⇢¯ 1 3¯
c2s = = = 1+ . (927)
⇢ + ⇢b ⇢¯ + 34 ⇢¯b 3 4¯

During RD the Jeans mass in baryons is therefore, using the current values of the cosmological
baryon density,

✓ ◆ 3/2
8 2 T
MJ ' 5.4 · 10 ⌦b h M . (928)
The baryon mass inside an horizon is

4⇡ 3
MH,b = ⇢¯ H (929)
and therefore

!3 r !3 ✓ ◆3/2
MJ J 2⇡cs 8⇡GN ⇢¯ 3 2¯

= = p = (⇡cs ) 1. (930)
MH,b 2H 1 4⇡GN ⇢¯b 3 3¯
Therefore, during the RD era, baryons cannot grow for scales smaller thean the Hulle radius due
to photon pressure. After recombination, when matter decouples from radiation we have (setting
kb = 1)

5 Tb 5 Tls 5 T2
c2s = = = , (931)
3 mp 3 mp a2 3 mp Tls
where we have used the fact that the temperature of the baryons, once decoupled, scales like a 2.

Therefore after recombination

⇡ 5/2 c3s
MJ ' ⇠ T 3/2 ⇠ (1 + z)3/2 . (932)
6 G3/2 ⇢¯b

Putting numbers, we obtain

✓ ◆3
MJ ' 1.3 · 105 (⌦b h2 ) 1/2
M . (933)
There is a substantial drop o↵ of the Jeans mass, after recombination baryon clumps with mass
larger than the Jeans mass can grow and collapse to form objects. Only after the transition on
sub-Hubble scales baryon perturbations can grow.

43.1 Collisionless damping

So far we have assumed an ideal fluid description. We now discuss the free streeming which is a
mechanism that erases fluctuations at small scales. It operates for collisionless particles, such as
dark matter. The idea is that collisionless particles can stream out of the overdense regions into
underdense regions and thus smooth out density perturbations. Note that this e↵ect is due just to
their free motion, not to the perturbed velocities which respond to density perturbations. It is most
important for relativistic particles and cannot be modelled by a perfect fluid.

Figure 35: The illustration of the baryonic Jeans mass.

We will now estimate the length scale at which this becomes important. The physical scale FS

can be estimated as

Z t
v(t0 )
FS = a(t) dt0 . (934)
0 a(t0 )
Let us assume that for for t < tNR , that is when DM is relativistic, the universe is RD. This gives

Z t
v(t0 )
FS = a(t) dt0 = 2t, (t < tNR ). (935)
0 a(t0 )
If tNR < t < teq , v ⇠ aNR /a and

Z t
a aNR
FS = 2 tNR + a(t) dt0
aNR tNR a2 (t0 )
Z t
a aNR tNR dt0
= 2 2tNR + a(t)
aNR aNR aNR tNR t0
✓ ◆
a a
= 2 tNR 1 + ln , (tNR < t < teq ). (936)

Finally, for t > teq we have

Z ◆ ✓
a t
teq 4/3
FS = FS (teq ) + a(t) dt 2
aeq tNR t a (teq )
✓ ◆ ✓ r ◆
a aeq a aeq
= 2 tNR 1 + ln + 3tNR 1 , (t > teq ). (937)
aNR aNR aNR a

For t teq we obtain

✓ ◆
a 5 aeq
FS '2 tNR + ln . (938)
aNR 2 aNR
To compare with other scales, it is convenient to do it in comoving coordinates since there com

is constant. We have
> 2 t = 2 tNR t
= 2 atNR a for t < tNR ,
< a ⇣a tNR ⌘
' 2 atNR a
1 + ln aNR for tNR < t < teq , (939)
a >
⇣ ⌘
: 2 tNR 5 + ln aeq
aNR 2 aNR for t teq .

So, for t < tNR , FS /a increases like a, then it only grows logarithmically and in MD it saturares.
The largest value it takes is therefore

✓ ◆
FS tNR 5 aeq
'2 + ln . (940)
a0 aNR 2 aNR
To evaluate this we need to get the time tNR as a function of the mass of the particle. It is given by

⇣ m ⌘ ✓ ◆2
2 Tm
tNR ' 1.2 · 10 sec, (941)
where we have accounted for the fact that the temperture of the DM can be di↵erent from that of
radiation. Similarly, we obtain

⇣ m ⌘ ✓ ◆
1 Tm
aNR = 7 · 10 (942)

aeq ⇣ m ⌘ 1 ✓T ◆
' . (943)
aNR 17 eV ⌦0 h2 Tm
Therefore, we obtain (setting a0 = 1)

⇣ m ⌘ ✓ ◆
1 Tm
FS ' 0.2 Mpc. (944)

For a light neutrino for which T⌫ /T = (4/11)1/3 we have

⇣ m ⌘ 1

FS ' 20 Mpc. (945)
30 eV
This e↵ect should be detectable by future galaxy surveys if the heaviest neutrinos is at least an eV
or so.
For a cold relic of mass say 100 GeV, we have

FS ' O 10 Mpc. (946)

This simple computation tells us that in neutrino-dominated cosmologies the structures would have
formed on large scales and then, by fragmentation, generate smaller and smaller objects. In the
CDM scenario, which seems to be what nature has selected, the first objects to form are the small
ones (lots of power at small scales, see the next section) with basically no damping at small scales
due to free streaming.

43.2 Collisional damping

Since baryons are not collisionless, they do not su↵er collisionless damping. However, perturbations
in the photon-baryon plasma do su↵er damping around the time of recombination, because the
assumption of a perfect fluid breaks down. As decoupling is approached, the photon mean free path
becomes larger, and photons can di↵use out of overdense regions into underdense regions, thereby
damping inhomogeneities in the photon-baryon plasma.18 In this case the operative word is not free
streaming, but rather photon di↵usion, and the e↵ect is known as Silk damping. A careful treatment
of Silk damping requires using the Boltzmann equations to follow the photons and matter through
decoupling. Here, we will simply estimate the scale for Silk damping. For T ⌧ me , we know that
the photon mean path is given by

= (Xe ne T) ' 1.3 · 1029 Xe 1 a3 (⌦b h2 ) 1
cm. (947)

The perfect fluid approximation clearly breaks down for any perturbation of wavelength <
⇠ ,
and photon streaming should completely damp any such perturbation. At decoupling adec ' 10 3
and ' 0.03(⌦b h2 ) 1 Mpc. Moreover, in a time t, a photon su↵ers t/ collisions and thereby
undergoes a random walk characterized by a mean coordinate distance squared of

t 2 (t)
( r)2 ' . (948)
(t) a2 (t)
Summing up the mean coordinate distances squared until the time of decoupling, we obtain an
estimate for the photon di↵usion length squared,

Z tdec
S = dt . (949)
0 a2
We shall define this coordinate distance squared to be the square of the Silk damping scale. Assuming
that the universe is matter-dominated around the epoch of decoupling (although not necessarily by
baryons), the evolution of the scale factor is given by

✓ ◆2/3
a(t) = 1/2 sec
2.1 · 10 (⌦0 h2 )

and we can evaluate 2


2 3 3 tdec (tdec )
S = , (951)
55 a2dec
that is, a factor (3/5)1/2 the total di↵usion length is just the char- characteristic photon di↵usion
length at the epoch of decoupling, essentially all of the Silk damping occurs at decoupling. Taking
adec ' 1100 and Xe ⇠ 0.1, we obtain

S = 3.5(⌦0 /⌦b )1/2 (⌦0 h2 ) 3/4


MS = 6.2 · 1012 (⌦0 /⌦b )3/2 (⌦0 h2 ) 5/4

M . (952)

It is intriguing that the Silk scale is close to that of a cluster of galaxies.

44 Power spectrum of cold dark matter

Once we have understood how baryons behave, we are now ready to collect all the informations and
try to understand what is going on. We have seen that CDM perturbations are free to grow as soon
as the universe becomes MD. Baryons on the other side are left free from the photon pressure only
after recombination. Once this happens, they will fall inside the gravitational wells generated by
CDM are give rise to structures, as long as their mass is larger than the Jeans mass.
The initial power spectrum of CDM is, because of inflation, scale invariant. Let us suppose that
⇢¯b ⌧ ⇢¯m and let us follow the evolution of the CDM perturbation. At the end of the radiation era,
when ⌧ = ⌧eq we have the following picture:

• some modes are still outside the Hubble radius at that time. For them

m (k, ⌧eq ) = 2 (0) for k⌧eq ⌧ 1; (953)

• some modes observable today have already crossed the horizon and, because of the Meszaros
e↵ect, have a perturbation

m (k, ⌧eq ) ⇠ (0) ln(k⌧eq ) for k⌧eq 1; (954)

In the limit ⇢¯b ⌧ ⇢¯m , as we have seen in the previous section, the CDM drives gravity after equality
and its perturbations grow like the scale factor. We can conveniently write such a growth like

✓ ◆
k2 ⌧ 2
m (k, ⌧ > ⌧eq ) = 2+ D1 (k), (955)
where this form is inspired by the Poisson equation. We can proceed to do the matching between
the behavior of m before and after the equality time:

! 8
k 2 ⌧eq
2 < 2 RD (0) for k⌧eq ⌧ 1,
2+ D1 (k) = (956)
6 : ⇠ RD (0) ln(k⌧
eq ) for k⌧eq 1,

Later on, during the MD epoch the solution (955) still holds (apart from details due to the presence
of the DE). Hence, today the power spectrum of the CDM is
< k2 ⌧02 RD
6 (0) for k⌧eq ⌧ 1,
m (k, ⌧0 ) = 2 2
k ⌧0 ln(k⌧eq ) (957)
: ⇠ ln(k⌧eq ) RD (0) for k⌧eq 1,
6 k2 ⌧eq

If we adopt a power law spectrum (notice that respect to the matter one there should be a factor
(9/102 ) of di↵erence)
RD 2
k k 3 = A2 (k⌧0 )n 1
, (958)

we obtain the matter power spectrum

< k4 ⌧04 n 4
36 Ak for k⌧eq ⌧ 1,
Pm (k, ⌧0 ) = ⇣ ⌘2 (959)
: ⇠ ⌧02
ln(k⌧eq ) Ak n 4 for k⌧eq 1,

We infer therefore that there are two asymptotic behaviors of the matter power spectrum
< ⇠ kn for k⌧eq ⌧ 1,
Pm (k, ⌧0 ) = (960)
: ⇠ ln2 (k⌧eq )k n 4 for k⌧eq 1,

Much more accurate computations allow to determine the so-called transfer function defined in the
following way. Through the Poisson equation we obtain in the MD phase

4⇡GN a2 ⇢¯m m
= . (961)

Figure 36: The matter power spectrum.

Notice that when the cosmological constant dominates and m scales slower than D+ (a), then the
gravitational potential decays. Using ⇢¯m = ⌦m ⇢c /(1/a)3 where we have set a0 = 1 and recalling
that 4⇡GN ⇢c = (3/2)H02 , we obtain

2 k2
m = . (962)
3 ⌦m H02
Defining now the transfer function as

(k, alate )
T (k) = , (963)
large scales (k, alate )
for which

9 RD D+ (a)
(k, a) = (0)T (k) , (964)
10 a
we finally obtain

lin 3 k 2 RD (0)
m = T (k)D+ (a), (965)
5 ⌦m H02
where we have added the superscrip lin to remind ourselves we are still dealing with linear pertur-
bation theory. Accurate numerical computations give for the transfer function, whose derivation we
have only sketched here

ln(1 + 0.17x) ⇥ ⇤ 0.25

T (x = k/keq ) = 1 + 0.28x + (1.18)x2 + (0.39x)3 + (0.49x)4 . (966)

In summary the power spectrum of today in CDM should have the following properties

• its amplitude depends on the primordial power spectrum amplitude,

• the overall slope depends on the primordial spectral index,

• the scale at which it attains a maximum depends on the time of equality, that is on keq and
therefore on the combination (⌦m h), see Eq. (186).

44.1 The fate of the baryons

As we have written already, once the baryon are set free after recombination and do not feel anymore
the photon pressure, they are free to fall inside the potential wells generated by the CDM. Indeed,
the equation they satisfy is

@2 b @ b 3 2
+H = r2x = H ⌦m m. (967)
@⌧ 2 @⌧ 2
It is not difficult to convince ourselves that the source term drives the baryon density perturbation

Figure 37: The power spectrum of matter with and without dark matter.

to assume the value equal to the CDM density perturbation. In other words, CDM drives the
baryon perturbations, thus allowing the structure to form. Furthermore, till last scattering they
oscillate together with the photon perturbations. Therefore, the in matter power specrtum of baryons
baryonic acousti oscillations (BAO) should be imprinted. To characterize them, let as assume that
we are already in the MD epoch and therefore we assume that the gravitational potentials are
constant. In the tight coupling limit, remembering that b =3 0 /4, one immediately recovers from
Eq. (738) the equation
00 R 0 2+R 2
b +H b c2s r2 b = r , (968)
1+R 1+R

Figure 38: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the power spectrum.

whose solution at last scattering is (keeping the R dependence only in the arguments of the oscillating
Z ⌧ls
b (⌧ls ) = b (0) cos(cs k⌧ls ) 3p d⌧ 0 sin[k(rs (⌧ ) rs (⌧ 0 ))]
3 0
= b (0) cos(cs k⌧ls ) + [ 1 + cos(cs k⌧ls )] , (969)
where b (0) represents the initial condition in the MD phase. This expression tells us that in the
power spectrum of baryon acoustic oscillations are left imprinted in momentum space.

45 Beyond perturbation theory

In the previous sections we have learnt that linear perturbations in the CDM grow at the linear level
with the function D+ (a) which reduces to the scale factor a in a MD epoch. Linear perturbations
in such a case behave like in Eq. (955), which we report here

✓ ◆
k2 ⌧ 2
m (k, ⌧ > ⌧eq ) = 2+ D1 (k), (970)
This equation, at least at the linear level, is the essence of the phenomenon called gravitational
instability responsible for structure formation. From this equation we see immediately that pertur-
bation theory however is limited to ranges of wavenumber and times such that k⌧ <
⇠ 1. Perturbation
theory breaks down either when we go to large times and/or when we probe the system at short

wavelength. This is hardly a surprise. Perturbations grow because gravity is is in action and gravity,
being a derivative theory, leads to ultraviolet divergences at large momenta. What happens when
we go to higher order in perturbation theory? To study (or better just to introduce it) the problem
we adopt again the metric in the Poisson gauge and derive a generic equation for the gravitational
potential which is an alternative to the standard continuity and Euler equations we have found in
the previous section.
The write the metric in the following form
⇥ ⇤
ds2 = a2 (⌧ ) (1 + 2 ) d⌧ 2 + 2⌦I d⌧ dxi + ((1 2 ) ij + ij ) dx
dxj . (971)

Here and are the gravitational potential as usual, ⌦I are the vector perturbations and ij the
tensor ones. As we are interested in sub-Hubble scales, we will retain first-order terms in and
and only the would-be second-order terms with two space derivatives. In particular, the di↵erence
( ) is second-order in , so we need to keep r( ).
We do not assume that the vector perturbations vanish ⌦I = 0, rather use the fact that the
divergence of ⌦I vanishes, ri ⌦I = 0. Similarly with the tensor modes ij which are transverse and
traceless. This leads us to use the traceless-longitudinal projection operator
ri r j
P ij = ij
3 (972)
to determine in terms of from the Einstein equations. This procedure should be compared to
the lowest order procedure in which one simply uses the i 6= j Einstein equation to determine that
= . We also use only the longitudinal part of the (i0) equations so the contribution of the vector
perturbations drops.
We take the energy-momentum tensor to be that of a cold pressureless fluid of density ⇢ and
three-velocity vector v,
Tµ⌫ = ⇢ vµ v⌫ . (973)

Finally, and for simplicity, we choose units for which 8⇡GN = 1. With these assumptions, the
relevant Einstein equations are

(00) : 3 H2 + 2r2 = ⇢ v02 , (974)

0 1
(i0) : ri + Hri = ⇢ v0 vi , (975)
✓ 2✓ ◆ ◆
00 0
(ij) : 2 + 6H 2 H2 2 + (r )2 r2 ( ) ij
+ri rj ( ) 2ri rj = ⇢ vi v j . (976)

The density contrast is as usual expressed in terms of the gravitational potential through the Poisson
= . (977)
3 H2

The traceless-longitudinal part of the (ij) equation is given by

P ij (ri rj ( ) 2ri rj ) = P ij (⇢ vi vj ) . (978)

We may evaluate explicitly some of the terms (and divide the whole equation by 2),

ri rj 1 2 3 ri rj
r2 ( ) + (r )2 3 (ri rj ) = ⇢v + (⇢vi vj ) . (979)
r2 2 2 r2

We will use Eqs. (979) and (975) to express r2 ( ) in terms of only which will allow us to
derive an equation for that does not involve . Despite appearances, Eq. (979) is completely
local. In fact, all terms have at least two space derivatives acting on the fields.
Let us now look at 1/6 of the trace of Eq. (976)
✓ ◆
00 0 2 a00 1 1 2 1
+ 3H H 2 + (r )2 r ( ) = ⇢v2 . (980)
a 6 3 6

The next step is to substitute Eq. (979) into Eq. (980) and obtain
✓ ◆
00 0 2 a00 1 r i rj 1 ri r j
+ 3H H 2 + (r )2 (r i r j ) = (⇢ vi vj ) . (981)
a 2 r2 2 r2

Finally, we can use the (0i) equation (975) to integrate out the three-velocity Um,i from Eq. (981)
✓ ◆
00 0 a00
2 1 ri rj
+ 3H H 2 + (r )2 (ri rj )
a 2 r2
✓ ◆
ri rj (ri 0 + Hri ) (rj 0 + Hrj )
=2 , (982)
r2 ⇢v02

and the (00) equation (974) to integrate out the energy density ⇢
✓ ◆ i j ✓ ◆
00 0 2 a00 1 2 r r 2 ri rj (ri 0 + Hri ) (rj 0 + Hrj )
+3 H H 2 + (r ) (ri rj ) = .
a 2 r2 3 H 2 r2 1 + 2r2 /3 H2
We now verify that the perturbative solution of Eq. (983) reproduces the known perturbative solu-
tions for , the density contrast and the velocity u. First, we linearize Eq. (983) and obtain the
standard equation ✓ ◆
00 0 2 a00
+ 3H 2 H 2 = 0, (984)
whose solution in matter domination does not evolve with time

(x, ⌧ ) = L (x) . (985)

For future use we recall that the resulting solution for u is

2r L ⌧
uL = = r L, (986)
3H 3

where in the second equality we have used the explicit form of H for matter domination, H = 2/⌧ .
The corresponding solution for can be obtained from its relation to , Eq. (977), so

1 1
L = ⌧ 2 r2 L = a(⌧ )r2 L. (987)
6 6

It agrees of course with what obtained in the previous sections once we have dropped the initial
condition (which is subleading at larger times). Next we solve for to second-order in perturbation
theory. The idea is to substitute in the second-order terms the linear solution. Therefore, we take
the non-perturbative Eq. (983), expand it to second-order in and take only terms that do not
vanish on the constant leading order solution (985),
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
00 a00 1 ri r j 2 ri rj
+ 3H 0 H2 2 + (r )2 r i r j = r i r j . (988)
a 2 r2 3 r2

For matter domination it reduces to

✓ ◆
00 0 5 ri rj 1 2
+ 3H = ri L rj L (r L) , (989)
3 r2 2

whose solution is  ✓ ◆
1 2 5 ri r j 1 2
2 = ⌧ ri L rj L (r L) . (990)
14 3 r2 2
To evaluate 2 in an explicit way it is easier to calculate r2 2 ,
✓ ◆
2 1 2 5 i j 1 2
r 2= ⌧ r r (ri L rj L ) r r L) . (991)
14 3 2

Thus, we need

ri rj (ri L rj L) = (r2 L)
+ 2ri Lr
ri L + r i rj L r i rj L (992)


r i r i rj L rj L = 2ri Lr
ri L + 2ri rj L ri r j L. (993)

Substituting into Eq. (991) we find

2 1 5 2 7 i 2 i j
r 2 = ⌧2 (r 2
L) + r Lr
ri L+ r r L ri rj L (994)
14 3 3 3

In momentum space it gives

1 2 2
2 (k3 , ⌧ ) = k3 ⌧ 2 (k3 , ⌧ )
Z6 3 Z 3 
d k1 d k2 5 1 k12 + k22 2 (k1 · k2 )2
= + (k 1 · k 2 ) + (995)
(2⇡)3 (2⇡)3 7 2 k12 k22 7 k12 k22
⇥ (k1 + k2 k3 ) L (k1 , ⌧ ) L (k2 , ⌧ ) ,

which reproduces the standard second-order kernel for the density contrast. Using Eqs. (975) and
(994), it is also straightforward to recover the kernel for the (divergence of the) velocity ✓ = r · v.
One expands Eq. (975) to second-order, using the time dependence of 2

4 Hr 2 = ⇢ (v2 + L vL ) . (996)

Using the lowest order relations, the equation for the divergence of the velocity at second-order
r·v r L
=2 2 ( L )2 r
. L · (997)
H r2
In momentum space, using the explicit solution (994) the final result is,
Z 3 Z 3 
✓2 (k3 , ⌧ ) d k1 d k2 3 1 k12 + k22 4 (k1 · k2 )2
= + (k 1 · k 2 ) + (998)
H (2⇡)3 (2⇡)3 7 2 k12 k22 7 k12 k22
⇥ (k1 + k2 k3 ) L (k1 , ⌧ ) L (k2 , ⌧ ) ,

which agrees with the standard Newtonian kernel. The expressions (997) and (998) render explicit
what we have said at the beginning of this section. Once we go to higher orders in perturbation
theory the series does not converge. Indeed, already at the second order we see that formally
2 ⇠ ( L )2 ⇠ (k⌧ )4 . In general one has

n th order ⇠ (k⌧ )2n , (999)

where the k is a short-hand notation for the kernel in momentum space. This leads clearly to a
breakdown of perturbation theory. Again, this is not a surprise, after all the structures we see today
in the universe have 1, they are highly non-linear.
At what scales one expects perturbation theory to break down? Let us choose to work at the
present time. The power spectrum has dimensions of volume and so a quantity that lends itself more
easily to direct interpretation is the dimensionless combination

2 k 3 Pm (k)
m (k) ⌘ . (1000)
2⇡ 2
In the standard CDM scenario 2 (k) increases with wavenumber (at least until some exceedingly

small scale determined by the physics of the production of the CDM in the early universe), but we
observe the density field smoothed with some resolution. Therefore, a quantity of physical interest
is the density field smoothed on a particular scale R,
m (x, R) ⌘ d3 x0 W (|x0 x|, R) m (x
) (1001)

The function W (x, R) is the window function that weights the density field in a manner that is
relevant for the particular application. According to the convention used in Eq. (1001), the window

function (sometimes called filter function) has units of inverse volume by dimensional arguments.
The Fourier transform of the smoothed field is

m (k, R) ⌘ W (k, R) m (k), (1002)

where W (k, R) is the Fourier transform of the window function. Once can chose for instance the
tophat in Fourier space as 8
< 1 (k  R 1 ),
W (k, R) = (1003)
: 0 (k > R 1 ),

and is
1 (sin(xR 1) xR 1 cos(xR 1 ))
W (x, R) = (1004)
2⇡ 2 R3 (xR 1 )3
in real space. A disadvantage of this window is that it does not have a well-defined volume. Therefore
the associated mass is simply defined as M = 4⇡ ⇢¯m R3 /3. The density fluctuation field is assumed to
be a Gaussian random variable so the smoothed density fluctuation field m (x, R) is then a Gaussian
random variable as well because it represents a sum of Gaussian random variables. The variance of
m (x, R) is
2 2 2 2
m (R) = m (x, R) = d ln k m (k)|W (k, R)| . (1005)

From Fig. 39 we learn two basics things about the CDM paradigm. First, the variance of the density
contrasted smoothed over a radius R becomes of the order of unity when R = O(10) h 1 Mpc. This
means that perturbation theory breaks down when k ⇠ 1/R = O(10 1 ) h/Mpc. Historically, one
set the amplitude of the perturbations by setting 1
8, that is the value of the variance at 8 h
Mpc. Secondly, the fact that m (k) has more power at large wavenumber means that the first
scales to go no-linear are the small ones (as repeatedly said), that is in the CDM paradigm the first
objects to form are the ones on small scales. Larger structures may form because of merging of
smaller structures. This is the so-called hierarchical paradigm: big DM halos form from the merging
of small DM halos. In the next section we discuss a classical example on how to deal with the
nonlinearities of the DM perturbations.

46 Spherical collapse
One of the simplest and best studied models of nonlinear gravitational instability is the spherical
model. In this model one ignores the tidal e↵ects of neighbouring density perturbations upon the
evolution of an isolated, homogeneous, spherical density perturbation. To justify this we can appeal
to Birkho↵’s theorem in General Relativity, or Gauss’s law in Newtonian Gravity. Under these
simplifying assumptions an exact analytical treatment is possible.

Figure 39: Power spectra in the standard ⇤CDM cosmology with ⌦m = 1 ⌦⇤ = 0.3, h = 0.7,
8 = 0.93, and ⌦b h2 = 0.022. The left panel shows the mass variance smoothed with a
real space tophat window as a function of the smoothing mass or smoothing radius. The
right panel shows the rms density fluctuation per logarithmic interval of wavenumber
as a function of wavenumber.

In order to understand the dynamics of non–linear spherical collapse, consider a spherical density
perturbation expanding in the background of a homogeneous and isotropic background universe. The
density of the fluctuation is characterised by ⌦0m whereas that of the background universe by ⌦m
(⌦0m > ⌦m will correspond to an overdensity and ⌦0m < ⌦m to an underdensity). The subsequent
fate of the spherical density perturbation will depend crucially upon the value of ⌦0m . For ⌦0m > 1
the perturbation will behave just like a part of a closed FRW universe and will therefore expand
to a maximum radius, turn around at a time tta , and thereafter collapse to a point at tcoll ' 2tta .
A spherical density perturbation with ⌦0m < 1 on the other hand, will mimic an open universe
and never recollapse (if ⌦0m < ⌦m then such an underdensity will correspond to a void). In an
idealised cosmological scenario spherical overdensities might be thought of as progenitors of clusters
of galaxies, whereas underdensities would correspond to voids.
In order to treat the collapse of a spherical overdensity quantitatively let us consider a spherical
shell of radius R with an initial overdensity I and a constant mass M = 4⇡R3 ⇢¯m (1 + I )/3, where
⇢¯m is the density of the backround universe. Conservation of energy guarantees
1 2 GN M
Ṙ = E = const. (1006)
2 R
At early times the expansion of the shell is virtually indistinguishable from that of the rest of the

universe so that Ṙm,i = HI Rm,i , Rm,i being the radius of the shell and HI is the Hubble parameter
1 2 2
at an initial time t = tI . The kinetic energy of the shell is therefore Km,i = 2 HI Rm,i and its
potential energy is Um,i = GM/Rm,i = Km,i ⌦I (1 + I) where ⌦I is the density parameter at tI :
3HI2 ⌦I /2 = 4⇡G¯
⇢m,i . As a result we obtain

E = Km,i + Um,i = Km,i ⌦I [⌦I (1 + I )]. (1007)

The requirement for collapse E < 0 leads to the condition 1 + I > ⌦I 1 . Substituting !i ⌘ ⌦m (z) =
⌦m (1 + z)/(1 + ⌦m z), I ⌘ m (z) we get

1 ⌦m
m (z) > (1008)
⌦m (1 + z)

as a precondition for collapse to occur. Equation (1008) indicates that in flat or closed cosmological
models an infinitesimal initial density perturbation is sufficient to give rise to collapsed objects. In
open models on the other hand m (z) must exceed a critical positive value in order for collapse to
It is relatively straightforward to relate the maximum expansion radius reached by an overdensity
at turnaround Rta to its “seed” values Rm,i , and I (equivalently Rm (z) and m (z)). Since the mass
of a perturbation is conserved, and Ṙ ta
= 0 we get

GN M Rm,i
E = Uta = = Km,i ⌦I (1 + I ). (1009)
Rta Rta

Equating (1007) and (1009) we get

Rta 1+ I 1+ m (z)
= 1 ⌘ 1 ⌦m
. (1010)
Rm,i I (⌦I 1) m (z) ⌦m (1+z)

The time evolution of a spherical mass shell is identical to that of a spatially open or closed FRW
universe. The resulting equations of motion may be obtained by integrating Eq. (1006) giving

R = A(1 cos ✓),

t = B(✓ sin ✓), (1011)

for the case E < 0, and

R = A(cosh ✓ 1),

t = B(sinh ✓ ✓), (1012)

for the case E > 0. In Eqs. (1011) and (1012) we have A3 = GN M B 2 . The behavior of the
background universe is described by similar equations.

Setting ✓ = ⇡ in equation (1011) we can express the constants A and B in terms of the turnaround
radius Rta and the turnaround time tta : A = Rta /2, B = tta /⇡. Next using Eq. (1010) and the
relationships B 2 = A3 /GN M , M = 4⇡R3 ⇢m /3 and 8⇡GN ⇢ = 3H 2 ⌦m , we can re-express A and B in
terms of Rm,i and I
✓ ◆
Rm,i 1+ I
A = 1
2 I (⌦I 1)
1+ I
B = 1/2
. (1013)
2H⌦I [ I (⌦I 1)]3/2
In a spatially flat universe, Eq. (1013) becomes
Rm,i 3 3/2
A' , B ' tI I , (1014)
2 I 4
where we assume I ⌧ 1. It is now relatively straightforward to compute the overdensity in each
mass shell. Since mass is conserved we get, using M = 4⇡R3 ⇢m /3 and Eq. (1011),
⇢m (t) = . (1015)
4⇡A3 (1 cos ✓)3
In a spatially flat matter dominated universe the background density scales as
1 1
⇢¯m (t) = = . (1016)
6⇡GN t2 6⇡GN B 2 (✓ sin ✓)2
So, combining Eqs. (1015) and (1016), we get
⇢m (t) 9 (✓ sin ✓)2
m (✓) ⌘ 1= 1, (1017)
⇢¯m (t) 2 (1 cos ✓)3
for positive density fluctuations, and
9 (✓ sinh ✓)2
m (✓) = 1 (1018)
2 (cosh ✓ 1)3
for negative density fluctuations. From equations (1017) and (1014) we recover the linear limit for
small ✓, t:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆2/3
3✓2 3 6t 2/3 3 t
lim m (✓) ' ' = I , (1019)
✓!0 20 20 B 5 tI
indicating that only 3/5th of the initial amplitude is in the growing mode. In view of eq. (1019) the
criticality condition (1008) translates into I > 3(⌦I 1)/5 or, equivalently,
3 1 ⌦m,0
m (z) > . (1020)
5 ⌦m (1 + z)
From eq. (1017) we find m (✓ = ⇡) ' 4.6 at the radius of maximum expansion (“turnaround”), and
m (2⇡) ! 1 at recollapse. The corresponding extrapolated linear density contrast can be found
from equations (1019), (1011) & (1014):
✓ ◆2
3 3 3 2
L (✓) ' (✓ sin ✓) 3 . (1021)
5 4

We thus obtain L (⇡) ' 1.063 for the linear density contrast at turnaround, and L (2⇡) ⌘ c ' 1.686
at recollapse. Knowing the linear density contrast corresponding to a given perturbation, the redshift
at which that perturbation “turned around” and “collapsed” can be found from

1 + zta '
1 + zcoll ' . (1022)
In reality coll ! 1 will never be achieved since exact spherical collapse is at best a rather crude
approximation, which will break down as the overdensity begins to contract, dynamical relaxation
and shocks both ensuring that the system reaches virial equilibrium at a finite density. The maximum
density at recollapse can be estimated using the virial theorem and the fact that at R = Rta all the
energy in the system is potential:

U (R = Rvir ) = 2E = 2U (R = Rta ), (1023)

since U = GN M/R we get Rvir = Rta /2 and ⇢vir = 8⇢m,ta . The mean density of an object
at turnaround is ⇢m,ta /¯
⇢m = m,ta + 1 ' 5.6 so that ⇢m,ta ' 5.6¯
⇢m,ta . We therefore get ⇢m,vir '
⇢m,ta . Since ⇢¯m = (6⇡GN t2 ) 1 and setting tvir ' tcoll ' 2tta we finally get ⇢m,vir ' 8⇥5.6⇥4¯
or since ⇢¯m,vir = (1 + z)3 ⇢m,0
⇢m,vir ' 179.2(1 + zvir )3 ⇢m,0 , (1024)

where zvir is the collapse redshift, and ⇢0 the present matter density. Equation (1024) permits us to
relate the virialised density of a collapsed object to the epoch of its formation zvir ' 0.18(⇢/⇢0 )1/3 1.
Since the present overdensity in clusters is between 102 and 104 , the above arguments might indicate
that clusters formed relatively recently at redshifts z  3, provided they formed from spherical
density enhancements.
Generalisations of these arguments show that the addition of a cosmological constant to the
Einstein equations does not significantly a↵ect the dynamics of a spherical overdensity. The final
(virial) radius of a spherical overdensity in this case turns out to be
Rvir 1 ⌘/2 1
' < , (1025)
Rta 2 ⌘/2 2
where ⌘ = ⇤/8⇡GN ⇢¯(t = tta ) is the ratio of the cosmological constant to the background density at
turnaround. Equation (1025) indicates that the presence of a positive cosmological constant leads
to a somewhat smaller final radius (and consequently higher density) of a collapsed object. This
e↵ect is clearly larger for objects that collapse later, when the turnaround density is lower.
According to the spherical collapse model, CDM overdensities collapse to highly nonlinear ob-
jects, the spherical DM halos, whose potential wells will make the baryons fall into them and


It is therefore clear that one basic object in cosmology is the number of DM halos as function of
their mass or radius. This is the quantity we would like to discuss in the next section.

47 The dark matter halo mass function and the excur-

sion set method
The computation of the mass function of dark matter halos is a central problem in modern cosmology.
The halo mass function is both a sensitive probe of cosmological parameters and a crucial ingredient
when one studies the dark matter distribution, as well as the formation, evolution and distribution
of galaxies, so its accurate prediction is obviously important.
The formation and evolution of dark matter halos is a highly complex dynamical process, and a
detailed understanding of it can only come through large-scale N -body simulations. Some analytical
understanding is however also desirable, both for obtaining a better physical intuition, and for the
flexibility under changes of models or parameters.
The halo mass function dn/dM can be written as (we drop from now on the subscript m for
dn(M ) ⇢¯ d ln 1 (M )
= f( ) 2 , (1027)
dM M d ln M
where n(M ) is the number density of dark matter halos of mass M , 2 is the variance of the linear
density field smoothed on a scale R corresponding to a mass M , and ⇢¯ is the average density of the
Now, to compute dn/dM or f ( ) we use the famous Press-Schecther (PS) formalism. Press and
Schechter observed that the fraction of mass in collapsed objects more massive than some mass M
is related to the fraction of volume samples in which the smoothed initial density fluctuations are
above some density threshold. This yields a formula for the mass function (distribution of masses) of
objects at any given time. In other words the philosophy is the following. We know that the collapse
of DM halo is a very complicated phenomenon. Nevertheless we are not interested in describing
the dynamics itself, but only in computing the probability that at a given point x a halo will form.
But when does it? Press and Schechter assumed that the collapse is spherical and argued that a
halo of mass M and radius R is formed when the corresponding smoothed linear density contrast at
recollapse is larger than the critical value c ' 1.68 computed in the previous section. Of course the

real density contrast will be much larger, of the order of 200, but we are not interested in it. Notice
that in the PS formalism therefore there is no dynamics in time, it only provides the probability
that at a given point a halo of mass M will form. In order to compute such a probability we turn
to a beautiful statistical tool, the excursion set method.

47.1 The computation of the halo mass function as a stochastic

The computation of the halo mass function can be formulated in terms of a stochastic process. One
considers the density contrast (x) and smooths it on some scale R

d3 k ik·x
(x, R) = k W (k, R)e . (1028)
We focus on the evolution of (x, R) with R at a fixed value of x, that we can choose without loss of
generality as x = 0, and we write (x = 0, R) simply as (R). Taking the derivative of Eq. (1028)
with respect to R we get
@ (R)
= ⇣(R), (1029)
where Z
d3 k @W (k, R)
⇣(R) ⌘ k . (1030)
(2⇡)3 @R
Since the modes k are stochastic variables, ⇣(R) is a stochastic variable too, and Eq. (1029) has
the form of a Langevin equation, with R playing the role of time, and ⇣(R) playing the role of noise.
When (R) is a Gaussian variable, only its two-point connected correlator is non-vanishing. In this
case, we see from Eq. (zetadelta) that also ⇣ is Gaussian. The two-point function of defines the
power spectrum P (k),
h (k) ( k0 )i = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k + k0 )P (k) . (1031)

From this it follows that

Z 1
2 @W (k, R1 ) @W (k, R2 )
h⇣(R1 )⇣(R2 )i = d(ln k) (k) , (1032)
1 @R1 @R2

where, as usual, 2 (k) = k 3 P (k)/2⇡ 2 . For a generic filter function the right-hand side is a function
of R1 and R2 , di↵erent from a Dirac delta D (R1 R2 ). In the literature on stochastic processes
this case is known as colored Gaussian noise. Things simplify considerably for a sharp k-space filter
W (k, R) = ✓(k kf ). Using kf = 1/R instead of R, and defining Q(kf ) = (1/kf )⇣(kf ), we find

@ (kf )
= Q(kf ), (1033)
@ ln kf

2 (3)
hQ(kf 1 )Q(kf 2 )i = (kf 1 ) (ln kf 1 ln kf 2 ). (1034)

Therefore, we have a Dirac delta noise. We can write these equations in an even simpler form using
as “pseudotime” variable the variance S = 2
Z 1
S(R) = d(ln k) (k)|W (k, R)|2 . (1035)

For a sharp k-space filter, S becomes

Z ln kf
S(kf ) = d(ln k) (k), (1036)

@S 2
= (kf ). (1037)
@ ln kf
Thus, redefining finally ⌘(kf ) = Q(kf )/ 2 (k
f ), we get

Figure 40: The stochastic motion of the smoothed density contrast.

@ (S)
= ⌘(S), (1038)

h⌘(S1 )⌘(S2 )i = (S1 S2 ), (1039)

which is a the Langevin equation with Dirac-delta noise, with S playing the role of time. In hier-
archical power spectra, at R = 1 we have S = 0, and S increases monotonically as R decreases.
Therefore we can start from R = 1, corresponding to “time” S = 0, where d = 0, and follow the
evolution of (S) as we decrease R, i.e. as we increase S. The fact that this evolution is governed by
the Langevin equation means that (S) performs a random walk, with respect to the “time” variable
S. We may refer to the evolution of as a function of S as a “trajectory”. In the spherical collapse
model, a virialized object forms as soon as the trajectory exceeds the threshold = c.

According to the PS formalism an halo is formed when the stochastic quantity (R) in its
random walk crosses the barrier at c for the first time. It is therefore a problem known in statistical
mechanics as the first-time passage problem. We are not interested in subsequent crossing of the
barrier as the halo has formed after the first crossing.
We therefore consider an ensemble of trajectories, all starting from the initial value = 0 at
initial “time” S = 0, and have compute the function that gives the probability distribution of
reaching a value c at “time” S for the first time.
Notice that or a Gaussian theory, the only non-vanishing connected correlator is then the two-
point correlator h (S1 ) (S2 )ic , where the subscript c stands for connected.
We consider an ensemble of trajectories all starting at S0 = 0 from an initial position (0) = 0,

and we follow them for a time S. We discretize the interval [0, S] in steps S = ✏, so Sk = k✏ with
k = 1, . . . n, and Sn ⌘ S. A trajectory is defined by the collection of values { 1 , . . . , n }, such that
(Sk ) = k. There is no absorbing barrier, i.e. (S) is allowed to range freely from 1 to +1. The
probability density in the space of trajectories is

W ( 0; 1 , . . . , n ; Sn ) ⌘h D( (S1 ) 1) . . . D( (Sn ) n )i, (1040)

In terms of W we define
Z c
Z c
⇧( 0 ; n ; Sn ) ⌘ d 1... d n 1 W ( 0 ; 1 , . . . , n 1 , n ; Sn ) , (1041)
1 1

where Sn = n✏. So, ⇧( 0 ; ; S) is the probability density of arriving at the ”position” in a ”time”
S, starting from 0 at time S0 = 0, through trajectories that never exceeded c. Observe that the
final point ranges over 1< < 1.
The usefulness of ⇧ is that it allows us to compute the first-crossing rate from first principles,
without the need of postulating the existence of an absorbing barrier. Simply, the quantity
Z c
F (S) = 1 d ⇧( 0 ; ; S) (1042)

gives the fraction of trajectories that crossed the barrier at time S. The rate of change of this
quantity is therefore equal to minus the rate at which trajectories cross for the first time the barrier,

so the first-crossing rate is
dF c
F(S) = = d ⇧( 0 ; ; S). (1043)
dS 1 @S
The halo mass function follows if one has a relation M = M (R) that gives the mass associated to the
smoothing of d over a region of radius R. Once M (R) is given, we can consider F as a function of
M rather than of S(R). Then |dF/dM |dM is the fraction of volume occupied by virialized objects
with mass between M and M + dM . Since each one occupies a volume V = M/¯
⇢, where ⇢¯ is the
average density of the universe, the number of virialized object n(M ) with mass between M and
M + dM is given by
dn ⇢¯ dF
dM = dM, (1044)
dM M dM
dn ⇢¯ dF dS ⇢¯ 1
2 d ln
= = 2 F(S)2 , (1045)
dM M dS dM M d ln M
where we used S = 2. Therefore, in terms of the first-crossing rate F(S) = dF/dS, the function
f ( ) defined from Eq. (A.203) is given by

2 2
f( ) = 2 F( ). (1046)

To deduce ⇧( 0 ; n ; S) we use a path integral formulation. We use the integral representation of the
Dirac delta Z 1
d i x
D (x) = e , (1047)
1 2⇡
and we write Eq. (A.175) as
Z 1
d 1 d n i Pni=1 i
(Si )
W ( 0; 1, . . . , n ; Sn ) = ... e i i
he i=1 i
i. (1048)
1 2⇡ 2⇡

Observe that the dependence on 0 here is hidden in the correlators of , e.g. h 2 (S = 0)i = 2
0. It
is convenient to set for simplicity 0 = 0 from now on. For Gaussian fluctuations,
Pn 1 Pn
i (Si ) i jh (Si ) (Sj )ic
he i=1 i
i=e 2 i,j=1 , (1049)

as can be checked immediately by performing the Taylor expansion of the exponential on the left-
hand side, and using the fact that, for Gaussian fluctuations, the generic correlator factorizes into
sum of products of two-points correlators. This gives
Z Pn Pn
i j h i j ic
W ( 0 ; 1 , . . . , n ; Sn ) = D ei i=1 i i 2 i,j=1 , (1050)

where Z Z 1
d 1 d n
D ⌘ ... , (1051)
1 2⇡ 2⇡

and i ⌘ (Si ). Then
8 9
Z Z < Xn n =
1 X
⇧( n ; Sn ) = d 1...d n 1 D exp i i i i j h i j ic . (1052)
1 : 2 ;
i=1 i,j=1

Let us now compute the two-point correlator. Using as initial condition Eq. (1038) integrates to
(S) = dS 0 ⌘(S 0 ) , (1053)

so the two-point correlator is given by

Z Si Z Sj
h (Si ) (Sj )ic = dS dS 0 h⌘(S)⌘(S 0 )i = min(Si , Sj ). (1054)
0 0

Let us now take the derivative of Eq. (A.187) with respect to Sn

8 9
Z Z < X n ✓ X n 2
◆ =
@ c
1 n
⇧( n ; Sn ) = d 1...d n 1 D exp i i i i j h i j ic
@Sn 1 2 : 2 ;
i=1 i,j=1
8 9
Z c Z < Xn n =
1 @2 1 X
= d 1...d n 1 D exp i i i i j h i j ic .
2 @ n2 1 : 2 ;
i=1 i,j=1


We discover that the probability P i( 0 ; n ; Sn ) satisfies a Fokker-Planck equation (setting Sn = S

and n = )
@ 1 @2
⇧( ; S) = ⇧( ; S), (1056)
@S 2@ 2
which has to be solved with the following boundary conditions

⇧( ; 0) = D( 0 ), and ⇧( c ; S) = 0, (1057)

where we have restored a non vanishing initial condition. The first condition says that the trajectory
has to start from (0) = 0, while the second condition simply states that as the random walk reaches
the barrier at c for the first time the motion should stop, or in other words, the trajectory should
be removed.
The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation with such boundary conditions is given by

1 ⇣ ( 0)
2 /2S + 0 )2 /2S

⇧( ; S) = p e e(2 c
. (1058)

1 @⇧ 1 ( 0)
2 /2S
F(S) = =p e c
, (1059)
2 @ = c
2⇡S 3/2
and (now setting 0 back to zero)

✓ ◆ ✓ ◆1/2
dn 2 c 2
c /(2
2) ⇢¯ d ln 1
= e . (1060)
dM PS ⇡ M 2 d ln M
This result can be extended to arbitrary redshift z reabsorbing the evolution of the variance into c,

so that c in the above result is replaced by c (z) = c (0)/D+ (z), where D+ (z) is the linear growth

Figure 41: The Press-Schechter prediction (solid line) versus N-body data.

One can see from Fig. 41, where we plot the PS halo mass function as a function of the parameter
⌫ = 1/2 ,
c /S that PS theory predicts a little bit too many low-mass halos, roughly by a factor of
two, and too few high-mass halos, by a factor O(10) or so. Nevertheless, the simple logic behind

the PS theory work surprisingly well if we think of how complicated the collapse is. In particular,
the exponential tail of the halo mass function is obtained (even though not with quite the correct
coefficient in the exponent) and due to the Gaussian nature of the perturbations. Nowadays analytic
techniques generally go beyond the PS approach and model the collapse as, e.g. ellipsoidal. However,
the PS theory is able to reproduce, at least qualitatively, several properties of dark matter halos
such as their conditional and unconditional mass function, halo accretion histories, merger rates and
halo bias.

48 The bias
In order to make full use of the cosmological information encoded in large-scale structure, it is
essential to understand the relation between the number density of galaxies and the mass density
field. It was first appreciated during the 1980s that these two fields need not be strictly proportional.
So it is useful to introduce the linear bias parameter

✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
⇢ ⇢
= . (1061)
⇢ g ⇢ m

This seems a reasonable assumption when ⇢/⇢ ⌧ 1, although it leaves open the question of how
the e↵ective value of b would be expected to change on nonlinear scales. Galaxy clustering on
large scales therefore allows us to determine mass fluctuations only if we know the value of the
bias parameter b. We now consider the central mechanism of biased clustering, in which a rare
high density fluctuation, corresponding to a massive object, collapses sooner if it lies in a region of
large-scale overdensity. This helping hand from the long-wavelength modes means that overdense
regions contain an enhanced abundance of massive objects with respect to the mean, so that these
systems display enhanced clustering. The basic mechanism can be immediately understood via the
Fig. 42 which explains the peak-background split model. If we decompose a density field into a
fluctuating component on galaxy scales, together with a long-wavelength as well, then those regions
of density that lie above a threshold in density of ⌫ times the variance will be strongly clustered.
If proto-objects are presumed to form at the sites of these high peaks, then this is a population
with Lagrangian bias, i.e. a non-uniform spatial distribution even prior to dynamical evolution of
the density field. The key question is the physical origin of the threshold: for massive objects such
as clusters, the requirement of collapse by the present imposes a threshold of ⌫ >
⇠ 2. For galaxies,
there will be no bias without additional mechanisms to cause star formation to favour those objects
that collapse first. The excursion set formalism provides a neat framework to understand how the
clustering of dark matter halos di↵ers from the overall clustering of matter. Consider the solution

Figure 42: The peak-background split model.

to the excursion set problem in we derived in the previous section. This gives the probability
distribution of given that on a smoothing scale S0 , the smoothed density fluctuation is 0. Notice
that the important quantity is the relative height of the density threshold ( c 0) so that in regions
with 0 > 0 on large scales, trajectories are more likely to penetrate the barrier at c and conversely
for 0 < 0.
The fraction of mass in collapsed halos of mass greater than M in a region that has a smoothed
density fluctuation 0 on scale S0 (corresponding to mass M0 and volume V0 ) is given
c 0
F (M | 0 , S0 ) = Erfc p . (1062)
2(S S0 )

Notice that as the density of the region increases, F increases because smaller upward excursions
are needed to cross the threshold. When 0 ! c, F ! 1 because the entire region will then be
interpreted as a collapsed halo of mass M0 . The fraction of mass in halos with mass in the range M
to M + dM is

dS dF (M | 0 , S0 )
f (M | 0 , S0 ) dM ⌘ dM
dM dM
" #
1 dS ( c 2
c 0 0)
= p exp dM, (1063)
2⇡ (S S0 )3/2 dM 2(S S0 )

so that regions with smoothed density 0 on scale S0 contain, on average,

M0 dS
N (M | 0 , S0 )dM = f (M | 0 , S0 ) dM (1064)
M dM

halos in this mass range. The quantity of interest is the relative over-abundance of halos in dense

regions compared to the mean abundance of halos,

L N (M | 0 , S0 )
halo = 1, (1065)
(dn(M )/dM )V0
where dn(M )/dM is the mean number density of halos in a mass range of width dM about M . The
superscript L indicates that this is the overdensity in the initial Lagrangian space determined by the
mass distribution at some very early time, ignoring the dynamical evolution of the overdense patch.
The relative overdensity of halos in large overdense and underdense patches is easy to compute.
In sufficiently large regions, S0 ⌧ S, 0 ⌧ c. Expanding Eq. (1065) to first order in the variables
S0 /S and 0/ c gives a simple relation between halo abundance and dark matter density

L ⌫2 1
halo = 0, (1066)

where ⌫ = 1/2
c /S = c/ (M ) as before. The overdensity in the initial Lagrangian space is propor-
tional to the dark matter overdensity and is a function of halo mass through ⌫. The final ingredient
needed to relate the abundance of halos to the matter density is a model for the dynamics that can
map the initial Lagrangian volume to the final Eulerian space. Let V and represent the Eulerian
space variables corresponding to the Lagrangian space variables V0 and 0. The final halo abundance
N (M | 0 , S0 )
h = 1. (1067)
(dn(M )/dM )V
Mass conservation implies V (1 + ) = V0 (1 + 0 ), but In the limit of a small overdensity, 0 ⌧ 1,
' 0, and V ' V0 , and therefore
⌫2 1
h = 1+ (1068)

⌘ bh . (1069)

This expression states that the overdensity of halos is linearly proportional to the overdensity of
the mass. The constant of proportionality bh (M, z) depends on the masses of the halos, and the
redshifts they virialized, but is independent of the size of the cells. Furthermore, its says that low-
mass haloes are antibiased and high mass haloes are positively biased. We can now understand the
observation that there are much more strongly clustered than galaxies in general: regions of large-
scale overdensity contain systematically more high-mass haloes than expected if the haloes traced
the mass. Indeed, by defining the correlation function

dk 3 m 2 ik·r
k 3 | km |2 sin kr
⇠(r) = m (x + r) m (x) = | k| e = d ln k ,
(2⇡)3 V 0 2⇡ 2 kr
Z 1
sin kr
= d ln k m (k) (1070)
0 kr

for which, if 2 (k) ⇠ k n+3 we have ⇠(r) ⇠ r n 3, it turns out observationally that

✓ ◆ 1.8 ✓ ◆ 1.8
r r
⇠cc (r) ' 1 Mpc
' 20⇠gg (r) ' 20 1 Mpc
, (1071)
25 h 5h
that is clusters are more correlated than galaxies. However, one should be careful that applying the
idea to galaxies is not straightforward: we have shown that enhanced clustering is only expected for
massive fluctuations with <
⇠ 1, but galaxies at z = 0 fail this criterion. The high-peak idea applies
will at high redshift, where massive galaxies are still assembling, but today there has been time for
galaxy-scale haloes to collapse in all environments.

49 The halo model

The halo model somehow collects the informations of the previous sections to construct the power
spectrum of matter on nonlinear scales. In the model, all mass is bound up into halos which have a
range of masses and density profiles. Therefore, the density at position x is given by summing up
the contribution from each halo

⇢(x) = fi (x xi ) = ⇢(x xi |mi ) ⌘ u(x xi |mi )
i i i
= dm d3 x0 D (m mi ) (3)
(x0 xi ) m u(x x0 ), (1072)

where fi denotes the density profile of the ith halo which is supposed to be centered at xi . The
second equality follows from assuming that the density run around a halo depends only on its mass;
this profile shape is parameterized by ⇢, which depends on the distance from the halo center and
the mass of the halo. The third equality defines the normalized profile u, which is ⇢ divided by the
total mass contained in the profile

d3 x0 u(x x0 |m) = 1. (1073)

The number density of halos of mass m is

D (m mi ) (3)
(x0 xi ) ⌘ n(m), (1074)
where h· · · i denotes the ensemble average. The mean density is

⇢¯ = h⇢(x)i = mi u(x xi |mi ) = dm d3 x0 u(x x0 |m) = dm m n(m), (1075)

where the ensemble average has been replaced by an average over the halo mass function n(m) and
an average over space. The two-point correlation function is

⇠(x x0 ) = ⇠1halo (x x0 ) + ⇠2halo (x x0 ), (1076)


0 m2 n(m)
⇠1halo (x x) = dm d3 y u(y|m)u(y + x x0 |m),
m1 n(m1 ) m2 n(m2 )
⇠2halo (x x0 ) = dm1 dm2 d3 x1 u(x x1 |m1 )
⇢¯ ⇢¯
⇥ d3 x2 u(x1 x2 |m2 )⇠hh (x1 x2 |m1 , m2 ). (1077)

The first term describes the case in which the two contributions to the density are from the same
halo, and the second term represents the case in which the two contributions are from di↵erent halos.
Both terms require knowledge of how the halo abundance and density profile depend on mass. The
second term also requires knowledge of ⇠hh (x1 x2 |m1 , m2 ), the two-point correlation function of
halos of mass m1 and m2 .
The first term is relatively straightforward to compute: it is just the convolution of two similar
profiles of shape u(r|m), weighted by the total number density of pairs contributed by halos of mass
m. This term was studied in the 1970s, before numerical simulations had provided accurate models
of the halo abundances and density profiles.
The second term is more complicated. If u1 and u2 were extremely sharply peaked, then we could
replace them with delta functions; the integrals over x1 and x2 would yield ⇠hh (x1 x2 |m1 , m2 ) .
(x1 x2 ) = (x x0 ) + (x0 x2 ) + (x1 x), (1078)

shows that this should also be a reasonable approximation if ⇠hh (r|m1 , m2 ) (r = |x1 x2 |) varies
slowly on scales which are larger than the typical extent of a halo. Following the discussion in the
previous section with respect to halo bias, on large scales where biasing is deterministic,

⇠hh (r|m1 , m2 ) ' bh (m1 )bh (m2 )⇠(r). (1079)

Now ⇠(r) can can be taken outside of the integrals over m1 and m2 , making the two integrals
separable. The mass conservation relation

m n(m)
dm bh (m, z) = 1, (1080)

shows that each integral equals unity. Thus, on scales which are much larger than the typical halo
⇠2halo (r) ⇠ ⇠(r) ' ⇠lin (r) on sufficiently large scales. Because the model correlation function involves
convolutions, it is much easier to work in Fourier space: the convolutions of the real-space density
profiles become simple multiplications of the Fourier transforms of the halo profiles. Thus, we can
write the dark matter power spectrum as

P (k) = P1h (k) + P2h (k),

Z ✓ ◆2
P1h (k) = dm n(m) |u(k, m)|2 ,
Z ✓ ◆ Z ✓ ◆
m1 m2
P2h (k) = dm1 n(m1 ) u(k, m1 ) dm2 n(m2 ) u(k, m2 )Phh (k|m1 , m2 ).
⇢¯ ⇢¯

Here u(k|m) is the Fourier transform of the dark matter distribution within a halo of mass m and
Phh (k|m1 , m2 ) represents the power spectrum of halos of mass m1 and m2

Phh (k|m1 , m2 ) ' bh (m1 )bh (m2 )Pm (k). (1082)

If halos are identified as peaks in the initial density field, then massive halos correspond to higher
peaks in the initial fluctuation field. The density run around a high peak is shallower than the run
around a smaller peak: high peaks are less centrally concentrated. Therefore one might reasonably
expect massive virialized halos to also be less centrally concentrated than low mass halos. Such a
trend is indeed found. A typical halo profile is the NFW profile

⇢(r|m) = , (1083)
(r/rs )(1 + r/rs )2
and it provides very good descriptions of the density run around virialized halos in numerical simu-
lations. The parameters rs and ⇢s define a scale radius and the density at that radius, respectively.
Although they appear to provide a two-parameter fit, in practice, one finds an object of given mass
m and radius rvir in the simulations, and then finds rs that which provides the best fit to the density
run. This is because the edge of the object is its virial radius rvir , while the combination of rs and
the mass determines the characteristic density ⇢s following

Z rvir
m⌘ dr 4⇡r2 ⇢(r|m). (1084)
For the NFW profile

m' 4⇡⇢s rs3 ln(1 + c) , (1085)

where c = rvir /rs is known as the concentration parameter. Since most of the mass is at radii much
smaller than rvir , the fitted value of rs is not very sensitive to the exact choice of the boundary rvir
and one finds

Figure 43: The PSCz galaxy power spectrum compared to the dark matter power spectrum in a
⇤CDM model.

 0.13
9 m
c(m, z) ' , (1086)
1 + z m⇤ (z)
where m⇤ (z) is the characteristic scale at which ⌫(m, z) = 1. The Fourier transform of the dark
matter distribution within a halo of mass

R Z rvir
d3 x⇢(x|m)e ik·x 3
2 sin kr ⇢(r|m) 4⇡⇢s rs
u(k, m) = R ' dr 4⇡r {sin(krs ) [Si([1 + c]krs ) Si(krs )]
d3 x⇢(x|m) 0 kr m m
sin(krs )
+ cos(krs ) [Ci([1 + c]krs ) Ci(krs )] ,
(1 + c)krs
Z 1 Z x
cos t sin t
Ci(x) = dt , Si(x) = dt . (1087)
x t 0 t

The final result is given in Fig. 43. The discrepancy on smaller nonlinear scales suggests that the
bias between the galaxies and the dark matter might be scale dependent. Nevertheless the halo
model fits pretty well the power spectrum nonlinear scales.
This concludes this set of lectures. Of course they are not completely coherent, but we hope the
students have found them useful. The following three Appendices regard the non-Gaussianity of the

cosmological perturbations, the baryon asymmetry of the universe and the phase transitions in the
early universe, three hot topics in cosmology and astroparticle physics.


A Non-Gaussianity of the cosmological perturbations
Non-Gaussianity (NG), i.e. the study of non-Gaussian contributions to the correlations of cosmolog-
ical fluctuations, is emerging as an important probe of the early universe. Being a direct measure of
inflaton interactions, constraints on primordial NG’s will teach us a great deal about the inflationary
dynamics and on the mechanism giving rise to the primordial cosmological perturbations. Over the
last decade we have accumulated a good deal of observational evidence from CMB and LSS power
spectra that the observed structures originated from seed fluctuations in the very early universe.
As we have seen, the leading theory explaining the primordial origin of cosmological fluctuations is
cosmic inflation, a period of accelerated expansion at very early times. During inflation, microscopic
quantum fluctuations were stretched to macroscopic scales to provide the seed fluctuations for the
formation of large-scale structures like our own Galaxy. Despite the simplicity of the inflationary
paradigm, the mechanism by which cosmological perturbations are generated is not yet established.
In the standard slow-roll inflationary scenario associated to one-single field, the inflaton, density
perturbations are due to fluctuations of the inflaton itself when it slowly rolls down along its po-
tential. In the curvaton mechanism the final curvature perturbation R is produced from an initial
isocurvature mode associated with the quantum fluctuations of a light scalar (other than the infla-
ton), the curvaton, whose energy density is negligible during inflation. Recently, other mechanisms
for the generation of cosmological perturbations have been proposed: the inhomogeneous reheating
scenario, ghost-inflation, the DBI scenario, and from broken symmetries to mention a few.
A precise measurement of the spectral index nR of comoving curvature perturbations will pro-
vide a powerful constraint to slow-roll inflation models and the standard scenario for the generation
of cosmological perturbations which predicts nR close to unity. However, alternative mechanisms
generically also predict a value of nR very close to unity. Thus, even a precise measurement of the
spectral index will not allow us to efficiently discriminate among them. On the other hand, the
lack gravity-wave signals in CMB anisotropies will not give us any information about the pertur-
bation generation mechanism, since alternative mechanisms predict an amplitude of gravity waves
far too small to be detectable by future experiments aimed at observing the B-mode of the CMB
There is, however, a third observable which will prove fundamental in providing information

about the mechanism chosen by Nature to produce the structures we see today. It is the deviation
from a Gaussian statistics, i.e., the presence of higher-order connected correlation functions of the
perturbations. Indeed, a possible source of NG could be primordial in origin, being specific to a
particular mechanism for the generation of the cosmological perturbations. This is what makes a
positive detection of NG so relevant: it might help in discriminating among competing scenarios
which otherwise might be undistinguishable. While, as we shall see, single-field models of inflation
with canonical kinetic terms generically predict a tiny level of NG (of the order of the slow-roll
parameters), other models for the generation of the curvature perturbation, such as the curvaton
models, may predict a high level of NG. While detection of large primordial NG would not rule out
inflation, it would rule out in a single shot the large class of slow-roll models where inflation is driven
by a single scalar field with canonical kinetic energy.
NG can measured by various methods. A standard approach is to measure non-Gaussian correla-
tions, i.e., the correlations that vanish for a Gaussian distribution, in the CMB and in high-redshift
galaxy surveys. The three-point function, or its Fourier transform, the bispectrum, and the four-
point function, the trispectrum, are examples of such correlations. The dimensionless quantities fNL
and gNL set the amplitude of the the bispectrum B (k1 , k2 , k3 ) and trispectrum T (k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 ) of
the (gauge-invariant) gravitational potential , respectively.
A large, detectable amount of NG can be produced when any of the following conditions is
violated: single field, canonical kinetic energy, slow-roll and initial adiabatic (the Bunch-Davies)
vacuum; an important theoretical discovery made toward the end of the last decade is that violation
of each of the above conditions results in unique signals with specific triangular shapes: multi-field
models, non-canonical kinetic term models, non-adiabatic-vacuum models (e.g., initially excited
states), and non-slow-roll models can generate a NG of the local type where the amplitude of the
loc enters in the
bispectrum is maximized for squeezed triangles (k3 ⌧ k2 ' k1 ); in such a case fNL
second-order gravitational potential expressed in terms of the linear Gaussian field g (on super-
horizon scales)

loc 2
(x) = g (x) + fNL g (x) . (A.1)
Notice that the parameter of the expansion is fNL g (x) which is much smaller than unity, for
sure perturbation theory holds. Alternatively, the NG can be for instance of the equilateral type
(k1 = k2 = k3 ) or of the flattened/folded type (k3 ' k2 ' 2k1 ), or even strongly scale-dependent
with a sharp cut-o↵ so that NG is very suppressed on large cosmological scales, but sizeable on small
loc = 2.7 ± 5.8 (68%
scales. The latest constraint on fNL come from the Planck data; for instance, fNL
CL) and fNL = 42 ± 75 (68% CL). While the statistical significance of the signal is still low, future

experiments, as we shall see, such as the Planck CMB satellite might lead to a detection of local NG
loc ⇠ 3 by combining the temperature and polarization bispectra. Bispectra measured
as small as fNL
loc and f eq that
from high-redshift galaxy surveys at redshifts z > 2 should yield constraints on fNL NL
are comparable to, or even better than, those from CMB experiments.
Non-Gaussianities are also particularly relevant in the high-mass end of the power spectrum
of perturbations, i.e. on the scale of galaxy clusters, since the e↵ect of NG fluctuations becomes
especially visible on the tail of the probability distribution. As a result, both the abundance and
the clustering properties of very massive halos are sensitive probes of primordial NG. The dark
matter (DM) mass function dn(M, z)/dM of halos of mass M at redshift z has been computed in
the presence of NG adopting various di↵erent techniques: via N-body simulations and analytically
through the Press-Schechter (PS) approach to mildly NG fields, the Edgeworth expansion and the
excursion set formalism. Deviations from Gaussianity in the DM halo mass function could be
detected or significantly constrained by the various planned large-scale galaxy surveys, both ground
based (such as DES, PanSTARRS and LSST) and on satellite (such as EUCLID).
The local primordial NG also alters the clustering of DM halos inducing a scale-dependent bias
on large scales. Indeed, in the local biasing model the galaxy density field at a given position is
described as a local function of the DM density field at the same position. As the primordial NG
generates a cross-talk between short and long wavelengths, it alters significantly the local bias and
introduces a strong scale dependence. The corresponding limit is loc < +70 at 95% CL.
29 < fNL
It is clear that measuring the primordial component of NG correlations o↵ers a new window into
the details of the fundamental physics of the primordial universe that are not accessible by Gaussian
correlations. To some extent, understanding NG does for inflation what direct detection experiments
do for dark matter, or the Large Hadron Collider for the Higgs particle. It probes the interactions
of the field sourcing inflation, revealing the fundamental aspects of the physics at very high energies
that are not accessible to any collider experiments.

A.1 The generation of non-Gaussianity in the primordial cosmo-

logical perturbations: generic considerations
In this subsection we wish to give a generic description of how large NG’s can be generated during
the primordial expansion of the universe. Suppose that there is a period of inflation, that is (quasi)
de Sitter expansion and that there are a number of light fields I which are quantum mechanically
excited. As we have previously seen, by the N formalism, the comoving curvature perturbation
⇣ on a uniform energy density hypersurface at time tf is, on sufficiently large scales, equal to the

perturbation in the time integral of the local expansion from an initial flat hypersurface (t = t⇤ ) to
the final uniform energy density hypersurface. On sufficiently large scales, the local expansion can
be approximated quite well by the expansion of the unperturbed Friedmann universe. Hence the
curvature perturbation at time tf can be expressed in terms of the values of the relevant scalar fields
I (t
⇤, ~
x) at t⇤ (notice the change of an irrelevant sign with respect to the previous definition of ⇣

I 1 I J
⇣(tf , ~x) = NI + NIJ + ··· , (A.2)
where NI and NIJ are the first and second derivative, respectively, of the number of e-folds
Z tf
N (tf , t⇤ , ~x) = dt H(t, ~x) . (A.3)

with respect to the field I. From the expansion (A.2) one can read o↵ the n-point correlators. For
instance, the three- and four-point correlators of the comoving curvature perturbation, the so-called
bispectrum and trispectrum respectively, is given by

B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = NI NJ NK BkIJK
1 k2 k 3
+ 2 permutations (A.4)


T⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 ) = NI NJ NK NL TkIJKL
1 k 2 k3 k 4

12 k3 k4
+ 11 permutations


12 k1 3
+ 11 permutations

+ 3 permutations , (A.5)


h k1 k2 i = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 )PkIJ
, (A.6)
h k1 k2 k3 i = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 + k3 )BkIJK
1 k 2 k3
, (A.7)
h k 1 k2 k 3 k 4 i = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 + k3 + k4 )TkIJKL
1 k 2 k3 k 4
, (A.8)

and kij = (ki + kj ). We see that the three-point correlator (and similarly for the four-point one) of
the comoving curvature perturbation is the sum of two pieces. One, proportional to the three-point
correlator of the I fields, is model-dependent and present when the fields I are intrinsically NG.
The second one is universal and is generated when the modes of the fluctuations are super-Hubble
and is present even if the I fields are Gaussian. Therefore, we learn immediately that NG can be

induced even if the light fields are purely Gaussian at horizon-crossing, this is, for instance, the case
of the curvaton. Nevertheless, in general the NG gets both contributions. Therefore, to compute
the three-point function for a specific inflationary model requires a careful treatment of the time-
evolution of the vacuum in the presence of interactions (while for the two-point function this e↵ect is
higher-order). In practice, computing three-point functions can be algebraically very cumbersome,
so in this appendix we restrict us to citing the final results. The details on how to compute these
three-point functions deserves a review of its own. Let us just sketch them.

A.2 A brief Review of the in-in formalism

The problem of computing correlation functions in cosmology di↵ers in important ways from the
corresponding analysis of quantum field theory applied to particle physics. In particle physics the
central object is the S-matrix describing the transition probability for a state in the far past | i
to become some state | 0 i in the far future, h 0 |S| i = h 0 (+1)| ( 1)i. Imposing asymptotic
conditions at very early and very late times makes sense in this case, since in Minkowski space,
states are assumed to non-interacting in the far past and the far future, i.e. the asymptotic state
are taken to be vacuum state of the free Hamiltonian H0 .
In cosmology, however, we evaluate the expectation values of products of fields at a fixed time.
Conditions are not imposed on the fields at both very early and very late times, but only at very early
times, when the wavelength is deep inside the horizon. In this limit (according to the equivalence
principle) the interaction picture fields should have the same firm as in Minkowski space. This lead
us to the definition of the Bunch-Davies vacuum (the free vacuum in Minkowski space).
To describe the time evolution of cosmological perturbations we split the Hamiltonian into a free
part and an interacting part
H = H0 + Hint . (A.9)

The free-field Hamiltonian H0 is quadratic in perturbations. Quadratic order was sufficient to

compute the two-point correlations. However, the higher-order correlations that concerned us in
our study of NG require going beyond quadratic order and defining the interaction Hamiltonian
Hint . The interaction Hamiltonian defines the evolution of states via the well-known time-evolution
operator ✓ Z ◆
0 0
U (⌧2 , ⌧1 ) = T exp i d⌧ Hint (⌧ ) , (A.10)
where T denotes the time-ordering operator. The time-evolution operator U may be used to relate
the interacting vacuum at arbitrary time |⌦(⌧ )i to the free (Bunch-Davies) vacuum |0i. We first

expand ⌦(⌧ ) in eigenstates of the free Hamiltonian,
|⌦i = |nihn|⌦(⌧ )i . (A.11)

Then we evolve |⌦(⌧ )i as

|⌦(⌧2 )i = U (⌧2 , ⌧1 )|⌦(⌧1 )i = |0ih0|⌦i + e+iEn (⌧2 ⌧1 )
|nihn|⌦(⌧1 )i . (A.12)
n 1

From Eq. (A.12) we see that the choice ⌧2 = 1(1 i✏) projects out all excited states. Hence, we
have the following relation between the interacting vacuum at ⌧ = 1(1 i✏) and the free vacuum
|⌦( 1(1 i✏))i = |0ih0|⌦i . (A.13)

Finally, the interacting vacuum at an arbitrary time ⌧ is

|ini ⌘ |⌦(⌧ )i = U (⌧, 1(1 i✏))|⌦( 1(1 i✏))i (A.14)

Z ⌧ !
0 0
= T exp i d⌧ Hint (⌧ ) |0ih0|⌦i . (A.15)
1(1 i✏)

In the “in-in” formalism, the expectation value hW (⌧ )i, of a product of operators W (⌧ ) at time ⌧ ,
is evaluated as

hin|W (⌧ )|ini
hW (⌧ )i ⌘ (A.16)
D ⇣ R⌧ 0

0 †
⇣ R⌧ ⌘ E
Hint (⌧ 00 )d⌧ 00
= 0 T e i 1+ Hint (⌧ )d⌧ W (⌧ ) T e i 1+ 0 , (A.17)

D ⇣ R⌧ ⌘ ⇣ R⌧ ⌘ E
i Hint (⌧ 0 )d⌧ 0 i Hint (⌧ 00 )d⌧ 00
hW (⌧ )i = 0 T̄ e 1 W (⌧ ) T e 1+ 0 , (A.18)

where we defined the anti-time-ordering operator T̄ and the notation 1± ⌘ 1(1 ⌥ i✏). This
definition of the correlation functions hW (⌧ )i in terms of the interaction Hamiltonian Hint is the
main result of the “in-in” formalism. The interaction Hamiltonian is computed in the ADM approach
to General Relativity and hW (⌧ )i is then evaluated perturbatively.
For instance, this formalism can be used to compute the three-point function of the curvature
perturbation ⇣ for various inflationary models,
D ⇣ R⌧ ⌘ ⇣ R⌧ ⌘ E
i Hint (⌧ 0 )d⌧ 0 i Hint (⌧ 00 )d⌧ 00
h⇣k1 ⇣k2 ⇣k3 i(⌧ ) = 0 T̄ e 1 ⇣k1 (⌧ )⇣k2 (⌧ )⇣k3 (⌧ ) T e 1+ 0 . (A.19)

Let us sketch how the interaction Hamiltonian is computed The inflationary action is expanded
S = S0 [ ¯, ḡµ⌫ ] + S2 [⇣ 2 ] + S3 [⇣ 3 ] + · · · . (A.20)

Here, we have defined a background part S0 , a quadratic free-field part S2 and a non-linear interaction
term S3 . The background action S0 defines the Hubble parameter H and the slow-roll parameters
✏ and ⌘. The free-field action S2 defines the time-evolution of the mode functions ⇣(⌧ ) in the
interaction picture (often denoted by ⇣I (⌧ )). The non-linear part of the action defines the interaction
Hamiltonian, e.g. at cubic order S3 = d⌧ Hint (⇣I ). Schematically, the interaction Hamiltonian
takes the following form
Hint = fi (✏, ⌘, . . . )⇣I3 (⌧ ) . (A.21)
If we define the expansion of the operator corresponding to the Mukhanov variable, v = 2a2 ✏ R, in
terms of creation and annihilation operators

v̂k (⌧ ) = vk (⌧ )âk + vk⇤ (⌧ )↠k . (A.22)

The mode functions vk (⌧ ) were defined uniquely by initial state boundary conditions when all modes
were deep inside the horizon ✓ ◆
e ik⌧ i
vk (⌧ ) = p 1 . (A.23)
2k k⌧
The free two-point correlation function is

h0|v̂k1 (⌧1 )v̂k2 (⌧2 )|0i = (2⇡)3 (3)

(k1 + k2 )Gk1 (⌧1 , ⌧2 ) , (A.24)

Gk1 (⌧1 , ⌧2 ) ⌘ vk (⌧1 )vk⇤ (⌧2 ) . (A.25)

Expansion of Eqn. (A.19) in powers of Hint gives:

• at zeroth order
hW (⌧ )i(0) = h0|W (⌧ )|0i , (A.26)

where W (⌧ ) ⌘ ⇣k1 (⌧ )⇣k2 (⌧ )⇣k3 (⌧ ).

• at first order  Z ⌧
hW (⌧ )i(1) = 2 Re i d⌧ 0 h0|W (⌧ )Hint (⌧ 0 )|0i . (A.27)

• at second order
"Z Z #
⌧ ⌧0
hW (⌧ )i(2) = 2 Re d⌧ 0 d⌧ 00 h0|W (⌧ )Hint (⌧ 0 )Hint (⌧ 00 )|0i
1+ 1+
Z ⌧ Z ⌧
+ d⌧ 0 d⌧ 00 h0|Hint (⌧ 0 )W (⌧ )Hint (⌧ 00 )|0i . (A.28)
1 1+

In the bispectrum calculations the zeroth-order term (A.26) vanishes for Gaussian initial conditions.
The leading result therefore comes from Eq. (A.27). Evaluating Eq. (A.27) makes use of Wick’s
theorem to expresses the result as products of two-point functions (A.25).

A.3 The shapes of non-Gaussianity
Let us discuss the various shapes of the NG. One of the first ways to parameterize non-Gaussianity
phenomenologically was via a non-linear correction to a Gaussian perturbation Rg ,

3 local ⇥ ⇤
⇣(x) = ⇣g (x) + fNL ⇣g (x)2 h⇣g (x)2 i . (A.29)

This definition is local in real space and therefore called local NG. Experimental constraints on
local defined via Eq. (A.29). The factor of 3/5
non-Gaussianity are often set on the parameter fNL
in Eq. (A.29) is conventional since non-Gaussianity was first defined in terms of the Newtonian
⇥ 2

potential, (x) = g (x) + fNL g (x) h g (x)2 i , which during the matter era is related to ⇣ by
a factor of 3/5. Using Eq. (A.29) the bispectrum of local non-Gaussianity may be derived

6 local
B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = fNL ⇥ [P⇣ (k1 )P⇣ (k2 ) + P⇣ (k2 )P⇣ (k3 ) + P⇣ (k3 )P⇣ (k1 )] . (A.30)

For a scale-invariant spectrum, P⇣ (k) = Ak 3,

this is

6 local 1 1 1
B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = fNL ⇥ A2 + + . (A.31)
5 (k1 k2 )3 (k2 k3 )3 (k3 k1 )3

Without loss of generality, let us order the momenta such that k3  k2  k1 . The bispectrum for
local non-Gaussianity is then largest when the smallest k (i.e. k3 ) is very small, k3 ⌧ k1 ⇠ k2 .
The other two momenta are then nearly equal. In this squeezed limit, the bispectrum for local
non-Gaussianity becomes

12 local
lim B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = f ⇥ P⇣ (k1 )P⇣ (k3 ) . (A.32)
k3 ⌧k1 ⇠k2 5 NL

The delta function in the definition of the bispectrum enforces that the three Fourier modes of
the bispectrum form a closed triangle. Di↵erent inflationary models predict maximal signal for
di↵erent triangle configurations. This shape of non-Gaussianity is potentially a powerful probe of
the mechanism that laid down the primordial perturbations.
It will be convenient to define the shape function

S(k1 , k2 , k3 ) ⌘ N (k1 k2 k3 )2 B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) , (A.33)

where N is an appropriate normalization factor. Two commonly discussed shapes are the local
model, cf. Eq. (A.31),
S local (k1 , k2 , k3 ) / , (A.34)
and the equilateral model,
k̃1 k̃2 k̃3
S equil (k1 , k2 , k3 ) / . (A.35)

Here, we have introduced a notation
Kp = (ki )p with K = K1 (A.36)
1 X
Kpq = (ki )p (kj )q (A.37)
1 X
Kpqr = (ki )p (kj )q (kl )q (A.38)

k̃ip = Kp 2(ki )p with k̃i = k̃i1 , (A.39)

where pq = 1+ pq and pqr = pq ( qr + pr ) (no summation). This notation significantly

compresses the increasingly complex expressions for the bispectra discussed in the literature.
We have argued above that for scale-invariant fluctuations the bispectrum is only a function of
the two ratios k2 /k1 and k3 /k1 . We hence define the rescaled momenta

xi ⌘ . (A.40)

We have ordered the momenta such that x3  x2  1. The triangle inequality implies x2 +x3 > 1. In
the following we plot S(1, x2 , x3 ) (see Figs. 44, 46, and 47). We use the normalization, S(1, 1, 1) ⌘ 1.
To avoid showing equivalent configurations twice S(1, x2 , x3 ) is set to zero outside the triangular
region 1 x2  x3  x2 . We see in Fig. 44 that the signal for the local shape is concentrated at
x3 ⇡ 0, x2 ⇡ 1, while the equilateral shape peaks at x2 ⇡ x3 ⇡ 1. Fig. 45 illustrates how the di↵erent
triangle shapes are distributed in the x2 -x3 plane.
Physically motivated models for producing non-Gaussian perturbations often produce signals
that peak at special triangle configurations. Three important special cases are:

i) squeezed triangle (k1 ⇡ k2 k3 )

This is the dominant mode of models with multiple light fields during inflation.

ii) equilateral triangle (k1 = k2 = k3 )

Signals that peak at equilateral triangles arise in models with higher-derivative interactions
and non-trivial speeds of sound.

iii) folded triangle (k1 = 2k2 = 2k3 )

Folded triangles arise in models with non-standard initial states.

In addition, there are the intermediate cases: elongated triangles (k1 = k2 +k3 ) and isosceles triangles
(k1 > k2 = k3 ). For arbitrary shape functions we measure the magnitude of NG by defining the

S equil (1, x2 , x3 )
S local (1, x2 , x3 )

1.0 1.0

x2 0.75
0 0.0
0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5
0.5 0.5
1.0 1.0
x3 x3
Figure 44: 3D plots of the local and equilateral bispectra. The coordinates x2 and x3 are the
rescaled momenta k2 /k1 and k3 /k1 , respectively. Momenta are order such that x3 <
x2 < 1 and satsify the triangle inequality x2 + x3 > 1.

squeezed equilateral







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 45: Shapes of Non-Gaussianity. The coordinates x2 and x3 are the rescaled momenta k2 /k1
and k3 /k1 , respectively. Momenta are order such that x3 < x2 < 1 and satsify the
triangle inequality x2 + x3 > 1.

generalized fNL parameter

5 B⇣ (k, k, k)
fNL ⌘ . (A.41)
18 P⇣ (k)2
In this definition the amplitude of non-Gaussianity is normalized in the equilateral configuration.

1.0 30

x2 0.7


S local (1, x2 , x3 )
0.5 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 46: Contour plot of the local bispectrum.

1.0 1.0

0.9 0.8

0.8 0.6

0.7 0.4

0.6 0.2
S (1, x2 , x3 )
0.5 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 47: Contour plot of the equilateral bispectrum.

A.4 Theoretical Expectations

Let us analyze what are the theoretical expectations from the various classes of models.

A.4.1 Single-Field Slow-Roll Inflation

Successful slow-roll inflation demands that the interactions of the inflaton field are weak. Since the
wave function of free fields in the ground state is Gaussian, the fluctuations created during slow-roll
inflation are expected to be Gaussian. A lengthy computation gives

✓ ◆
SR K3 K22
S (k1 , k2 , k3 ) / (✏ 2⌘) + ✏ K12 + 8 (A.42)
K111 K
⇡ (4✏ 2⌘) S local (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + ✏ S equil (k1 , k2 , k3 ) , (A.43)

where S local and S equil are normalized so that S local (k, k, k) = S equil (k, k, k). The bispectrum for
slow-roll inflation peaks at squeezed triangles and has an amplitude that is suppressed by slow-roll

fNL = O(✏, ⌘) . (A.44)

To get convinced about this result one can use the N formalism applied to a single field model.
One finds that

fNL ⇠ . (A.45)

Using the fact that N = H/ ˙ , one gets that

! !
N 1 d Ḣ H¨ 1 ˙2 Ḣ ¨
= 2 N = ⇥ ⇥ 2 = =( ✏+⌘ ✏) = ⌘ 2✏ . (A.46)
N 2 N ˙ dt ˙ ˙2 ˙ H H2 H˙

This iincomplete result makes intuitive sense since the slow-roll parameters characterize deviations of
the inflaton from a free field. To get the the full result behavior, let us consider Eq. (A.4) restricting
ourselves to the one-single field case. Then

⇣ ⌘
B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = N 3 Bk1 k2 k3 + N 2 N P (k1 )P (k2 ) + 2 permutations . (A.47)
At first-order we have k ' (H/2⇡). However at second-order there is a local correction to the
amplitude of vacuum fluctuations at Hubble exit due to first-order perturbations in the local Hubble
e ). This is determined by the local scalar field value due to longer wavelength modes that
rate H(
have already left the horizon

Z kc
e ) = H( ) + H 0 ( ) d3 k
H( k, (A.48)
0 (2⇡)3
where kc is the cut-o↵ wavenumber which selects only long wavelength perturbation at horizon
crossing. Thus for a mode k1 ' k2 k3 one can write at second-order

Z kc
(2) H0 d3 k 0 (1) (1)
k1 ' k0 k1 k0 , (A.49)
H 0 (2⇡)3
where k1 ' k2 kc . The bispectrum for the inflation field therefore reads in the squeezed limit

(2) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) H0

B k1 k 2 k3 ' h k1 k2 k3 i +h k1 k2 k3 i ' (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 + k3 )2 P (k3 )P (k1 )
✓ ◆ H
' 2✏ (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 + k3 )P (k3 )P (k1 )
= 2✏N (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 + k3 )P (k3 )P (k1 ) . (A.50)

Using Eq. (A.46) we then get

h i
B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = (2⇡)3 (3)
(k1 + k2 + k3 ) 2✏N 4 P (k3 )P (k1 ) + 2(⌘ 2✏)P ⇣ (k3 )P ⇣ (k1 )

= (2⌘ 6✏)P ⇣ (k3 )P ⇣ (k1 )

= (n⇣ 1)P ⇣ (k3 )P ⇣ (k1 ) (A.51)

and we have obtained a (n⇣ 1) suppression. In fact, this result goes beyond the slow-roll assumption:
under the assumption of single-field inflation, but no other assumptions about the inflationary action,
one is able to prove a powerful theorem

lim h⇣k1 ⇣k2 ⇣k3 i = (2⇡)3 (3)

(k1 + k2 + k3 ) (n⇣ 1) P⇣ (k1 )P⇣ (k3 ) . (A.52)
k3 !0

Eq. (A.52) states that for single-field inflation, the squeezed limit of the three-point function is
suppressed by (1 n⇣ ) and vanishes for perfectly scale-invariant perturbations. The same happens
for higher-order correlators. A detection of non-Gaussianity in the squeezed limit can therefore rule
out single-field inflation. In particular, this statement is independent of: the form of the potential,
the form of the kinetic term (or sound speed) and the initial vacuum state.
The proof is the following. The squeezed triangle correlates one long-wavelength mode, kL = k3
to two short-wavelength modes, kS = k1 ⇡ k2 ,

h⇣k1 ⇣k2 ⇣k3 i ⇡ h(⇣kS )2 ⇣kL i . (A.53)

Modes with longer wavelengths freeze earlier. Therefore, kL will be already frozen outside the horizon
when the two smaller modes freeze and acts as a background field for the two short-wavelength modes.
Why should (⇣kS )2 be correlated with ⇣kL ? The theorem says that “it is not correlated if ⇣k
is precisely scale-invariant”. The proof is simplest in real-space. The long-wavelength curvature
perturbation ⇣kL rescales the spatial coordinates (or changes the e↵ective scale factor) within a
given Hubble patch
ds2 = dt2 + a2 (t)e 2⇣
dx2 . (A.54)

The two-point function h⇣k1 ⇣k2 i will depend on the value of the background fluctuations ⇣kL already
frozen outside the horizon. In position space the variation of the two-point function given by the
long-wavelength fluctuations ⇣L is at linear order

@ d
h⇣(x)⇣(0)i · ⇣L = x h⇣(x)⇣(0)i · ⇣L . (A.55)
@⇣L dx

To get the three-point function one multiplies Eq. (A.55) by ⇣L and average over it. Going to Fourier
space gives Eq. (A.52).

A.4.2 Models with Large Non-Gaussianity

Although for a single-field slow-roll inflation non-Gaussianity is always small, single-field models can
still give large non-Gaussianity if higher-derivative terms are important during inflation (as opposed
to assuming a canonical kinetic term and no higher-derivative corrections as in slow-roll inflation).
Consider the following action
1 p
S= d4 x g [R P (X, )] , where X ⌘ (@µ )2 . (A.56)

Here, P (X, ) is an arbitrary function of the kinetic term X = (@µ )2 and hence can contain higher-
derivative interactions. These models in general have a non-trivial sound speed for the propagation
of fluctuations
c2s ⌘ . (A.57)
P,X + 2XP,XX
The second-order action for ⇣ (giving PR ) is
Z h i
S(2) = d4 x ✏ a3 (⇣)˙ 2 /c2 a(@i ⇣)2 + O(✏2 ) (A.58)

The third-order action for ⇣ is

Z h i
3 ˙ 2 3 ˙ 3 2
S(3) = d x ✏ . . . a (⇣) ⇣/cs + . . . a(@i ⇣) ⇣ + . . . a (⇣) /cs + O(✏3 ) .
4 2 2 2

We notice that the third-order action is surpressed by an extra factor of ✏ relative to the second-
order action. This is a reflection of the fact that non-Gaussianity is small in the slow-roll limit:
P (X, ) = X V ( ), c2s = 1. However, away from the slow-roll limit, for small sound speeds, c2s ⌧ 1,
a few interaction terms in Eq. (A.59) get boosted and non-Gaussianity can become significant. The
signal is peaked at equilateral triangles, with
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
equil 35 1 5 1
fNL = 1 + 1 2⇤ , (A.60)
108 c2s 81 c2s

X 2 P,XX + 23 X 3 P,XXX
⇤⌘ . (A.61)
XP,X + 2X 2 P,XX
Whether actions with arbitrary P (X, ) exist in consistent high-energy theories is an important
challenge for these models. It is encouraging that one of the most interesting models of inflation in
string theory,

A.4.3 Multiple Fields

In single-field slow-roll inflation interactions of the inflaton are constrained by the requirement that
inflation should occur. However, if more than one field was relevant during inflation this constraint

may be circumvented. Models like the curvaton mechanism or inhomogeneous reheating exploit this
to create non-Gaussian fluctuations via fluctuations is a second field that is not the inflaton. The
signal is peaked at squeezed triangles. Let us describe in some detail the curvaton case. We expand
the curvaton field up to first-order in the perturbations around the homogeneous background as
(⌧, x) = 0 (⌧ ) + , the linear perturbations satisfy on large scales

00 0 @2V
+ 2H + a2 = 0. (A.62)
@ 2

As a result on super-Hubble scales its fluctuations will be Gaussian distributed and with a nearly
scale-invariant spectrum given by
1 H⇤
P 2 (k) ⇡ , (A.63)
where the subscript ⇤ denotes the epoch of horizon exit k = aH. Once inflation is over the inflaton
energy density will be converted to radiation ( ) and the curvaton field will remain approximately
constant until H 2 ⇠ m2 . At this epoch the curvaton field begins to oscillate around the minimum
of its potential which can be safely approximated to be quadratic V ⇡ 12 m2 2. During this stage
the energy density of the curvaton field just scales as non-relativistic matter ⇢ / a 3. The energy
density in the oscillating field is
⇢ (⌧, x) ⇡ m2 2
(⌧, x) , (A.64)

and it can be expanded into a homogeneous background ⇢ (⌧ ) and a second-order perturbation ⇢

⇢ (⌧, x) = ⇢ (⌧ ) + ⇢ (⌧, x) = m2 + 2m2 + m2 2
. (A.65)

The ratio / remains constant and the resulting relative energy density perturbation is
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆2

=2 + , (A.66)
⇢ ⇤ ⇤

where the ⇤ stands for the value at horizon crossing. Such perturbations in the energy density of
the curvaton field produce in fact a primordial density perturbation well after the end of inflation
and a potentially large NG.
During the oscillations of the curvaton field, the total curvature perturbation can be written as
a weighted sum of the single curvature perturbations

⇣ = (1 f )⇣ + f ⇣ , (A.67)

where the quantity

f= (A.68)
4⇢ + 3⇢

defines the relative contribution of the curvaton field to the total curvature perturbation. Working
under the approximation of sudden decay of the curvaton field. Under this approximation the cur-
vaton and the radiation components ⇢ and ⇢ satisfy separately the energy conservation equations

⇢0 = 4 H⇢ ,

⇢0 = 3 H⇢ , (A.69)

and the curvature perturbations ⇣i remains constant on super-Hubble scales until the decay of the
curvaton. In the curvaton scenario it is supposed that the curvature perturbation in the radiation
produced at the end of inflation is negligible. From Eq. (A.67) the total curvature perturbation
during the curvaton oscillations is given by
" ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆2 #
f ⇢ f
⇣ = f⇣ ' ' 2 + , (A.70)
3 ⇢ 3 ⇤ ⇤

from which we deduce that

3 2
⇣ = ⇣g + (⇣ h⇣g2 i) , ⇣g = (2f /3)( / )⇤ , (A.71)
4f g
and therefore

loc 5
fNL = . (A.72)
We discover that the NG can be very large if f ⌧ 1. Furthermore, the NG is of the local type. This
is because it is generated not at horizon-crossing, but when the fluctuations are already outside the
It is nice to reproduce the same result with the N formalism. In the absence of interactions,
fluids with a barotropic equation of state, such as radiation (P = ⇢ /3) or the non-relativistic
curvaton (P = 0), have a conserved curvature perturbation (notice again a change of an irrelevant
sign from Eq. (495)) Z ⇢i
1 d˜
⇣i = N + . (A.73)
3 ⇢¯i ⇢˜i + Pi (˜
⇢i )
We assume that the curvaton decays on a uniform-total density hypersurface corresponding to H =
, i.e., when the local Hubble rate equals the decay rate for the curvaton (assumed constant). Thus
on this hypersurface we have

⇢ (tdec , x) + ⇢ (tdec , x) = ⇢¯(tdec ) , (A.74)

where, for the sake of clarity, we use a bar to denote the homogeneous, unperturbed quantity. Note
that we have ⇣ = N on the decay surface, and we can interpret ⇣ as the perturbed expansion, or

“ N ”. Assuming all the curvaton decay products are relativistic, we have that ⇣ is conserved after
the curvaton decay since the total pressure is simply P = ⇢/3.
By contrast the local curvaton and radiation densities on this decay surface may be inhomoge-
neous and we have from Eq. (A.73)
✓ ◆
1 ⇢
⇣ = ⇣ + ln , (A.75)
4 ⇢¯
✓ ◆
1 ⇢
⇣ = ⇣ + ln , (A.76)
3 ⇢¯
or, equivalently,

⇢ = ⇢¯ e4(⇣ ⇣)
, (A.77)

⇢ = ⇢¯ e3(⇣ ⇣)
. (A.78)

Requiring that the total density is uniform on the decay surface, we obtain the relation
4(⇣ ⇣) 3(⇣ ⇣)
(1 ⌦ ,dec )e +⌦ ,dec e = 1, (A.79)

where ⌦ ,dec = ⇢¯ /(¯

⇢ + ⇢¯ ) is the dimensionless density parameter for the curvaton at the decay
For simplicity we will restrict the following analysis to the simplest curvaton scenario in which
the curvature perturbation in the radiation fluid before the curvaton decays is negligible, i.e., ⇣ = 0.
After the curvaton decays the universe is dominated by radiation, with equation of state P = ⇢/3,
and hence the curvature perturbation, ⇣, is non-linearly conserved on large scales. With ⇣ = 0
Eq. (A.79) reads
h i
e4⇣ ⌦ ,dec e
e⇣ + [⌦ ,dec 1] = 0 . (A.80)

At first-order Eq. (A.79) gives

(1) (1)
4(1 ⌦ ,dec )⇣ = 3⌦ ,dec (⇣ ⇣ (1) ) , (A.81)

and hence we can write

⇣ (1) = f ⇣ (1) , (A.82)

3⌦ ,dec 3¯

f= = . (A.83)
4 ⌦ ,dec 3¯
⇢ + 4¯
⇢ tdec
At second order Eq. (A.79) gives
(2) (1)2 (2)
4(1 ⌦ ,dec )⇣ 16(1 ⌦ ,dec )⇣ = 3⌦ ,dec (⇣ ⇣ (2) ) + 9⌦ ,dec (⇣
⇣ (1) )2 , (A.84)

and hence
3 (1)2
⇣ (2) = ⇣ , (A.85)
which gives again Eq. (A.72).

A.4.4 A test of multi-field models of inflation

The collapsed limit of the four-point correlator is particularly important because, together with
the squeezed limit of the three-point correlator, it may lead to the so-called Suyama-Yamaguchi
(SY) inequality. Consider a class of multi-field models which satisfy the following conditions: a)
scalar fields are responsible for generating curvature perturbations and b) the fluctuations in scalar
fields at the horizon crossing are scale invariant and Gaussian. The second condition amounts to
assuming that the connected three- and four-point correlations of the I fields vanish and that the
NG is generated at super-Hubble scales. If so, the three- and four-point correlators of the comoving
curvature perturbation (A.4) and (A.5) respectively reduce to

B⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = NI NJK NL PkIK

+ 2 permutations (A.86)


T⇣ (k1 , k2 , k3 , k4 ) = NIJ NKL NM NN PkJL P IM PkKN

12 k1 3
+ 11 permutations

+ 3 permutations , (A.87)

Notice in particular that in the collapsed limit k12 ' 0 the last term of the four-point correlator
(A.87) is subleading. By defining the nonlinear parameters fNL and ⌧NL as
5 h⇣k1 ⇣k2 ⇣k3 i0
fNL = (k1 ⌧ k2 ⇠ k3 ),
12 P ⇣ P ⇣
k1 k2
1 h⇣k1 ⇣k2 ⇣k3 ⇣k4 i0
⌧NL = (k12 ' 0) . (A.88)
4 P⇣ P⇣ P⇣
k1 k3 k12

From these expressions we deduce that

fNL = , (A.89)
5 (NI N I )2

⌧NL = . (A.90)
(NI N I )3
Defining now the vectors VI = NIJ N J and N I and using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (V · N )2 
V 2 N 2 , we may immediately deduce that

(VI V I )(NI N I ) (VI N I )2 ) (N I NIJ NJK N K )(NI N I ) (N J NIJ N I )2 (A.91)

✓ ◆2
⌧NL fNL . (A.92)

In fact, this inequality holds also if the light fields are not Gaussian at horizon-crossing. The SY in-
equality is more a consequence of fundamental physical principles rather than of pure mathematical
arrangements. The observation of a strong violation of the inequality will then have profound impli-
cations for inflationary models as it will imply either that multi-field inflation cannot be responsible
for generating the observed fluctuations independently of the details of the model or that some new
non-trivial degrees of freedom play a role during inflation.

A.4.5 Non-Standard Vacuum

If inflation started in an excited state rather than in the Bunch-Davies vacuum, remnant non-
Gaussianity may be observable (unless inflation lasted much more than the minimal number of
e-folds, in which case the e↵ect is exponentially diluted). The signal is peaked at folded triangles
with a shape function

1 K2
S folded (k1 , k2 , k3 ) / (K12 K3 ) + 4 . (A.93)
K111 (k̃1 k̃2 k̃3 )2

A.5 The impact of the non-Gaussianity on the CMB anisotropies

Statistics like the bispectrum and the trispectrum of the CMB can be used to assess the level of
primordial NG (and possibly its shape) on various cosmological scales and to discriminate it from the
one induced by secondary anisotropies and systematic e↵ects. A positive detection of a primordial
NG in the CMB at some level might therefore confirm and/or rule out a whole class of mechanisms
by which the cosmological perturbations have been generated.
One should take into account that there are many sources of NG in CMB anisotropies, beyond
the primordial one. The most relevant sources are the so-called secondary anisotropies, which arise
after the last scattering epoch. These anisotropies can be divided into two categories: scattering
secondaries, when the CMB photons scatter with electrons along the line of sight, and gravitational
secondaries when e↵ects are mediated by gravity. Among the scattering secondaries we may list the
thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich e↵ect, where hot electrons in clusters transfer energy to the CMB pho-
tons, the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich e↵ect produced by the bulk motion of the electrons in clusters,
the Ostriker-Vishniac e↵ect, produced by bulk motions modulated by linear density perturbations,
and e↵ects due to reionization processes. The scattering secondaries are most significant on small
angular scales as density inhomogeneities, bulk and thermal motions grow and become sizeable on
small length-scales when structure formation proceeds.
Gravitational secondaries arise from the change in energy of photons when the gravitational
potential is time-dependent, the ISW e↵ect, and gravitational lensing. At late times, when the

Universe becomes dominated by the dark energy, the gravitational potential on linear scales starts
to decay, causing the ISW e↵ect mainly on large angular scales. Other secondaries that result from a
time dependent potential are the Rees-Sciama e↵ect, produced during the matter-dominated epoch
by the time evolution of the potential on non-linear scales.
The fact that the potential never grows appreciably means that most second order e↵ects created
by gravitational secondaries are generically small compared to those created by scattering ones.
However, when a photon propagates from the last scattering to us, its path may be deflected because
of the gravitational lensing. This e↵ect does not create anisotropies, but only modifies existing ones.
Since photons with large wavenumbers k are lensed over many regions (⇠ k/H, where H is the Hubble
rate) along the line of sight, the corresponding second-order e↵ect may be sizeable. The three-point
function arising from the correlation of the gravitational lensing and ISW e↵ects generated by the
matter distribution along the line of sight and the Sunyaev-Zeldovich e↵ect are large and detectable
by Planck. A crucial issue is the level of contamination to the extraction of the primordial NG the
secondary e↵ects can produce.
Another relevant source of NG comes from the physics operating at the recombination. A
naive estimate would tell that these non-linearities are tiny being suppressed by an extra power
of the gravitational potential. However, the dynamics at recombination is quite involved because
all the non-linearities in the evolution of the baryon-photon fluid at recombination and the ones
coming from general relativity should be accounted for. This complicated dynamics might lead to
unexpected suppressions or enhancements of the NG at recombination. Recently the computation
of the full system of Boltzmann equations, describing the evolution of the photon, baryon and Cold
Dark Matter (CDM) fluids, at second order and neglecting polarization, has been performed. These
equations allow to follow the time evolution of the CMB anisotropies at second order on all angular
scales from the early epochs, when the cosmological perturbations were generated, to the present
time, through the recombination era. These calculations set the stage for the computation of the
full second-order radiation transfer function at all scales and for a a generic set of initial conditions
specifying the level of primordial NG. Of course, for specific e↵ects on small angular scales like
Sunyaev-Zel’dovich, gravitational lensing, etc., fully non-linear calculations would provide a more
accurate estimate of the resulting CMB anisotropy, however, as long as the leading contribution to
second-order statistics like the bispectrum is concerned, second-order perturbation theory suffices.
While post-inflationary contributions to the NG in the CMB anisotropies are expected to be of
order unity, as we shall describe later in a oversimplified example, if the primordial NG is much
larger than unity one can safely use the linear transfer function. Indeed, in the evolution of the
CMB anistropies, the primordial NG enters as an initial condition. Suppose for instance that at

second-order one has an equation of the symbolic form

F [ ¨ (2) , ˙ (1) , · · · ] = S[ (1)2

,···]. (A.94)

The second-order gravitational potential (2) will be the sum of the homogeneous solution plus
the inhomogeneous proportional to the source. The homogeneous solution resembles the first-order
solution with some NG initial condition set on primordial epochs. If, for instance, |fNL | 1, then
the primordial NG dominates and one can e↵ectively work at the linear level. This observation is
crucial to assess the impact of large NG on the CMB anisotropies.

A.6 Why do we expect NG in the cosmological perturbations?

Before tackling the problem of interest – the computation of the cosmological perturbations at
second-order after the inflationary era– we first provide a simple, but insightful computation, which
illustrates why we expect that the cosmological perturbations develop some NG even if the latter
is not present at some primordial epoch. This example will help the reader to understand why
the cosmological perturbations are inevitably a↵ected by nonlinearities, beyond those arising at
some primordial epoch. The reason is clear: gravity is nonlinear and it feeds this property into the
cosmological perturbations during the post-inflationary evolution of the universe. As gravity talks
to all fluids, this transmission is inevitable. We will adopt the Poisson gauge which eliminates one
scalar degree of freedom from the g0i component of the metric and one scalar and two vector degrees
of freedom from gij . We will use a metric of the form

ds2 = e2 dt2 + 2a(t)!i dxi dt + a2 (t)(e 2

ij + ij )dx
dxj , (A.95)

where !i and ij are the vector and tensor peturbation modes respectively. Each metric perturbation
can be expanded into a linear (first-order) and a second-order part, as for example, the gravitational
potential = (1) + (2) /2. However in the metric (A.95) the choice of the exponentials greatly helps
in computing the relevant expressions, and thus we will always keep them where it is convenient.
We now consider the long wavelength modes of the CMB anisotropies, i.e. we focus on scales
larger than the horizon at last-scattering. We can therefore neglect vector and tensor perturbation
modes in the metric. For the vector perturbations the reason is that we are they contain gradient
terms being produced as non-linear combination of scalar-modes and thus they will be more impor-
tant on small scales (remember linear vector modes are not generated in standard mechanisms for
cosmological perturbations, as inflation). The tensor contribution can be neglected for two reasons.
First, the tensor perturbations produced from inflation on large scales give a negligible contribution
to the higher-order statistics of the Sachs-Wolfe e↵ect being of the order of (powers of) the slow-roll

parameters during inflation (this holds for linear tensor modes as well as for tensor modes generated
by the non-linear evolution of scalar perturbations during inflation).
Since we are interested in the cosmological perturbations on large scales, that is in perturbations
whose wavelength is larger than the Hubble radius at last scattering, a local observer would see them
in the form of a classical – possibly time-dependent – (nearly zero-momentum) homogeneous and
isotropic background. Therefore, it should be possible to perform a change of coordinates in such a
way as to absorb the super-Hubble modes and work with a metric of an homogeneous and isotropic
Universe (plus, of course, cosmological perturbations on scale smaller than the horizon). We split
the gravitational potential as
= ` + s, (A.96)

where ` stands for the part of the gravitational potential receiving contributions only from the
super-Hubble modes; s receives contributions only from the sub-horizon modes

` = ✓ (aH k) k eik·x ,
s = ✓ (k aH) k eik·x , (A.97)

where H is the Hubble rate computed with respect to the cosmic time, H = ȧ/a, and ✓(x) is the
step function. Analogous definitions hold for the other gravitational potential .
By construction ` and ` are a collection of Fourier modes whose wavelengths are larger than
the horizon length and we may safely neglect their spatial gradients. Therefore ` and ` are only
functions of time. This amounts to saying that we can absorb the large-scale perturbations in the
metric (A.95) by the following redefinitions

dt = e ` dt , (A.98)

a = ae `
. (A.99)

The new metric describes a homogeneous and isotropic Universe

ds2 = dt + a2 ij dxi dxj , (A.100)

where for simplicity we have not included the sub-horizon modes. On super-horizon scales one can
regard the Universe as a collection of regions of size of the Hubble radius evolving like unperturbed
patches with metric (A.100).
Let us now go back to the quantity we are interested in, namely the anisotropies of the CMB as
measured today by an observer O. If she/he is interested in the CMB anisotropies at large scales,

the e↵ect of super-Hubble modes is encoded in the metric (A.100). During their travel from the last
scattering surface – to be considered as the emitter point E – to the observer, the CMB photons
su↵er a redshift determined by the ratio of the emitted frequency ! E to the observed one ! O

TO = TE , (A.101)

where T O and T E are the temperatures at the observer point and at the last scattering surface,
What is then the temperature anisotropy measured by the observer? The expression (A.101)
shows that the measured large-scale anisotropies are made of two contributions: the intrinsic inho-
mogeneities in the temperature at the last scattering surface and the inhomogeneities in the scaling
factor provided by the ratio of the frequencies of the photons at the departure and arrival points.
Let us first consider the second contribution. As the frequency of the photon is the inverse of a time
period, we get immediately the fully non-linear relation

!E !E `E +
= e `O
. (A.102)
!O !O

As for the temperature anisotropies coming from the intrinsic temperature fluctuation at the emis-
sion point, it maybe worth to recall how to obtain this quantity in the longitudinal gauge at first-
order. By expanding the photon energy density ⇢ / T 4 , the intrinsic temperature anisotropies
at last scattering are given by (1) T (1) ⇢
E /TE = (1/4) /⇢ . One relates the photon energy den-
sity fluctuation to the gravitational perturbation first by implementing the adiabaticity condition
(1) ⇢ /⇢ = (4/3) (1) ⇢ /⇢ , where (1) ⇢ /⇢ is the relative fluctuation in the matter compo-
m m m m

nent, and then using the energy constraint of Einstein equations (1) = (1/2) (1) ⇢ /⇢ . The
m m
(1) T (1)
result is E /TE = 2 E /3. Summing this contribution to the anisotropies coming from the
redshift factor (A.102) expanded at first order provides the standard (linear) Sachs-Wolfe e↵ect
(1) T (1)
O /TO = E /3. Following the same steps, we may easily obtain its full non-linear generaliza-
Let us first relate the photon energy density ⇢ to the energy density of the non-relativistic matter
⇢m by using the adiabaticity conditon. Again here a bar indicates that we are considering quantities
in the locally homogeneous Universe described by the metric (A.100). Using the energy continuity
equation on large scales @⇢/@t = 3H(⇢ + P ), where H = d ln a/dt and P is the pressure of the
fluid, we have shown that there exists a conserved quantity in time at any order in perturbation
theory Z ⇢
1 d⇢0
⇣ ⌘ ln a + . (A.103)
3 ⇢0 + P 0
As we know, the perturbation ⇣ is a gauge-invariant quantity representing the non-linear extension

of the curvature perturbation on uniform energy density hypersurfaces on super-Hubble scales for
adiabatic fluids. At the non-linear level the adiabaticity condition generalizes to

1 d⇢m 1 d⇢
= , (A.104)
3 ⇢m 4 ⇢
ln ⇢m = ln ⇢3/4 . (A.105)

Next we need to relate the photon energy density to the gravitational potentials at the non-linear
level. The energy constraint inferred from the (0-0) component of Einstein equations in the matter-
dominated era with the “barred” metric (A.100) is

2 8⇡GN
H = ⇢m . (A.106)

Using Eqs. (A.98) and (A.99) the Hubble parameter H reads

1 da ˙ `) ,
H= =e `
(H (A.107)
a dt

where H = d ln a/dt is the Hubble parameter in the “unbarred” metric. Eq. (A.106) thus yields
an expression for the energy density of the non-relativistic matter which is fully nonlinear, being
expressed in terms of the gravitational potential `

⇢m = ⇢m e `
, (A.108)

where we have dropped ˙ ` which is negligible on large scales.

The expression for the intrinsic temperature of the photons at the last scattering surface T E /
⇢ follows from Eqs. (A.105) and (A.108)

2 ` /3
T E = TE e . (A.109)

Plugging Eqs. (A.102) and (A.109) into the expression (A.101) we are finally able to provide the
expression for the CMB temperature which is fully nonlinear and takes into account both the grav-
itational redshift of the photons due to the metric perturbations at last scattering and the intrinsic
temperature anisotropies ✓ ◆
!O ` /3
TO = TE e . (A.110)
From Eq. (A.110) we read the non-perturbative anisotropy corresponding to the Sachs-Wolfe e↵ect

np T O ` /3
=e 1. (A.111)

Eq. (A.111) represents at any order in perturbation theory the extension of the linear Sachs-Wolfe
e↵ect. At first order one gets
(1) T 1
O (1)
= , (A.112)
TO 3
and at second order
1 (2) TO 1 (2) 1 ⇣ (1)
= + . (A.113)
2 TO 6 18
This result shows that the CMB anisotropies is nonlinear on large scales and that a source of NG is
inevitably sourced by gravity and that the corresponding nonlinearities are order unity in units of
the linear gravitational potential.

A.7 The impact of primordial non-Gaussianity on the CMB anisotropies

With the assumption of working with large primordial NG, one can estimate the impact of primordial
NG on the on the CMB anisotropies as follows. The observed CMB temperature fluctuation field
T (n̂)/T is expanded into the spherical harmonics:
T (n̂) ⇤
a`m ⌘ d2 n̂ Y`m (n̂) , (A.114)

where hats denote unit vectors. The CMB angular bispectrum is given by

B`m1 `12m`32 m3 ⌘ ha`1 m1 a`2 m2 a`3 m3 i , (A.115)

and the angle-averaged bispectrum is defined by

0 1
X `1 `2 `3
B`1 `2 `3 ⌘ @ A B m1 m2 m3 , (A.116)
`1 `2 `3
m1 m2 m3 m1 m2 m3

where the matrix is the Wigner-3j symbol. The bispectrum B`m1 `12m`32 m3 must satisfy the triangle
conditions and selection rules: m1 + m2 + m3 = 0, `1 + `2 + `3 = even, and |`i `j |  `k  `i + `j
for all permutations of indices. Thus, B`m1 `12m`32 m3 consists of the Gaunt integral, G`m1 `12m`32 m3 , defined by
G`m1 `12m`32 m3 ⌘ d2 n̂Y`1 m1 (n̂)Y`2 m2 (n̂)Y`3 m3 (n̂)
r 0 10 1
(2`1 + 1) (2`2 + 1) (2`3 + 1) @ `1 `2 `3 A @ `1 `2 `3 A
= . (A.117)
4⇡ 0 0 0 m1 m2 m3

G`m1 `12m`32 m3 is real, and satisfies all the conditions mentioned above.
Given the rotational invariance of the universe, B`1 `2 `3 is written as

B`m1 `12m`32 m3 = G`m1 `12m`32 m3 b`1 `2 `3 , (A.118)

where b`1 `2 `3 is an arbitrary real symmetric function of `1 , `2 , and `3 . This form of equation (A.118)
is necessary and sufficient to construct generic B`m1 `12m`32 m3 under the rotational invariance. Thus, we
shall frequently use b`1 `2 `3 instead of B`m1 `12m`32 m3 in this paper, and call this function the “reduced”
bispectrum, as b`1 `2 `3 contains all physical information in B`m1 `12m`32 m3 . Since the reduced bispectrum
does not contain the Wigner-3j symbol that merely ensures the triangle conditions and selection
rules, it is easier to calculate and useful to quantify the physical properties of the bispectrum.
The observable quantity, the angle-averaged bispectrum B`1 `2 `3 , is obtained by substituting
equation (A.118) into (A.116),
r 0 1
(2`1 + 1)(2`2 + 1)(2`3 + 1) @ `1 `2 `3
B`1 `2 `3 = A b`1 `2 `3 , (A.119)
4⇡ 0 0 0

where we have used the identity:

0 1 r 0 1
X `1 `2 `3 ` ` `
@ A G m1 m2 m3 = (2`1 + 1)(2`2 + 1)(2`3 + 1) @ 1 2 3 A . (A.120)
`1 `2 `3 4⇡
m1 m2 m3 m1 m2 m3 0 0 0

Alternatively, one can define the bispectrum in the flat-sky approximation,

ha(`1 )a(`1 )a(`3 )i = (2⇡)2 (2)

(`1 + `2 + `3 ) B(`1 , `2 , `3 ) , (A.121)

where ` is the two dimensional wave-vector on the sky. This definition of B(`1 , `2 , `3 ) corresponds
to equation (A.118), given the correspondence of G`m1 `12m`32 m3 ! (2) (`
1 + `2 + `3 ) in the flat-sky limit.
b`1 `2 `3 ⇡ B(`1 , `2 , `3 ) (flat-sky approximation) (A.122)

is satisfied.
If the primordial fluctuations are adiabatic scalar fluctuations, then
` d3 k ⇤
a`m = 4⇡( i) (k)gT ` (k)Y`m (k̂) , (A.123)

where, as usual, (k) is the primordial curvature perturbation in the Fourier space, and gT ` (k) is
the radiation transfer function. a`m thus takes over the non-Gaussianity, if any, from (k).
In this subsection, we explore the simplest weak local model of NG non-linear case:

⌦ 2

(x) = g (x) + fNL g (x) g (x) , (A.124)

in real space, where g (x) denotes as usual the linear Gaussian part of the perturbation.
In the Fourier space, (k) is decomposed into two parts:

(k) = g (k) + NG (k) , (A.125)

and accordingly,
a`m = ag`m + aNG
`m , (A.126)

where NG (k) is the non-linear part defined by

d3 p ⇤
⌦ ↵
NG (k) ⌘ f NL g (k + p) g (p) (2⇡)3 (3)
(k) 2
g (x) . (A.127)
In this model, a non-vanishing component of the (k)-field bispectrum is

h g (k1 ) g (k2 ) NG (k3 )i = 2(2⇡)3 (3)

(k1 + k2 + k3 )fNL P (k1 )P (k2 ) , (A.128)

where P (k) is as usual the linear power spectrum given by Substituting equation (A.123) into
(A.115), using equation (A.128) for the (k)-field bispectrum, and then integrating over angles k̂1 ,
k̂3 , and k̂3 , we obtain the primary CMB angular bispectrum,
B`m1 `12m`32 m3 = ag`1 m1 ag`2 m2 aNG
`3 m3 + a g
a NG
a g
`1 m1 `2 m2 `3 m3 + a NG
a g
a g
`1 m1 `2 m2 `3 m3
Z 1 h i
|rmN G
= 2G`m1 `12m`32 m3 r2 dr bg`1 (r)bg`2 (r)bNG
l3 (r) + b g
`1 (r)b `2 (r)b g
`3 (r) + b NG
`1 (r)b g
`2 (r)b g
`3 (r) ,

2 1 2
bg` (r) ⌘ k dkP (k)gT ` (k)j` (kr), (A.130)
⇡ 0
2 1 2
` (r) ⌘ k dkfNL gT ` (k)j` (kr) . (A.131)
⇡ 0
Note that bg` (r) is a dimensionless quantity, while bNG
` (r) has a dimension of L
3. One confirms that
⇣ ⌘ 1
the form of equation (A.118) holds. Thus, the reduced bispectrum, b`1 `2 `3 = B`m1 `12m`32 m3 G`m1 `12m`32 m3
(Eq.(A.118)), for the primordial non-Gaussianity is
Z 1 h i
b`1 `2 `3 = 2 r2 dr b`1 (r)bg`2 (r)bNG
`3 (r) + cyclic . (A.132)

Therefore b`1 `2 `3 is fully specified by a single constant parameter fNL , as the cosmological parameters
will be precisely determined by measuring the CMB angular power spectrum C` .
We now discuss the detectability of CMB experiments to the primary non-Gaussianity in the
bispectrum. Suppose that we try to fit the observed bispectrum B`obs
1 `2 `3
by theoretically calculated
bispectra which include both primary and secondary sources. Then we minimize 2 defined by
⇣ P ⌘2
obs (i)
X B`1 `2 `3 i Ai B`1 `2 `3
⌘ 2 , (A.133)
2`1 `2 `3 `1 `2 `3

where i denotes a component such as the primary, the SZ and lensing e↵ects, extragalactic sources,
and so on. Unobservable modes ` = 0 and 1 are removed. In case that the non-Gaussianity is small,

the cosmic variance of the bispectrum is given by the six-point function of a`lm . The variance of
B`1 `2 `3 is then calculated as
⌦ ↵
`1 `2 `3 ⌘ B`21 `2 `3 hB`1 `2 `3 i2 ⇡ C`1 C`2 C`3 `1 `2 `3 , (A.134)

where `1 `2 `3 takes values 1, 2, and 6 for cases of that all `’s are di↵erent, two of them are same, and
all are same, respectively. C` ⌘ C` + C`N is the total CMB angular power spectrum, which includes
the power spectrum of the detector noise C`N . We do not include C` from secondary sources, as they
are totally subdominant compared with the primary C` and C`N for relevant experiments.
Taking @ 2 /@A = 0, we obtain the normal equation,
2 3
(i) (j) (i)
X X B`1 `2 `3 B`1 `2 `3 X B`obs
1 `2 `3
B`1 `2 `3
4 5 Aj = . (A.135)
2 2
j 2`1 `2 `3 `1 `2 `3 2`1 `2 `3 `1 `2 `3

Thus, we define the Fisher matrix Fij as

0 12
X (i) (j)
X ✓ ◆✓ ◆✓ ◆
B`1 `2 `3 B`1 `2 `3 2 1 1 1 @ `1 `2 `3 A
Fij ⌘ 2 = `1 + `2 + `3 +
`1 `2 `3 ⇡ 2 2 2 0 0 0
2`1 `2 `3 2`1 `2 `3
(i) (j)
b`1 `2 `3 b`1 `2 `3
⇥ 2 , (A.136)
`1 `2 `3

where we have used equation (A.119) to replace B`1 `2 `3 by the reduced bispectrum b`1 `2 `3 (see
Eq.(A.118) for definition). Since the covariance matrix of Ai is Fij 1 , we define the signal-to-noise
ratio (S/N )i for a component i, the correlation coefficient rij between di↵erent components i and j,
and the degradation parameter di of (S/N )i due to rij as
✓ ◆
S 1
⌘ q , (A.137)
N i Fii 1
Fij 1
rij ⌘ q , (A.138)
Fii 1 Fjj 1
di ⌘ Fii Fii 1 . (A.139)

Note that rij does not depend on amplitudes of bispectra, but shapes. di is defined so as di = 1 for
zero degradation, while di > 1 for degraded (S/N )i .
An order of magnitude estimation of S/N as a function of a certain angular resolution l is possible
0 12
` ` `
as follows. Since the number of modes contributing to S/N increases as `3/2 and `3 @ A ⇠
0 0 0
0.36 ⇥ `, we estimate (S/N )i ⇠ (Fii )1/2 as
0 1
✓ ◆ (i)
S 1 3/2 3/2 @ ` ` ` A `3 b``` (i)
⇠ ` ⇥` ⇥ 2 3/2
⇠ `5 b``` ⇥ 4 ⇥ 1012 , (A.140)
N i 3⇡ 0 0 0 (` C` )

where we have used `2 C` ⇠ 6 ⇥ 10 10 . A full numerical computation leads to

⇠ ` ⇥ 10 4 fNL . (A.141)
For an experiment like Planck for which the maximum multipole is about 2000 we get that the
minimum value of fNL detectable is about 104 /2000 ⇠ 5. How can we estimate analytically the

Figure 48: Signal-to-Noise ratio induced by the bispectrum and by the skewness (the bispectrum
at three coincidence points) for the various experiments.

(S/N )? As we are interested in large multipoles, where the (S/N ) is higher, it is convenient to make
use of the flat-sky approximation and write

a(`) = d2 `
(n̂)e i`·n̂ , (A.142)
where we have decomposed n̂ into a part orthogonal and parallel to the line of sight as n̂ ' (nx , ny , 1).
Indeed, in the flat-sky formalism one chooses a fiducial direction ẑ and expands at the lowest order
in the angle ✓ between ẑ and n̂

n̂ = (sin ✓ cos , sin ✓ sin , cos ✓) ' (nx , ny , 1) , (A.143)

~n = (nx , ny ) being a two-dimensional vector normal to ẑ. it is convenient to separate k as the sum
of a two-dimensional vector parallel to the flat sky and a component orthogonal to it, k = (kk , k z ).
The multipole is simply the two-dimensional Fourier transform with respect to ~n

Z ⌧0 Z ⇣ ⌘ Z
d3 k (2) k ikz (⌧0 ⌧ls ) dk z ikz (⌧0 ⌧ls )
a(`) = d⌧ ` k (⌧0 ⌧ls ) e S(k, ⌧ ) = e S(`, k z , ⌧ ) ,
0 2⇡ 2⇡

Z ⌧0 p
z d⌧
S(`, k , ⌧ ) = S( (k z )2 + `2 /(⌧0 ⌧ )2 , ⌧ ) , (A.145)
0 (⌧0 ⌧ )2
is the radiation transfer function defined by the CMB source function S(k, ⌧ ). In this notation, ⌧0
and ⌧ls represent the present-day and the recombination conformal time, respectively and, as we
have said, k z and kk are the momentum components perpendicular and parallel respectively to the
plane orthogonal to the line-of-sight. The radiation transfer function, as we know, is proportional
to the gravitational potential (k0 ), where k0 means k evaluated such that kk = `/(⌧0 ⌧ls ).
The (S/N ) ratio in the flat-sky formalism is

✓ ◆2 Z
S fsky 1 B 2 (`1 , `2 , `3 )
= d2 `1 d2 `2 d2 `3 (2)
(`1 + `2 + `3 ) , (A.146)
N ⇡ (2⇡)2 6 C(`1 ) C(`2 ) C(`3 )
where fsky stands for the portion of the observed sky. The power spectrum in the flat-sky approxi-
mation is given by

ha(`1 )a(`2 )i = (2⇡)2 (2)

(`1 + `2 )C(`1 ) , (A.147)

with Z
(⌧0 ⌧ls )2
C(`) = dk z |S(`, k z )|2 . (A.148)
If we adopt a model with no radiative transfer, that is simply S(`, k z ) = 1/3 (k0 )(⌧0 ⌧ls )2 , we get

`2 C(`) 1 A
= , (A.149)
2⇡ 9 2⇡ 2
where we have taken P (k) = A/k 3 . Likewise we can find the bispectrum
✓ ◆
2fNL A2 1
B(`1 , `2 , `3 ) = + cyclic
33 ⇡ 2 `21 `22
= 6fNL [C(`1 )C(`2 ) + cyclic] . (A.150)

The (S/N ) becomes
✓ ◆2 2 A Z ✓ ◆2
S fsky fNL 2 2 2 (2) 1
= d `1 d `2 d `3 (`1 + `2 + `3 )`21 `22 `23 + cyclic , (A.151)
N 6⇡ 4 `21 `22

and evaluating the above expression we find

✓ ◆2
S 4 2 `max
= 2
fsky fNL A`2max ln . (A.152)
N ⇡ `min

The logarithm is typical of scale invariant primordial power spectra. If the primordial perturbations
were generated by a Poisson process so each point in space was statistically independent, the loga-
rithm would be absent and the dependence on `max would solely be `2max . Equation (A.152) can be
written in a more physical way by relating it to other observables,
✓ ◆2
S 4 2 `max
= 2
fNL ANpix ln . (A.153)
N ⇡ `min
where Npix = fsky `2max is the number of observed pixels. We thus reproduce the scaling N /`
that one can find with an exact numerical calculation.
There remains the question of why physical processes like Silk damping or cancellation due to
oscillations during the finite width of the last scattering surface do not cause a strong change in the
slope of (S/N ) curve at high `. The reason is that there are an equal number of transfer functions
in the numerator and denominator of (S/N )2 , so there is a sense that the e↵ects of radiative
transfer cancel out. Of course the transfer functions are not simple multiplicative factors that can
be cancelled, and one has to be careful. We will attempt to explore this in the model by including
the e↵ects of Silk damping by introducing an exponential cuto↵ to mimic the e↵ects of Silk damping
on the radiation transfer function, S(`, k z ) = (k0 )(⌧0 ⌧ls )2 exp( k 02 /2kD
2 ).

Repeating the above steps we find the power spectrum can be formally evaluated in terms of
Hypergeometric U-functions as
⇡A `2 /`2D
C(`) = e U (1/2, 0, `2 /`2D ) , (A.154)

where `D is the Fourier multiple corresponding to the Silk damping scale. We can make an approx-
imation in order to better understand the e↵ects of Silk damping on the CMB power spectrum by
cutting o↵ the integral at k ⇠ kD , then
2 2
A e ` /`D
C(`) = 2 q , (A.155)
⇡` 1 + `2 /`2 D

so when ` ⌧ `D we recover (apart from the factor 1/9) the no radiative case. Likewise we can
evaluate the three-point functions again in order to facilitate the evaluation of this integral assume

that the exponentials cuto↵ the region of integration at k1 , k2 ⇠ kD .
2 3
2fNL A 2 1 1
2 2 2 2
B(`1 , `2 , `3 ) = e (`1 +`2 +`3 )/2`D 4 q q + cyclic5 . (A.156)
⇡2 2 2 2 2 2
` 1 + ` /` ` 1 + ` /` 2
1 1 D 2 2 D

Then using Eq. (A.155) and Eq. (A.156) and assuming ` `D , the (S/N ) becomes
✓ ◆2 2 A` Z
S fsky fNL D 2 2 2 (2) (`31 + `32 + `33 )2
= d ` 1 d ` 2 d ` 3 (` 1 + ` 2 + ` 3 ) . (A.157)
N 6⇡ 4 `31 `32 `33
The leading term scales as
✓ ◆2
S 2
/ fsky fNL A`2max . (A.158)
This shows that we can still expect to recover information about fNL on scales where photon di↵usion
is exponentially damping the transfer functions. In practice, both detector noise, angular resolution
and secondary anisotropies will limit the smallest scale that could be used. We see from Fig. (49)
that the exact numerical result is well reproduced. We conclude that a primordial NG of the local
type can be detected through the CMB by an experiment like Planck up to fNL = O(5).

A.8 Non-Gaussianity in the CMB anisotropies at recombination

in the squeezed limit
In this subsection we come back to the question of how large is the contamination of NG coming from
the inherently nonlinear evolution of the photon-baryon fluid. While the full computation requires
the full set of second-order Boltzmann equations, here we show that, as long as we are interested in
the squeezed limit of NG, we can indeed perform the computation entirely analytically. Indeed, a
transparent computation of the bispectrum in the squeezed limit can be performed through a conve-
nient coordinate rescaling. To understand such a rescaling, it is important to recall what is generally
the origin of a squeezed non-Gaussian signal: typically the local-form bispectrum is generated when
short-wavelength fluctuations are modulated by long-wavelength fluctuations. In particular we will
focus on the temperature anisotropies at recombination when the long wavelength mode is outside
the horizon, but observable at the present epoch. Thus, the e↵ect of the long wavelength mode
imprinted at recombination can be described simply by a coordinate transformation. In this way we
can describe in a simple way the coupling of small scales to large scales that can generally produce
the local form bispectrum. A similar cross-talk between large and small scales gives rise to the
ISW-lensing cross-correlation bispectrum.
Our starting metric is

⇥ ⇤
ds2 = a2 (⌧ ) e2 d⌧ 2 + e 2
dx2 , (A.159)

Figure 49: Signal-to-Noise ratio for the no radiative transfer, the Silk damping model and the
exact numerical case.

where a(⌧ ) is the scale factor as a function of the conformal time ⌧ , and we have neglected vector
and tensor perturbations. Instead of solving the complicated network of second-order Boltzmann
equations for the CMB temperature anisotropies, we use the following trick. As the wavenumber
k1 <
⇠ keq corresponds to a perturbation which is almost larger than the horizon at recombination and
the evolution in time of the corresponding gravitational potential is very moderate (one can easily
check, for instance, that k1 (⌧ ) changes its magnitude by at most 10% during the radiation epoch
for k1 = keq ), we can absorb the large-scale perturbation with wavelength ⇠ k1 1 in the metric by
redefining the time and the space coordinates as follows. Let us indicate with ` and ` the parts
of the gravitational potentials that receive contributions only from the large-scale modes k1 < ⇠ keq .
If the scale factor is a power law a(⌧ ) / ⌧ ↵ (↵ = 1 and ↵ = 2 for the period of radiation and matter
domination, respectively), we can perform the redefinitions

a2 (⌧ )e2 ` d⌧ 2 = ⌧ 2↵ e2 ` d⌧ 2 = ⌧ 2↵ d⌧ 2 = a2 (⌧ )d⌧ 2 ) ⌧ = e 1+↵ `
⌧, (A.160)


2↵ ↵
a2 (⌧ )e 2 `
dx2 = ⌧ 2↵ e 2 `
dx2 = ⌧ 2↵ e 1+↵ `
e 2 `
dx2 = a2 (⌧ )dx2 ) x = e 1+↵ `
e `
x. (A.161)

In particular, the combination

k⌧ = e `
k⌧ , (A.162)

where k and k are the wavenumbers in the two coordinate systems. Obviously, if one wishes to
account for the fact that at recombination the universe is not fully matter-dominated, one should
perform a more involved coordinate transformation which will eventually depend also on the param-
eter R.
We make the simplifying assumption that ⌧ls ⌧eq in such a way that the coordinate transfor-
mations (A.160) and (A.161) can be performed in a matter-dominated period, that is we take ↵ = 2

5 ` /3
x!e x , k ! e5 ` /3
k , ⌧ls ! e ` /3
⌧ls , (A.163)

is the transformation for modes which were outside the horizon at recombination, but are sub-Hubble
at the time of observation. Notice that the rescaling (A.163) changes also the gravitational potential

(1) (1)
k ! e5 `
e5 ` /3 k
. (A.164)

Notice that for a long wavelength modulating mode that is outside the cosmological horizon today
the power spectrum does not change. This is because in this case both (⌧0 ⌧ls ) and k must be
rescaled, so that the integral (A.148) goes like 1/(⌧0 ⌧ls )2 k 2 and does not feel the coordinate
rescaling, as one would expect for such a modulating mode.
To compute the bispectrum, we go to the squeezed limit `1 ⌧ `2 , `3 (or k1 ⌧ k2 , k3 ). In this
case k1 acts as a background for the other two modes. One can therefore compute the three-point
function in a two-step process: first compute the two-point function in the background of k1 and
then the result from the correlation induced by the background field. Using the Sachs-Wolfe limit
for the multipole `1 , this procedure leads to (notice that the coordinate rescaling, operating the the
recombination point, is not relevant for the time as ⌧0 ⌧ls )
⇥ ⇤
d ln `22 C(`2 )
ha(`2 )a(`3 )i (1) = ha(`2 )a(`3 )i0 + 5 a(`2 + `3 )C(`2 ) . (A.165)
k1 d ln `2

In fact, in general, think of a function F (x2 , x3 ) that depends on the short distance (x2 x3 ), but
also modulated by a long wavelength mode background function FB (|x2 + x3 |/2). One can expand

F (x2 , x3 ) = F0 (|x2 x3 |) + FB (|x2 + x3 |/2) F0 (|x2 x3 |) + · · · . (A.166)
dFB 0
If the long wavelength background modulates the amplitude of the two point function is equivalent to
a rescaling of the spatial coordinates, one can trade the derivative with respect to FB for a derivative
with respect to the log-distance between the points

d3 k d
F (x2 , x3 ) ' F0 (|x2 x3 |) + 3
FB (k)eik·(x1 +x2 )/2 F0 (|x2 x3 |) . (A.167)
(2⇡) d ln |x2 x3 | 0

If we now integrate over x1 and x2 , or better over (x1 + x2 )/2 and (x1 x2 )/2 = xS , the second
piece becomes proportional to (being kS = (k2 k3 )/2)

d ikS ·xS d
d xS F0 (xS ) e ⇠ d ln xS x3S F0 (xS ) e ikS ·xS
d ln xS d ln xS
d ⇣ 3 ikS ·xS ⌘
⇠ d ln xS F0 (xS ) x e
d ln xS S
⇠ d ln xS F0 (xS ) x3S e ikS ·xS
d ln kS
3 d ln xS F0 (xS ) x3S e ikS ·xS
1 d
= k 3 F0 (kS ) . (A.168)
kS3 d ln kS S
Now, repeating these steps for the two-dimensional problem, being the the rescaling given by x !
e 5 ` /3 x, and remembering that a(`2 + `3 ) = a( `1 ) has a coefficient 1/3 for the SW e↵ect, we get
the expression (A.165). The corresponding bispectrum therefore reads

D E ⇥ ⇤
2 (2) d ln `22 C(`2 )
B(`1 , `2 , `3 ) = a(`1 )ha(`2 )a(`3 )i = (2⇡) (`1 + `2 + `3 ) 5 C(`1 )C(`2 ) . (A.169)
d ln `2
In multipole space the bispectrum induced by a local primordial NG in the squeezed limit is given

Bloc (`1 , `2 , `3 ) = 6 fNL [C(`1 )C(`2 ) + cycl.] . (A.170)

Since at large multipoles the exponential of the transfer function allows to cut o↵ the integral for
k ' k⇤ ⇠ 750
A `⇤ (`/`⇤ )1.2
C(`) ' 9 e , (A.171)
⇡ `3

which holds for ` loc coming from the second-order
`⇤ , we see that, roughly speaking, the e↵ective fNL
e↵ects at recombination in the squeezed limit is
⇥ ⇤
rec 5 d ln `22 C(`2 )
fNL = O(1) , (A.172)
6 d ln `2
which confirms our expectation that second-order e↵ects lead to a contamination of order unity in
loc .

A.9 The impact of the non-Gaussianity on the halo mass function

Non-Gaussianities are particularly relevant in the high-mass end of the power spectrum of pertur-
bations, i.e. on the scale of galaxy clusters, since the e↵ect of non-Gaussian fluctuations becomes
especially visible on the tail of the probability distribution. As a result, both the abundance and
the clustering properties of very massive halos are sensitive probes of primordial non-Gaussianities,
and could be detected or significantly constrained by the various planned large-scale galaxy surveys,
both ground based (such as DES, PanSTARRS and LSST) and on satellite (such as EUCLID and
ADEPT). Furthermore, the primordial non-Gaussianity alters the clustering of dark matter halos
inducing a scale-dependent bias on large scales while even for small primordial non-Gaussianity the
evolution of perturbations on super-Hubble scales yields extra contributions on smaller scales. This
will be the subject of the next subsection.
At present, there exist already various N -body simulations where non-Gaussianity has been
included in the initial conditions and which are useful to test the accuracy of the di↵erent theoretical
predictions for the dark matter halo mass function with non-Gaussianity.
Various attempts at computing analytically the e↵ect of primordial non-Gaussianities on the
mass function exist in the literature and here we follow what we have developed in Section 47 based
on the excursion set method.
In this section we extend to non-Gaussian fluctuations the path integral approach that we devel-
oped in Section 47 whose notation we follow. In particular, we consider the density field smoothed
over a radius R with a tophat filter in momentum space. We denote by S the variance of the
smoothed density field and, as usual in excursion set theory, we consider as a variable evolving
stochastically with respect to the “pseudotime” S. The statistical properties of a random variable
(S) are specified by its connected correlators

h (S1 ) . . . (Sp )ic , (A.173)

where the subscript c stands for “connected”. We will also use the notation

h p (S)ic ⌘ µp (S) , (A.174)

when all arguments S1 , S2 , . . . are equal. The quantities µp (S) are also called the cumulants. As in
Section 47, we consider an ensemble of trajectories all starting at S0 = 0 from an initial position
(0) = 0 (we will typically choose 0 = 0 but the computation can be performed in full generality)
and we follow them for a “time” S. We discretize the interval [0, S] in steps Sk = k✏ with k = 1, . . . n,
and Sn ⌘ S. A trajectory is then defined by the collection of values { 1 , . . . , n }, such that (Sk ) = k.

The probability density in the space of trajectories is

W ( 0; 1 , . . . , n ; Sn ) ⌘h D( (S1 ) 1) . . . D ( (Sn ) n )i , (A.175)

where D denotes the Dirac delta. Our basic object will be

Z c
Z c
⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ) ⌘ d 1... d n 1 W ( 0 ; 1 , . . . , n 1 , n ; Sn ). (A.176)
1 1

The usefulness of ⇧✏ is that it allows us to compute the first-crossing rate from first principles,
without the need of postulating the existence of an absorbing barrier. In fact, the quantity
Z c
d n ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; S n ) (A.177)

gives the probability that at “time” Sn a trajectory always stayed in the region < c, for all times’
smaller than Sn . The rate of change of this quantity is therefore equal to minus the rate at which
trajectories cross for the first time the barrier, so the first-crossing rate is
@ c
F(Sn ) = d n ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; S n ) . (A.178)
@Sn 1

The halo mass function is then obtained from the first-crossing rate

2 2
f( ) = 2 F( ), (A.179)

where S = 2.

The first problem that we address is how to express ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; S), in terms of the correlators of
the theory. Using the integral representation of the Dirac delta
Z 1
D (x) = e i x, (A.180)
1 2⇡

we may write
Z 1
d 1 d n i Pni=1 i
(Si )
W ( 0; 1 , . . . , n ; Sn ) = ... e i i
he i=1 i
i. (A.181)
1 2⇡ 2⇡

We must therefore compute

eZ ⌘ he i i=1 i (Si )
i. (A.182)

This is a well-known object both in quantum field theory and in statistical mechanics, since it is the
generating functional of the connected Green’s functions. To a field theorist this is even more clear
if we define the “current” J from i = ✏J, and we use a continuous notation, so that
eZ = hei dS J(S) (S)
i. (A.183)

X n n
( i)p X X
Z = ... i1 ... ip h i1 ... ip i c
p=2 i1 =1 ip =1

1 ( i)3
= i j h i j ic + i j kh i j k ic
2 3!
( i)4
+ i j k l h i j k l ic + . . . , (A.184)
where = (Si ) and the sum over i, j, . . . is understood. This gives
8 9
< Xn 1
X ( i)p X
n n
X =
W ( 0 ; 1 , . . . , n ; Sn ) = D exp i i i + . . . i1 ... ip h i1 ... ip i c ,
: p! ;
i=1 p=2 i1 =1 ip =1


where Z 1
d 1 d n
D ⌘ ... . (A.186)
1 2⇡ 2⇡
Therefore we get
8 9
Z < Xn 1
X n n =
( i)p X X
⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ) = d 1...d n 1 D exp i i i+ ... i1 ... ip h i1 ... ip i c .
1 : p! ;
i1 =1 p=2 i=1 ip =1


If we retain only the three-point correlator, and we use the tophat filter in momentum space, we
Z ⇢
1 ( i)3
⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ) = d 1...d n 1 D exp i i i min(Si , Sj ) i j + h i j ki i j k .
1 2 6

Expanding to first order in NG, we must compute

n Z
1 X c
✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ) ⌘ h i j ki d 1 . . . d n 1 @i @j @k W
, (A.189)
6 1

where the superscript (3) in ⇧✏ refers to the fact that this is the contribution linear in the three-
point correlator. To proceed, we remember that the non-Gaussianities are particularly interesting

at large masses. Large masses correspond to small values of the variance S = 2 (M ). Each of
the integrals over dSi , dSj , dSk must therefore be performed over an interval [0, Sn ] that shrinks to
zero as Sn ! 0. In this limit it is not necessary to take into account the exact functional form of
h (Si ) (Sj ) (Sk )i. Rather, to lowest order we can replace it simply by h 3 (Sn )i. More generally, we
can expand the three-point correlator in a triple Taylor series around the point Si = Sj = Sk = Sn .
We introduce the notation
" #
(p,q,r) dp dq dr
G3 (Sn ) ⌘ h (Si ) (Sj ) (Sk )i . (A.190)
dSip dSjq dSkr
Si =Sj =Sk =Sn

X ( 1)p+q+r (p,q,r)
h (Si ) (Sj ) (Sk )i = (Sn Si )p (Sn Sj )q (Sn Sk ) r G3 (Sn ) . (A.191)

We expect that the leading contribution to the halo mass function will be given by the term in with
p = q = r = 0. The leading term in ⇧(3) is therefore
n Z
h n3 i X c
✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ) = d 1 . . . d n 1 @i @j @k W
. (A.192)
6 1

This expression can be computed very easily by making use of the following trick. Namely, we
consider the derivative of ⇧gm
✏ with respect to c. The first derivative with respect to c can be
written as
@ gm X1 Z
n c
⇧ ( 0; n ; Sn ) = d 1 . . . d n 1 @i W , (A.193)
@ c ✏ 1

since, when @/@ c acts on the upper integration limit of the integral over d i , it produces W ( 1 , . . . , i =
c , . . . , n ; Sn ), which is the same as the integral of @i W with respect to d i from i = 1 to i = c.

X1 Z
@ 2 gm c
⇧ ( 0; n ; Sn ) = d 1 . . . d n 1 @i @j W , (A.194)
@ c2 ✏ 1

In the same way we find that

X1 Z
@ 3 gm c
⇧ ( 0; n ; Sn ) = d 1 . . . d n 1 @i @j @k W . (A.195)
@ c3 ✏ 1

The right-hand side of this identity is not yet equal to the quantity that appears in Eq. (A.192),
since there the sums run up to n while the above identities only run up to n 1. However, what we
need is not really ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ), but rather its integral over d n . Then we consider
Z n Z
(3,L) 1 3 X c
d n ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; Sn ) = h i d 1 . . . d n 1 d n @i @j @k W , (A.196)
1 6 n 1

and we can now use the identity
gm @3 c
d 1...d n 1d n @i @j @k W = d 1 . . . d n 1d n W
1 @ c3 1
@3 c
= d n ⇧gm
✏ ( 0; n ; Sn ) , (A.197)
@ c3 1

so Z Z
(3 h n3 i @ 3 c
d n ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; S n ) = d n ⇧✏ ( 0 ; n ; S n ) . (A.198)
1 6 @ c3 1
1 2 2 /(2S
✏=0 ( 0 = 0; n ; Sn ) =p [e n /(2Sn ) e (2 c n) n)
], (A.199)
we immediately find the result in the continuum limit,
Z ✓ ◆
(3) h n3 i 2
c 2
c /(2Sn )
d n ⇧✏=0 (0; n ; Sn ) = p 3/2
1 e . (A.200)
1 3 2⇡ Sn Sn

We may express the result in terms of the normalized skewness

1 3 2.4 ⇥ 10 4
S3 ( ) ⌘ h (S)i ' fNL . (A.201)
S2 S 0.45

Putting the contribution of ⇧(3) together with the gaussian contribution, we find
✓ ◆1/2 ⇢ 2
 ✓ 4 2
◆ ✓ 2

2 c 2
c /(2
2) c 2 c dS3 c
f( ) = e 1+ S3 ( ) 4 2
1 + 2
1 . (A.202)
⇡ 6 c d ln

The halo mass function in the presence of NG can therefore be written as can be written as
⇢  ✓ 4 ◆ ✓ ◆
dn(M ) ⇢¯ d ln 1 (M ) dn(M ) 2
c 2 c2 dS3 2
= f( ) 2 = 1+ S3 ( ) 4 2
1 + 2
1 .
dM M d ln M dM Gaussian 6 c d ln

From Fig. (50) one sees that the halo mass function is considerably a↵ected by NG for large halo
masses (rare events) and at high redshifts.

A.10 The impact of the non-Gaussianity on the halo clustering

Let us conclude this Appendix by studying the impact of NG on the halo clustering. As we have
seen in Section 48, in the biased clustering idea, a rare high density fluctuation, corresponding to
a massive object, collapses sooner if it lies in a region of large-scale overdensity. This helping hand
from the long-wavelength modes means that overdense regions contain an enhanced abundance
of massive objects with respect to the mean, so that these systems display enhanced clustering.
This is the essence of the peak-background split model. If we decompose a density field into a

Figure 50: The ratio between the halo mass function with and without NG for three di↵erent
values of fNL .

fluctuating component on galaxy scales, together with a long-wavelength as well, then those regions
of density that lie above a threshold in density of ⌫ times the variance will be strongly clustered.
If proto-objects are presumed to form at the sites of these high peaks, then this is a population with
Lagrangian bias, i.e. a non-uniform spatial distribution even prior to dynamical evolution of the
density field. By extending the classical calculation for calculating the clustering of rare peaks in a
Gaussian field to the local type non-Gaussianity, one can show that clustering of rare peaks exhibits
a very distinct scale-dependent bias on the largest scales. The analytical result has been tested using
N-body simulations, which confirm this basic picture. Following the peak-background split one can
split the density field into a long-wavelength piece ` and a short-wavelength piece s as in

⇢(x) = ⇢¯ (1 + ` + s) . (A.204)

The local Lagrangian number density of haloes n(x) at position x can then be written as a function
of the local value of the long-wavelength perturbation ` (x) and the statistics of the short-wavelength
fluctuations Ps (ks ). The sufficiently averaged local density of halos follows the large scale matter
perturbations, that is its average is a function of (1 + bL ` )

n(x) = n̄ (1 + bL ` ) (A.205)

Figure 51: Non-Gaussianity of the local type modulates the peaks.

and so the Lagrangian bias is then

bLhalo = n̄ 1
. (A.206)
@ `
For Eulerian space bias one needs to add the Eulerian space clustering, so the total or Eulerian bias
is b = (bLhalo + 1). Essentially, in the presence of a long wavelength mode perturbation ` it is easier
to form a halo, the barrier value is no longer c, but ( c ` ). The corresponding number of halos
is therefore shifted

n!n `. (A.207)
d c
This leads to a revised density

✓ ◆
⇢!n 1+ (1 + `) (A.208)
where the first piece comes from the change in the halo number density and the second directly from
the large scale mode. To first order this leads to the Eulerian bias

✓ ◆
n d ln n
s = 1+ ` and b = 1 . (A.209)
n d c
This argument leads to a generically scale-independent bias at sufficiently large scales. The specific
function b(M ) is obtained by constructing a specific function n[ ` (x), Ps (ks ); M ], generally fit to
simulations, and then di↵erentiating it.
The non-Gaussian case is complicated by the fact that large and small-scale density fluctuations
are no longer independent. Instead, one may separate long- and short-wavelength Gaussian potential
= ` + s, (A.210)

which are independent. For the local non-Gaussian potential fluctuations,

2 2
= s + ` + fNL ` + (1 + 2fNL `) s + fNL s. (A.211)

We can then convert this to a density field using the expression (k) = ↵(k) (k), with

2k 2 T (k)D(z)
↵(k) = . (A.212)
3⌦m H02

Here T (k) is the transfer function, D(z) the linear growth factor normalised to be (1 + z) 1 in the
matter domination, ⌦m the matter density today and H0 the Hubble parameter today. The operator
↵(k) makes it non-local on scales of ⇠ 100 Mpc, so this can also be thought of as a convolution
operator in real space. For long-wavelength modes of the density field, one may write

` (k) = ↵(k) ` (k) . (A.213)

The remaining terms in Equation (A.211) are either much smaller like fNL 2, have only short-
wavelength pieces like (1 + 2fNL `) s, or simply add a small white noise contribution on large
scales, like fNL 2.

Within a region of given large-scale over-density ` and potential `, the short-wavelength modes
of the density field are
⇥ 2

s = ↵ (1 + 2fNL `) s + fNL s . (A.214)

This is a special case of

⇥ 2

s = ↵ X1 s + X2 s , (A.215)

where X1 = 1 + 2fNL ` and X2 = fNL . In the non-Gaussian case, the local number density of haloes
of mass M is a function of not just `, but also X1 and X2 : n[ ` , X1 , X2 ; Ps (ks ); M ]. The halo bias
is then 
@n d ` (k) @n
bLhalo (M, k) = n̄ 1
+ 2fNL , (A.216)
@ ` (x) d ` (k) @X1
where the derivative is taken at the mean value X1 = 1. There is no X2 term since X2 is not spatially
variable. The first term here is the usual Gaussian bias, which has no dependence on k.
Equation (A.215) shows that the e↵ect on non-Gaussianity is a local rescaling of amplitude of
(small scale) matter fluctuations. To keep the cosmologist’s intuition we write this in terms of 8:

8 (x) = 8 X1 (x) , (A.217)

so local = X1 . This allows us to rewrite Equation (A.216) as

8 8

d ` (k) @ ln n
bLhalo (M, k) = bGaussian
L (M ) + 2fNL . (A.218)
d ` (k) @ ln 8local

Substituting in d 1 (k)
` (k)/d ` (k) =↵ and dropping the local label, we find

3⌦m H02 @ ln n
b(M, k) = 2
fNL . (A.219)
k T (k)D(z) @ ln 8

This formula is extremely useful because it applies to the bias of any type of object and is expressible
entirely in terms of quantities in Gaussian cosmologies, which have received enormous attention from
N -body simulators. Within the peak-background split model, the task of performing non-Gaussian
calculations is thus reduced to an ensemble of Gaussian simulations with varying amplitude of matter
We now apply Eq. (A.219) to halo abundance models with a universal mass function. Universal
mass functions are those that depend only significance ⌫(M ), i.e.

2 2 d ln ⌫
n(M ) = n(M, ⌫) = 2M ⌫ f (⌫) , (A.220)
d ln M

where, as usual, we have defined ⌫ = c/ (M ) and f (⌫) is the fraction of mass that collapses into
haloes of significance between ⌫ and (⌫ + d⌫). Universality of the halo mass function has been
tested in numerous simulations, with results generally confirming the assumption even if the specific
functional forms for f (⌫) may di↵er from one another.
The significance of a halo of mass M depends on the background density field `, so one can
compute @n/@ ` (x) to compute the bias

1 d
bLhalo = 1 ⌫ ln[⌫ 2 f (⌫)] . (A.221)
c d⌫

The derivative @ ln n/@ ln 8 appearing in Equation (A.219) can be obtained under the same uni-
versality assumption. In fact, the calculation is simpler. The definition of the significance implies
⌫2 / 8 , so that d ln ⌫/d ln M does not depend on 8 at fixed M . Therefore n / ⌫ 2 f (⌫) and

@ ln n @ ln ⌫ @ ln[⌫ 2 f (⌫)] d
= = ⌫ ln[⌫ 2 f (⌫)] . (A.222)
@ ln 8 @ ln 8 @ ln ⌫ d⌫

Thus by comparison to Equation (A.221), we find

b(M, k) = 3fNL (bLhalo 1) c 2 H2 . (A.223)
k T (k)D(z) 0

The strong 1/k 2 dependence on large scales of the halo bias is a prediction of the local models of
NG and can help to measure values of fNL of order of unity.
This concludes this appendix on non-Gaussianity. They are not intended at all to be complete.
Th reader is invited to consult more literature on the subject if interested.

Part IX

Exercise 1: Determine the inflationary prediction for a model of inflation with potential V ( ) =

Exercise 2: In one-single field models of inflation relate the prediction for the tensor-to-scalar ratio
r to the field excursion in units of MPl .

Exercise 3: Show that gravity waves are not sourced by the scalar field during inflation.

Exercise 4: By corse-graining the inflaton field on a scale (aH) compute the equation of motion for
the long wavelength part of the field and compute its variance. This approach is called stochastic

Exercise 5: Photons are no produced during inflation. Find why.

Exercise 6: Compute the maximum temperature during the process of reheating. Hint: consider
the early-time solution for radiation (i.e. when H and before a significant fraction of the
comoving coherent energy density is converted to radiation).

Exercise 7: Describe the non-Gaussianity generated in the modulated decay scenario, that is when
the decay rate of the inflaton field depends on a light field and its fluctuations.

Exercise 8: Find a non-linear generalization of the Sachs-Wolfe e↵ect.

Exercise 9: Calculate the contribution to the temperature anisotropies from tensor modes.

Exercise 10: Suppose that the velocity perturbations keep linear. Show that matter perturbations
would be log-normally distributed.

Exercise 11: Compute the bias parameter by computing the correlation function at some distance
r of distribution beyond a threshold ⌫ m (R) and show that it coincides with the prediction of the
peak background split model.


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