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Exercise 1.

Use five sentences or less to answer each of the questions completely.

1. To address the problem of traffic in a big city, several straight roads are being constructed.
It was noted that two roads will have at most one junction, three roads will have at most
three junctions, and so on.
a. Complete the table below. Identify the pattern on the maximum number of
junctions for each given number of straight roads.
No. of roads 2 3 4 5 6
No. of intersection 1 3 6 10 15
(at most)

b. At most how many junctions are expected to be constructed if there will be seven
roads in the city?
Answer: 21 junctions are expected to be constructed if there will be seven
roads in the city.
2. Why are numbers important in our life? Explain your answer.
Answer: Numbers play an important role in our life. Numbers bring order and
certainty in life. Imagine a life without numbers you can’t express time, no clocks would
exist. Without numbers, there would be no mathematics, no physics and no chemistry.
Numbers are as much important as alphabet.
3. Other than those mentioned in the section, enumerate five (5) situations where you have to
use numbers.
Answer: - Calling a friend or a family member using mobile phone
- Telling time you spent
- Calculating your budget for food and other expenses
- Computing the total score in your test paper
- Looking at the price of the items in mall
4. Other than those mentioned in the section, describe three other patterns of shapes that you
in nature. Discuss briefly the “mathematics” behind such patterns.
Answer: - Pattern found in Honeycomb- Some patterns are molded with a strict
regularity. At least superficially, the origin of regular patterns often seems easy to explain.
- Pattern found in molecules- Crystals are likewise constructed with
mathematical regularity.
- Pattern found on Butterfly's wing- In non-biological physical systems,
self-organized patterns are epiphenomena that have no adaptive

Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the world

around us. Mathematics seeks to discover and explain abstract patterns or
regularities of all kinds.
5. Identify and describe at least one pattern that you observe in your locality or within your
nearby environment.
Answer: One pattern that I observe in our locality is the Patterns found in leaves- The
living world is filled with strips and moulted patterns of contrasting colours with sculptural
equivalents of those realized as surface crest and troughs; with the patterns of organization
and behaviour even among individual organisms.


Read the article and watch the video clips below. Then, complete the statement that follows.

 Chapter 1 to 4 Nature’s Number by Ian Stewart

 Nature’s Number
One episode of the American television series Numbers

1. Three things that I significantly learned from the video clip

 The first thing I learned was that Nature has pattern and numbers. The second thing I
learned is that Mathematics is not all about numbers. Math is about all sorts of
structures, change and about patterns. And the last one is that we need to realize that it
is truly a wonderful concept that we must learn in order for us to understand thoroughly
the secret pattern of nature in our world.
2. Three things that are still unclear to me
 The three things that are still unclear to me is the “The Constants of Change”; The
Natural order; resonance
3. I used to think that
 I used to think that math is useless but now I realized that math is incredibly important
in our lives and we use mathematical concepts, as well as the skills we learn from doing
math problems every day.
4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clip
 Is the message of the video clips built to stand out from the crowd?
 How can I captivate?
 What is the purpose of the video?

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