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Directed By:

Aswira Sartika Gea

Lidwina Sufitriani Gulo

Mei Hartati Telaumbanua

Yatatema Zendrato

Lecturer : Afore Tahir Harefa M.Hum


2018 / 2019
1. What aspects do your group need to prepare for a dramatic performance so far?
2. Do you think that a stage must be designed as lifelike as possible? Explain your stage
decoration concept.
3. What is the importance of lighting and describe your group performance lighting?
4. What is the importance of costume and make up and how does your group apply this
5. What are the differences between the costume and make up in the previous parody and your
group parody.
6. Do you add some sound and sounds effect in your performance later. Explain that! In what
ways do they affect the drama?


1. Aspect we prepare for dramatic performance so far are:

a. Drama scripts
b. Drama actors
c. Shooting location
d. Cameras
e. Costumes
f. Make Up
g. Lighting
h. Sound effects
i. Accessories
j. Motorcycles

2. Yes, a stage must be designed as natural as possible because this is about decoration.
Decoration aims to beautify a place or other so that viewers can comfortably watch the drama.
Decoration can also add to beauty of a place that is holding a particular event be it drama or
Our stage decoration concept from group 5 namely:
In the introduction of figures we use the location of LAVERNA and the location that we use
in our parody drama is to use classrooms so we decorate it as naturally as possible and should
be a classroom of learning complete with tables, chairs, blackboards, stationery and classroom
lighting. We also do drama acts in different locations such as canteens, teacher rooms, parking
spaces, and playgrounds such as Taman Kota.

3. The important of lighting is to support a performance. Because, in the absence of light,

staging is not will be seen. Lighting as an artistic staging element that this one is useful for
forming and support the atmosphere in accordance with the demands the script and lighting is
only limited to lighting the stage along with its elements and staging can seen.
4. The importance of costume and make up:
a. Costume
To support the theme or content of dance and to clarify the roles in the presentation of the
b. Make-Up
So that audience knows the character or role being performed as well as to find out who
the cast it.
Our group apply this elements are:
a. Costume
The teacher wears a civil service official costume, and students wear senior high school
uniforms and sometimes wear free costumes outside the classroom location.
b. Make-Up
Teacher’s make up should be like a teacher and look mature and students using make up
are not too “menor” but one of the students is called “menor”.

5. The differences between the costume and make up in the previous parody and our group

In the parody video given previously there was no costume with make up because the video
was not seen by the audience because only the sound was there whereas in our parody drama,
we used costumes and make up based to the respective roles that were heard from the original
parody video.

6. Yes, we need some sound and sound effect because sound and sound effect

The sound function in making a drama is to create a drama atmosphere. In a sense,

sounds like sound effects or music can set the tone of a drama. For example, the music that is
present for the first time when the drama starts provides information for the audience to know
and understand the drama genre or level of the drama.

The function of sound and sound effect in a making a drama also to connect the scenes in
the drama. Sound like music can help to glue each scene or between one scene with another
scene into a unified whole story sequences so that it is easily understood by the audience. For
example, changes in scenes or moves from one scenes to the next are made more subtle using

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