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CMYK Nxxx,2020-09-27,A,001,Bs-4C,E2

Late Edition
Today, patchy morning fog, after-
noon sunshine, humid, high 78. To-
night, cloudy, muggy, low 68. Tomor-
row, cloudy, humid, passing show-
ers, high 77. Weather map, Page 26.

VOL. CLXX . . . No. 58,829 © 2020 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 $6.00


Solidly Conservative For Barrett, Partisan
Record on Rulings Battle Awaits
Coney Barrett, President Trump’s WASHINGTON — President
pick for the Supreme Court, has Trump introduced Judge Amy Co-
compiled an almost uniformly ney Barrett as his nominee to the
conservative voting record in Supreme Court on Saturday,
cases touching on abortion, gun presenting her as a champion of
rights, discrimination and immi- conservative judicial principles
gration. If she is confirmed, she and igniting a partisan and ideo-
would move the court slightly but logical battle to confirm her before
firmly to the right, making com- the election in just 38 days.
promise less likely and putting at During an early evening cere-
risk the right to abortion estab- mony in the Rose Garden with
lished in Roe v. Wade. Judge Barrett at his side and her
Judge Barrett’s judicial opin- husband and seven children in the
ions, based on a substantial sam- audience, Mr. Trump said she
ple of the hundreds of cases that would make decisions “based on
she has considered in her three the text of the Constitution as
years on the federal appeals court written” much as her mentor, Jus-
in Chicago, are marked by care, tice Antonin Scalia, the icon of le-
clarity and a commitment to the gal conservatives for whom she
interpretive methods used by Jus- once clerked, had done.
tice Antonin Scalia, the giant of “She is a woman of unparalleled
conservative jurisprudence for achievement, towering intellect,
whom she worked as a law clerk sterling credentials and unyield-
from 1998 to 1999. ing loyalty to the Constitution,”
But while Justice Scalia’s meth- Mr. Trump said, making his third
ods occasionally drove him to lib- Supreme Court nomination in his
eral results, notably in cases on nearly four years in office. At
flag burning and the role of juries stake in her nomination is the fu-
in criminal cases, Judge Barrett ture of gun rights, religious liberty
DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES could be a different sort of justice. and public safety, he added, as he
Judge Amy Coney Barrett before President Trump announced her as his Supreme Court nominee on Saturday at the White House. “There may be fewer surprises pressed for historically rapid ac-
from someone like her than there tion by the Senate. “This should be
were from Justice Scalia,” said a straightforward and prompt
Brian T. Fitzpatrick, a former law confirmation,” he said.
clerk to the justice and a law pro- In her own remarks, Judge Bar-
A Quiet Retreat Court Tilt Will Test Biden’s Appetite for Hardball fessor at Vanderbilt University.
“She is sympathetic to Justice
rett directly aligned herself with
Justice Scalia, who died in 2016
From ‘Defund’ This article is by Matt Flegen- probability,”
Mr. Biden told the Supreme Court primed to coun-
teract his policy aims on health
Scalia’s methods, but I don’t get
the sense that she is going to be a
and whose widow, Maureen
Scalia, was in the audience. “His
philosophical leader on how those judicial philosophy is mine, too —
In Minneapolis Glueck.
heimer, Alexander Burns and Katie He was half right. care, abortion and other defining
Nearly three decades later, the issues.
methods should be executed.”
One area in which almost no one
a judge must apply the law as writ-
ten,” Judge Barrett said. “Judges
man whom the Senate confirmed Many Democrats now believe
Joseph R. Biden Jr. was trying expects surprises is abortion. Mr. are not policymakers, and they
that year, Justice Clarence Thom- that adding seats to the court is
By ASTEAD W. HERNDON to demonstrate the lasting power Trump has vowed to appoint jus- must be resolute in setting aside
as, is still rendering decisions — the urgent remedy, an extraordi- tices ready to overrule Roe v. any policy views they might hold.”
MINNEAPOLIS — Over three of the federal judiciary. So he did
the eldest jurist, if President nary step that has not been seri- Wade, the 1973 decision that es- The president and Judge Bar-
months ago, a majority of the Min- the math.
Trump has his way, of a soon-to-be ously contemplated since the ad- tablished a constitutional right to rett herself emphasized her role
neapolis City Council pledged to Addressing a Michigan law ministration of Franklin D. Roose-
6-to-3 conservative majority. abortion. Groups opposing abor- as a mother in an effort to human-
defund the city’s Police Depart- school audience in April 1991, Mr. velt. They argue that the court’s
But Mr. Biden is indeed alive, tion have championed Judge Bar- ize her in anticipation of attacks
ment, making a powerful state- left to consider what the court’s legitimacy has already eroded rett’s nomination. And her aca- on her philosophy and her reli-
ment that reverberated across the emerging tilt would mean for the amid the Republican confirmation
THE LONG RUN demic and judicial writings have gious convictions. Mr. Trump
country. It shook up Capitol Hill Democratic agenda if he wins the maneuvers of the last four years.
A Conflicted Combatant been skeptical of broad interpre- noted that she would be “the first
and the presidential race, shocked White House — and for his own at- Yet for Mr. Biden, a proud man mother of school-aged children
tations of abortion rights.
residents, delighted activists and of the Senate, such an effort would Judge Barrett will doubtless tell ever to serve on the U.S. Supreme
tachment to the Capitol’s bygone
changed the trajectory of efforts Biden, then a senator, said that if amount to the sort of norm-razing senators that the Roe decision is a Court,” and Judge Barrett called
harmony and mores.
to overhaul the police during a exercise that might strike him as settled precedent, as she did when herself “a room parent, car pool
trends in life expectancy held, a After a half-century in public
crucial window of tumult and po- an escalation too many. Mr. Trump nominated her to the driver and birthday party plan-
justice freshly confirmed around life, with a lead role in several in-
litical opportunity. appeals court in 2017. And the Su- ner” who adopted two children
that time would “be making land- delible confirmation dramas “My inclination is to think that
Now some council members preme Court may not hear a direct from Haiti and, like so many in re-
mark decisions in the year 2020.” through the years, Mr. Biden he would just see that as making it
would like a do-over. challenge to Roe anytime soon, cent months, has had to learn the
“I’ll be dead and gone, in all could, if elected, be saddled with a Continued on Page 20
Councilor Andrew Johnson, one preferring instead to consider vicissitudes of online education.
of the nine members who sup- cases that could chip away at She also sought to address “my
ported the pledge in June, said in
Continued on Page 17 Continued on Page 16
an interview that he meant the
words “in spirit,” not by the letter.
Another councilor, Phillipe Cun-
ningham, said that the language HEIR APPARENT Conservatives hope Judge Amy Coney Barrett will
in the pledge was “up for interpre- follow the path of Justice Antonin Scalia, her former mentor. PAGE 19
tation” and that even among coun-
cil members soon after the prom- FRAMING THE DEBATE Wary of being seen as making personal attacks,
ise was made, “it was very clear Democrats are objecting to the nominee on policy grounds. PAGE 27
that most of us had interpreted
that language differently.” Lisa
Bender, the council president,
paused for 16 seconds when asked
if the council’s statement had led China, in Vaccine Wager, Gives
to uncertainty at a pivotal mo-
ment for the city.
“I think our pledge created con-
Unproven Shots to Thousands
fusion in the community and in
our wards,” she said.
The regrets formalize a retreat By SUI-LEE WEE
that has quietly played out in Min- First, workers at state-owned vaccines outside the usual drug
neapolis in the months since companies got dosed. Then gov- trial process to such a huge scale.
George Floyd was killed by the po- ernment officials and vaccine The vaccine candidates are in
lice and the ensuing national up- company staff. Up next: teachers, Phase 3 trials, or the late stages of
roar over the treatment of Black supermarket employees and peo- testing, which are mostly being
Americans by law enforcement ple traveling to risky areas conducted outside China. The peo-
and the country at large. After a HILARY SWIFT FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
abroad. ple in those trials are closely
summer that challenged society’s The world still lacks a proven tracked and monitored. It is not
commitment to racial equality and The number of available single-family homes in Winhall and Stratton, Vt., dropped to 29 from 129. coronavirus vaccine, but that has clear that China is taking those
raised the prospect of sweeping not stopped Chinese officials from steps for everyone who is getting
political change, a cool autumn re- trying to inoculate tens of thou- the shots within the country.
ality is settling in.
National polls show decreasing
support for Black Lives Matter
City Folks Flee the Virus, and the Bears Rejoice sands, if not hundreds of thou-
sands, of people outside the tradi-
The unproven vaccines could
have harmful side effects. Ineffec-
tional testing process. Three vac- tive vaccines could lead to a false
since a sea change of good will in of 769. He is a cranky dude. That is mont. Yes, the dump attendant, a
cine candidates are being injected sense of security and encourage
June. In Minneapolis, the most By ELLEN BARRY his brand. heavily bearded man named Jody, into workers whom the govern- behavior that could lead to even
far-reaching policy efforts meant At the entrance to his com- carries a firearm. And no, you can- ment considers essential, along more infections.
to address police violence have all WINHALL, Vt. — From his post pound, above the sign that warns not mix your magazines with your with many others, including em- The wide use of vaccines also
but collapsed. at the town dump, Scott Bushee his fellow residents that they can- cans and bottles. ployees of the pharmaceutical raises issues of consent, espe-
In interviews this month, about spent the summer observing his not enter after 3:50 NO EXCEP- “Now you’ve got to deal with firms themselves. cially for employees of Chinese
two dozen elected officials, pro- new neighbors, transplants who TION, he has affixed a demented- Vermonters,” he said. “They will Officials are laying out plans to vaccine makers and state-owned
testers and community leaders pulled into his compound with looking baby doll, blank-eyed and tell you straight up. I try to do it as give shots to even more people, companies who might feel pres-
described how the City Council heads full of rustic fantasy and li- with one hand replaced by a plas- politely as I can, but if you push citing emergency use, amounting sure to roll up their sleeves. The
members’ pledge to “end policing cense plates from New York and tic fork. the envelope, things are going to to a big wager that the vaccines companies have asked people tak-
as we know it” — a mantra to meet New Jersey. Despite this clear warning, this go sideways. I’m sure that they’re will eventually prove to be safe ing the vaccines to sign a nondis-
the city’s pain — became a case Mr. Bushee is one of the half- summer’s population explosion looking at Jody and I and saying, and effective. closure agreement preventing
study in how quickly political dozen or so people who run the has tried his last nerve, as he ex- ‘Oh my God, I’ve landed in Rus- China’s rush has bewildered them from talking about it to the
winds can shift, and what happens town of Winhall, with a year- plained to one flatlander after an- sia.’” global experts. No other country news media.
Continued on Page 24 round population, before Covid-19, other how things are done in Ver- Continued on Page 6 has injected people with unproven Continued on Page 8


Job Gap Widens for Mothers A Referendum on a Senator EBay vs. the Blogger
Gains in gender equality may be an- Voters in Maine focus on whether Su- “People are basically good” was eBay’s
other casualty of the virus, as women san Collins has sold her soul to Presi- founding principle. But in 2019 the
with children at home risk losing their dent Trump’s Republican Party. PAGE 14 company became involved in a lurid
place in the work force. PAGE 10 stalking scandal. PAGE 1
Battleground Dispatches
A Racism Lesson in Canada SPECIAL SECTION With 37 days until the election, The ARTS & LEISURE BOOK REVIEW
The creator of the hit TV show “Schitt’s Times looks at some states that Presi-
Creek” has inspired thousands to take The New York Times for Kids dent Trump and Joseph R. Biden Jr. are Dark Stages Mean Sad Stories The Power Broker
an Indigenous studies course. PAGE 13 Illustrated stories of the fight for civil seriously contesting. PAGE 22 Who is affected when so many shows Peter Baker and Susan Glasser’s “The
rights, choreographing for a pop star, shut down? So many people. PAGE 7 Man Who Ran Washington” tells the
the search for a missing plane and story of James A. Baker III, an unusual-
THE MAGAZINE AT HOME ly influential statesman. PAGE 1
quarantining with a ghost. And more!
Feeling the ‘Glow’ in the Tetons Lessons From a Learning Pod

How a globe-trotting photographer and SUNDAY REVIEW Managing your child’s remote learning Intimate Objects Auctioned Off
mountaineer grounded by the pandemic in conjunction with other parents can Judging by what’s online, there’s noth-
found a challege in his own backyard. Frank Bruni PAGE 4 ignite a variety of tensions. PAGE 5 ing too personal to sell. PAGE 1

Trump names his court choice

Barrett A vote on confirming
Judge Amy Coney
Barrett to Supreme
is a hero Court could come
before the election.

to many By Sarah D. Wire

on right
dent Trump named U.S. Cir-
cuit Judge Amy Coney Bar-
rett as his pick Saturday for
the vacant seat on the
Supreme Court, a move that
Conservatives see her could further shift it to the
right and reshape American
as a likely champion law on abortion, healthcare,
for their pet issues on religion and guns for a gen-
the nation’s top court. A confirmation vote may
occur before the election.
By David G. Savage The announcement
comes just eight days after
WASHINGTON — In the death of Justice Ruth
nominating Judge Amy Bader Ginsburg, who had
Coney Barrett, President become a liberal icon in her
Trump has chosen a well-re- decades on the bench, and
garded legal scholar who has 38 days before the presi-
strong appeal to conserva- dential election. Voting has
tives and who almost surely already begun in dozens of
would move the high court states.
significantly to the right on Never before has a
abortion, guns and other Supreme Court justice been
high-profile issues. nominated or confirmed so
If the Senate’s Republi- close to a presidential elec-
can majority holds to its plan Alex Brandon Associated Press tion.
to quickly elevate her to the PRESIDENT TRUMP walks with Judge Amy Coney Barrett to a news conference at the White House, where If Trump succeeds in re-
Supreme Court, her confir- he described his Supreme Court nominee as “one of our nation’s most brilliant and gifted legal minds.” placing Ginsburg with a con-
mation to replace the late servative, the new justice
Justice Ruth Bader Gins- would join five other Repub-
burg would mark the sharp- ■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■ lican appointees, including
est ideological shift in a new two named by Trump.
appointment in the nearly Trump teased his choice
three decades since Clar-
ence Thomas, a 43-year-old
conservative, was narrowly
confirmed to succeed liberal
Justice Thurgood Marshall
Fear and loathing engulf voters for days, even polling sup-
porters at a rally about
whether to choose a woman.
The prime-time announce-
ment in the Rose Garden of
in 1991.
Barrett, 48, is a former
Notre Dame law professor
Whoever wins Nov. 3, ‘it’s going to be like war,’ some worry the White House was at-
tended by high-profile Re-
publicans and Barrett’s hus-
and a favorite law clerk of the band and their seven chil-
late Justice Antonin Scalia, years, but not for Trump. “That’s my telling voters to act as though their life dren.
who remains an icon in con- By Mark Z. Barabak worst nightmare.” depended on it and the country’s future Trump called Barrett
servative legal circles, much and Jenny Jarvie Jeanine Davis shares his concern, was at stake. Dozens of conversations “one of our nation’s most
like Ginsburg is regarded by though for different reasons. with voters across the nation — from brilliant and gifted legal
liberals. When Jim Jackson looks ahead to Seated near the Huntington Beach the West Coast to the Upper Midwest to minds.”
Barrett has a limited November, he cringes at what he sees: a Pier, wearing a red “Keep America the East — suggest that, this time, “I looked and I studied
record as a judge with over defeated President Trump refusing to Great” hat, the Trump supporter sug- many people really believe it. and you are very eminently
three years on the U.S. 7th leave the White House and his support- gested Democrats will do whatever it Punished by pandemic, buckled by qualified for this job. You are
Circuit Court of Appeals in ers waging war to keep him there. takes to elect Joe Biden, and riot if they economic hardship and riven by relent- going to be fantastic,”
Chicago. But as a law profes- “The militias and the white suprem- fail. “It’s going to be like war amongst less partisanship, America is facing an Trump said.
sor, she wrote several acists ... they’re going to put out the call citizens,” said Davis, an executive re- election unlike any in modern times, a Trump noted that Bar-
lengthy articles on when jus- to arms,” said Jackson, 73, who lives in cruiter in her 50s. vote shadowed by menace and fringed rett would be the first
tices should consider over- the conservative-leaning suburbs of Candidates often say a presidential with paranoia — much of it fed by the mother of school-aged chil-
[See Barrett, A8] Milwaukee and voted Republican for 52 contest is the most important ever, occupant of the [See Election, A7] dren to serve on the
Supreme Court.
Barrett, a 48-year-old for-
mer law clerk for the late Jus-
tice Antonin Scalia, was a
IN CHINA’S SHADOW longtime law professor at
the University of Notre
Dame before Trump chose

Targeting Uighurs her for the circuit court in

2017. She was previously vet-
ted for the vacant Supreme
Court seat in 2018 that was

beyond borders filled instead by Brett M. Ka-

vanaugh, so Republicans be-
lieve she can move quickly
through the process.
The two had been in Paki- She is backed by the Fed-
Pakistan’s complicity stan for three weeks when eralist Society, like many of
they received a phone call the judicial nominees
reflects its fear from back home in the Chi- Trump has promised to pick
of upsetting Beijing. nese region of Xinjiang. from. In her legal writing and
Hayat’s wife, an ethnic three years on the appeals
Uighur, had been detained. court, Barrett hinted that
By Alice Su, He and Arafat raced to the she would rule with the most
Shashank Bengali border, where Chinese po- [See Court, A8]
and Shah Meer Baloch lice were waiting. They ar-
rested Arafat, a Uighur like
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan his mother, saying he would
— Sakandar Hayat wanted be questioned on what he
it to be a special Ramadan. had done in Pakistan. Far-right
He and his son Arafat left “Don’t separate us,”
northwestern China and Hayat begged the police. group rallies
Mayra Lopez-Garcia crossed the border into Hay- “Question him in front of me.
AN ULTRA RUNNER in his off time, U.S. Forest Service crew boss Jerry at’s native Pakistan. It was a I’ll be silent and he will speak in Portland
Garcia, 42, works out on the rugged terrain in the Angeles National Forest. journey to bring father and truth.”
Crowds are smaller
son closer together. But it “You’ll have your son
than expected at event
COLUMN ONE would end up tearing their back in a week,” the police
led by the Proud Boys,
family apart. [See China, A5]
which has been called a

This guy’s a real trailblazer hate group. NATION, A6

Lakers advance
to NBA finals
Firefighting crew boss took Bobcat fire personally Dominating the fourth
quarter, LeBron James
helps eliminate Denver
As a veteran crew boss for the U.S. Nuggets in Game 5 of
By David Wharton Forest Service, Garcia was looking for a Western Conference
place where his people could make a finals. SPORTS, D1
n the early days of the Bobcat fire, stand. Though he had fought fires for more

Crew 63 got a call to head for Angeles than a decade, this time felt different.
Hazy sun.
National Forest, into the mountains “Honestly,” he says, “my stomach was
L.A. Basin: 83/64. B12
where flames barreled through tall churning.”
grass and chaparral. There was room for his crew to start Printed with soy inks on
The fire was making a push toward working with chain saws and hand tools, partially recycled paper.
Azusa Canyon, smoke blowing too thick so that wasn’t a problem. Something else
for helicopter reconnaissance, so Jerry bothered him.
Garcia grabbed one of his men and hiked a Away from his job, Garcia ranks among Mashal Baloch For The Times
few miles up a dirt road to scout the situa- Southern California’s top ultra runners, CHINA imprisoned Sakandar Hayat’s wife and son,
tion. distinguishing him- [See Garcia, A10] who are Uighur, and sent his girls to an orphanage.

BUSINESS INSIDE: Activists seek to close DWP power plant that’s been leaking gas. A11
A momentum
that feels different FALL
More “lip service,” or is this a real
moment of change for inclusion
in Chicago arts and culture? ON THE
Looking to get out of the house
Bringing art with the kids? Try an apple
orchard or pumpkin patch.
to the residents
A new South Loop apartment tower
has something other buildings don’t: ANTHONY DEMOON
An artist in residence.

B Final

Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Sunday, September 27, 2020 Breaking news at

Decimation, flaws and frustration

Inside Illinois nursing homes, mask on and everything —
but I don’t know if they’re
oversight of a mostly for-
profit industry. That in-
unease spreads with COVID-19 carrying anything,” she said,
“and I don’t want to be ill
cludes how the agency cut
back inspections, at times
By Joe Mahr and Robert McCoppin again.” breaking state law, as the
That uneasiness is felt in virus raced through facili-
At a two-story nursing ambulances evacuate dying long-term care facilities ties.
home in Willowbrook, close neighbors from Chateau across the state, places Although far fewer resi-
to the front entrance, is a Nursing and Rehabilitation where COVID-19 has taken dents are testing positive
resident’s room where crys- Center. a particularly staggering toll now than in the spring, no
tal ornaments of birds and And it’s where the former with no clear end in sight. radical medical break-
butterflies adorn the win- beautician has been largely Six months into the pan- throughs are yet in sight.
dow. confined since then, feeling demic, the new virus has The arrival of fall brings fear
It’s where 93-year-old a mix of emotions: missing infected more than 28,000 of a deadly virus resurgence,
Joan Keith nearly died her family, grateful to be Illinois long-term care resi- continued struggles over
gasping for air — and later alive, yet leery of venturing dents and killed more than testing and protective gear,
ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE tested positive for beyond her door frame. 4,000. It’s also fueled debate and restrictions that — in an
Phyllis Wade, 81, is cared for by daughter Doreen Hall, COVID-19. “If I go in the hall, there’s over the Illinois Depart-
right, and great-granddaughter Deaje Hall in Bolingbrook. It’s where she watched people — they have the ment of Public Health’s Turn to Homes, Page 12

View of
cop stops
Doubt manifests
itself on racial lines
in monitor’s survey
By Annie Sweeney
Many Black Americans’
distrust for police, both in
Chicago and around the
country, has been high-
lighted repeatedly in 2020,
most recently last week
with outrage over the con-
troversial result of an inves-
tigation into the death of
Breonna Taylor in
Louisville, Kentucky.
Chicago had its own wa-
tershed moment on polic-
ing and racism with the
2014 shooting of Black teen-
ager Laquan McDonald by a
white officer later convicted
of second-degree murder,
touching off efforts for
sweeping reform. But a re-
cent community survey on
policing here that is part of
that effort points to a con-
CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY tinuing, wide racial divide
President Trump introduces Amy Coney Barrett on Saturday as his nominee to the Supreme Court in the Rose Garden at the White House. between how Black and
white residents view cops,

Trump taps Barrett for

including a persistent issue:

Turn to Doubt, Page 4

Supreme Court choice

Pick sets up bitter confirmation as GOP moves to fast-track process BRIAN CASSELLA/TRIBUNE

By Rick Pearson and Jason Meisner making the Barrett announce- Acknowledging what she
Flu vaccinations
ment in the Rose Garden, where called a “rather overwhelming in COVID-19 era
Three years ago, University of Notre Dame law professor Amy she was joined by her husband occasion,” Barrett told Trump
Coney Barrett was plucked from relative obscurity by President and seven children. she was “deeply honored by the Drive-thru flu shots? Vac-
“The stakes for our country confidence you have placed in cine vouchers? How getting
Donald Trump to serve as a federal appellate judge on the are incredibly high. Rulings that me.” a flu shot will be different
Chicago-based 7th Circuit. the Supreme Court will issue in “I have no illusions that the this year. Business
Now, Barrett has been thrust into an even more searing national the coming years will decide the road ahead of me will be easy,
survival of our Second Amend- either for the short term or the
spotlight as Trump on Saturday formally nominated the South Bend
ment, our religious liberty, our long haul,” she said. “I never
judge to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Ruth public safety and so much more,”
Trump said. “To maintain securi-
imagined that I would find my-
self in this position. But now that
Entertaining from
Bader Ginsburg.
ty, liberty and prosperity, we I am, I assure you that I will meet start to finish
“It is my honor to nominate of unparalleled achievement, must preserve our priceless her- the challenge with both humility
one of our nation’s most brilliant towering intellect, sterling cre- itage of a nation of laws and there and courage.” Cubs, Sox did what they
and gifted legal minds to the dentials and unyielding loyalty to is no one better to do that than needed during pandemic-
Supreme Court. She is a woman the Constitution,” Trump said in Amy Coney Barrett.” Turn to Barrett, Page 2 shortened season. Paul
Sullivan in Chicago Sports

Chicago Weather Center: Complete $5.00 city, suburbs and elsewhere

Tom Skilling’s forecast High 78 Low 55
forecast in Nation & World, Page 36 173rd year No. 271 © Chicago Tribune

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