English Level 3 Lesson 4 Activity Final: Portafolio Integrador Del NIVEL TRES

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English Level 3

Lesson 4
Activity Final

Portafolio integrador del NIVEL TRES:

Lista de actividades que se requieren para el portafolio son:


✓ Actividad de practica 2.2, Direct and Indirect questions/ Preguntas

Directas e Indirectas

✓ Actividad de presentación 2.3 : Modales que expresan obligation,

prohibición y necesidad.

✓ Actividad de práctica 3.2 : 'What are your symptoms?

✓ Actividad de presentación 3.3 Usos del Futuro con WILL

✓ Actividad de producción 3.4 : Diferencia del uso del WIIL con el GOING


✓ Actividad de practica 4.1 : Uso del Verbo frasal LOOK

English Level 3
Lesson 1
Activity 1.3


Repasa la gramática del pasado simple en la actividad 1. 2 de nivel Inglés 2 ó

visita el siguiente vinculo : http://www.aprenderinglesfacil.es/2008/04/pasado-
simple-simple-past-tense.html The Postcard (La Postal)

Dear Marie:

It's the third day of our cruise. We went to the

beach on the first day. The children played in
the sand and swam in the ocean while my
husband and I relaxed in the sun and drank
cocktails. I also went snorkeling and saw a
lot of colorful fish.
Marie Baker
The food on the cruise was fantastic. We ate
at the buffet last night. It's a beautiful ship. It
123 First Avenue
has a huge pool where we swam in yesterday San Diego, CA 54321


a) Lee la postal acerca de las pasadas vaciones de Marge/ Read the postcard
about Marge last vacations b) Escribe una tarjeta siguiendo el ejemplo de Marge
pero de tus pasadas vacaciones.
Dear Adriana

It is my second month at home, we have been locked up by this pandemic, as you will
remember the government has reiterated not to leave our home.

So the vacation we had scheduled for July we will cancel and schedule it for December, I hope
and you understand me.

Más de tarjetas Postales

/More Postcards
English Level 3
Lesson 2
Activity 2.2

Actividad de practica 2.2, Direct and Indirect questions/ Preguntas Directas e


Direct questions are the “normal” questions that we can ask to friends, family
members, and people who we know well / Las preguntas directas son las
preguntas “normales” que hacemos a nuestros amigos, familiares y gente que
conocemos bien.

Example of a direct question/Ejemplo de pregunta Directa: “Where’s the


Indirect questions are a little more formal and polite. We use them when talking
to a person we don’t know very well, or in professional situations, and their form is
a little different/ Las preguntas indirectas son un poco mas formales y educadas.
Las usamos cuando hablamos con una persona que no conocemos bien o en
situaciones profesiones y su forma grammatical es un poco diferente.

Example of an indirect question/ ejemplo de pregunta indirecta: “Could you tell

me where the bathroom is?”

1.-Direct: Where is Market Street?

Indirect: Could you tell me where Market Street is?
In indirect questions with is/are, the verb (is) comes after the subject (Market

2.-Direct What time does the bank open?

Indirect: Do you know what time the bank opens?
In indirect questions, we don’t use the auxiliary verbs do/does/did. Also, you can
see that the verb is “open” in the direct question, and “opens” in the indirect

3.-Direct: Why did you move to Europe?

Indirect: I was wondering why you moved to Europe.
Again, there is no auxiliary verb did in the indirect question. In fact, this indirect
question isn’t even a question – it’s more of a statement that invites the other
person to give more information
- Ve más información en este enlace/See more at:

Practica A: Choose the correct option/ Escoge la opción correcta para las
preguntas indirectas y marcalas con amarillo, ve el ejemplo:

1. "Where's the station?"

"Can you tell me _______________________ ?"
1. ? where the station is
2. ? where is the station
3. ? where be the station

2. "Are you coming to the party?"

"Can you let me know if _______________________ ?"
1. ? you are coming to the party
2. ? to come to the party
3. ? are you coming to the party

3. "How does it work?"

"Can you explain _______________________ ?"
1. ? how can it work
2. ? how it works
3. ? how it work
4. "What's the the matter?"
Please tell me _______________________ ."
1. ? what's the matter
2. ? what is the matter
3. ? what the matter is
5. "Where are you from?"
"I'd like to know _______________________ ."
1. ? where are you from
2. ? where're you from
3. ? where you are from
6. "How long does it take to get there?"

"Do you know _______________________ ?"

1. ? how long it take to get there

2. ? how many time does it take to get there
3. ? how long it takes to get there

7. "Has she reached a decision yet?"

"Has she told you whether _______________________ ?"
1. ? has she made a decision yet
2. ? she's made a decision yet
3. ? have made a decision yet

8. "What time are you leaving?"

"Do you know _______________________ ?"
1. ? what time are you leaving
2. ? what hour are you leaving
3. ? what time you are leaving

9. "Does Annie know about computers?"

"I wonder whether _______________________ ."
1. ? Annie knows about computers
2. ? Annie know about computers
3. ? does Annie know about computers
10. "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"
"Could you tell us _______________________ ?"
1. ? how do you get to the post office
2. ? how to get to the post office
3. ? to get to the post office

11. "What are you doing?!"

"Do you have any idea _______________________ ?!"
1. ? what you do
2. ? what you are doing
3. ? what are you doing

12. "Could you lend me 50 Euros?"

"Is there any chance _______________________ ?"
1. ? you could lend me 50 Euros
2. ? could you borrow me 50 Euros
3. ? you lend me 50 Euros
English Level 3
Lesson 2
Activity 2.3

Actividad de presentación 2.3 : Modales que expresan obligación,

prohibición y necesidad.

Todos los modales en inglés:

1. Expresan funciones /Express functions

2. NO cambian con el sujeto de la oración /Have the same form for all persons
3. NO llevan la partícula “TO”/ Followed by Infinitive without “to”
4. Su forma afirmativa es /Affirmative: Subject + Modal verb + verb in Infinitive
5. Su forma Negativa /Negative: Subject + Modal verb+ not (n’t) + verb in
6. Su forma interrogativa /Interrogative: Modal verb+ Subject + Infinitive ?

Permission = It’s OK / Esta bien You can smoke here

English words used for permission:

• can
• allowed
• may
• permitted

What’s the difference?

The word “to” is used after allowed and permitted, but not
after can or may.

• You’re allowed to smoke in here.

• You can to smoke in here. = You can smoke in here.

Can is more informal, may and permitted are more formal, and allowed is both
Obligation = It’s necessary/ Es necesario

You have to show your photo ID.

English words used for obligation:

• have to
• need to
• must
• required

What’s the difference?

Must and required are more formal than have to and need to.

Don’t use “to” after “must.”

Supposed to / Not supposed to

You can use these words for “light” requirements and prohibitions – for example,
rules that are often not followed.

• We’re supposed to arrive on time, but it’s OK if we’re a little late. Our boss
is pretty relaxed.
• The employees aren’t supposed to eat lunch at their desks, but a lot of
them do so anyway.

Prohibition = It’s not OK/ No es correcto

You’re not allowed to swim here.

English words used for prohibition:

• can’t
• mustn’t
• not allowed
• not permitted
What’s the difference?

Can’t is more informal, mustn’t and not permitted are more formal,
and not allowed is both formal and informal.

Don’t use “to” after “mustn’t.” Pronunciation :The first “t” in “mustn’t” is silent!

No obligation = It’s not necessary/No es necesario.

You don’t need to wear shoes here.

English words used for no obligation:

• don’t have to
• don’t need to
• not necessary
• not required
• optional

Practice B: Mira las imágenes y completa las frases con have to, don't have to o mustn't.

You have to stop to let the other cars pass.

You mustn't pay to visit the museum.

You don't have to wear a suit and tie on Fridays.

You mustn't use your mobile phone in the concert hall.

You have to give way at the round about.

You mustn't drive faster than 90 km/hour.

You don't have to walk to the beach. You can cycle.

You have to stop when the traffic lights are red

Practice B: Completa las frases con must, mustn't, have to, don't / doesn't
have to.:

1. Larry must go to the bank. He hasn't got any money.

2. You mustn't smoke in the baby's room.

3. You have to pay. The entrance is free.

4. I must hurry up if I don't want to miss the plane.

5. In the company, everybody have to start work at 8:30.

6. You mustn't cook tonight. I have already prepared the dinner.

7. I must pick up my sister from the airport tomorrow.

8. She don't work. Her husband earns enough money for both of them.

9. You mustn't smoke at the petrol station.

10. If you want to study here, you must pass an entrance examination
English Level 3
Lesson 4
Activity 4.1

Actividad de practica 4.1 : Uso del Verbo frasal LOOK Para terminar este nivel tres
,vamos a ver algunos de los (Phrasal Verbs) verbos frasales que se forman a partir del
verbo look. Depúes sigue la actividad A para practicar en contexto estos verbos:

Let’s start!

1. LOOK INTO: significa ‘investigar’. En inglés también existe el latinajo ‘investigate’

/investigueit/, pero se usa en contextos mucho más formales.

Ejemplo:The guard looked into the disturbance—El vigilante investigó el alboroto

2. LOOK UP TO (somebody) /luk ap to sombady/. Significa ‘admirar‘.

Ejemplo:My little brother looks up to me—Mi hermano pequeño me admira

3. LOOK DOWN ON (somebody/something): Significa lo contrario de la número dos, es

decir ‘mirar por encima del hombro a alguien’

Ejemplo:You shouldn’t look down on your employees—No deberías mirar por encima del
hombro a tus empleados

4. LOOK BACK: significa ‘mirar al pasado’ o ‘recordar’

Ejemplo: When I look back on my life, I see pain, mistakes and heart ache—Cuando miro
al pasado veo dolor, errores y pena.

5. LOOK AROUND: significa literalmente ‘mirar alrededor‘ o ‘buscar’

Ejemplo: We have started looking around for a new house near Barcelona

6. LOOK AFTER: significa ‘cuidar‘

Ejemplo:Maria looked after my cats while I was abroad–María cuidó de mis gatos mientras
yo estaba en el extranjero

7. LOOK FOR: significa ‘buscar

Ejemplo:I’m looking for my keys– Estoy buscando mis llaves

8. LOOK FORWARD TO (something +ING): Significa ‘anhelar algo ansiosamente‘.

Muchas cartas o emails finalizan así:
Ejemplos: I look forward to seeing you soon—Espero verte pronto
I look forward to working with you–Espero poder trabajar con usted
I look forward to hearing from you—A la espera de sus noticias

9. LOOK AHEAD: significa ‘pensar en el futuro/anticipar‘

Ejemplo:We need to look ahead to make realistic plans–Necesitamos mirar al futro para
hacer planes realistas

10. LOOK AT: significa ‘considerar/examinar’.

Ejemplo:The doctor needs to look at the wound before you leave– El médico necesita
examinarte la herida antes de que te marches

11. LOOK UP: significa ‘consultar‘ una guía, directorio, diccionario, etc…Es decir, también
se puede traducir como ‘buscar‘.

Actividad A: Phrasal Verb “LOOK” Completa con la forma correcta del verbo LOOK,
vigila el tiempo gramatical de la oración:

1. Catherine is looking around for a new house because her apartment is too small.
2. I look up to my math teacher. She is great!
3. Could you look at my homework and tell if it is ok?
4. John is looking for his keys because he lost them last night.
5. Don´t look down on Richard; he is as good as you are!
6. In this business, it´s very difficult to look ahead and predict what will happen?
7. I´m looking forward to seeing you next week!
8. Peter asked me to look after his dog while he is out!
9. If you look back over the last five years, you can see how happy we were.
10. Police is looking into Mr. Smith´s missing money
11. We didn´t know the meaning of a word, so We looked it at the dictionary.
English Level 3
Lesson 3
Activity 3.2

Actividad de práctica 3.2 : 'What are your symptoms? En esta actividad de

practica estudiaremos como expresar en inglés alguna situaciones de salud, las
cuales son imprescindibles cuando se aprende un idioma extranjero:

Symptoms/ Síntomas
When you see the doctor he (or she) might ask you 'What's wrong?'/ Qué
tienes? or 'What's the problem?'/ Cual es el problema? Otro modo de
preguntar al paciente seria : 'What are your symptoms?'/ cuáles son tus

Explaining your problem/ Explica tu problema

Look at these two forms we can use to talk about our health problems/ estas
son dos formas que podemos usar para hablar de nuestro problema de salud

'I have been coughing a lot these days / recently / for the last few days / He
estado tosiendo

'I have a cough.' ( Tengo tos)

' Other examples of this form include/ Otras formas de expresar nuestro
malestar son :

'I have been sneezing./ He estado estornudando

'My head has been hurting/ Me ha estado doliendo la cabeza '
'I have been having headaches/ He tenido doleres de cabeza
'I have been feeling tired./ Me he sentido cansado
'I haven't been sleeping well/ No he estado durmiendo bien.

We also use/ tambien usamos expresiones como estas:

I have + noun- Yo tengo + sustantivo

'I have a bad back'- yo tengo un problema en espalda

'I have a sore throat.'- tengo la garganta irritada
'I have a fever.'- tengo fiebre
I feel + adjective- Yo me siento+ adjetivo

'I feel dizzy.'- me siento mareado

'I feel rundown.'- me siento desgastado

Practica A: ESTA ACTIVIDAD SI ES ENTREGABLE. A continuación debe

seleccionar alguna de las expresiones que considere es más adecuada para cada
caso (marcar con amarillo)

• With some medications I feel ___ .


• My nose has been ____.


• I ___ a fever.

am feeling

• I have a ___ throat.

• I have a stomach ___.


• Doctor: 'What are your ___ ?


• All these past days, I haven't been __________ well.

English Level 3
Lesson 3
Activity 3.3

Actividad de práctica 3.3: Hemos estado aprendiendo sobre otras formas

gramaticales en presente, pasado y esta vez estudiaremos sobre futuro
“WILL” .


Una manera de hablar del futuro es con el verbo auxiliar "will". La contracción
sería apostrofe y luego doble L.

I will swim. = Nadaré.

I'll swim. = Nadaré. (contracción)

Ponemos el sujeto primero (en la oración arriba "I"), luego "will", y luego el
verbo. En oraciones negativas usamos "will not" o la contracción "won't".

I will not swim. = No nadaré.

I won't swim. = No nadaré.

Para formar una pregunta, ponemos "will" primero, luego el sujeto, y luego el

Will you swim? = ¿Nadarás?

Práctica A: Escribe oraciones de lo que estas personas harán usando la

información dada. Escribe las oraciones sin contracción como el ejemplo. Esta
actividad SI es calificable.
Bob Will exercise

1. They/go to the party

They will go to the party.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson/watch TV

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will watch TV.

3. The children/study English

The children will study English.

4. She/cook dinner
She will cook dinner.

5. The dog/run
The dog will run.

Práctica B:

Susan está estudiando para ser maestra. Haz oraciones de lo que hará o no
hará ella en su futura carrera. Escribe las oraciones afirmativas sin contracción
(will) y las negativas con contracción como en los ejemplos abajo(won´t). Esta
actividad SI es calificable

correct tests
She will correct tests.

build houses
She won't build houses.

1. teach classes
She will teach classes.

2. work at a school
She will work at a school.

3. drive a truck
She won't drive a truck.

4. work with students

She will work with students.

5. work in a hospital
She won't work in a hospital.
Práctica C: Escribe las siguientes oraciones con contracciones.


I will ski.
I'll ski.

She will not sleep.

She won't sleep.

1. They will study.

They'll study.

2. It will finish at 3:00.

It'll finish at 3:00.

3. Fred will not work.

Fred won't work.

4. You will learn English.

You'll learn English.

5. The children will not go to bed early.

The children won't go to bed early.

Práctica D

Selecciona la respuesta correcta según lo que harás o no harás en el futuro. No

hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas.

1. Will you work tomorrow? No, I won't

2. Will you study English tomorrow? Yes, I Will.

3. Will you go to the movie theater this weekend? No, I won't

4. Will you wash the dishes tonight? Yes, I Will.

5. Will you go on vacation next year? Yes, I Will.

Actividad de práctica 3.3: Hemos estado aprendiendo sobre otras formas
gramaticales en presente, pasado y esta vez estudiaremos sobre futuro “WILL”

Una manera de hablar del futuro es con el verbo auxiliar "will". La contracción
sería apostrofe y luego doble L.

I will swim. = Nadaré.

I'll swim. = Nadaré. (contracción)

Ponemos el sujeto primero (en la oración arriba "I"), luego "will", y luego el
verbo. En oraciones negativas usamos "will not" o la contracción "won't".

I will not swim. = No nadaré.

I won't swim. = No nadaré.

Para formar una pregunta, ponemos "will" primero, luego el sujeto, y luego el

Will you swim? = ¿Nadarás?

Práctica A Escribe oraciones de lo que estas personas harán usando la

información dada. Escribe las oraciones sin contracción como el ejemplo. Esta
actividad SI es calificable.

Bob w ill exercise.

1. They/go to the party

They will go to the party.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson/watch TV

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will watch TV.

3. The children/study English

The children will study English.

4. She/cook dinner
She will cook dinner.

5. The dog/run
The dog will run.
Práctica B:
Susan está estudiando para ser maestra. Haz oraciones de lo que hará o
no hará ella en su futura carrera. Escribe las oraciones afirmativas sin
contracción (will) y las negativas con contracción como en los ejemplos
abajo(won´t). Esta actividad SI es calificable

correct tests
She will correct tests.

build houses
She won't build houses.

1. teach classes
She will teach classes.

2. work at a school
She will work at a school.

3. drive a truck
She won't drive a truck.

4. work with students

She will work with students.

5. work in a hospital
She won't work in a hospital.

Práctica C: Escribe las siguientes oraciones con contracciones.


I will ski.
I'll ski.

She will not sleep.

She won't sleep.

1. They will study.

They'll study.

2. It will finish at 3:00.

It'll finish at 3:00.
3. Fred will not work.
Fred won't work.

4. You will learn English.

You'll learn English.

5. The children will not go to bed early.

The children won't go to bed early.

Práctica D

Selecciona la respuesta correcta según lo que harás o no harás en el futuro. No

hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas.

1. Will you work tomorrow? No, I won't

2. Will you study English tomorrow? Yes, I Will.

3. Will you go to the movie theater this weekend? No, I won't

4. Will you wash the dishes tonight? Yes, I Will.

5. Will you go on vacation next year? Yes, I Will.

English Level 3
Lesson 3
Activity 3.4

Actividad 3.4 : Diferencia del uso del WIIL con el GOING TO En las actividades
anteriores en el nivel 2, lecciones 4.0 y 4.1 aprendimos a usar el WILL, como
forma de futuro pero existe otra forma de expresarlo que es usando la expresión
“going to”. Aquí explicamos alguna de las diferencias en el uso de una (will) u
otra (going to) de la expresiones. Lee muy bien las reglas gramaticales y
finalmente responde las actividades, recuerda que esta actividad SI ES

1. We use "will" when we make decision at the time of speaking/ Usamos “will”
cuando tomamos una decision en el momento que habla . A decision that has not
been decided before/ una decision que no se habia tomado antes.

Katie: Let's go out for dinner

Maria: That's a good idea. We'll go to the Chinese restaurant.

2. We use "going to" when we have already decided to do something/

Usamos el “going to” cuando ya se decidio algo con anterioridad

(Maria and Katie have already decided to eat Chinese food)

Maria: Katie and I have decided to go out for dinner. We're going to eat

James: That's nice.

3. We use "going to" when we use facts or events in the present situation as
evidence for a prediction/usamos el “going to” cuando tenemos hechos o
eventos en presente como evidencia para hacer una prediccion

• It's going to rain. I can see the gray skies / Va a llover. Puedo ver el cielo
• Oh dear, I'm going to be late. / Llegare tarde.

4. We use "going to" when something is clearly going to happen very soon
and as a warning/ usamos el “going to” cuando algo claramente va a suceder

• Watch out, we're going to crash/ Cuidado! Vamos a chocar!

• Be careful, you are going to drop those glasses/Ten cuidado. Vas a tirar
esos vasos.

5. We use "will" when we are making a promise or an offer/ Usamos el “will”

cuando hacemos una promesa o una oferta

• I'll ring you later tonight/ Te marco mas tarde

• I'll come round and help you later/ vendre y te ayudare más tarde.

PRACTICE A) Escribe completas las respuestas en rojo, utilizando las palabras

entre paréntesis y empleando las formas verbales "will" ('ll) o "going to" según
convenga de acuerdo a su uso. Si tienes dudas puede volver a leer las reglas de
uso expuestas inicialmente. Fíjate en el ejemplo

I am going to
1) Why are you switching on the computer? (I / type) my report.
I am going to type my report
2) Would you like a drink? Yes please. I'll have
(I / have) a cup of tea
I'll phone
3) Did you phone your father? No, but don't worry, (I / phone) him now

4) What are you doing tonight? We are goin

(We / go) to a party.
I'm going to s
5) Can you meet up tonight? No, sorry I can't. (I / see) Madonna in

PRACTICE B) Escribe completas las siguientes oraciones utilizando "will" or

"going to":

are you goin

1 Dad (you / lend) me the car next week?
Dad will you lend me the car next week?
2 Andy and Andrea are going to
(have) a party and they've invited me since Tuesday
3 I'm sorry, your mother and I are going to
(see) that new film at the Odeon
4 We probably w on't get ba
(not get back) until ten o'clock

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