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4 St.

Petri Messenger


“Too often,
On Sunday October 4th we will when female
be celebrating the 50 th clergy meet
Anniversary of the ordination and share,
of women in the Lutheran the air is filled
Church. Bishop Andrea with anger,
DeGroot-Nesdahl will be with frustration and pain. Stories are sad, discrimination
us to preach, and we will be is outrageous, and the joy comes mostly from the
honoring five women of St. little moments of warmth shared with a kindred
Petri whom God has called to the ministry of Word soldier before leaping back into battle.
and Sacrament: Rev. Nancy Jewell, Rev. Carolyn Uncomfortable, but true.” —The Rev. Margaret
Pflibsen, Rev. Anita Tebben Nuetzman, and Gatter Payne, 1985
seminarians Emma Grinde and Megan Gustafson.
Ruth Frost and Phyllis Zillhart Jan. 22, 1990 are the
Thanks be to God for calling these gifted and
first openly lesbian women to be ordained in a
talented children of God to lead the church in
Lutheran church body in the United States.
these interesting times. Following are some of the
Because of the ELCA’s policies on clergy in same-
milestones along this journey of 50 years.
gender relationships, the congregation that called
Elizabeth Platz Nov. 22, 1970 is ordained in the them, St. Francis, was put on ecclesiastical trial,
Lutheran Church in America, which makes her the suspended from the ELCA for five years and then
first woman ordained in a Lutheran church body in expelled in 1996. Frost and Zillhart were formally
North America. received back into the ELCA in 2010.

Barbara L. Andrews Dec. 22, 1970 is the first April Ulring Larson June 12, 1992 is the first woman
woman ordained in the American Lutheran Church elected as a synod bishop in the ELCA. At this time,
and the first woman with a disability to be she was only the second female Lutheran bishop in
ordained in the United States. the world.

The 10th anniversary gathering April 13-16, 1980 Elizabeth Eaton Aug. 14, 2013 is the first woman
was the first time female pastors across the AELC, elected as presiding bishop of the ELCA.
LCA and ALC met. The Rev. Dr. Norma Cook Everist
Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl Sept. 1, 2020 is the first
remembers that there was an element of fear in
woman to be Bishop of the Northeastern Iowa
the gathering. People were uncertain if women’s
ordination would last.
Again I say, “Thanks be to God.”
- Pastor Scot McCluskey
In Our Prayers
The Family of Charlotte Hill WELCA Report
John Carlson
October 8 2:00pm WELCA Circle
Hospitalized in September
October 11 Quilt Sunday
Charlotte Hill
October 17 Quilt shipping - possibly
In Memoriam October 26-28 9am-noon Quilt Making
Charlotte Hill
Ongoing Prayer Concerns QUILT SUNDAY
Scott Rosene (Shirley Stakey’s nephew), OCTOBER 11
Lynn Kelly (Friend of Betty Grinde),
Terri Hermanson, Klinton Patterson, LWR QUILTS LWR
Mark Helland, Maxine Lekwa, Kay Munsen,
Kay Disbrowe, John Satre, Help Fund Us!
Juli Tostlebe (Daughter-in-law of Ted & Marilyn),
Luke Baade (Judith Schnurstein great nephew) The past two months WELCA participants have
once again been working on quilts for Lutheran
Prayers for those not near to us: World Relief. Yes, we have more tables up, social
Patrick and Jacqueline Bencke, ELCA Missionaries, distance as we work, and fellowship!!
Soldiers, Peace Workers, and Humanitarian Aid Now we are asking for your continued support
Workers requesting funds to help defray shipping costs with
the current request of $2.25 per quilt. As the spring
OCTOBER IS pickup did not occur, we currently have over 140
quilts ready for shipping.
Please take a moment in prayer for Thank you for your consideration and support of
Pastor Scot McCluskey this ongoing WELCA project.
and to express your appreciation for Quilts will be on display on Sunday, October 11th
his hard work and dedication to St. Petri. during worship.
Your encouragement means a lot! We are looking for someone who is able to deliver
Thank you Pastor Scot quilts to Hudson, IA on Saturday, November 7th.
for choosing to serve the Lord here at St. Petri! For details, please call Shirley Stakey at 733-5169.


are due the Wednesday morning before.
are due Tuesday, October 20, 2020
to ensure that they will be in the newsletter.
Please send them to or
give them to the Church Secretary.
Thank you! 
Oct. 1: Tim Patterson
Oct. 2: Ben Knutson, Margaret Peter
Oct. 3: Marlene Helling
Oct. 4: Marissa Heers, Scott Ihle, Angie Roling,
Jacob Van Brocklin
Oct. 5: Noah Halsey
Oct. 6: Verlyn Frohling, Marilyn Kolbe
Oct. 7: Ella Braucher, Austin Hobbs
Oct. 10: Diane Larson
Oct. 12: Seth Hill, Jason Patterson
Oct. 13: Logan Andersen
October 25, 2020
Oct. 14: Spencer Peterson
Oct. 16: King Brown
Oct. 18: Kay Disbrowe, Mary Nannenga It is all too easy for us
Oct. 21: Jill Anderson, Wyatt Peterson to be distracted by
Oct. 22: Hayden Gossel
Loving the WORK of the LORD
Oct. 23: Kris Foss, Sawyer Hjortsvang
more than
Oct. 24: Carin Gossel, Betty Grinde
Oct. 25: Willow Hill, Kara Patterson Loving the LORD of the WORK
Oct. 26: Kole Knutson
Oct. 27: Lorna Hoversten, Lisa Kalamaja, “’Teacher, what is the most important
Diana Keech commandment in the Law?’
Oct. 29: Angie Stover Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all
Oct. 31: Mary Wynia your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and
most important commandment.” Matt. 22:36-38

October is Clergy Appreciation Month
Sunday, Oct. 11 Quilt Sunday Please contact the
Sunday, Oct. 25 Reformation Sunday c church office at 7
7 733-4623 or s s s s
to let us know your new school address so we can
keep our records up-dated and send you our
monthly newsletter. You can also view the St. Petri
calendar & newsletter online at

“You shall put these words of mine in your

Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry
St. Petri will be volunteering at Loaves & Fishes
heart and soul… Teach them to your children,
Saturday, October 17th from 10am-Noon. Four or
talking about them when you are at home and five volunteers are needed to help serve.
when you are away, when you lie down and when Questions or to volunteer, please contact Betty
you rise.” Deuteronomy 11:18-19 Grinde or John Fevold.
with members of our congregation on this
Seven days topic.
without prayer o Pastor had a great vacation and is taking 4 days
the week of August 17th to attend the virtual
makes one weak! DNC convention.
o A group met on Thursday, August 6th to discuss
St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church social justice in churches. This meeting
Approved Council Meeting Minutes stemmed from discussions that came up during
August 9, 2020 via Zoom the book study “Dear Church.”
 Kelsey Olson shared that the group is just
 In attendance: Abby Patterson, Kendra Braucher,
brainstorming ways St. Petri can be more
Pastor Scot McCluskey, Donna Guard, Rick Stover,
inclusive and how to educate members of
Carmen Peter, John Hinz, Megan Gustafson,
the congregation as we move along in the
Brandie Gossel, Randy Olson, Kelsey Olson
call process.
 Called to order at 6:31pm by Abby Patterson o Music Copyright: We do not currently have an
o Pastor Scot opened with prayer active license to cover songs out of our hymnal.
 July 2020 meeting minutes presented by Kendra A license from ONElicense would effectively
Braucher cover the remaining music we use in worship.
o John Hinz moved to accept the minutes; Brandie $277.00 would cover the cost of copying,
seconded. All were in favor and the motion projecting and streaming the music we use.
passed.  It was discussed that next year’s budget will
 Treasurer’s Report presented by Rick Stover need to increase line item 43 for next year to
o St. Petri ended the month of July with a positive cover the costs of licensing.
balance. There was no special fundraiser, there  Kendra Braucher moved to take $277.00
was just increased giving this month. However, from line item 46 to cover the cost of the
St. Petri is still -13, 333.17 (without the PPP license; John Hinz seconded. Everyone was
money) for the year. in favor and motion passed.
o St. Petri still has $2,783.23 remaining to be spent o Discussed Pastor’s housing allowance change
from the PPP loan. again but tabled the discussion until we hear
o St. Petri had a $900 credit from Black Hills energy back from Tom Wynia (tax lawyer).
since the church has not been used very much. o It currently costs $500 to keep an eternal candle
After using $200 this month, there is still a credit lit in the sanctuary.
of $700.  Brandie suggested we use an electric candle
o Kendra Braucher moved to accept the treasurer’s as that is what many other churches are
report as written; John Hinz seconded. All were doing now days. We are currently using a
in favor and the motion passed. wax candle that lasts 7 days. In order to use
 PASTOR’S REPORT an electric candle, a new outlet will need to
o Pastor performed both a funeral and a baptism this be made.
month.  The Property and Trustees committee is
o He attended a visioning session with Bergen and going to get an estimate for the electric
Grace in regards to a new youth director. candle and the associated construction/
o The book study “Dear Church” is going very well electrical work associated with the
with great discussions. installation.
o Pastor met with the worship committee to pick o The church is spending a lot of money on shipping
hymns and with the CARE groups to discuss costs and the idea of purchasing Amazon Prime to
how in-person worship would look. reduce shipping costs was discussed.
o Pastor is gathering a group to lead a  Brandie is going to put together a list of
stewardship drive. what the church is currently paying shipping
o Pastor finished the webinar “Ministry in a for and provide to the council for review at
Digital Age” and is discerning how to employ the next meeting.
it at St. Petri. o The Girl Scouts requested the use of the
o A group met about social justice ministry in fellowship hall the second Saturday of the month.
churches and Pastor engaged in conversation That will last until May of 2021.
 Donna Guard moved to allow the Girl Scouts  Carmen is in need of more assistant
to use the fellowship hall the second Saturday ministers and people to do the children’s
of the month as long as they do not have sermon.
snacks, they clean up after themselves, wear o Property and Trustees
masks, and they social distance; Brandie  The heat and water sensors have come in so
Gossel seconded. All were in favor and the committee needs to decide where to
motion passed. place them. John H. is going to call Church
 OLD BUSINESS Mutual and request more water sensors.
o Randy Olson joined the meeting as the chair for o Faith Formation
the call committee.  Pat and Brandie are going to represent St.
 The call committee has received over 40 Petri in order to move forward with Grace
responses from the survey sent out to the and Bergen in the hiring of a new youth
congregation. Five of the responses were on director.
paper and the rest were online.  President Abby Patterson adjourned the meeting at
 The committee is moving to weekly 8:20 pm.
meetings on Wednesday nights.  Pastor Scot prayed the Lord’s Prayer to close.
 Things are going well and they are moving
along. Respectfully submitted,
o The council looked over the updated Mission Kendra Braucher
Planning Statement. --------------------------------------------------------------
 Kendra Braucher moved to accept the
updated Mission Planning Statement; John CHRISTMAS AT LUTHER 2020
Hinz seconded. All were in favor and A musical celebration featuring
motion passed. new selections & favorites
o Church re-opening was discussed. of the past.
 Since positive Covid-19 cases are currently Friday, December 4th
trending down in Story County, the council 7:30pm
decided that we could move to in-person
Join the Luther community for the online premiere
worship while following the guidelines from
the Covid-19 policy that is put into place for
of Christmas Luther 2020: For Everyone Born.
St. Petri. All are welcome to experience this free perform-
 The council agreed that we can reassess and ance from the comfort of home. Please register in
make changes as needed. advance; a viewing link will then be sent to you
 Kendra Braucher moved to open to in- prior to the performance.
person worship (while still live streaming on Special for 2020: bring Luther College to your living
Facebook) on September 6th with no room with the Christmas at Luther Gift Box!
communion for the month of September. Although we won’t be together in person, you can
Five were in favor, one opposed. Motion still experience some of the Christmas at Luther
magic. Purchase a limited edition gift box for use
o Christian Fellowship during this year’s performance. Shipped directly to
o The CARE group leaders met. Disagreements your home prior to the performance, gift box
were noted in the minutes that were provided contents will include special treats such as a limited
from the meeting and the council approved edition Christmas at Luther 2020 ornament,
COVID-19 policy. Pastor Scot to follow up candles for your family’s participation as you listen,
with the CARE group leaders to make sure they a printed program… Gift box purchasing is available
are aware of the COVID-19 policy. during registration at the link below. Deadline for
o Worship purchasing is October 15, or while supplies last.
 Hymns were selected, musicians were Visit to register your
coordinated, and Carmen will get the lists
attendance. If you’re unable to access a computer,
for assistant ministers, lectors, and
children’s sermons together. She puts call Luther College Ticket Office at 563-387-1357.
together lists three months at a time. We hope you’ll join us for Luther’s Christmas
Heartland Senior Services
(Meals On Wheels) needs volunteers, especially for
the months December –
April. If you can find time to
deliver, even one day, please
contact Connie at Heartland
ASAP at 233-2906 as she
works a couple months


One in five people in our world today live in FALL FESTIVAL AND QUILT AUCTION
extreme poverty, living on less that $1.25 per day. Sat., Oct. 10 11am Recorded Opening
As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. Worship
Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger help our church 11:30am Quilt Bidding Opens
creatively and courageously work toward a world Thur., Oct. 15 5pm Quilt Bidding Closes
of justice in which all are fed. 5pm Recorded Thanksgiving
From microloans to health clinics, water wells to Devotion Service
animal husbandry, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger Online auction link & info:
support innovative solutions that get at the root
causes of hunger. And they don’t stop there. We
engage Lutherans in advocacy and hunger 37776 Alpha Ave., Strawberry Point, IA 52076
education to act and speak in ways that can make a 563-933-4700;
difference. Through this comprehensive approach,
we address hunger from all angles, both locally and
around the world.
How to give:
*Mail your gifts to:
Chicago, IL 60694-1764
*Donate online at:
*Give thru your congregation by making check For more info or to
payable to your congregation and writing “ELCA register, call 733-5271
World Hunger” in the memo line. or go to

ELCA World Hunger is funded solely by gifts from Oct. 9-11 FAMILY FUN WEEKEND
ELCA members and congregations like yours. Over A camp for the whole family!
90 cents of each dollar you give to ELCA World There will be an array of scheduled activities
Hunger directly supports programmatic work; less for your family to participate in – or not! That
than a dime is used for administration and is the great part that you choose as a family
fundraising. how to spend your time! Some of the activities
to choose from: canoeing, kayaking, horseback
riding, disc golf, arts & crafts, campfire,
outdoor worship…
Here are some of the things that will look a little
RIVERSIDE YOUTH RECHARGE different than normal at Riverside...
recharge-(n): The process of reloading or refueling a 1. Limiting capacity-We will be limiting the number
power source with it's proper fuel; ie: your fuel tank, of campers that can come to each recharge, in
your batteries, your mind, your heart. order to allow for plenty of space for social
Oct. 16-18 Juniors (Grades 3-6) distancing between cabins for worship, meals, &
Oct. 23-25 High School (Grades 9-12) any other indoor activities. Our normal capacity
Oct. 30-Nov.1 Junior High (Grades 6-9) for fall recharges is around 200 campers, & we
Super fun weekend that’s like a whole will be operating at 50% or less than our normal
week of camp smashed into 40 hours! capacity.
Cool music~games~small group time 2. Strongly encouraging youth to come as a part of a
~free time~awesome food. small group from their own town/church who they
Fee: $90 (A $25 deposit is required to register. The are already interacting, including two adult
balance may be paid upon arrival, but it is leaders-We are asking you to strongly consider
encouraged to pay the full amount before coming to having your small group, friends, etc. come as a
Riverside. The deposit is non-refundable and non- group to Riverside. You can have 4-10 campers in
transferable, but our non-refund policy for deposits a cabin, & you would need to have two adult
has been slightly amended due to the current "cabin leaders" with them. (These can be parents,
pandemic. In the case of illness or COVID-19 small group leaders... One leader would need to be
precautions, we are able to offer refunds for out of high school, but the other could be a high
deposits if that is helpful for your family. If school student.) Typically we encourage campers
registering less than one week before the recharge, to branch out & meet new people at camp, but due
please add $5.) to the pandemic, we are encour-aging campers to
 Arrival is from 7:30-8:20 pm on Friday, please do sign-up with people they are already in regular
not arrive before 7:30 pm. We will email you with contact. When campers register online, you will be
more instructions for arrival the week before your able to add up to 9 or so cabin mate requests,
camper is scheduled to be at Riverside. rather than the typical 2. The adult volunteers
 Recharge ends at noon on Sunday (pickup at would need to have a back-ground check &
cabins). communicate with us about who will be in their
 You may want to bring some extra money, or add group. Adult leaders won’t have to register for the
money to their camp store account online, as the recharge, as they would get to participate for free.
camp store will be open selling candy, soda, t- They would use the materials & curriculum that
shirts, & other great camp gear. Any extra we provide to lead their small group thru the
balance on their online account at the end of the weekend. It will be a fun & easy weekend
recharge on Sunday will be donated to Riverside. connecting & investing in some fanta-stic youth.
We will accept cash throughout the weekend at the We think this is an AWESOME way to have a
camp store. shared, Christ-centered experience with a group
 Please bring your Bible, pen or pencil, paper or that you may already be investing in!
notebook, sleeping bag or bedding & pillow, 3. Cabin mates based on geography-Campers who
toiletries, a couple of masks, & warm clothes for are unable to come as a part of an entire cabin
lots of outdoor activities. group will be put in a cabin with other campers
 Please DO NOT bring cell phones, gaming based on where they are from. We will do our best
devices, iPods or MP3 players, any type of to put campers in a cabin with other campers from
electronics, expensive jewelry, or food. their same geographic location, & they will have
plenty of distance between campers who are in
Riverside COVID-19 Considerations different cabins.
We hope the following information on what we will 4. Social distancing-Each cabin will remain a co-hort
be doing at Riverside in light of COVID-19 will thru the weekend, & there will be plenty of space
help you & your family make a decision that is best between cabin groups during the day, including
for you as to whether or not you will send a camper chapel time, meals, & other activities, indoors or
to Riverside this fall. If you have any additional outdoors. Our goal is to minimize close contact
questions, feel free to call the office at 733-5271. between different cabin groups.
5. Health Screen-We will do a brief health screen-ing If you would like more information, please contact
for every camper upon arrival at Riverside. We ask Deb Whitford, LSI’s director of philanthropy and
that you stay home if you have been sick, have church relations, at
COVID-19 symptoms, or have been in contact or 563.676.2065. LSI is also available to provide a
with someone with COVID-19 within the week customized virtual shared ministry opportunity for
before coming to a recharge. your congregation. If you would like to share the
6. Meal times-All campers will be expected to wash message of LSI with your community, please
their hands before every meal, & instead of having contact our Waverly office at 319.352.2630.
a self-serving buffet, we will be serving meals Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the
family style! You will still enjoy the incredible love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. LSI
food that you are used to eating at Riverside, but is an affiliated social ministry partner of the Iowa
now you will have it brought to your table for you. congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran
We also will not have any campers on dish crew. Church in America) and a member of LSA (Lutheran
7. Masks-We will be giving a mask to every camper Services in America). We proudly serve people of all
who comes to a recharge this fall, but it would be ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities,
helpful for your camper to bring 1 or 2 others from national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual
orientations. Learn more at and
home! Campers are expected to wear their masks
while they are in any building or within 6 feet of
someone who is not in their cabin group, except A Path to Healing
for when they are in their own cabin, eating, or When 14-year-old Bri first came to LSI’s Beloit
instructed otherwise. Masks are optional for Residential Treatment Center in Ames, she was
campers when they are in their cabin, outdoors and struggling with aggression, frequently ran away, &
not within 6 feet of campers who are not in their had a hard time focusing in school. And as she was
cabin group, eating, in Bible study, or otherwise trying to heal from years of trauma, Bri’s beloved
instructed that masks are optional. grandpa suddenly passed away. She felt stuck &
nothing was getting better, no matter what she tried.
But her Beloit team was there to cheer her on.
The LSI team at Beloit provides 24-7 mental health
treatment for Iowa children who have often
experienced years of trauma, abuse, or neglect. Staff
members are there to encourage children on their
LUTHERAN SERVICES IN IOWA path to hope and healing, and they were there to lift
OCTOBER 2020 up Bri when she decided to make a positive change
Warming Hearts with God’s Love and a Good in her life. Bri began actively participating in
Pair of Mittens individual and group therapy sessions provided at
Beloit, and she made it a point to encourage her
Far too often, children arrive at LSI’s Beloit and peers on campus every day. Her Beloit team helped
Bremwood Residential Treatment Centers with very her to feel more comfortable opening up about her
little in their possession. grief, and staff members were there to remind her of
We give thanks for Iowa congregations who all the progress she had made to help her stay
faithfully respond to these needs, year after year! As focused on the positives.
winter approaches, LSI relies on your loving After months of hard work, Bri found a loving
support to meet the demands for winter apparel for foster family and was able to leave Beloit’s
children at Beloit and Bremwood. Youth in programming. And while she felt uncertain and
residential treatment have little control over their anxious about leaving, she knew she was ready to
lives, so it’s important for us to give them the move forward.
opportunity, when possible, to choose their new Bri continues to keep in touch with the team at
coat or mittens. Because of this, we ask that you Beloit, providing details on her new life, school,
please not donate articles of clothing. With your and her new room at home. Bri’s anxiety about the
generous financial donation, many children will unknown has diminished, she feels confident
have the simple joy of choosing their new coat, communicating her emotions, and she has hope for
knowing that they are loved and cherished. the future.
“Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth
about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my
Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19
Faith is the only thing that pleases God.

“For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be

compared to a king who wished to settle accounts
with his slaves. When he began the reckoning, one
who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to
him and, as he could not pay, his lord ordered him to
be sold, together with his wife and children and all his
possessions, and payment to be made. So the slave fell
on his knees before him, saying, ‘Have patience with
me, and I will pay you everything.’ And out of pity for
him, the lord of that slave released him and forgave
him the debt. But that same slave, as he went out,
came upon one of his fellow slaves who owed him a
hundred denarii; and seizing him by the throat, he
said, ‘Pay what you owe.’ Then this fellow slave fell
down and pleaded with him. ‘Have patience with me,
and I will pay you.’ But he refused; then he went and
threw him into prison until he would pay the debt.
When his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they
were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to
their lord all that had taken place. Then his lord
summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked slave! I
forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with
me, Should you not have had mercy on your fellow
slave, as I had mercy on you?’ And in anger his lord
handed him over to be tortured until he would pay his
entire debt. So my heavenly Father will also do to
every one of you, if you do not forgive your
brother or sister from your heart.”
Matthew 18:23-35
We should be more afraid of unforgiveness
than a sack of rattlesnakes!
Welcome Back to St. Petri – here’s what to expect at in-person services:
Indoor services begin in September 2020!
Before arriving:
* Ensure that you are feeling well! If you have any symptoms listed by the CDC that may be associated with
COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed to be infected with COVID-19
join us virtually via Facebook instead of attending in-person.

Upon arrival:
* If your mobility is not impaired, please park in the North parking area. This will leave spaces along the South
West entrance of the church for those with impaired mobility.
* Remember to maintain appropriate social distancing while in the parking lot and while walking to the entry.
* Please enter the building only through the South entrance.
* Please wear a facial covering to help protect others!

Entering the building and finding your seat:

* A greeter (wearing mask and disposable gloves) will be stationed at the South entrance to open the door for
you. If you are early or running late and open the door yourself, please use a disinfectant wipe to wipe the door
handle after use. A trash can will be inside the door for the used wipe.
* Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance - use if desired.
* Bulletins will be available (if desired) at the entrance. The service will also be projected on the screen.
* Place your offering in the basket on your way in or out – it will not be passed during the service.
* In the building, every other pew will be labeled as “Do not use”. Please sit with your family unit in an open
pew and maintain 6 feet distance with other family units.

During the service:

* Due to risk of virus transmission the following practices will not be done until it is safe to resume them:
contact during passing of the peace, use of kid’s craft area during the sermon, passing of the offering plate, and
* For the kid’s sermon, the children will be asked to remain in their pew; no candy/food will be distributed.
* During the service, there will be singing and talking in unison – please consider this risk when making your
decision on whether to attend in-person services.
* If you need to use the restroom, please use the restroom located next to the Youth and Family Minister Office.
Follow the directions on the sign to “clean-in” and “clean-out” of the restroom. This includes using a
wipe to clean the faucet handle, toilet handle, and toilet seat after use. A second wipe should be used to open the
door and clean the outside of the handle. A trash can will be placed outside of the door to the restroom to collect
used wipes.
Leaving church:
* Before leaving, please use the disinfectant spray and paper towels to wipe off your pew and anything you may
have touched. Place the used paper towel into the trash can by the door on your way out.
* Exit from the South entrance (same way you came in). Those sitting in the back will leave first followed by
in pews closer to the front of the sanctuary.
* Please remember to save conversations for the parking lot and maintain proper social distancing.

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