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Literature Defined

“A body of written
works/writings having
excellence of form or
expression and expressing
ideas of permanent and
universal interest”

-it is not reducible to words on

Genres of Literature
Poetry Prose Drama

Structure/Form Stanza, Verse, Paragraphs/ Dialogues/Lines

Lines Sentences

Language Used Figurative Technical Figurative

Language/ Language/ Language
Metaphorical Figurative (at
some cases)
Purpose To express, to To inform, to To entertain, to
imagine, to argue, to inform, to
entertain expose, to express
Genres of Literature
1. Prose- Fiction (untrue)/non-fiction (true)
2. Poetry- Lyric(sung)/Narrative (story)

Lyric Poetry includes ode (exaltation), Elegy

(mourning), sonnet (sung, w/ specific measure)

3. Drama- meant to be played on stage

Tragedy- misfortune-fortune
Comedy- fortune to misfortune
Preliminaries in Interpreting a Text
Meaning Vs. Significance

“What does the author mean by this?”–

Intentional Fallacy

• Readers can only interpret the significance of the

text to them based on how the language was
used in the text

• It is enriched by the reader’s schema of things

Preliminaries in Interpreting a Text
Meaning Spotting Vs. Meaning Making

• Reading is a process wherein the reader interacts

with the author through the text

• As s/he reads, the reader brings all the

experiences s/he has to be able to spot the
meaning by looking as the text’s form and
interpreting it in the light of his/her own view.
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

Literary Theory is the study of the principles of

literature, its categories and criteria. These different
theories offer different readings and interpretations
to a text, thus making us take a richer and more
meaningful look at a literary piece. They provide
perspective by which to understand literature.
Literary Approaches and Theories
These approaches in literature can assist teacher in:

1. Formulating questions
2. Teaching literature
3. Attempting criticism
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

1. Formalistic or Literary Approach

2. Moral or Humanistic Approach
3. Historical Approach
4. Sociological Approach
5. Cultural Approach
6. Psychological Approach
7. Impressionistic Approach

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

1. Formalistic or Literary Approach

• also called as pure approach
• Art for art’s sake dictum
• Viewed intrinsically or by itself
• Focused on literary elements (literal level, affective
values, ideational values, technical values, total

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

2.Moral or Humanistic Approach

• Nature of human is central to literature
• Morality of literature (ethical goodness/badness)
• Humans as essentially rational, with intellect or free

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

3. Historical Approach
• Literature as both the product of the times and
circumstances in which it was written
• History of a nation has telling effects on its
• Humans as members of a particular society or
nation at a particular time

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

4. Sociological Approach
• Literature as a principally the expression of human
within a given social situation
• This social situation is reduced to a question of
• Conflict between two classes
• Social relevance
• Communication towards a propaganda

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

5. Cultural Approach
• Literature as one of the principal manifestations
and vehicles of a nation’s or race’s culture and
• Considers the literary piece in the total cultural
milieu which it was born
• Culture teaching through literature

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

6. Psychological Approach
• Literature as the expression of personality, of inner
drives, or neurosis.
• Psychology of the author, of the characters, and
even the psychology of creation

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
Approaches in Literature

7. Impressionistic Approach
• The lazy man’s out
• It seeks to see how the piece has communicated
• Unconditioned by explanations and often taking
the impact of the piece as a whole

Source: Maramba, Asuncion David, 1991. Philippine Contemporary Literature,

Manila: Phoenix Press
Literary Approaches and Theories
3 Pigeon-Holes in Literary Theory

1. Imitative Theory- literature is a re-creation or

representation of life’s realities

2. Expressive Theory- artist is not an imitator but

someone who expresses his/her feelings

3. Affective Theory- arouses a particular emotion,

not just a temporary emotional state.

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