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Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Civil Engineering

Decision support system to select the optimum steel portal frame

coverage system
Mohamed A. El-Aghoury a, Ahmed M. Ebid b,⇑, Ibrahim Mahmoud Mahdi b
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University, Cairo, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Portal frame systems are widely used as coverage system in industrial projects. Selecting the proper por-
Received 19 February 2020 tal frame system for a certain project depends on many technical, financial and logistical factors such as
Revised 5 July 2020 estimated cost, construction duration, availability of materials, equipment and skilled labor, besides envi-
Accepted 18 July 2020
ronmental factors such as recycling and durability. The aim of this research is to create a Decision Support
Available online xxxx
System (DSS) to decide the optimal portal frame system considering all these factors. The proposed (DSS)
depends on integrating the Value Engineering (VE) concept with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
technique to identify the optimum system. The considered systems in this research are conventional por-
tal made of hot rolled section, pre-engineered built-up portal frame, trussed frames and portal Frame
AHP truss. The developed (DSS) was tuned for the current Egyptian market conditions in 2019 and success-
Portal frame fully verified using four selected projects with different height to span ratio.
Steel coverage Ó 2020 THE AUTHORS Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction which is not appropriate with the construction projects. In con-

struction projects, decision made in the presence of multiple fac-
Portal frames are generally low-rise structures and very effi- tors or criteria usually conflicting. Each diverse criterion may
cient for enclosing large volumes. Apart from the typical applica- have dissimilar units of measurement, quality feature, and relative
tions like factories and warehouses, recently seminar halls, hall weight. It is possible that some criteria measured quantitatively
centers, supermarkets, showrooms, aircraft hangars, residential and other criteria can only be described qualitatively or subjec-
buildings, petrol canopies, cold storages, telecom shelters, defense tively. Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods are fre-
shelters, schools, health centers, community centers . . .etc.; are quently used to solve real world problems with multiple,
used. Portal frames are usually supporting both roofing and side conflicting, and incommensurate criteria and/or objectives.
cladding via cold-formed purlins and sheeting rails. They are com- Researches on human judgments and decision-making showed
prised of columns and horizontal or pitched rafters, connected by that the human brain is able to consider only a limited amount
moment-resisting connections. Resistance to lateral and vertical of information at any one time [13], which makes it unreliable to
actions is provided by the rigidity of the connections and the bend- take decisions when facing complex problems. Fundamentals of
ing stiffness of the members, which is increased by a suitable modern MCDM had developed in 1950s and 1960s. There are doz-
haunch or deepening of the rafter sections. This form of continuous ens methods available for solving MCDM problems. The MCDM
frame structure is stable in its plane and provides a clear span that methods are able to provide solutions for a wide range of manage-
is unobstructed by bracing. They may also be composed of tapered ment problems [12].
stanchions and rafters fabricated from plate elements. Portal Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), initially introduced by Saaty
frames of lattice members made of angles or tubes are also com- (1980) [15], is a classification scheme; a reference repository has
mon, especially in the case of longer spans. been established, including around 200 international journal
Linear programing optimization technique can have only one papers (starting from 2004). Recently, development of hybrid and
optimal value, but it can have more than one optimal solution, modular methods is becoming increasingly important. They are
based on previously developed well-known methods and their
⇑ Corresponding author. modification.
E-mail addresses: (M.A. El-Aghoury), ahmed. (A.M. Ebid), (I.M. Mahdi).
2090-4479/Ó 2020 THE AUTHORS Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Please cite this article as: M. A. El-Aghoury, A. M. Ebid and I. M. Mahdi, Decision support system to select the optimum steel portal frame coverage system,
Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

2. Objective 1. Alternatives of the solution should be identified or defined. For

example, when choosing structure system in design process- all
The aim of this research is to create a decision support system possible solutions for the project should be identified.
(DSS) for optimal steel portal frame coverage system. An integrated 2. Criteria for the evaluation of those alternatives should be set. It
evaluation approach is based on the implementation of Analytical means that factors that are important and have influence on
Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Delphi method to create this evalu- choice of proper structure system should be identified.
ation approach. Developing this approach does not limit to cost 3. System of criteria evaluation should be established. Each crite-
reduction only, but it extends to problem-solving that can decrease rion is evaluated differently, so the system should be defined.
costs while sustaining or improving performance and quality For example, cost could be evaluated as Monterey values.
requirements. In addition, using AHP provide strong tool of identi- While, quality as outstanding, very good, average, below aver-
fying the relative degree of importance of criteria for deciding the age or unsatisfactory whereas performance could be defined
optimum soil improvement alternatives. A description of the Del- as high, average or low and etc.
phi method is introduced in the following sections. The proposed 4. Criteria weights should be defined. In this step, important and
(DSS) is applied on steel coverage systems in Egypt at current mar- less important criteria should be identified. The more important
ket condition and the results are verified by case studies from the criterion is the bigger weight it should have. Then each cri-
Egypt. terion of each alternative should be evaluated.
5. Counting with the help of computer software should be made
and the proper alternative chosen.
3. Background
The decision-aiding method was developed by (Saaty) and
3.1. Delphi technique named (AHP) Analytical Hierarchy Process, which aims to quantify
relative priorities for more alternatives on a scale, depends on
Zavadskas and Podvezko (2016) [19] point out the fact that the decision-maker judgment and stresses alternatives comparison
weights of criteria are of great importance in multiple criteria for decision-making process [7].
decision-making. Therefore, the significance of evaluation criteria,
i.e., the weights of criteria, is important because it has an impact on
the ranking of the results obtained by applying MCMD methods. 3.3. Steel portal frames coverage systems
Identifying the relative weight of criteria especially which have
qualitative measure have a great importance where they are Engineers are always looking for increasing the speed and effi-
mainly depends on experts and their judgment. The Delphi method ciency of construction projects. As such, different frame structural
is one of most effective method for attain expert judgment to be systems with spans ranging from 10 to 45 m; and a series of post
measured. eave heights from 6 to 20 m are considered in the present study.
The Delphi method is an approach used to collect data and real- These systems are shown in Fig. 1.
ize consent on a concern. It has been broadly used in project man-
agement research as a tool to achieve consensus on a topic [1,2,5], 3.3.1. Portal frame made of hot rolled section (HRS)
and [14]. The main advantage in this method is that it is not nec- Segments comprising such steel frames are selected from stan-
essary to have all experts physically be in one location, which dard hot rolled ‘‘I” sections, which are heavier, in many parts of
makes it simpler to get experts’ opinion without location limits. these frames, than what is required by design. Usually these frames
In addition to, it excludes biases where experts provide their input have constant cross-sections regardless of the variation in straining
separately. Multiple rounds are conducted to achieve consensus. actions along the member length. Since each project is a unique,
Hallowell and Gambatese (2010) [3] had stated that usually 1–3 more time is needed to develop the structural designs as well as
rounds are piloted in a study. This depends on the incidence of har- the details of such frames [10,17], and [18].
mony or discord in the results in each round.
3.3.2. Pre-engineered built- up portal frame (BUS)
3.2. Decision support systems Pre-Engineered based design Buildings are on average 30%
lighter than other system due to efficient use of steel sections. Steel
A decision support system aids decision makers in solving framing members as main supporting elements are built-up sec-
unstructured and semi-structured problems using human judg- tions having variable depth that vary with level of internal forces.
ment and computers. Less structured problems require the inter- The fabrication and erection of this type of frame system is easier
ference of several individuals from several divisions and than other frame coverage systems. This framing system along
organizational levels and sometimes even from different organiza- with the usage of standard connections is quick and efficient.
tions. This highlights the important role of the decision support Moreover, design time is significantly reduced. Computer analysis
systems. Decision support systems such as multi criteria and design programs are required to optimize the frame material.
decision-making (MCDM) are created to channel expert judgment Design and drafting based on using computer and standard details
and form educated opinions to make decisions [4,5]. minimizes the use of custom project details. In addition; using
Decision support systems (DSS) such as multi-criteria decision- such system reduce significantly the cost compared with other
making are formed to channel expert finding and make decisions. portal frames systems [10,17], and [18].
The objective of MCDM is to structure a problem and identify
and evaluate the multiple criteria available. These techniques have 3.3.3. Trussed frames (column and truss) (TR. Fr.)
been used in construction management research in areas such as Labor was relatively cheap in the early days of warehouse
highway management, project delivery methods, risk identifica- design compared to now, so the process of prefabrication was rel-
tion and ranking, and [6,16]. However, rare research has proposed atively inexpensive. As such, this system was reasonably econom-
a DSS for proper portal frame system selection. In this paper, the ical and adoptable. Recently, due to the increase of labor costs,
MCDM technique used is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). prefabrication has become more expensive. In addition, such sys-
Decision-making based on multiple criteria model can be devel- tem has less steel to be used than both the portal frame system
oped through five main steps, which include: and the portal frame truss system [10,17], and [18].
M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Considered alternatives for steel portal frame coverage systems.

3.3.4. Portal frame truss (web truss) (Port. T.) – Longitudinal bracing for both trussed frame and portal frame
The web truss is another system to cover large unencumbered truss are considered 10 m spacing to allow out of plane buckling
spaces. For spans up to 45 m and more, portal frame truss system factor of tension cord below 300
provides a low cost and more economical alternative utilizing mas- – Knee bracing are considered to support the compression flange
sively wide universal beams and beam-columns. Architecturally, out of plane to avoid stress reduction due to lateral torsion
truss frames are aesthetically very pleasing [10,17], and [18]. buckling.

4. Methodology C) Loads & Materials:

– Both Live load and wind loads are 60 kg/m2
4.1. Impact of cost and time factor on the construction alternatives – Allowable stresses is increased by 20% for wind combination
– Steel (28/44) is used for built up sections and mild steel (24/36)
To study the impact of cost and time on each construction alter- for other members. Both steel types are comply with Egyptian
native, a structural design must be carried out to determine dimen- Standard (ES 260/71)
sions, specification and quantities of used materials. Two separate – All used sections except purlins are non-compacted
research programs were carried out, the first using two hinged D) Members Sections:
frames and the second for two fixed frame. The cores of this struc- – Sections of rolled-section portal frame members are IPE.
tural design are illustrated for the alternatives as follows. – Sections of built-up portal frame members follow the ratios
The considered design procedure starts with estimating prelim- below:
inary sections for all members and calculating the straining actions o Flange width = Section height / 3
based on the preliminary relative stiffness. The calculated straining o Flange thickness = Section height / 30
actions were used to design each member, and then the updated o Web thickness = Section height / 60
sections were used to calculate the straining actions again. The – Section of trussed frame column is IPE
new straining actions were used to update the members sections – For trussed frame and portal frame truss, all cord members are
and the cycle goes on until the error is neglected. Structural design double angles, and all web members are single angle.
was carried out according to ASD code ECP 205–2008. – All horizontal bracing members are double angles, all longitudi-
In order to carry out the two research program, the following nal and vertical bracing members are star shape
points were considered in the design: – All used angles are equal angles with thickness equals to one
tenth of the size.
A) Geometry:
– All alternatives have the same column height and same frame 4.2. Value engineering approach
– Spacing between frames is always 6.0 m and roof slope is 1:10 Three stages are involved in the study of Value Engineering. The
– All systems are symmetric with respect to their apexes first stage is a preparation to a workshop. Then, the workshop is
– The inclined angles of diagonal members are ranged between carried out (Execution of the six phases Job Plan) and the last stage
30° and 60o is the post-workshop (Documentation and Implementation). These
– Rafters are hunched at the ends and in the middle; hunch length three standard stages were described in details with related activ-
is span / 12. Hunched section is always has twice the depth of ities and suggested tools by SAVE (2007) [11]. The most vital
the original section. phases in the VE methodology are including the function analysis,
– For trussed frame system, minimum height of truss is 1.0 m the creativity in finding alternatives and the evaluation process.
– Roof truss of portal frame truss system has a constant depth. Based on measurable factors (cost, time) and judgmental factors
– For all systems, columns are tapered for hinged support and (constructability, sustainability, environmental impact, risk impact
straight for fixed one. and safety, technology impact, and conflict with MEP), the selec-
B) Stability tion of the optimal steel portal frame coverage system is decided.
– All purlins, side girts, horizontal bracing and corrugated sheets In this study, eight factors are considered to identify the optimal
are the same alternative; those factors are Cost, time, Constructability, Sustain-
– Vertical bracing members are arranged to maintain the out of ability, Environmental Impact, Risk Impact and Safety, Technology
plane buckling factor of columns below 60 (allowable compres- Impact and Infrastructure Conflict. Those factors are assessed and
sive stress more than 1.2 ton/cm2) rated using Delphi method.
M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

4.3. Developing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model struction conditions such as material prices, labor productivity,
equipment availability. . .etc., as follows:
All ranked factors are used to identify the optimal steel portal
frame coverage system alternative technique using value engineer- 5.1. Quantitative factors cost and time impact on the alternative
ing methodology integrated with analytical hierarchy process selection decision
(AHP) developed by Saaty [8,9]. Analytical hierarchical process
(AHP) is a method of optimization and consists of the following Firstly, the quantities of each alternative were estimated
levels [8,9]: according to the method described above for different frame height
(6, 8, 10 . . . and 20 m) with different frame span (10, 15, 20. . .. and
(1) Creating a hierarchical arrangement of criteria (goals); 45 m), considering both supporting conditions. The cost and time
(2) Performing pair-wise comparison of criteria and alternatives of construction for each case were calculated using the average
in the (n  n) comparison matrix using proper scale; current prices and productivity in the Egyptian market which is
(3) Pair-wise evaluation of elements in the hierarchy (goals, cri- illustrated in Table 1.
teria (sub-criteria) and alternatives); and (4) Calculation of Based on the calculated values, the relative weight for both cost
the maximal eigenvectors (kmax) and the consistency index and construction duration for each alternative was calculated for
[CI = (kmax - n)/(n 1)]. The consistency of the decision is each combination of frame height, frame span and support type.
obtained with consistency ratio (CR). If in comparison matrix Tables 2 and 3 are illustrating the impact of cost and time of con-
is CR < (0.10), then the estimates of the relative importance struction for each alternative for some selected combinations.
of the criteria (priorities of the alternative) is counted as
5.2. Identifying the qualitative factors based on the Delphi method
The relative level of importance for soil improvements alterna-
A group of ten Egyptian experts of steel structure construction
tives with respect to each evaluation criterion is carried out using
was involved in this process. This group has two with experience
AHP method.
more than 20 years, One head of technical office of first class steel
structure construction company with experience more than
4.4. Development of (DSS) for optimum steel portal frame coverage
15 years, five senior highway engineers designers with experience
more than 10 years and finally, two faculty stuff one specialized in
steel structure and the other specialized in construction manage-
The AHP and Delphi method are integrated in a DSS for the
ment with experience more than 25 years. They were asked to
selection of optimal portal frame coverage system alternatives on
assess the four portal frame alternative systems in terms of eight
the basis of assessment factors using an excel sheet to be user
evaluation factors. These factors are including: cost, time of con-
friendly. The output of this (DSS) is a score for each alternative
struction, sustainability, constructability, environmental impact,
with certain combination of frame height and span.
risk impact, technology impact, conflict with electromechanical
systems and safety. Besides that, they were asked to estimate both
5. Developing the DSS for steel portal frame coverage systems price and productivity per ton for each alternative. After collecting
within Egyptian’s conditions and analyzing the results, they were sent to the experts for a sec-
ond round. If the results of second round showed some dissent
The DSS developed as per section 4.4 was applied on portal with respect to the first, a third round would necessary. The results
frame coverage system in Egypt by considering the current con- of applying Delphi method for the considered eight factors are
illustrated in Table 4.
Table 1
Unit Prices and Productivity for alternatives. 5.3. Developing the (DSS) using (AHP) model
Item Cost Productivity
Developing the decision support system (DSS) using the Analyt-
Materials, fabrication, painting, erection of hot 20,000 L. 10.0
rolled sections steel frame structure E./ton ton/day
ical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was carried out according to the
Materials, fabrication, painting, erection of built up 21,000 L. 8.0 ton/day methodology described above. Each alternative is evaluated with
sections steel frame structure E./ton respect to all considered factors including both measurable factors
Materials, fabrication, painting, erection of hot 24,000 L. 6.0 ton/day (cost, time) and judgmental factors (constructability, environmen-
rolled sections steel trussed frame structure E./ton
tal impact, risk and technology impact, sustainability conflict with
Materials, fabrication, painting, erection of hot 26,000 L. 6.0 ton/day
rolled sections steel portal frame truss structure E./ton MEP and safety). Initially, the four alternatives are evaluated based
Materials, erection of cold formed purlins and 225 L.E./ 350 m2 / on the judgmental factors according to their relative weights
single layer corrugated sheets 0.5 mm thick m2 day which are identified via the application of the Delphi method, as
Indirect cost 5000 L. – illustrated in section 5.2. This initial process is carried out by con-
sidering the judgmental factors are independent of the structure

Table 2
Samples for Relative Weights for Considered Alternatives with respect to Cost (Case of 12 m height frame).

Hinged - Hinged Fixed - Fixed

Alternative Span (m) Span (m)
15 25 35 45 15 25 35 45
HRS Frame 1.00 0.97 0.96 0.90 0.99 1.00 0.92 0.80
BUS Frame 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.92
Trussed Frame 0.77 0.87 0.95 0.98 0.84 0.99 1.00 1.00
Portal frame truss 0.74 0.88 0.91 0.90 0.84 0.91 0.90 0.85

M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Samples for Relative Weights for Considered Alternatives with respect to Duration (Case of 12 m height frame).

Hinged - Hinged Fixed - Fixed

Alternative Span (m) Span (m)
15 25 35 45 15 25 35 45
HRS Frame 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
BUS Frame 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.98 0.94 0.92 0.95 1.00
Trussed Frame 0.73 0.79 0.83 0.88 0.79 0.86 0.89 0.97
Portal frame truss 0.75 0.83 0.85 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.87 0.90

Table 4
6. Sensitivity analysis
The relative weight of qualitative evaluation factors using delphi method.

Evaluation factors Relative weight The total relative weights of the measurable factors (Cost and
Cost 35.7% time) is exceeding 65%, therefore they selected to study their
Construction Duration 28.6% impact in deciding the optimum alternative. Because the measure-
Constructability 10.7% able factors are directly depend on the structure dimensions, any
Sustainability 7.1%
Environmental Impact 3.6%
variation in their relative weight of importance will affect the map-
Risk Impact and Safety 3.6% ping of the optimum alternative. To illustrate the impact of varying
Technology Impact 3.6% the relative weight of cost (and corresponding relative weight of
Conflict with MEP 7.1% time) on mapping the optimum alternative, our values are given
to the relative weight of cost, two above the default value (based
on the survey) to be 115% and 130%. The remaining two values
dimensions. Their impact on the evaluation process was found less are below the default value to be 70% and 85%. The results are illus-
than 35% while the impact of the measurable factors (Cost and trated in Fig. 2.
time) was representing about 65% as shown in Table 4. The relative
degrees of importance to the four alternatives according to the 7. Research findings and discussion
judgmental factors are summarized in Table 5.
Evaluation the score of each alternative based on both measur- The results of applying the developed (DSS) to select the opti-
able and judgmental factors for each dimension combination mum type of steel portal frame system considering the current
between frame height and frame span for each support type gives market conditions in Egypt are summarized in Tables 6 and 7. Both
clear maps for the optimum portal frame system. These maps are tables mapped the optimum alternative with respect to frame
illustrated in Tables 6 and 7. Sample of the calculations is pre- height and span. This mapping leads to the following findings:
sented in Appendix.
– Regardless the support type, the (height-span) space is divided
5.4. Verifying the results into (more or less) four quarters. For the first quarter with low
and short frame, (HRS) frame is the optimum system. While
The optimum choices as indicated in Table 6 were verified using (BUS) frame is the best choice for the second one with high
case study projects with different height to span ratio which were and short frame. In case of low and long frame in the third quar-
carried out in Egypt and their data are summarized in Table 8. Ver- ter, trussed frame is the suitable system. Finally, the portal
ification results shows good matching between the actual chosen frame truss is the favorable system for high and long frames
frame system and the proposed optimum one by the (DSS). of the fourth quarter.

Table 5
Relative Weights of Alternatives based on the Qualitative Evaluation Factors.

Alternative Constructability Sustainability Environmental Risk and Safety Technology Impact Conflict with MEP R
HRS Frame 0.100 0.100 0.101 0.100 0.400 0.200 1.00
BUS Frame 0.200 0.300 0.218 0.200 0.100 0.100 1.12
Trussed Frame 0.300 0.200 0.304 0.300 0.300 0.400 1.80
Portal frame truss 0.400 0.400 0.377 0.400 0.200 0.300 2.08

Table 6
Optimum Alternative for Different Frame Height and Span in Egypt at current market conditions (Hinged – Hinged Frames).

Frame Span (m)

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Eave Height (m) 6 HRS HRS HRS HRS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
8 HRS HRS HRS BUS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
10 HRS HRS BUS BUS BUS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
12 HRS HRS BUS BUS BUS Port.T. Port.T. Tr. Fr.

HRS: Hot Rolled Section Frame Tr. Fr.: Trussed Frame.

BUS: Built Up Section Frame Port.T.: Portal Frame Truss.

M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
Optimum Alternative for Different Frame Height and Span in Egypt at current market conditions (Fixed – Fixed Frames).

Frame Span (m)

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Eave Height (m) 6 HRS HRS HRS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
8 HRS HRS HRS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
10 HRS HRS BUS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
12 HRS BUS BUS Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
14 BUS BUS BUS Port.T. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
16 BUS BUS BUS Port.T. Port.T. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
18 BUS BUS BUS Port.T. Port.T. Port.T. Tr. Fr. Tr. Fr.
20 BUS BUS BUS Port.T. Port.T. Port.T. Port.T. Port.T.

HRS: Hot Rolled Section Frame Tr. Fr.: Trussed Frame.

BUS: Built Up Section Frame Port.T.: Portal Frame Truss

Table 8
Verifying the (DSS) results.

Project Frame Height (m) Frame Span (m) Support type Actual Frame system (DSS) Frame system
Storehouse, 6th Oct. water station, 2002 6.0 20.0 Hinged HRS HRS
Ghabour Auto, Service Center, Luxor, 2015 9.0 33.0 Hinged BUS BUS
11.5 24.0 Hinged BUS BUS
Ramses Railway Station, 1892 13.0 45.0 Hinged Port.T. Port.T.
EL-Qadesia Co. Factory, 6th Oct., 2019 8.0 30.0 Hinged TR. Fr. TR. Fr.
APEX Co. Factory, Badr City, 2010 8.0 25.0 Hinged BUS BUS
EL-Zahraa factory, Bin-Swif, 2012 6.0 14.0 Hinged HRS HRS

Fig. 2. Impact of varying the relative weight of cost and time on optimum alternatives for steel portal frame coverage systems, a) for hinged-hinged frames, b) for fixed–fixed

M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

– The limit between short and long frames depends on type of the same previous reason and also the area of the (HRS) frame
support. For hinged-hinged frame, this limit is ranged between due to its high constructability.
30 m and 35 m, while it is almost 20 m for fixed–fixed frame. On
other hand, the limit between low and high frames is ranged
8. Conclusions
between 10 m and 12 m regardless the support type. It should
be clear that these limits are not fixed and they depend on mar-
Based on the present research results and findings, the follow-
ket conditions. ing points could be concluded:
– The previous zoning is reasonable as follows:
o (HRS) frame is the optimum system for low and short frames – The developed (DSS) for optimum steel portal frame coverage
because its high constructability and low unit price compen-
system can successfully select the optimum system for certain
sate any waste of material due to using standard sections. combination of frame height, span and type of support consid-
o By increasing the frame height, column size increases and
ering certain market conditions.
the waste materials becomes significant. At certain height, – The developed (DSS) needs to be tuned for considered market
the optimized pre-fabricated (BUS) frame becomes competi-
conditions using expert opinions and current prices and
tor when the saving of waste of material compensates the productivities.
difference in unit price. – The tuned (DSS) for the Egyptian market conditions in 2019 was
o Similarly, increasing the span increases the rafter size and at successfully verified using seven projects.
certain span the cost of waste material will balance the dif- – Sensitivity analysis of tuned (DSS) showed that cost is the most
ference in unit price between (HRS) frame and trussed frame. important factor affecting the choice of the system and chang-
o Finally, increasing the height of trussed frame (which have a ing its relative importance weight by ±15% and ±30% from the
standard section column) or increasing the span of (BUS) surveyed value will change the optimum system mapping by
frame leads to portal frame truss system which has the min- about 5% and 15% respectively.
imum wasted material and maximum unit price.
– Table 6 shows that for hinged-hinged frames, (BUS) frame was Same technique could be applied for similar problems such as
the optimum choice for 31 of 64 combinations which is about selecting the optimum floor system as well as optimum lateral
48%. On other hand, Table 7 shows that for fixed–fixed frames, loads resisting system.
trussed frame was the optimum choice for 29 of 64 combina-
tions which is about 45%.
– (BUS) frame is the dominant system in case of using hinged sup- Appendix. (Sample of DSS Calculations)
ports because its unit price is less than that of portal frame
truss, and its tapered and optimized columns are more efficient This appendix presents an example for score calculations of one
than the straight and standard columns of trussed frame. alternative considering certain span and height. (Hinged-Hinged
– Increasing the zone of the trussed frame in case of fixed support BUS with 25 & 12 m span and height respectively)
makes a perfect sense because the weak point in this system is
the waste in their standard section columns. Using fixed sup- A. Calculations for alternatives relative weights with respect to cost&
port deceases the moment on the columns and accordingly their duration (Tables 2, 3):
size which increases the whole efficiency of the system.
– The results of the sensitivity analysis of relative cost importance Finite element models for all alternatives were carried out using
impact are summarized in Fig. 2-a. The figure shows that for the well-known SAP2000 software considering the example
hinged support frames, increasing the cost importance dimensions. All models were comply with the considered points
increases the area of the (BUS) frame due to its efficiency, while mentioned in section 4.1 regarding geometry, loads, materials
decreasing the cost importance increases the area of the portal and cross section of elements. These models were used to analyze
frame truss system. This note matches the values in Table 5, and design each member of each alternative in order to calculate
where the portal frame truss system gets the highest score of the steel weight of each alternative. The calculated steel weights
the judgmental factors (i.e. neglecting the cost and time). were 6761, 6182, 6453, 5916 kg/frame for HRS Frame, BUS Frame,
– Similarly, Fig. 2-b shows that for fixed support frames, increas- Trussed Frame and Portal frame truss respectively. For all alterna-
ing the cost importance increases the area of the trussed frame tives, the summation of both sides and roof sheets areas are
system due to its efficiency, while decreasing the cost impor- 294 m2/Frame.
tance increases the area of the portal frame truss system for Considering the unit prices from Table 1, the cost of each alter-
native could be calculated as follows:

- Direct cost of HRS Frame = 6 761  20 + 294  225 = 201 370 L.E./Frame
- Direct cost of BUS Frame = 6 782  21 + 294  225 = 195 972 L.E./Frame
- Direct cost of Trussed Frame = 6 453  24 + 294  225 = 221 022 L.E./Frame
- Direct cost of Portal frame truss = 5 916  26 + 294  225 = 219 940 L.E./Frame

Considering the productivity from Table 1, the duration of each alternative could be calculated as follows:

- Time of HRS Frame = 6 761 / 10 000 + 294 /350 = 1.52 day/Frame

- Time of BUS Frame = 6 782 / 8 000 + 294 /350 = 1.61 day/Frame
- Time of Trussed Frame = 6 453 / 6 000 + 294 /350 = 1.92 day/Frame
- Time of Portal frame truss = 5 916 / 6 000 + 294 /350 = 1.83 day/Frame

M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Considering the indirect cost rate from Table 1, the indirect cost of each alternative could be calculated as follows:

- Indirect cost of HRS Frame = 1.52  5 000 = 7 581 L.E./Frame

- Indirect cost of BUS Frame = 1.61  5 000 = 8 064 L.E./Frame
- Indirect cost of Trussed Frame = 1.92  5 000 = 9 578 L.E./Frame
- Indirect cost of Portal frame truss = 1.83  5 000 = 9 130 L.E./Frame

The total cost of each alternative could be calculated as follows:

- Total cost of HRS Frame = 201 370 + 7 851 = 208 951 L.E./Frame
- Total cost of BUS Frame = 195 972 + 8 064 = 204 036 L.E./Frame
- Total cost of - Trussed Frame = 221 022 + 9 578 = 230 600 L.E./Frame
- Total cost of Portal frame truss = 219 940 + 9 130 = 229 070 L.E./Frame

Hence, the relative weight for any alternative with respect to Cost equals to the minimum total cost divided by its total cost. (As shown in
Table 2)

The relative weight for HRS Frame cost = 204 036 / 208 951 = 0.98
The relative weight for BUS Frame cost = 204 036 / 204 036 = 1.00
The relative weight for Trussed Frame cost = 204 036 / 230 600 = 0.88
The relative weight for Portal frame truss cost = 204 036 / 229 070 = 0.89

Also, the relative weight for any alternative with respect to Time equals to the minimum duration divided by its duration. (As shown in
Table 3)

The relative weight for HRS Frame time = 1.52 / 1.52 = 1.00
The relative weight for BUS Frame time = 1.52 / 1.61 = 0.94
The relative weight for Trussed Frame time = 1.52 / 1.92 = 0.79
The relative weight for Portal frame truss time = 1.52 / 1.83 = 0.83

B. Calculations for alternatives relative weights with respect to rest of BUS Frame alternative with respect to constructability is 2.0 / (1.
factors (tables 4, 5): 0 + 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0) = 0.20 (see Table 5)

Relative weights of considered factors shown in Table 4 were C. Alternative score calculations (Tables 6 and 7):
calculated by applying (AHP) on the questioner results. The 1st
request in the questioner is to evaluate the importance of consider The optimum alternative for certain frame span and height is
factor from 1 for less important to 10 for most important. In the the alternative with highest score. Those optimum alternatives
3rd round, the evaluations were settled and the average evaluation were mapped in tables 6, 7 for span ranged between 10 and
for the considered factors were 10.0, 8.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 and 45 m and height ranged between 6 and 20 m. The score of each
2.0 for cost, construction duration, constructability, sustainability, alternative is the sum of multiplied factor relative weight from
environmental impact, risk impact and safety, technology impact, table 4 by corresponding alternative relative weight from tables
and Conflict with HVAC respectively. Accordingly, the relative 2, 3 and 5. For example, the scores of the four alternatives in case
weight of certain factor is the ratio between its evaluation and of 25 m span and 12 m height are:
the sum of the evaluations. For example, the relative weight of Cost Time Constructability Sustainability
cost = 10.0 / (10.0 + 8.0 + 3.0 + 2.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 + 2.0) = 0.357
as shown in Table 4. Score of HRS Frame alt. = (0.357x0.98)+(0.286x1.00)+(0.1076x0.
Similar approach was used to estimate the relative weights of 1.0)+(0.071x 0.10)
each alternative with respect to considered factors. The 3rd request Environmental Safety Technology HVAC
in the questioner is to arrange the four alternatives from 1 for less +(0.036x0.10)+(0.036x0.10)+(0.036x0.40)+(0.071x0.20)
favorable to 4 for most favorable alternative with respect to each = 0.688
considered factor regardless cost and duration which relative
weights could be calculated from BOQ. For example, the average Similarly, the score of BUS Frame, Trussed Frame and Portal
evaluations of alternatives with respect to constructability were frame truss are 0.694, 0.649 and 0.683 respectively. Accordingly,
1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 for HRS Frame, BUS Frame, Trussed Frame BUS Frame is the optimum alternative for this case.
and Portal frame truss respectively. Hence, the relative weight of Utilized Questionnaire

M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

M.A. El-Aghoury et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Mohamed A. Aghoury is the head of Structural Engi-

neering & construction management- Faculty of Engi-
neering. & Technology - Future University (FUE).
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