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National Institute of Naturopathy

Dept, of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt, of India.

Bapu Bhavan, Tadiwala Road, Pune- 411001.

Ph. No.: 020 -26059682 / 3 / 4 / 5
National Institute of Naturopathy
Dept, of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt, of India.

Bapu Bhavan, Tadiwala Road, Pune- 411001.

Naturopathy Diet

Published by
National Institute of Naturopathy,
Dept, of AYUSH (Ministry of
Health & F.W., Govt, of India)
Bapu Bhavan, Tadiwala Road,
Pune 411001,
Phone : 020 26059682 / 3 / 4 / 5.
Fax: 020 26059131
Email :
Website :

Printed by
Ira Enterprises,
1025, B, Chintamani Soc.,
Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411030,
Phone : 020 24477946

Copyright with the publishers.

Price Rs. 150/-

First Edition March 2010

Second Edition March 2012
Minister of State for Health and
Family Welfare Government of India
6 Nirman Bhavan,
'i New Delhi - 110108

Off. ffrm>i£lQff6v)6ii65r

According to Vedic Sciences, one should follow certain basic principles
regarding food intake to keep away the diseases. The slogan "Diet as Drug"
needs to be popularized to fight against life style diseases in a safe and
affordable way.
I am extremely delighted to know that the National Institute of
Naturopathy (NIN), Pune has brought out a book on "Naturopathy Diet &
Recipes". An attempt has been made through this book to introduce diet
recipes devoid of harmful ingredients and yet delicious and helpful in
promoting positive health.
I am sure this attempt will certainly be a golden feather in the cap of the
. Institute which is dedicated to make the general public aware about the
benefits of Naturopathy which helps in maintaining good health, prevention
and cure of diseases.
My hearty congratulations to all those who worked hard in bringing out
this book.
" 1

(S. Gandhiselvan)

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'NIN, Punel


Diet is the most important single factor that can

make, us healthy or sick. Therefore, the right
knowledge of right food and food habits is of
primary importance in the maintenance and
promotion ofheaCth, prevention and cure of diseases.
Nutritional values of the food cdone do not fulfil the
purpose. It should also he suitable to thesystem.

fresh and stale foods should be considered for its

nutritional values and acceptability. If the food consumed is not fresh,
though it may contain many nutrients as per the chemical analysis, it zvill
not be beneficial for the maintenance of sustainable, positive health.

The food, though nutritional, if taken by depleting its values, zvill not be
useful to improve health, rather it zvill be a ta\ on our vitality. Therefore,
attention need to be focused in preparing suitable dishes for promotion of
health. There comes the relevance of this humble zvork,done by the doctors of
9(JN We are trying to introduce fezv recipes devoid of harmful products at
every stage of its preparation and yet delicious. ‘Especially children have to be
attracted through its presentation, colour and taste. If they accept, it becomes
easy for the entirefamdy to implement it. On the other hand, ifchildrenget used
to eating artificially flavoured food products, they zvill never accept natural
food thereafter. Wence, the responsibdity of the parents increases, as they have
to choose andintroduce various dishes beneficial to the zvholefamily.

NfN is trying to create fezv sparks in the line of positive health by

publishing this book on ‘Naturopathic Wealthy Cooking. The recipes given in
this boolean be tried easdy at home. Test their palatabdity, have variety for
choice and even if it suffices the need to some extent, zve zvould be satisfied as
this is a first attempt by 9(1-N if you have any suggestions regarding

Naturopathy Diet

corrections to Be made in tfiis Book^ please feel free to inform us. Variety
recipes [preferably regional] may also Be sent to us.

C\[l9f intends to Bring aBout a change in the society By introducing

healthy life style By making dietary modifications. ‘We Believe that the
reason for more than 95% miseries of human Beings is Because of negative
food and zvrong eating haBits. In its aims and oBjectives, it is clearly
mentioned that WjWjwants to develop C\[aturopathy as a Way of Life'. “The
recipes mentioned in this Bookare either not needed to Be cooked or can Be
cooked easily. Our doctors have tried these small items and found, very
delicious, highly nutritional in value and devoid of additives.

When roe conducted the first 'Wealth “food Mela' in 2007, there zvas a
great demand for recipes Bookand cooking classes. With due respect to the
demand, zve conducted the second Wealth food Mela' and the cookery class
in September 2008 and nozv it continues every year. On the occasion of our
fourth Wealth foodMela', at Dilli Waat, Wezo “Delhi in march 2010, I am
proud to introduce this Bookon cooking and to announce the cookery classes
to Be a regular event By WJM 1 hope the public zvillzvhole heartedly accept
this humble venture, encourage us to enrich it further in future and promote
the positive efforts to Bring in Wealth for all' naturally.

I sincerely thank. “Dr. “T. Iradhamani, Dr. Dhananjay Arankalle,

Dr. fuvaraj FaulandDr. “Freeh Meshramfor their original contribution and
Ms. Wamrata Shukfa, FuBlication Officer for her “Editorial Assistance in
Bringing out this Book■

Waturally fours,

Dr. Babu Joseph

Director (NIN).
NIN, Pune

-o© Contents <$no-

Foreward .iii




Hot Bevarages.22

Salads & Chutneys.34

Healthy Dishes From The Oven.55

Naturopathic Snacks & Desserts ..72

Annexure (Food Values of all Recipes).93

ININ, Punel
Naturopathy Diet

-*>© Ash Gourd Juice

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Ash gourd : 100 gms De-skin and chop the ash gourd. Grind
Dilution with water : 50% in the mixer with water. Strain and serve.

Importance :
The juice mainly acts as a mild laxative, is easily digested, non gas forming
and good for the nervous system. It is also good for patients suffering from
gastric problems, provides useful food salts, minerals, vitamins and minimum
amount of carbohydrates. Since it is low in calories and carbohydrates, it is
particularly useful for diabetic and obese people. It has cooling effect on the
body. The juice acts as a detoxifying agent because of its diuretic action, it
increases the output of urine and washes out waste products from the bodv.

Bitter Gourd Juice

(Serves 1)
Ingredients : Method:
Bitter gourd : 50 gms Wash and chop the bitter gourd into small
Dilution with water : 70% cubes. Remove the seeds. Grind in the
mixer with water. Strain and serve.

Importance :
Effective in controlling diabetes. The compound called charactin, present in bitter
i gourd is extremely potent and often used to lower blood sugar levels. It also contains
hypoglycemic or insulin like principle, designated as plant insulin also found to be
I beneficial in lowering blood and urine sugar levels. The juice also contains oleanolic acid
which has anti-cancer effects and acts as a protection against chemical induced cancer. It
also acts as a powerful weapon against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Other
disorders like hypertension, eye complication, defective metabolism of carbohydrates
can be corrected by the intake of bittergourd. It also increases resistance against
infection as it is a good source of vitamin C, B and minerals like calcium, phosphorus,
iron, copper and potassium.

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
A. - Mohandas K. Gandhi


Spinach Carrot Tomato Juice <Sno

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Spinach : 20 gms Wash and chop the ingredients. Grind in
Carrot : 100 gms mixer with water. Strain and serve.
Tomato : 100 gms

( Dilution with water : 40% - 50%

Importance :
This juice is a mixture of three vegetables which has a combined beneficial effect
in the body. Spinach has the following properties. Very rich in vitamin A and

with water and the fiber make it slightly laxative. Since the oxalic acid content of
spinach is high, it should be used in moderation when eating raw. Steaming or
boiling decreases the oxalic acid content.

Potato Juice
(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Potato : 100 gms Wash and de-skin the potato. Chop into
Dilution with water: 20% - 30%. j pieces. Grind with water in a mixer. Strain
I and serve.

The juice is very good source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, starch, vitamin C,
vitamin Bl, vitamin B2, niacin and minerals like potassium, silicon, sodium
and magnesium. The starch in potato are easily digested and assimilated even
by persons with weak digestive system. Potato is an excellent food for growing
children. The juice is very beneficial when rubbed externally on the affected
skin. E.g. Eczema.

Don't go out of your way to please anyone but yourself.

~Author Unknown
Naturopathy Diet

Curry Leaves Juice

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Curry leaves : 50 gms Wash and grind the leaves with water.
Dilution with water : 115 ml. Strain and serve.

Importance :
The juice contains high percentage of protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin A,
vitamin C, nicotinic acid and minerals viz. calcium, phosphorous and iron. It
helps to strengthen the functions of stomach and promote its action. Also used
as a mild laxative. The juice is very effective during digestive disorders, diabetes,
obesity (as the leaves have weight reducing properties), kidney disorders,
premature graying of hair (since the leaves have the property to nourish the hair
roots), burns and bruises, insect bites, eye disorders and also used as a hair tonic.
The leaf as such is also used as a flavouring agent in various curry preparations
and chutneys. The leaves, bark and root of the curry plant are used as a
medicinal tonic and stimulant.

-o© Buttermilk
(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Curd: 50gms, Churn the curd with water nicely. Mix all
Water: 150 ml the other ingredients to the curd mixture
Salt: as required then add salt as required. Garnish it with
Chopped coriander & chopped coriander. Now buttermilk is
curry leaves: few ready.
Chopped green chilly: 1 Variation: All the ingredients can be
Chopped ginger: little as per taste ground into paste and added to the
churned buttermilk.

Importance :
It is a natural probiotic. It helps in calcium absorption and has a cooling

We know a great deal more about the causes of disease than we

do about the causes of health.
- M. Scott Peck

'c^ Barley Water

(Serves 2) \
Ingredients : j Method:
Barley : 25 gms j Allow' water to boil. Add barley grains to 1
Dilution with water : 275 ml. 1 , the boiling water and keep on stirring till
j water becomes slight milky white in color.
Strain and serve.

Importance :
Barley is a good source of carbohydrate (69.4%), protein (11.5%), fiber (3.9%),
thiamine, niacin, iron, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, a fair source of riboflavin and a
I poor source of calcium. It is also very rich in starch. The greatest use of barley is for the
preparation of malt, which converts starch into sugar, and in the preparation of malt
f extract for incorporation in infant and invalid’s foods. Barley is an excellent food for
anemic and nervous disorders on account of its richness in iron and phosphoric acid.
For diuretic effects, milk diluted with barley water is a common remedy. Barley is an
excellent body builder, valuable in cases of underweight, stomach ulcers, diarrohea,
good for teeth, nails, hair as well as for sores in the mouth. It is also useful in fevers on
account of its soothing properties and is a recognized drink for the sick. Barley water
with lemon juice and honey is a refreshing summer drink and also a diuretic.
Pearl barley, is a milled product from which the germ and most of the bran have been
l removed.

Beauty isn't something on the outside. It's your insides that

count! You gotta eat green stuff to make sure you're pretty on the
inside. - Takayuki Ikkaku

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Naturopathy Diet *******%»****%**«*****%*%**%%*%%*%»%******%%%%%%

.o© Pomegranate Juice

(Serves 1)
Ingredients : Method:
Pomegranate : 100 gms De skin the pomegranate and separate the
Dilution with water : 50% seeds. Grind in a mixer with water. Strain
and serve immediately.

Importance :
The juice is agood source of vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, minerals (iron,
phosphorous, potassium, zinc and magnesium). It also contains a suitable amount of
protein (1,6gm/100gms) and carbohydrate (14.5 gm/100gms). The carbohydrates
present is in the form of glucose and fructose. The juice increases the intellect,
vitalizes the body and satisfies hunger. Pomegranate juice is beneficial during thirst,
burning sensation, fever, cardiac trouble, mouth disease and vocal disorders. Cures
dysentery, increases blood and vitality. The juice is also easily digestible and provides
nutrition without any undue exertion to the digestive system. It increases appetite
and is good for anemia. Also good in cases of diarrhoea and cough. The red variety of
pomegranate is rich in iron. Fresh juice is used as an ingredient of cooling and
refrigerant mixtures and has medical importance in indigestion or dyspepsia. The
juice is also used for the manufacture of citric acid and sodium citrate for medicinal

-■o© Ginger Juice

(Serves 3)

Ingredients: Method:
Dry ginger powder : 1 tsp I Mix all the powders together in one glass
Pepper: V2 tsp of water. Add jaggery syrup and a pinch of
Cummin seeds : V2 tsp salt as per the taste.
Jaggery syrup : 3 tsp
Water : 400 ml

Importance :
Good for digestion, highly effective in digestive disorders. Acts as a good appetizer.
Very effective in case of cold, cough and asthma.

The sun, with all those plants revolving around it and dependent
upon it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in
the universe to do. - Galileo


'o® Wheat Grass Juice

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method: l
Wheat grass : 20 gms. Wash the grass thoroughly. Grind in a
Dilution with water: 50% - 60%. mixer with water. Strain and serve

Importance :
The grass is low in calories, rich in chlorophyll which is essential to regenerate our body at the
molecular and cellular level. It contains all the minerals, trace elements, proteins, enzymes, fiber,
j B-complex vitamins which deanses the lymph system, build the blood, restores balance in the
I body, removes toxic metals from the cells, nourishes the liver and kidneys and restores vitality It
has got the highest provitamin A content and also rich in vitamin C, E and IC Wheat grass juice
has 25% protein, a higher percentage than meat, fish and eggs, dairy products or beans. In
addition, it has got high amounts of antifiingal, antimicrobial substances called lactrile. The grass
also contains unidentified factors which provide a variety ofhealtlt, growth and fertility benefits to
animals and to humans. Wheat grass substitute is used as an alternate therapy for chronic
diseases viz. anemia, hypertension, wound healing memory loss, depression, sexual dysfunction,
asthma, periodontal diseases, cancer, skin problems, excess weight, enlarged prostate, chronic
fatigue,Pre menstrual syndromeandmenopausesymtoms.

'ex© Coriander Juice <Sx5~

(Serves 3)
Ingredients : Method:
Coriander leaves : few Wash and grind the coriander with water
Water : 400 ml in a mixer. Strain and serve.

Importance :
Cooling effect and it contains large amount of vitamins and minerals.
Helps in cases of arthritis, ulcer, blood related disorders.

“Processed foods not only extend the shelf life, but they extend
the waistline as well.” - Karen Sessions
Naturopathy Diet

cxg> Cucumber Juice

(Servings 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Cucumber : 100 gms Wash and de-skin the cucumber. Chop
Dilution with water : 50% into pieces. Grind with water in a mixer.
Strain and serve.

Importance :
Cucumber is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin
C and contains minerals viz. potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron,
phosphorous, sulphur, silicon, chlorine, fluorine. Hence this juice is well
balanced, highly alkaline that provides elements for body growth and repair. It
acts as a good body builder, blood purifier, good for nerves, brain and skin. It is
cooling, healing, soothing and a laxative. The juice is also effective in cases of
hyper acidity, arthritis, gout and acts as a good diuretic and expectorant during
pulmonary infections. It provides roughage and maintains the alkalinity of
blood. It is also a cooling and refreshing drink during summer.

Lemon Honey Juice

(Servings 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Lemon : lno. Squeeze the lemon juice in the water and
Honey : 2 to 3 tsp add honey and elaichi powder to it. Mix
Water : 2 glasses well and serve it immediately.
Elaichi powder : a pinch

Importance :
Good for respiratory disorders, gout. During the time of fasting it helps in
reduction of weight.

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human

blessings, and learn how by his thought to derive benefit from his
illnesses. - Hippocrates

V *%******************%*********%*******************
-o© Green Juice
(Serves 5)

Blend the curry leaves, coriander leaves
and mint leaves with the water in mixer.
Strain the juice with a strainer. Green juice
is ready now.

Importance :
Acts as a liver detoxifier, as all the leaves contain minerals in an abundant
quantity. Purifies the blood, highly useful in case of hypertension and heart
diseases. Very rich in fiber and thus provides roughage to the diet.

Carrot & Beet Juice

/ Ingredients :
(Serves 2)

Carrot: 2 nos. Wash, chop and grind the carrot and beet
Beet: Vi no. with water in a mixer. Strain and add lemon
Water : 1 glass juice and salt if required. Serve it immediately.
Lemon juice : few drops.

:h in vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals. Hence effective in correcting
indness, anemia, stones, acidosis, blood poisoning, rheumatic ailments,
a purifying the blood stream. During youth, promotes balanced growth
velopment. In adults, helps to maintain health and acts as an anti
e vitamin in the prevention of colds and other diseases. Carrots being
carotene, the colouring matter of carrots, serves to enrich the
tation in the human skin. Raw carrot juice is excellent for obtaining the
mal values and in the treatment of diseases as it is considered to be a
lkalizer and can generally be consumed in large quantities without
iant or harmful effects.

Gold that buys health can never be ill spent.

- Thomas Dekker

Naturopathy Diet ■

cvq5 Bael Juice <Sko-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Bilva leaves : 15 Grind the leaves with water in a mixer
Water : 1 glass and strain it. Serve it immediately.

Importance :
Very effective in cases of increased cholesterol, high B. P. and heart
disorders. It is also good in case of diabetes as it contains low glycemic

Buttermilk Without Milk <SN2>'

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Coconut gratings '/■2 Coconut Prepare one glass of coconut milk by
Raw Mango Vi adding one glass of water to the coconut
Ginger 0.5 inch gratings. Then grind all the other
Curry Leaves few ingredients with little water, and add this
Green Chilly 1 no ground parts to the coconut milk. For
Salt (Optional) dilution, add 1 -2 glass of water. If required,
salt can be added for taste.
Jaggery can be added instead of salt and
green chilly.

Importance :
Good for poor appetite and other digestive problems. Good for persons who are
allergic to milk and milk products. Good for Respiratory problems. Good for
weak, ailing and rejuvenating persons from illness.

When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start

tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. - V.L. Allineare

Green Juice

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Naturopathy Diet NIN, Punel



Buttermilk without Milk


Hemoglobin Juice
(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Amla(Big) : 4 nos Grate the arnla into fine scrapings and
Coriander : 100 gms take out the seed.
Salt: 4 pinch Chop coriander leaves into small pieces.
Grind both arnla scraps and coriander
leaves in the mixer with water.
Filter it, add salt and water.
Now the fresh Hamoglobin juice is

Importance :
Rich in vitamin C, good antioxidant, blood purifier and improves digestion.

Man is what he eats.

- Lucretius

Naturopathy Diet

u Soups are the real appetizers as it aids the flow of

digestive fluids and also make a filling and

nourishing meal. From health point of view, soups

should be prepared in a clear and natural form

avoiding Ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate)

thickeners, colors or any other chemicals in

concentrated form, as they are harmful to the body.

In this section, all the soups are prepared with

cooked and smashed vegetable pulp which has

high fiber content.

Inin, Punel

>Amaranthus Soup
(Serves 3)

Ingredients : Method :
Amaranthus leaves : 100 gms Wash, cut and cook the amaranthus.
Cumin seeds : 10 gms Grind cumin, coconut, green chilly,
Garlic-2 pods Garlic, amaranthus (strained) and
Green chilly 1 no. ginger to a paste. Blend well. Add
Ginger : small piece sufficient water and strain. Boil the
Lemon V2 no. strained soup for few minutes. Add
Salt: as per taste salt. Remove from fire and squeeze
Water : 200 ml lemon. Serve hot.
Coconut: 10 gms

Importance :
Rich in vitamin A and fiber and hence beneficial in cases of eye
disorder and constipation, hence correcting vitamin A deficiency
in the body and helps in smooth movement of bowels.

Carrot & Tomato Soup

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Carrot: 60 gms Wash, cut and half cook the carrot and
Tomato : 40 gms tomato. Grind cooked carrot, tomato
Green chilly : 1 no. (strained), coconut, cumin seeds, green
Ginger : a small piece chilly and ginger to a paste. Blend well. Add
Lemon : V2 no. sufficient water and strain. Boil the strained/
Salt: as per taste soup for a few more minutes. Add salt anc
Water : 250 ml. pepper powder. Remove from fire ancj
Coconut: 10 gms squeeze lemon. Serve hot.
Cumin seeds : 5 gms
Pepper powder : as per taste

Importance :
This soup is rich in vitamin A and C and also high in fiber, hence beneficial in
cases of eye disorders and constipation, hence correcting vitamin A defiencies in
the body and helps in the smooth functioning of bowels.

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. - English Proverb

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Naturopathy Diet ****%********%****%*********%*****%*%***%******%%

Cabbage Potato Soup

(Serves 4)

Ingredients: Method:
Chopped cabbage - 250 gms In a frying pan, pour 1 tsp of cooking oil,
Potato - 1 medium sized. saute the green chilly, chopped onion,
Onion - 1 medium sized potato, and chopped cabbage by adding
Green Chilly - 1 no. one by one . Saute it for 3 minutes and add
Pepper powder - for taste 3 glasses of water. Allow it to boil nicely.
(optional) When it is cooked, cool the mixture and
Salt - for taste (optional) grind the ingredients in the mixer. Heat
Coriander leaves - few the ground mixture by adding 1 glass of
Cooking oil - 1 tsp. water. Finally, add pepper powder and salt
as per taste. Garnish the soup with
chopped coriander and serve it hot.

Importance :
A good appetizer. Can be taken by obese people who are undergoing dieting
because cabbage contains an enzyme “Glutathione”.

Ingredients : Method :
Ladies finger : 2 nos. Boil all the ingredients in water and
Tomato : 5, blend the mixture. Add sufficient water
Carrot (grated) : 2 nos. and strain. Boil the strained soup for few
Cabbage : 100 gms minutes and finally add salt, pepper
Ashgourd : 1 piece (100 gms) powder and lemon juice. Serve hot. (If
Beetroot : 1 no. Beans : 4 preferred garnish with coriander leaves)/
Garlic : 1 pod
Pepper, Jeera powder : 1 tsp
Lemon juice : 2 spoons
Salt: as per taste, water-500 ml

Importance :
Good source of vitamins, minerals and also it acts as a good appetizer.

Your stomach shouldn't be a waste basket. - Anonymous

NIN. Pune]

Spinach Soup Csto

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method :
Spinach leaves (chopped): 200 gms Pressure cook the spinach, onions,
Green Peas (Shelled) : 50 gms peas, ginger and garlic with 200 gms
Onions (finely chopped) : 25 gms of water for one whistle. Simmer for 5
Garlic (Optional) : 2-3 cloves minutes.
Ginger grated : 1 tsp Blend with a hand blender till smooth.
White Pepper : Vi tsp Add 750 grn of water.
Salt (to taste) Keep the soup to boil . Add the white
pepper and salt.
Serve hot.

Importance :
Rich in fiber and minerals. Good for weight management,
increases energy level, improves mind power, is an anti¬
inflammatory, improves bone health and is good antioxidant.

■o© Rice Water Soup CObo--

(Serves 1)
Ingredients : Method I :
Starch water : 1 glass Remove the excess water after cooking the
Lemon juice : 1 spoon rice; (starch water), preferably brown rice.
Salt: as per requirement Add salt, finely chopped chilly and lemon
Green Chilly : 1/4 no. juice, stir well and serve it hot.
Method II :
Coconut milk : 2 spoon
To the starch water, add coconut milk,
(1/4 glass), chilly, salt and lemon juice
and stir well.

Importance :
Good energy source. Does not contain harmful fats or cholesterol, rich in
vitamins and minerals like niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thjamine and

He who has health has hope and he who has hope has
everything - Arabian Proverb
Naturopathy Diet >*%%****%***%%**%*******%***%*******%*%*********%

Soyamilk Soup <Snc>'

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Soya beans : 50 gms Soak the soya bean for 12 hours. Then
Water : 250 ml remove the outer skin by rinsing with
Coconut milk : 200 ml water. Grind well with sufficient water.
Salt: a pinch Now add the remaining water to the
grinded soya bean and mix well. Then
filter with help of a muslin cloth. Now boil
Importance :
the filtered soya milk for about 15 to 20
This is a rich source of vegetable
minutes. Add coconut milk & salt to it and
protein. It can be had as an
alternative to dairy milk. Low in remove from fire immediately. The soy

fat and carbohydrate and soup is ready.

contains no cholesterol.

Mushroom Soup
(Serves 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Bottle gourd : 50 gms Clean, boil the chopped mushrooms with
Chopped mushrooms : 10 gms little water and keep it aside. Steam/pressure
Cumin seed : 5 gms cook chopped bottle gourd in sufficient water
Chopped onion : 5 gms (1000 ml), salt and turmeric. When done,
Oil: 10 gms strain the water and keep it aside. Heat oil and
Turmeric powder: 2 gms fry the onion, add cumin and also add the
Black pepper powder : 2 gms strained water and allow it to boil. Add the
Lemon juice : 20 ml mushroom pieces and pepper. When done,
Chopped coriander leaves : few add the lemon juice, coriander. Now to the i
Salt: as per requirement prepared soup, mix a little bit of mashed botde I
Water :1000 ml gourd pulp. Mix thoroughly and serve hot.

Importance :
Mushrooms contain about 80 to 90 percent water, and are very low in calories.
They have very little sodium and fat, and 8 to 10 percent of the dry weight is
fiber. Hence, they are an ideal food for persons following a weight management
program or a diet for hypertensives. Mushrooms are an excellent source of
potassium, a mineral that helps lower elevated blood pressure and reduces the
risk of stroke.

A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit.

- Anonymous
* dr ********%%********%******%******%********%*%%*****
NIN, Pune

Ladies Finger Soup ©o-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Fresh ladies finger : 3 nos. Clean and cut the ladies finger into
Rock salt : 1 teaspoon medium size pieces. Put the ladies fingers
Jeera powder : 1 teaspoon into water and allow it to boil in low flame.
Pepper : 2 pinch Once when the water reduced to half
Water : 500 ml. quantity, put off the flame. Now filter the
soup by squeezing in a cotton cloth. Add a
pinch of salt, 1 tsp of jeera powder and
pepper. Serve hot.

Importance :
Rock salt and ladies finger are rich in Maganesium so helps in
case of ear disturbances and has got laxative properties.

Sweet Corn Soup

(Serves 2)
Ingredients : Method:
Corn powder 2 spoons Boil all the ingredients together. Add corn
Grated carrot: 50 gms powder to water and dilute it well. Mix it
Tomato : 2 nos. with the boiled preparation. Allow it to boil,
Beans : 2 nos. remove from flame. Season the onion and
Green peas : 1 spoon add it to the soup. Add salt to get taste.
Onion : 4 nos.
Oil : 1 spoon
Salt : as per taste
Water-500 ml

Importance :
Good source of vitamin C and folate, which helps in reducing heart attacks.
Presence of Thiamin helps in increasing cognitive function. Another important
element of sweet corn is panthothenic acid which is rich in Vitamin B content
and helps energy production under extreme stressful conditions.

The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out.

- Anonymous

Naturopathy Diet

Beetroot Soup
(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Beetroot: 2 nos. Cut beetroot into small pieces. Add
Coriander leaves : 10 gms tomato pieces, coriander leaves and
Tomato : 2 nos. beetroot to water and boil. Smash the
Jeera : !4 teaspoon boiled vegetables well. Strain it and add
Water : 500 ml jeera powder and salt for taste.Boil the
soup for few minutes.

Importance :
Beetroot is good source of carbohydrate, minerals and contains fiber. Good
diuretic, effective in case of kidney and gall bladder. Helps in strengthening
heart muscles.

Bottle Gourd Soup

(Serves 2)
Ingredients : Method:
Bottle gourd : 1 kg In a little oil, fry moong dal and cumin seeds
Moong dal : 2 tbs till a roasted aroma arises. Add Chopped
Potato : medium size bottel gourd and potatoes along with 2-3
Oil : 1 teaspoon cups of water to this. Steam for ten minutes.
Cumin seeds : lA tsp When cool, strain it, mash well and grind.
Salt and lime : as per taste Mix water to the mashed mixture. Add salt
Water : 500 ml and boil it for few minutes. Squeeze lemon
juice and garnish it with minced parsley and
green coriander leaves. Serve hot.

Importance :
^ Act as good diuretic, good for digestion and weight loss, works as a blood thinner.

“If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of

c tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors
of tomorrow.” - Rockefeller Institute of Medicine research
NIN, Pune

Pumpkin Apple Soup

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Apple juice : 100 ml Cut the pumpkin and apple into small cubes by
Onion : 1 no. discarding the seeds. Cover and boil it with
Garlic : 1 pod 500ml water in simmer. Stir occasionally.
Ginger : 2 cm Remove from fire, let cool slightly. Blend the
Pumpkin : 50 gms mixture. In a frying pan, pour little oil,
Apple : 50 gms add cumin seeds, ginger, garlic (grated) and
Salt: as required chopped onion and pour this mixture with the
Water : 500 ml blended pulp. Add salt to this and heat the
soup. Remove from fire, add apple juice and
stir well. Serve hot.

Importance :
Good appetizer and helpful in case of ulcers and indigestion.

Barley Lentil Soup

(Serves 2)
Ingredients : Method:
Barley : Vi cup Fill the large pan with 6 cups of water and
Lentil : % cup place the barley in it. Bring to boil and
Tomatoes (chopped) : 2 let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. Now clean
Onion sliced : 1 medium and wash the vegetables. Add the lentils,
Ginger (chopped): 1 inch piece vegetables and ginger to the barley and boil
Fresh coriander : 2 springs till it becomes soft. Mash well and add the I
Pepper powder, salt: as per chopped onion which is spurted with little I
required oil. Boil in simmer for 5 mins. Finally add salt
Water : 600 ml and pepper, serve in soup bowl. Garnish with
fresh coriander and serve hot.

Importance :
Helpful in case of obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

One should eat to live, not live to eat.

- Cicero, Rhetoricorum LV
Naturopathy Diet

Minted Pea Soup gno'

(Serves 3)

Ingredients: Method:
Green peas : 100 gms Steam tomato and green peas with water.
Tomato : 30 gms Mash well and strain. Keep the strained
Water : 500 ml water and pulp aside. Heat oil in a kadai
Pudina : few leaves and add cumin seed. Then add the
Oil : 2 tsp strained water and some amount of pulp.
Cumin Seeds : 1 tsp Let it boil for 5 minutes. Serve hot with
Salt and pepper : as per taste chopped pudina leaves by adding required
amount of salt and pepper.

Importance :
This soup is high in fiber, hence recommended for constipative patients.

'C/Q> Four Taste Soup

(Serves 4)
Ingredients : Method:
Beetroot : I no. Blend beetroot and tomato well with
Tomato : 5 no. water in mixer and extract the juice out of
Lemon juice : 1 it. Boil well and add lemon juice, Jeera
Salt: for taste powder, jaggery and stir well. Serve it hot.
Jaggery : 2 spoons
Jeera powder : 1 spoon
Water : 500 ml

Importance :
Good appetizer.

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because

by then your, body and your fat are really good friends.
- Anonymous
Naturopathy Diet NIN, Pune

Spinach Soup

Potato St Cabbage Soup

mmtmmmm******* **************************
NIN, Pune

Tomato Soup ©o-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method :
Tomato : 4 Grind tomato, beetroot and carrot well
Grated carrot: 1 in a mixer with little water. Add water
Coconut milk : 100 ml and boil. Remove from flame and
Salt : for taste strain it. Add coconut milk, salt and
Lemon juice : 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Garnish it with chopped
Coriander leaves : few coriander leaves and serve hot.
Water : 500 ml

Importance :
Rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Best soup during the breaking
of the fasting.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!

- Anonymous

Naturopathy Diet


tfot BeV

u This sector includes herbal tea, coffee, Kaadha,

which are assimilated directly in to the blood
stream. In Naturopathy instead of regular tea and
coffee, it is adviced to take herbal drinks in the
daily routine. Hence the drinks as an alternative,
are prepared without any refined sugar. Sweetness

is given through jaggery syrup or honey. In the

place of cow's milk, coconut milk is used which has
got all nutritive properties. JJ

Soya Milk ©o-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Soyabeans: 80 gms Soak soyabeans overnight with two cups of
Jaggery : 80 gms water. Remove the skin and grind it in the
Water : 800 ml. morning to paste in a mixer or hand mortar,
Cardamom powder : pinch | Add water and boil. Add jaggery / jaggery
(optional) syrup/honey, elaichi powder and serve hot.

Importance :
Soyabeans are richest source of protein which is useful for vegetarians to have
enough essential amino acids for growing children after having all teeth grown
and starting some solid food. It is a best tonic in constructive stages for invalids
and for normal healthy people.

"cvq5 Jeera Drink <Sno'

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Jeera : 2 tea spoons Boil 3 to 4 cups of water and add two
Water : 3 to 4 cups teaspoonful of jeera and boil for 5 minutes
Milk : 1 cup covering with a lid. Put off fire and strain
Jaggery syrup : 2 tea spoons after some time. Add milk and jaggery syrup.
The jeera may be reused for a more dilute
drink or cooking.

Importance :
It is very useful in biliousness and other digestive problems. It helps to
flush out the toxins from the bodv and feel fresh.

Dieters live life in the fasting lane.

- Anonymous
Naturopathy Diet ***********%*%**%*********************%**********

Coriander Tea <3>o-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Coriander seeds '/l cup Slightly roast coriander seeds, pepper and
Cardamom : 2 cardamom after peeling external skin till it
Pepper : 5 to 8 becomes deep brown. Grind coarsely in a
Milk : 2 cups blender and store. Put 1 teaspoon of powder
Jaggery syrup : 6 teaspoons in a coffee filter and pour boiled water on it
(about '/2 cup) or just add two teaspoonful of
powder to 4 cups of water and bring to boil,
strain in a cloth or sieve. Add milk to the
filtered decoction and sweeten with jaggery

Importance :
It is very good for liver and respiratory disorders, low appetite and kidney

'og) Basil Tea (2k=>~

(Serves : 4)
Ingredients : Method :
Tulsi leaves : 15 to 20 Fresh tulsi leaves should be washed and
Water : 3 Vi cups added to the water and bring to boil on
Jaggery syrup : 50 ml. simmer flame for about 5 to 10 minutes
Cardamom powder : 1 pinch and strain in a seeker. Add jaggery syrupy
Stir well by adding a pinch of cardamon

Importance :
It serves as a healthy hot drink at the time of bed tea, which is very helpful for
chronic respiratory disorders, malarial fever and to relieve common cold.

Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening

V9 heaven. - Rabindranath Tagore

iNIN, Punel

Ginger, Mint, Tulsi Tea

(Serves : 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Fresh mint leaves : 8 to 10 Wash thoroughly the tulsi leaves, mint
Fresh tulsi leaves : 10 to 12 leaves and ginger and add to the water, and
Ginger: one small crushed piece then bring to boil for few minutes on
Water : 3 cups simmer flame. If one does not like ginger it
Jaggery syrup : 50 ml. may not be added. Then strain and add
Cardamom powder (optional) : milk and jaggery syrup. If one likes, can add
1 pinch cardamom powder for taste. Instead of
jaggery syrup one can add presoaked raisins
to the water for sweetening. Serve hot.

Importance :
It's a very healthy drink and helps to relieve bilious disorder,
bronchitis, asthma, chronic cough, common cold and acts as a good
appetizer and improves liver function.

Note :
Diabetics can take these drinks without jaggery syrup.

Method of preparation of jaggery syrup :

Take about 'A kg of jaggery. Add 1 cup of water, keep on fire and
bring to boil. When it bubbles, remove from fire. Decant or strain
and cool. Store in a clean glass bottle or steel vessel. Keep in
refrigerator or cover with a wet cloth. Prepare small quantity as per

In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as

much as nature requires. -Benjamin Franklin
Naturopathy Diet

-c/cD Alfalfa Tea C£NO

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Alfalfa seeds : 20 gms Soak the alfalfa seeds for 4 hours. Then
Water : 150 ml. boil the seeds in an enamel pan with the
Honey : 1 tsp lid on, for 15 minutes in low heat. Strain
and press the seeds dry and allow to cool.
Add honey taste.

Importance :
Provides vital alkalizing benefits for hyperacidity. It tends to control the flow of
hydrochloric acid, aiding the action of the gastric enzyme, pepsin. It also refreshes
the palate and makes an excellent morning drink. Also valuable in cases of
arthritis , as it helps alkalize the food residues in the body. Six or seven cups of it
should be taken daily by arthritics for at least two weeks. Also an effective remedv
for high blood pressure. It contains all the elements necessary for the softening of
hardened arteries which characterize high blood pressure. The addition of mint to
alfalfa tea helps settle disturbed stomach aftera rich meal.

Ginger Tea
(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Crushed ginger : 20 gms Wash the ginger and scrape off the skin.
Water : 150 ml. Crush the ginger. Boil in water for 15-20
Honey : 1 tsp minutes. Strain the tea and mix with i
Lemon juice : 1 tsp (optional) honey/lemon. Serve hot.

Importance :
Ginger tea is very effective in cases of cold and fever. For menstrual
disorders (painful periods, irregular menstruation) one cup of ginger tea
should be taken daily after meals. It also helps to clear blocked nose and
stimulates the liver to remove toxins from the bloodstream. Also aids
digestion, remedy for nausea, improves circulation, protection against
respiratory infections, eases flatulence and gripping pains.

U Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside. - Albert Schweitzer
NIN. Punel

Basil Decoction
(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Tulsi leaves (basil) : 20 gms Boil all the ingredients for 10-15
Crushed ginger : 15 gms minutes in low heat. Strain and serve
\ pepper powder : 2 '/> gms
Black pi hot.
\ Iwy
Jaggery: 5 gms
Water •: 150 ml

Importance :
The drink is very effective in cough and cold. Thev promote the removal of
catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. The tea strengthens the
stomach and induces copious perspiration. Also used in cases of sore throat. Th" *—
serves as an important aid in cases of bronchitis, asthma and, influenza.

Clove Tea

Ingredients : | Method:
Clove : 10 gms 1 Boil cloves in water for a few minutus in
Water : 150 ml ! low heat. Then strain the tea and mix with
Honey : 1 tsp | honey. Serve the tea hot.

The tea has many medicinal properties. It acts as stimulant, useful in

counteracting spasmodic disorders, relieves flatulence, helps to stimulate
sluggish circulation and thereby promotes digestion and metabolism,
promotes enzymatic flow and boosts digestive functioning. The tea can be
used in various forms of gastric irritability and dyspepsia. Clove tea helps to
treat cholera and an effective remedy for asthma. In such cases three cups of
tea should be taken daily

As for food, half of my friends have dug their graves with their teeth.
- Chauncey M. Depew

Naturopathy Diet

Basil Coffee <CX3'

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Tender tulsi leaves : 4 Boil water by adding jaggery and tulsi
Jaggery : 1 spoon leaves. Remove from flame and then add
Coconut milk/cow’s milk: 2 spoon coconut milk / cow’s milk. Can be used
Water : 150 ml without adding milk.

Importance :
Good and healty substitute for regular coffee. Providing relief to GI Tract, cold,
cough, respiratory infection and good for skin.

cv® Bran Tea

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Rice Bran : 1 spoon Boil the water by adding jaggery. Add the
Jaggery : 2 spoons rice bran to it and stir well. Strain it and
Coconut milk : 4 spoons then add milk.
Water : 150 ml

Importance :
Bran is found to be rich in insoluble fibre, hence very effective in reducing
high cholesterol levels and also in case of constipation.

Clogged with yesterday's excess, the body drags the mind down
it with it. - Horace

NIN, Pune

Finger Millet Malt

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Ragi powder : 1 spoon To one glass of water add raggi powder,
Elachi : 1 elachi and jaggery and boil. Can be used
Jaggery : for taste with or without adding milk.
Coconut milk : 1

Importance :
Finger millet is rich in calcium, hence recommended in bone

'C'OD Wheat Malt

(Serves 1)
Ingredients : Method:
Wheat powder : 1 spoon Boil water by adding wheat powder, elachi,
Elachi : 1 dry ginger powder and jaggery. Remove
Dry ginger powder : Vi spoon from flame and add coconut milk.
Jaggery : for taste
Coconut milk : 4 spoons
Water : 150 ml

Importance :
Very effective in case of cold, cough and sore throat.

They are sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with
nothing. - William Shakespeare
Naturopathy Diet

'c^> Coriander Coffee ©o~

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Raw coriander : 1 spoon Crush coriander seeds and add jaggery
Jaggery : 2 spoons and boil with water. Remove from flame
Lemon leaf: 4 and add lemon leaf and keep closed for 10
Coconut milk : 2 spoons minutes. Strain and add milk.
Water :150 ml

Importance :
It is very good for liver and respiratory disorders improves appetite
and digestion.

Dry Ginger Coffee

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Pine jaggery : 25 gms Boil water by adding al the
Dry ginger : 'A tsp. ingredients.Serve it hot.
Jeera powder : 1 pinch
Water : 200 ml

Importance :
Rich in fiber, hence recommended for constipated patients. This is very good in
cold, sore throat and fever. Therefore, no milk to be added

“Life is not living, but living in health.”

- Martial

Dry Ginger Tulsi
Coriander Coffee
(Serves 5)

Roast ingredients 1 to 6 without losing its
color and then powder it. Boil water (1000
ml) and add jaggery and the prepared
powder. Can be taken by adding coconut
milk or without.
Cardamom : 4 i
Jaggery: 4 spoons
Coconut milk: 4 spoons

Importance :
Good for respiratory ailments. I improves appetite and digestion.

Shoe Flower Coffee

Hindi : Gurhal
(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Jaggery powder : 1 spoon Boil water
Shoe flower : 4 from flame
Tender tulsi leaves : 4 leaves. Keep it
Coconut milk : 4 spoons coconut milk.
Water : 250 ml.

Importance :
Good for digestive disorders, bladder infections, improves eyesight
and good for hair.

It would be far easier to lose weight permanently if replacement parts

weren't so handy in the refrigerator. - Hugh Allen
Naturopathy Diet

Holy Basil Mint Tea

(Serves 4)

Ingredients: Method:
Basil : 10 leaves Put the basil and mint leaves in 4 cups of
Mint : 10 leaves water. Let the decoction simmer after it
Honey : 2 tsp reaches boiling point and is reduced half
Water : 800 ml the quantity. Then take off flame and mix

Importance :
Good for cold, cough and respiratory disorders.

Dates Milks Shake

(Serves 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Chopped dates : 1 cup Boil 1 cup of milk and after some time
Jaggery : as per taste bring it to simmer. Add dates and cook 5
Chopped pista and badam : 2 tsp. to 8 minutes on low flame. Cool this and
Milk: 3 cup add remaining cup of milk and jaggery
syrup. Finally mix dry fruits. Serve it

Importance :
Rich in Iron and other minerals like Phosphorous and hence recommended in
anemic patients and under weight people.

Fat is not a moral problem. It's an oral problem.

- Jane Noland
Naturopathy Diet ********************************** EIUWsfl,»

Dates Milkshake

Herbal Lemon Tea

************************** 0 **************************
Naturopathy Diet **********************************
NIN, Panel

Carrot Tea

************************** **************************
NIN, Pune

-cAS> Herbal Lemon Tea

(Serves 3)

Ingredients : Method:
Water : 3 cups Boil the water with herbal tea powder
Herbal tea powder : 'A tsp. and jaggery for 5 minutes. Strain the
Jaggery syrup : as required boiled water and add few drops of
Lemon juice : few drops lemon juice and serve.

Importance :
Good for respiratory disorders improves appetite and digestion.

-txa} Herbal Tea <Sno~

(Serves 4)

Ingredients : Method:
Water : 3 cups (150 ml.) Boil the milk nicely and allow it to cool.
Herbal tea powder : 'A tsp. Add the herbal tea powder and jaggery
Jaggery powder : 3 teaspoons powder in the 150 ml. of water and boil it
Milk : 'A cup nicely. The boiled water is then strained
and removed from flame. Now add the
cold milk to the decoction and serve hot. If
required, crushed ginger can be added.

Importance :
Good for respiratory disorders. Improves appetite and digestion.

There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably

desirable. - Mark Twain

Naturopathy Diet '******%*%*%**%%*%*%%*%%%*%**%***%*****%****%***%%



Uncooked food is one of the protective food and must

form a part of every meal. Uncooked / raw food is a diet,

based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, such

as fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, grains, beans

etc. They add variety, color, and texture to diet. All the

ingredients used are natural and devoid of all spices.

Finely chopped mint, coriander, lemon juice, honey,

curd can be used for dressings if one wishes to enhance

the ‘taste’ Preparation of uncooked food include salads,

NIN, Pune

^ Fruit Salad with Fruit Cream

(Serves 3)

Ingredients : Method:
Apples : 1 no. Grate the coconut and prepare coconut milk by
Pomegranate : 1 no. adding little water, extract 200ntl of coconut
Banana : 2 nos. milk. Cut chickoos, dates and banana into
Chickoo : 3 nos. small pieces. Make the paste of chickoo, dates
Pineapple : lA and banana by adding coconut milk.
Papaya : 14 (medium size) Cut all the other fruits in small pieces. Mix them
Watermelon : 3 pieces thoroughly together with elaichi powder, and dry I
Grapes : 14 kg grapes for taste. While serving add fruit cream to
Dates : 100 gms the fruit mixture. For extra sweet taste add honey.
Dry grapes : 25 grams
Coconut : 1 no. (2 cups of Importance :
coconut milk 200 ml) Good for anemia, obesity, lowered vitality.
Elaichi powder : as per your

Mixed Sprouts Salad

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method: Option 1

Moong Sprouts : 50 gms Mix all the sprouts together, add Coriander
Matki Sprouts : 50 gms leaves to it. If needed add salt, lemon juice
Channa Sprouts : 25 gms can be added. For sweet taste, add small
Groundnuts soaked : 25 gms pieces of apple and few pomegranate seeds.
Coriander : few leaves Salt and Garnish it with gratings of carrot/coconut.
Lemon juice : only for taste
Few seeds of Pomegranate /
Apple : 1 no.

Importance :
Good in obesitv and diabetes.

We drink to one another's health and spoil our own.

- Jerome K. Jerome
Naturopathy Diet >**%%***%**********%%%**%*********%**************

Summer Delight <sx>'

(Serves : 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Pineapple juice : 34 cup Pour all the ingredients into a liquidizer,
Mango juice : 14 cup pour into large glass and serve
Lemon juice : 2 tsp immediately.

Importance :
Rich in vitamin E which aids in digestion and boosts the immune system.

'ocjD Sour Salad (&<>'

(Serves : 2)

Ingredients : Method :
Bottlegourd : 1 Grate bottlegourd and soak in curd. Add
Tomato : 1 chopped tomato. Make a paste out of
Curd : 1 cup grated coconut, mustard and green chilly.
Coriander leaves : 4 bunch Mix all the ingredients together. Season
Salt: as per taste with mustard and curry leaves.
Grated coconut: 1
Mustard : 15 gms
Green chilly : 2

Importance :
It is rich in minerals and vitamins

"We never repent of having eaten too little."

V. - Thomas Jefferson

Sweet Salad

-<>© Chow-Chow Salad

(Serves 5)
Ingredients : Method :
Grated Chow-chow : 1 Mix well all the ingredients. Can be used
Curd : !4 cup with or without seasoning with mustard
Coriander leaves : 4 and currv leaves.
Tomato : 4
Mustard paste : 1 spoon
Grated ginger : 2 spoons
Crushed coconut: 4 spoons
Salt: as per taste

Importance :
Good low-calarie food with mild diuretic property.

A healthy body and soul come from an unencumbered mind and body.
- Ymber Delecto

Naturopathy Diet

'cv© Sweet Wheat Sprout Salad <Sn=>'

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Sprouted wheat: I cup Slice carrot, tomatoes, onions, then mix
Grated coconut : for dressing these with sprouts. Garnish with chopped
Grated carrot : 10 gms. leaves, add pepper and salt to taste. Dress
Chopped Tomatoes : 100 gms. with cumin powder and grated coconut.
Chopped Onion : 100 gms.

Importance :
Good for diabetes and disease of the lower digestive system and to promote
the healthy bowel function

Slimmer’s Salad
(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Grated Carrot: 50 gms Mix all the ingredients together.
Grated Cucumber : 50 gms
Chopped Capsicum : 5 gms
Chopped Apple : 30 gms
Orange : 10 gms
i Raisins : 50 gms
I Coriander leaves
Grated Jaggery : 500 gms
Jeera powder : 5 gms
Salt and pepper powder to taste

Importance :
It is good for obesity, lowered vitality.

I'm a product of good nutrition, cutting edge supplementation

and hard training, and I'm an old guy.

V - Warren Cuccurullo
NIN, Pune

Moong Salad
(Serves: 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Moong dhal( Broken): lOOgms Soak Moong dhal in water overnight.
Green Chilly finely Chopped) : Next day morning drain out the water
1 teaspoon completely and take the moong dhal in
Coriander Leaves (finely a separate bowl.
Chopped): 1 teaspoon Add the chopped chilly, lemon juice and
Lemon Juice: 1 teaspoon salt and mix it properly.
Salt: 1 pinch Then garnish the salad with chopped
coriander leaves.
Now the healthy moong salad is ready.

Importance :
Moong dhal is rich in protein and is easily digestible. It is an excellent source
of Molybdenum, folic acid and provides great source of complex carbohydrates
and hence very good for weight loss, heart patients. Moong dhal contain
thiamin (vitamin B-l), vitamin-C and vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine). Coriander
leaves are a good source of iron, magnesium, and is helpful in fighting anemia.
Coriander leaves has also been shown to reduce menstrual cramping, feeling of
nausea, lowers the LDL and very good for the GIT. Amla is rich in Vitamin C
which is a water soluble anti-oxidant vitamin. Fresh amla juice helps reducing
the levels of LDL, Fatty acids and Triglycerides & is good for hair growth.

Tomato Salad Csx3~

(Serves: 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Tomatoes : 5 Cut tomatoes into small pieces. Put some
Soybean granules : 100 gms soybean granules in water and strain
Salt and pepper to taste them. Combine both of them, add salt and
pepper and mix well.

Importance :
Very rich source of proteins and vitamin C and E, minerals like
Potassium. It has anti-infective and antioxidant properties.

Disease is somatic; the suffering from it, psychic.

- Martin Fischer
Naturopathy Diet

-o© Pachadi<®^~
(Serves: 5)

Ingredients: Method:
Cucumber : 5 nos. (grated) Grind coconut, mustard, green chilly
Tomato: 2 nos. (cut into pieces) and ginger with little water and mix it
Coconut: !A tsp. with cucumber and tomato. Add curd to
Mustard: Vi tsp. this and mix thoroughly. In case of
Green chilly: 3 nos. urinary and kidney problems, plantain
Ginger: 'A inch pith cut into small pieces can be added.
Curd: 2 spoon
Salt: as per taste

Importance :
It is a favourite food during hot summer. It prevent the heat stroke &.
quenches thirst, effective Digestive aid and promote urination.

Sprouted pulses Salad

(Serves: 3)

Ingredients : Method:
Green gram : 200 gms. Soak and sprout all the pulses and
Bengal gram : 200 gms. groundnut separately. Mix all the sprouted
Beans : 200 gms. grains. Add salt, chopped onion and green
Ground nut : 200 gms. chillies and lemon juice. Serve it fresh.
I Onion : 1 medium
Lemon juice : 2 tsp

Importance :
It is rich source of proteins. Hence recommended for the under might and

Sometimes I get the feeling the aspirin companies are sponsoring

V my headaches. - V.L. Allineare


Fenugreek Salad
(Serves: 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Sprouted fenugreek seeds: 1 cup For fenugreek sprouts - clean, wash and
Grated fresh coconut : 1 cup soak the seeds in water for 24 hours.
Jaggery: ‘Acup Change the water 3 to 4 times and
Rock salt: to taste finally drain the water. Leave the seeds
to germinate for 12 hours.
Preparation of salad : Put all the above
ingredients in a bowl. Set aside for 15
minutes. Serve with hot rice or roti.

Importance :
It is good for diabetes, hypofunction of liver, cardiac problems
and dysentery.

Spicy Sprout Salad

(Serves: 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Moong sprouts : 100 gms. Mix all the ingredients together and serve.
Matki sprouts : 100 gms
Coconut gratings : half
Jeera powder : ltsp
Pepper powder : 1 tsp
Salt as per requirement.

Importance :
It is a good source of proteins, fat and carbohydrates.
Good for overweight and under nourished persons.

“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces — just good

food from fresh ingredients.” - Julia Child

Naturopathy Diet ' ««**«*«*«%******«*«*««*%**«<>«******«**«%««*««****

Grated Veg. Salad

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Grated carrot : 100 gms Mix all the ingredients together
Grated coconut : 50 gms thoroughly and serve.
Chopped capsicum : 50 gms
Chopped tomato : 50 gms
Chopped coriander : 25 gms
Chopped cucumber : 100 gms
Lemon juice : 2 tsp
Salt: as per requirement
Raisins : few

Importance :
Anemia, general malnourished person and obesity

National Integrity
Salad from India
(Serves: 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Carrot (grated) : 100 gms Mix all three ingredients together and
Capsicum (fine chopped): 50 gms finally add salt and lemon juice as perj
Coconut gratings : 50 gms requirement.
Salt : as per requirement
Lemon juice: as per requirement.

Importance :
Good for anemia, lassitude, low vitality.

An imaginary ailment is worse than a disease.

- Yiddish Proverb
Kidney Bean Salad
(Serves: 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Kidney bean (boiled) cup Mix all the kidney beans, sweet corn,
Sweet corn (boiled) cup grated carrot together. Season it
Grated carrot: !4 cup with green chilly, curry leaves, and
Salt: as required finally add salt as per taste .
Curry leaves: few
Green chilly: 2 nos.

Importance :
Good source of vegetable protein.

Fruit Chaat CgtO'

(Serves: 2 )
Ingredients : Method:
Ripe banana : 15 gms All the fruits are cut into small pieces and
Boiled potato : 30 gms mixed with all the other ingredients.
Guava: 15 gms When the chaat is ready, serve it
Grape fruit : 10 gms immediately.
Lemon juice : 5 gms
Dry Mango powder: 2 gms
Roasted cumin powder : 1 gm
Jaggery: 2 gms

Importance :
Rich in vitamins and minerals. Good for hypertensive patients. Rich in fibre.

"I saw few die of hunger; of eating, a hundred thousand."

- Benjamin Franklin
Naturopathy Diet

Plantain Pith Salad <©vD-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Plantain pith : 25 gms Cut the plantain pith into small thin
Green gram sprouts : 25 gms squares and remove fibre. Grate coconut,
Coconut: 1 pinch Chop the cucumber and take green gram
Cucumber : 25 gms sprouts. Mix all the above ingredients with
Mustard : 5 gms curd. Season lemon squeeze mix and
, Lemon : 1 serve.
Curd : 75 ml
Salt : One pinch

Importance :
Salad helps to postpone the age. Good for diabetic, obese and hypertensive
patients. Patients with kidney stones, gastric and duodenal ulcers also
benefit by the intake of this salad.

Carrot Salad (c>~0

(Serves: 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Carrot : 100 gms Shred the carrot into thin, long thread like
Apple : 50 gms strips. Cut the apple into small cubes.
Groundnut: 25 gms Roast the groundnut and powder it
Honey : 1 tsp coarsely. Mix well all the ingredients.
Curd : 75 ml Serve immediately.

Importance :
Good for obesity. Good for age related problems.

To avoid sickness eat less; to prolong life worry less.

- Chu Hui Weng
ININ, Punel

Summer Retreat

Ingredients : Method:
Cucumber : 100 gms Chop the cucumber and tomatoes into
Tomatoes : 100 gms small cubes. Grate coconut and add to
Lemon : 1 the chopped vegetables. Squeeze lemon
Coconut : 'A and add salt into it. Mix well and
Coriander leaves : 5 gms garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
Salt : 1 pinch

Importance :
Salad is refreshing during the hot summer. Good for diabetic,
obese and hypertensive patients.

Spinach Carrot Toss Salad

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Carrot: 1 Wash and thinly slice the carrot. Also
Spinach : 50 gms wash and cut the spinach leaves into
Coconut: 150 gms thread like strips. Mix the vegetables well
Lemon juice : 1 tsp with beaten yoghurt, lemon juice, salt and
Yoghurt : Vi cup black pepper powder to taste and then
Black powdered pepper: 1 tsp

Importance :
Good in obesity, hypertension, constipation, intestinal disorders.

Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other.

- Joseph Addison
Naturopathy Diet

Fruit Summer Cloud

(Serves 4)

Ingredients: Method:
Apple : 500 gms (2 apples) Wash all the fruits and cut into small
Chikoo : 300 gms pieces (apple and chikoo). Add the grape
Grapes : 200 gms to apple and chikoo and add orange juice.
Orange juice: 3 cups (1 cup 200gins) Serve chilled.

Importance :
It has all essential vitamins and minerals
Restores energy. Strengthens all systems.

Carrot, Almond & Raisin Salad1

(Serves 3)

Ingredients: Method:
Carrots : 5 (medium sized) Peel and coarsely grate the carrots, keep it
Almonds: 25 gms into a bowl. Add the almonds and raisins
Raisins : 25 gms to the carrots. Sprinkle the lemon juice.
Lemon: 1 small over it.

Importance :
Anemia, indigestion, constipation.

Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window,
except that the birds might eat them.

V© - Martin H. Fischer
Cole Slaw Salad <s>o
(Serves: 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Cabbage : 50 gms Remove stalk and shred the cabbage
Carrot: 20 gms very finely. Grate the carrots. Cut the
Spring onion : 1 spring onion. Cut the green parts of
Apple : 25 gms spring onion diagonally into pieces.
Lemon: 1 Cole and dice the apple (do not peel).
Mix prepared vegetables and apple
together in a bowl, add the dressing.
Mix well.

Importance :
Good in hypertension, gastric problems, improves appetite.

'C/Q> Soya Salad

(Serves: 2)
Ingredients: Method:
Soya chunks : 100 gms, Soak soyabean for 2-3 hours and bring it
Fresh peas (boiled): Vi cup to boil on low heat. Once it is boiled, cool
Boiled potato (sliced): V2 cup it and strain it through a sieve. In a bowl,
Ginger (finely chopped): 50 gms add soybeans, chopped potatoes, chillies,
Green chillies (finely peas, salt and jeera. Put it in a bowl, heat
chopped): 2 medium sized it. Serve warm, garnished with mint and
Coriander leaves (finely coriander leaves, salt, pepper and geera
chopped): few powder
Lemon juice: 2 tsp
Mint leaves: few Importance :
Black salt and jeera : as per It has high quality proteins, vitamins and
taste minerals. It has photochemical plant
estrogen. It helps women to relieve the
menopausal symptoms.

It's no coincidence that four of the six letters in health are "heal."
- Ed Northstrum

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (Jl <

Naturopathy Diet *%*%%***%**%*%***%%****%**%*%*******%%**%*%%%%**%

Sesame Seed Chutney (Sxo-

(Serves 6)

Ingredients: Method:
Sesame seeds : 100 gms Roast the sesame seeds and powder it.
Green chillies : 1 -2 Add the slit green chillies, lemon juice and
Water : 125 ml salt. Grind to a fine paste with water and
Salt: as per taste serve.
Lemon juice : as per taste

Importance :
Sesame seeds contain high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids which
tends to decrease serum cholesterol levels. Hence patients with
hypercholesterolemia may be given to savour sesame seeds in the form of
chutney or other modes of preparation made from these kinds of oil seeds.

Groundnut Chutney
(Serves 3)
Ingredients : Method :
Sprouted groundnut : 100 gms Crush everything together with little
Grated coconut : 1 water, add salt before use.
Jeera : 1 pinch
Tomato : 1
Green chilly : 2
Ginger : 1 piece
Curry leaves : few
Salt: as per taste

Importance :
Rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. So can be given to “malnourished and
underweight” people.

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want,
k. drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
- Mark Twain


Gooseberry Chutney <©^-

(Serves : 3)
Ingredients : Method:
Goose-berry : 20 gms Boil the goose-berry and then remove the
Cucumber : 20 gms seeds. Grind it to a thick paste using little
2 green chillies water and keep it separately. Again grind
Mustard seeds : 'A tsp grated coconut, cucumber and green chillies.
Cumin seeds : lA tsp Mix all the ground ingredients together.
Oil : 1 tsp. Few curry leaves Prepare jaggerv syrup. Heat oil in a kadai and
Jaggery for taste, Salt for taste add the mustard seeds and cumin seeds.
Coconut paste : 2 tsp When it splutters, add the curry leaves.
A pinch of asafetida Now add the paste to it along with a little
Water as required water, boil for about 5 minutes. Add jaggery
water and mix thoroughly. Add salt as per

Importance :
Goose berry is the richest source of vitamin C among all vegetables. It is
recommended in case of cough and cold problems and other related vitamin C
deficiency diseases.

Ginger Curd <Sno~

(Serves : 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Grated coconut : 1 Crush all the ingredients and mix with
Ginger : 100 gms curd. Season with mustard seeds and
Green chilly : as per taste curry leaves.
Curry leaves : 4 strands
Tomatoes : 2
Amla : 2
Jeera : 1 pinch
Curd : 1 cup

Importance :
Good in nausea, indigestion, gas problem, colic pain and diarrhoea.

To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate
cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.
- William Londen
Naturopathy Diet

Nutmeg Chutney <SSo

(Serves: 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Nutmeg : 1 Crush all the ingredients and mix in curd.
Tomato : 1 Add salt for taste.
Jeera : 1 pinch
Green chilly : 1
Ginger : 1 small piece
Curry leaves : 4 strands
Curd : 1 tsp.

Importance :
It aids in relieving pain, abdominal swelling, indigestion & diarrhoea.

Cucumber Raita
(Serves : 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Curd (skimmed milk : 1 cup) Peel the cucumber and grate it. Beat the curd
Cucumber : 1 till smooth. Mix all the ingredients and serve
Pepper : 'A tsp cold.
Salt: to taste

Importance :
Good low calorie food with mild diuretic property.

i Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.

'>k. - Buddha
NIN. Pune

1 Mango Chutney ©sO-

(Serves : 3)
Ingredients : Method:
Raw mango : 1 Crush all the ingredients together, with
Grated coconut: 1 little water and add salt.
Jeera : 1 spoon
Ginger : as per taste
Curry leaves, coriander leaves :
4 strands
Salt: as per taste

Importance :
Rich in Vitamin c and that supports immune system.

o© Guava Chutney
(Serves 3)
Ingredients : Method :
Guava : 2 Crush all the ingredients together, with
Grated coconut: 1 little water and add salt
Curry leaves : 4 strands
Ginger : 2 small pieces
Green chilly : 2
Salt: as per taste
Tomato : 1

Importance :
This soup is rich in vitamin A and C and also high in fiber, hence beneficial in
cases of eye disorders and constipation, thereby correcting vitamin A defiencies in
the body and helps in the smooth functioning of bowels.

Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and
accept her suggestions. - Antoinette Blackwell
Naturopathy Diet

Mint Chutney <SN3'

(Serves : 4)
Ingredients : Method:
Mint (Pudina) : 1 bunch Wash pudina leaves, green chilli and
Green Chilly : 1 No. ginger. Put pudina, green chilli, garlic
Garlic cloves: 2 Nos. and ginger in a blender. Blend it to form
Ginger piece : Vi inch a smooth paste. Now add lemon juice
Lemon juice : 1 tsp and salt to it. Pudina chutney is ready to
Salt : a pinch

Importance :
Pudina has excellent digestive properties. It helps to relieve indigestion,
flatulence (bloating sensation in stomach) and gas problem.
Mint has cooling effect and relieves heart burn. Hence, it is a best chutney to
take during summer.

Ginger Garlic Chutney

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Ginger : 100 gms Wash and peel the ginger. Cut it in small
Garlic cloves :5-8 cubes. In a blender, grind ginger, garlic cloves
Green chilly : 2 and green chilly with very little water.
Lemon Juice : I tsp Finally add lemon juice in it and salt as per the
Salt : as per the requirement taste. This simple chutney is good to taste)
and has high nutritive value.

Importance :
This chutney has very good digestive properly as it contains both ginger and
garlic. It helps to reduce the gas problem or burp. Ginger and garlic has anti¬
inflammatory property. Hence this chutney is very useful in arthritis.
“Allicin” a potent ingredient in garlic lowers not only blood pressure, but insulin
and triglyceride levels also. Hence this chutney is good for hypertension,
hypercholestrimia and diabetes.

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is and art.

- La Rochefoucauld
NIN, Pune

'o© Veg. Chutney

(Serves: 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Beet root / carrot: if required. Grind these ingredients with very little
Coconut: V2 no. water.
Ginger: 'Ainch
Raw Mango or Tomato : 2 nos
or V*
Green chilly: 3 nos.
Pudina leaves: few

Importance :
Good for anemia and hypertension

Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be

our food - Hippocrates

Naturopathy Diet

yoe) Rice Flakes Raita

(Serves: 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Plantain pith juice: 200ml Plantain pith is the true stem of the banana
Rice Flakes: lOOgm tree. It is white in color and resembles like a
Grated carrot: 25gm stem. It is commonly available in vegetable
Chopped onion: 25gm market. Cut the plantain pith in to pieces
Chopped cucumber: 25gm and extract the juice of the pith in rnixie
Curd:200gm using a glass of water. Strain the juice and
Salt as per requirement soak the raw flakes in it. Churn the curd
Peper powder : a pinch smoothly in a mixie and add the soaked rice
Green Chilly : 2 to 3 nos. flakes to it. Then add all the other
Chopped Coriander : Few ingredients (chopped onion, cucumber,
coriander, grated carrot to it). Also add salt
and pepper powder as per requirements. If
essential pepper powder can be replaced
with chopped green chilly.

Importance :
Plantain pith is known to promote healthy digestion and create a feeling of
youthfulness. It enhances calcium, phosphorous and nitrogen retention
which in turn helps in the regeneration of healthy tissues.
Plantain pith has diuretic property (enhance urination) hence it can be
recommended for kidney patients.
Poha has a capacity of increasing energy value, tissue-building elements,

The Excitement of vitamins, nutrition and metabolism

permeated the environment. - Paul D. Boyer
Naturopathy Diet rcik’HsiH.B

Groundnut chutney
Naturopathy Diet SnSEBBS

Pudina Chutney

Carrot Salad
Naturopathy Diet **********************************
NIN. Punel

Fruit salad

Summer Retreat

Naturopathy Diet

Grated Veg Salad

Sprouts Salad
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 * ****0****

Cooked food preparations are easily digestible. All

the dishes are cooked in a simple way devoid of
masala, spices and condiments. Variety rice like
carrot, methi, vegetable pulav are highly packed
with essential nutrients. Even cooking at high

temperature (> 116°F) may destroy nutrients of

t i 7 rr t n r\ I n I—I ^ II 4- i 4- /-\ »“v-\ (' n 1" n d t
Naturopathy Diet

Corn Rice <Sns”'

(Serves 3)

Ingredients: Method:
Basmati Rice : 2 cups Cook the rice with required salt by adding
Fresh Maize (corn) : 1 cup 4 cups of water and keep it aside. [For
Chopped capsicum : 1 cup separate rice grains, soak the rice for 20-30
Chopped onion : Vi cup minutes and saute the rice with little
Chopped green chilly : 2 tsp butter]. In a kadai, pour 2 tsp of oil. Add
Chopped ginger : 1 tsp jeera seeds, bay leaves (if required),
Chopped garlic : 1 tsp chopped ginger, garlic and green chilly.
Jeera : Vi tsp Saute them for a few seconds and add
Pepper powder : 1 tsp onions. Saute the onion for 5 minutes and
Salt : as per requirement add chopped capsicum and maize and mix
Oil : 2 tsp thoroughly. Cover the kadai with a lid for
Coriander leaves : few 10-15 minutes. Finally add salt, pepper
powder (optional) and mix all the
contents thoroughly. Remove the kadai
from the flame.
In a separate vessel, arrange the rice and
prepared vegetable mixture layer by layer
and heat this on a low flame for few
minutes. Mix these together finally and
garnish with coriander leaves.

Importance :
Maize is found to improve digestive function and regularity, due to its high
fibre content. Maize helps to improve the absorption of minerals, especially
calcium and magnesium. Maize supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in
the digestive tract, which in turn boosts the immune system and helps in
digestion, lower glycemic response and aid in energy management.

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail
you. - Frank Wright

Inin, Punel

/^ ^—-'<=^5Vegetable Dhaliya©^'
(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Broken wheat: 100 gms Roast wheat without oil and keep it aside.
Carrot : 15 gms Cut vegetables into pieces. Set it aside.
Capsicum : 15 gms Heat oil. Add the seasoning ingredients,
Beans: 15 gms cut green chillies and chopped ginger. Fry
Green chillies : 2 nos. for a minute and add water. As the water
A piece of ginger boils, add the roasted wheat and salt.
Oil : 5 gms When wheat is half cooked, add all the
Seasoning ingredients : Mustard vegetables and let it boil till soft. Serve hot
seeds, Curry leaves andOnion and garnish with chopped coriander.
Salt : as per taste.

Importance :
This is a bland diet and can be served to convalescent patients, diabetic,
hypertensive (salt excluded) and others.

'o® Lemon Rice

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
White rice : 100 gms Boil the white rice and discard the water.
Lemon : 2 Now season the rice with the seasoning
Oil : 5 gms ingredients. Add salt and mix it. Now
Salt as per taste. squeeze lemon juice and mix the entire
For seasoning rice thoroughly. Serve the rice hot.
Green chillies : 2 nos.
Mustard seeds : 1 tsp
Curry leaves : 10 gms
Turmeric Powder : a pinch

Importance :
A soothing diet for convalescent patients.

We never repent of having eaten too little.

- Thomas Jefferson
Naturopathy Diet

Methi Rice <Sn3-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Methi (fenugreek)leaves :500gms Chop finely the methi leaves. Remove the
Green chillies (chopped): 2 nos seeds and puree (grind) the tomato. Wash rice.
Ripe tomato: 200 gms In a pan, heat oil. Add the ginger, garlic paste,
White rice: 250 gms tomato puree, salt, green chillies and saute for
Ginger: 'A inch about five minutes. Add the chopped methi
Garlic: 5 pods leaves and rice. Saute the entire for another 5
Coconut milk: 250 ml minutes and add 250 ml of coconut milk and
Oil : 2 tsp 250 ml of water. Add salt as per requirement
Salt: as per taste Cook it in low flame. Serve hot with curry or
Water: as required vegetable raita.

Importance :
Can be served to diabetic patients.

Carrot Koshimbir <2N3

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Carrot: 2, finely grated Mix all the ingredients together and
Cooked Moong dal: 1 V2 tbsp season with mustard seeds and curry
Chopped Green chillies : 2 nos leaves.
Coriander leaves: few
Grated Coconut: 2 tbsp
Salt and lemon juice: as per taste
Seasoning : Oil, Mustard seeds,
Currv leaves and Onion.

Importance :
Useful for old age people to maintain good eye sight.

The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books - how not
to eat what you've just learned how to cook.
- Andy Rooney
mi,! mm

Cucumber Koshimbir
(Serves 4)

Ingredients: Method:
Cucumber: 2 finely grated Mix all the ingredients together and
Cooked moong dal: 1 lA tbsp. season with mustard seeds and curry
Chopped green chillies : 2 nos. leaves.
Coriander leaves: few
Grated coconut: 2 tbsp.
Salt and lemon juice (as per taste)
Seasoning : Oil, Mustard seeds,
Curry leaves and Onion.

Importance :
Helpful in case of high blood pressure patients (without salt).

Veg. Pulav
(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Rice: 1 cup, Grind the ginger and garlic into a smooth
Onion : 1 no, Garlic: 10 gms paste. Heat the oil in a pan and add the
Ginger: 1 inch. Tomato: 1 no. grinded paste and green chilly, then add
Green chilly: 2 nos onions and tomatoes, saute it nicely and
Coriander and mint leaves: few then add the cut vegetables. Gently saute
Cut vegetables (carrot, capsicum, this mixture. Wash the rice and add it to
green peas, beans, cauliflower) : the mixture. Saute all for a further 5
100 gms minutes. Add the coconut milk and water
Coconut milk: 'A cup to the rice. Add salt as per requirement.
Water: 'A cup Keep it on low flame and cook until the rice
Salt: as required is cooked. When done add chopped mint
Oil: 2 tsp and coriander leaves. Serve hot.

Importance :
Highly nutritious due to the rich vegetable content.

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.

- Peter De Vries
Naturopathy Diet '*%******%*%%*%*****%%********%*%******%**********

Carrot Rice «Sno-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Boiled (cooked) rice cup In a pan, heat the oil and season it with
Grated carrot: 2 nos mustard and curry leaves, and then add
Green chilly: 2 nos green chilly, onion, ginger and garlic one by
Onion: 1 no. one. Then add the grated carrots and nicely
Chopped ginger : !A tsp saute it. To this sauted mixture add the
Chopped garlic : 'A tsp cooked rice and mix thoroughly serve it hot
Curry leaves: few with chopped coriander leaves.
Mustard seeds: few
Oil: 2 tsp
Salt: as required

Importance :
Carrot serves as a good source of Vitamin A.

Cabbage - Dry Curry

(Serves 2)
Ingredients: Method :
Chopped cabbage : 200 gms In a frying pan, heat the oil and season it with
Onion: 1 no. mustard and curry leaves and then add green
Green chilly: 1 no. chilly & onion. Saute it nicely and add the
Coconut gratings : V-i cup chopped cabbage and a pinch of turmeric
Curry leaves: few powder and salt as required. Sprinkle little water
Salt: as required and cook the vegetable nicely in low flame. Do
Mustard seeds: few not add excess water. When it is cooked, add the
Oil: 2 tsp. grated coconut and chopped coriander and I
Turmeric: a pinch remove it from fire.
Note : Other vegetables like beans, mushrooms,
capsicum, plantain pith, raw banana can be used
in place of cabbage.

Importance :
Rich in minerals & useful for hypothyroidism in which thyroid levels are

Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
- Anonymous

NIN, Pune

Curd Rice <Sno-

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
White rice: 100 gms Boil the white rice and set it aside. Beat the
Curd: 500 ml curd well. Heat oil and fry the mustard,
Green chilly: 1 no. curry leaves and green chilly. Now mix all
Coriander: few the ingredients to the rice and add curd to
For seasoning Oil: 1 tsp. the rice and mix thoroughly. Add salt as
Mustard seeds: few per requirement.
Curry leaves: few
Salt: as required.

Importance :
It is good in vitamin B12 . In the place of rice, soaked pohe
can be used and curd pohe can be prepared and has cooking effect

Green Gram Curry

(Serves 2)
Ingredients : Method :
Green gram : 50 gms Soak the moong for 5-6 hours and boil the
Tomato : 1 no. green moong and tomatoes with sufficient
Green chilly : 1 no. water. After boiling smash the green moong.
Onion : 1 no. (small sized) Now season the green dhal with mustard
Coconut milk : V2 cup (250 ml.) seeds, curry leaves, onion and green chillies
For seasoning : oil : 2 tsp. which are finely chopped. Mix this
Mustard seed : few seasoning to the boiled moong. Add j
Curry leaves : few coconut milk and salt. Finally and put off I
Salt: as per taste. the flame. Serve it with hot rice or chapati.

Importance :
Cooked green gram is a digestive food for invalid & sick people. It has got good
laxative properties.

Dieting is not a piece of cake.

- Anonymous
Naturopathy Diet

-oe) Rasam <Sno-

(Serves 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Tomato : 'A kg Make a paste of all the above
Pepper : 1 tsp ingredients(expect coriander) using little
Green chilly : 2 nos water. Boil the paste by adding 5 glasses of
Ginger : V2 inch water and salt to it. Rasam is ready.
Jeera : 1 teaspoon Garnish it with chopped coriander &. serve
Garlic : 2 to 3 pods hot.
Coriander leaves : few
Water : 5 glasses
Salt: as per taste

Importance :
Useful in common cold and improves digestion.

'o© Tapioca Curry

(Serves 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Tapioca : 1 kg Boil the tapioca after removing the skin
Coconut: V2 no. with salt and turmeric. Smash the tapioca
Green chilly : 5 nos. and keep it. Make a paste of coconut,
Garlic : few pods green chilly, garlic and Jeera with little
Jeera : 1 tsp water. Fry mustard seeds and curry leaves
Curry leaves : Few with little oil and add tapioca and also the
Salt : as per taste. paste of other ingredients and saute nicey
in low flame (Do not add water). Serve it

Importance :
A nutritious starch-rich diet for invalids.

To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.

- Anonymous

NIN, Pune!

Buttermilk Curry <2no-

/ (Serves 5)

Ingredients: Method:
Raw banana / lauki / pumpkin Boil the vegetables along with tomato and
500 gms green chilly after cutting into small pieces
Butter milk : 500 ml with turmeric and salt also. Add churned
Tomato : 250 gms buttermilk to it. Heat it in low flame.
Green chilly : 3 nos Finally season it with mustard seeds and
Turmeric, salt: as per requirement curry leaves.

Importance :
Good soothening Diet. Usefull in digestive disorders..

Fenugreek Wheat Ganji

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Broken wheat: 250 gms Soak the methi seeds for overnight, let it
Fenugreek seeds: 100 gms sprout, drain the water. Wash the broken
Cumin seeds: 2 tsps wheat thoroughly, then mix the sprouted
Salt: for taste methi seeds and cumin seeds to the
Water: 750ml washed broken wheat, then cook it in
sufficient amount of water. Add salt for
taste. Serve hot.

Importance :
Can be served to diabetic patients.

You can't lose weight by talking about it. You have to keep your
mouth shut. - Anonymous
Naturopathy Diet %*%%%***%****%**%*%**%*****%%*%**%********%**%%*%

Green gram Khichadi
(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Rice: 1 cup Wash rice in plenty of water and soak it with
Sprouted green gram : 1 cup sufficient water for V2 hour. Wash, peel and
Carrots : 2 medium sized cut carrots into 1 inch sized pieces. Wash and
Cauliflower: V2 medium sized cut cauliflower into small florets. Wash green
Green chilly: 3 to 4 chilli. Remove stems and slit them into two.
Oil: 1 tsp Heat oil in a non-stick pan and add cumin
Cumin seeds : 1 tsp seeds. Add turmeric powder, and green
Turmeric powder: V2 tsp chillies. Stir fry for a while. Add the cut
Crushed pepper & Salt: as per carrots, and cauliflower and mix well. Drain
taste. and add the soaked rice and salt to taste. Stir
briefly and add two and half cups of water.
Bring the rice to rapid boil. Add sprouted
moong. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 to 20
minutes stirring frequently until the rice is
lightly mashed and completely cooked.

Importance :
Rich in vitamin A and fiber and hence beneficial in cases of eye
disorders, constipation, vitamin A deficiency and helps in smooth
movement of bowels.

If food is your best friend, it's also your worst enemy.

- Edward Jones

otS5 Coccinia (vegetable)

Dry Preparation
Common Names
Hindi & Marathi : Tondli
Kannada & Telugu : Thondakaya
Tamil : Kovaikai

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Tondli: 50gms Cut the vegetables into small square shaped
Onion: 1 Medium Size pieces. Chop the onions very finely. Using a
Green chilly: 1 nos big spoon, smash the chopped Garlic, Green
Chopped ginger: 'A inch Chilly &-Ginger (3G paste). Heat the kadai &
Chopped garlic: 2 pods pour V2 tsp of cooking oil. When the oil is
Coconut gratings: 10 gms heated, add mustard and jeera seeds half
Mustard & feera seeds: for teaspoons each ,add smashed paste of 3G,
seasoning then add onions and saute for few minutes.
Curry Leaves for seasoning Now add turmeric powder, salt and curry
Salt & turmeric: a pinch each leaves and saute them for few minutes. Add
Cooking Oil: Vitsp the chopped vegetables and mix them
thoroughly. Cover the complete vegetable
using a lid and cook them in low flame. Finally
add the 1 Og of coconut grating and switch off
the flame. Mix the ingredients finally and
cover it again for few minutes.

The vegetable can also be prepared wit hout onion and coconut gratings by
following the same procedure above. But for this, vegetable to be cut into
small thin round slices.
Tondti is known to reduce blood sugar levels. It is also useful in biliousness
and diseases of blood.
Note: Vegetables like cabbage, capsicum, colocassia , mushroom can be
prepared using the same procedure.

Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.

- Charles Simmons

Naturopathy Diet

Bhindi Curry
(Ladies Finger)
(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Preparation of coconut milk:

Bhindi: 250 gms Take two handful of coconut gratings and add
Coconut gratings: 200gms 3A glass of water in it. Grind it in a mixer.
Onion : 1 Medium Size Strain the grinded coconut and extract the
Green chilly: 1 nos milk. This is the first coconut milk.
Chopped ginger: 'A inch After extracting the milk to the left over
Chopped garlic: 2 pods coconut gratings add again % glass of water,
Mustard Jeera: for seasoning grind it and again extract the milk. This is the
Curry leaves: for seasoning second milk.
Salt & turmeric: pinch each Method:
Cooking oil: V2 tsp Cut the Bhindi into slices. Chop the onions
very finely. Using a big spoon, smash the
chopped Garlic, Green Chilly and Ginger (3g
paste) Heat the kadai and pour Vi tsp of cooking oil. When the oil is heated, add
mustard and jeera seeds half teaspoons each,add smashed paste of 3G .then add
onions and saute for few minutes. Now add turmeric powder, salt and curry leaves
and saute them for few minutes. Add the vegetables to it. After adding the vegetables
add the 2nd coconut milk to the vegetables and cook it in low flames by covering
with a lid. Once when it is cooked add the first milk and put off the flame. Serve hot
with rice/roti.

Strengthens nervous system.
Note :
Same procedure can be applied for the preparation of Mixed veg. curry,
Mushroom curry, Paneer curry.
For mixed veg. curry the following ingredients can be used in the place of
ladies fingers.
Carrot - cut of 1 ” each, Potatoes and capsicum - cut into medium
sized pieces Beans, cut lengthwise of 1 ” each Cauliflower, taken into small florets
For mushroom gravy cut the mushroom into small pieces.
For paneer gravy cut the mushroom into medium sized cubes.
l(For Paneer gravy do not use onions. Tomato cut into small pieces can be used.)

A healthy body and soul come from an unencumbered mind and body.

V© - Ymber Delecto
NIN, Pune

„CxS> Paneer Dry Curry

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Paneer: lOOg Make a paste using tomatoes in a mixer. Cut
Tomato: 1 nos the Paneer into medium sized cubes. To the
Geen chilly: 1 nos pre-heated kadai, pour 2 teaspoons of
Ginger : 'A inch cooking oil. When it is heated add mustard
Garlic: 3 pods and jeera seeds, when it get splutters, add
Curry leaves: Few green chilly, ginger, garlic paste , then add
Mustard &. Jeera seeds : Few curry leaves, salt and turmeric power. Saute
Salt & Turmeric Powder them for few mins. Now add the Paneer cubes
a pinch each and saute it for 2 mins. Cover the entire mixer
Cooling oil: 2 tsp. using lid and cook them in low flame for few
mins. Once when the Paneer is softened add
the tomato puree and cover it and allow it to
get cooked for few mins in low flame. Cook
the entire mixture until the raw smell of
tomato disappears. Serve it hot with roti.

Good nutrition and exercise improve the function of the whole

body in every way. -Lauren Thomas
Naturopathy Diet

-c^) Ash Gourd and <Sno>

Green Gram curry
(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
White ashgourd: 25g Wash and soak the green gram for one hour in
Green gram : '/■> cup one glass of water. In a pressure cooker,cook the
Green chilly: 2 nos green gram. Cut the Ashgourd into small pieces.
Ginger: 14 inch To die pre- heated tava, pour the oil, when it's
Garlic: 2 pods heated add the seasoning one by one and then
Mustard, Jeera &. Curry add onion and paste of green chilly, ginger and
Leaves : few each garlic. Now add salt and turmeric powder and
Cooking oil ’Atsp saute the ingredients for few mins. Then add
Salt & Turmeric: a pinch each the chopped ashgourd and cook die ashguord
Onion: 30g by using the water of the boiled green gram.
Cover the vegetables using lid and cook them in
low flame. Once when it is cooked add the
boiled green gram and mix the entire
ingredients. Serve the curry with rice/rod.

Option : This curry can also be prepared by extracting coconut milk

from 1 OOg of coconut .Add the milk before putting off the flame Serve it
hot with roti.

When used in moderation, can be helpful in weight reduction, good for
indigestion and hyper acidity.

If you don't take care of yourself, the undertaker will overtake that
i responsibility for you. - Carrie Latet

NIN. Pune

Naturopathy Dhokla
(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Sprouted (Moong, Methi, Grind the sprouts with very little water to
Chana, Muth, Groundnut) make a thick smooth paste. Add curd,
500 gins chopped coriander, salt and turmeric powder
Curd: 50 gms in it and mix it properly. Grease the idly plates
Onion : 1 medium size finely with little oil and pour the batter in plates.
chopped Steam the batter for 20 mins. After steaming,
Green chilly : 2 nos. cut the round dhokla in 4 parts. Now heat the
Coriander : little pan and put oil in it. When oil gets heated put
Curry leaves: few mustard and jeera seeds in it. After spluttering
Musturd seeds of the seeds put curry leaves, chopped onion
Jeera seeds and green chilly and fry it till the onion gets
Turmeric powder: 2 pinches golden brown colour. Finally add all the
Salt: as per the requirement dhokla pieces and fry it for 3mins. Garnish it
Oil: 1 tsp with coriander leaves. Serve it hot with
tomato coriander chutnev.

It is a very good breakfast to start with, as it is high in proteins.
Steaming instead of deep-frying food is a great way to minimize the fat intake.
Sprouts has good amount of antioxidant, vitamins, minerals etc.

You don’t have to cook fancy or complicate masterpieces -

just good food from fresh ingredients. - Julie Child

Naturopathy Diet

Diet Kurma
(Serves 3)

Ingredients: Method:
Carrot: 1 no Clean and wash all the vegetables nicely in
Beans: 15 nos water. Cut the carrot, potato and capsicum
Potato: 1 no into small cubes. Cut the beans of one inch
Caulilower: few florets size. Clean the cauliflower and separate the
Onion: 1 no small sized florets into small size. Cut the onions into
Green Peas V2 cup pieces.
Capsicum: 1 no Prepare a smooth pate of ginger and garlic.
Ginger: 1/4 inch Also prepare a separate paste of green chilly
Garlic: 4 pods and mint leaves.
Green chilly: 3nos Prepare coconut milk by using 200 g of
Mint leaves: a handful coconut gratings. Add % glass of warm water
Coconut milk: 1 glass to the coconut gratings and grind it in a mixie.
Oil: 1 tsp After blending , strain the extract using a
Salt and turmeric powder : as filter. The coconut milk is ready for the
per requirement kurma.
Heat the kadai and pour the oil. When it is
Importance: heated add the onion and saute it, then add
1 Coconut milk helps in building the ginger and garlic paste to it and saute
up the immune system them again till it turns into light brown color.
loconuts contains lots of Laurie Then add the vegetables together with little
Acids which have great salt and turmeric powder. Cook the
Antiviral, Antimicrobial and vegetables by adding one glass of water in low
Antifungal properties. They flame by covering the vegetable
help to fight off all sorts of Once the vegetables are half cooked add the
viruses and will even help fight green chilly and mint paste to it and cook the
off the common flu especially. vegetables until soft.
Coconut milk is highly Finally add the extracted coconut milk to the
beneficial when it is taken in cooked vegetables and put off the flame
raw form without heating. immediately. Serve the kurma with chopped
This receipe is named as Diet coriander leaves along with roti/rice.
Kurma since it has less calorific
valve and also due to its high
fibre content, so this can be
consumed by persons who
twants to reduce their weight.

Tumors need nutrition and blood. If you can target this
vasculature, you can attack cancer. - Chandra Sehgal

Naturopathy Diet NIN, Punel

Naturopathy Thali

Naturopathy Thali

Naturopathy Thali Served at Naturopathy Diet Centre NIN

Naturopathy Diet **********************************' ^ -V

Methi Ride

Carrot Koshimbir

00000000000000000000000000^^ **************************
Naturopathy Diet < *%******%************************* NIN, Punel

Veg Daliya

Cabbage - Dry Curry

Naturopathy Diet **********************************■
NIN. Pune

Cucumber Koshimbir

Green Gram Curry

Carrot Rice

****^***SS*#****S*SS*SS*S 0 **************************
► Naturopathy Diet NIN, Punel

Arogya Chapati

Veg Idli

00000000000000000000000000 Q

Oats Smoothie (£X>

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Oats :50gm Soak the almonds in V2 a cup of water for 2-3
Strawberry: 4 Nos hours. Cook the oats in 100 ml of water until
Dates (dried): 3 Nos it gets softened and allow it to cool. Grind the
Almond (Badam): 2 Nos soaked almonds along with chopped dates in
Milk :50 ml a mixer to a smooth paste using the water in
Honey: 1 tsp which almonds are soaked. Add chopped
Salt: a pinch strawberry to the ground paste and grind the
strawberry too. Now add the milk and cooked
oats with the same water in which all the oats
are cooked. Finally add honey and salt to the
complete mixture and serve it chilled.

Oats are rich in soluble fiber and help to lower the blood
cholesterol. Eating oats can improve blood flow and bind to
cholesterol in the gut, aiding its removal from the body. It helps
in reducing high blood pressure and blood sugar level by
absorbing sugar from the gut. Oats are naturally low in calories.
An average bowl of oats porridge made with water contains
approx. Hence, it is recommended for obese people.
Oats smoothie helps to boost up the concentration level due to
the slow release of complex carbohydrates.

The part can never be well unless the whole is well.

- Plato
Naturopathy Diet

cxS> (S^os


u Snacks are usually considered junk, but natural

snacks are delicious and also nutritious from
health point of view. They are easy to prepare. All
the snacks are prepared in steamed form avoiding
deep-frying and roasting. Grated coconut is used
as an ingredient in the sweet dishes to make the
dishes more palatable and nutritious. Jaggery is

ININ. Punel

Mani Puttu £2>o-

(Serves 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Rice powder : 1 glass Option I : Mix the coconut gratings and
Coconut gratings : 500 gms jaggerv syrup together and keep it separately.
Jaggery syrup : 50 ml Roast the rice powder. Make soft dough using
Hot water : I V2 glass hot water. Prepare small balls with the dough
Salt: as per taste and steam it. After steaming, just sprinkle the
coconut gratings above the steamed balls. Serve
it hot
Option 2: Steamed balls can be soaked in
coconut milk mixed with jaggery syrup and
Rich in minerals and micro nutrients. Good for growing children.

Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have ,
to find time for illness. - Edward Stanley A*

Naturopathy Diet

-OC?) Veg. Poha / Aval Upma «g>o

(Serves 2)

Ingredients: Method:
Brown pohe aval : 1 cup Soak the brown aval for 5 minutes and
Onion : 1 no strain the excess water. In a pan, with little
Green chilly : 2 no oil, saute all the ingredients except Pohe
Green peas : few with little salt and turmeric powder.
carrot, potato ( grated) : 200 g Finally add the soaked Pohe to the mixture.
chopped Ginger :l/2 inch Cook it in low flame and serve the dish
Coriander and Seasoning with chopped coriander.

Importance :
Rich in fiber. Recommended in constipation. This can be served to diabetes
mellitus patients also.

Roasted Chana (Sno"
(Serves 2 nos.)
Ingredients : Method:
Channa (black) : 100 gms Boil the channa with salt.
Tomato : 1 no. Saute all the other ingredients with little
Onion : 1 no. oil and add the boiled channa to it.
Carrot, beetroot: 14 cup Serve it hot.
Green chilly : 2 nos.
Turmeric powder : 1 tsp
Coriander powder : 1/2 table
Salt: as per requirement.

Rich in protein. Good energy food and muscle building

Health is not valued till sickness comes. - Dr. Thomas Fuller


. Rice Puttu <2no.

(Serves 2)
Ingredients : Method:
Roasted rice flour : 1 glass Mix all the above ingredients with salt and
Grated carrot: 25 gms hot water. Mixture should be prepared
Grated cabbage : 25 gms carefully without making it too tight or
Drumstick leaves 25 gms loose. Steam the mixture in the puttu vessel
Salt and water : as per j by adding coconut grating at the bottom
requirement. and in between the mixture. Take care when
removing the puttu after steaming. Grated
vegetables like beetroot, snake gourd,
cabbage beems, sweet corn and green leaves
can also be added to rice flour. Instead of
rice flour, wheat / ragi flour can be used for

Importance :
Rich in calcium. Packed with essential nutrients. Good for
growing children and also in bone disorders.

Sweet Ragi Idli <SNO'

(Serves 5)
Ingredients : Method:
Ragi flour : 250 gms Mix all these ingredients and make idli in
Jaggery syrup : I 50 ml the idli cooker. Do not ferment the batter
Coconut milk : 150 ml of Ragi flour. Since the essential minerals
Salt : as per requirement will get destroyed.
Cardamom powder : 1 pinch Option : In case of diabetics, instead of
jaggery, salt can be added for preparation.

Importance :
Rich in vitamins and minerals; has good expectorant effect . Hence
recommended in Respiratory Disorders.

From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of

health. - Catalan Proverb
Naturopathy Diet

-oq5 Sweet Aval / Pohe

(Serves 1)

Ingredients: Method:
Aval : 100 gms Soak the aval by gradually sprinkling
Jaggery powder : 25 gms water, so that it is not over soaked. Mix all
Coconut graings : 'A cup. the other ingredients to it and serve it.
Elaichi powder : one pinch

Importance :
Can be used as a soothing diet after fasting.

Sweet Dhalia ©o.

(Serves 1)
Ingredients : Method:
Broken wheat: 100 gms Boil the broken wheat in the water. When
Coconut milk : 100 ml it is half boiled add the coconut milk and
Jaggery: 60 gms jaggery to it and put it in simmer. Cook it
Water : 1 litre for 5-10 minutes. When it is cooked add j
Nuts and raisins : few the roasted nuts and raisins to the gruel/
Cardamom powder : 1 pinch Finally add cardamom powder.

Importance :
Good diet in the treatment of chronic diseases after fasting.

Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away.

- Robert Orben
NIN, Pune

-oo5 Wheat Veg. Chappati ®NO-

(Serves 2 )

Ingredients : Method:
Wheat flour : 200 gms Prepare the dough by mixing all the
Grated carrot: 10 gms ingredients with required water. Keep it
Grated beetroot: 10 gms aside for 5-10 minutes. Now prepare
Grated coconut: 10 gms chappati with this dough without oil.
Chopped coriander : 15 gms Serve it hot with coconut chutney.
Salt : as per requirement

Importance :
Rich in protein so recommended in protein energy malnutrition
like marasmus and kwashiorkar.

'oq5 Carrot Kheer <2no"

(Serves 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Milk : 600 gms Wash, scrape the carrots finely. Boil milk
Carrot: 100 gms with carrots and cook over slow fire
Jaggery : 50 gms stirring occasionally till the kheer thickens.
rcaisms iiiuj
: 4 to 5 Add jaggery and cook for a minute and
Broken Cashew nuts : 4 to 5 remove. Serve garnished with chopped i
nuts and raisins.

Importance :
Rich in vitamins and it on. Good nourishing preparation
especially for children.

Make your own recovery the first priority in your life.

- Robin Norwood
Naturopathy Diet

-- Stuffed Dates Csro

/ Ingredients :
(Serves 2)
Fresh dates : 10 Pieces j Wash dates thoroughly in water. Cut the
Grated coconut: lOtsps j dates in the centre and remove seeds.
Jaggery powder: 5 tsps j Prepare a mixture of grated coconut and
jaggery powder. Stuff 1 tsp of this
mixture inside the dates through the cut
edges. Serve them fresh.

Importance :
Dates are rich source of iron, niacin and vitamin B6 and are very useful to improve
haemoglobin percentage in the blood especially for anaemia. Coconut grates are rich
in calcium and useful in calcium deficiency. Contains high sugar and gives instant
energy for weak and low energy, conditions. Rich in potassium and is helpful to
control hypertension. Rich in dietary fibre and useful to relieve const ipation.

Normal pancake:
Prepare wheat batter by mixing 200 gm of wheat flour with 250 ml of water and a
pinch of salt. The batter should be smooth in consistency. It is not necessary to
ferment the batter. In the frying Tava, pour the batter like dosa and cook it on
both the sides without adding oil.
Sweet Pancake:
Prepare the mixture of coconut gratings and jaggery powder. Place this mixture at
middle of the above pancake and cover it from both sides or fold it one sided .
Serve it hot.
Salt Pancake:
Prepare the mixture of coconut gratings with little bit of salt as per requirement.
Place it as mentioned above in the pancake and serve it hot.

“Thf> more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavor.”
- Chinese Proverb
****** *******************************0****0****0****00*00
ININ. Pune1

Naturopathic Burger
Ingredients: (Serves 5)
Idli: 5 nos (for 5 servings)
Onion and tomato slices, vegetable tikki, and Green sauce

Vegetable Tikki: Green Sauce:

Carrot, Cauliflower, Potato, Green Ppas, Capsicum Pudina : 1 OOgm
Sweet corn: 50 gms each Coriander : 100 gm
Green chilly : few Green Chilly : 2 Nos
Chopped coriander leaves : few Grated coconut : 100 gm
Jeera, pepper powder Sc salt as per requirement. Ginger : 0.5 inch


Preparation of Green Sauce:

Saute all washed leaves of pudina and coriander in a dry pan and also add the
other ingredients ginger, grated coconut and green chilly. Grind the
ingredients into a smooth paste by adding little salt and water as per
requirement. Make a thick paste of it.

Preparation of Vegetable Tikki:

Boil all the vegetables with little water in a pan. Do not boil it too much. Allow
it to cool for sometime. Smash all the vegetables with your palms or using a
spoon. Add one or two pinch of pepper powder, jeera powder, finely chopped
green chilly, coriander and salt as per the taste. Using this mixture, prepare flat
round shaped tikkies. Heat the tava and roast the prepared tikki on both sides
with a drop of oil on the top. Now the tikki is ready.

Arrangement of the Burger:

1. First take one idli and cut it into 2 pieces from the centre horizontally.

2. Place the bottom piece of the idli on a plate and on top of it apply green
sauce uniformly.

3. Above that place one piece of onion, tomato and one tikki and then above
that keep another piece of onion, tomato and top it with the sauce again.

4. Finally, place the other piece of the idli above, and gently press the

A Hospital is no place to be sick.

- Samuel Goldwyn
Naturopathy Diet

Stuffed Veg. Roll

(Serves 4) '
Ingredients: Method:
Chopped Palak : 1 bundle Mix all the ingredients (except chappati)
Chopped cabbage : 300 grams together, by adding little water. Prepare few
cylindrical shaped rolls using the mixture.
Rice flour : 3 tablespoons
Steam the cylindrical rolls. Remove them
Wheat flour : 3 tablespoons
and serve hot with coconut or tomato
Millet flour : 3 tablespoons
chutney. Also, the prepared rolls can be kept
Chopped coriander : 2
inside the roti or chappati and serve them as
tablespoons. stuffed vegetable rolls with chutney.
Green chilly (chopped) : 2 nos.
Turmeric powder : V2 tsp Importance :
Cumin seeds : V2 tsp Highly nutritious as it is packed with more

Salt : to taste vitamins and minerals. Good recipe for the

diabetics as it contains more dietary fibre.
Chapati : few nos (prepared
Can be given to children as a healthy snack.
Relieves constipation.

Steamed Ladies Finger©^'

(Serves 10)

Ingredients : Method:
Ladies fingers : 10 nos. Cut the ladies fingers lengthwise through
Coconut gratings : Vi cup the center and remove the seeds from inside.
Jeera powder : little Prepare a mixture of coconut gratings, jeera,
Pepper powder : little pepper powder and little salt. Stuff the
Salt : a pinch ladies fingers with the prepared mixture and
steam in an idli cooker. Cook it for 5-10 |
minutes and serve hot.

Importance :
Rich in fiber, hence recommended in constipated, diabetes mellitus and

If I'd known I was going to live so long, I'd have taken better
care of myself. - Leon Eldred

"OgD Stuffed Tomato <ENO

(Serves 10)

Ingredients: Method:
Tomato (without seed): 10 nos. Cut the tomatoes from top and remove if
Coconut gratings : 'A cup seeds are there. Mix the coconut gratings
Jaggery syrup : 25 ml. with the jaggery syrup and stuff the
mixture inside the tomato and serve it.

Importance :
Good cleanser; maintains high resistance to disease.

Prakruti Payasam
(Uncooked Kheer)
(Serves 10 Nos.)
Ingredients :
Robusta bananas : 20 nos., Coconut milk : of 2 coconuts, Dates : 50gms
Dry fruits &. Nuts : few, Jaggery Syrup : 200 gms, Cardamom Powder : 2 pinch

Preparation of Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk is traditionally prepared by squeezing it with hands, gradually
adding water repeatedly and removing the milk or grated coconut with water may
be put in the electric mixer and the milk of coconut can be squeezed out. Filter it
with a strainer. This can be done twice, so that full milk is extracted. Each time
about 2 glasses of water for 1 coconut, can be used so that altogether we get almost
10 glasses of milk from 2 coconuts.
Smash the banana by using a hand smasher or electric mixer by adding little
coconut milk. Similarly, for sweetening, make juice of the dates by adding little
cocnut milk so that, jaggery syrup can be used minimum as per the need. Mix the
smashed banana, dates juice, remaining coconut, jaggery syrup, cardamom
powder and the dry fruits and nuts as per the need. The payasum / kheer is ready.

Importance :
This is high in calories and hence a constructive dish, body/energy-builder. Good
for weight gain after Naturopathy fasting in treatment. An excellent food for
sterility patients.

“Any food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances

should in no way be considered a food.” - John 'H. Tobe A
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Naturopathy Diet '***%****%**%%%****%*****%***********>************

Veggy Mocktail <Sno~

(Serves 1)

Ingredients : Method:
Tomato (Medium size) : 1 no. Wash all the vegetables thoroughly and
Carrot (Medium size) : 1 no. cut the vegetables into small pieces.
Beet root : 1 small slice In a mixer, pour 1 glass of water and
Lemon juice : Vi lemon extract the juices of these vegetables.
Pudina leaves : few Filter the juice and finally add salt, lemon
Coriander leaves : few juice, peper and jeera powder and stir it.
Salt : 14 tsp Serve it cool.
Pepper powder : Vi tsp
Jeera powder : Vi tsp

Importance :
Packed with minerals, vitamins and essential nutrients. A good coolant, promotes
digestion and absorption of nutrients.
A highly nutritious beverage and a good appetizer

Guava Cheese
(Serves 5 Nos.)

Ingredients : Method:
Guava (fully ripened): 20 nos. Boil guava till the seed and pulp gets
Jaggery Vi kg separated. Make jaggery syrup by boiling
Cardamom: a few pods jaggery with water. Cook the pulp and
Ghee: 1 tbsp jaggery syrup together and stir constantly.
Cool it till it thickens into a paste. Spread
to a serving dish &. allow it to cool. Cut
into small cubes after cooling.

Importance :
^ Good for diarrhoea and dysentery. Regular intake builds up the body s resistance
against cold and cough. Makes the skin glow. Also good for constipation (fully

Fresh air impoverishes the doctor.

-Danish Proverb
NIN. Pune

Veg. Idli (SNO-

(Serves: 20 idlis medium-sized)

Ingredients : Method:
Idli batter: 500 gms Before making idlis with the idli batter,
Grated mixed vegetables (carrot, add the vegetables which is chopped
cabbage, beans, capsicum): 100 finely to the batter and mix it nicely.
gms Then pour the batter in the idli cooker
and allow it to steam for 10 minutes.
When cooked, serve it with coconut
chutney or pudina chutney.

Importance :
Adding vegetables make the regular idli tastier and healthier.

'c^> Veg. Uttappa (Sno'

(Serves 4 Nos.)
Ingredients : Method:
Dosa batter: 200 gms In the dosa tava, pour the batter in the
Mixed vegetables like carrot, shape of dosa, above that gently sprinkle
tomato, cabbage, coriander, the chopped (mixed) vegetables and cook
coconut : 500 gms (chopped it on both the sides. Serve the dosa with
nicely) coconut chutney or pudina chutney.

Importance :
Adding vegetables make the regular uttapa testier and healthier.

Water, air, and cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia.

- Napoleon I

Naturopathy Diet

Methi (Fenugreek) Ladoo

(Serves 40)

Ingredients : Method: »
Methi (Fenugreek) powder : 50gms I Soak the methi powder in ghee for 6-8
Wheat flour : 500 gms hours. Roast the wheat flour in a kadai
Jaggery : 500gms using little ghee. To the roasted wheat
Cashew: 50gms flour add the soaked methi powder,
Ghee : 250gms jaggery syrup of one thread consistency
and add cashew and mix thoroughly.
Prepare medium-size ladoo using the
mixture. Initially first 2 days, ladoo will
be bitter in taste.

Importance :
Methi cools the system, good for menstrual problems. Especially
given for women after delivery and also after menopause.

Haemoglobin Ladoo
(Serves 5 Nos.)

Ingredients : Method:
Beetroot (medium-size): 2 nos. Grate the beetroot by using small grater.
Dry coconut gratings : 3 tsp Using ghee saute the grated beetroot till it
Jaggery syrup : 50ml becomes dark brownish in color. Add
Ghee : 1 tsp coconut grating and saute them together.
Remove front fire and add jaggery syrup,
Gulkhand and mix thoroughly. Allow the
mixture to cool and prepare ladoo.

Importance :
Anaemic patients, Rich in Vitamin A, Cools the system

Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.

- Astrid Alauda

Calcium Ladoo
/ (Serves 12)
Ragi : Finger Millet
Marathi : Nacchani

Ingredients : Method:
Ragi Flour: 500gms Roast the ragi flour using ghee in a kadai.
Jaggery : 250 gms Prepare jaggery syrup of one thread
Ghee : 100 gms consistency. Mix the flour and syrup
together and make ladoos of mediun
sized lemon.

Importance :
Rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium and iron; has good
expectorant effect. Hence recommended in Respiratory Disorders.

ct© Groundnut Ladoo

(Serves 8)
Ingredients : Method:
Groundnut :325 gms Roast the groundnut in a kadai and
Jaggery :150 gms grind it in a dry mixier. Prepare jaggery
syrup of one thread consistency. Mix the
groundnut and syrup together and make
ladoos of medium sized lemon.

Importance :
Groundnut is a good source of caciun and phosphorus, hence
useful in arthritis.

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame
with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with
nutrition. - Thomas Edison
Naturopathy Diet

Til (sesame) Ladoo

(Serves 5)

Ingredients : Method:
Til seeds : 150 gms Roast the til in a kadai and grind it in
Jaggery : 75 gms a dry mixier. Prepare jaggery syrup of
one thread consistency. Mix the til
and syrup together and make ladoos of
medium sized lemon.

Importance :
Til is a good source of caciun and phosphorus,
hence useful in arthritis.

'CxQ> Churma Ladoo ©o'

(Serves 12)

Ingredients : Method:
Ragi flour :250gms Prepare dough with ragi and wheat flour
Wheat flour : 250gms and make rotis using ghee. Cool the
Jaggerv : 250 gms prepared rotis. Smash the rotis in a dry
Ghee : 100 gms mixer. Mix the powdered rotis and jaggery
together and make ladoos.

Importance :
Rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium and iron; has good
expectorant effect. Hence recommended in Respiratory Disorders.

A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul; a sick, its prison.

- Francis Bacon
ININ, Punel

Alfalfa Seeds
Alfalfa-Hindi (Jaw), Marathi (Aleev)

(Serves: 50)

Ingredients : Method:
Alfalfa Seeds : 250g Soak the alfalfa seeds in coconut water
Tender coconut water: 400 ml for 3 hrs. In a kadai take the soaked
Grated fresh coconut: 500g seeds, add other ingredients one by one.
Grated jaggery : 250g Mix them together by keeping the flame
Dry fruits : optional in low. When the jaggery starts melting
put off the flame and make ladoos when
the stuff is hot. Cool the ladoos and

Importance :
Alfalfa is a rich source of essential amino acids. Alfalfa- a very high
source of vitamin C, also a source of chlorophyll and vitamin K. Used
as a diuretic and an anti-hemorrhaging agent. Major known
constituents are protein, fat, vitamins C, B1, B12, D, E, K,
provitamin a, several mineral salts including potassium, calcium, and

Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot.

- Dutch Proverb
Naturopathy Diet

Tricolour Uttappa
(Serves: 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Ragi Flour : 1 cup In a bowl take ragi flour.
Salt: as per taste Add salt to the buttermilk and mix it
Buttermilk: 1 cup properly. Now add this buttermilk to the
Coconut scrapings: 2 spoons ragi floor and make a thin batter for
Carrot (grated) : 2 spoons preparing uttappa. Heat the pan, do not
Coriander (chopped): 2 spoons apply oil to it. Pour the batter on the pan to
make a uttappa. Spread grated carrot on top,
coconut scrapings in the middle and
coriander leaves at the bottom. Cook j
uttappa from the other side. Tricolour
uttappa is ready to eat.

Importance :
Ragi has highest content of calcium, hence it is good for growth of
bones. It has good dietary fibre in it, which makes it easily and slowly
digestible; hence it is very good for diabetic patients.

Health is a relationship between you and your body.

V - Terri Guillemets

Sprouted Thalipeeth
(Serves: 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Sprouts : Moong, Matkj, Grind all the sprouts with a little amount
Chana, Groundnut Methi (all of water and make a thick paste. Now add
together 500 gms). finely chopped green chillv, onion and
Oil : V2 Tea sp. coriander and mix it well.
Green Chilly : 2 Nos (Finely Heat the pan, put oil and spread it
chopped). completely on the pan. Now take the hand
Coriander : 2 Tb sp. full amount of paste by spoon, put it in
Salt: as per taste. pan and spread it evenly to make a round
Onion : Ismail size (finely shape.
chopped). You can use tour hand to spread it on the
pan. Put the lid and cook it for 3 minutes.
After 3 minutes change the side and cook
it till it is golden brown in colour and serve
it hot with curd.

Importance :
Sprouts are rich in antioxidants (minerals, vitamins and enzymes) and protect
from the effect of aging. Sprouts are good source of protein and essential amino
acids. Sprouts contain a lot of fiber and water and therefore help in overcoming

He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of

his doctors. - Chinese proverb
Naturopathy Diet

Ragi Burfi ©O'

(Serves: 2)
Ingredients : Method:
Ragi (Nachani) : 100 gm Preparation of Ragi milk
Jaggery Syrup : 100 ml Wash Ragi thoroughly and soak it in
Cow Ghee : 2 tsp sufficient water overnight. Next day drain
Elaichi(Cardamom) powder : excess water and keep the ragi for sprouting
2 pinch for the whole day. Grind the sprouted ragi in
Chopped dry fruits and nuts an electric mixer by adding little water to
like cashew nuts, kishmish, form thin fine paste. Strain it to get the milk.
almonds & pista. Preparation of Burfi
Take a non-stick pan , pour half cup water in
it and boil it. When the water starts boiling,
add ragi milk in it and stir. Remember to
keep on stirring so as to avoid lump
formation. Once the milk becomes thick,
add jaggery syrup, boil for 5 minutes on low
flame . Keep stirring. Add 2 tsp of cow ghee
in it and stir for 2-3 minutes. Finally add
elaichi powder and chopped dry fruits and
nuts to it and mix well. Take a thali (plate)
and smear it with 2 drops ghee. Pour the
contents in thali and spread evenly. When
the mixture cools, cut it into diamond or
square shape pieces and garnish it with
cashew nut pieces. The ragi burfi is ready, to

Importance :
Sprouted ragi has higher level of proteins and calcium content in it, besides
vitamin B. It is easily digestible and hence good for elderly and children.
It is good for strengthening of teeth and bones.

Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous

than those of the body. - Cicero

Inin, Punel

Curry Leaves Kheer

(Serves: 2)

Ingredients : Method:
Raw rice: 50 gm Soak the rice for 4 hours.
Curry leaf : 10 gm Grind the rice with curry leaf in a mixer
Palm Jaggery : 25 gm to make a smooth paste using water in
Raisins and Cashew nuts which the rice was soaked.
Optional Elaichi powder Add the palm syrup or Jaggery and cook
until the excess water is evaporated.
Keep on stirring till gruel state.
Garnish with raisins and cashew nuts.
Add Elaichi powder for better taste.

Importance :
This Kheer is rich in vitamin A and B. It also contains carbohydrates,
proteins, amino acids, alkaloids etc. It is an excellent source of
calcium & iron. It is good for pregnant women. It helps easy
digestion. It induces appetite and good for all digestive disorders. It
reduces blood sugar and Cholesterol. It is good for eye sight and hair
toning stops graying of hair, helps in treating throat and lung

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures

in the doctor’s book. - Irish Proverb
Naturopathy Diet
Black Jaggery Dosa
(Serves: 5-6)
Ingredients : Method:
Dosa atta 200g Boil the potato and peel off the skin.
Black Jaggery Syrup : 50gm Nicely smash the boiled potato using
Potato V2 cup hand. (Do not use spoon). Soak 50g of
Elachi Powder 1 to 2 jaggery (black) in 100ml of water. Since
pinch jaggery may contain mud particles and
Salt as per requirement dust.Strain the jaggery water when it is
dissolved. Boil this jaggery water in
flame for 5 to 10 mins and prepare
jaggery syrup of one thread consistency.
Preparations of dosa flour
Now add the prepared jaggery syurp
Soak 2 glasses of idly rice and V2
and the smashed potato to the dosa
glass of black gram in water for 2
flour. For good flavour add few pinch of
to 3 hours along with few seeds
elachi (cardamom) powder to it. If
of fenugreek. Wash the soaked
required, a pinch of salt may be added.
mixture and grind this in to a
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. To
fine paste with required water in
the pre-heated tava, using dosa flour
a mixer/grinder. Consistency of
make dosas of medium size and cook
the paste should not be too
the dosa on both sides. Now dosa is
watery or too thick. Add
ready to eat. Serve it with
required amount of salt to it and
honey/coconut chutney.
ferment it for 5 to 7 hours. Use
this flour for preparing dosa.

Importance :
Black Jaggery is also a good source of potassium and low amounts of sodium which
helps to maintain blood pressure and reduces water retention. Jaggery is very good
for anaemic people as it is a good source of iron that helps in increasing haemoglobin
level in the body It is also a very good source of manganese and selenium and thus
acts as an antioxidant scavenging free radicals from the body. In addition, jaggery also
possesses moderate amounts of calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Jaggery drus helps to
maintain optimum health and it also helps in the purification of blood, along with
preventing rheumatic afflictions and disorders of bile.
Jaggery is also known to be a good source of magnesium which in turn helps in
relieving fatigue along with relaxation of muscles, nerves and blood vessels. It thus
helps in relieving the symptoms of asthma, migraine, tension and soreness in

All school food should be good food. School meals should be an


V important source of nutrition for children, especially those from

low income households. - Suzi Leather
Naturopathy Diet NIN. Punel

Stuffed Dates

Sweet Daliya

Naturopathy Diet NIN. Punej

Sweet Pancake

Mani Puttu

Naturopathy Diet **********************************
Uncooked Kheer

Naturopathic Burger
Naturopathy Diet NIN, Punel

Brown Rice Puttu

Brown Rice Puttu

Naturopathy Diet NIN, Pune

Roasted Chana

Steamed Ladies Finger

Naturopathy Diet NIN, Punel

Veg Uttappa
Inin, Punel
(Food Values of all recipes)*

Hot Drinks

Name of the Item Protein CHO Fat Fibre Calories

(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)
Alfalfa Tea 2.5 3.1 - - 35
Basil Coffee 3.5 5.0 2.5 - 60
Basil Decoction 2.5 3.1 - - 35
Basil Tea 3.5 1.5 - - 60
Bran Tea 2.5 2.0 2.5 - 40
Clove Tea 1.5 4.6 - - 31
Coriander Coffee 2.5 2.0 2.5 _ 40
Coriander Tea 2.5 1.0 2.5 2.0 40
Dates Milk shake 2.9 70.5 1.9 4.2 198.8
Dry Ginger Coffee 2.0 4.1 - - 35
Finger millet Malt 3.6 3.6 0.6 - 164
Ginger, Mint, Tulsi Kadha 2.5 3.1 - - 35
Ginger Tea 2.5 3.1 - - 35
Herbal Lemon Tea 1.5 2.0 - - 21.5
Herbal Tea 2.5 2.5 2.1 - 40
Holy Basil Mint 2.2 2.5 - - 20

Honey Ginger Tulsi Tea 2.3 1.8 2.4 - 46

Jeera Drink 2.0 2.2 2.05 - 35
Shoe flower Coffee 2.1 2.4 - - 63
Soya Milk 3.0 1.0 2.5 - 40
Wheat Malt 5.5 36.5 7.5 - 20

I*************************************************** (J)
Naturopathy Diet

Healthy Dishes from the oven

Name of the Item Protein CHO Fat Fibre Calories

(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)

Ash Gourd and Green Gram 5.15 14.7 0.815 0.52 127.1

Bhindi Curry 13.9 32.1 94.2 10.23 1023

Buttermilk curry 1.12 8.7 3.12 1.5 75.33
Cabbage - Dry Curry 24.55 11.1 4.5 2.6 249
Carrot Koshimbir 29.9 83.5 43 5.6 863
Carrot Rice 3.715 42.38 0.3 0.38 188.54
Coccinia (Vegetable) Dry 1.12 2.9 4.7 0.97 191
Corn Rice 3.9 47.51 5.25 0.18 258
Cucumber Koshimbir 0.1 0.62 0.025 0.1 3.5
Curd Rice 21.15 93.2 10.25 11.5 322.5
Diet Kurma 5.21 20.76 13.4 1.34 463.8
Fenugreek wheat ICanji 46.7 237.1 9.8 12.45 1223
Green Gram Curry 20.8 20.9 21.8 0.2 352
Lemon Rice 3.8 82.18 0.69 1.01 18.75
Methi Rice 25.6 131.225 54.35 3.7 1114.25
Naturopathy Dhokla 13.07 101 1.04 1.2 333.1
Oats Smoothie 16 28.3 1.2 2.4 156
Paneer Dry Currv 25 6.48 25.6 0.35 394.1
Rasam 0.36 1.8 0.08 0.32 10
Sprouted Green Gram Khichadi 74.05 297.7 5.9 6.6 1544
Tapioca Curry 2.3 76.92 2.3 9.52 402.8
Vegetable Daliya 3.09 9.90 0.2 0.38 58.7
Veg. Pulav 6.56 50.4 10.6 1.0 327.24

Uncooked Items (Salad & Chutney)

Name of the Item Protein CHO Fat Fibre Calories

(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)

Carrot Almond Raisin Salad 14.7 18 16.8 1.85 290

Carrot Salad 8.3 21.45 11.8 2.15 265
Chow-chow Salad 8.9 16.6 8.4 2 194
Cole Slaw Salad 1.6 11.3 0.5 1.17 58.25
Cucumber Raita 16.7 42.8 42.3 2.25 394
Fenugreek Salad 30.4 98.1 20.1 9.3 764
Fruit Chaat 2.5 70.5 5.5 4.5 112
Fruit Summer Cloud 5.5 37.5 7.0 2.7 343
Fruit Salad with Fruit Cream 17.1 56.1 28.3 15 604
Ginger Curd 2.57 7.6 10.2 1.3 132.6
Ginger Garlic Chutney 2.86 3.8 - - 32
Gooseberry Chutney 0.6 10.8 0.1 2.5 461
Grated Veg. Salad 3.15 12 10.7 1.7 161
Groundnut Chutney 9.8 13 27 2.2 337
Guava Chutney 1.7 5.9 16.7 15.3 233.5
Kidney Bean Salad 15.25 32.45 1.05 2.3 170
Mango Chutney 1.7 1.7 13.9 7.7 163
Mint Chutney 4.8 5.8 0.6 2 48
Mixed Sprouts Salad 31.16 56.72 16.35 6.4 716
Moong Salad 24.5 59.9 3.2 0.8 348
National Integrity Salad 4.1 21.15 19.95 3.5 284
Nutmeg Chutney 3.95 13.25 18.2 5.8 238.5
Pachadi 1.42 9.55 0.2 0.5 47.68
Plantain Pith Salad 7.7 25.35 6.7 1.42 212
Sesame Seed Chutney 0.5 29.8 0.7 - 129

Naturopathy Diet

Name of the Item Protein CHO Fat Fibre Calories

(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)

Slimmer's Salad 3.8 15 1.58 1.2 161.32

Sour Salad 4.42 1 1.95 13.02 2.22 198.8
Soya Salad 27.3 41.2 10 9.2 375.75
Spicy Sprout's Salad 26.5 53.95 13.9 4.2 451.5
Spinach Carrot Toss Salad 2.82 9.02 5.5 1.3 110
Sprouted Pulses Salad 50 122 32 6.8 980
Summer Delight 1.85 3.9 0.6 0.6 22.5
Summer Retreat 7.2 7.7 8.62 1.52 150
Sweet Salad 11.62 32.8 7.9 7.2 272
Sweet wheat Sprout Salad 13.7 79.1 9.92 2.52 478.55
Tomato Salad 27.5 14.05 9.7 2.65 23.6
Veg. Chutney 3.45 25.5 21.2 3.35 302

Naturopathic Snacks & Desserts

Name of the Item Protein CHO Fat Fibre Calories
(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)

Alfalfa Seeds Laddoo 413.3 325.46 5.95 23 3331

Black Jaggery Dosa 18.4 206.3 2.24 1.2 762
Calcium Ladoo 37.5 597.5 106.7 78 3498
Carrot Kheer 15.9 66.47 24.5 1.17 546.75
Churma Laddoo 46.35 507.5 105.6 39.7 2381.5
Curry Leaves Kheer 3.65 39.14 0.28. 0.1 257.5
Groundnut Ladoo 80.75 229.2 129.5 10.5 2627
Guava Cheese 3.11 128.6 3 15.6 554
HB Laddoo 6.24 53.46 27.6 4.44 487.5


Name of the Item Protein CHO Fat Fibre Calories

(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)

Mani Puttu 7.72 61.8 43.03 5.4 256

Methi Laddoo 81.2 450 281.4 5.75 4803.5
Naturopathy Burger 13.07 101 1.04 1.2 333
Ottada / Beetroot Ada 24.6 203 2.12 7.27 940
Ragi Burfi 7.7 167 1.9 3.6 756
Roasted Channa 13.3 22.8 4.05 8.05 301
Sprouted Thalipith 97.8 209.9 56.9 17 1765.2
Steamed Ladies Finger 0.92 2.9 4.21 0.6 53.15
Stuffed Dates 0.91 19.74 4.3 1.47 122
Stuffed Tomato 1.41 5.47 4.21 0.7 65.5
Stuffed Veg. Roll 11.76 41.12 1.86 2.62 232.9
Sweet Aval / Pohe 8.95 107.55 31 2.5 664
Sweet Dalia 15.4 125 42.55 1.2 575.5
Sweet Ragi Idli 4.46 66.88 8.88 1.8 365.4
Sweet & Salt Pan Cake 24.35 162.6 22.6 2.4 952
Till Laddoo 27.48 158.25 65.7 4.35 1131.7
Tricolour Uttapa 7.3 72 1.3 2.6 328
Uncooked Kheer 3.2 75.47 33.36 1.09 621
Veg. Idli 3.67 45.95 0.21 0.22 89.8
Veggy Mocktail 0.41 2.84 0.5 0.91 10.4
Veg. Pohe / Aval Upma 13.1 119.05 2.42 8.5 555.75
Veg. Rice Puttu 9.17 101.65 0.28 4.88 453.37
Veg. Uttappa 11.62 45.95 3.02 21.6 425
Wheat (Veg.) Chapati 12.38 70.64 1.76 2.1 197.75

* Given values are based on a rough estimate

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