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Cristina Sales Mr, Cadao

TTH 2:30-4:00 God and Human Life

Reflection:Week of Prayer

Day 4

October 11,2018

Identity is not just what you know, it is also how yow know. People are not born with

an identity. Rather, identity is something that evolves over time. Young children have

simple identities and see things in an overly simple, generally self serving manner. As

people grew older and wiser, they identify themselves with other people, places and

things in increasingly sophisticated ways and start to grow out of this initial

selfishness. A young child may see her mother as a creature that exists solely to take

care of her, but an older child will often start to appreciate that her mother has needs

of her own, and start acting less selfishly towards her mother so as to take that

knowledge into account.

Day 5

October 12

There are many aspects that are apart of developing a person’s identity and sense of

who they are. We are fully responsible for the outcome of our life according to Sarte.

There are no excuses in life and we are responsible for our successes and for our

failures. Whether we chose to sit back and want in your life, you are responsible for

all the lows and highs. Our values are formed from the decisions we make. Which

help us form our identity. The decisions you make in life have an impacton your

happiness. This can make a better world.

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