SPEAKING, How Babies Are Made

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Group Task “The 7th Group”

Speaking II

How Babies Are Made

Grown-ups used to tell children that babies were brought by the stork, or
were born under the cabbages. All this so that would not have to tell children
that babies are the fruit of the love between a man and a women. Now people
are convinsed that it is best to tell children the truth. Because a man and a
woman love each other. They want to be close each other, to kiss and cuddle. At
such times, especially when they are in the bed together, they both feel the need
to be even more close to each other, and then the man will actually put his penis
into the vagina, the slit between her legs, of the waman he loves. It is a very
happy feeling for the both of them. From the end of the man’s penis comes a
thick liquid, called semen, and this contains hundreds of the thousands of
spermatozoa, the male fertilizing cells. These minute cells have tiny tails which
enable them to ‘swim’ through the woman’s vagina until they reach the ova.
Which are the female reproductive cells. On certain occasion only, one of the
spermatozoa will join up with one of the ova and fertilise it. For a few weeks,
the woman may not realise this, then she will find some-thing new is happening
to her body... she is going to be a mother.

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