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7 Laverton Mews

London, SW50PB
Mobile: +447463750924
4th November 2019
COMPANYNAME Undergraduate recruitment,

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Thomas Winter, I am a current third year student (of four) enrolled at the University of Bristol, reading
Spanish and Portuguese. I write to you with the hope of working as an intern during the summer of 2020.

My third year at Bristol involves working or studying in your chosen countries. I am currently working in a wealth
management firm in the centre of Madrid developing my analytical reasoning through data evaluation. As the only
intern at Brightgate Capital, I am constantly being trained and guided to more effective methods of analysis as well
as being taught the fundamentals of portfolio management. I am very eager to further develop my skills and
understanding throughout the remainder of this four-month internship. For Portuguese, I will be attending the
Fundación Getulio Vargas, of Rio de Janeiro. This is the leading university for finance in South America, where I
will be taking various business and economics courses, in both English and Portuguese which I hope will help
deepen my knowledge of the financial sector, therefore allowing me to make more accurate analytical assessments.

By way of academic preparation, I chose to study a combination of History and Economics at A level, in order to
enhance my analytical and reasoning abilities. I have been able to expand on these skills further through my
university course’s exploration of Spanish and Latin American history, which I have found to be incredibly useful
when looking into the economies of the respective countries. Growing up with an Italian mother, I have had the
privilege of being brought up in London, Rome as well as parts of Spain. My passion for languages and my history
of experiencing various cultures allows me to connect and communicate with people with great ease, which has
proven crucial in a number of situations, for example earlier this year, I was able to secure various meetings with
foreign investors for an App idea I am developing. For this reason, I believe that in the globalised world that we live
in today, communication is the most useful asset for client-focused operations, as well being able to provide more
diverse and open-minded insights.

Being trilingual in English, Italian and Spanish, I chose to pursue French and Mandarin at GCSE, achieving A*s all
round. I am now dedicated to mastering Portuguese. Not only is it the 6th most spoken language in the world, but the
Brazilian economy is one that has grasped my interest in the past few years. I believe my ability to understand other
people and different cultures is what will help me perhaps secure a potential client or simply flourish in a team of
individuals from around the world. I believe that COMPANYNAME is a company which strives to link different
parts of the world together and it is their ethnic diversity which makes them stand out from its competitors. I believe
that my language skills can be a useful asset in the international business of marketing and analysis, hence this

I am captivated by the world of finance and marketing, particularly by the hands-on experience seen with client and
business-led operations. I am a confident and outgoing person who enjoys working with and leading teams or
projects. I know I have the skillset and adaptability to thrive in this industry and due to my keen interest, numerical
proficiency and language adaptability, I believe I am a strong candidate for a Summer Internship at
COMPANYNAME. Thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully,
Thomas Winter

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