1 Which Fruit Do You Put A Fruit Salad? Strawberries, Pears

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1 which fruit do you put a fruit salad?


2 what kinds of fruit are common in your native country?


3 what kinds of fruit in your kichen right now?

1 which vegetables do you eat raw? Cooked?

Carrots raw and cooked and Bell peppers,,Green onions,potatoes,string beans


2 which vegetables do you put in a Green saland?

Bell peppers,carrots,Green onions,potatoes,string beans

3 which vegetables are in your refrigerator right now?

Bell peppers,carrots,Green onions,potatoes,string beans

1 what kind of meat do you eat most often?


2 what kind of meat do you use in soups?


3 what part of the chicken do you like the most?

Cooked chicken
1 A Munch

B a bananas / a lot of

2 A many,potatoes,

B rice

3 A a lot of/chicken

B meats

4 A seafood

B a lot of /shelifish

5 A much

B many / egg

6 A vegetables

B a lot of
Are you a picky eater?what foods do you hate?

Tripe and artichokes

Are you allergic to any kinds of food?what are you allergic to?


Are you on a special diet?what cant you eat?

I am not on a diet

How many times a day do you eat?

Do you ever ever skip meals?


In you opinión,what foods are good for you?what foods arent?

my opinion is that all foods are good according to the preference of each person

Do you have eating habits?what are they?


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